JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Rick Plant on July 16, 2020, 10:54:42 AM
We all know how Kennedy handled the Cuban Missile Crisis. What would have happened if we had a corrupt compromised idiot like Donald Trump at the helm? For starters, we know he would claim it "was all a hoax" and "it would magically go away". Americans would have been doomed and who knows what kind of disaster would have happened. One thing for sure, is the conservatives in 1960 would never have supported a vile corrupt pathological liar like Donald Trump as their nominee. People had intelligence and weren't brainwashed with a right wing hack media that pushes propaganda 24/7 which is state run television. Some people believe that former government officials had Russian connections, so Donald Trump isn't the only one with allegiance to Mother Russia. Thoughts?
Opinion: A new missile crisis is here, and Trump is no JFK
Would we have survived the Cuban missile crisis if Donald Trump had been president in 1962?
Trump's disregard for U.S. intelligence is increasingly risky as threats mount, from Iran and North Korea to climate change and Russian aggression
Millions of Americans could have been killed in a matter of minutes. That’s how terrifying it was during the Cuban missile crisis — easily the most frightening moment of the Cold War. The only reason we are here today is because President John F. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev were able to work together to avoid nuclear holocaust. And, it should be noted, it was a close call.
But what if, in October 1962, Donald Trump had been president? If he had said he didn’t trust the intelligence he was shown about Soviet missiles in Cuba? If he instead had said that he believed Soviet denials about not having any missiles? And what if he had harmed his relationship with the intelligence community from the beginning of his presidency by accusing its agents of Nazi-like behavior?
We ask such questions about Trump because his relationship with the U.S. intelligence community has been deeply rooted in hostility and paranoia from Day One. It’s perfectly normal for a president to push back against the IC and to question it. But Trump’s public, often belittling attacks on the experienced men and women who work to keep us safe reflects something different: an apparent lack of interest in, or respect for, data and analysis that fail to validate his preexisting views. Sen. Mark Warner, vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. put it best: “People risk their lives for the intelligence he just tosses aside on Twitter.”
And therein lies the danger to us all.
One example, especially pertinent now as tensions mount with Iran: Trump’s handpicked director of national intelligence — former Indiana Sen. Daniel Coats, a Republican — told Congress in January that Iran, while still a menace, was complying with the 2015 agreement designed to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons. Yet Trump believed what he wanted to believe.
The Intelligence people seem to be extremely passive and naive when it comes to the dangers of Iran,” he tweeted. “They are wrong!” He added an insult: “Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!”
What next, side with Japan on Pearl Harbor?
Nor does Trump buy U.S. intelligence on North Korea. He still seems to think Kim Jong Un will magically give up his nuclear weapons, even though the IC assessment doesn't see it that way.
Trump hasn’t caught on to the fact that Kim, the brutal leader of a tiny, impoverished country, is the one making demands now, giving the U.S. president until Dec. 31 to shape up and stop being “impracticable.” Trump once gushed like a giddy teenager about how he “fell in love” with Kim and now wants another date — a third summit. But the president doesn’t get that he has been dumped. His insistence that everything remains on track, all intelligence to the contrary, is not a prescription for wise policy.
Trump also says the Islamic State terrorist organization has been wiped out; his own intelligence chiefs say no: “ISIS still commands thousands of fighters in Iraq and Syria, and it maintains eight branches, more than a dozen networks, and thousands of dispersed supporters around the world.”
And Trump has famously said that climate change is a “hoax.” His own intelligence chiefs warn of “environmental and ecological degradation, as well as climate change,” that “are likely to fuel competition for resources, economic distress and social discontent through 2019 and beyond.”
Then, of course, is the most famous example of all: Trump tossing his intelligence chiefs under the bus on Russia. You’ll recall that stunning news conference last year in Helsinki, where Trump sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin and dismissed the U.S. intelligence community's findings that Moscow interfered in the 2016 election. “I will tell you,” the president said as the delighted Kremlin dictator stood just feet away, “that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.” What next, side with the Japanese on Pearl Harbor?
Cross your fingers if a true crisis erupts
We have a president who doesn’t believe in facts, dismisses his intelligence advisers, places his faith in dictators and gets his news from blow-dried bootlickers on Fox & Friends. What happens when a true crisis erupts? If Kim resumes testing of long-range missiles? If Russia makes a move on the Baltics, which are now members of NATO? If climate change spawns deadlier, more frequent storms, fires and drought, and more global migration?
And what happens if you appear to make decisions not in terms of what’s best for the country but what’s best for you? This is what sets Trump apart from his predecessors. We’ve certainly questioned past presidents and their handling of crises — notably and most recently George W. Bush’s overreliance on what turned out to be faulty intelligence leading to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. But we’ve never seriously wondered whether Bush, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln,.Franklin Roosevelt or any other presidents cared about themselves more than the country, or were somehow selling out or beholden to a foreign power. It is extraordinary, and disturbing, that such questions continue to be asked of our current president.
This is why we can thank our lucky stars that 2 1/2 years into his presidency, Trump hasn’t been confronted (as far as we know) with the kind of crisis that would force him to make, in a highly pressurized, short-time frame, decisions that JFK had to make, decisions that in minutes could mean life or death for millions. Thank God it hasn’t come to that, for I honestly don’t know whether Trump — based on all we know and have seen since January 2017 — would make such decisions based on what’s best for national security or what’s best for Donald Trump.
I Was A Counterterrorism Chief. Trump Knew What Russia Was Doing
AP sources: White House aware of Russian bounties in 2019
Top officials in the White House were aware in early 2019 of classified intelligence indicating Russia was secretly offering bounties to the Taliban for the deaths of Americans, a full year earlier than has been previously reported, according to U.S. officials with direct knowledge of the intelligence.
The assessment was included in at least one of President Donald Trump’s written daily intelligence briefings at the time, according to the officials. Then-national security adviser John Bolton also told colleagues he briefed Trump on the intelligence assessment in March 2019.
The White House did not respond to questions about Trump or other officials’ awareness of Russia’s provocations in 2019. The White House has said Trump was not — and still has not been — briefed on the intelligence assessments because they have not been fully verified. However, it is rare for intelligence to be confirmed without a shadow of a doubt before it is presented to top officials.
Bolton declined to comment Monday when asked by the AP if he had briefed Trump about the matter in 2019. On Sunday, he suggested to NBC’s “Meet the Press” that Trump was claiming ignorance of Russia’s provocations to justify his administration’s lack of a response.
"He can disown everything if nobody ever told him about it,” Bolton said.
The revelations cast new doubt on the White House’s efforts to distance Trump from the Russian intelligence assessments. The AP reported Sunday that concerns about Russian bounties were also included in a second written presidential daily briefing earlier this year and that current national security adviser Robert O’Brien had discussed the matter with Trump. O’Brien denies he did so.
On Monday night, O’Brien said that while the intelligence assessments regarding Russian bounties “have not been verified,” the administration has “been preparing should the situation warrant action.”
The administration’s earlier awareness of the Russian efforts raises additional questions about why Trump did not take any punitive action against Moscow for efforts that put the lives of Americans servicemembers at risk. Trump has sought throughout his time in office to improve relations with Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, moving earlier this year to try to reinstate Russia as part of a group of world leaders it had been kicked out of.
Officials said they did not consider the intelligence assessments in 2019 to be particularly urgent, given that Russian meddling in Afghanistan is not a new occurrence. The officials with knowledge of Bolton’s apparent briefing for Trump said it contained no “actionable intelligence,” meaning the intelligence community did not have enough information to form a strategic plan or response. However, the classified assessment of Russian bounties was the sole purpose of the meeting.
The officials insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to disclose the highly sensitive information.
The intelligence that surfaced in early 2019 indicated Russian operatives had become more aggressive in their desire to contract with the Taliban and members of the Haqqani Network, a militant group aligned with the Taliban in Afghanistan and designated a foreign terrorist organization in 2012 during the Obama administration.
The National Security Council and the undersecretary of defense for intelligence did hold meetings regarding the intelligence. The Pentagon declined to comment and the NSC did not respond to questions about the meetings.
Concerns about Russian bounties flared anew this year after members of the elite Naval Special Warfare Development Group, known to the public as SEAL Team Six, raided a Taliban outpost and recovered roughly $500,000 in U.S. currency. The funds bolstered the suspicions of the American intelligence community that the Russians had offered money to Taliban militants and other linked associations.
The White House contends the president was unaware of this development as well.
The officials told the AP that career government officials developed potential options for the White House to respond to the Russian aggression in Afghanistan, which was first reported by The New York Times. However, the Trump administration has yet to authorize any action.
The intelligence in 2019 and 2020 surrounding Russian bounties was derived in part from debriefings of captured Taliban militants. Officials with knowledge of the matter told the AP that Taliban operatives from opposite ends of the country and from separate tribes offered similar accounts.
The officials would not name the specific groups or give specific locations in Afghanistan or time frames for when they were detained.
Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for Putin, denied that Russian intelligence officers had offered payments to the Taliban in exchange for targeting U.S. and coalition forces.
The U.S. is investigating whether any Americans died as a result of the Russian bounties. Officials are focused in particular on an April 2019 attack on an American convoy. Three U.S. Marines were killed after a car rigged with explosives detonated near their armored vehicles as they returned to Bagram Airfield, the largest U.S. military installation in Afghanistan.
The Marines exchanged gunfire with the vehicle at some point; however, it’s not known if the gunfire occurred before or after the car exploded.
Abdul Raqib Kohistani, the Bagram district police chief, said at the time that at least five Afghan civilians were wounded after the attack on the convoy, according to previous reporting by the AP. It is not known if the civilians were injured by the car bomb or the gunfire from U.S. Marines.
The Defense Department identified Marine Staff Sgt. Christopher Slutman, 43, of Newark, Delaware; Sgt. Benjamin Hines, 31, of York, Pennsylvania; and Cpl. Robert Hendriks, 25, of Locust Valley, New York, as the Marines killed in April 2019. The three Marines were all infantrymen assigned to 2nd Battalion, 25th Marines, a reserve infantry unit headquartered out of Garden City, New York.
Hendriks’ father told the AP that even a rumor of Russian bounties should have been immediately addressed.
“If this was kind of swept under the carpet as to not make it a bigger issue with Russia, and one ounce of blood was spilled when they knew this, I lost all respect for this administration and everything,” Erik Hendriks said.
Marine Maj. Roger Hollenbeck said at the time that the reserve unit was a part of the Georgia Deployment Program-Resolute Support Mission, a recurring six-month rotation between U.S. Marines and Georgian Armed Forces. The unit first deployed to Afghanistan in October 2018.
Three other service members and an Afghan contractor were also wounded in the attack. As of April 2019, the attack was under a separate investigation, unrelated to the Russian bounties, to determine how it unfolded.
The officials who spoke to the AP also said they were looking closely at insider attacks — sometimes called “green-on-blue” incidents — from 2019 to determine if they are also linked to Russian bounties.
Top Mueller lawyer to publish insider account of Trump-Russia investigation
Andrew Weissmann’s ‘meticulous account’ due in September
Trump couldn’t spell Cuba if you gave him the “C” and the “A”.
Rick Plant wrote:
"Some people believe that former government officials had Russian connections, so Donald Trump [sic] isn't the only one with allegiance to Mother Russia."
Dear Frederick,
What former government officials?
Although Roger "Ratxxxxxx" Stone (with help from Harley Schlanger of the fascistic pro-Russia Lyndon LaRouche organization) probably helped Vladimir Putin, Julian Assange and Donald Trump coordinate the dumpings of the stolen-by-Russia DNC emails during the 2016 campaign, he officially quit it in August of 2015 and never did become a "government official".
Are you speaking of Michael Flynn?
Who else?
-- MWT ;)
Lee Harvey Oswald called Russia's KGB department in charge of 'sabotage and assassination' before killing JFK
The CIA intercepted a phone call from Lee Harvey Oswald to the KGB's department in charge of "sabotage and assassination" before Oswald murdered John F. Kennedy.
Oswald had tried to defect to the Soviet Union years earlier but was denied citizenship.
The CIA did not conclude that Oswald killed Kennedy on the KGB's instructions.
The Truth Behind Trump Tower Moscow: How Trump Risked Everything For A (Relatively) Tiny Deal
Lee Harvey Oswald and the Soviet Union: What the JFK Files Reveal
Lee Harvey Oswald with Dallas police on November 22, 1963, following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Weeks before President John F. Kennedy's murder, Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who killed him, met with a Soviet assassination agent, newly released documents show. Though the official account of Kennedy's killing considers Oswald the sole perpetrator, several conspiracy theories exist, including the idea that the assassination was a Soviet plot.
Among the 2,891 items declassified by the U.S. government in Thursday's release are details about Oswald's links with the Soviet Union and what Moscow thought of him. Several documents due to be released remain classified on the orders of President Donald Trump after U.S. agencies, including the FBI and CIA, raised "national security, law enforcement and foreign affairs concerns."
However, what is now available from the documents shows that Oswald did meet a Soviet agent, that the U.S. was keeping tabs on him and that Moscow raised questioned about Oswald's mental state. The revelations are among the most interesting insights into the information that the FBI and CIA had at the time about Oswald's relationship with the Soviet Union.
Here are some of new findings, described in several of the newly declassified U.S. documents:
Oswald Meets With KGB Agent
Almost two months before Kennedy was fatally shot, Oswald visited the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, where he spoke with the consul there, Valeriy Vladimirovich Kostikov, according to a CIA memo that reported an intercepted phone call made by Oswald.
The meeting took place on September 28, 1963, and the CIA documented it when intercepting a call Oswald made to the Soviet Embassy on October 1, mentioning his visit. During the phone conversation between Oswald and a guard who answered the phone, Oswald asked in "broken Russian" if there was "anything new concerning the telegram to Washington." The memo did not expand on the significance of the telegram, but FBI documents dated after Oswald's death refer to him sending a letter to a Russian diplomat in Washington.
This, an FBI liaison told the CIA, was possibly linked to Oswald's desire to obtain Soviet support on a "U.S. passport or visa-matter."
According to the memo, Kostikov was not only head of the consular section but also "an identified KGB officer" where he served in Department 13—a unit "responsible for sabotage and assassination."
Oswald Calls Cuba and Writes to the Soviets
Immediately after Oswald was shot dead, two days after Kennedy's assassination, FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover was adamant that the U.S. public had to believe that Oswald was "the real assassin" and that he was a lone actor.
In the same FBI memo reporting Hoover's comments, dated November 24, 1963, he said that Oswald's killing was "inexcusable" and that if the case raised suspicions of conspiracy concerning Oswald's allegiance, it had "several aspects which would complicate our foreign relations."
Hoover referred to Oswald's contact with Cuba and the Soviet Union, believing that revealing it could jeopardize U.S. diplomacy. Hoover suggested an investigative report, which the president could later decide whether or not to make public.
Lee Harvey Oswald during a press conference after his arrest in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Thousands of documents about the John F. Kennedy assassination, previously unseen by the public, have just been released.
Oswald had phoned the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City about a visa—a conversation that U.S. authorities had intercepted. "He also wrote a letter to the Soviet Embassy here in Washington, which we intercepted, read and resealed," Hoover wrote. "This letter referred to the fact that the FBI had questioned his activities on The Fair Play for Cuba Committee and also asked about the extension of his wife's visa." The FPCC was a Marxist group that supported the Cuban revolution.
Possibly referring to Oswald's contact with Kostikov, Hoover noted that the letter was "addressed to the man in the Soviet Embassy who is in charge of assassinations and similar such activities." Should this information come out as public information, it would "muddy the waters internationally," Hoover concluded.
The FBI chief did not make clear if he thought there was a cover-up conspiracy or if the case was simply liable to give such an impression falsely.
Oswald Disowned by Alarmed Moscow
After Kennedy's assassination, officials in Russia's ruling Communist Party expressed concern that with a shaken leadership in the U.S., "some irresponsible general" could take advantage of the situation and shoot a missile at the Soviet Union, an FBI memo states.
One source told the FBI that the Soviets considered the assassination to be a coup attempt, part of a "well-organized conspiracy on the part of the 'ultraright' in the United States," and believed it was not the action of a single person but a "carefully planned campaign." The memo notes that Russia rang church bells in Kennedy's honor, and the source emphasized that Soviet officials were confident Oswald "had no connection whatsoever with the Soviet Union."
"They [the Soviet source] described him as a neurotic maniac who was disloyal to his own country and everything else. They noted that Oswald never belonged to any organization in the Soviet Union and was never given Soviet citizenship," the memo states.
Yuri Nosenko, an alleged Soviet defector, said Oswald "expressed a wish to defect" shortly after arriving in Russia in 1959, but the KGB turned him down on the grounds that he was "mentally unstable." Oswald was then hospitalized after he was found with a slit wrist in his hotel room. The KGB's opinion of him and his wife, Marina, whom the agency described as "a woman of little intelligence," remained overtly negative.
Nosenko has been viewed by some as a possible KGB plant, posing as a defector, who claimed Moscow was innocent of any involvement in the assassination.
Citing a "reliable" source, the memo also claimed Soviet envoy to the U.N., Nikolai Fedorenko, underscored that the Kremlin "preferred to have had President Kennedy at the helm of the American Government."
Lee Harvey Oswald and the Soviet Union: What the JFK Files Reveal
Lee Harvey Oswald with Dallas police on November 22, 1963, following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Weeks before President John F. Kennedy's murder, Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who killed him, met with a Soviet assassination agent, newly released documents show. Though the official account of Kennedy's killing considers Oswald the sole perpetrator, several conspiracy theories exist, including the idea that the assassination was a Soviet plot.
Among the 2,891 items declassified by the U.S. government in Thursday's release are details about Oswald's links with the Soviet Union and what Moscow thought of him. Several documents due to be released remain classified on the orders of President Donald Trump after U.S. agencies, including the FBI and CIA, raised "national security, law enforcement and foreign affairs concerns."
However, what is now available from the documents shows that Oswald did meet a Soviet agent, that the U.S. was keeping tabs on him and that Moscow raised questioned about Oswald's mental state. The revelations are among the most interesting insights into the information that the FBI and CIA had at the time about Oswald's relationship with the Soviet Union.
Here are some of new findings, described in several of the newly declassified U.S. documents:
Oswald Meets With KGB Agent
Almost two months before Kennedy was fatally shot, Oswald visited the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City, where he spoke with the consul there, Valeriy Vladimirovich Kostikov, according to a CIA memo that reported an intercepted phone call made by Oswald.
The meeting took place on September 28, 1963, and the CIA documented it when intercepting a call Oswald made to the Soviet Embassy on October 1, mentioning his visit. During the phone conversation between Oswald and a guard who answered the phone, Oswald asked in "broken Russian" if there was "anything new concerning the telegram to Washington." The memo did not expand on the significance of the telegram, but FBI documents dated after Oswald's death refer to him sending a letter to a Russian diplomat in Washington.
This, an FBI liaison told the CIA, was possibly linked to Oswald's desire to obtain Soviet support on a "U.S. passport or visa-matter."
According to the memo, Kostikov was not only head of the consular section but also "an identified KGB officer" where he served in Department 13—a unit "responsible for sabotage and assassination."
Oswald Calls Cuba and Writes to the Soviets
Immediately after Oswald was shot dead, two days after Kennedy's assassination, FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover was adamant that the U.S. public had to believe that Oswald was "the real assassin" and that he was a lone actor.
In the same FBI memo reporting Hoover's comments, dated November 24, 1963, he said that Oswald's killing was "inexcusable" and that if the case raised suspicions of conspiracy concerning Oswald's allegiance, it had "several aspects which would complicate our foreign relations."
Hoover referred to Oswald's contact with Cuba and the Soviet Union, believing that revealing it could jeopardize U.S. diplomacy. Hoover suggested an investigative report, which the president could later decide whether or not to make public.
Lee Harvey Oswald during a press conference after his arrest in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Thousands of documents about the John F. Kennedy assassination, previously unseen by the public, have just been released.
Oswald had phoned the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City about a visa—a conversation that U.S. authorities had intercepted. "He also wrote a letter to the Soviet Embassy here in Washington, which we intercepted, read and resealed," Hoover wrote. "This letter referred to the fact that the FBI had questioned his activities on The Fair Play for Cuba Committee and also asked about the extension of his wife's visa." The FPCC was a Marxist group that supported the Cuban revolution.
Possibly referring to Oswald's contact with Kostikov, Hoover noted that the letter was "addressed to the man in the Soviet Embassy who is in charge of assassinations and similar such activities." Should this information come out as public information, it would "muddy the waters internationally," Hoover concluded.
The FBI chief did not make clear if he thought there was a cover-up conspiracy or if the case was simply liable to give such an impression falsely.
Oswald Disowned by Alarmed Moscow
After Kennedy's assassination, officials in Russia's ruling Communist Party expressed concern that with a shaken leadership in the U.S., "some irresponsible general" could take advantage of the situation and shoot a missile at the Soviet Union, an FBI memo states.
One source told the FBI that the Soviets considered the assassination to be a coup attempt, part of a "well-organized conspiracy on the part of the 'ultraright' in the United States," and believed it was not the action of a single person but a "carefully planned campaign." The memo notes that Russia rang church bells in Kennedy's honor, and the source emphasized that Soviet officials were confident Oswald "had no connection whatsoever with the Soviet Union."
"They [the Soviet source] described him as a neurotic maniac who was disloyal to his own country and everything else. They noted that Oswald never belonged to any organization in the Soviet Union and was never given Soviet citizenship," the memo states.
Yuri Nosenko, an alleged Soviet defector, said Oswald "expressed a wish to defect" shortly after arriving in Russia in 1959, but the KGB turned him down on the grounds that he was "mentally unstable." Oswald was then hospitalized after he was found with a slit wrist in his hotel room. The KGB's opinion of him and his wife, Marina, whom the agency described as "a woman of little intelligence," remained overtly negative.
Nosenko has been viewed by some as a possible KGB plant, posing as a defector, who claimed Moscow was innocent of any involvement in the assassination.
Citing a "reliable" source, the memo also claimed Soviet envoy to the U.N., Nikolai Fedorenko, underscored that the Kremlin "preferred to have had President Kennedy at the helm of the American Government."
It's probable that Oswald either didn't go to Mexico City, or if he did, neither made the phone calls talked about in the article, nor visited the Cuban Consulate and the Soviet Consulate in the manner he is alleged to have done.
KGB-loyal triple-agent Aleksey Kulak (FEDORA), ostensibly spying for gullible J. Edgar Hoover ever since he implausibly walked into the NYC office in broad daylight in 1962, was instrumental in making KGB officer Kostikov's name "Department 13-radioactive" a couple of months before "Oswald," speaking poor Russian and poor ENGLISH, spoke over a sure-to-be-tapped-by-CIA phoneline with the Soviet Embassy "security guard," KGB-loyal triple-agent Ivan Obyedkov, who "volunteered" to him the by-now (but only temporarily!) radioactive name "Kostikov," on Tuesday, October 1, 1963, effectively placing a Kremlin-protecting "World War Three Virus" in Oswald's CIA file.
-- MWT ;)
PS Yuri Nosenko was a false defector, as even John Newman and Peter Dale Scott now acknowledge.
PPS In light of the above, Rusophile Ruthie's actions and rather obvious prevarications regarding the (ostensibly self-incriminating) "Comrade Kostin" letter must be reevaluated, imho, as possibly being the final (and crucial) element of the aforementioned WW III Virus.
Germany has rejected Trump's bid to bring Russia back into the G7
Lying Trump
Trump is the promise everything, deliver nothing President. He also thinks it's "really ridiculous, illegal, and, of course, very unfair!" that we can make #LyingTrump trend #1
The Lincoln Project issued a new ad lamenting the lives and memories lost to the coronavirus pandemic — and laid the blame squarely at President Donald Trump’s feet.
The anti-Trump conservative group mourned the “moments that make life worth living” that have been wiped away by extended shutdowns and fear of the virus, which the administration failed to stop — unlike most other countries around the world.
“COVID has robbed America of so much,” the ad says. “None of this had to happen. We have suffered needlessly because Trump is a fool, a liar and a failure. Most countries stopped it, Trump refused. It’s Trump’s virus now.”
#TrumpVirus #AmericaorTrump
Trump's latest COVID tweets are 'on the verge of putting people in danger’: CNN’s Abby Phillip
Donald Trump on Monday night promoted multiple tweets that both attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci and recommended using hydroxychloroquine to “cure” COVID-19, despite the fact that medical professionals have found it is not an effective treatment.
CNN reporter Abby Phillip on Tuesday excoriated the president for spreading blatant misinformation about the disease, which so far has killed more than 148,000 Americans in just five months.
“I think we really do have to say, what’s going on in terms of the president’s Twitter feed last night is irresponsible,” she said. “He is tweeting out disinformation videos about the coronavirus, disseminating information that is contrary to the advice of the doctors and the medical and public health experts in his own administration.”
Phillip then went so far as to say that the president was a threat to public health.
“At this point, it’s on the verge of putting people in danger,” she explained. “Because this kind of talk is what you usually see in sort of the dark web, where people are throwing around all kinds of so-called cures, bleach cures for all kinds of ailments. That’s what’s happening on the president’s twitter feed, and it’s really beyond the pale.”
Watch the video below:
Lawrence O'Donnell goes off on White House press corps for letting Trump off the hook on Russian bounty scandal
MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell continued to publicly call out the White House press corps for their coverage of the reports that President Donald Trump was briefed that Russia was paying bounties for the killing of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, yet did nothing.
“It took 31 days! It took 31 days and today a reporter finally asked Donald Trump about what the reporter called, quote, ‘reports of Russia having bounties on our soldiers in Afghanistan,’ and Donald Trump did exactly what we expected him to do: he lied and he quickly turned to the next question,” O’Donnell explained.
“It took 31 days to get to that question because Donald Trump refused to take any reporters questions for weeks after The New York Times investigative reporters broke the story — 31 days ago — that intelligence reports were presented to the president saying that Vladimir Putin was paying the Taliban to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan,” O’Donnell noted.
“They were simply counting on reporters to forget about it,” he explained. “And many of them did.”
“And Donald Trump helped them forget about it by constantly saying distracting things that became the news of the day for those reporters who forgot about it,” he noted.
Watch video in link below:
Texas stopped undercounting coronavirus deaths — and fatalities jumped by 600 on Monday: report
After months of undercounting coronavirus deaths, Texas’ formal tally of COVID-19 fatalities grew by more than 600 on Monday after state health officials changed their method of reporting.
The revised count indicates that more than 12% of the state’s death tally was unreported by state health officials before Monday.
The Texas Department of State Health Services is now counting deaths marked on death certificates as caused by COVID-19. Previously, the state relied on local and regional public health departments to verify and report deaths.
Public health experts have said for months that the state’s official death toll is an undercount. State health officials said Monday that the policy change would improve the accuracy and timeliness of their data.
Texas law requires death certificates to be filed within 10 days.
“This method does not include deaths of people who had COVID-19 but died of an unrelated cause,” the Texas Department of State Health Services said in a news release.
Hispanic Texans are overrepresented in the state’s updated fatality count, making up 47% of deaths, according to health officials, while they make up about 40% of the state’s population. White Texans account for 35% of deaths while Black Texans make up 14% of deaths. Before Monday, the state’s racial and ethnic breakdown of deaths had large gaps, with up to 18% of deaths last month recorded as “unknown.”
Men are more likely to have died from the coronavirus, according to the updated state figures, making up 60% of deaths. And about 180 deaths, or 3% of the total, occurred among Texans younger than 40. About 2,000 people who died were 80 or older, making up the largest age bracket of COVID-19 deaths.
The first death linked to the coronavirus in Texas occurred March 16 in Matagorda County. As of Sunday, state officials said about 5,030 people who tested positive for the virus had died. With Monday’s update, the new figure is roughly 5,700.
After the number of infections in Texas soared to new highs in June and early July, the rate of deaths in Texas has been accelerating. It took 53 days to get from the first death to 1,000 deaths and 39 days to get from 1,000 to 2,000 deaths. On July 10, the state surpassed 3,000 deaths — 24 days after 2,000 deaths were reported. And it took only 10 more days for Texas to reach 4,000 deaths.
While Texas continues to report daily deaths in the triple digits, the number of new daily cases seem to be stabilizing. In the past week alone, state data appears to show new daily infections leveling off, albeit at nearly record highs.
The state recorded its largest number of daily new cases July 15, at 10,791. On Sunday, that number was 5,810
Trump is 'completely unraveling': Former top White House aide says ‘you can see it on his eyes’
Donald Trump is breaking under intense pressure as his policy choices continue to result in devastating outcomes, a former top White House official said on Thurday.
“One American dying a minute now,” former Trump communications director Anthony Scaramucci posted on Twitter.
“The worst quarter in our modern economic history,” he continued. “A threat of delay against a Presidential election.”
“The guy is finished,” Scaramucci continued.
“Completely unraveling. You can see it on his eyes,” he suggested.
Donald Trump just lost the last talking point he had for the election: conservative columnist
Conservative Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin cited the new economic numbers as the last tool that President Donald Trump had to salvage what little was left of his chances to win.
Rubin posted her column just after the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve released a statement schooling Trump and his economic adviser Larry Kudlow about the impact Trump’s actions around the coronavirus has had on the economy.
“The coronavirus outbreak is causing tremendous human and economic hardship across the United States and around the world,” the statement said. “The ongoing public health crisis will weigh heavily on economic activity, employment, and inflation in the near term, and poses considerable risks to the economic outlook over the medium term.”
Then Thursday morning the world learned that the United States GDP dropped by 9.5 percent, in a record worst for the country.
“The path of the economy is going to depend, to a very high extent, on the course of the virus and on the measures we take to keep it in check,” said Fed Chair Jerome Powell. “The two things are not in conflict. Social distancing measures and a fast reopening of the economy actually go together. They’re not in competition with each other.”
Rubin explained that Powell basically said Trump’s futile efforts to try and do one without the other won’t do anything.
At the same time, “recent labor market indicators point to a slowing in job growth, particularly among smaller businesses,” he said. For the third month in a row, on July 1, more than 30 percent of Americans couldn’t pay their rent or mortgage. The final unemployment supplement will be sent out this month, so there’s a concern that Aug. 1 numbers will be worse. While Americans continue to file for unemployment at over 1 million people weekly and mass evictions are looking more likely, Trump spent Wednesday evening meeting with oil executives in Texas and telling them everything was great.
“There is no mystery as to why Trump has lost his advantage over former vice president Joe Biden on the economy,” wrote Rubin, citing Trump’s net approval rating on the economy dropping from +16 points since January to +1 in July. Those numbers aren’t likely to stay positive for long.
“Biden actually does 2 points better than Trump when matched up on the economy in an average of the ABC News/Washington Post, Fox News and Quinnipiac polls,” cited CNN’s Harry Enten.
“Trump foolishly thought he could ignore the virus and goad governors and businesses to reopen the economy,” Rubin closed. “That was a deadly and costly failure that voters plainly recognize. It should be obvious by now: Trump’s reckless and willful disregard of the pandemic is what is responsible for the awful economic shape we are in.”
Trump is 'sending a message' to GOP senators that he’s ‘throwing in the towel’ on election: MSNBC’s Morning Joe
Responding to Donald Trump’s comments on Thursday hinting that he’s not sure the November election will happen on time, MSNBC”s “Morning Joe” co-host claimed the president knows he’s going to lose and is sending a message to Republicans in the Senate that he ‘is throwing in the towel.
After sharing clips of the president’s comments in Thursday’s press conference, the former GOP lawmaker expressed disgust that Trump would attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the upcoming election and said he should quit if he is giving up.
“He really knows he’s going to lose this fall.” he began. “I mean, he’s sending the message to Republican senators ‘I’m going to lose.'”
“After this happened yesterday, Republican senators were aghast this was, in effect, Donald Trump throwing in the towel, making excuses already for his loss for an election that’s, what, 97, 98 days away, and he’s already throwing in the towel? So he’s — he’s already talking about doubting the validity of November’s elections because he knows he’s going to lose.”
Watch below:
'It is terrifying to have a president who is psychotic’: Dr. Justin Frank explains why Trump hates anyone who is loved
Storyteller Don Winslow warns of 'Trump's evil plan’ — and the coming ‘October surprise’
Bestselling author Don Winlsow has released his latest ad against President Donald Trump.
The ad, titled “Trump’s Evil Plan” warns of Trump using three strategies to try and win the 2020 election.
“Trump can’t run on the economy, because he’s destroyed it,” the narrator says. “And he cannot run on his response to the coronavirus, because it is a disaster with 150,000 dead.”
“So Donald Trump is going to play three cards in his final days before the election,” the narrator predicts. “Card number one, he’s going to start a civil war.”
“Card number two, he’s going to promise a vaccine that is not remotely ready,” the narrator says. “Card number three, he’s going to try an October surprise on Joe Biden.”
'Dangerous' Trump is 'going down in flames' and wants to take the country with him: conservative
In his column for the Daily Beast, conservative commentator Matt Lewis claimed that Donald Trump’s professed desire to delay the November election is a sign he knows he’s “going down in flames” and that should worry Republicans and Democrats alike because that makes the president dangerous.
Under a headline proclaiming “Trump Finally Admits That His Election Is Swirling Down the Golden Toilet,” Lewis — who abandoned the Republican Party due to Trump — said the president likely ramped up his claims of a “rigged election” because of terrible economic news on Thursday as a distraction only to make it obvious to all that he knows he’s going down to defeat.
As Lewis notes, there is little good news on the horizon that will save the president with the coronavirus pandemic still raging across the country, the economy still in collapse, adding that “…changing campaign managers isn’t going to shake things up, and there won’t be a convention ‘bounce’ to help, either.”
After stating Trump is “going down in flames,” Lewis suggested that Trump is at his most dangerous now since he has already shown he cares about nobody but himself.
“If this is Trump conceding to the apparently inevitable, it’s also a dangerous time. People who are forced to finally admit imminent defeat are prone to outbursts and desperate behavior. When those people are the president, and especially this president, things can get dicey,” he wrote before adding, “If the choice is between Trump’s political ambitions and the preservation of this great experiment, there isn’t much of a contest. That’s why Trump thinks it’s safe to send kids back to school amid a pandemic (that helps his re-election chances) but not safe enough to have an election on November 3 (that hurts his re-election chances).”
Writing, “it’s worth remembering that even if Trump is admitting to the evidently inevitable here, he’s still going to go down swinging,” Lewis wrote now is the time for Republicans to flee the president, oppose him and try and save their themselves.
“Trump’s tweet is an open invitation to wavering Republicans to finally jump ship. In recent days, I have noticed commentators like Rich Lowry and Erick Erickson (both originally Trump critics who sidled up to him after the election) create some distance and start to hedge their bets,” he wrote before suggesting, “For the rest of us, it’s important to keep things in perspective. Trump said something truly shocking on Thursday. But it’s mostly shocking because it signals that even he can’t deny that the jig is finally up. It’s now just a matter of time. “
Trump just gave away the game on his November plan to manipulate the election results
Despite his most inflammatory tweet of the day, President Donald Trump does not plan on moving the date of the November election. As many observers pointed out, his post floating this idea came shortly after news of the devastating economic growth numbers for the second quarter were released, and he was almost certainly trying to change the subject (not that threatening democracy will play well with the electorate). But Trump is likely aware that he lacks the power to move the election, and there’s no sign that he’s seriously lobbying his congressional allies to do so, especially since they’d need House Democrats to agree.
@realDonaldTrump: "With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???"
Yet his threat to democracy is real. Trump gave away the game on his plan to manipulate November’s results in a follow-up tweet on Thursday:
@realDonaldTrump: "Must know Election results on the night of the Election, not days, months, or even years later!"
He has been laying the groundwork for this attack for months now with his aggressive and bogus criticisms of mail-in voting. This campaign has drawn some quizzical responses since it’s clearly discouraging Republicans from using mail-in ballots as they have done — quite effectively — for decades. Given that we’re in a pandemic, one that will surely be ongoing if not resurgent in November, it seems on its face to be a form of self-sabotage for the president to discourage his own supporters from the safest form of voting.
But Trump’s second tweet sets the stage for his strategy. If Democrats dominate mail-in voting, that may mean Trump could lead when the Election Day ballots start to get counted on Nov. 3. If Joe Biden has won, that may only become evident when the mail-in ballots are counted. Because there’s likely to be a surge of mail-in voting, state election operations are likely to be underfunded, and the Trump administration seems to be deliberately slowing down the mail, it may take a while for these votes to be counted. It could potentially take weeks.
And there are bound to be other irregularities, as well, because there always are. What happens if the Post Office slows down delivery of the mail, and it’s not clear if a certain set of ballots were sent at the right time? This kind of dispute — and many others — could lead to tense legal challenges.
The president is already making it clear, however, that he wants to simply accept the results as they’re first reported Tuesday night (he’ll surely do an about-face if Biden is the winner early on). Of course, this is a completely baseless demand. States are obligated to count all votes legitimately cast, and they are allowed time to do so:
Except that federal law gives states *at least* 35 days after the election to certify its results—and for good reason:
So there’s no legal argument on the president’s side, just as he has no authority to change the election date. But that doesn’t really matter. Many people pointed out in April that, despite Trump’s demands that states reopen their economies prematurely in the face of the pandemic, the president had no power to boss the governors around. But Trump won that argument — and triggered a resurgence of the virus — because the GOP will follow him off any cliff.
Trump’s real power is his control over his voters and his party. He’s coaching them to treat mail-in ballots as illegitimate — even as he hopelessly tries to make a distinction between mail-in and absentee ballots, which he uses (they’re the same). If he wins the Election Day vote, but fears — as seems likely — that a deluge of mail-in ballots will hand the race to Biden, he could push to undercut these votes.
And he’d have multiple allies in that fight. For example, Republicans control the legislatures of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan — three crucial swing states. State legislatures are fundamentally in charge of determining how electors get selected for the electoral college. Of course, right now, in most states, the candidate who wins the most votes in the state gets all the electoral votes. And in theory, the legislatures shouldn’t be able to change the rules after the votes have already been cast. But what if the ballot counting is dragging on, and legal disputes are breaking out. Irregularities will abound, and feed conspiracy theories. A GOP swing state legislature infected by Trump’s propaganda may try to claim that the election is inherently corrupted, and it may decide to take matters into its own hands — and hand victory to Trump.
Could it actually do that? It’s hard to say in advance, but any attempt would inevitably end up in court. There, the legal challenges would meet more Trump allies in the form of conservative judges and justices, who just happen to have a majority on the Supreme Court, where any consequential dispute would inevitably end up.
Chief Justice John Roberts may give the president’s opponents some hope. He has been willing to break with Trump and the entire Republican Party in many high-profile cases in recent decisions, sometimes shocking his liberal critics. So there’s no guarantee that he’d be in the bag to hand the election to Trump.
There’s a big caveat here, though. One consistent feature of Roberts’ jurisprudence, including in recent rulings, is a clear hostility to voting rights. The only consistency in his judgments on this front seems to be favoritism for moves that suppress the vote and help Republicans. So it wouldn’t be surprising if Roberts led the court in a repeat of Bush v. Gore in some heated legal battle, handing the election to Trump.
It wouldn’t even need to be this blatant, because the key to Trump’s strategy is chaos. If, after some set of legal disputes and quarrels over which ballots are legitimate, there’s no clear winner in the Electoral College, the decision gets sent to the House of Representatives. But because of a quirk in the Constitution, each member doesn’t get their own vote — there’s only one vote per state. This system would seem to favor Trump.
It’s not clear the president has thought all this through and gamed out a complete strategy. He’s not much of a planner. But he clearly knows the polls are not looking good for him, and it’s undeniable that — as he did in 2016 — he’s laying the groundwork for challenging the legitimacy of the election. The terrifying thing is that it could work.
'I'ts time for him to go': MSNBC's Morning Joe called on GOP senators to force Trump off the ticket
MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough called on the Republican Party to force President Donald Trump off the ticket or face political ruin.
Trump suggested delaying the election as his approval ratings continue to plunge, and he’s acting as an anchor around GOP lawmakers across the country — and the “Morning Joe” host urged them to pull the plug on this presidency.
“This guy is leading you to ruin,” Scarborough said.
GOP incumbents are trailing or narrowly leading polls in traditionally conservative states like Arizona, North Carolina and Texas, and Scarborough blamed Trump’s growing unpopularity.
“I know you’re not surprised, so what are you going to do?” Scarborough said. “You really want this guy at the top of your ticket in November? I know you don’t, so what are you going to do?”
“[Sen.] Barry Goldwater in 1974 got off his ass, went to the other side of Pennsylvania Avenue, and told Richard Nixon it was time to go,” he added. “Do you have the courage to do that? The last four years suggest that you don’t, but I will just say, at the end of July, 2020, the same thing I warned you about in February of 2016, before Super Tuesday, that Donald Trump will lead to the end of the party of Abraham Lincoln. Maybe not this week, maybe not this month, maybe not even this election, but it’s coming, and your window is closing.”
Trump’s continued failures on the coronavirus pandemic will doom his re-election chances, and likely cost Republicans their Senate majority — possibly for the foreseeable future, Scarborough said.
“Maybe you didn’t care about a pandemic sweeping across America, but you care about your own political career, your own political party,” Scarborough said. “Understand the window is closing. The time is drawing near when you go past the point of no return. Are you going to walk down to the White House? Are you going to get in your car, go to the White House, and tell Donald Trump that it’s time for him to go? It’s your choice.”
“If you don’t, let me tell you what’s going to happen,” he continued. “You’re going to lose the election, lose the Senate, lose the House and you’re going to have to complain about Democrats running this country the rest of your life. But it’s your call.”
“Maybe it’s worth blindly following a [former] Democrat who contributed to Hillary Clinton, seven, eight times, who contributed to Anthony Weiner, to Elliott Spitzer, who contributed to Kamala Harris,” Scarborough added. “Isn’t this exciting if Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris. You will have Donald Trump running against a vice president that he contributed to in 2014 — 2014 — not like 1998, 1999 when he was hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein, with a bunch of women — I’m sorry, yeah, young girls.”
Kushner's axed coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says
How Jared Kushner’s Secret Testing Plan “Went Poof Into Thin Air”
This spring, a team working under the president's son-in-law produced a plan for an aggressive, coordinated national COVID-19 response that could have brought the pandemic under control. So why did the White House spike it in favor of a shambolic 50-state response?
It's downright creepy to see these endless rants. They have no place on this forum. Seek help. I can't understand why this forum has allowed a political nut to take over with subjects that have nothing to do with the JFK assassination.
Wake Up
It's downright creepy to see these endless rants. They have no place on this forum. Seek help. I can't understand why this forum has allowed a political nut to take over with subjects that have nothing to do with the JFK assassination.
Creepy? Interesting choice of words coming from a Trump enabler. Can’t make this crap up.
It's downright creepy to see these endless rants. They have no place on this forum. Seek help. I can't understand why this forum has allowed a political nut to take over with subjects that have nothing to do with the JFK assassination.
Richard doesn't know how to read. Lee Harvey Oswald is featured in my thread. Do you always have to whine in threads?
Documents Offer Insight Into Soviet View Of JFK Assassination
Richard doesn't know how to read. Lee Harvey Oswald is featured in my thread. Do you always have to whine in threads?
Documents Offer Insight Into Soviet View Of JFK Assassination
LOL. You have posted here - on a JFK assassination forum - at least several thousand times on current politics. Trump has nothing to do with Oswald or the Cuban missile crisis. That is just an excuse to exercise your apparently uncontrollable compulsion disorder on the topic. You have cluttered this board with endless political commentary where it has no relevance. Surely there is a better place for hate driven nuts to congregate on the Internet? There are enough JFK assassination kooks without adding another category of unhinged kooks to the mix. Bother the UFO or Bigfoot forums and give us a rest. If you have any friends or family, seek their guidance on whether it is healthy to post tens of thousands of political rants on a forum that has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump or the upcoming election.
Trump is arguably the leading conspiracy theorist on the planet. Believes Cruz’s father was involved in the JFK assassination. Support the lunatic as you choose but enough whining.
LOL. You have posted here - on a JFK assassination forum - at least several thousand times on current politics. Trump has nothing to do with Oswald or the Cuban missile crisis. That is just an excuse to exercise your apparently uncontrollable compulsion disorder on the topic. You have cluttered this board with endless political commentary where it has no relevance. Surely there is a better place for hate driven nuts to congregate on the Internet? There are enough JFK assassination kooks without adding another category of unhinged kooks to the mix. Bother the UFO or Bigfoot forums and give us a rest. If you have any friends or family, seek their guidance on whether it is healthy to post tens of thousands of political rants on a forum that has nothing whats oever to do with Trump or the upcoming election.
You seem to be the only one paranoid here Richard making irrelevant posts. There are plenty of threads for you to enjoy.
p.s. Trump is losing and is under criminal investigation by New York State. ;D
Prosecutor seeking Trump’s taxes cites probe of his business
Trump Organization under investigation for 'insurance and bank fraud,' filing suggests
The disclosure came in a federal court filing arguing that Trump should be forced to comply with a subpoena for his tax documents.
Lee Harvey Oswald and the USSR
Witness History
Lee Harvey Oswald, the man accused of killing President John F Kennedy in November 1963 had spent two years living in the USSR. He had defected there after serving as a US Marine.
Consequences For Trump
New York has Donald Trump's financial records
We all know how Kennedy handled the Cuban Missile Crisis. What would have happened if we had a corrupt compromised idiot like Donald Trump at the helm? For starters, we know he would claim it "was all a hoax" and "it would magically go away". Americans would have been doomed and who knows what kind of disaster would have happened. One thing for sure, is the conservatives in 1960 would never have supported a vile corrupt pathological liar like Donald Trump as their nominee. People had intelligence and weren't brainwashed with a right wing hack media that pushes propaganda 24/7 which is state run television. Some people believe that former government officials had Russian connections, so Donald Trump isn't the only one with allegiance to Mother Russia. Thoughts?
My "thought" is that I find it hard to believe that you really, actually, honestly believe that that's how Trump would have handled the Cuban Missile Crisis.
If Trump has "allegiance to Mother Russia," he surely has not acted like it. Trump has sold weapons to Georgia and Ukraine, something that Obama refused to do for fear of angering Moscow, and Putin and his cronies have bitterly condemned those weapons sales. Trump has slapped tariffs on Russian steel. Trump has urged NATO nations to spend more money on defense, a move that Moscow has called "provocative" and "destabilizing." Trump has expelled over 60 Russian diplomats and has shut down one of Russia's consulates in the U.S. Trump tried to get Germany to pull out of is natural-gas-pipeline deal with Russia, a move that Moscow also condemned. Trump pulled us out of Obama's shameful and absurd Iran nuke deal, another move that Russia strongly opposed.
And, FYI, the claim that Trump ever said that COVID-19 "was all a hoax" is demonstrably false. If you look at the transcript or the interview tape, he was clearly talking about the wild claims that Democrats were making about the virus. He was not saying that the virus itself was any kind of a hoax.
My "thought" is that I find it hard to believe that you really, actually, honestly believe that that's how Trump would have handled the Cuban Missile Crisis.
If Trump has "allegiance to Mother Russia," he surely has not acted like it. Trump has sold weapons to Georgia and Ukraine, something that Obama refused to do for fear of angering Moscow, and Putin and his cronies have bitterly condemned those weapons sales. Trump has slapped tariffs on Russian steel. Trump has urged NATO nations to spend more money on defense, a move that Moscow has called "provocative" and "destabilizing." Trump has expelled over 60 Russian diplomats and has shut down one of Russia's consulates in the U.S. Trump tried to get Germany to pull out of is natural-gas-pipeline deal with Russia, a move that Moscow also condemned. Trump pulled us out of Obama's shameful and absurd Iran nuke deal, another move that Russia strongly opposed.
And, FYI, the claim that Trump ever said that COVID-19 "was all a hoax" is demonstrably false. If you look at the transcript or the interview tape, he was clearly talking about the wild claims that Democrats were making about the virus. He was not saying that the virus itself was any kind of a hoax.
I vehemently oppose Trump's Presidency (he's dangerously unqualified to be POTUS) but agree with most of your post.
It's ironic that people attack Trump's supporters for being Conspiracy Theorists while believing in the Conspiracy Theory that Trump is a Mole for Putin.
Trump supporters were ‘doing Putin’s bidding’ with failed coup attempt: Speaker Pelosi
Kennedy certainly handled the Cuban Missile Crisis better than Trump would have. Trump was presented with a relatively simple problem. Instead of having 13 days to solve a sudden crisis, Trump had months and months and months to plan, how to coordinate with the states, to determine how to distribute the vaccine, how to determine who gets the vaccine, how those people are to be notified and instructed and have places would be the best place to administer them. Instead, each state is trying to figure that out on its own in a rush. Of course, Trump, may have done better had he not been distracted by other vital matters, like how to steal the election if he should happen to lose to Biden.
But I would argue that the election of Kennedy set in motion a dangerous trend. Kennedy was not the choice of the powers that be in the Democratic Party. Johnson was. Up until then, a party’s candidate was chosen by party insiders, working in “smoke filled rooms”, who decided who was best. This process produced men like Harry Truman, Adlai Stevenson, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson and yes, Richard Nixon, to be the party’s Presidential candidate, or if the health of the current President in serious doubt, Vice President.
Kennedy marked the transition into a new era. Various states started to say, the people should decide, not party insiders. And Kennedy had the charisma to appeal to the people and won the nomination and the election. Since then, the people would decide who the candidate would be, not party insiders.
I think this was an unfortunate change. We would have been better advised to leave well enough alone. Because the one thing that both Kennedy and Trump had in common, was charisma. Both were wildly popular with a large segment of the population. While this new way can get us a good President, like Kennedy, it can give us a disastrous one, like Trump. Trump was about the last choice of the Republican party insiders, but he just kept winning primaries and got the nomination anyway. And yes, while the old system was not perfect, party insiders choose Nixon, even Nixon was not nearly as bad as Trump. Both had a couple of screws loose, but Nixon never tried to become a dictator.
So, it looks like we have gotten rid of Trump. Problem, solved, right? No. Because we don’t know who the people might get infatuated with ten years from now. I think the judgment of the party insiders is sounder than the public who might get impressed with some minor TV star. Party insiders might miss a brilliant choice like Kennedy but they are not likely to pick a disastrous one like Trump. I wish we could go back to the old system.
You just still have to laugh at all this nonsense :D
"Fuzzy" Biden NOW being hemmed into picking Harris as his VP. She adds absolutely Nothing to the ticket, but Fuzzy is now Stuck with AP going public with the notes Slow Joe was gripping yesterday. This is what You get with a doddering old fogey that needs printed directions to arrive at his home bathroom.
The only way the above will Ever "pull the levers" will be when they show up at the Polls. Right NOW, this segment of the voting public do Not turn out. This is why Bernie got his arse kicked in the primaries. Those Younger Voters sat on their arse and will do it again Nov 3.
How do you spell "Law & Order"? T-R-U-M-P.
What did I Already tell you this AM regarding the "internals"?
Fake News going Quiet regarding Corona today tells you this is Turning Around. "Judge a Pitcher by the Reaction of the Hitter"! Plus, Trump just gave a speech and is Very, Very, Upbeat. Some Know Why. Soon, You Parrots will too. It'll sting, but you better get used to it. It only gets worse from here.
Mark it on down on your HATER Calendars. It's ALL Good Today and from this point forward. You Parrots should Know it as the Fake News Media is Unable to feed you a single kernel of BS: to Echo. Walk:
"Confident"? Try VERY CONFIDENT! "Judge a Pitcher based on the reaction of the Hitter" + Knowing what you don't = my enjoying The Catbird Seat.
Trump is trying to avoid stirring things up in NY now that the state is "in play"!
Yeah, the Fake New PARROTS around here have No Idea this stuff is going down due to their Fake News Sources imposing a BLACKOUT on Real News such as this. PHYSICAL Voter Intimidation is being imposed on Trump Supporters and the Fake News endlessly goes on-and-on about Repub's attempting to suppress the vote via polling laws. This same Fake News BLACKOUT is gonna occur when the Durham/Barr CRIMINAL Investigation hammer comes down. The only point at which Fake News will be Forced to cover Durham/Barr will be when bodies Currently on their Fake News Payroll start getting thrown into the Slammer.
Is it any wonder this Echo Chamber is becoming a Ghost Town? "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is devolving into a serious Mental Health Issue. Those of you Back Patters/Head Bobbers that are encouraging this Sick Thought Process/Conduct are only pushing these Mentally Tortured Individuals Off of the ledge. Come Nov 3, the damage you are currently doing will multiply exponentially. You are, "Your Brother's Keeper".
Please keep relying on that 538 BS:. 538 shoulda been run outta business when their 2016 Election Forecast rewarded their faithful followers with an absolute Disaster. But, since 538 loyally echo'd their Marching Orders, they continue playing The Pied Piper with the Mice trailing right behind. Get ready Mice. Here comes the Cliff! Trump 2020 Rolls On.
This is why You wear the Moniker "Jr" well. You're wet behind the ears/naivete. I am Not cheering anything "On". As Lt Col Frank Slade would say, "I been around, ya know?". (Google it). Knowing what's coming and liking it are 2 different things. You live long enough you might just discover this. School's Out for today.
I don't blow my own horn. Those that Rejected the Haters by almost a 3-1 margin KNOW the score. I spoke with Jimbo late last night. Internals extremely good and continuing UP. This includes the all important Swing States. You do Not Know, what You do Not Know. You Know whatever the Fake News Media and 538 TELLS You. It's that simple.
So we got a "Fuzzy" Joe supporter swearing by "Exit Polling"? And they also don't think "16" is going to Repeat Itself? Double Dumb!
Same stuff we heard back in "16". With the Endless abuse I endure around here, what makes you Believe that Trump Supporters in general are freely volunteering their opinion via SURVEYS? You guys Never Learn, and then You suffer "Trump Derangement Syndrome" afterward. It's ALL your own fault.
Illinois NOW "In Play". Trump 2020 Rolls On!
Another "WINNING, WINNING, WINNING" Issue for Trump. Trump = "Law & Order" wins in Nov. The Dem's are currently Melting Down as they see Trump pulling away from "Fuzzy" Joe currently curled up in a Ball inside his basement. Trump 2020 Rolls On!
Trump will once again be rewarded by the Ma & Pa Kettles across this country. They appreciate a Man "that says what he means and means what he says". They understand this an extremely RARE trait being continually displayed by 1 Single Man as he Drains-The-Swamp.
"Judge a Pitcher by the Reaction of the Hitter". The Escalating Hysteria being displayed here means Trump will be re-elected. They Know It!
You have Every Reason to be Nervous. 4 More Years of Trump!
This attempted Shunning is Exactly why Trump will win. Whether You know it or not, you guys operate Exactly like a Cult/Gang does. Join or be maligned/destroyed. Very sad to witness this.
You guys continue handing Nov to Trump on a silver platter. Thanks so much for what You are doing.
Both Pelosi and Schumer should be More concerned with their own positions. The Warning, "objects are Closer than they appear", applies to both of their Political Rear View Mirrors. The Squad will take Nancy down inside The House, and AOC will Challenge/Replace Chuck in the Senate. Both Old White Pols going down amidst the Bloodbath Aftermath of Trump winning Re-Election in Nov.
Bump regarding BS: claim that, "Those being polled NOW, some 100 days before the election are "Likely Voters". ABC/WashPost RECENTLY questioned a "RANDOM SAMPLE/1,006". YOU do Not Know, what YOU do Not Know.
Well, I can Guarantee that My clients are "Likely Voters".
The latest SURVEY released by ABC/WashPost was merely "RANDOM Sample". Please STOP claiming these SURVEYS are "likely voters". That claim is Blatant BS:
That SURVEY conducted by ABC/Wash Post did Not even KNOW if those they contacted were Registered Voters. Stop with the Bogus Surveys/"RANDOM SAMPLES". There is absolutely Nothing Scientific about the Predetermined Outcomes of Any of these SURVEYS. On the other hand, I watched a Scientist/Prof yesterday that employs MATHEMATICAL VOTING MODELS derived from previous elections to predict the outcomes of POTUS Elections. This guy got the "16" Election Correct, along with employing his Mathematical Voting Model on Previous POTUS Elections. His Mathematical Voting Models have predicted the Winner in 25 of the last 27 POTUS Elections. You will NOT see this SCIENTIST on any of your Fake News Sources. This is due to Who his Mathematical Voting Models Predict will Win In Nov. Yeah. Trump does Indeed have SCIENCE on his side this Nov.
From what I am told, they will eventually be issuing a version of Newt's "Contract With America" where they Expose ALL of Biden's Ultra Left Positions vs Trump's America Friendly/America First Positions. With Trump, Timing = Everything. He's liable to do this right before Debate #1 if that ever does come off. The Trump Campaign remains skeptical that Fuzzy Joe will Ever take the debate stage, even 1 time. The anticipated KO Punch is the Durham/Barr CRIMINAL Investigation. With Biden telling George Stephanopoulus that he did Not Know anything about the Flynn Investigation and then it coming out that Biden attended the Jan 4 meeting where Gen Flynn was thoroughly discussed amongst Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strozk, Rice, etc makes Biden out to be a Liar. On top of that, everybody NOW Knows that Biden did UNMASK Flynn + there is Now Strozk's Notes of that Jan 4 meeting Specifically mentioning that BIDEN Himself suggested that Flynn be prosecuted under the Logan Act. Lotta Crushing Issues ready to come crashing down on Biden yet his campaign continues burying him in the basement. This MIA status is only pushing ALL of these Issues being Exposed closer and closer to election day. This is Exactly the Timing that Trump wants. Dum!
Biden: (1) Defund The Police, (2) NO School Choice. As the Biden campaign Slowly makes their Bernie & AOC positions Known, even the Public Polling will reflect what some already Know. Just wait until Trump starts handing out even More Stimulus $$$ like Santa Claus while also claiming HE wanted to give away more $$. Then comes the Debate(s), and the Maraschino Cherry on top = Durham/Bulldog Bar CRIMINAL Investigation. Biden is gonna mirror a Melting Candle. Come Nov 3, the Wick goes OUT.
When you guys have anything New to Endlessly grouse about, PM me. As usual, your redundant haranguing is Killing the thread. Last night, you get a dissenting voice contributing to this thread and the Silent Majority viewership Immediately set record numbers. This A.M. you dog pilers go into your Pete and RePete Routine and as usual the viewer response = Crickets. The wild audience fluctuations Here is a microcosm of Nov 3. Lotta Noise outta the Malcontents but the Silent Majority always ends up carrying the day.
Steele Documents just released. FISA Court FRAUD once again PROVEN, along with the NY Times also being in cahoots. Stay Tuned for Durham/Barr in late Aug/Early Sept = Maraschino Cherry for Nov 3.
What we see Above is PROOF of the Non-Stop Fake News Parroting that goes on around here 24/7. I am here to Set The Record STRAIGHT!
Yeah I'm glad people are reading this Thread also. You guys monopolize it with your BS: when I am on the road for a week or 2. I get back and the Silent Majority around here get a breath of Fresh Air. The numbers do Not Lie.
HATE Failed in 2016 and will again. And once again You Guys will be Howling At The Moon for 6 months afterward. Same Old, Same Old.
Well, YOU got that Wrong. What New? I have Never claimed to be a "GOP" Consultant. Consultants work wherever needed/$$$. I also have been well trained in "Plumbing" which can come in handy. "Hazardous Pay" then sweetens the pot.
NO Candidate Currently has any Electoral Votes "Locked In". This is Exactly why No one pays Any Attention to your Mindlessly Endless posting. But please keep it up. It is this type of "it's all over" mindset that gets Dems to stay home come Nov.
"I can't find 3 people"? HATERS were rejected by this Forum at almost a 3-1 Clip. And if You do Not think that vote directly involved Myself, you are without a doubt Politically Tone Deaf. Like within the Electorate, there is a Silent Majority here at this Forum. YOU are in a very Small Minority that makes a lot of Noise.
You HATERS have a very Old View of FOX News. There are several people there that are Never Trumpers. This is what happens when YOU Restrict your sources of information. You get outta step with Reality. Regarding that McConnell Tripe, the Repubs are going to win the Alabama Seat = a +4 Advantage. You tell me where the Dem's are going to pick up at Least 4 Senate Seats. Trump being re-elected means You need at Least 5 due to the Repub's having the tiebreaker/VP. These are the "Sources" you people like to Follow and Parrot. These Dummies are playing to an ill informed group of Malcontents that cheer on Rioters, Looters, and Pestilence. Ma & Pa Kettle's across this country KNOW the Reality of what is happening across this country. Law & Order vs Anarchy!
:D :D :D
This is a perfect example on why you shouldn't watch right wing propaganda, disinformation, and conspiracy theories. It's all BS:
Everything Royell Storing posted was 100% false and not one thing he claimed turned out to be true.
He didn't "know" anything as he pretended to be an 'insider" .
I wonder if Royell will be watching Joe Biden's Inauguration Day on Wednesday as he's eating his maraschino cherries and crying in his beer.
Last full day of the biggest disaster in American history.
@ Rick Plant, the funny thing is you actually think because Biden is now in power USA wont be drunkenly stumbling around headed into its NEXT disaster.
You are too far gone for Biden to save USA.
We all know how Kennedy handled the Cuban Missile Crisis. What would have happened if we had a corrupt compromised idiot like Donald Trump at the helm? For starters, we know he would claim it "was all a hoax" and "it would magically go away". Americans would have been doomed and who knows what kind of disaster would have happened. One thing for sure, is the conservatives in 1960 would never have supported a vile corrupt pathological liar like Donald Trump as their nominee. People had intelligence and weren't brainwashed with a right wing hack media that pushes propaganda 24/7 which is state run television. Some people believe that former government officials had Russian connections, so Donald Trump isn't the only one with allegiance to Mother Russia. Thoughts?
One thing for sure, is the conservatives in 1960 would never have supported a vile corrupt pathological liar like Donald Trump as their nominee.
DT got elected because the majority of Americans know that Washington DC is a "swamp" filed with snakes, skunks, and rats.
Those denizens belong to both political parties and they are there because that's where the American tax dollars are dolled out .
DT said that he was going to drain that swamp.....THAT'S what got him elected.
You just still have to laugh at all this nonsense :D
:D :D :D
This is a perfect example on why you shouldn't watch right wing propaganda, disinformation, and conspiracy theories. It's all BS:
Everything Royell Storing posted was 100% false and not one thing he claimed turned out to be true.
He didn't "know" anything as he pretended to be an 'insider" .
I wonder if Royell will be watching Joe Biden's Inauguration Day on Wednesday as he's eating his maraschino cherries and crying in his beer.
Last full day of the biggest disaster in American history.
Holy Cow! Royell was really on a roll last summer. I wonder what ever happened to that guy. Will we ever see his like again? Of course. We still do.
I see The Parrots are still echoing this "Peaceful Protesters" BS:. THIS is Exactly why Racist Biden is going to lose. People actually SEE what is going down inside these outta control Dem Run Cities across this country.
I suppose Royell would consider Washington D. C. to be one of this out of control Democratic run cities.
Trump having staked out his being the "Law & Order" candidate wins by default.
It seems the voters sensed that this was false.
Another "WINNING, WINNING, WINNING" Issue for Trump. Trump = "Law & Order" wins in Nov.
If Trump tries again in 2024, I think he should look for a different winning issue.
That would be a good commercial for the fall of 2024, if it should come to it, which I doubt.
• A clip of Trump making a speech in 2020 promoting Law and Order.
• A couple of clips of the rioters assaulting the Capitol.
• A clip of the policeman being pressed in the doorway.
• A clip of the funeral procession for Officer Brian Sicknick.
I think this would even exceed the Goldwater “Daisy” commercial of 1964 in its effectiveness.
I think it’s time the Trump supporters, including those on this board, wake up and start looking for a different alternative in 2024.
Are any of you ever going to see Trump as President ever again? Yes. For the next 23 hours. Better enjoy it.
DT said that he was going to drain that swamp.....THAT'S what got him elected.
DT said a lot of things that were false. Not only did he not do any "draining", he made the swamp swampier.
Holy Cow! Royell was really on a roll last summer. I wonder what ever happened to that guy.
He was kicked out for spreading disinformation about COVID-19 and also for making personal attacks. He refused to pay the reinstatement fine.
Trump risked a nuclear security crisis with how his administration left office
One thing for sure, is the conservatives in 1960 would never have supported a vile corrupt pathological liar like Donald Trump as their nominee.
DT got elected because the majority of Americans know that Washington DC is a "swamp" filed with snakes, skunks, and rats.
Those denizens belong to both political parties and they are there because that's where the American tax dollars are dolled out .
DT said that he was going to drain that swamp.....THAT'S what got him elected.
Trump is a snake filled with his corrupt cronies that are the swamp.
DT said a lot of things that were false. Not only did he not do any "draining", he made the swamp swampier.
Yes, It seems that you're right. It looks like the crocodiles devoured him..... But I still believe that the primary reason that DT got elected was because most Americans recognize that Washington DC is a stinkin swamp ( And the denizens of DC are there to be near the vault that holds our tax dollars) And DT was elected because he said that he was going to drain that stinkin swamp...but it appears that the swamp was too big for him....
Yes, It seems that you're right. It looks like the crocodiles devoured him..... But I still believe that the primary reason that DT got elected was because most Americans recognize that Washington DC is a stinkin swamp ( And the denizens of DC are there to be near the vault that holds our tax dollars) And DT was elected because he said that he was going to drain that stinkin swamp...but it appears that the swamp was too big for him....
No, it appears that he lied about that just like he lied about everything else.
No, it appears that he lied about that just like he lied about everything else.
He lied about what, John?
He lied about what, John?
Trump is a snake filled with his corrupt cronies that are the swamp.
Mr P. You are a simplistic fool. There are swamp creatures ( con men ) inhabiting the swamp waiting to steal the working man's tax dollars. Those politicians of both parties have no alliance or loyalty to anything but their own bank accounts.
Shouldn’t it be DJT for Trump just to keep it consistent here In this forum like we do with BWF and BRW?
He lied about what, John?
https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/ (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/)
https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/ (https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/)
Wow!.... So you probably think he even lied about his real name?
Ex-KGB spy makes explosive claims about Russia's efforts to 'cultivate' Trump
KGB groomed Trump as an asset for 40 years, former Russian spy says
New book interviewing Yuri Shvets and many other sources alleges Moscow rescued Trump’s businesses with laundered funds, directly tying this to ex-president’s affinity for Putin