JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Gerry Down on June 11, 2020, 12:04:54 AM
How come you don’t see any black JFK researchers at JFK conferences?
The only black JFK researcher I can think of off the top of my mind is Michael Brownlow. Even though I don’t agree with his theories, at least he goes out and tries to find and interview witnesses which is more than can be said for alot of the fakers at these conferences. Has he (and other black JFK researchers) even been invited to any of the JFK conferences to speak by the organizers of these events?
Abraham Bolden is the only person i can think of who i've seen speak at a conference. But he is the first african-american secret service agent hand-picked by JFK himself. Does a black person have to be of that stature before being invited?
Abraham Bolden ...is the first african-american secret service agent hand-picked by JFK himself.
Could have contributed to the presidents demise.
How many black FBI investigators did Hoover have?
Clue----Hoover also personally intervened to prevent federal prosecutions against the Ku Klux Klan members responsible for the terrorist bombing attack against the 16th Street Baptist Church.[72] By May 1965, local investigators and the FBI had identified the perpetrators of the bombing
Respondents’ beliefs about President John F. Kennedy’s death, according to a poll conducted Oct. 17-20, 2017
Black respondents [76%] believe that there was a conspiracy ....the highest number of all Americans followed closely by Hispanics [72%]-----
Could have contributed to the presidents demise.
How could Bolden have contributed to JFKs demise?
Dick Gregory comes to mind.
Mae Brussell in one of her radio shows (which I cant find) described why there were so many Jewish JFK assassination researchers. She described her own research awakening, the CIA bringing Gen. Reinhard Gehlen over to USA after the war, as the starting point for her JFK assassination study. She claims to have plotted the time-line of the rise of nazism in USA right up to 'the big event'. That JFK's assassination was the takeover of these nazi forces. And apparently, she wasn't alone, that many of the 1st generation JFK researchers who were Jewish used to regularly meet up, she learned they had also paying close attention to ex nazis given key roles in USA's military/political infrastructure. These early Jewish researchers had come to the same conclusion as Mae Brussell -- the assassination of JFK was a nazism takeover.
I would imagine most black folks in USA had long before concluded USA had become like a nazi hell hole. What will be, will be.
How could Bolden have contributed to JFKs demise?
Duh...You are the one that started the racist stuff so think about it.
Picking Bolden [I wrote 'Could Have contributed'] because of racism in the government.
Look at the Warren Commission...how many blacks were appointed to it?
Instead of asking about racism, the original poster here should have instead asked if there are any biased researchers regarding the case. That's one of the biggest problems with this case. Folks who have been paid for their work - the Dale Myers and Gerald Posner's of the world - are most probably not biased. They do it simply for the paycheck.
But those who don't get paid and just will not see the light on the discrepancies of this case are definitely biased. My hunch is because they loath the Kennedys in general - too rich, too this, too that - they simply are blinded by jealousy or whatever to see the case for what it is.
Put another way, if it was *their* relative who'd gotten their head blown off while driving down the street, you can be sure they'd be all over the case.
Am I correct in assuming your question to be inclusive of both believers and non-believers?
Instead of asking about racism, the original poster here should have instead asked if there are any biased researchers regarding the case. That's one of the biggest problems with this case. Folks who have been paid for their work - the Dale Myers and Gerald Posner's of the world - are most probably not biased. They do it simply for the paycheck.
But those who don't get paid and just will not see the light on the discrepancies of this case are definitely biased. My hunch is because they loath the Kennedys in general - too rich, too this, too that - they simply are blinded by jealousy or whatever to see the case for what it is.
Put another way, if it was *their* relative who'd gotten their head blown off while driving down the street, you can be sure they'd be all over the case.
You're full of beans.
Am I correct in assuming your question to be inclusive of both believers and non-believers?
What a stupid thread.
Hint: Racism is systemic in America.
-- MWT ;)