JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Walt Cakebread on April 23, 2020, 04:34:59 PM

Title: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 23, 2020, 04:34:59 PM
Josiah Thompson wrote Six Seconds in Dallas in 1967 after three years of intense research and investigation. It is chock full of valuable information.
I don't know if it's available on line, but I'm sure most libraries still have copies of it...... 

If you've read it there are a couple of points that i'd like to discuss.   
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 23, 2020, 05:01:24 PM
   A BIG part of that book are the interviews of Eyewitnesses inside Dealey Plaza that Thompson conducted. PORTIONS of those Interviews are included in the book. Sitzman claimed to have witnessed seeing JFK HIT "between the eye and the ear". She also claimed to have been questioned by an Identified G-Man up on the Knoll. Thompson's interview of Bill Newman corroborates most if not all of what Sitzman detailed regarding where the shot(s) struck the head of JFK. Bearing in mind these interviews were conducted Only 3 years after the assassination means the memories were fresh in the mind of those being questioned by Thompson. Also, these interviews were possibly the 1st detailed Q/A interviews these witnesses gave. These interviews are Extremely Important Eyewitness Historical Documentation!
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gerry Down on April 23, 2020, 06:07:35 PM
Thought Josiah Thompson was dead. Just see that he is still alive.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: John Iacoletti on April 23, 2020, 07:08:52 PM
I think he has a new book coming out soon.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 23, 2020, 08:25:15 PM
Tink backed away from the "shallow" back wound claim caused by a weak-charge round. The HSCA said the shift in muscle groups between how they were at wounding and how they were at autopsy probably sealed off the missile passage through the neck.

Nonetheless, the best CT book out there, followed by, I guess, Jim Marrs' "Crossfire".

   Yeah, everybody Knows that a bullet fired Downward and striking a victim in the Back will Exit via the Throat/ Adams Apple.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Michael Walton on April 23, 2020, 08:30:36 PM
Thompson got it right in this book. For some odd reason, he went back on it years later. But he had it right. The six-second sequence of the shooting is spot on. You can see it immediately after Kennedy is seen reappearing from the sign. Then it goes on to Z313 which is about 6.2 seconds or so.

There's been a lot of craziness in the coming years about shots way up earlier to justify the Tague chips shot, so-called sparks and so on. It's all baloney. Ask yourself - if there was a conspiracy (and I do believe there was) would the shooters have started to fire when they knew there was going to be an oak tree there? No, they wouldn't. Think of the zone like a box - as soon as the car was in the box - that's when the shooting starts. Exactly where Thompson said it was. It's not hard to figure out.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 23, 2020, 08:38:16 PM
   A BIG part of that book are the interviews of Eyewitnesses inside Dealey Plaza that Thompson conducted. PORTIONS of those Interviews are included in the book. Sitzman claimed to have witnessed seeing JFK HIT "between the eye and the ear". She also claimed to have been questioned by an Identified G-Man up on the Knoll. Thompson's interview of Bill Newman corroborates most if not all of what Sitzman detailed regarding where the shot(s) struck the head of JFK. Bearing in mind these interviews were conducted Only 3 years after the assassination means the memories were fresh in the mind of those being questioned by Thompson. Also, these interviews were possibly the 1st detailed Q/A interviews these witnesses gave. These interviews are Extremely Important Eyewitness Historical Documentation!

Probably the best interview in the book is Josiah' s interview of Sam Holland.... ( Mark Lane also did a excellent interview of Sam Holland) And as Thompson said in SSID Holland possessed a rare kind of honesty and courage..... Which is exactly my observation in Mark Lane's video.....
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Charles Collins on April 23, 2020, 08:39:10 PM
Josiah Thompson wrote Six Seconds in Dallas in 1967 after three years of intense research and investigation. It is chock full of valuable information.
I don't know if it's available on line, but I'm sure most libraries still have copies of it...... 

If you've read it there are a couple of points that i'd like to discuss.   

Here he explains how he made a mistake years ago:

Not a valid vimeo URL

Maybe your couple of points that you want to discuss are addressed in that video.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 23, 2020, 08:54:02 PM
Thompson got it right in this book. For some odd reason, he went back on it years later. But he had it right. The six-second sequence of the shooting is spot on. You can see it immediately after Kennedy is seen reappearing from the sign. Then it goes on to Z313 which is about 6.2 seconds or so.

There's been a lot of craziness in the coming years about shots way up earlier to justify the Tague chips shot, so-called sparks and so on. It's all baloney. Ask yourself - if there was a conspiracy (and I do believe there was) would the shooters have started to fire when they knew there was going to be an oak tree there? No, they wouldn't. Think of the zone like a box - as soon as the car was in the box - that's when the shooting starts. Exactly where Thompson said it was. It's not hard to figure out.

    One important and overlooked piece of Shots Fired Information was revealed by Photog Dave Wiegman. He claims he felt the "compression" of a shot on his Face.  Wiegman: (1) at the top of Elm St. (2) 6 cars behind the JFK Limo, and (3) feeling "compression" from a fired shot, Automatically Rules Out that shot having been fired from Way Up on the TSBD 6th Floor.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 23, 2020, 09:06:18 PM
Probably the best interview in the book is Josiah' s interview of Sam Holland.... ( Mark Lane also did a excellent interview of Sam Holland) And as Thompson said in SSID Holland possessed a rare kind of honesty and courage..... Which is exactly my observation in Mark Lane's video.....

   The interviews Thompson did are invaluable. They can Not be Changed. Seeing Thompson banging around like Columbo in a beat up car and sporting wrinkled clothing prior to achieving success/$$ with his "6 Seconds" makes me think his changing assassination philosophy was more in line with "follow the money". I'm Not a Groden guy, but he stuck to his guns and was rewarded with a card table inside Dealey Plaza on weekends.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 23, 2020, 09:18:02 PM

Here he explains how he made a mistake years ago:

Not a valid vimeo URL

Maybe your couple of points that you want to discuss are addressed in that video.

Thank you Charles.....Thompson says he made a mistake about what he thought was two shots to JFK's head ( one from the back and another from the front ) just 1/18 of a second apart....   He now realizes that the forward motion ( what he thought was forward motion of JFK's head) was an illusion, which was created by the movement of Zapruder's camera.....    I'll have to look again but I don't understand how that erases the fact that JFK was flung violently backward at the time his head explodes.....   
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 23, 2020, 09:18:37 PM
Be nice if more critics had the willingness to let some claims go, as Thompson did in his "Chapter X" called "Answered and Unanswered Questions".

   The bottom line of the ledger sheet rules most of these people. Bill O'Reilly included. Like I said, "5 Fingers" Groden stood his ground and that's exactly where he Fell.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 23, 2020, 09:42:45 PM
Sure. Anybody with a smidgen of common sense.


   Perfect. EVERY time this is posted it displays the bullet Exiting the upper chest/Sternum. Not in the neck/Above the tie knot. This Exiting from the Upper Chest/Sternum was also on display when Specter took that photo with him holding the pointer. "Plain as day"!
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gerry Down on April 23, 2020, 09:58:03 PM

This image is wrong because it assumes the bullet moves in a straight line through Kennedy. The bullet is travelling through several different layers in Kennedys neck which could have caused the bullet to arc upwards as it passed through his neck. Just like bullets ark upwards when fired through water.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 23, 2020, 10:07:28 PM

  I like the Image as it shows the bullet exiting the Upper Chest. Organ and others that consistently proffer this Visual Aid defeat their own argument.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 23, 2020, 10:10:34 PM
   The interviews Thompson did are invaluable. They can Not be Changed. Seeing Thompson banging around like Columbo in a beat up car and sporting wrinkled clothing prior to achieving success/$$ with his "6 Seconds" makes me think his changing assassination philosophy was more in line with "follow the money". I'm Not a Groden guy, but he stuck to his guns and was rewarded with a card table inside Dealey Plaza on weekends.

JFK Conversations with Alan Dale
Online interviews with experts on the Presidency & Assassination

Interview with Josiah Thompson - Part I - 01:01:49
Interview with Josiah Thompson - Part II - 00:49:52
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 23, 2020, 10:33:38 PM

  Yeah. Ditch that diagram YOU Posted due to it defeating your point, and instead proffer a suspect autopsy photo. Frying Pan Meet Fire!
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 23, 2020, 10:43:12 PM
Vincent Bugliosi, Reclaiming History
Written by Josiah Thompson
Epic book resurrects finding that Oswald acted alone in killing JFK
Bugliosi picks only the evidence that backs his argument


"Even more egregious is his handling of the trajectory through JFK's back and neck. A face-sheet on which notes were taken during the autopsy shows the supposed exit wound in the throat to be higher than the entry wound in the back.

When the autopsy photos were finally produced in the 1970s, a medical panel concluded that the course of the bullet through Kennedy was at an upward angle (the accepted number is 11 degrees). So how does Kennedy get shot from the sixth floor of a building when the bullet takes an upward path through his body?

The Warren Commission took the simplest course. The staff let the autopsy doctor instruct a medical illustrator to raise the back wound from the back to the neck. Commission member U.S. Rep. Gerald Ford then corrected a final draft of the panel's report to read "neck wound" rather than "back wound." Voila, a "back wound" had become a "neck wound."

Faced with that 11 degree upward angle, the House Select Committee on Assassinations took a more inventive approach in its 1978-79 investigation. It just leaned Kennedy forward at the time he was shot.
And Connally, who took a shot at a 27-degree downward angle? His body position was leaned back a sufficient amount. Voila, an 11-degree upward angle through one body had become a 27-degree downward angle through a second body, thus a straight line had been maintained."

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Tim Nickerson on April 23, 2020, 11:08:22 PM
This image is wrong because it assumes the bullet moves in a straight line through Kennedy. The bullet is travelling through several different layers in Kennedys neck which could have caused the bullet to arc upwards as it passed through his neck. Just like bullets ark upwards when fired through water.

The bullet never arced upwards as it passed through his neck.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Tim Nickerson on April 23, 2020, 11:09:10 PM
  Yeah. Ditch that diagram YOU Posted due to it defeating your point, and instead proffer a suspect autopsy photo. Frying Pan Meet Fire!

A suspect autopsy photo?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Charles Collins on April 23, 2020, 11:30:42 PM
   The bottom line of the ledger sheet rules most of these people. Bill O'Reilly included. Like I said, "5 Fingers" Groden stood his ground and that's exactly where he Fell.

Tink had access to a good copy of the Zapruder film earlier than most others did. He found a way to make some money from that advantage. Time/Life sued him for using sketches of some of the frames in his book. It appears to me that Tink prematurely changed his opinion of what the Zapruder film shows based upon the rushed, and later shown to be flawed, acoustics study by the HSCA. He apparently laughs all the way to the bank after pandering to his audience by telling them what they want to hear...
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 23, 2020, 11:41:30 PM

Tink had access to a good copy of the Zapruder film earlier than most others did. He found a way to make some money from that advantage. Time/Life sued him for using sketches of some of the frames in his book. It appears to me that Tink prematurely changed his opinion of what the Zapruder film shows based upon the rushed, and later shown to be flawed, acoustics study by the HSCA. He apparently laughs all the way to the bank after pandering to his audience by telling them what they want to hear...

Tink said he received a $500 dollar advance for writing the book.

The lawyers needed when he got sued for using the Z-film got the rest.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: John Iacoletti on April 23, 2020, 11:42:45 PM
Compare that with the advance that Bugliosi got for his pandering.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Charles Collins on April 23, 2020, 11:44:13 PM
Compare that with the advance that Bugliosi got for his pandering.

Bugs didn’t need no stinkin’ lawyers!!!
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Tim Nickerson on April 23, 2020, 11:45:15 PM

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gerry Down on April 23, 2020, 11:47:24 PM
Like I said, "5 Fingers" Groden stood his ground and that's exactly where he Fell.

Why do you call Groden "5 fingers"?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Joe Elliott on April 23, 2020, 11:49:35 PM

Thompson got it right in this book. For some odd reason, he went back on it years later. But he had it right. The six-second sequence of the shooting is spot on. You can see it immediately after Kennedy is seen reappearing from the sign. Then it goes on to Z313 which is about 6.2 seconds or so.

There's been a lot of craziness in the coming years about shots way up earlier to justify the Tague chips shot, so-called sparks and so on. It's all baloney. Ask yourself - if there was a conspiracy (and I do believe there was) would the shooters have started to fire when they knew there was going to be an oak tree there? No, they wouldn't. Think of the zone like a box - as soon as the car was in the box - that's when the shooting starts. Exactly where Thompson said it was. It's not hard to figure out.

It sometimes helps to do the math.

6.2 seconds before z313 is: 313 – 6.2 * 18.3 which is about z200 (199.54).
Even 6.0 seconds before z313 is: 313 – 6.0 * 18.3 which is about z204 (203.20).

According to Don Roberdeau’s map, the tree is in the way of a shot from z166 through z207. So, if your scenario is correct the first shot was fired while the tree still blocked the line of sight from the TSBS sniper’s nest.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: John Iacoletti on April 23, 2020, 11:53:18 PM
Bugs didn’t need no stinkin’ lawyers!!!

No, he was one.  That's why his book is full of lawyer rhetoric in place of evidence.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 24, 2020, 12:02:14 AM
Bugs didn’t need no stinkin’ lawyers!!!

If I remember right Bungelosie had some legal problems with one of his ghost writers.

He didn't want to give the person his kudos in the book credits.

There was an out of court settlement.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Charles Collins on April 24, 2020, 12:12:08 AM
If I remember right Bungelosie had some legal problems with one of his ghost writers.

He didn't want to give the person his kudos in the book credits.

There was an out of court settlement.

There was an out of court settlement.

He was a smart lawyer.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Joe Elliott on April 24, 2020, 12:19:07 AM

Josiah Thompson wrote Six Seconds in Dallas in 1967 after three years of intense research and investigation. It is chock full of valuable information.
I don't know if it's available on line, but I'm sure most libraries still have copies of it...... 

If you've read it there are a couple of points that i'd like to discuss.   

‘Six Seconds in Dallas’ may be found on line at:


There may be some confusion over page numbers. The page numbers shown on the bottom of the screen, to the right go from page 1 through 348. I will refer to these numbers as ‘Computer’. These are different then the page numbers printed in the book, which I refer to as ‘Book’.

Below are the two most useful sections of the book:

Page 105 (Computer) or Page 91 (Book) shows the position of JFK’s head from z301 through 330 with a couple of graphs.

Appendix B and C, which was prepared by Physics graduate student William Hoffman appears on Pages 286-291 (Computer) or Pages 272-277 (Book)

These are the two sections that are the most valuable parts of this book, the sections based on the work by William Hoffman.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Jerry Freeman on April 24, 2020, 03:12:14 AM
If I remember right Bungelosie had some legal problems with one of his ghost writers.
Dale Myers?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Michael Walton on April 24, 2020, 12:28:02 PM
It sometimes helps to do the math.

Yes, it can help but not always. Go by what you can see in the film and watch the timing of it. The women witnesses said they yelled "over here" and he suddenly looks that way and waves to them. No shots yet. He goes behind the sign, reappears and the shots start just at that point.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 24, 2020, 02:54:08 PM

Tink had access to a good copy of the Zapruder film earlier than most others did. He found a way to make some money from that advantage. Time/Life sued him for using sketches of some of the frames in his book. It appears to me that Tink prematurely changed his opinion of what the Zapruder film shows based upon the rushed, and later shown to be flawed, acoustics study by the HSCA. He apparently laughs all the way to the bank after pandering to his audience by telling them what they want to hear...

I believe that Tink was correct in his evaluation of the head shot in his book SSID    ....   I'm dismayed that he displays blatant dishonesty in his presentation where he impressed the three gun shots on the Z film.    Anybody with one good eye and an ear can see that he has spaced the sounds of the shots evenly.....And he knows very well that 99% of the witnesses have said that the shots WERE NOT evenly spaced.    The vast majority of the ear witnesses said that the first shot sounded different than the two shots which followed after a shot pause.    IOW.... The sounds of the gun fire was  BOOM............  bang bang ......

I believe there were two shots that hit JFK's head just a split second apart.....and I'll have to review Tink's presentation about the skull fragment that was blown southward across the Lincoln and landed near the south curb of Elm street.....    It's not clear to me what point he's trying to make......
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: John Iacoletti on April 24, 2020, 04:05:37 PM
If it was a glancing strike on the right side of the head, how did a skull fragment end up on the left side of the car?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 24, 2020, 04:07:43 PM

Thanks for posting the Tink Thompson presentation......  I believe that Thompson is 100% correct in his final conclusion.....  He said that the more a person investigates the assassination the murkier it becomes.....  And I believe that is true IF a person can't see the reason that the case becomes more confused and murkier.... 

And that reason is because the conspirators and the investigators were one and the same.....  With J. Edgar Hoover at the controls.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: John Iacoletti on April 24, 2020, 04:30:48 PM
IMO, the entire row of people on the north side of Elm street are unusually still.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 24, 2020, 04:37:26 PM

Here he explains how he made a mistake years ago:

Not a valid vimeo URL

Maybe your couple of points that you want to discuss are addressed in that video.

Charlie.....I'm having trouble playing the video .....  It stops at various points and won't restart.... I'd really like to see the entire video..... Is anybody else experiencing problems?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Charles Collins on April 24, 2020, 04:48:54 PM
IMO, the entire row of people on the north side of Elm street are unusually still.

Interesting observation, I think that could be due to an earlier missed shot that they heard and were mentally trying to figure out...
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Charles Collins on April 24, 2020, 04:53:45 PM
Charlie.....I'm having trouble playing the video .....  It stops at various points and won't restart.... I'd really like to see the entire video..... Is anybody else experiencing problems?

It played fine for me yesterday. I do have a fast internet connection though. I’ll try again and if it is acting up for me now I’ll let you know. Otherwise, I will not respond.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 24, 2020, 05:00:06 PM
What misrepresentations. Ford merely changed the "below the shoulder" description (what does that mean? Below the shoulder line? Below the shoulder muscle mass?) to the base of the back of the neck description in the autopsy report. Ford was making things MORE accurate.

Clyde Snow developed the confusing theory that the wound track was upward in an anatomical-position model. Adjustments based on the films and photos were then made to determine the body position at the time of the wounding. The missile track then went downwards from the back to the front.

Critics like to content the "upward" trajectory occurred at the time of the wounding. But that's not what Snow was arguing. Read HSCA Volume VI, beginning page 43 ( Link (http://aarclibrary.org/publib/jfk/hsca/reportvols/vol6/html/HSCA_Vol6_0025a.htm) ).


Can you point to the Z-frame when he was hit in the back of the neck?

Cyril Wecht pointed out during the HSCA proceedings:
Unless JFK bent over to tie his shoes when he went behind the Stemmons sign and got shot in that position, then straightened back up before emerging, the wound in his back is on a upward trajectory.

Even the WC commission new the back wound was lower than the throat wound.

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 24, 2020, 06:09:56 PM

Can you point to the Z-frame when he was hit in the back of the neck?

Cyril Wecht pointed out during the HSCA proceedings:
Unless JFK bent over to tie his shoes when he went behind the Stemmons sign and got shot in that position, then straightened back up before emerging, the wound in his back is on a upward trajectory.

Even the WC commission new the back wound was lower than the throat wound.



The back wound was moved up from "below the shoulder blade to the right of the spine " to the neck by Gerald R Ford.....An "EX" FBI agent who was a spy for J.E Hoover on the warren Commission....  Ford was rewarded for his derailing of the investigation by free room and board in our White house....
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 24, 2020, 06:26:38 PM


The back wound was moved up from "below the shoulder blade to the right of the spine " to the neck by Gerald R Ford.....An "EX" FBI agent who was a spy for J.E Hoover on the warren Commission....  Ford was rewarded for his derailing of the investigation by free room and board in our White house....

Ford didn't move the back wound, he changed the description of it's location from JFK's back to the back of his neck in the final draft.

There was disagreement about the validity of the SBT amongst the WC members.

Changing the description of where the back wound was located was an attempt to make the wounds line up and validate the theory (SBT). IMO

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: John Iacoletti on April 24, 2020, 06:57:00 PM
I doubt a bullet from the SN would have been able to cross above the seat back to enter at T6.

So how do you know that bullet came from the "SN"?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 24, 2020, 07:02:29 PM
Walt has latched on to Rankin's description of the back wound entering "below the shoulder blade". This, of course, is impossible. The bullet would have either encountered bone T6 or lower and damaged a lower lobe of the lung. Didn't happen. I doubt a bullet from the SN would have been able to cross above the seat back to enter at T6. Also the autopsy wound location and photographs do not support a wound entry below the scapula.

Critics are taking little cherry-picks and understandable, forgivable mistakes, and making a mountain out of them. It's not unique to the critics or other similar cults with a cause. It's systematic and psychiatrists are waking up to the impact of conspiracy-think on society. Fox News parlayed "sound bites" into a movement that appealed to idiots and eventually got the likes of Trump into the White House.

Two FBI agents, James Sibert and Francis O’Neill, attended the autopsy of President Kennedy.

They wrote a detailed report about everything they saw and heard.

It is the only contemporaneous eye–witness account of events at the autopsy.

During the HSCA they gave, independently of each other, what they saw as the location of the wound in JFK's back and throat on the diagrams below.



Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 24, 2020, 09:09:05 PM

Two FBI agents, James Sibert and Francis O’Neill, attended the autopsy of President Kennedy.

They wrote a detailed report about everything they saw and heard.

It is the only contemporaneous eye–witness account of events at the autopsy.

During the HSCA they gave, independently of each other, what they saw as the location of the wound in JFK's back and throat on the diagrams below.





Referring to 000995 ....   The back of JFK's head is missing, and the bullet path through his body slants downward from front to back.....And JFK was slammed violently against the seat back...   This makes perfect sense for a  sniper at the front of JFK.....but none of it makes sense it the sniper was to the rear.

A sniper to the rear would have blown out the front of JFK skull.....  and the bullet path through the body would have been slanted downward so the bullet wouldn't have exited his throat .....and he would have been blown forward not backward, by the impact of the bullet to his head.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 24, 2020, 10:39:54 PM
Yeah, I can see why Sibert and O'Neill -- under the influence of CT kooks espousing theories and going by the CT interpretation of a "low" back wound in the autopsy photos -- would "move" the C7 entry wound several inches lower than it actually was.


They got to another law-enforcement "official" with the "low" back wound stuff: Mark Fuhrman (re: "A Simple Act of Murder").

   Then again, maybe Agents Sibert & O'Neil actually used their own eyes the night of 11/22/63 regarding the BACK wound location?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 24, 2020, 11:27:59 PM
Their actual report stated: "During the latter stages of this autopsy, Dr. HUMES located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below the shoulders".

"Below the shoulders". What does that mean? The shoulder line? The shoulder muscle mass? T6 level? Below the shoulder blade?

Humes had photographed and described the "back wound" as at the base of the back of the neck. C7 level.

The autopsy report concluded the bullet that entered the back then exited through the throat wound as seen in the photograph at autopsy: the base of the front of the neck. T1 level.

   Which "autopsy report" are you referencing? Would that be the "autopsy report" that Dr. Humes burned in his fireplace?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 25, 2020, 01:30:02 AM
Their actual report stated: "During the latter stages of this autopsy, Dr. HUMES located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below the shoulders".

"Below the shoulders". What does that mean? The shoulder line? The shoulder muscle mass? T6 level? Below the shoulder blade?

Humes had photographed and described the "back wound" as at the base of the back of the neck. C7 level.

The autopsy report concluded the bullet that entered the back then exited through the throat wound as seen in the photograph at autopsy: the base of the front of the neck. T1 level.

Do you expect FBI agents to be up to date with the right medical terms to describe what they saw?

The two men were present at the autopsy and drew for the HSCA the locations of the wounds they observed. And both drawings match!

What are you so afraid of that you instantly dismiss those observations by claiming without a shred of evidence that both men somehow were "under the influence of CT kooks"? You really must be upset that they were not saying what you wanted to hear from them. That may well be the reason also why Arlen Specter decided not to have both men testify after he had talked to them.....
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Nicholas Turner on April 25, 2020, 08:04:03 AM
   Which "autopsy report" are you referencing? Would that be the "autopsy report" that Dr. Humes burned in his fireplace?

Is that the one that was covered in blood that Humes said he destroyed so it wouldn't get into the hands of 'ghouls'?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Pat Speer on April 25, 2020, 08:54:56 AM
There are some real whoppers on this thread.

To address two of them...
1) Several posts make out that Tink made a bundle off SSID. This is not true. Tink has made very little money off the JFK assassination. The profits from SSID--which was not a best-seller,--were eaten up by legal fees. He was at that time a college philosophy professor. Within a few years, however, he left academia, and the east coast, and moved to San Francisco to become a private investigator. He then wrote Gumshoe--a book on the life of a private eye--which did become a best-seller. For the last six years or so, for that matter, he's been working on a follow-up to SSID, which is entitled Last Second in Dallas.
2) Tink has always called it as he sees it. He does not go along to get along. He was inactive for many years, but got sucked back in as a response to those claiming the Zapruder film was altered. This led some (Jim Fetzer) to claim Tink was a secret LN, or some such thing. I remember Fetzer laying odds that Tink would come out on the 50th as a newly-converted LN. But the opposite is the truth. For the last 7 years or so, Tink has held that his earlier appraisal of the z-film was incorrect, and that the film does not show Kennedy's head go forward and then back, as he once claimed. No, he now says that it only goes back, and that all evidence points to a head shot from the front at frame 313. He's also grown close to Don Thomas, and has come to believe the dicta-belt recording proves 5 shots were fired, with at least one (I think he says two) from the knoll. As far as the exact sequence, and the authenticity of the single-bullet theory, etc, Tink has lost interest. He calls the book Last Second in Dallas for a reason, as the book will be devoted to the head shot, and only the head shot.

P.S. Tink showed me an early version of his new book on two occasions, and I've also looked through it at the house of another researcher, but I don't have a copy of it myself. So I may be mistaken about some of what will be in his new book. But I'm fairly certain the bulk of the book has not changed over the last few years.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Michael Walton on April 25, 2020, 12:32:14 PM
As I said before, JT got it right in his 60's book. It makes absolutely no sense that the shots were fired earlier. The Towner film shows no startled looks and swiveling heads and that's pretty far down into the procession. Even the other photos further down but before the first shots show everything is normal. Kennedy's swift turn to the right and a wave is nothing more than that - the women over there yelled for him and he looked that way and waved. You can see this not only in the Z film but in that other photo that shows his head from the back looking over at them (I'm sorry I cannot remember who took the photo).

I, too, call it as I see it. I know people want to try to make things all scientific or go by 100 different witness statements to compare and contrast to somehow try to prove that there were shots up earlier. Science is not always going to get you where you want to go though.

I made a video about this a while back.


Again, calling it as I see it. Like the two final shots spaced very close together (head shots) I believe there were other closely spaced shots for the throat and back. Remember - there is NO exit for the back shot but it did happen. The head bob for me is when this happens in the above video a split second after the throat shot hits.

It makes no sense for conspirators to go through all of this trouble to blame a patsy and set up a staged scene on the 6th floor and then allow their shooters to start firing early. They'd have to be the greatest - and then dumbest - conspirators of all time.

There's a movie on TMC called Executive Action.


As seen in this movie, which was made in 1973 and stars Burt Lancaster and Grandpa Walton, it's a pretty good movie that covers a lot of conspiracy ground. Amazingly, it didn't create the groundswell  that Stone's movie did 20 years later. It should have though because unlike Stone's Mister X plot, this one covers what the vast majority of folks think really happened as well as the logistics.

But back to this 6-second thing - there's a scene in the movie where there's a guy on a walkie-talkie giving commands on when to shoot. This, too, is why I don't believe that the shooters would have just started firing way up earlier. It makes no logical sense.

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Tim Nickerson on April 25, 2020, 02:40:04 PM
Is that the one that was covered in blood that Humes said he destroyed so it wouldn't get into the hands of 'ghouls'?

There was the autopsy report and the supplemental autopsy report. Neither of the two were destroyed. There was never any other autopsy report on forensic pathological examination of the body of Kennedy.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Tim Nickerson on April 25, 2020, 02:44:54 PM
As I said before, JT got it right in his 60's book. It makes absolutely no sense that the shots were fired earlier.

JT got it wrong in his 60s book. Connally was always adamant that he was struck on the second shot. We can see both he and Kennedy reacting simultaneously at being hit just as Kennedy appears from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign.

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Nicholas Turner on April 25, 2020, 02:48:43 PM
There was the autopsy report and the supplemental autopsy report. Neither of the two were destroyed. There was never any other autopsy report on forensic pathological examination of the body of Kennedy.

Indeed. He burnt some documents, his original notes, but not the report, I understand.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 25, 2020, 02:56:25 PM
As I said before, JT got it right in his 60's book. It makes absolutely no sense that the shots were fired earlier. The Towner film shows no startled looks and swiveling heads and that's pretty far down into the procession. Even the other photos further down but before the first shots show everything is normal. Kennedy's swift turn to the right and a wave is nothing more than that - the women over there yelled for him and he looked that way and waved. You can see this not only in the Z film but in that other photo that shows his head from the back looking over at them (I'm sorry I cannot remember who took the photo).

I, too, call it as I see it. I know people want to try to make things all scientific or go by 100 different witness statements to compare and contrast to somehow try to prove that there were shots up earlier. Science is not always going to get you where you want to go though.

I made a video about this a while back.


Again, calling it as I see it. Like the two final shots spaced very close together (head shots) I believe there were other closely spaced shots for the throat and back. Remember - there is NO exit for the back shot but it did happen. The head bob for me is when this happens in the above video a split second after the throat shot hits.

It makes no sense for conspirators to go through all of this trouble to blame a patsy and set up a staged scene on the 6th floor and then allow their shooters to start firing early. They'd have to be the greatest - and then dumbest - conspirators of all time.

There's a movie on TMC called Executive Action.


As seen in this movie, which was made in 1973 and stars Burt Lancaster and Grandpa Walton, it's a pretty good movie that covers a lot of conspiracy ground. Amazingly, it didn't create the groundswell  that Stone's movie did 20 years later. It should have though because unlike Stone's Mister X plot, this one covers what the vast majority of folks think really happened as well as the logistics.

But back to this 6-second thing - there's a scene in the movie where there's a guy on a walkie-talkie giving commands on when to shoot. This, too, is why I don't believe that the shooters would have just started firing way up earlier. It makes no logical sense.


As seen in this movie, which was made in 1973 and stars Burt Lancaster and Grandpa Walton, it's a pretty good movie that covers a lot of conspiracy ground. Amazingly, it didn't create the groundswell  that Stone's movie did 20 years later.

I watched the trailer that you posted the link to......   and even after 56 years I feel nausea in hearing the cold blooded planning that had to have happened....

There's not a doubt in my mind that we have the same atmosphere in the US today....The Trump hater's have probably had similar conversations.  It makes me sick! 
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 25, 2020, 03:28:42 PM
Indeed. He burnt some documents, his original notes, but not the report, I understand.

    You need take a look at the Humes ARRB Testimony. These guys are smart. They burn/destroy stuff, and ONLY the person doing the burning/destroying Specifically Knows for a Fact what they have burnt/destroyed. Did they burn/destroy a "Report", or was it a "Draft" of the Report? Or was it a "2nd Draft" of the Final Report? This also means when these Individuals are giving Testimony/being Q/A'd, this Individual can have 1 Document in mind while the questioner is actually referencing something all together different. These Jokers have their own version of "3 Card Monty" going, with Obfuscation/Confusion being the goal. If I have learned 1 thing from this case, it's that the U.S. Govt Destroys Nothing. They actually Document Everything In Triplicate for possible future use/reference. I believe this also would include the JFK Autopsy.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 25, 2020, 03:36:51 PM
    You need take a look at the Humes ARRB Testimony. These guys are smart. They burn/destroy stuff, and ONLY the person doing the burning/destroying Specifically Knows for a Fact what they have burnt/destroyed. Did they burn/destroy a "Report", or was it a "Draft" of the Report? Or was it a "2nd Draft" of the Final Report? This also means when these Individuals are giving Testimony/being Q/A'd, this Individual can have 1 Document in mind while the questioner is actually referencing something all together different. Obfuscation being the goal. If I have learned 1 thing from this case, it's that these guys Destroy Nothing. They actually Document Everything In Triplicate for possible future use.

ONLY the person doing the burning/destroying Specifically Knows for a Fact what they have burnt/destroyed.

Good point!.....  I've often wondered if FBI agent James Hosty really did destroy the "Oswald Note".....   At the time that Hosty allegedly destroyed the note he was in deep stuff with Hoover.    Hosty would have known that the note might be very valuable as evidence to be used in keeping him out of prison if Hoover decided to throw him under the bus. 
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 25, 2020, 03:47:08 PM
ONLY the person doing the burning/destroying Specifically Knows for a Fact what they have burnt/destroyed.

Good point!.....  I've often wondered if FBI agent James Hosty really did destroy the "Oswald Note".....   At the time that Hosty allegedly destroyed the note he was in deep stuff with Hoover.    Hosty would have known that the note might be very valuable as evidence to be used in keeping him out of prison if Hoover decided to throw him under the bus.

   Yeah, and do Not forget the recently Discovered "Hosty Notes" inside the National Archives. Whether it be an individual Govt employee protecting him/herself or the U.S. Govt itself, they Destroy Nothing. Bethesda had recently been remodeled/retooled when JFK was assassinated. At that time, Bethesda had the most advanced audio/video capabilities available. Autopsies and Operations there at Bethesda were routinely being taped/televised to assorted Hospitals across this country. To think Pitzer would Not be filming the JFK Autopsy with these advanced audio/video tools at his fingertips is ludicrous.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 25, 2020, 04:19:20 PM
   Yeah, and do Not forget the recently Discovered "Hosty Notes" inside the National Archives. Whether it be an individual Govt employee protecting him/herself or the U.S. Govt itself, they Destroy Nothing. Bethesda had recently been remodeled/retooled when JFK was assassinated. At that time, Bethesda had the most advanced audio/video capabilities available. Autopsies and Operations there at Bethesda were routinely being taped/televised to assorted Hospitals across this country. To think Pitzer would Not be filming the JFK Autopsy with these advanced audio/video tools at his fingertips is ludicrous.

You're right, Royell.....  When a person steps back and views the case from afar....It becomes very obvious that the murder was simply an old fashioned coup d e'tate with the new man at the reins controlling the information being fed to the gullible and trusting public.     Or as the old adage says.....

A conspiracy cannot exist....  because if the murder was indeed a conspiracy ......  then only a damned fool would dare call it a conspiracy.   

And indeed some damned fools paid with their lives for daring to challenge the new man at the reins.....One of the first damned fools was  Lee Oswald .... Who boldly announced....( this murder of President Kennedy is a conspiracy created by men in powerful positions in the government )....and "I'm just a patsy."
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Sean Kneringer on April 25, 2020, 04:41:03 PM
Should be renamed 10 Seconds in Dallas.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 25, 2020, 04:41:29 PM
There was the autopsy report and the supplemental autopsy report. Neither of the two were destroyed. There was never any other autopsy report on forensic pathological examination of the body of Kennedy.

John F Kennedy - The Autopsy

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 25, 2020, 05:23:26 PM
Should be renamed 10 Seconds in Dallas.

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Sean Kneringer on April 25, 2020, 08:36:45 PM
because that's roughly how much time elapsed from first shot to last
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 25, 2020, 08:41:10 PM
because that's roughly how much time elapsed from first shot to last

HOW DID YOU DETERMINE THAT?    As I recall most witnesses said the duration of the shots was about five seconds......The dicta phone record should be an accurate way to know .....
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 25, 2020, 09:47:45 PM
HOW DID YOU DETERMINE THAT?    As I recall most witnesses said the duration of the shots was about five seconds......The dicta phone record should be an accurate way to know .....

   Also, how many shots are we talking about over the course of an alleged "10 Seconds"?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Sean Kneringer on April 25, 2020, 10:45:25 PM
HOW DID YOU DETERMINE THAT?    As I recall most witnesses said the duration of the shots was about five seconds......The dicta phone record should be an accurate way to know .....

The first shot occurred before Zap started filming. Connally's left-to-right headsnap alone tells us that, and it takes a few seconds to react to a loud noise. Do you seriously think Oswald only took six seconds to fire off three shots and reacquire his moving target two times?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 25, 2020, 10:49:29 PM
The first shot occurred before Zap started filming. Connally's left-to-right headsnap alone tells us that, and it takes a few seconds to react to a loud noise. Do you seriously think Oswald only took six seconds to fire off three shots and reacquire his moving target two times?

In other words, you're just speculating. Got it
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 25, 2020, 10:58:40 PM
The first shot occurred before Zap started filming. Connally's left-to-right headsnap alone tells us that, and it takes a few seconds to react to a loud noise. Do you seriously think Oswald only took six seconds to fire off three shots and reacquire his moving target two times?

   Depends on when You believe Zapruder started filming the JFK Limo. From the elevated height of Zapruder's filming position, they could see the JFK Limo coming down Houston in addition to it turning onto Elm. Sitzman has documented this on "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" documentary. The JFK Limo Suddenly popping into the Zapruder Film and already heading down Elm St continues dogging this film. As does the 18.3 frames per second of the Zapruder camera.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 26, 2020, 12:51:42 AM
The first shot occurred before Zap started filming. Connally's left-to-right headsnap alone tells us that, and it takes a few seconds to react to a loud noise. Do you seriously think Oswald only took six seconds to fire off three shots and reacquire his moving target two times?

Do you seriously think Oswald only took six seconds to fire off three shots and reacquire his moving target two times?

Congratulations ..... for displaying your intelligence and common sense that nobody could have fired that cranky old carcano accurately in six seconds....

I seriously think that Lee didn't fire a single shot......nor did anybody else fire from that SE corner window...and the carcano was not fired that day.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Sean Kneringer on April 26, 2020, 01:43:55 AM
Do you seriously think Oswald only took six seconds to fire off three shots and reacquire his moving target two times?

Congratulations ..... for displaying your intelligence and common sense that nobody could have fired that cranky old carcano accurately in six seconds....

Give a Marine sharpshooter 9 or 10 seconds and have the target slow down dramatically before the last shot. Something tells me the success rate will skyrocket.

I seriously think that Lee didn't fire a single shot......nor did anybody else fire from that SE corner window...and the carcano was not fired that day.

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 26, 2020, 02:01:51 AM
Give a Marine sharpshooter 9 or 10 seconds and have the target slow down dramatically before the last shot. Something tells me the success rate will skyrocket.


Give a Marine sharpshooter 9 or 10 seconds and have the target slow down dramatically before the last shot. Something tells me the success rate will skyrocket.

You don't have a clue, or I doubt you would say something so stupid....  A bolt action mannlicher carcano with a scope mounted askew, and iron sights that are totally different than the peep sights on a M-1 Garand could be handed to a Marine Corp EXPERT and he couldn't have hit JFK as you believe Lee Oswald did.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: John Iacoletti on April 26, 2020, 08:19:16 PM
Yeah, I can see why Sibert and O'Neill -- under the influence of CT kooks espousing theories and going by the CT interpretation of a "low" back wound in the autopsy photos -- would "move" the C7 entry wound several inches lower than it actually was.

They got to another law-enforcement "official" with the "low" back wound stuff: Mark Fuhrman (re: "A Simple Act of Murder").

Why do you suppose your “CT kooks” are so influential?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 26, 2020, 08:51:43 PM
Why do you suppose your “CT kooks” are so influential?

We have the autopsy face sheet that was created by Commander Boswell DURING the autopsy which clearly shows the back wound as being about six inches below the nape of JFK's neck.   
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 26, 2020, 09:59:26 PM
We have the autopsy face sheet that was created by Commander Boswell DURING the autopsy which clearly shows the back wound as being about six inches below the nape of JFK's neck.

   The Face Sheet corresponds with the JFK Autopsy Photos. Short of standing JFK on his head inside the Limo, there is NO WAY a Downward fired shot Striking the BACK, then somehoe Exits the throat at a level Above the tie knot. This line of thought is completely Looney Tunes.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 27, 2020, 12:34:30 AM

   You can Not have it both ways. Either you want to be "dead on, balls accurate" with Everything or You do Not. If you are going to be "dead on, balls accurate", then we have a Huge Issue with the size of the bullet hole in JFK's skull.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 27, 2020, 01:26:39 AM
   The Face Sheet corresponds with the JFK Autopsy Photos. Short of standing JFK on his head inside the Limo, there is NO WAY a Downward fired shot Striking the BACK, then somehoe Exits the throat at a level Above the tie knot. This line of thought is completely Looney Tunes.

The bullet holes in JFK's jacket and shirt match the location shown on JFK's back on the face sheet.....
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Jerry Freeman on April 27, 2020, 01:35:53 AM
Give a Marine sharpshooter 9 or 10 seconds and have the target slow down dramatically before the last shot.
Anyone who knows anything about the Marine Corps knows that every Marine must qualify as a rifleman.
Lee Oswald did not go to the infantry. So he was not consequently a very dedicated killer in that regard.
Marines must also train to swim. Where on record was Oswald's swimming interests?
I mean seriously--- he went to radar school...not exactly a blood and guts Seal type vocation.
Furthermore no one has ever feasibly explained why a lone shooter would not drill his target right between the eyes when they had the chance. 
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: John Iacoletti on April 27, 2020, 01:45:29 AM
Mr. LIEBELER - You told us that in this particular rifle practice, or firing, that the scores were kept by NCOs.
Mr. DELGADO - Yes.
Mr. LIEBELER - Was it a common practice for the privates to make deals like this with the noncommissioned officers in connection with a thing like this?
Mr. DELGADO - They are making a deal with the other guys pulling the targets. See, the guy back there is also keeping a score.
Now, your NCO, particularly your NCO, may want to push you or make you qualify, because he doesn't want to spend another day out there on the rifle range, see; so it's not all that strict. Like if I was line NCO and I had five men in my section, and four of them qualified, that means that some other day, maybe on my day off, I will have to come in with this other fellow, so I will help him along and push each other along.
You don't try to mess nobody up, but you can't take a man that is shooting poorly and give him a 190 score, see; you could just give him the bare minimum, 170 or 171, to make it look good.
Mr. LIEBELER - Just to qualify him?
Mr. DELGADO - Just to qualify him.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Jerry Freeman on April 27, 2020, 02:39:58 AM
Mr. LIEBELER - You told us that in this particular rifle practice, or firing...
... NCO, may want to push you or make you qualify, because he doesn't want to spend another day out there on the rifle range ....
Usually, a trainee will shoot well with a bench rest position and a desire to shoot well.
Trainers will have their shooters qualify if they have to stay and shoot under the moonlight if necessary.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 27, 2020, 02:58:13 AM
But Boswell himself thought the face sheet markings were approximate and the measurements were what was important.


It's possible the "face sheet" misleading marking with regards to the "back" wound was what Rankin was referring to when he said the back wound was below the shoulder blade.

No. The "face sheet" placement of the "back" wound is much lower when compared to the autopsy photo. The photo shows the distance from the wound to the mastoid tip and the tip of the scapula to be equal. This was recorded (presumably accurately) as an equal distance and presented in the autopsy report.

    "This wound is measured to be 14 cm. from the tip of the right acromion
      process and 14 cm. below the tip of the right mastoid process."

Right Jerry.

These are the same autopsy doctors who missed the throat wound.

They also, if you're to believe the Clark Panel, Rockefeller Commission, HSCA and I think the Church Committee, placed the wound in the back of JFK's skull to low. 4 inches too low.

Although some believe it was changed by the Clark Panel only after critics pointed out a wound at EOP on the back of JFK's skull doesn't work for a LN shooter from the 6th floor SE corner TSBD.

Others believe the Clark Panel found a second wound track, meaning 2 separate bullets.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 27, 2020, 06:20:26 PM

   If You are going to agree that the Autopsy Dr's, "weren't competent", You are also casting Doubt on Everything Else that these same Dr's observed/touched/& measured during the Autopsy. Thanks for that Jerry!
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Tim Nickerson on April 27, 2020, 09:01:36 PM
   You can Not have it both ways. Either you want to be "dead on, balls accurate" with Everything or You do Not. If you are going to be "dead on, balls accurate", then we have a Huge Issue with the size of the bullet hole in JFK's skull.

We don't have the size of the bullet hole in JFK's skull. The pathologists never measured it. Or if they did , they never recorded it.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 27, 2020, 09:33:21 PM
We don't have the size of the bullet hole in JFK's skull. The pathologists never measured it. Or if they did , they never recorded it.

   Better look again Magoo! Do you see that Mark drawn on the back of the head with a "15" to the side? Yeah, head wound and size.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Tim Nickerson on April 27, 2020, 09:53:57 PM
   Better look again Magoo! Do you see that Mark drawn on the back of the head with a "15" to the side? Yeah, head wound and size.

Those are the dimensions of the scalp laceration, not of the hole in the skull.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 27, 2020, 09:59:06 PM
Those are the dimensions of the scalp laceration, not of the hole in the skull.

   Are You saying there is a laceration running down the Rear/Back of JFK's head? Remember, Humes used pieces of the skull that the SS hand carried into the autopsy room to reassemble the skull.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Tim Nickerson on April 27, 2020, 10:19:14 PM
   Are You saying there is a laceration running down the Rear/Back of JFK's head? Remember, Humes used pieces of the skull that the SS hand carried into the autopsy room to reassemble the skull.

I'm saying that those dimensions on the Facesheet were of a lacerated wound in the scalp. From the autopsy report:

Situated in the posterior scalp approximately 2.5 cm. laterally to the right and slightly above the external occipital protuberance is a lacerated wound measuring 15 x 6 mm.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 27, 2020, 10:30:54 PM
I'm saying that those dimensions on the Facesheet were of a lacerated wound in the scalp. From the autopsy report:

Situated in the posterior scalp approximately 2.5 cm. laterally to the right and slightly above the external occipital protuberance is a lacerated wound measuring 15 x 6 mm.

   If this is the case, why is this wound Not drawn onto the Back/"Posterior" of the skull? You notice the bullet hole in the Back has a line extending outward from it leading to information pertaining to that bullet hole. There is also a line extending from the Bullet Hole in the back of the head with information at the end of it.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 28, 2020, 12:26:26 AM
So maybe they weren't competent enough to accurately locate the skull entry wound through palpation of an unshaven damaged skull. Maybe Humes mistook some unusual bump or fracture edge as the EOP.

Apples and oranges. The "back wound" was the least ambiguous. It was on the body's surface where there is almost no hair and it could be easily measured. Unlike the tracheotomy wound, the back wound was instantly recognizable as a bullet wound. The Clark Panel -- as did Humes et al in the Military Review -- were fully supportive of the back wound location as described in the autopsy report.

Was anybody (for example: Six Seconds in Dallas) prior to 1968/9 claiming the EOP wound didn't work for a LN shooter?

"So maybe they weren't competent enough to accurately locate the skull entry wound through palpation of an unshaven damaged skull. Maybe Humes mistook some unusual bump or fracture edge as the EOP."

According to the specialists who do know they (the autopsy doctors) weren't competent to do a legal medical autopsy.

They did hold JFK's skull in their hands with scalp refracted and the brain removed though.
They examined the outside and inside of skull at  the bullet hole.
Slightly above and slightly to the right of external occipital protuberance (EOP).
They asked that photos be taken for the record.
Dr. Pierre Finck noted in an after action report in 1967 that those photos are no longer in the Archive.

Oddly enough almost immediately after that '67 review of the autopsy materials the Clark Panel said the wound in the back of JFK's head was in the cow lick not the EOP.
Right when the photos showing the location of the wound disappear it's location gets moved.

"Apples and oranges. The "back wound" was the least ambiguous. It was on the body's surface where there is almost no hair and it could be easily measured. Unlike the tracheotomy wound, the back wound was instantly recognizable as a bullet wound. The Clark Panel -- as did Humes et al in the Military Review -- were fully supportive of the back wound location as described in the autopsy report."

Strange thing the back wound. Jerry Ford, despite claiming he never saw the actual autopsy pictures, amended the final draft of the WCR. Changing the description of it's location from JFK's back to the back of his neck. Said it better described it's location. How does that work when you've never seen the wound?

The photo of the inside of JFK's right lung, that could have shown the direction and path of the neck wound, was also found to be missing in the '67 review of the autopsy materials.. Image that!
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 28, 2020, 03:40:39 PM
"So maybe they weren't competent enough to accurately locate the skull entry wound through palpation of an unshaven damaged skull. Maybe Humes mistook some unusual bump or fracture edge as the EOP."

According to the specialists who do know they (the autopsy doctors) weren't competent to do a legal medical autopsy.

They did hold JFK's skull in their hands with scalp refracted and the brain removed though.
They examined the outside and inside of skull at  the bullet hole.
Slightly above and slightly to the right of external occipital protuberance (EOP).
They asked that photos be taken for the record.
Dr. Pierre Finck noted in an after action report in 1967 that those photos are no longer in the Archive.

Oddly enough almost immediately after that '67 review of the autopsy materials the Clark Panel said the wound in the back of JFK's head was in the cow lick not the EOP.
Right when the photos showing the location of the wound disappear it's location gets moved.

"Apples and oranges. The "back wound" was the least ambiguous. It was on the body's surface where there is almost no hair and it could be easily measured. Unlike the tracheotomy wound, the back wound was instantly recognizable as a bullet wound. The Clark Panel -- as did Humes et al in the Military Review -- were fully supportive of the back wound location as described in the autopsy report."

Strange thing the back wound. Jerry Ford, despite claiming he never saw the actual autopsy pictures, amended the final draft of the WCR. Changing the description of it's location from JFK's back to the back of his neck. Said it better described it's location. How does that work when you've never seen the wound?

The photo of the inside of JFK's right lung, that could have shown the direction and path of the neck wound, was also found to be missing in the '67 review of the autopsy materials.. Image that!

Here's something that I've never been able to understand.....  At frame 313 of the Z film there is what appears to be an explosion on the side of JFK's head at the right temple, just forward of the ear.   But there was no damage to JFK's head at that location other than a small bullet hole in the hairline that Clint Hill reported seeing, when he climbed aboard the Lincoln.    There are colored photos that show a small red dot right at the spot that Clint Hill said that he saw a bullet hole.

I strongly suspect that the "explosion" on the side of JFK's head at Z 313 was added to the film to cover up that bullet hole. 
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 28, 2020, 03:56:47 PM
Here's something that I've never been able to understand.....  At frame 313 of the Z film there is what appears to be an explosion on the side of JFK's head at the right temple, just forward of the ear.   But there was no damage to JFK's head at that location other than a small bullet hole in the hairline that Clint Hill reported seeing, when he climbed aboard the Lincoln.    There are colored photos that show a small red dot right at the spot that Clint Hill said that he saw a bullet hole.

I strongly suspect that the "explosion" on the side of JFK's head at Z 313 was added to the film to cover up that bullet hole.

      NPIC Image Expert Dino Brugioni examined the Zapruder Film on 11/23/63. He said the film he examined that night was Not the same Zapruder film we have today. Brugioni Specifically referenced there being a difference in the Explosion of JFK's head he Examined on 11/23/63 and the Explosion depicted on the Current Zapruder Film.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 28, 2020, 04:08:52 PM
      NPIC Image Expert Dino Brugioni examined the Zapruder Film on 11/23/63. He said the film he examined that night was Not the same Zapruder film we have today. Brugioni Specifically referenced there being a difference in the Explosion of JFK's head he Examined on 11/23/63 and the Explosion depicted on the Current Zapruder Film.

Royell, That "explosion" on the side of JFK's head is fake!     Hoover knew immediately that the bullet hole on the side of JFK's head would be an instant give away that the shot had came from behind the picket fence, so they altered the film .....   
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 28, 2020, 04:29:04 PM
Royell, That "explosion" on the side of JFK's head is fake!     Hoover knew immediately that the bullet hole on the side of JFK's head would be an instant give away that the shot had came from behind the picket fence, so they altered the film .....

     Image Expert Brugioni supports your Theory. Also, NONE of the Parkland Hospital Professionals that examined/treated JFK less than 30 minutes after the shooting EVER reported seeing that Large Hole/Flap in the right temple area. Parkland Dr's reported that external cardiac massage was applied to JFK and that blood/matter were falling out of the back of his head as each chest massage/compression was applied. Likewise, if there had been a Massive Wound/Hole in the (R) Temple Region, there also would have been blood/matter oozing out of that wound with each compression of the chest during external cardiac massage.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 28, 2020, 04:48:44 PM
     Image Expert Brugioni supports your Theory. Also, NONE of the Parkland Hospital Professionals that examined/treated JFK less than 30 minutes after the shooting EVER reported seeing that Large Hole/Flap in the right temple area. Parkland Dr's reported that external cardiac massage was applied to JFK and that blood/matter were falling out of the back of his head as each chest massage/compression was applied. Likewise, if there had been a Massive Wound/Hole in the (R) Temple Region, there also would have been blood/matter oozing out of that wound with each compression of the chest during external cardiac massage.

I'm not sure but I believe that the "explosion" on JFK's right temple would be seen in frames 314 and 315 ( 3/18 of a second )   I don't recall anybody ever making an issue out of the "explosion".   I guess most folks just assumed that it was an actual explosion of JFK's head and it was too gruesome to discuss.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 28, 2020, 05:03:31 PM
I'm not sure but I believe that the "explosion" on JFK's right temple would be seen in frames 314 and 315 ( 3/18 of a second )   I don't recall anybody ever making an issue out of the "explosion".   I guess most folks just assumed that it was an actual explosion of JFK's head and it was too gruesome to discuss.

     Brugioni DID make an Issue out of the Explosion. This is the same CIA Image Expert that was called in to Examine Top Secret aerial photos of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He ain't no ham-n-egger. 
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 28, 2020, 06:31:15 PM
Here's something that I've never been able to understand.....  At frame 313 of the Z film there is what appears to be an explosion on the side of JFK's head at the right temple, just forward of the ear.   But there was no damage to JFK's head at that location other than a small bullet hole in the hairline that Clint Hill reported seeing, when he climbed aboard the Lincoln.    There are colored photos that show a small red dot right at the spot that Clint Hill said that he saw a bullet hole.

I strongly suspect that the "explosion" on the side of JFK's head at Z 313 was added to the film to cover up that bullet hole.

I don't think the Z-film was altered other than possibly removing frames.

I think what happened at Z-313 is hard to understand because of all the misinformation from the autopsy and the WC.

If we knew where the shots were coming from and when I suspect Z_313 would make a lot more sense than it does.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 28, 2020, 07:05:50 PM
I don't think the Z-film was altered other than possibly removing frames.

I think what happened at Z-313 is hard to understand because of all the misinformation from the autopsy and the WC.

If we knew where the shots were coming from and when I suspect Z_313 would make a lot more sense than it does.

Clint Hill has said many times that he saw a small bullet hole in the hair line just forward of JFK's right ear ( the exact spot where the "explosion" is shown at Z 313.)

If that explosion had occurred at that spot, Hill could not have see a small bullet hole there. (Because there would have been a huge hole there)   Hill pointed to his right temple and said that he had seen a bullet hole there and the back of JFK's head was gone....
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 28, 2020, 07:28:13 PM
Clint Hill has said many times that he saw a small bullet hole in the hair line just forward of JFK's right ear ( the exact spot where the "explosion" is shown at Z 313.)

If that explosion had occurred at that spot, Hill could not have see a small bullet hole there. (Because there would have been a huge hole there)   Hill pointed to his right temple and said that he had seen a bullet hole there and the back of JFK's head was gone....

Kellerman testified there was a volley of shots that came into the car all at once after the first report.  I think some things might be explained by more than one bullet striking JFK's skull.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 28, 2020, 08:09:27 PM
I don't think the Z-film was altered other than possibly removing frames.

I think what happened at Z-313 is hard to understand because of all the misinformation from the autopsy and the WC.

If we knew where the shots were coming from and when I suspect Z_313 would make a lot more sense than it does.

   Possible "removed frames" does Not explain NO ONE at Parkland Hospital seeing the Massive Hole/Flap in the (R) Temple area. The ONLY Explanation for Not 1 Single Dr or 1 Single Nurse seeing the Massive Wound and/or blood trickling from it onto the hair of JFK is that the Wound DID NOT EXIST!
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 28, 2020, 09:37:13 PM
   Possible "removed frames" does Not explain NO ONE at Parkland Hospital seeing the Massive Hole/Flap in the (R) Temple area. The ONLY Explanation for Not 1 Single Dr or 1 Single Nurse seeing the Massive Wound and/or blood trickling from it onto the hair of JFK is that the Wound DID NOT EXIST!

His skull was completely shattered. It's estimated 1/3 was blown away. In some places the scalp was intact with pieces of the skull adhering. I would imagine what we see in the few seconds after Z-313 is completely different than what arrived at Parkland.  I don't think those differences are sinister. IMO
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Jack Trojan on April 28, 2020, 09:55:31 PM
From the thread: What if James Files shot JFK, like he said?

You don't have to buy into Files being the grassy knoll shooter, but the "right temple blowout" is pertinent to this thread.

Quote from: Jerry Freeman on March 11, 2020, 11:38:43 PM
Mike Orr actually stated that a shot to the back of the head happened first....And I agree. If the autopsy photos are legit [showing a hole just a bit left of center] and the Zapruder image seems to show it forward/back in an blink.

If the autopsy photo was real then it would show a fist-sized gaping hole in the right occipital region of JFK's head. But we don't see that. Instead it shows what they want you to see, which is 1 shot from behind and no hole in the back of his head. I have no idea how they faked the photos, but it was easy enough to do back then. And before they were faking photos they were performing post-mortem surgery.


There may have been a simultaneous shot from behind but I doubt that it struck JFK's head without pushing it forward significantly, unless its forward momentum was counteracted by a shot from the front. However, IMO, there was too much backward motion for that to be the case.


 I count 2 near simultaneous shots at appox. Z-312, the first one from the direction of the overpass that entered the right side of JFK's hairline and blew a hole out of the back of his head. This sent his head violently backward.


Files recalls that his shot from the knoll happened a split second after the frontal shot and he claimed to have used a Fireball hand-rifle which shot frangible bullets. His shot caused the right temple to blowout when the bullet exploded in JFK's head.


Consensus was that the driver did hit the brakes...but I would have too if I thought I was driving into an ambush.

No you wouldn't. At least 2 shots had been fired and you knew you were already under attack. Nobody in their right mind would slow the limo to a near stop, turn to look back at JFK and watch him get his head blown off and only then decide to skedaddle outta Dodge. The Turkey Shoot Point was precisely where Greer slowed the limo down to. It was designed to be orthogonal to Files' position at the knoll. There was even a painted marking on the curb across Elm at the exact TSP, which Greer coincidentally nearly stopped at. Greer must have skimmed over the SS manual re what to do when the POTUS is under attack.

I also think Umbrella Man and the "Cuban" next to him were signal guys and would like to what Files said about them [if anything]...Not that I completely believe Files either.

Umbrella man and Co. were definitely signalling that JFK was still alive and the Turkey Shoot was on. And sure Files could be BSing, but he seems to know some interesting details about the shooting. Maybe he's stolen the real shooter's story, who knows? But he is by far the best candidate for the knoll shooter, if you believe there was one.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 28, 2020, 10:02:54 PM
A simple matter of a "Bullet Right Through the Brain".



Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on April 28, 2020, 10:04:09 PM
His skull was completely shattered. It's estimated 1/3 was blown away. In some places the scalp was intact with pieces of the skull adhering. I would imagine what we see in the few seconds after Z-313 is completely different than what arrived at Parkland.  I don't think those differences are sinister. IMO

   Based on the Autopsy Photos, JFK had a Hole/Flap in the (R) Temple Region roughly the size of your fist. How could ALL of these Parkland Hospital Dr's and Nurses miss seeing this large wound or the blood/matter that we saw coming out of it on the Z Film and dripping into/soaking his hair? This Large (R) Temple wound would Not have been missed by ALL of these Parkland Hospital Dr's and Nurses.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 28, 2020, 10:47:57 PM
A simple matter of a "Bullet Right Through the Brain".





The red arrow is drawn too high.....  The red dot that is visible in some colored photos is a couple of inches lower and right at the hairline forward of JFK's ear.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Jerry Freeman on April 30, 2020, 04:29:37 AM
Charlie.....I'm having trouble playing the video .....  It stops at various points and won't restart.... I'd really like to see the entire video..... Is anybody else experiencing problems?
Oh...that's OK Walt. Just draw in what happened---That's what everybody else around here is doing.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on April 30, 2020, 07:00:15 AM
   Possible "removed frames" does Not explain NO ONE at Parkland Hospital seeing the Massive Hole/Flap in the (R) Temple area. The ONLY Explanation for Not 1 Single Dr or 1 Single Nurse seeing the Massive Wound and/or blood trickling from it onto the hair of JFK is that the Wound DID NOT EXIST!

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on April 30, 2020, 03:02:18 PM
From the thread: What if James Files shot JFK, like he said?

You don't have to buy into Files being the grassy knoll shooter, but the "right temple blowout" is pertinent to this thread.

If the autopsy photo was real then it would show a fist-sized gaping hole in the right occipital region of JFK's head. But we don't see that. Instead it shows what they want you to see, which is 1 shot from behind and no hole in the back of his head. I have no idea how they faked the photos, but it was easy enough to do back then. And before they were faking photos they were performing post-mortem surgery.


There may have been a simultaneous shot from behind but I doubt that it struck JFK's head without pushing it forward significantly, unless its forward momentum was counteracted by a shot from the front. However, IMO, there was too much backward motion for that to be the case.


 I count 2 near simultaneous shots at appox. Z-312, the first one from the direction of the overpass that entered the right side of JFK's hairline and blew a hole out of the back of his head. This sent his head violently backward.


Files recalls that his shot from the knoll happened a split second after the frontal shot and he claimed to have used a Fireball hand-rifle which shot frangible bullets. His shot caused the right temple to blowout when the bullet exploded in JFK's head.


No you wouldn't. At least 2 shots had been fired and you knew you were already under attack. Nobody in their right mind would slow the limo to a near stop, turn to look back at JFK and watch him get his head blown off and only then decide to skedaddle outta Dodge. The Turkey Shoot Point was precisely where Greer slowed the limo down to. It was designed to be orthogonal to Files' position at the knoll. There was even a painted marking on the curb across Elm at the exact TSP, which Greer coincidentally nearly stopped at. Greer must have skimmed over the SS manual re what to do when the POTUS is under attack.

Umbrella man and Co. were definitely signalling that JFK was still alive and the Turkey Shoot was on. And sure Files could be BSing, but he seems to know some interesting details about the shooting. Maybe he's stolen the real shooter's story, who knows? But he is by far the best candidate for the knoll shooter, if you believe there was one.

What could have caused the bright flash that is seen in the photo below?

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Michael Carney on May 01, 2020, 02:32:45 PM
A couple of points I would like to make about the “explosion” of JFK’s head on the Z film being added or doctored; Mr and Mrs Connolly were splattered with brain matter and blood, and two, why would someone create an “explosion”, makes no sense.
Also a little on the last shot. It came from behind and was an explosive round, small diameter of little mass which does not cause something as heavy as a head to more when hit. Once inside what it hit it travels some distance and then explodes. The explosion exiting the front of the head causes the head to jerk backwards. I wasn't sure about this until I saw a video where they fired AR15 round into a watermelon and the watermelon had a small hole at entry and an explosion at the exit and the watermelon rolled backwards. Remember your physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on May 01, 2020, 02:50:55 PM
A couple of points I would like to make about the “explosion” of JFK’s head on the Z film being added or doctored; Mr and Mrs Connolly were splattered with brain matter and blood, and two, why would someone create an “explosion”, makes no sense.
Also a little on the last shot. It came from behind and was an explosive round, small diameter of little mass which does not cause something as heavy as a head to more when hit. Once inside what it hit it travels some distance and then explodes. The explosion exiting the front of the head causes the head to jerk backwards. I wasn't sure about this until I saw a video where they fired AR15 round into a watermelon and the watermelon had a small hole at entry and an explosion at the exit and the watermelon rolled backwards. Remember your physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

   The absolute Best opinion on the Current Zapruder Film was given by CIA Image Expert Dino Brugioni. He Examined the Zapruder Film on the night of 11/23/63 and also viewed the Current Zapruder Film. He Specifically cited the Head Explosion as being different in the 2 Zapruder Films he viewed. He said the Explosion and the Plume of blood/matter were Greater and lasted Longer than the scant 1+ Seconds we see on the Current Zapruder Film. This would lead one to believe that Frames have been CUT from the Current Zapruder Film. Brugioni also said that the Zapruder Film he viewed on 11/23/63 contained a longer and more physical scene of SA Clint Hill fighting Jackie off of the Limo Trunk and back into the backseat of the car. Again, the issue here being of frames having been Cut from the Current Zapruder Film. Brugioni's professional opinion is without question bona fide!
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Gary Craig on May 01, 2020, 03:19:50 PM
A couple of points I would like to make about the “explosion” of JFK’s head on the Z film being added or doctored; Mr and Mrs Connolly were splattered with brain matter and blood, and two, why would someone create an “explosion”, makes no sense.
Also a little on the last shot. It came from behind and was an explosive round, small diameter of little mass which does not cause something as heavy as a head to more when hit. Once inside what it hit it travels some distance and then explodes. The explosion exiting the front of the head causes the head to jerk backwards. I wasn't sure about this until I saw a video where they fired AR15 round into a watermelon and the watermelon had a small hole at entry and an explosion at the exit and the watermelon rolled backwards. Remember your physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Apples and oranges.

JFK's head wasn't a watermelon or equivalent. It was connected to his body and moving forward at approximately 11mph.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Michael Carney on May 01, 2020, 04:47:20 PM
If you all haven't seen it yet, please watch "JFK- The Smoking Gun”. You have to rent it to see it but well worth the $3 to $4 to watch it. It explains the head shot with enough credible witnesses to convince you where the final shot came from. It’s a documentary by Colin McLaren and it’s about an hour and a half long. There are a lot of previews on youtube that are about a minute and a half long, don’t watch those and think you have seen it, they don’t tell the whole story.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on May 01, 2020, 05:09:27 PM
If you all haven't seen it yet, please watch "JFK- The Smoking Gun”. You have to rent it to see it but well worth the $3 to $4 to watch it. It explains the head shot with enough credible witnesses to convince you where the final shot came from. It’s a documentary by Colin McLaren and it’s about an hour and a half long. There are a lot of previews on youtube that are about a minute and a half long, don’t watch those and think you have seen it, they don’t tell the whole story.

None of the doctors at Parkland reported any major damage to the right side of JFK's head....They all said that there was a large hole at the rear of his head....And Clint Hill said that he saw a small bullet hole forward of JFK's right ear right in the hair line.   If the explosion that is seen at Z313 actually happened the damage would have been on the right side of JFK's head and Hill couldn't have seen a small bullet hole there.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on May 01, 2020, 11:01:52 PM
(https://sites.google.com/site/jfkforum/headwound/z312position.jpg)  (https://sites.google.com/site/jfkforum/headwound/z313.jpg)

    "When I got to the presidential vehicle, just as I approached it, a third shot rang out,
     hitting the president in the head, just above the right ear and left a hole about the
     size of my palm."
          -- Clint hill

I doubt that Clint Hill said the above....   I heard and saw Clint Hill ( in his eighties) speaking at his alma mater, Concordia College,  a few years ago. Most folks in the audience weren't much interested in hearing him talk about the murder of President Kennedy.....Most of the younger audience wanted to hear about what his life was like as Jackie's personal body guard, and seemed to be looking for scandal .....but he did talk about the actual event....  and at that point he pointed to his right temple (similar to the photo of Mel Kilduff at Parkland )   and said that when he climbed aboard the Lincoln he saw a small bullet hole in JFK's right temple forward of the in right at the hairline, and then he moved his hand to the right rear of his head with his finger splayed and said that there was a huge hole at that location, on the back of JFK's head.     I was stunned at his gesture and words, so during the Q&A I asked him to repeat what he had seen when he climbed aboard the Lincoln....but he immediately became defensive and evasive......So he may have realized that he had slipped up ....... 

If Hill ever made the statement that you attribute to him.....He may have been coerced ( or under the influence) because he fought the memory of the assassination with alcohol. 
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on May 02, 2020, 06:20:50 AM
(https://sites.google.com/site/jfkforum/headwound/z312position.jpg)  (https://sites.google.com/site/jfkforum/headwound/z313.jpg)

    "When I got to the presidential vehicle, just as I approached it, a third shot rang out,
     hitting the president in the head, just above the right ear and left a hole about the
     size of my palm."
          -- Clint hill

    Once again, the visual aid that is provided defeats the point of the poster. The visual aid above in No Way displays a shot "HITTING the president in the head, JUST ABOVE the Right Ear..........." The visual aid displays a bullet striking the BACK of the Head and then traveling across the TOP Of the Head.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Michael Carney on May 02, 2020, 03:12:25 PM
I looks like no one wants to cough up the $3-$4 to watch JFK - The Smoking Gun so I am going to ruin it for you. What this documentary is about is how the third shot did not come from the TSBD or the grassy knoll but from an AR15 in the car behind the president’s limo. A secret service agent had picked up the gun, stood up on the back seat, the car accelerated (or decelerated), he lost his balance and he accidentally squeezed off a round and that round hit JFK in the back of the head. Now you can understand why the cover up.
A gun expert Howard Donohue, and the only person that could get off 3 rounds in the 6.2 seconds from the carcano rifle, researched and found out several interesting things. First; the hole in the back of Kennedy’s measured 6mm in diameter, an AR15 (M16) round is 5.56 mm. The Carcano is a .308 which is 7.62 mm. A bullet hole in the head will be slightly larger than the actual bullet. Second, many people smelled gun smoke in the motorcade, half of them being SS agents. Third, Donohue lined up the head, the entrance hole in the back with the right temple “explosion” and it lines up perfectly with the shot coming from jfk’s left rear at a low angle. Forth, Agents in and around the following car remember seeing an agent with an AR15 in his hand and another agent thinks that he had fired the gun.
The documentary is based on this information from the book called Mortal Error by Bonar Menninger. The book is about Donohue’s findings.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on May 02, 2020, 03:23:58 PM
I looks like no one wants to cough up the $3-$4 to watch JFK - The Smoking Gun so I am going to ruin it for you. What this documentary is about is how the third shot did not come from the TSBD or the grassy knoll but from an AR15 in the car behind the president’s limo. A secret service agent had picked up the gun, stood up on the back seat, the car accelerated (or decelerated), he lost his balance and he accidentally squeezed off a round and that round hit JFK in the back of the head. Now you can understand why the cover up.
A gun expert Howard Donohue, and the only person that could get off 3 rounds in the 6.2 seconds from the carcano rifle, researched and found out several interesting things. First; the hole in the back of Kennedy’s measured 6mm in diameter, an AR15 (M16) round is 5.56 mm. The Carcano is a .308 which is 7.62 mm. A bullet hole in the head will be slightly larger than the actual bullet. Second, many people smelled gun smoke in the motorcade, half of them being SS agents. Third, Donohue lined up the head, the entrance hole in the back with the right temple “explosion” and it lines up perfectly with the shot coming from jfk’s left rear at a low angle. Forth, Agents in and around the following car remember seeing an agent with an AR15 in his hand and another agent thinks that he had fired the gun.
The documentary is based on this information from the book called Mortal Error by Bonar Menninger. The book is about Donohue’s findings.

Pure BS!!   The theory was floated by the book Mortal Error.... ( Probably backed by the government )    Nobody believed it then.....And I doubt that few will believe it now.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on May 02, 2020, 03:56:55 PM
I looks like no one wants to cough up the $3-$4 to watch JFK - The Smoking Gun so I am going to ruin it for you. What this documentary is about is how the third shot did not come from the TSBD or the grassy knoll but from an AR15 in the car behind the president’s limo. A secret service agent had picked up the gun, stood up on the back seat, the car accelerated (or decelerated), he lost his balance and he accidentally squeezed off a round and that round hit JFK in the back of the head. Now you can understand why the cover up.
A gun expert Howard Donohue, and the only person that could get off 3 rounds in the 6.2 seconds from the carcano rifle, researched and found out several interesting things. First; the hole in the back of Kennedy’s measured 6mm in diameter, an AR15 (M16) round is 5.56 mm. The Carcano is a .308 which is 7.62 mm. A bullet hole in the head will be slightly larger than the actual bullet. Second, many people smelled gun smoke in the motorcade, half of them being SS agents. Third, Donohue lined up the head, the entrance hole in the back with the right temple “explosion” and it lines up perfectly with the shot coming from jfk’s left rear at a low angle. Forth, Agents in and around the following car remember seeing an agent with an AR15 in his hand and another agent thinks that he had fired the gun.
The documentary is based on this information from the book called Mortal Error by Bonar Menninger. The book is about Donohue’s findings.

    DPD Officer Earle Brown standing on the overpass across the Stemmons Fwy On-Ramp also gave WC Testimony that he smelled gun powder. His great distance from Dealey Plaza/TSBD and his smelling of gun powder does give credibility to their being a "Smoking"/recently discharged weapon inside the JFK Motorcade as it traveled toward/under that overpass he was standing atop. Also, there is one shot that acted Unlike every other shot fired on 11/22/63. That would be the Kill Shot. The ONLY Automatic Weapon KNOWN to be inside Dealey Plaza that could possible account for that shot would be the AR-15 that SA Hickey was wielding while standing Up-Right in the back seat of the Queen Mary. And let's not forget that SA Hickey was a "fill-in" that day. He normally did maintenance on the motorcade vehicles. The Hickey discharging of the AR-15 is plausible in many ways and worthy of serious consideration. 
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Nicholas Turner on May 02, 2020, 04:25:37 PM
    DPD Officer Earle Brown standing on the overpass across the Stemmons Fwy On-Ramp also gave WC Testimony that he smelled gun powder. His great distance from Dealey Plaza/TSBD and his smelling of gun powder does give credibility to their being a "Smoking"/recently discharged weapon inside the JFK Motorcade as it traveled toward/under that overpass he was standing atop. Also, there is one shot that acted Unlike every other shot fired on 11/22/63. That would be the Kill Shot. The ONLY Automatic Weapon KNOWN to be inside Dealey Plaza that could possible account for that shot would be the AR-15 that SA Hickey was wielding while standing Up-Right in the back seat of the Queen Mary. And let's not forget that SA Hickey was a "fill-in" that day. He normally did maintenance on the motorcade vehicles. The Hickey discharging of the AR-15 is plausible in many ways and worthy of serious consideration.

Two minutes later wasn't it.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Michael Carney on May 02, 2020, 04:36:10 PM
You can say it's bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns but facts are facts. The witnesses are there and they are credible witnesses. Remember how the motorcade was lined up, most important people first. SS Agents smelled gunsmoke, behind the SS Agents limo was Congressman Ralph W. Yarborough,  a WWII veteran who said he smelled gunsmoke and me being a Viet Nam vet I can tell you I know what gunsmoke smells like.
The government would not back the theory, they covered it up. Can you image the outrage there would be if the governmental department charged with protecting the President was responsible for killing him. Watch the documentary "JFK-The Smoking Gun", it will convince you I'm sure.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on May 02, 2020, 04:42:34 PM
Two minutes later wasn't it.

    If You are going to claim it took the hauling arse JFK Limo 2 Minutes to reach the overpass that stretched across the Stemmons Fwy On-Ramp, are You also then claiming the JFK Limo STOPPED?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on May 02, 2020, 04:48:08 PM
You can say it's bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns but facts are facts. The witnesses are there and they are credible witnesses. Remember how the motorcade was lined up, most important people first. SS Agents smelled gunsmoke, behind the SS Agents limo was Congressman Ralph W. Yarborough,  a WWII veteran who said he smelled gunsmoke and me being a Viet Nam vet I can tell you I know what gunsmoke smells like.
The government would not back the theory, they covered it up. Can you image the outrage there would be if the governmental department charged with protecting the President was responsible for killing him. Watch the documentary "JFK-The Smoking Gun", it will convince you I'm sure.

   The SS is an extremely tight knit outfit. When the Warren Commission Q/A'd Chief Rowley, he did everything he could to protect the SS Agents that were drinking hootch at that "beatnik joint" the night before the Assassination. Clint Hill being one of the Agents downing the "Who-Hit-John".
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on May 02, 2020, 04:56:00 PM
   The SS is an extremely tight knit outfit. When the Warren Commission Q/A'd Chief Rowley, he did everything he could to protect the SS Agents that were drinking hootch at that "beatnik joint" the night before the Assassination. Clint Hill being one of the Agents downing the "Who-Hit-John".

Clint Hill was NOT one of the SS agents at the "beatnik joint" .....  He was not assigned to the Dallas security detail and JFK ordered him from Washington to be Jackie's body guard in Dallas.    I believe Hill arrived in Dallas early Friday morning.....(6:00 am?)
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Royell Storing on May 02, 2020, 05:13:06 PM
Clint Hill was NOT one of the SS agents at the "beatnik joint" .....  He was not assigned to the Dallas security detail and JFK ordered him from Washington to be Jackie's body guard in Dallas.    I believe Hill arrived in Dallas early Friday morning.....(6:00 am?)

    Never said he was at the "beatnik joint". He was downing the Hard Stuff along with sandwiches elsewhere the night before the assassination. He reported to work Early the next morning. This is why the WC questioning of Chief Rowley got into the area of "reaction time". SA Hill was only feet away from JFK when the Kill Shot struck. Could SA Hill's reactions as the shooting unfolded been quicker had he Not been hitting the sauce the night previous? This was the line of questioning that Rowley endured and then did all he could to protect his agents from possible Termination or other correct disciplinary measures. The SS leaves No Man Behind. This would also include fill-in Agent Hickey if need be.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Nicholas Turner on May 02, 2020, 05:47:12 PM
    If You are going to claim it took the hauling arse JFK Limo 2 Minutes to reach the overpass that stretched across the Stemmons Fwy On-Ramp, are You also then claiming the JFK Limo STOPPED?

He said he smelt gunpowder a couple of minutes later after hearing the shots (didn't specify 2 as I remembered). I didn't claim JFK's limo took two minutes to reach where he was. That's your misunderstanding.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Michael Carney on May 02, 2020, 07:29:39 PM
I had made up this list of witnesses awhile back so seeing as we are discussing smelling gunsmoke
Witnesses to smelling gunpowder at street level:
•   Ralph Yarborough was in the car two cars behind the Presidents car and said he smelled gunpowder. He is a war veteran with more than 50 years experience with fire arms. WC Vol VII, pg 439
•   Earl Brown, Dallas Police Patrolman – “Heard shot’s and then smelled gunpowder” WC Vol VI, pg 233
•   Elizabeth Cabell, wife of Dallas mayor, said “acutely aware of the smell of gunpowder”  WC Vol VII, pg 486
•   Billy J. Martin, patrolman - “You could smell the gunpowder… you knew he wasn’t far away. When you’re that close, you can smell the powder burning. Why you—you’ve got to be pretty close to them… you could smell the gunpowder… right there in the street.”
•   Congressman Ray Roberts, seated next to her, had mentioned it also. Same source as Martin
•   Tom C. Dillard, two cars behind the Cabell car, he “. . . very definitely smelled gunpowder when the cars moved up to the corner [of Elm and Houston Streets] Same source as Martin
•   Virgie Rackley stood in front of the depository building close to the street. “She recalled that after the second shot, she smelled gun smoke…” same source as Martin
•   One newspaper summed it up: “. . . seconds later the cavalcade was gone. The area still reeked with the smell of gunpowder.” Same source as Martin

Witnesses to Hickey holding and possibly firing a “rifle”:
•   Dallas Mayor, Earl Cabel. see’s one Secret Service agent standup with a sub-machine gun.
•   Senator Yarbrough also saw a rifle.
•   Agent Winston rides in the front of JFK in the lead car. He noticed Agent Hickey standing up in the follow up car, “I first thought that he had fired it”.
•   Sam Holland, a witness, is standing on top of the underpass as the motorcade is going under him. “After the first shot, the Secret Service agent raised up with a machine gun and dropped back down into the seat. WC Vol XIX, ex 5323, pg 480
•   Roy Kellerman testified there was an AR15 in the motorcade.
•   Hugh Betner saw one Secret Service agent pull out a gun, he was standing watching the motorcade. vol XXIV, ex 2003, pg 200
•   A police officer on the over pass as the motorcade passing under saw an agent swinging around the gun.
•   Margaret Chisolm WC vol XIX, ex 5323, pg 472 saw agents stand up and sit back down.
•   Jean Hill – Saw JFK grab his chest and fall forward and she thinks she saw men in plain clothes shooting back. WC Vol XXIV, Ex 2003, pg 212
•   Ralph Yarborough saw a SS Agent pull out a rifle. WC Vol VII, pg 439

Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Walt Cakebread on May 05, 2020, 12:10:04 AM
I had made up this list of witnesses awhile back so seeing as we are discussing smelling gunsmoke
Witnesses to smelling gunpowder at street level:
•   Ralph Yarborough was in the car two cars behind the Presidents car and said he smelled gunpowder. He is a war veteran with more than 50 years experience with fire arms. WC Vol VII, pg 439
•   Earl Brown, Dallas Police Patrolman – “Heard shot’s and then smelled gunpowder” WC Vol VI, pg 233
•   Elizabeth Cabell, wife of Dallas mayor, said “acutely aware of the smell of gunpowder”  WC Vol VII, pg 486
•   Billy J. Martin, patrolman - “You could smell the gunpowder… you knew he wasn’t far away. When you’re that close, you can smell the powder burning. Why you—you’ve got to be pretty close to them… you could smell the gunpowder… right there in the street.”
•   Congressman Ray Roberts, seated next to her, had mentioned it also. Same source as Martin
•   Tom C. Dillard, two cars behind the Cabell car, he “. . . very definitely smelled gunpowder when the cars moved up to the corner [of Elm and Houston Streets] Same source as Martin
•   Virgie Rackley stood in front of the depository building close to the street. “She recalled that after the second shot, she smelled gun smoke…” same source as Martin
•   One newspaper summed it up: “. . . seconds later the cavalcade was gone. The area still reeked with the smell of gunpowder.” Same source as Martin

Witnesses to Hickey holding and possibly firing a “rifle”:
•   Dallas Mayor, Earl Cabel. see’s one Secret Service agent standup with a sub-machine gun.
•   Senator Yarbrough also saw a rifle.
•   Agent Winston rides in the front of JFK in the lead car. He noticed Agent Hickey standing up in the follow up car, “I first thought that he had fired it”.
•   Sam Holland, a witness, is standing on top of the underpass as the motorcade is going under him. “After the first shot, the Secret Service agent raised up with a machine gun and dropped back down into the seat. WC Vol XIX, ex 5323, pg 480
•   Roy Kellerman testified there was an AR15 in the motorcade.
•   Hugh Betner saw one Secret Service agent pull out a gun, he was standing watching the motorcade. vol XXIV, ex 2003, pg 200
•   A police officer on the over pass as the motorcade passing under saw an agent swinging around the gun.
•   Margaret Chisolm WC vol XIX, ex 5323, pg 472 saw agents stand up and sit back down.
•   Jean Hill – Saw JFK grab his chest and fall forward and she thinks she saw men in plain clothes shooting back. WC Vol XXIV, Ex 2003, pg 212
•   Ralph Yarborough saw a SS Agent pull out a rifle. WC Vol VII, pg 439

If the shots had been fired from six stories above the street there would not have been any odor of gun smoke at the street level ...   If you think a Secret Service man shot JFK then who fire the other two shots?
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Michael Carney on May 06, 2020, 10:47:48 PM
I recall reading that two men were seen up on the 6th floor of the TSBD and they had olive skin. I have only read that one time in all of the books I have read on the subject. Also could have been from the Dal Tex Building, another shooter that is. No, people at street level would not smell the gunpowder from that high.
Title: Re: Six Seconds in Dallas-- Old book, a must read
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on November 25, 2023, 12:26:19 AM
    If You are going to claim it took the hauling arse JFK Limo 2 Minutes to reach the overpass that stretched across the Stemmons Fwy On-Ramp, are You also then claiming the JFK Limo STOPPED?
Yes, Officer Brown said that the motorcade stopped for at least 30 sec on the onramp.
Confirmed by Hoffman.
So, the motorcade would have taken say 60sec to reach Officer Brown on the railway overpass.