JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Tim Nickerson on June 01, 2020, 05:17:31 PM
Solving the Mystery of Oswald’s Seaport Trader Order (https://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2020/06/solving-mystery-of-oswalds-seaport.html?fbclid=IwAR0ET99izrUtysA8KPvi_sSVnBY5MobXJMyl8YvA7EIeR-21Il6J0xKvBNc)
Edited to provide the direct link for the proper format.
Solving the Mystery of Oswald’s Seaport Trader Order (https://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2020/06/solving-mystery-of-oswalds-seaport.html?fbclid=IwAR0ET99izrUtysA8KPvi_sSVnBY5MobXJMyl8YvA7EIeR-21Il6J0xKvBNc)
Edited to provide the direct link for the proper format.
Nice work and congrats to the researchers!!!
Interestng and of little importanace but LHO purchased both money orders on March 12 and both orders were received the following day, one in Chicago and one in Los Angeles.
Interestng and of little importanace but LHO purchased both money orders on March 12 and both orders were received the following day, one in Chicago and one in Los Angeles.
Thx. Actually, of great importance. The provenance of the "money orders" is sketchy, at best.
Both money orders? You know of a money order for the Seaport Traders order?
Nice work by Chris Simondet. Not sure how Myers knows when the order was received at Seaport.
Both money orders? You know of a money order for the Seaport Traders order?
Which makes the whole thing, uh, yeah, sketchy, to be generous. :)
Uh...big deal? Here's a guy with two kids, he's reminding his wife while in custody to buy his daughter some shoes, and he goes out and spends the equivalent of $250 in today's dollars to buy this gun? When he's making a buck-90 at his job? Uh huh.
And it's so funny how Emmy-award-winning Myers says something like this - with a straight face - in his article:
"The twists and turns in Simondet’s efforts read like a pulp-novel themselves and, in this authors eyes, show just how important diligence and perseverance are in solving any cold case mystery..."
...yet, pulled off an outrageously shameful animation depicting the assassination to hoodwink a national TV audience:
Uh...big deal? Here's a guy with two kids, he's reminding his wife while in custody to buy his daughter some shoes, and he goes out and spends the equivalent of $250 in today's dollars to buy this gun? When he's making a buck-90 at his job? Uh huh.
Oswald spent the equivalent of $169 in todays dollars, not $250.
The ad and coupon showed it cost $29.95 which is about $250 to use your page.
If the pistol cost $30, and he was making about $50 a week (actually probably slightly more than this), than the pistol was not that extravagant a purchase at all.
Oswald made $43 in his last week at the TSBD and only worked 4 days:
The ad and coupon showed it cost $29.95 which is about $250 to use your page.
Sorry, I was thinking of the $20 that he spent on his rifle. You are correct.
You're wrong about Dale Myers though.
Didn't solve everything for me. According to the timeline---Oswald picked up the weapons.... both on the same day the month before the issue containing the [revolver] ad was even circulated. How did that happen?
Fig.8 - Page 13 of the April 1963 issue (Vol.32, No.3) of True Adventures magazine.
January 28, 1962: LHO orders a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver by mail.
March 12, 1963: Ruth Paine visits Marina at the new apartment. Also that day, LHO orders a rifle from Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago.
March 20, 1963: The rifle and the revolver are shipped.
March 25, 1963: LHO picks up the weapons.
The January '62 date appears to be a bogus date that has never been corrected.
The date on the ad is illegible...though A J Hidell appears to be 28 yo.
Looks like a bunch of fabricated crap to me.
Didn't solve everything for me. According to the timeline---Oswald picked up the weapons.... both on the same day the month before the issue containing the [revolver] ad was even circulated. How did that happen? (https://www.jfkfiles.com/jfk/images/news/060120/Seaport_060120_Fig11.jpg)
The January '62 date appears to be a bogus date that has never been corrected.
The date on the ad is illegible...though A J Hidell appears to be 28 yo.
Looks like a bunch of fabricated crap to me.
"One might question how Oswald was able to use a mail-order coupon from the April 1963 issue of True Adventures magazine in mid-March. The answer is simple: most monthly magazines hit newsstands the month prior to the dated publication.
In fact, Chris Simondet was able to determine from the Library of Congress Catalog of Copyright Entries that the February through June 1963 issues of True Adventures magazine were copyrighted long before publication. [19] Here’s what he found:
True Adventures © New Publications, Inc.
Vol. 32, No.2, February 1963 © 4 Dec 1962; B16344
Vol. 32, No.3, April 1963 © 5 Feb 1963; B23227
Vol.32, No.4, June 1963 © 4 April 1963; B32224
The above listing shows that the content of the April 1963 issue had already been locked by February 5, 1963; and therefore, could easily have been printed and on store shelves by mid-March."
One might question how Oswald was able to use a mail-order coupon from the April 1963 issue of True Adventures magazine in mid-March. The answer is simple: most monthly magazines hit newsstands the month prior to the dated publication.
I am aware of that...and read that too in the article but finish it up and try using quotes next time----The above listing shows that the content of the April 1963 issue had already been locked by February 5, 1963; and therefore, could easily have been printed and on store shelves by mid-March.
OK the magic magazine theory.
Why Oswald used a date of ‘1/27 (no year)’ for the order is puzzling. Perhaps, he hoped to rush the order by back-dating the coupon. Whatever the reason, we now know that the coupon he used came from an issue that had only become available to him at about the time he mailed the order – mid-March, 1963.
The assumption is still basically unclear. Similar ads were determined to have run in various other issues of various other magazines. Why not have torn out one of those [if he was hot for a gun]?
Perhaps, he hoped to rush the order by back-dating the coupon
Speculation to the max. But as long as it supports your view huh?
Mystery solved-- So, now we know for certain that Oswald purchased the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle and the Smith & Wesson revolver at about the same time – probably the same day. The rifle was ordered on March 12, 1963 (as evidenced by the money-order that was purchased that date and which Oswald included with the order coupon). Klein’s Sporting Goods received the rifle order in the mail the next day, March 13, 1963. Seaport Traders also received Oswald’s mail-order for the .38 caliber revolver on March 13, 1963 – a very strong suggestion that Oswald mailed both orders the previous day – March 12.
And I guess we know for certain that he picked up the weapons on the same exact day. Yeah it fits...it just has to :-\
Paperwork for the rifle and pistol are still a train wreck.
There are differences between the two cartoons on the back of the coupon.
Firstly, the carpet is colored grey in one and not the other. I presume this is because perhaps early Xerox machines didn't color solid colors in order to save ink?
Secondly, there are dots and lines in one cartoon and not the other. Is it possible that the same cartoon, but with modifications, was syndicated across several different magazines?
At a stretch, could the CIA/FBI have got hold of one of the versions of the magazine that was sent away for copyright, and it is the coupon from that that they used to purchase the pistol for Oswald and then the magazine subsequently printed the cartoon different in the actual copies they put on newstands than the one they sent off for copyright?
Gerry I think the reason why grey is missing in the originals is because Xerox technology back then was not great. It may have something to do with grayscale and anything in between black and white was not carried over to the copy.
He could have walked into a pawn shop any day and bought his weapon with cash. (same goes for the rifle) The whole coupon deal and paying for shipping makes no sense.
But he would not have incriminated himself.. therefore leaving his trail of guilt if he had done that.
Out of curiosity I looked for a similar Commando on Texas Gun Trader...Found one---The 1983 model asking price is $850.00
It's a Colt not a S&W ...I can't find any S&W Commando.
A Colt Commander now is basically a 1911 .45 auto compact.
Where is the money order to Seaport Traders?
Not in the National Archives. Or did I miss it?
He could have walked into a pawn shop any day and bought his weapon with cash.
The whole coupon deal and paying for shipping makes no sense.
(same goes for the rifle)
Ordering through mail was the cheapest way for him to get weapons.
Paperwork for the rifle and pistol are still a train wreck.
For Oswald and his defenders they are.
Where is the money order to Seaport Traders?
Not in the National Archives. Or did I miss it?
There was no money order to Seaport Traders.
There was no money order to Seaport Traders.
Where is the COD receipt? Who filled it out, signed it and gave it and the gun to Oswald?
Not sure how Myers knows when the order was received at Seaport.
That's easy. Seaport created an invoice for Oswald's gun purchase on Mar. 13, '63. And I think it's safe to assume that Seaport didn't wait for weeks and weeks (or even days) before creating this paperwork:
More Revolver Talk:
More Revolver Talk:
Quoting Mr. Myers: Oswald's P.O. Box was at the Main Post Office in the Federal Building, 1114 Commerce Street, on the south side, seven blocks east of Houston at Murphy. Both locations were along bus routes easily accessible from Oswald's Neely Street address.
That is just simply not true. P.O. Box 2915 was located blocks away from 1114 Commerce [which BTW did not have a post office].
Bx 2915 was located at the Main Post Office 400 North Ervay Street....
I personally know all of this because I worked for the main post office and my father worked at the Fed Bldg at 1114 Commerce.
Besides all of this...Why would Oswald order the weapons in the name of A J Hidell when that post office box was so easily traceable to himself?
Is that in the Beyond Reasonable Doubt book?----That Oswald was a complete dumbass and deliberately incriminated himself ...leaving a trail that a blind man could follow?
Ordering through mail was the cheapest way for him to get weapons.
At $19.95 and $29.95 what kind of big savings are we talking about here? He must have had some deep pockets when he supposedly ordered both guns on the same day.
And didn't order ammo for either weapon.
To David VP:
That image you posted showing the Traders receipt or order or whatever, it is and the address typed up, what exactly is that? Was that sent into the company from the customer to place the order or is it some kind of receipt generated by the company?
Both money orders? You know of a money order for the Seaport Traders order?
I was referring to Mr Earl's statement regarding money orders.
The pistol was, allegedly, a C.O.D. purchase.
That's easy. Seaport created an invoice for Oswald's gun purchase on Mar. 13, '63. And I think it's safe to assume that Seaport didn't wait for weeks and weeks (or even days) before creating this paperwork:
So do you agree that it's merely an assumption that the invoice was prepared the same day the order arrived in the mail? Myers stated it as a fact and tried to claim on Facebook that it said so in Michaelis's testimony.
If Oswald sent both orders on March 12 as Myers tries to claim (when his timesheet says he was working the entire day), why did he buy a money order for the Klein's order, but send cash for the Seaport Traders order?
I also notice that the cost of the ammunition written on the coupon and then scratched out doesn’t match the cost in the ad.
Not trying to change subject on this but the PO box itself is suspect too:
The two sets of identification for Oswald and Hidell being found in one wallet was particularly damaging to Oswald, as Oswald denied during the afternoon of November 22 that he was the owner of the rifle. It was worldwide news by 11/23/63 that the rifle that was left at the scene was purchased by mail order with a postal money order used by “A. Hidell” and listing Oswald’s PO Box as the place for pick-up. It did not make the news that this postal money order had no stamp indicating that it was ever used or ever deposited.[ 16 ] Nor did it make the news that postal inspector Harry Holmes admitted that anyone who had access to Oswald’s PO box could have picked up the rifle [or the pistol] without even showing identification. Nor did it make the news that post offices were required by law to retain “delivery receipts for firearms” for four years, something not done in this case. A. J. Hidell was all over Oswald’s phony FPCC literature as the fictional chairman of his fictional New Orleans branch. Oswald and Hidell were now tied together by the rifle and the wallet.
State Secret - https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_Secret_Chapter6.html
Not trying to change subject on this but the PO box itself is suspect too:
The two sets of identification for Oswald and Hidell being found in one wallet was particularly damaging to Oswald, as Oswald denied during the afternoon of November 22 that he was the owner of the rifle. It was worldwide news by 11/23/63 that the rifle that was left at the scene was purchased by mail order with a postal money order used by “A. Hidell” and listing Oswald’s PO Box as the place for pick-up. It did not make the news that this postal money order had no stamp indicating that it was ever used or ever deposited.[ 16 ] Nor did it make the news that postal inspector Harry Holmes admitted that anyone who had access to Oswald’s PO box could have picked up the rifle [or the pistol] without even showing identification. Nor did it make the news that post offices were required by law to retain “delivery receipts for firearms” for four years, something not done in this case. A. J. Hidell was all over Oswald’s phony FPCC literature as the fictional chairman of his fictional New Orleans branch. Oswald and Hidell were now tied together by the rifle and the wallet.
State Secret - https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_Secret_Chapter6.html
Not trying to change subject on this but the PO box itself is suspect too:
It did not make the news that this postal money order had no stamp indicating that it was ever used or ever deposited.
The money order had a stamp on it. One that indicates that Klein's had accepted it. The money order has something else on it that indicates that it was deposited.
Nor did it make the news that post offices were required by law to retain “delivery receipts for firearms” for four years, something not done in this case.
Were they required by law to retain “delivery receipts for firearms” for four years? What specific law required that?
Nor did it make the news that post offices were required by law to retain “delivery receipts for firearms” for four years, something not done in this case.
I followed the link. The Third Decade piece made the claim that forms 2162 and 1508 were required to be retained for four years. However, neither of those forms would have been used at all. Forms 2162 and 1508 were required for the mailing of concealable firearms. Rifles are not concealable firearms.
To David VP:
That image you posted showing the Traders receipt or order or whatever it is and the address typed up, what exactly is that? Was that sent into the company from the customer to place the order or is it some kind of receipt generated by the company?
It's the internal order invoice created by Seaport Traders on 3/13/63. It's the equivalent of Waldman Exhibit No. 7 for the Klein's/Rifle order. (I find it hard to believe you don't already know this information.)
It's the internal order invoice created by Seaport Traders on 3/13/63. It's the equivalent of Waldman Exhibit No. 7 for the Klein's/Rifle order. (I find it hard to believe you don't already know this information.)
Do you agree that, by themselves, these two documents, and Waldman 7, have very little to none evidentiary value, as they are merely internal documents with no direct relation to Oswald?
Do you agree that, by themselves, these two documents, and Waldman 7, have very little to no evidentiary value, as they are merely internal documents with no direct relation to Oswald?
Dear Marty,
Just curious.
If Joe Blow had ordered guns from the same companies (or ones like them), would you expect them to create a document or documents showing or proving a "direct relationship" with Mr. Blow? And what do you mean by "direct relationship" in this context, anyway?
A Xerox of the money order, check, or ...?
Isn't the purchaser's name and mailing address on the documents good enough, especially if the company reasonably assumed that the post office would ensure that only that person would be allowed to collect the package?
-- MWT ;)
David, thanks for clarifying. That's what I thought but just wanted to make sure. I do find it interesting how they're filled out and yet the name and address is stamped onto them and not filled out like the rest of the entries on it.
I mean, what are the odds that these companies are taking in hundreds if not thousands of orders and what did Judy in the office do - create a stamp for every single customer?
It'd be interesting to see what John Smith's and Harry Davis's internal paperwork looked like - the ones before and after this one.
The gun was sent COD, collect on delivery. $10 deposit, the rest paid on delivery. Where is the COD receipt?
The gun was sent COD, collect on delivery. $10 deposit, the rest paid on delivery. Where is the COD receipt?
Was a COD receipt required? Were they even standard for REA or Seaport?
Mr. BALL. Is there anything in your files which shows that the Railway Express did remit to you the $19.95?
Mr. MICHAELIS. The fact that the exhibit number--may I see this green one?
Mr. BALL. Five.
Mr. MICHAELIS. Was attached to the red copy of the invoice.
Mr. BALL. Red copy of the invoice being----
Mr. MICHAELIS. No; was attached to the red copy of the invoice, exhibit number----
Mr. BALL. Two.
Mr. MICHAELIS. Indicates that the money was received.
It would be nice to have a color photo of Michaelis Exhibit #2.
Isn’t it interesting that in both cases, the serial numbers are handwritten in on otherwise typed forms?
Isn’t it interesting that in both cases, the serial numbers are handwritten in on otherwise typed forms?
Dear John,
Yes, it's absolutely fascinating!
What it absolutely screams is that it really was a Military Industrial Intelligence Community Complex c-o-n-s-p-i-r-a-c-y all after all, with hundreds (if not thousands!) of people involved!
-- MWT ;)
...the name and address is stamped onto them and not filled out like the rest of the entries on it. I mean, what are the odds that these companies are taking in hundreds if not thousands of orders and what did Judy in the office do - create a stamp for every single customer?
The name & address on both forms isn't a "stamp". It's typewritten.
Ah, OK, thanks David. I thought it was a stamp because it's pretty badly misaligned, like it was stamped on. I guess it was a rush job and they typed in the name and address at a later date. If you look at it, everything else is lined up nicely except the address.
I still find it interesting how that one form is such a hodge-podge of handwritten and typed up stuff. It'd be really neat to see what the forms looked like 4 or 5 back and after this one, to see if those, too, were such a hodge-podge of handwritten and [crooked] typed up. And as John I. says, it's also interesting how the SN is written in and everything else is typed up. If nothing else you have to ask - what the hell was going on in the orders department LOL?
Was Judy and the gang scribbling in everything that's coming in, then perhaps at the end of the week, their KGB-linked Russian office manager Valeri told them to go back and type in the name and address of each one? Perhaps Valeri didn't quite know which one was going to be the one 8 months ahead of time to pull for his KGB moles to pass on to the FBI so LHO would be the accused assassin - LOL.
Mr. BALL. Is there anything in your files which shows that the Railway Express did remit to you the $19.95?
Mr. MICHAELIS. The fact that the exhibit number--may I see this green one?
Mr. BALL. Five.
Mr. MICHAELIS. Was attached to the red copy of the invoice.
Mr. BALL. Red copy of the invoice being----
Mr. MICHAELIS. No; was attached to the red copy of the invoice, exhibit number----
Mr. BALL. Two.
Mr. MICHAELIS. Indicates that the money was received.
It would be nice to have a color photo of Michaelis Exhibit #2.
That shows the amount of the COD was paid from one company to another.
What I'm looking for is the receipt that shows LHO paid the COD amount.
Ever order something COD? Not too common these days. When the package is delivered to the original customer generally
the shipper wants a receipt signed by the person receiving it. The buyer pays the COD amount and signs a receipt indicating the amount
paid and that the package was received. Both party's get a copy.
Considering the stuff found amongst LHO's personnel effects one expects such a receipt would have been there.
Besides, “paid” is written in on the line that says “excise tax”.
Who wrote the delivery information on the green document?
Besides, “paid” is written in on the line that says “excise tax”.
Wowie zowie!
Great find!
-- MWT ;)
Besides, “paid” is written in on the line that says “excise tax”.
There wasn't an excise tax.
There wasn't an excise tax.
Of course there was. It was paid [presumably] by the supplier.
Who wrote the delivery information on the green document?
No one will ever know.
What it absolutely screams is that it really was a Military Industrial Intelligence Community Complex c-o-n-s-p-i-r-a-c-y all after all, with hundreds (if not thousands!) of people involved!
Dozens anyway.
Paperwork for pistol and rifle f'd up. Told ya.
True Adventures. The case of the boiled bride. It’s interesting to find out what Marxist intellectuals like to read.
Solving the Mystery of Oswald’s Seaport Trader Order (https://jfkfiles.blogspot.com/2020/06/solving-mystery-of-oswalds-seaport.html?fbclid=IwAR0ET99izrUtysA8KPvi_sSVnBY5MobXJMyl8YvA7EIeR-21Il6J0xKvBNc)
Edited to provide the direct link for the proper format.
Thanks Tim, this officially puts to rest the silly arguments that the coupon description was for a different revolver.
Thanks Tim, this officially puts to rest the silly arguments that the coupon description was for a different revolver.
I can't take any real credit for it John. Other than lighting a fire under Steve Roe and a couple of others. Roe called it the find of a decade. I won't go that far but it is a rather big one.
I can't take any real credit for it John. Other than lighting a fire under Steve Roe and a couple of others. Roe called it the find of a decade. I won't go that far but it is a rather big one.
It would be nice if Caprio was still around, because now that we can see the ad that accompanies the coupon there is no need to make wild speculation. For instance just 1 example, the "St. W." was obviously someone who misinterpreted someone else's shorthand of "S + W", but Caprio was never impressed with my LNer interpretation of the evidence and instead insisted that "St. W." was for some other weapon which unfortunately was never identified. Go figure.
It would be nice if Caprio was still around, because now that we can see the ad that accompanies the coupon there is no need to make wild speculation. For instance just 1 example, the "St. W." was obviously someone who misinterpreted someone else's shorthand of "S + W", but Caprio was never impressed with my LNer interpretation of the evidence and instead insisted that "St. W." was for some other weapon which unfortunately was never identified. Go figure.
I have a way of letting him know. I might just do that.
For instance just 1 example, the "St. W." was obviously someone who misinterpreted someone else's shorthand of "S + W",
“Obviously”. ::)
“Obviously”. ::)
Yep, obviously and guess what, as per usual, I was absolutely 100% correct. Sorry bout ruining your dreams, Troll!
Yep, obviously and guess what, as per usual, I was absolutely 100% correct. Sorry bout ruining your dreams, Troll!
“Mytton” is under the delusion that the advertisement somehow demonstrates that “someone misinterpreted someone else’s shorthand”.
“Mytton” is under the delusion that the advertisement somehow demonstrates that “someone misinterpreted someone else’s shorthand”.
Why are you still arguing, you lost!
"St. W." = "S & W"
Yep, obviously and guess what, as per usual, I was absolutely 100% correct. Sorry bout ruining your dreams, Troll!
Is John Mytton your real name?
Is John Mytton your real name?
Is your avatar photo, a photo of you?
It would be nice if Caprio was still around, because now that we can see the ad that accompanies the coupon there is no need to make wild speculation.
Start a petition to bring him back? Would get my vote.
Start a petition to bring him back?
Sure, go ahead and let's see what happens.
Is your avatar photo, a photo of you?
Is your name really John Mytton?
Is your avatar photo, a photo of you?
As you well know, we are offered choices of avatar photos.
As you well know, we are offered choices of avatar photos.
You do know that you can upload your own photo, don't you?
Is your name really John Mytton?
Anyone who uses their real name and photo is a fool but if your name is really John Tonkovich then good luck to you because personally I couldn't give a fcuk!
Is your name really John Mytton?
Anyone who uses their real name and photo is a fool but if your name is really John Tonkovich then good luck to you because personally I couldn't give a fcuk!
So, John Mytton isn't you real name after all?
So, John Mytton isn't you real name after all?
My name is John Mytton as much as Roger Collins is yours.
My name is John Mytton as much as Roger Collins is yours.
Well, my name isn't Roger Collins .............
Well, my name isn't Roger Collins .............
Ok here's 20 cents, go ring someone who cares.
Ok here's 20 cents, go ring someone who cares.
Great, is that US or Australian cents?
Great, is that US or Australian cents?
So, you're still pretending to be from Australia? Got it!
So, you're still pretending to be from Australia? Got it!
Damn it you caught me out, how did you know I was only pretending?
Damn it you caught me out, how did you know I was only pretending?
I've known that for a long time. Isn't it about your bedtime?
The name & address on both forms isn't a "stamp". It's typewritten.
Gosh, I guess you gave up on this thread, huh, Dave? LOL !! What hath Oliver wrought?
Why are you still arguing, you lost!
"St. W." = "S & W"
Because a guy with a fake name said that it's "obvious"?
You do know that you can upload your own photo, don't you?
Does Rodney Dangerfield?
As you well know, we are offered choices of avatar photos.
Mine at least means something
Mine at least means something
Too bad the same can't be said about anything you post
Too bad the same can't be said about anything you post
Dear Marty,
Do you agree with Jim "Carnival Barker" Garrinson, Oliver "I Admire Putin and My Son Works for RT!" Stone, and James "Jumbo Duh" DiEugenio that JFK was murdered by the evil, evil, evil CIA?
-- MWT ;)
Too bad the same can't be said about anything you post
(http://www.russianwomendiscussion.com/Smileys/default2/Clapping.gif) But with that guy you are unfortunately...(http://www.russianwomendiscussion.com/Smileys/default2/deadhorsebeat_2.gif)
I've known that for a long time. Isn't it about your bedtime?
No worries, but I must exist somewhere on this planet, can you tell me where?
Does Rodney Dangerfield?
What a stupid question, he dead!
Because a guy with a fake name
Yeah, says the guy who uses a cartoon avatar. Hilarious!
said that it's "obvious"?
The proofs in the pudding, there was never a St. W." and the annals of history show that my deductive reasoning skills were absolutely correct, I am the Champion and we have no time for losers.
No worries, but I must exist somewhere on this planet, can you tell me where?
Nope... I can only guess, but it seems to me it must be in a time zone where you do not have to get up in the middle of the night "to watch a NFL game".
Btw, I'm not so sure why you "must exist"
Yeah, says the guy who uses a cartoon avatar. Hilarious!
The proofs in the pudding, there was never a St. W." and the annals of history show that my deductive reasoning skills were absolutely correct, I am the Champion and we have no time for losers.
Yeah, says the guy who uses a cartoon avatar. Hilarious!
A cartoon that was given to him by another member of this forum. He is using it as a batch of honor! He used to use his own photo.
I am the Champion and we have no time for losers.
It has always been obvious that you are just as insecure and narcissistic as Trump is. No need to display it again. Besides, you are not fooling anybody
Nope... I can only guess,
Well that explains everything, what a goose!
Well that explains everything, what a goose!
If you want a firm answer, I'll have to order an investigation to find out.
Do you want me to do that? It's easier than you think...
If you want a firm answer, I'll have to order an investigation to find out.
Do you want me to do that? It's easier than you think...
Sure go ahead and "order an investigation, I've always wanted to know where I live. -snigger-
Do you want me to do that?
It's easier than you think...
No kidding, you've already been fully investigated and you're just an unemployed loser, "Manager of managers" My ass Hahaha!
Sure go ahead and "order an investigation, I've always wanted to know where I live. -snigger-
No kidding, you've already been fully investigated and you're just an unemployed loser, "Manager of managers" My ass Hahaha!
Sure go ahead and "order an investigation
As you wish
you're just an unemployed loser
Your ego won't agree, but it's never a good thing to use bluff, speculation and BS to underestimate an opponent.
Btw, "Johnny"... people who need to call themselves "the champion" usually aren't.
Sure go ahead and "order an investigation
As you wish
you're just an unemployed loser
Your ego won't agree, but it's never a good thing to use bluff, speculation and BS to underestimate an opponent.
YAWN! As if an unemployed loser who still lives with his mother is any kind of threat at all and let's let everyone know that I've encouragingly replied to your threats a thousand times to fully investigate me and a decade later you're still making the same claims.
Anyway, maybe this time you can actually follow through and tell me where I live?
YAWN! As if an unemployed loser who still lives with his mother is any kind of threat at all and let's let everyone know that I've encouragingly replied to your threats a thousand times to fully investigate me and a decade later you're still making the same claims.
Anyway, maybe this time you can actually follow through and tell me where I live?
As if an unemployed loser who still lives with his mother is any kind of threat at all
That would be hilarious, if it wasn't for the fact that my mother died 18 years ago...
So much for your "investigation"......But it shows just how low you will go.....
let's let everyone know that I've encouragingly replied to your threats a thousand times to fully investigate me
Post one link where this actually happened or expose yourself as the liar you are.... your choice
a decade later you're still making the same claims.
I haven't had the displeasure of dealing with you for a decade..... care to try again?
As if an unemployed loser who still lives with his mother is any kind of threat at all
That would be hilarious, if it wasn't for the fact that my mother died 18 years ago...
So much for your "investigation"......But it shows just how low you will go.....
let's let everyone know that I've encouragingly replied to your threats a thousand times to fully investigate me
Post one link where this actually happened or expose yourself as the liar you are.... your choice
a decade later you're still making the same claims.
I haven't had the displeasure of dealing with you for a decade..... care to try again?
Martin, you know how I can tell you're lying, your mouth is moving.
Anyway, you wanted to do an investigation and I give you FULL permission to do so, why are you waiting?
Btw your claims were on the old site and are unfortunately irretrievable but the ball is now in your court and as I have told you a bazillion times, just go ahead investigate me, or just crawl back under your rock as you have done every other time. K?
Martin, you know how I can tell you're lying, your mouth is moving.
Anyway, you wanted to do an investigation and I give you FULL permission to do so, why are you waiting?
Btw your claims were on the old site and are unfortunately irretrievable but the ball is now in your court and as I have told you a bazillion times, just go ahead investigate me, or just crawl back under your rock as you have done every other time. K?
Btw your claims were on the old site and are unfortunately irretrievable
Yeah right... how convenient. But aren't you the creepy paranoid guy who saves screenshots of just about every discussion?
Btw.. you clearly are clueless how such investigations work, because if you did you wouldn't be asking for instant results.
Yeah, says the guy who uses a cartoon avatar. Hilarious!
A cartoon made just for me by Jerry Organ, not a photo of a dead celebrity to go with your fake dead person's name.
The proofs in the pudding, there was never a St. W." and the annals of history show that my deductive reasoning skills were absolutely correct, I am the Champion and we have no time for losers.
Champion at claiming your speculations are facts.
A cartoon made just for me by Jerry Organ, not a photo of a dead celebrity to go with your fake dead person's name.
A cartoon made just for me...
It doesn't change the fact that you're hiding behind a cartoon, Hypocrite!
to go with your fake dead person's name.
Holy WOW Fatman. You googled my name and attempted to search the internet to discover exactly what about me?, how fcuking creepy and you wonder why I use a fake name. DUH!
Btw I asked whoever is posting here as "Iacoletti" to prove that the posts were actually done by "Iacoletti" but all I hear is a deafening silence, therefore if you can't prove that the "Iacoletti" posts were actually written by "Iacoletti" then that leaves whoever I'm interacting with, looking pretty stupid.
It doesn't change the fact that you're hiding behind a cartoon, Hypocrite!
I'm not "hiding". The drawing was based upon the real photo of me that I previously used as an avatar. All you've ever used are fake photos to go along with your fake name and your fake claims.
I'm not "hiding".
Sorry, but hiding behind a "cartoon" just proves you're a hypocrite.
Sorry, but hiding behind a "cartoon" just proves you're a hypocrite.
Wrong again, "Rodney". We've all seen what you consider "proof". Tell us again the one about how you singlehandedly proved that "someone misinterpreted someone else's shorthand". :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
WOW, Eight emoji's, "Iacoletti" or whatever your name is, you must be really serious.
Btw do you still see the Limo going backwards in Zapruder? you truly are the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks for the chuckles.
Btw do you still see the Limo going backwards in Zapruder? you truly are the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks for the chuckles.
That's not what I said.
You've never been good at this, yellow-blob-man. No wonder you refuse to put your real name on anything. Are you still lifting your material from Bugliosi and JFK Reloaded?
Everybody seems to be in somewhat of a rhyming mood around here lately.
I'll pitch in: I think Johnny Spaghetti is who he says he is.
'.38 St W' taken in context doesn't make sense
Given the gun nut nature of that form, it can only mean that 'S&W' was the intent
It's that well-known knockoff gun brand, Stmith Wesson.
It's that well-known knockoff gun brand, Stmith Wesson.
So a knock-off knocked off Tippit.
Thanks for the heads-up.
That's not what I said.
You've never been good at this, yellow-blob-man. No wonder you refuse to put your real name on anything. Are you still lifting your material from Bugliosi and JFK Reloaded?
That's not what I said.
Thanks for highlighting where you thought the Limo was going backwards! Thumb1:
You've never been good at this, yellow-blob-man
Hasn't the "Black Lives Matter" movement taught you anything, Racist! With that attitude it's pretty clear why your country is imploding.
No wonder you refuse to put your real name on anything.
I will if you will.
Are you still lifting your material from Bugliosi and JFK Reloaded?
I use whatever gets the job done and if that includes quoting the immortal words of Bugliosi then so be it.
WOW, Eight emoji's, "Iacoletti" or whatever your name is, you must be really serious.
Btw do you still see the Limo going backwards in Zapruder? you truly are the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks for the chuckles.
And again "Mytton" is posting at a time when it's the middle of the night down under....
He's either not in Australia or he's a useless night watchman who is wasting the boss' time by pretending to be a wanna be "Champion"....
And again "Mytton" is posting at a time when it's the middle of the night down under....
He's either not in Australia or he's a useless night watchman who is wasting the boss' time by pretending to be a wanna be "Champion"....
And again "Mytton" is posting at a time when it's the middle of the night down under....
So your previous conclusion that I was not in Australia was based on what time you perceive I should be posting? Well that level of deductive reasoning explains a lot!
He's either not in Australia or he's a useless night watchman who is wasting the boss' time by pretending to be a wanna be "Champion"....
Thanks for confirming the above.
Everybody seems to be in somewhat of a rhyming mood around here lately.
I'll pitch in: I think Johnny Spaghetti is who he says he is.
Bill that's not very nice, don't lower yourself to their standards.
So your previous conclusion that I was not in Australia was based on what time you perceive I should be posting? Well that level of deductive reasoning explains a lot!
Thanks for confirming the above.
It is of course completely "normal" for somebody to stay up night after night and post on a forum..... Must be a hell of a life.
Give it up, "John"... you are no more in Australia than I am.
Give it up, "John"... you are no more in Australia than I am.
I frankly couldn't give a stuff at what time and where you post from, but besides you being jealous that I live in the Lucky Country, I really don't understand your obsession on where I come from?
I frankly couldn't give a stuff at what time and where you post from, but besides you being jealous that I live in the Lucky Country, I really don't understand your obsession on where I come from?
Obsessed? Nah... it's just another proof that you are a fraud.
Remember the day when you went out and photographed an Australian newspaper (which could be bought anywhere in the world) to "prove" that you were really in Australia? Now, that was fun, wasn't it?
Obsessed? Nah... it's just another proof that you are a fraud.
Remember the day when you went out and photographed an Australian newspaper (which could be bought anywhere in the world) to "prove" that you were really in Australia? Now, that was fun, wasn't it?
Obsessed? Nah... it's just another proof that you are a fraud.
When do you supply the proof?
Remember the day when you went out and photographed an Australian newspaper (which could be bought anywhere in the world) to "prove" that you were really in Australia? Now, that was fun, wasn't it?
Huh? I posted the Sunday newspaper when the Northern hemisphere was still SaPersonay, and besides the newspaper itself there was also other evidence that the photo was taken in Australia but too bad you couldn't see the forest for the trees.
When do you supply the proof?
Huh? I posted the Sunday newspaper when the Northern hemisphere was still SaPersonay, and besides the newspaper itself there was also other evidence that the photo was taken in Australia but too bad you couldn't see the forest for the trees.
When do you supply the proof?
You are doing fine by yourself....
Huh? I posted the Sunday newspaper when the Northern hemisphere was still SaPersonay, and besides the newspaper itself there was also other evidence that the photo was taken in Australia but too bad you couldn't see the forest for the trees.
Yeah yeah... bla bla bla... I fell off my chair laughing.... it was so desperate and sad at the same time.
Yeah yeah... bla bla bla... I fell off my chair laughing.... it was so desperate and sad at the same time.
You made an allegation and as usual I proved you wrong, sorry bout that.
Btw it kinda reminds me of when you went on a so called train travelling "European Holiday" with "friends" but still found time to debate JFK constantly and then continued to update us to what you pretending you were doing, what a loser!
You made an allegation and as usual I proved you wrong, sorry bout that.
Btw it kinda reminds me of when you went on a so called train travelling "European Holiday" with "friends" but still found time to debate JFK constantly and then continued to update us to what you were doing, what a loser!
You made an allegation and as usual I proved you wrong, sorry bout that.
With a photo of a newspaper? Don't think so.... but then, you consider the most pathetic things to be proof
Btw it kinda reminds me of when you went on a so called train travelling "European Holiday" with "friends" but still found time to debate JFK constantly and then continued to update us to what you were doing, what a loser!
More delusion. You're talking to the wrong person.....
You made an allegation and as usual I proved you wrong, sorry bout that.
With a photo of a newspaper?
Of course, I posted the Sunday newspaper when the other half of the world was SaPersonay and that's in addition to the unique Australian details in the background that further reinforced my location but at least now you're conceding that I took the photo because last time when presented with this irrefutable proof you made the paranoid claim that I had someone else take the photo.
And since we're talking about paranoia, hows your "investigation" into where I live going? You're a Loser on so many levels it's a scream!
Of course, I posted the Sunday newspaper when the other half of the world was SaPersonay and that's in addition to the unique Australian details in the background that further reinforced my location but at least now you're conceding that I took the photo because last time when presented with this irrefutable proof you made the paranoid claim that I had someone else take the photo.
And since we're talking about paranoia, hows your "investigation" into where I live going? You're a Loser on so many levels it's a scream!
Of course, I posted the Sunday newspaper when the other half of the world was SaPersonay and that's in addition to the unique Australian details in the background that further reinforced my location
"unique Australian details" LOL
For somebody who just claimed that he couldn't care less where I thought you lived, you are sure making a lot of effort to "prove" where you live....
It is so comical to watch
you made the paranoid claim that I had someone else take the photo.
That's still a possibility... and when other possibilities can not be eliminated the "proof" can never be irrefutable!
And since we're talking about paranoia, hows your "investigation" into where I live going?
I would have to ask the people that are doing it. It's my understanding they already got your IP, so you'll find out soon enough....
My name is John Mytton as much as Roger Collins is yours.
I sure miss old Roger Collins. If only he were with us now in these troubled times! Maybe Burke Devlin will join the forum soon and it will be like old times.
It's my understanding they already got your IP, so you'll find out soon enough....
Hilarious, you couldn't lie your way out of a wet paper bag. The instant that they had my IP the country of origin can be deduced immediately and btw is that all you got because you do know what a VPN is, don't you?
I sure miss old Roger Collins. If only he were with us now in these troubled times! Maybe Burke Devlin will join the forum soon and it will be like old times.
Says "Richard Smith" / "Bruce Campbell".
Hilarious, you couldn't lie your way out of a wet paper bag. The instant that they had my IP the country of origin can be deduced immediately and btw is that all you got because you do know what a VPN is, don't you?
Yes, I know what a VPN is... That's why I didn't say anything about the country of origin yet....
Are you so delusional as to believe that a VPN makes you completely untraceable? Just how naive are you? Let's wait and see what they come up with, shall we?
Yes, I know what a VPN is... That's why I didn't say anything about the country of origin yet....
Are you so delusional as to believe that a VPN makes you completely untraceable? Just how naive are you? Let's wait and see what they come up with, shall we?
I just googled my IP address and guess what, anyway don't trust me and let's see what your team of "investigators" comes up with.
I just googled my IP address and guess what, anyway don't trust me and let's see what your team of "investigators" comes up with.
Funny... ever heard of a VPN?
Even more funny.... why are you so desperately trying to prove that you are in Australia when you've just said you couldn't care less....
Even more funny.... why are you so desperately trying to prove that your are in Australia when you've just said you couldn't care less....
Wrong, I said I couldn't care less where you are posting from but I care very much about where I am posting from, I'm a proud Australian and as our coronavirus statistics will tell you we are also way smarter than the majority of the rest of the World.
Anyway we are all waiting with baited breath with what your crack team of "investigators" is going to come up with. This is so seriously ridiculous you couldn't make it up, you're a classic "Martin".
Wrong, I said I couldn't care less where you are posting from but I care very much about where I am posting from, I'm a proud Australian and as our coronavirus statistics will tell you we are also way smarter than the majority of the rest of the World.
Anyway we are all waiting with baited breath with what your crack team of "instigators" is going to come up with. This is so seriously ridiculous you couldn't make it up, you're a classic "Martin".
and as our coronavirus statistics will tell you we are also way smarter than the majority of the rest of the World.
Let's assume that by "our" you mean Australia, which has 287,98 covid-19 infections per 1 million people.
New Zealand has 232,56 per 1 million people, Indonesia has 160,20 per 1 million people. Just about all the countries in Central Africa have less than 80 infections per 1 million people and China has 59,41 infections..... Are they all smarter than Australians?
So, how does having 297,98 infections per 1 million people make the Australians smarter than the majority of the world? Seems Australia simply has less people per square mile than the USA and Europe and covid-19 isn't easily going to spread in the outback, is it now?....
Anyway we are all waiting with baited breath with what your crack team of "instigators" is going to come up with.
Who are "we"? Why do you think it's a team? What makes you think I have "instigators" looking into it? Why are you so worried, "Johnny"?
and as our coronavirus statistics will tell you we are also way smarter than the majority of the rest of the World.
Let's assume that by "our" you mean Australia, which has 287,98 covid-19 infections per 1 million people.
New Zealand has 232,56 per 1 million people, Indonesia has 160,20 per 1 million people. Just about all the countries in Central Africa have less than 80 infections per 1 million people and China has 59,41 infections..... Are they all smarter than Australians?
So, how does having 297,98 infections per 1 million people make the Australians smarter than the majority of the world? Seems Australia simply has less people per square mile than the USA and Europe and covid-19 isn't easily going to spread in the outback, is it now?....
Anyway we are all waiting with baited breath with what your crack team of "instigators" is going to come up with.
Who are "we"? Why do you think it's a team? What makes you think I have "instigators" looking into it? Why are you so worried, "Johnny"?
Counting China's coronavirus numbers shows just how out of touch with reality you really are. Btw we have a population of 15 million and so far we only have 102 deaths from coronavirus, how does your country compare?
and covid-19 isn't easily going to spread in the outback, is it now?....
What a bizarre statement, You really don't have a clue about the population density of Australia.
Why do you think it's a team?
I was clearly being sarcastic, I exposed you within the first couple of posts.
What makes you think I have "instigators" looking into it?
I was auto-corrected with "instigators" and it was corrected to "investigators" way before your post, try again because your incompetence is very unbecoming.
Why are you so worried, "Johnny"?
What, me worry? I am just enjoying watching your desperation to make some sort of case against me.
Btw You haven't added anything new for your last dozen posts, so I'll just put you back on ignore till you can come up with something relevant.
Counting China's coronavirus numbers shows just how out of touch with reality you really are. Btw we have a population of 15 million and so far we only have 102 deaths from coronavirus, how does your country compare?
What a bizarre statement, You really don't have a clue about the population density of Australia.
I was clearly being sarcastic, I exposed you within the first couple of posts.
I was auto-corrected with "instigators" and it was corrected to "investigators" way before your post, try again because your incompetence is very unbecoming.
What, me worry? I am just enjoying watching your desperation to make some sort of case against me.
Btw You haven't added anything new for your last dozen posts, so I'll just put you back on ignore till you can come up with something relevant.
Counting China's coronavirus numbers shows just how out of touch with reality you really are.
Actually, including China only demonstrated just how pathetic your claim was.
I was clearly being sarcastic, I exposed you within the first couple of posts.
Just how delusional are you?
I was auto-corrected with "instigators" and it was corrected to "investigators" way before your post, try again because your incompetence is very unbecoming.
Sure, that's why it still says "instigators" in the quote I included in my post, which btw was actually written 9 minutes prior to your edit.... Just saying
Btw, you've got a weird auto-correct because when I write "investigators" it doesn't correct at all.... perhaps it wasn't an auto-correct issue after all..
What, me worry? I am just enjoying watching your desperation to make some sort of case against me.
Oh poor "Johnny".... I'm not trying to make some sort of case against you. I'm just going to expose you as the liar we all know you are... That's all
Taking the self-proclaimed "Champion"down is going to be fun!
Btw You haven't added anything new for your last dozen posts, so I'll just put you back on ignore till you can come up with something relevant.
Great stuff... You just run.... not having to deal with you and your crap makes life a lot more pleasant....
not having to deal with you and your crap makes life a lot more pleasant....
Well that is relevant and requires a response.
not having to deal with you and your crap makes life a lot more pleasant...
Huh, as usual that doesn't make the least bit of sense, I initially didn't respond to you but out of the blue you approached me first with some off topic strange and still not proved accusation, so the only person to blame for any unpleasantness has always been you and the fact that you knowingly pursued a trail that you knew would lead to an unpleasant life simply shows us all that you are not all there.
Well that is relevant and requires a response.
Huh, as usual that doesn't make the least bit of sense, I initially didn't respond to you but out of the blue you approached me first with some off topic strange and still not proved accusation, so the only person to blame for any unpleasantness has always been you and the fact that you knowingly pursued a trail that you knew would lead to an unpleasant life simply shows us all that you are not all there.
Hey, what happened to the "ignore" thing? So, something that makes no sense to you is somehow relevant? Well, that truly doesn't make sense?
as usual that doesn't make the least bit of sense
Of course it makes sense. My comment related to all the times I've had to displeasure of dealing with you.
Are you so dumb that you don't understand that?
but out of the blue you approached me first with some off topic strange and still not proved accusation
Really? I asked you a question...
Is your name really John Mytton?
Anyone who uses their real name and photo is a fool but if your name is really John Tonkovich then good luck to you because personally I couldn't give a fcuk!
So, John Mytton isn't you real name after all?
so what was the "off topic strange and still not proved accusation" ?
as usual that doesn't make the least bit of sense
Of course it makes sense. My comment related to all the times I've had to displeasure of dealing with you.
Are you so dumb that you don't understand that?
Thanks for admitting that you feel that dealing with me is an unpleasant experience, so I have to ask why would you interact with me at all are you a glutton for punishment?
Thanks for admitting that you feel that dealing with me is an unpleasant experience, so I have to ask why would you interact with me at all are you a glutton for punishment?
It might be an unpleasant experience, but somebody has to ensure that you don't mislead people with lies and misrepresentations....
It's a bit like taking out the trash.
It might be an unpleasant experience, but somebody has to ensure that you don't mislead people with lies and misrepresentations....
It's a bit like taking out the trash.
But the unpleasant experience that you subjected yourself to had nothing to do with the topic, for some obscure reason you consider my living in Australia to be a lie and a misrepresentation which somehow damages my credibility, so I'm not going to let this go until you are forced to admit this silly unwarranted accusation is just another "Martin" fabrication.
But the unpleasant experience that you subjected yourself to had nothing to do with the topic, for some obscure reason you consider my living in Australia to be a lie and a misrepresentation which somehow damages my credibility, so I'm not going to let this go until you are forced to admit this silly unwarranted accusation is just another "Martin" fabrication.
Boy, the things you consider to be relevant are really pathetic.
you consider my living in Australia to be a lie and a misrepresentation which somehow damages my credibility
I never said it was a misrepresentation and you haven't got any credibility to damage. Beyond that, you are on the mark.
I'm not going to let this go until you are forced to admit this silly unwarranted accusation is just another "Martin" fabrication.
As it isn't a "silly unwarranted accusation" it can not be a fabrication. It really is very simple; I just don't believe a word you say, which isn't hard to understand as you are already on record basically saying that you have been lying about your name for years.
Boy, the things you consider to be relevant are really pathetic.
you consider my living in Australia to be a lie and a misrepresentation which somehow damages my credibility
I never said it was a misrepresentation and you haven't got any credibility to damage. Beyond that, you are on the mark.
I'm not going to let this go until you are forced to admit this silly unwarranted accusation is just another "Martin" fabrication.
As it isn't a "silly unwarranted accusation" it can not be a fabrication. I just don't believe a word you say, it's as simple as that.
Well "Martin" for the record, that post was irrelevant. Try again.
EDIT Now that you've edited your post, I'll edit mine.
as you are already on record basically saying that you have been lying about your name for years.
Wow, your best example of my lying is something that you basically can't prove? Hilarious!
Well "Martin" for the record, that post was irrelevant. Try again.
You were going to ignore me, unless my post was relevant, yet here you are responding to a post you call irrelevant.....
You are really one confused puppy
You were going to ignore me, unless my post was relevant, yet here you are responding to a post you call irrelevant.....
You are really one confused puppy
Pay close attention, You edited your post 36 seconds before I posted my response and after I saw the new additional relevant comments I responded.
In future stop adding additional information and you can avoid this embarrassment.
Pay close attention, You edited your post 36 seconds before I posted my response and after I saw the new additional relevant comments I responded.
In future stop adding additional information and you can avoid this embarrassment.
In future wait a bit longer before you reply instead of being so desperate to instantly respond to everything I say.....
In future wait a bit longer before you reply instead of being so desperate to instantly respond to everything I say.....
You've been following me around like a bad smell, responding to everything I say on multiple threads so perhaps if you took greater care in your posts you wouldn't have this problem.
You've been following me around like a bad smell, responding to everything I say on multiple threads so perhaps if you took greater care in your posts you wouldn't have this problem.
I thought you were ignoring me.... You have a strange way of doing that
I thought you were ignoring me.... You have a strange way of doing that
Another Weizmann misrepresentation, I said I was going to ignore irrelevant off topic responses.
But what is more of a concern is that you said dealing with me was "unpleasant" yet you're charging full steam ahead and like a delusional groupie have been responding to everything I've said. Thanks for all the attention.
Another Weizmann misrepresentation, I said I was going to ignore irrelevant off topic responses.
But what is more of a concern is that you said dealing with me was "unpleasant" yet you're charging full steam ahead and like a delusional groupie have been responding to everything I've said. Thanks for all the attention.
I said I was going to ignore irrelevant off topic responses.
So, now you consider everything I say to be relevant and on topic? Works for me....
But what is more of a concern is that you said dealing with me was "unpleasant" yet you're charging full steam ahead and like a delusional groupie have been responding to everything I've said.
Sure, it's unpleasant to deal with you, but then your stupidity is kinda funny too, in a weird sort a way, and messing with you and your ego is so easy....
Is "Mytton" done trolling the thread yet? Can we get back to discussing the Seaport Trader coupon?
Another Weizmann misrepresentation, I said ...........
Member's must address fellow Forum members by their Forum username at all times.
You've been following me around like a bad smell ...........
When you have one...easy to do :D