JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Gerry Down on June 21, 2020, 05:12:58 AM

Title: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Gerry Down on June 21, 2020, 05:12:58 AM
What did LBJ mean when he said the CIA was Gerald Fords "shop" in appointing him to the Warren Commission panel?

Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Alan J. Ford on June 21, 2020, 03:24:34 PM
A rather intriguing & interesting question there, Mr. Down, certainly worth a much closer examination. To that end, I'll delve into researching Mr. Ford's Congressional Committees prior to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to determine IF there was any relationship--remote or otherwise--with procuring funds and/or running interference for the Agency from his early years in Congress (late 1940's--1963).

Given that he is the only person in American history to serve as both a non-elected vice-president & president, we have to wonder if he was rewarded with those positions for his complicity in aiding in a cover-up (amazing what some people will do for 30 pieces of silver). Not sure if Mr. Ford falls into that category or not. At least Senator Frank Church (RIP), the namesake of the Church-Committee made a good faith effort to hold the Agency accountable for their misdeeds; however, with the non-elected Ford in a position of major influence we are left to wonder if his "role" once again was to continue his interference from his days of "service" on the Warren Commission...

Again, let me be clear, for clarity sake, Mr. Ford is innocent until proven otherwise guilty, but what I'd give to know what he was thinking precisely at the moment he avoids making eye-contact with the camera-lenses in the video-image you shared, while looking sideways over towards Mr. Dulles?  Was Allen Welsh Dulles his puppet-master?

Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 21, 2020, 07:13:15 PM
...keep me up to date
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Alan J. Ford on June 21, 2020, 08:13:14 PM
Brief excerpt, courtesy of the Gerald Ford Foundation, chronicling his years in Congress...

1955-56: Ford continues to serve on the Appropriations Committee in the House, and in 1956 is appointed to the Intelligence Subcommittee, which oversees the CIA’s budget. He serves on this subcommittee for ten years and learns of programs such as U-2 and Bay of Pigs.

A full decade is certainly enough time to ensure a blank-check is always available to the Agency, while "overseeing" their budget. Did Mr. Ford forge a bond with Allen Welsh Dulles over that ten year period & beyond?

Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Mike Orr on June 21, 2020, 08:34:02 PM
Gerald ' Let's just move the back bullet entrance up to the base of the neck ' Ford ! Oh my , it looks like we have a Magic Bullet ' ! Ford was said to have told J. Edgar Hoover everything that was being talked about at the Warren Commission meetings . If the ' We did it CIA had been pushed by the FBI for the truth ( which was not going to happen ) due to the fact that LBJ and Hoover were ' So Called Friends ' and GHW Bush was spinning his top in the CIA , so both agencies had to eat a little crow while being complicit with each other . Those who believe LH Oswald was a lone assassin of JFK and Tippit are drinking very cheap wine !
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 21, 2020, 08:50:03 PM
Gerald ' Let's just move the back bullet entrance up to the base of the neck ' Ford ! Oh my , it looks like we have a Magic Bullet ' ! Ford was said to have told J. Edgar Hoover everything that was being talked about at the Warren Commission meetings . If the ' We did it CIA had been pushed by the FBI for the truth ( which was not going to happen ) due to the fact that LBJ and Hoover were ' So Called Friends ' and GHW Bush was spinning his top in the CIA , so both agencies had to eat a little crow while being complicit with each other . Those who believe LH Oswald was a lone assassin of JFK and Tippit are drinking very cheap wine !
Those who believe LH Oswald was a lone assassin of JFK and Tippit are drinking very cheap wine Kool-Aid.
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Thomas Graves on June 22, 2020, 12:23:57 AM
Those who believe LH Oswald was a lone assassin of JFK and Tippit are drinking very cheap wine Kool-Aid.

Yuk Yuk Yuk.

That's your best one yet, Gerald!

(Btw, are you still lickin' the self-avowed Marxist's you-know-what?)

--  MWT  ;)
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Mike Orr on September 22, 2021, 12:33:21 AM
Was Gerald Ford the " Mole " who kept J. Edgar Hoover on top of what the Warren Commission was talking about . Who told Ford that it would be " OK " to move the back wound up so the " Lone Bullet theory would line up a little better ( which it didn't ) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Mike Orr on May 29, 2022, 06:31:43 AM
Did Gerald Ford move the back entrance wound up to the base of the neck so as to try to make a case for the "Single Bullet Theory" which was said to have gone through JFK and through John Connally and end up in JC's left thigh and where that bullet was never removed . CE 399 should be in JC's left thigh but since that slug was not removed from his thigh , then how could that slug have been in JC's thigh and also be found on the gurney . CE 399 could not be found on the gurney since it was in JC's left thigh . CE 399 could not be in two places at the same time ! They could not explain why the bullet on the gurney had a pointed tip on the bullet but somehow that pointed tip turned into a rounded slug !   
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Alan J. Ford on May 31, 2022, 04:41:55 PM
Did Gerald Ford move the back entrance wound up to the base of the neck so as to try to make a case for the "Single Bullet Theory" which was said to have gone through JFK and through John Connally and end up in JC's left thigh and where that bullet was never removed . CE 399 should be in JC's left thigh but since that slug was not removed from his thigh , then how could that slug have been in JC's thigh and also be found on the gurney . CE 399 could not be found on the gurney since it was in JC's left thigh . CE 399 could not be in two places at the same time ! They could not explain why the bullet on the gurney had a pointed tip on the bullet but somehow that pointed tip turned into a rounded slug !

An excellent point, Mr. Orr, like everything else in this flimsy case to Frame the wrongly-accused, the "evidence" is make-believe, manufactured and scripted.

The wrongly-accused did not shoot anybody. Anybody.
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Mike Orr on October 30, 2022, 03:52:14 AM
Who gave Gerald Ford the go-ahead to move JFK's back wound up to the base of the neck ?
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Gerry Down on October 31, 2022, 11:26:03 PM
Who gave Gerald Ford the go-ahead to move JFK's back wound up to the base of the neck ?

The facts did. The bullet grazed by the c7 vertibrae which is a bone of the neck. So it is technically accurate to say JFK was shot in the neck.
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: John Iacoletti on November 01, 2022, 12:42:25 AM
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Gerry Down on November 01, 2022, 05:10:09 PM
C7 is the neck. Ford was right.
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: John Iacoletti on November 01, 2022, 07:33:49 PM
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Jerry Freeman on November 01, 2022, 11:44:53 PM
Who gave Gerald Ford the go-ahead to move JFK's back wound up to the base of the neck ?
The facts did. 
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Richard Smith on November 02, 2022, 01:11:35 PM
No one can possibly believe Gerald Ford had the intellect to preside over the cover up of the assassination of JFK.  Or that LBJ, of all people, would select Ford for that purpose.  Nor is there a single iota of evidence to support that conclusion.  That is baseless tin foil hat nonsense even by the low standards of contrarian CTers. 
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Martin Weidmann on November 02, 2022, 10:21:21 PM
No one can possibly believe Gerald Ford had the intellect to preside over the cover up of the assassination of JFK.  Or that LBJ, of all people, would select Ford for that purpose.  Nor is there a single iota of evidence to support that conclusion.  That is baseless tin foil hat nonsense even by the low standards of contrarian CTers.

No one can possibly believe Gerald Ford had the intellect to preside over the cover up of the assassination of JFK.

Who said that he did?

Nor is there a single iota of evidence to support that conclusion.  That is baseless tin foil hat nonsense

Just like there isn't a single iota of evidence to support the conclusion that Oswald was on the 6th floor when the shots were fired and/or that he came down the stairs unnoticed within 75 seconds after the shots. That's just baseless tin foil hat nonsense as well, right?
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Michael Walton on November 03, 2022, 02:34:20 PM
Ford and others knew there was a conspiracy. He admitted as much but never went on the record publicly.

Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Jerry Freeman on November 03, 2022, 05:42:16 PM
No one can possibly believe Gerald Ford had the intellect to preside over the cover up of the assassination of JFK.  Or that LBJ, of all people, would select Ford for that purpose.
However...he had the intellect to become be rewarded president.
Just like the guy that's in there now...he was installed.
Just march lock-step and then they can chew gum too.
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Richard Smith on November 03, 2022, 06:21:38 PM
No one can possibly believe Gerald Ford had the intellect to preside over the cover up of the assassination of JFK.

LOL.  Sure no one has suggested that.
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Martin Weidmann on November 03, 2022, 06:41:05 PM
LOL.  Sure no one has suggested that.

I asked you who said that. You can't/won't even answer that question?

And stop altering my reply in your quote. This is the second time you did it. Next time I'll take it up with Duncan
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on November 03, 2022, 06:41:45 PM
LOL.  Sure no one has suggested that.
Having a law degree from Yale University, one of the top law schools in the world, is nothing to sneeze sneer not sneeze <g> at.

In any case, it's not the intellect it's the power and authority. Is Hoover going to be ordered to cover things up by Ford? Is the CIA? Justice Department? Hell, the Dallas Police Department? They'll just do it? Why? What happens if they say no? The "secret team" will kill them?

Who would have the sole power to control/direct/order all of done? In advance. Then carry it out. Then cover it up? What country do conspiracy believers think this was?

Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Richard Smith on November 03, 2022, 06:56:58 PM
I asked you who said that. You can't/won't even answer that question?

And stop altering my reply in your quote. This is the second time you did it. Next time I'll take it up with Duncan

You have really lost it.  I haven't altered your reply.  I quoted the portion that I was responding too. The dishonesty is solely yours.  You have falsely suggested that no one on this thread has claimed that Ford was working as part of a conspiracy to frame Oswald for the crime.  Every CTer who has posted here has made r implied this claim.  You are the only closet CTer too cowardly to admit that is the purpose of this discussion.
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on November 03, 2022, 07:05:39 PM
Conspirator recruiting drive conversation:

"Hey, we're going to kill Kennedy. He's too soft on the commies and civil rights. And he wants to leave Vietnam...."

"Okay, I'm in. How do get away with it? Won't it be investigated?"

"Sure, but Hoover and LBJ will handle it. And CIA controls the media."

"Okay, what happens after they're gone?"

"Don't worry, the next generation will cover it up. And ones after that. Media too. Reporters 20 and 30 years from now will cover it up."

"Right. I think I'll pass on the offer, thanks.
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Martin Weidmann on November 03, 2022, 07:08:50 PM
You have really lost it.  I haven't altered your reply.  I quoted the portion that I was responding too. The dishonestly is solely yours.  You have falsely suggested that no one on this thread has claimed that Ford was working as part of a conspiracy to frame Oswald for the crime.  Every CTer who has posted here has made r implied this claim.  You are the only closet CTer too cowardly to admit that is the purpose of this discussion.

I quoted the portion that I was responding too.

So you quoted your own words, that I had highlighted to respond to? And then you think I've lost it.... Hilarious.

You have falsely suggested that no one on this thread has claimed that Ford was working as part of a conspiracy to frame Oswald for the crime.

Really? Try to escape that fantasy world you seem to live in. You might get a sense of reality. I never suggested anything of the kind. I merely asked you who said it. If asking a question is the same to you as making a suggestion, then we are in desperate need of some men in white coats.

Every CTer who has posted here has made r implied this claim.

I have not made or implied any claim. Perhaps I'm not a CT after all....  :D

Btw; you said this;

No one can possibly believe Gerald Ford had the intellect to preside over the cover up of the assassination of JFK.

And I asked this question;

Who said that he did?

Are you going to answer it or are we getting another song and dance routine from you again?
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Richard Smith on November 03, 2022, 07:51:51 PM
I quoted the portion that I was responding too.

So you quoted your own words, that I had highlighted to respond to? And then you think I've lost it.... Hilarious.

LOL.  That's what you were asking about.  Are you really claiming that no CTer on this thread is implying that Ford was part of the cover up?  No one?  He just moved the location of the wound for the fun of it?  Who do you think you are fooling?  You and your kindred are here night and day making claims of a cover up of the "innocent" man.  Remember Oswald "didn't come down the stairs."  The only difference between CTers who post here and yourself is that they have the courage to admit they are CTers.  Whereas you are too cowardly to do so knowing how ridiculous and baseless the implications of your claims having any validity are.   Every single thread on this forum in which you interject yourself goes down the same rabbit hole. 
Title: Re: LBJ to Gerald Ford - "CIA is your shop"
Post by: Martin Weidmann on November 03, 2022, 08:18:39 PM
LOL.  That's what you were asking about.  Are you really claiming that no CTer on this thread is implying that Ford was part of the cover up?  No one?  He just moved the location of the wound for the fun of it?  Who do you think you are fooling?  You and your kindred are here night and day making claims of a cover up of the "innocent" man.  Remember Oswald "didn't come down the stairs."  The only difference between CTers who post here and yourself is that they have the courage to admit they are CTers.  Whereas you are too cowardly to do so knowing how ridiculous and baseless the implications of your claims having any validity are.   Every single thread on this forum in which you interject yourself goes down the same rabbit hole.

That's what you were asking about.

You didn't understand that? Wow...

Are you really claiming that no CTer on this thread is implying that Ford was part of the cover up?  No one? 

There you go again.... I'm not claiming anything. I'm merely asking a question. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

You and your kindred are here night and day making claims of a cover up of the "innocent" man.

Where have I ever made such a claim? Post a link to it and convince us all that you are not so far gone that your paranoid mind is seeing things that aren't there.

Btw; isn't the only way you can say who is on this forum "night and day" that you are also here "night and day" to make that determination? It's a mere theoretical question, of course, as this silly claim of yours is just as nonsensical as everything else that you post on this board.

Remember Oswald "didn't come down the stairs."

The available evidence supports that conclusion and, despite your protestations, you have been utterly unable to provide even a shred of evidence to prove the conclusion wrong? Remember that?

Every single thread on this forum in which you interject yourself goes down the same rabbit hole.

That's what happens when you ask an LN for an answer or a piece of evidence. They panic, make all sorts of stupid ad hom comments and run....

Let's try this again, shall we, if only to find out where the rabbit will run to next;

Who said that Gerald Ford had the intellect to preside over the cover up of the assassination of JFK and who said that he actually did preside over the cover up?

C'mon, Richard. For once try to back up a claim with some actual evidence.....