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JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on February 22, 2021, 10:21:39 PM

Title: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on February 22, 2021, 10:21:39 PM
Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.

I downloaded 15 frames of Bronson's footage from the link below (Robin Unger's photo gallery).
Robin shows 20 frames in that Bronson sequence, but we now know that Robin missed 6 frames, the Museum's scans show 26 frames in that sequence.
Robin i think got his 20 frames by making screenprints of the Museum's film on their youtube site, & their (hi-res) youtube has now been deleted. But we can watch (low-res) footage on the Museum's website.

I cropped & enlarged the 15 frames to show just Queen Mary (with Hickey sitting-standing in the left rear seat).  I loaded the frames into their own folder in my computer, & i opened the pix using Microsoft Office.  Then when i pressed my left or right arrow button the 15 frames would cycle as if they were a film, backwards or forwards, albeit much faster than the original speed (how can i slow it down?). [Ok i slowed my key settings & now the "footage" runs at a perfect slowish fps, nothing can stop me now].

The frames are named  4 to 18 (does the Bronson footage have an official numbering?).  But to get them to play in proper sequence in Microsoft Office i found that i had to name them starting with  18-12 & ending with  4-13, where the leading number say 18 is artificial & the second number say 12 is the true number of the frame.  Hence the name sequence started with 18-12 followed by 17-11 then 16-10 …….. then 10-4 then 9-18 …….  & finishing with  4-13.

U might not need that silly naming sequence if u open the pix in some other program, but then u might find that the frames cycle ok but they dont stop at 18, they just keep going & going, which aint good neither.

So what i had was a close-up pseudo-version of Bronson's footage, showing just Queen Mary.  This wasn’t very useful because it was so blurry etc.
So nextly i cropped the frames so that Queen Mary appeared perfectly stationary, & the spectators whizzed past.  This worked much better, now u could actually see something happening in an intelligible way. I said "perfectly stationary", but its rough, & i am too lazy to improve it (praps later).
When i say stationary, Queen Mary is stationary in the horizontal sense, but u will notice that Queen Mary sinks slowly in the vertical sense as it goes along, because Elm Street falls, or more correctly because Bronson didn’t pan proper.  I could have cropped to negate this gradual sinkage, but i didn’t, because i knew that later i would need to measure vertical elevations (are there any other kind?) off each frame, & the easiest way of doing that was to have a fixed vertical reference (more about that later).

So, this pseudo-film of Queen Mary was an interesting exercise, but up to now it hasn’t yielded any useful info, too blurry, Hickey hidden by spectators, etc. 

So, i had to examine & measure each frame individually to make any sense of it all, ie to see what Hickey did or didn’t do when JFK was shot at Z313.  And it worked.  More later.
It was rotten luck, he was just doing his job.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: John Iacoletti on February 23, 2021, 12:52:19 AM
You really don't need to keep opening new threads for this same topic.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on February 23, 2021, 01:13:16 AM
You really don't need to keep opening new threads for this same topic.
Yes the existing threads re Hickey are not huge, & they do already contain some very good comments & info, which i dont want to ignore, but, i have lots & lots to cover, re different aspects, in the next few days, & these different aspects do not automatically jump out for everyone doing a search unless they know exactly what they dont know. And 50 page threads are ugly & very user unfriendly.

I dont think that i will disappoint. Actually i am mainly interested in Oswald shot-1, & Hickey shot-123 (if it was a burst), & i dont have much interest in Oswald shot-2, or what happened on some other day, or what happened outside Dealey Plaza, or re silly conspiracies (they are all silly)(except for the Hickey cover-up of course). And then having solved these 2 questions in my mind i will go away. 

Actually i am allso interested in what Oswald's escape plan was, did it involve a safe house, did it involve doing a robbery & getting to Mexico, was there a plane waiting at the airport. But i dont expect to post on any of that.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on February 23, 2021, 02:22:50 AM
Bronson frame 20-50 is too blurry to be of any use. 
When measuring the good 19 frames i noticed that 6 frames were missing. 
The skipped or missing frames were found by measuring the horizontal distances moved by the lamp-pole & sign post relative to Queen Mary. 
I found  5 frames where the distance moved from the previous frame (ie the gap) was double or triple the usual. 
My measurements were in mm, measured on the glass face of my computer monitor,  each mm vertically is about 0.91" on the car,  & the horizontal scale might be similar (too lazy to check today).

…... dist mm …. gap.
01 …… 000 ……. 000.
2a …… 012 ……. 012.
02 …… 025 ……. 013.
03 …… 038 ……. 013.
04 …… 049 ….… 010.
05 …… 061 ……. 012.
6a ..… (072) …. (011).
06 …… 083 ……. 011.
07 ….. 094.5 …. 011.5.
8a ….. (105) …. (010.5).
08 …… 115.5 … 010.
09 …… 123.5 … 008.
10 …... 135 …… 011.5.
11 …… 145 ……. 010.
12a … (153) … (008).
12 ..… 162 …... 009.
13 …… 170 ……. 008.
14 …… 176.5 … 006.5.
15a …. (184) … (007.5).
15b … (192) …. (008).
15 …… 201 ……. 009.
16 …… 210 ……. 009.
17 …… 221 ……. 011.
18 …… 229 ……. 008.
19 …… 235 ……. 006.
20 is too blurry to be of any use.

I inserted the dummy frames for the missing frames because that info might affect some future calculations. 
The frame rate they say is 12 fps. 
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on February 23, 2021, 11:03:51 PM
I couldn’t find any definitive proof re which Bronson frame equals Z313 (the fatal shot).
I tried to work it out for myself but its difficult because Bronson's footage doesn't show JFK's head exploding i think.  However i could see that Nix592 equalled Z313.  Actually later i found that Robin Unger's website says that N022 equals Z312 & N023 equals Z313 (their Nix numbering is different). 

Nix was standing near Bronson, so it wasn’t difficult for me to then link Bronson to Nix.   
I estimated that N592 (N023) equals UYB09.   
I will now name the 20 Unger frames starting with UYB01 & ending with UYB20.
The U stands for Unger. The Y stands for youtube (koz i think that this is where he got his printscreen scans of his frames). The B stands for Bronson.
I still haven’t figured out whether its exactly UYB09 or a fraction towards UYB10 or UYB08, this would depend on whether Nix was standing a bit left (west) of Bronson or a bit right (east), i don’t know which is true.

Actually i didn’t work out which Bronson equals Z313 until the end of my little investigation, because i was well aware that if i worked it out early on then it could bias my analysis & measurements of what was going on inside Queen Mary.  Because Bronson is so blurry i was guessing & i had to play the footage over & over all day, & even late at night i was changing my mind, & different judges might see things differently.  But i am happy to mention that UYB09 is ground zero early on in this thread koz i need that info.

During my investigation i discovered some very interesting actions involving Hickey at UYB08, & later i was pleased to find that UYB09 was indeed the key frame, no fudging or cooking or pushing needed, altho praps i do need to find say half a frame.  But it was a long day, & today i will have a second look at the whole thing, i might change my mind.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Bill Chapman on February 24, 2021, 02:09:07 AM
Actually i am interested in what Oswald's escape plan was, did it involve a safe house, did it involve doing a robbery & getting to Mexico, was there a plane waiting at the airport. But i dont expect to post on any of that.

Oswald had a plan to take a quick vacay but Ted Cruz's father grabbed the last seat. Also, one of Oswald's handlers, O H Lee, procured a safe house, although he couldn't find a room that needed curtain rods, apparently.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on February 24, 2021, 04:01:16 AM
Details of the motorcade can be found in --Presidential Motorcade Schematic Listing – by Todd Wayne Vaughn.

We are lucky to have UYB04 to UYB18 (B01 to UYB20 actually).
This is the only footage-photo of what happened in & around Queen Mary at the time of Z313.  All others focused on the JFK limo & incidentally got a small chunk of Queen Mary.  Here is what i see in UYB04 to UYB18 ( i later included UYB01 UYB02 UYB03 UYB19 UYB20) .............

(1) Kinney (driver).   Can be seen relatively well.  Is looking ahead throughout.
(2) Roberts (sitting next to Kinney).  Hidden by Kinney. We can see the top of his head at times. Reactions not vizible.
(3) O'Donnell (sitting in left jump seat).  Hidden by McIntyre.
(4) Powers (sitting in right jump seat).  Hidden by McIntyre & O'Donnell.

(5) Hickey (semi-standing in left of rear seat).  I will give a detailed description of Hickey's actions later.  We can usually see 2 blurry dark shapes in the rear seat, with blurry mainly dark heads.  Its impossible to tell which is Hickey & which is Bennett.  In some frames the 2 shapes & heads are smudged into oblivion.  In some frames (especially near Z313) 3 spectators standing on the south side of Elm St block our view of Hickey & Bennett (& our view of the others).  The 15 extant frames are jumpy, because they should be 22 frames (7 frames have been skipped by the 3rd rate camera, or are missing).   Our pseudo-footage would play much better & tell us more if we had the benefit of thems extra 7 frames.  After a long time i realized that one reason that its difficult to see what is what & who is who is that Hickey is looking to his right in some frames, & we see the dark back of his blurry head.  This escaped me.  I could see the nice pink sides of Agent's faces fairly clearly in lots of frames, but not so for Hickey & Bennett.  Bennett shows a little bit of pink much of the time (actually its not even pink, its just a small weak pale smudge of a face-patch).  Hickey shows merely a hint of face-patch in a half of the frames, because we see the back of his head mostly.  He has turned his head (to his right), & possibly his body (in which case we can see his back).  More about Hickey later.

(6) Bennett (sitting in the right of the rear seat).  It is fairly certain that Bennett is the one sitting leaning forward (praps he likes to keep his hand on the door-handle), whereas Hickey is in the left seat & is higher & leaning back sitting up on some cases placed on the seat for that purpose.  Bennett's head is much lower than Hickey's head.  Bennett is looking rightish, possibly scanning for long range threats i reckon (eg the picket fence).  If he were looking straight ahead then the sides of his faces should look large & pink like others, but his face-patches look narrow & weak koz we can see the back of his head mostly (but its difficult to tell, being so blurry etc).  I dont think that Bennett ever glances directly at Hickey, but its difficult to tell.  His face-patch is pinkest at B16, i think that he looks towards the commotion in the limo, or is it a late reaction to the sound of Hickey's shot.  Is UYB16 a head turn reaction to Hickey's shot at UYB09?  Bennett's head is 100% hidden by the red lady's head in UYB17, & in UYB18 his head is smudged & his face isnt detectable, & later when i included UYB19 i found that UYB19 had a strange pinkish smudge near where Bennett's face should be, but i couldnt find any clear evidence that the possible head turn reaction in UYB16 continued after, if i did find such evidence then it would be ok for me to claim that Bennett had a head-turn reaction to Hickey's shot at UYB09, but no such luck.
(7) Hill (standing on the front of the left running board).  Hill can be seen running on the road just ahead of the windshield at UYB04, & by UYB18 he is way ahead almost at JFK's limo.  I said "can be seen running" but really its not much better than guesswork, Hill is so blurry.  We can see a suspicion of his face-patch in a few of the frames.  But there is no possibility of seeing whether Hill had any reaction to a shot at UYB09 (did Hill ever say that he heard the fatal 3rd shot?)(whilst running).

(8 ) McIntyre (standing on the rear of the left running board).  McIntyre can be seen looking right in UYB04 to UYB09, ie towards Hickey.  We know that McIntyre is looking right because we can't see the pink of McIntyre's face, we see the dark of the back of his head. 
And we can assume that he is looking at Hickey because he has seen that Hickey has picked up the AR15.
Then in UYB10 we can see the pink of the side of McIntyre's face because McIntyre has now quickly looked towards JFK,
& we can assume that that is because he saw Hickey fire at UYB09.
After UYB10 McIntyre continues to look towards JFK. 

(9) Ready (standing on the front of the right running board).  Ready is the clearest & most vizible of everyone in Queen Mary, ordinarily our view of Ready would be blocked by Hill standing on the left running board but Hill has run off.  Ready looks ahead the whole time, & shows no reaction to Hickey's shot.
(10)  Landis (standing on the rear of the right running board).  Our view of Landis is partly blocked by McIntyre in every frame.  In some frames we can see a small part of Landis's face & hair & head.  He might have looked to his left towards Hickey when Hickey picked up the AR15, & he might then have looked towards JFK after the shot, but i don’t think that we can judge any of that because his face is mostly blocked by McIntyre's head.  Bennett is sitting tween Landis & Hickey, & Bennett (leaning forward as always)(as can be seen in photos) has partly blocked Landis's view of Hickey picking up the AR15, hence Landis early on might not even be aware that Hickey has picked up the AR15. Actually silly me i forgot that Landis is standing next to the jump seats not next to the rear seat, hence Landis looking rightish because of the curve is looking awayish from Hickey & hardly likely to notice Hickey with the AR15 & in addition Landis somehow fails to react to the sound of the shot (he should have turned leftish).

Spectators.  There are 4 spectators close to Queen Mary on the southern side of Elm St, & others close on the northern side, & others at various locations, but i can't see any obvious reactions by any spectators to a shot by Hickey in Queen Mary.  Naturally spectators in UYB04 to UYB18 would be focused on JFK, especially after JFK's reaction to getting shot by Oswald's shot-2 at Z218 (ie 95 Zapruder frames before Z313-UYB09), & especially after Hill has taken off on foot.  And Hickey is hidden away in the middle of a ring of Agents.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on February 26, 2021, 12:02:52 PM
The above is the new (good) link to my cropped & enlarged versions of each of 18 of 20 of the Bronson frames from the 50-album on Robin Unger's site.  They have been cropped to show only the follow up car Queen Mary. And they are cropped so that Queen Mary appears stationary when u scroll throo the 18 frames to give a pseudo-film effect (as i explained in an earlier posting). That way u can make more sense out of what is happening in Queen Mary, ie what the 8 Agents & 2 Assistants are doing or not doing.

Frame 20-50 & frame 1-50 are too blurry to be of use so i havent included them. So from now on i will be looking at these 18 frames. Earlier i only looked at 15 frames, ie 04 to 18.  I dont think that the extra 3 frames will be very important, but anyhow i will go back & upgrade my earlier postings if something new turns up.

I downloaded 2 of these google photos & i notice that they are only about 31k whereas my originals on my computer are about 210k. And i went to a lot of trouble to get my 18 frames cropped so that they were exactly the same width & height when i opened them in Microsoft Office. But the google ones might not end up being exactly equal. If need be i can email my originals if anyone asks.

To get them to play in proper sequence in Microsoft Office i found that i had to put the 18 in their own folder & i had to name them in a funny way as follows below.  The first number (eg 1) is the number that u need to put in front of the frame number (say 2-50) to give (1 2-50) etc.
1 2-50
10 2-50
11 3-50
9 19-50
12 4-50
13 5-50
14 6-50
15 7-50
16 8-50
17 9-50
18 10-50
19 11-50
2 12-50
3 13-50
5 15-50
6 16-50
4 14-50
7 17-50
8 18-50

As u can see i used frame 2-50 twice at the start, that way my pseudo-film starts on a freeze frame of 2-50, & when i press the right arrow button on my keyboard the picture sits on 2-50 for a fraction of a second before it flickers throo the sequence 2-50 to 19-50, much better, much easier to comprehend what is going on inside Queen Mary.
Actually later i found that i didnt have to have the sequence exactly as shown, i found that as long as the named numberings were correct then Microsoft Office was happy.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on February 26, 2021, 11:58:06 PM
I saw a claim that smoke can be seen in or near Queen Mary in Bronson's footage.
I can't see any.  If Hickey fired at UYB09 then we might see smoke at UYB10 UYB11 UYB12, & this would have to be at chest level in front of Hickey & the standing Agents, but i don’t see any such smoke. 

A patch of grass on the knoll behind Queen Mary seems to change color slightly from frame to frame, but that doesn't prove anything much.

Would an AR15 give much smoke? 
I suspect that Hickey fired an auto burst of at least 4 shots, so praps 4 or 5 shots might make an appreciable amount of smoke.  Dunno.

Smoke evidence proves that ………………………………………………..…
(1) No-one shot from the 6th floor -- no-one saw gunsmoke.
(2) No-one shot Tippit -- no-one saw gunsmoke.
(3) No-one shot from the Queen Mary -- no-one saw gunsmoke.
(4) A shot came from the picket fence – many saw gunsmoke.
Many was called as a witness -- why wasnt no-one called? -- why wasnt No-one found guilty?
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Jerry Freeman on February 27, 2021, 01:17:40 AM
Of those 20 links posted above....all come up as a 'google error'--- check this before you post :-\
Many was called as a witness, why wasnt no-one called????????
What does that even mean?
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on February 27, 2021, 02:19:38 AM
Of those 20 links posted above....all come up as a 'google error'--- check this before you post :-\What does that even mean?
Ok thanx for that. It looks like Google Photos only shares with other members. [edit][i forgot to share][now shared].
So today i opened a new website on Google Sites & i uploaded my 18 images to that.

I notice that the google images come across at about 45k, whereas my originals are about 210k, but the 45k images dont look inferior, but praps they will be too grainy if u magnify them. If anyone wants my originals i will email them.  Actually the google images download with the correct height but google have cropped the width.  It looks as if the cropping is equal on the left & right, in which case when u scroll throo the pix to get a pseudo film effect then the Queen Mary might look stationary like it should, & the frames/pix should be good enough to see if u can see Hickey shooting JFK, but if u aint happy with it then message me & i will email my 18 originals.

Posting images on Google Sites is a bit difficult, it is a little user unfriendly, but it is free.  Not to be confused with Google Images.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Jerry Freeman on February 27, 2021, 06:42:52 AM
The value of Dillard's photographic work would not come into play until some years later, when he handed his twelve negatives over to the HSCA inquiry into the shooting of JFK. The idea was to enhance the negatives to allow a better view of the window and imagery inside the window in the hope that they might show if Lee Harvey Oswald was standing in the window frame at the various times of each bullet being fired..........
All twelve negatives were irreversibly destroyed during the enhancement process, a process that did not involve Tom Dillard. Not only did Dillard never get asked to explain his gunpowder observation to the original Warren Commission hearing, his now destroyed negatives denied him, and anyone trying to unravel the death of JFK, an opportunity to see if there was a picture that might have told a thousand words. Tom's disappointment was followed by his comment on the entire affair: 'a nauseating boondoggle'.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on February 27, 2021, 07:23:35 AM
Yes all of that supports my wordage that no-one saw (reported seeing) gunsmoke at the 6th floor.

However gunsmoke was seen near Queen Mary, because i suppose that there is always a little observable smoke, & as i have said in another thread Hickey fired an auto burst of at least 4 shots hence 4 or 5 lots of a little smoke. 

Re Dillard that article says twice that Dillard observed gunsmoke when in fact he hadnt -- smelling gunsmoke should not be called observing gunsmoke. 
And the timing of Dillard smelling gunsmoke is wrong. He could not have smelled gunsmoke until much later when the wind carried it from the location of Queen Mary at UYB09, or until he met the smell say halfway or something. 
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 01, 2021, 12:07:41 AM
Spot the AR15.
This shows UYB11 which is 2 or 3 frames after the fatal shot at UYB09 or UYB08 (Zapruder frame Z313 is UYB09 or praps a little before UYB09).
Enuff time i think for the AR15 to recoil from horizontal in UYB09 to near vertical in UYB11.
That little patch of pink at the AR15 aint Hickey's hand it is Bennett's face, which is the main reason that we can make out a fuzzy AR15 at all, if Bennett wasnt low down & leaning forward then we would not be able to see the AR15, but luckily it shows up dark against Bennett's face. Likewise in another frame.
More to come.
(https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dlyuDziSO88mZlmK8HjsT_kBUbP5ZgAQsKzNwJbsKNCFAzzfP8zGW4-VGsWHOH7YQKokMFnUSvtRqHywI-fp9zeDcl6ZCItp3dB0F7DM3xv_Sjdeer4VxiOJtcnDyUVnSqFNg0go_NHy98YtySINRU=w298-h223-no?authuser=0)  (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dlyuDziSO88mZlmK8HjsT_kBUbP5ZgAQsKzNwJbsKNCFAzzfP8zGW4-VGsWHOH7YQKokMFnUSvtRqHywI-fp9zeDcl6ZCItp3dB0F7DM3xv_Sjdeer4VxiOJtcnDyUVnSqFNg0go_NHy98YtySINRU=w298-h223-no?authuser=0)

(https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/v5jMcEbBPh7l3LhenMlyJMUBN2FO0_tkRNOK8l-mDJIvagn8jdTRmlX6TeHlX_wub6WetglQbSDl1ctgP-TLLk_wPbEWeNI1R6Hlu9yZ8mWATdsYHYS3MBLW1wIg-n3SQg=w1280)  (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/hnFLw8Zq0Sq1nE1G5xHXVXqB4nHpcEJXY8a2_XFZjwCRr9Q_1qCNahW_5dJYkLLgnF9Z47k_OVJ-MCGL1uAmRFYCElGLM3VZyK4Y9LYX00iHuIU7cvuxY3kKbAYNn5suSA=w1280)
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Bill Chapman on March 01, 2021, 12:49:32 PM
Spot the AR15.
This shows B11 which is 2 or 3 frames after the fatal shot at B09 or B08 (Zapruder frame 313 is B09 or praps a little before B09).
Enuff time i think for the AR15 to recoil from horizontal in B09 to near vertical in B11.
That little patch of pink at the AR15 aint Hickey's hand it is Bennett's face, which is the main reason that we can make out a fuzzy AR15 at all, if Bennett wasnt low down & leaning forward then we would not be able to see the AR15, but luckily it shows up dark against Bennett's face. Likewise in another frame.
More to come.

Attack of the Blobs
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 01, 2021, 02:31:04 PM
An interesting report by kenneth s weissman
"report: the bronson kennedy assassination film investigation"
which says that Robin Unger's 20 (screenprints i think) of the Museum's 2017 scan of Bronson's film (ie the 20 frames that i am using) are not as good as the Museum's 2019 scan of the 26 frames.

I doubt that the Museum would send me copies of their 26 2019 frames for free or even for dollars. Might Robin Unger be able to get copies?

The inferior 2017 Robin Unger frames (no fault of Robin) that i used definitely suffer from software artifacts (ie an attack of the blobs).
I wonder what the good hi-res 2019 version of UYB11 might show re that there AR15.
Plus what would the other 2019 frames show?

Weissman says that he would like to look at the original film frames using a microscope.  And adds that fixing the frames to use a microscope would be a danger to the film.  Why does Weissman think that a good digital copy is not as good as a microscope?
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Louis Earl on March 01, 2021, 08:31:28 PM
Wouldn't it be something if 20 years from now it is established that JFK was shot by a Secret Service man and RFK was shot by a LA policeman?  Both by accident. 
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Mark A. Oblazney on March 06, 2021, 11:23:51 AM
Of those 20 links posted above....all come up as a 'google error'--- check this before you post :-\What does that even mean?

Well, whatever it means, it sounds VERY profound.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 06, 2021, 10:53:56 PM
Well, whatever it means, it sounds VERY profound.
It means that the silly gunsmoke evidence that is the main basis for the silly sniper at the picket fence theory must if u apply that kind of reasoning also serve as evidence that Ruby did not shoot Oswald because no-one saw gunsmoke. And no-one shot from the 6th floor, & no-one shot Tippit, & no-one shot from Queen Mary.

I saw a claim that smoke can be seen in or near Queen Mary in Bronson's footage.
I can't see any.  If Hickey fired at B09 then we might see smoke at B10 B11 B12, & this would have to be at chest level in front of Hickey & the standing Agents, but i don’t see any such smoke. 

A patch of grass on the knoll behind Queen Mary seems to change color slightly from frame to frame, but that doesn't prove anything much.

Would an AR15 give much smoke?  I suspect that Hickey fired an auto burst of 3 shots, so praps 3 shots might make an appreciable amount of smoke.  Dunno.

Smoke evidence proves that ………………………………………………..…
(1) No-one shot from the 6th floor -- no-one saw gunsmoke.
(2) No-one shot Tippit -- no-one saw gunsmoke.
(3) No-one shot from the Queen Mary -- no-one saw gunsmoke.
(4) A shot came from the picket fence – many saw gunsmoke.
Many was called as a witness -- why wasnt no-one called? -- why wasnt No-one found guilty?
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 07, 2021, 03:07:39 AM
I noticed something new today.  The Muchmore film is shown in the first 31 frames of the 120 frames in the Muchmore folder in Robin Unger's gallery on this website.  From frame M001 to M028 u can see the hood of Queen Mary.  At frames M029 M030 M031 u can see the driver Kinney.  He is starting to look to his right, & at frame M031 he has turned right as far as is possible without turning his body.  Unfortunately frame M031 is the last.   

What does the Nix film show?  Unfortunately frame M031 corresponds to i think Nix frame N232, & the lady with the tan coat blocks our view of Hickey in frames N231 N232 N233, & partly blocks Kinney in frames N230 N234.  But we can see that in earlier Nix frames & in later Nix frames Kinney is looking directly ahead towards the JFK limo.  The fatal shot is i think at N209, ie 23 Nix frames before Kinney's head turn at N232, ie a little over 1 second.

So, Kinney, who is keeping Queen Mary 6 ft behind the JFK limo, finds an urgent need to have a quick look to his right or rear.  Why?  Was it because Agent Ready has jumped off the running board & Agent Roberts is telling Ready to come back?  I don’t think so.  Kinney could see all of that action by just half turning to his right.  And Ready's jumping & unjumping is surely not as critical as the need to avoid squashing Agent Hill tween Queen Mary & the JFK limo.

Did Kinney turn his head hard right to get a look at Agent Landis jumping off the running board?  Landis did jump off, however i have never seen it mentioned.  Landis was standing next to the jump seats.  No, i don’t think that that was the reason.

Did Kinney turn his head hard right because Agent Hickey had fired his AR15 past Kinney's right earhole at frame M009 N209 UYB09 Z313?
Yes, the AR15 firing a shot (i reckon at least 4 shots)(an auto burst) past Kinney's right earhole would surely do the trick.  Kinney's head turn was probably a voluntary action, rather than non-voluntary, say 1 second after the shot,  but nonetheless it was fairly automatic & non-avoidable i reckon. 

What does the Bronson film tell us about Kinney's head turn?  Unfortunately the Bronson frames UYB01 to UYB20 stop at about Nix  N226, ie 6 Nix frames short of seeing Kinney's head turn at N232.  Bronson was standing on a pedestal, ie higher than Nix, hence the lady in the tan coat would not i think have blocked Bronson's view of Kinney's head.  The fatal shot was at UYB09 or a fraction earlier i think. 

U might remember that some days ago i mentioned the earlier head turn reaction by McIntyre (standing on the rear of the left running board).  He can be seen looking right in Bronson UYB04 to UYB09, ie towards Hickey, & we can assume that he is looking at Hickey because he has seen that Hickey has picked up the AR15.  The fatal shot is at about UYB09.  However unfortunately McIntyre is out of frame in the Muchmore film, hence the Muchmore film can't be used to confirm McIntyre's head turn. 
And McIntyre is out of frame in most of the Nix film.  He is only partly vizible in Nix frames N239 to N248 (we can see his head & the front half of his body).  In thems frames he is looking directly ahead.  Kinney turned his head 7 frames earlier at N232.  The fatal shot was at say N209.

Here is Muchmore M031 of 120, showing Kinney looking right.   And below that we see Nix N233 of 652 showing the lady blocking our view.
In N233 u can see under Queen Mary that Ready & Landis are both standing on the road.

(https://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/albums/userpics/10001/20150407-074141.jpg) (https://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/albums/Gayle%20Nix%20Jackson%20Frames/0235.jpg)
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Mark A. Oblazney on March 07, 2021, 12:17:55 PM
It means that the silly gunsmoke evidence that is the main basis for the silly sniper at the picket fence theory must if u apply that kind of reasoning also serve as evidence that Ruby did not shoot Oswald because no-one saw gunsmoke. And no-one shot from the 6th floor, & no-one shot Tippit, & no-one shot from Queen Mary.

You need to up your game, Marjan........ we can top this.  google 'mark o'blazney meets culto'.

you're welcome+
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 07, 2021, 01:52:30 PM
You need to up your game, Marjan........ we can top this.  google 'mark o'blazney meets culto'.
you're welcome+
Nope. I googled that. Nothing found. Can u give me a good link.
Praps it concerns a CIA conspiracy. The only conspiracy related to the JFK accidental homicide is the coverup.
Me myself i dont spend much time on things that happened on some other day, or outside Dealey Plaza.
Oswald took about 1 day to decide to kill JFK. He probly had a suicidal half-baked escape plan. He fired 2 shots.
Hickey accidentally shot JFK.
There was no CIA or FBI or Johnson or Mafia or Castro conspiracy, except for the coverup.
No sniper at the picket fence, or in a drain, or somewhere.

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Walt Cakebread on March 07, 2021, 03:40:16 PM
Yes all of that supports my wordage that no-one saw (reported seeing) gunsmoke at the 6th floor.

However gunsmoke was seen near Queen Mary, because i suppose that there is always a little observable smoke, & as i have said in another thread Hickey fired an auto burst of 3 shots hence 3 lots of a little smoke. 

Re Dillard that article says twice that Dillard observed gunsmoke when in fact he hadnt -- smelling gunsmoke should not be called observing gunsmoke. 
And the timing of Dillard smelling gunsmoke is wrong. He could not have smelled gunsmoke until much later when the wind carried it from the location of Queen Mary at B09, or until he met the smell say halfway or something.

no-one saw (reported seeing) gunsmoke at the 6th floor.

That's because there were no shots fired from the SE corner window on the 6th floor.   And there were also no shots fired from the Queen Mary....
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 08, 2021, 01:22:20 AM
no-one saw (reported seeing) gunsmoke at the 6th floor. That's because there were no shots fired from the SE corner window on the 6th floor.   And there were also no shots fired from the Queen Mary....
It would take weeks to read all of the reports books statements etc, 99% of it contradictory. Most of the witness statements are clearly worthless-misleading-wrong-lies, & we must decide which are true, & the rare true bits are hidden in the middle of rubbish.
Oswald fired at Z105 (hit signal arm) & Z218 (the magic bullet).
Hickey fired at Z300 to Z312 (an accidental auto burst of at least 4 shots).

In this thread & in others i have pointed out that Hickey's shots caused reactions by Agents Kinney & McIntyre & Bennett.
I have shown that Hickey could shoot JFK without having to stand fully up. 
I have shown that the Bronson film shows Hickey with an AR15 less than a second after Z313. 

We cant add anything to this saga unless we can get access to the superior 2019 copy of Bronson's 26 frames, the 20 2017 frames in Robin Unger's gallery here are very blurry. I doubt that the Museum will allow Robin to show the 2019 frames.  At present the Museum are happy to allow the public to believe that one of the 2017 Bronson frames shows that Hickey was holding his AR15 upwards at 45 deg at Z313.  However even without the help of the 2019 frames it is obvious that that frame is well after Z313. There must be some other reason why the Museum wont make the 2019 frames public.

Re gunsmoke, my comments were made in jest. In fact in addition to the many witnesses who smelled gunsmoke in Elm St there were many who said that they saw gunsmoke near Queen Mary at the time of the shots.  I had thort that the AR15 was set in burst mode which automatically fires 3 shots, but i found that there was no burst mode on the 601 model in 1963. It did have auto mode which fired at i think 400 rpm while the trigger is pressed or until u run out of ammo.

The AR15 was used for the first time on that Friday, & by lunchtime had killed the President & was never used again -- where is it today. 

Some mentions of smoke are confusing & cant be related to gunpowder, eg the word smoke was unfortunately also used to describe the explosion of JFK's head, & to describe the debris etc kicked up by bullets hitting the road & concrete.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 11, 2021, 12:37:10 AM
I am visiting some threads that mention that Agent Hickey accidentally killed JFK. 
Refutations that Hickey did it mainly employ a frame of the Bronson film that appears to show Hickey holding his AR15 at a 50deg upwards angle at the time of the shot, ie at Zapruder Z313.  The rationale being that the AR15 had to be held at say minus 5deg to (accidentally) aim at JFK's head over the windshield of Queen Mary, & 50deg upwards would miss JFK's head by a mile. 
There are some problems with thems refutations.
(1)  The timing of the Bronson frames relative to Z313 is uncertain. 
(2)  Some of Bronson's frame to frame time gaps are equivalent to say 5 Zapruder gaps.  Many Bronson gaps are equivalent to say 2 Zapruder frames (despite Bronson being 12 fps & Zapruder 18.3 fps). 
(3)  The time to (accidentally) swing upwards from 5deg down to 45deg up need not take more than say 1 Zapruder frame, if the upswing is helped by the natural recoil.
(4)  Kenneth S Weissman says that the 2019 copies of the Bronson film frames are superior to the 2017 copies (which are very blurry & have artifacts).  Frame UYB09 (2017) is usually the frame employed by refutationalists (RobIn Unger's gallery shows his low-res copies of the 2017 frames).  Weissman says that UYB09 (2019) does not show that there (50deg) rifle.   However i definitely see a blurry AR15 at  50deg (see Weissman's pix below).
(5)  The Museum keep the 2019 frames locked away.  The Museum are well aware that anti-Hickey refutationists employ the inferior 2017 frames.  The Museum are of course the Chief anti-Hickeyians. Today they are happy that their 2017 frames supposedly deny that Hickey shot JFK, while secretly knowing that their 2019 frames do not deny. 
(6)  The 6th Floor Museum's fear is not limited to the loss of their holy 2017 refutation canon, they dread that the 2019 frames support Hickeyianity.  We will never see the 2019 frames in Robin Unger's Gallery.

From Weissman's Report : Bronson UYB09 (2017) is on the left :  Bronson B12 (2019) is on the right (B12 is the hi-res version of the low-res UYB09).
I reckon that B12 (2019) shows a blurry AR15 at  50deg, blurry partly because it is swinging swiftly (upwards), the fatal shot being a fraction of a second earlier.
Hence B12 (2019) does not absolve Hickeyians from finding an explanation, Hickeyians have to use the same explanation that was needed for UYB09 (2017). But B12(2019) has provided new ammunition for Hickeyians, the AR15 is blurry because it is swinging fastly up, having already done the dirty deed.  Luckily enuff the ugly artifact in B09 (2017) has nicely magnified the true existence of the AR15, otherwise we might have missed seeing the swiftly swinging AR15 in B12 (2019).

Actually it is Weissman that called it an artifact, but it aint. It does however magnify the dark shape of the swiftly swinging (upwards) AR15. 
The dark bit on the end might be an artifact, a blob. This is where the skinny steel sticks out beyond the wood. This kind of blob is like many others seen on the grass nearby in B09 (2017). This might be an attack of the blobs, or it might not.
And while we are digesting all of that we can dwell on the fact that the 2017 frames show that Hickey lied. Hickey testified that he didnt grab the AR15 from the floor untill after the last shot,  well after, near the underpass (at about Z480 i suppose).  I can see the AR15 in a few 2017 frames, & i expect that the 2019 frames will show the same, only better.  But the Museum wont tell visitors any of that (hey everyone, look over there, look at the nice big photos of the assassin). 
It was rotten luck, he was just doing his job.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on May 11, 2021, 08:38:39 AM
My theory that Hickey fired up to 6 accidental auto shots & that JFK was hit by shot-1 is not possible,
koz we can see Hickey sitting (high up) on his 2 leather cases in Bronson UYB09, & we know that UYB09 is equal timewise to Z319.
This timeline gives Hickey time to fire only 1 or 2 shots tween Z313 & Z319, ie whilst standing at Z313 & falling & sitting (high up) at Z319.
Hence the only way to make a 6-shot burst fit the timeline is to have JFK being hit by the last shot, shot-6.
Shot-1 had more appeal, but shot-6 will have to do.
It means that Hickey (& the AR15) was falling forwards (& swinging down) during the burst, Hickey being "saved" by O'Donnell in the jump seat.

There are 19 good frames in Unger's Bronson sequence (UYB20 is too blurry),& we are told that these run at an average of 12 fps.
Zapruder runs at 18.3 fps, hence the 19 frames are equivalent timewise to 28.975 Zapruder frames.
We know from measurements of the scenery passing by that the 19 frames skip at 5 locations, where in effect a total of 6 frames are "missing".
Hence we can consider the 19 to be 25 frames, & these 25 can be considered to be equivalent to 28.975 Zapruder frames.
Hence 1 Zapruder frame is on average equal to 1.16 Bronson frames.
The AR15 fires at say 400 rpm which is 6.666 rps.  Hence 1 Zapruder frame equals timewise 0.364 shots.
We know that Bronson UYB09 is at the same time as Z319 approx.  And we know that Hickey's shot-6 was at Z312, or at least that his last shot was at Z312.
Hence working backwards we can make the following chart, based on there being 6 shots, which shows where Hickey's shots 6 5 4 3 2 & 1 happened.
If there were only 5 shots then we can change the 6.000 to 5.000 & deduct 1.000 down the column, in which case shot-1 would have been tween Z302 & Z303 instead of tween Z299 & Z300.
So, here is my chart showing the timeline for  Hickey's 6-shot accidental auto burst.
UYB06A.36 & UYB02A.72 happen to fall on a dummy frame placed at a skip, the A denotes a dummy frame.
There were 6 dummy frames, which i called B02A B06A B08A B12A B15A & B15B. And they have been placed before frames UYB02 UYB06 UYB08 UYB12 & UYB15.

shot ... zapruder frame ....... Bronson frame
…….... ………… Z319 ………… ………… UYB09
………. ………… Z318 ………… ………… UYB08.84
………. ………… Z317 ………… ………… UYB07.68
………. ………… Z316 ………… ………… UYB06.52
………. ………… Z315 ………… ………… ...B06A.36
……... ………… Z314 ………… ………… UYB05.20
6.000 ………… Z313 ………… ………… UYB04.04
5.636 ………… Z312 ………… ………… UYB02.88
5.272 ………… Z311 ………… ………… ...B02A.72
4.908 ………… Z310 ………… ………… UYB01.56
4.544 ………… Z309 ………… ………… UYB00.40
4.180 ………… Z308 ………… ………… UYB-00.76
3.816 ………… Z307 ………… ………… UYB-01.92
3.452 ………… Z306 ………… ………… UYB-03.08
3.088 ………… Z305 ………… ………… UYB-04.24
2.724 ………… Z304 ………… ………… UYB-05.40
2.360 ………… Z303 ………… ………… UYB-06.56
1.996 ………… Z302 ………… ………… UYB-07.72
1.632 ………… Z301 ………… ………… UYB-08.88
1.268 ………… Z300 ………… ………… UYB-10.04
0.904 ………… Z299 ………… ………… UYB-11.20
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on May 11, 2021, 09:26:56 AM
Here are my Bronson frames of Queen Mary (from Unger's gallery).  UYB01 & UYB20 are not shown, these are too blurry.
I have tried to keep Queen Mary central in every frame but i found that there is too much distortion or something.
At a later date i will try to improve these somehow so that Hickey's portion of Queen Mary stays put & we can see better whether Hickey gets higher or lower.
Notice Hickey standing upish at UYB07 (top of head is a half head lower than standing Agents.
Actually he is falling backwards in UYB07.
His last shot at Z313 was at UYB04 ie 4 frames before UYB07 ie about 0.25 sec earlier.
Sitting high up on 2 leather cases with AR15 at 50 deg at UYB09 (top of head is one head lower than standing Agents).
Sitting high up with AR15 at 85 deg at UYB11.


















Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on May 16, 2021, 08:09:31 AM
Here is a giff of Queen Mary in my 19 2017 Bronson frames from Robin Unger's gallery.
The Museum wont make their superior 2019 frames public.


After the 19 Bronson frames we get Queen Mary in my 37 Nix frames (starting with N34 ending with N70). I dont know how much time there is tween B19 & N34.


Here is Robin Unger's Muchmore giff.
It fits somewhere tween the Bronson giff & the Nix giff. I dont know exactly where.
It doesnt show much of Queen Mary & it shows zero of Ready & Co, but it does show driver Kinney looking hard right.

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on June 08, 2022, 10:41:54 PM
The Bronson film shows Hickey at a height such that his rifle could not go above the Queen Mary's windshield, let alone the upraised sun-visors.

Graphics from the Pat Speer site.

Line drawing of the Hickey shot from the "Mortal Error" book (flipped for
comparison purposes) and superimposed over a Bronson film frame.

The agents shown in the Bronson were seated much lower than the "Mortal Error" drawing showed. Hickey's waistline would be about the level of the car-rail.
My Bronson thread deals with this.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on June 08, 2022, 10:43:08 PM
My Hickey thread deals with the issue of the Z313 shot clearing the windshield of the Queen Mary.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 01, 2023, 04:03:24 AM
Here are my timings for the footfalls of the lady wearing white shoes in the Zapruder footage & the Bronson footage.
Footfall was in …...…Footfall was in
Zapruder Frame... Bronson Frame…
R @ Z295………………
L @ Z305……………….. L @ UYB05.5….
R @ Z316………………. R @ UYB10.5
L @ Z325………………. L @ UYB 15.0

Zapruder Frame... Bronson Frame…
R @ Z295………………
L @ Z305……………….. L @ UYB05.5….
R @ Z316………………. R @ UYB10.5…. this becomes UYB12.5 after inserting 6a & 8a from chart below.
L @ Z325………………. L @ UYB15.0

The headshot seen in Z313 was fired at say Z312, which is 7 frames after Z305 & 4 frames before Z316, ie somewhere in the 11 frames.
The headshot in the Bronson footage was fired between UYB05.5 & UYB12.5, ie somewhere in the 7 frames.
Hence Z312 corresponds to UYB07.
The arithmetic is as follows.  7/11 times 7 is 4.46 Bronson frames –- hence we add 4.46 to B05.5 & we get UYB09.96 --- ie Z312 corresponds to UYB09.
But UYB09 is a pseudo frame count resulting from us inserting the missing frames 6a & 8a (ie frames skipped by Unger) --- hence pseudo UYB09 is actually UYB07 --- hence Z312 corresponds to UYB07 (as mentioned above).

Hickey deniers have always insisted that Z313 corresponded to UYB09 --- & they have insisted that UYB09 shows Hickey sitting down --- hence they have insisted that Hickey could not have fired the Z313 headshot.
Their first mistake is that the headshot was not at Z313 --- it was at Z312 (& then hit at Z313)(the AR15 was say 21ft away from JFK).
Their second mistake was praps their timings of the footfalls of the lady wearing white shoes --- my own timings today might be exactly the same as theirs, or mine might be slightly different (& possibly more accurate than theirs)(i haven’t had a close look at their timings).

In my Reply#27 i said that………….
Notice Hickey standing upish at UYB07 (top of head is a half head lower than standing Agents).
Actually he is falling backwards in UYB07.


So, (the inferior 2017 copy of) the Bronson footage supports my theory that Hickey shot JFK. 
And the museum wont let the general public have a copy of the superior 2019 copy of Bronson's footage.

Here below is a copy of what i said in my Reply#3.
Bronson frame 20-50 is too blurry to be of any use.  When measuring the good 19 frames i noticed that up to 6 frames were missing.  The skipped or missing frames were found by measuring the horizontal distances moved by the lamp-pole & sign post relative to Queen Mary.  I found  5 frames where the distance moved from the previous frame (ie the gap) was double or triple the usual.  My measurements were in mm, measured on the glass face of my computer monitor,  each mm vertically is about 0.91" on the car,  & the horizontal scale might be similar (too lazy to check today).

…... dist mm …. gap.
01 …… 000 ……. 000.
2a …… 012 ……. 012.
02 …… 025 ……. 013.
03 …… 038 ……. 013.
04 …… 049 ….… 010.
05 …… 061 ……. 012.
6a ..… (072) …. (011).
06 …… 083 ……. 011.
07 ….. 094.5 …. 011.5.
8a ….. (105) …. (010.5).
08 …… 115.5 … 010.
09 …… 123.5 … 008.
10 …... 135 …… 011.5.
11 …… 145 ……. 010.
12a … (153) … (008).
12 ..… 162 …... 009.
13 …… 170 ……. 008.
14 …… 176.5 … 006.5.
15a …. (184) … (007.5).
15b … (192) …. (008).
15 …… 201 ……. 009.
16 …… 210 ……. 009.
17 …… 221 ……. 011.
18 …… 229 ……. 008.
19 …… 235 ……. 006.
20 is too blurry to be of any use.

I inserted the dummy frames for the missing frames because that info might affect some future calculations.  I can't remember the frame rate per second, it might be 12 fps.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 09, 2023, 07:57:08 AM
Here are 2 gifs of the Bell footage that i made this week. If u download the 2 gifs u can watch them in full screen.
If u have a close look u can see that Hickey has the AR15 in both hands for most of the gif.

(See below) The guy far left is running koz a few seconds ago some of Hickey's auto burst whizzed just west of the lamp-pole very near to where the guy had been standing (one of the ricochets bloodied Tague's left cheek).
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 09, 2023, 08:01:12 AM
If u have a close look at my gif u can see that Hickey has the AR15 in both hands for most of the gif.
The photo below is from the gif, & shows Hickey holding the AR15 in both hands.
It also shows Roberts (in the front passenger seat) sticking his head up & telling Hickey to be careful with the AR15.

FROM: ATSAIC Emory P. Roberts, The White House Detail --- US Secret Service --- November 29, 1963
SUBJECT: Schedule of events prior to and after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on Friday November 22, 1963.
……………I turned around a couple times, just after the shooting and saw that some of the Special Agents had their guns drawn, I know I drew mine, and saw SA Hickey in rear seat with the AR-15, and asked him to be careful with it……………

Bell filmed the JFK limo & Queen Mary going throo the triple underpass.
This sequence had about 68 Bell frames & started (i reckon) at Z422 which is 109 Z frames (6.0 seconds) after the headshot at Z313.
But the gifs start at Z459 which is 8.0 seconds after Z313.
The 68 Bell frames took  (i reckon) 6.9 seconds. I calculated that Bell's camera ran at 10.1 fps (compared to Zapruder's 18.3 fps).
My gif has 40 frames, starting at frame 19 & ending at frame 58.

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Michael T. Griffith on January 09, 2023, 10:06:55 PM
The Hickey shot is a myth. All Secret Service ammo was accounted for after the assassination. Nobody in Hickey's car heard him fire a shot. Two of the people in the car with Hickey were close Kennedy aides and friends Powers and O'Donnell. We now know that Powers and O'Donnell told federal agents that shots came from the grassy knoll but that the agents pressured them into changing their stories. Yes, a number of people in Dealey Plaza smelled the scent of gun powder, but that smell was from the grassy knoll shots. One shot from an AR-15 rifle would not have produced a strong, lingering smell of gun powder that could be smelled from several spots near Elm Street--that just would not happen from a single shot from an AR-15. The cowlick entry site has been debunked, and the trajectory from Hickey's rifle to the EOP entry site does not work.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 09, 2023, 10:41:40 PM
The link below will take u to the Bell footage at the museum. 
And i show links to 2 youtubes which are of good quality, & are easier to watch than the museum footage.
Every other youtube of the Bell footage is of poor or very poor quality – don’t waste time looking.

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 09, 2023, 10:48:42 PM
The Hickey shot is a myth. All Secret Service ammo was accounted for after the assassination. Nobody in Hickey's car heard him fire a shot. Two of the people in the car with Hickey were close Kennedy aides and friends Powers and O'Donnell. We now know that Powers and O'Donnell told federal agents that shots came from the grassy knoll but that the agents pressured them into changing their stories. Yes, a number of people in Dealey Plaza smelled the scent of gun powder, but that smell was from the grassy knoll shots. One shot from an AR-15 rifle would not have produced a strong, lingering smell of gun powder that could be smelled from several spots near Elm Street--that just would not happen from a single shot from an AR-15. The cowlick entry site has been debunked, and the trajectory from Hickey's rifle to the EOP entry site does not work.
Hickey fired 4 or 5 or 6 shots. JFK's head did not lie. The cracked windshield did not lie. The dented chrome strip did not lie. Tague's bloody left cheek did not lie.
I am surprized that no-one has replicated the dent in the chrome trim -- a hollow point would do the trick -- a sharp hard nosed slug would probly make a hole -- even Oswald's carcano would have made a hole i think (i mean if fired from close range square-on)(not from the TSBD).
And of course fragments of a carcano slug would never make that dent in a million years.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 11, 2023, 01:17:46 AM
I made a closeup gif of Hickey, as can be seen he is holding the AR15 through the whole giff.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Richard Smith on January 11, 2023, 02:15:31 AM
Hickey fired 4 or 5 or 6 shots. JFK's head did not lie. The cracked windshield did not lie. The dented chrome strip did not lie. Tague's bloody left cheek did not lie.
I am surprized that no-one has replicated the dent in the chrome trim -- a hollow point would do the trick -- a sharp hard nosed slug would probly make a hole -- even Oswald's carcano would have made a hole i think (i mean if fired from close range square-on)(not from the TSBD).
And of course fragments of a carcano slug would never make that dent in a million years.

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 11, 2023, 02:34:44 AM
Bell actually made a failed sequence of only 5 Bell frames starting at about Z375, ie 62 Z frames after the headshot at Z313, ie 3.4 seconds.
Only one frame (Frame-4) of Bell's failed sequence was at all legible, it was very blurry.
The 5 Bell frames were equivalent to about 8 Zapruder frames (if Bell's camera worked at 10.1 fps)(about 0.5 seconds)
Bell's later sequence started at Z422, ie 109 Z frames after Z313, ie 6.0 seconds.
Its a pity that Bell's good sequence didnt start at the start of the  failed sequence -- however he was aimed at the JFKlimo -- hence Queen Mary & Hickey & Co would have been a long way out of frame anyhow.
The only reason that Bronson managed to get Queen Mary in Bronson's sequence is that Bronson accidentally used his wide angle lens.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 11, 2023, 09:09:24 PM
The Hickey shot is a myth. All Secret Service ammo was accounted for after the assassination. Nobody in Hickey's car heard him fire a shot. Two of the people in the car with Hickey were close Kennedy aides and friends Powers and O'Donnell. We now know that Powers and O'Donnell told federal agents that shots came from the grassy knoll but that the agents pressured them into changing their stories. Yes, a number of people in Dealey Plaza smelled the scent of gun powder, but that smell was from the grassy knoll shots. One shot from an AR-15 rifle would not have produced a strong, lingering smell of gun powder that could be smelled from several spots near Elm Street--that just would not happen from a single shot from an AR-15. The cowlick entry site has been debunked, and the trajectory from Hickey's rifle to the EOP entry site does not work.
1. It was not a shot – it was an auto burst of at least 4 shots.
2. I haven’t seen any reference that said ammo was accounted for (ie & none missing) – certainly not signed or sworn or under oath?
3. Not hearing the Hickey shots & claiming to have not heard the Hickey shots are not the same thing. U have been wrong in every comment u have ever made about Hickey. For example u love saying that Powers denied hearing Hickey's shot(s) – yet Powers is the only passenger in Queen Mary that did not deny hearing Hickey's shot(s).
4. U keep mentioning one shot – but i said that Hickey fired at least 4 shots. Hence we have a strong smell of gunpowder in Dealey Plaza.
5. How would shots from the picket fence result in the smell of gunpowder at various points on the way to the hospital, & a strong smell at the hospital?
6. The trajectory from Hickey's AR15 works ok. And, your EOP entry site for the inshoot is BS. The AR15 had to be an inch or two above the windshield of Queen Mary, as per my drawings. Hickey,  already half sitting half standing on 2 leather cases, had merely to rise up a say half head & have the AR15 at chest height -- & i have shown that the Bronson footage does indeed show Hickey rising a half head at what i call Bronson frame 07 (see blue oval head in drawing-2 below), which i have shown to be at Z312 (the time of the headshot). If u look at my drawings, if the muzzle of the AR15 was 28" from the windshield, & if JFK was 211" from the  windshield, then that ratio is 1 in 7.5, hence the muzzle of the AR15 had to be 1" above the windshield for every 7.5" that the inshoot in JFK's head was below the windshield, & i reckon that the inshoot might have been only 6" below. And, if Queen Mary braked at Z312 (the time of the headshot) then the windshield would have dropped a little, & Hickey would have lifted a little, hence the AR15 would not have to be even 1" above.
Hickey did the dirty deed – hence the facts & measurements (properly done) can only confirm that.
Look, one strike & my theory is out, so, ask one question re my theory that i can't answer, ie that makes the Hickey theory impossible (or even improbable). Waiting.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 12, 2023, 08:44:33 PM
The Hickey shot is a myth. All Secret Service ammo was accounted for after the assassination. Nobody in Hickey's car heard him fire a shot. Two of the people in the car with Hickey were close Kennedy aides and friends Powers and O'Donnell. We now know that Powers and O'Donnell told federal agents that shots came from the grassy knoll but that the agents pressured them into changing their stories. Yes, a number of people in Dealey Plaza smelled the scent of gun powder, but that smell was from the grassy knoll shots. One shot from an AR-15 rifle would not have produced a strong, lingering smell of gun powder that could be smelled from several spots near Elm Street--that just would not happen from a single shot from an AR-15. The cowlick entry site has been debunked, and the trajectory from Hickey's rifle to the EOP entry site does not work.
I said that…………. 2. I haven’t seen any reference that said ammo was accounted for (ie & none missing) – certainly not signed or sworn or under oath?
Ok, lets have a closer look. Here is a bit of Floyd Boring's interview/testimony in 1996 ………..

MEETING REPORT Document’s Author: Douglas Home/ARRB Date Created: 09/l 9/96 Meeting Logistics Date: 09/l 8196 Agency Name: Witnesses/Consultants Attendees: Dr. Joan Zimmerman, Doug Home, and Floyd Boring Topic: interview of Floyd Boring. Summary of the Meeting.  Joan Zimmerman and I interviewed………….

…………………. Floyd Boring, after consenting to being taped, verified that he had never been interviewed by the Warren Commission, the House Select Committee on Assassinations, or any other government body in connection with the Kennedy assassination. In response to our question, he stated that he was perfectly free to talk about the assassination, and was not under any oral or written prohibition which would prevent him from speaking freely about the events of November, 1963……………

……………..Mr. Boring on his own initiative brought up the subject of SA Hickey being accused by a conspiracy theorist of accidentally shooting the President with the AR-15 rifle from the follow-up car. He firmly stated his opinion that this theory was ridiculous and incorrect. He said he knows it was incorrect because he personally inspected “the weapons” (plural) during the automobile inspection to see whether they had been fired--by the weapons, he explained he meant both a shotgun, and the AR-15 in the Queen Mary. He said the inspection consisted of both opening each weapon and inspecting its barrel (for powder debris), as well as checking the shells in the magazine to see whether any were missing. Based on his examination of the AR-15 rifle, he stated that he concluded that it was not fired that day, since its barrel was clean, and the clip was not missing any shells………………

Floyd of course lied re the AR15.
Re the shotgun – i am pretty sure that there was no shotgun in or near Queen Mary [edit 28feb2024][there was indeed a shotgun, in a compartment at floor level, in front of the i think left hand jumpseat]– hence we may be permitted to start thinking that rather than being a liar, Floyd Boring was clearly soft in the head.
Floyd Boring being soft in the head is pretty much confirmed later in that interview when he says that his SSA team found a large bit of JFK's skull in Queen Mary. Days after this interview Floyd Boring sheepishly admitted his error, & admitted that the bit of skull had in fact been found in the JFK limo, not Queen Mary. And Floyd Boring added that he had had a stroke, hence his memory was affected. But, he did not admit his error re the shotgun -- & no mention of his BS that he checked the AR15 & ammo for the AR15.  And this is the BS that Michael T Griffith pedals.

Actually, Floyd was at home on that day -- Floyd was not in Dallas -- so, how could he do a proper check of AR15 & ammo -- he couldnt -- mightbe he did do a check on another day in another part of theUSofA -- SHEESHHHHH.
And, i suspekt that the leather case (for the AR15) that Hickey was sitting on had a cleaning kit including rod & brushes & solvent & oil -- SHEEEESHHHH.

Like i said -- Michael & anyone else can ask any question re the Hickey saga -- & i will hit it out of the ballpark -- &, as i said, one strike & i am out (ie Hickey is out) -- but it wont happen, koz Hickey did the dirty deed -- &, more than that, it wont happen koz i know more about this than everyone else here put together -- SHEEEEESHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Mark A. Oblazney on January 13, 2023, 03:25:33 PM
I said that…………. 2. I haven’t seen any reference that said ammo was accounted for (ie & none missing) – certainly not signed or sworn or under oath?
Ok, lets have a closer look. Here is a bit of Floyd Boring's interview/testimony in 1996 ………..

MEETING REPORT Document’s Author: Douglas Home/ARRB Date Created: 09/l 9/96 Meeting Logistics Date: 09/l 8196 Agency Name: Witnesses/Consultants Attendees: Dr. Joan Zimmerman, Doug Home, and Floyd Boring Topic: interview of Floyd Boring. Summary of the Meeting.  Joan Zimmerman and I interviewed………….

…………………. Floyd Boring, after consenting to being taped, verified that he had never been interviewed by the Warren Commission, the House Select Committee on Assassinations, or any other government body in connection with the Kennedy assassination. In response to our question, he stated that he was perfectly free to talk about the assassination, and was not under any oral or written prohibition which would prevent him from speaking freely about the events of November, 1963……………

……………..Mr. Boring on his own initiative brought up the subject of SA Hickey being accused by a conspiracy theorist of accidentally shooting the President with the AR-15 rifle from the follow-up car. He firmly stated his opinion that this theory was ridiculous and incorrect. He said he knows it was incorrect because he personally inspected “the weapons” (plural) during the automobile inspection to see whether they had been fired--by the weapons, he explained he meant both a shotgun, and the AR-15 in the Queen Mary. He said the inspection consisted of both opening each weapon and inspecting its barrel (for powder debris), as well as checking the shells in the magazine to see whether any were missing. Based on his examination of the AR-15 rifle, he stated that he concluded that it was not fired that day, since its barrel was clean, and the clip was not missing any shells………………

Floyd of course lied re the AR15.
Re the shotgun – i am pretty sure that there was no shotgun in or near Queen Mary – hence we may be permitted to start thinking that rather than being a liar, Floyd Boring was clearly soft in the head.
Floyd Boring being soft in the head is pretty much confirmed later in that interview when he says that his SSA team found a large bit of JFK's skull in Queen Mary. Days after this interview Floyd Boring sheepishly admitted his error, & admitted that the bit of skull had in fact been found in the JFK limo, not Queen Mary. And Floyd Boring added that he had had a stroke, hence his memory was affected. But, he did not admit his error re the shotgun -- & no mention of his BS that he checked the AR15 & ammo for the AR15.  And this is the BS that Michael T Griffith pedals.

Actually, Floyd was at home on that day -- Floyd was not in Dallas -- so, how could he do a proper check of AR15 & ammo -- he couldnt -- mightbe he did do a check on another day in another part of theUSofA -- SHEESHHHHH.

Like i said -- Michael & anyone else can ask any question re the Hickey saga -- & i will hit it out of the ballpark -- &, as i said, one strike & i am out (ie Hickey is out) -- but it wont happen, koz Hickey did the dirty deed -- &, more than that, it wont happen koz i know more about this than everyone else here put together -- SHEEEEESHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
You and Ralph Stinky oughta get a room, uh.......
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Michael T. Griffith on January 13, 2023, 04:53:05 PM
Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.

I downloaded the 15 frames of Bronson's footage from the link below.

I cropped & enlarged the frames to show just Queen Mary (with Hickey sitting-standing in the left rear seat).  I loaded the frames into their own folder in my computer, & i opened the pix using Microsoft Office.  Then when i pressed my left or right arrow button the 15 frames would cycle as if they were a film, backwards or forwards, albeit much faster than the original speed (how can i slow it down?). [Ok i slowed my key settings & now the "footage" runs at a perfect slowish fps, nothing can stop me now].

The frames are named  4 to 18 (does the Bronson footage have an official numbering?).  But to get them to play in proper sequence in Microsoft Office i found that i had to name them starting with  18-12 & ending with  4-13, where the leading number say 18 is artificial & the second number say 12 is the true number of the frame.  Hence the name sequence started with 18-12 followed by 17-11 then 16-10 …….. then 10-4 then 9-18 …….  & finishing with  4-13.

U might not need that silly naming sequence if u open the pix in some other program, but then u might find that the frames cycle ok but they dont stop at 18, they just keep going & going, which aint good neither.

So what i had was a close-up pseudo-version of Bronson's footage, showing just Queen Mary.  This wasn’t very useful because it was so blurry etc.
So nextly i cropped the frames so that Queen Mary appeared perfectly stationary, & the spectators whizzed past.  This worked much better, now u could actually see something happening in an intelligible way. I said "perfectly stationary", but its rough, & i am too lazy to improve it (praps later).
When i say stationary, Queen Mary is stationary in the horizontal sense, but u will notice that Queen Mary sinks slowly in the vertical sense as it goes along, because Elm Street falls, or more correctly because Bronson didn’t pan proper.  I could have cropped to negate this gradual sinkage, but i didn’t, because i knew that later i would need to measure vertical elevations (are there any other kind?) off each frame, & the easiest way of doing that was to have a fixed vertical reference (more about that later).

So, this pseudo-film of Queen Mary was an interesting exercise, but up to now it hasn’t yielded any useful info, too blurry, Hickey hidden by spectators, etc. 

So, i had to examine & measure each frame individually to make any sense of it all, ie to see what Hickey did or didn’t do when JFK was shot at Z313.  And it worked.  More later.
It was just rotten luck, he was just doing his job.

You know this is not true. You posted this same argument on the Education Forum's JFK Assassination Debate section, and several veteran researchers explained to you why this is not true. 
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Chris Davidson on January 13, 2023, 07:20:09 PM
Hickey the "Armpit Assassin" doesn't work.
Powers would, if he possessed a rifle instead of a camera.
https://www.police1.com/police-products/firearms/articles/rifle-sling-positions-low-ready-retention-and-high-ready-dVDi0JIeutqXVf8J/ (https://www.police1.com/police-products/firearms/articles/rifle-sling-positions-low-ready-retention-and-high-ready-dVDi0JIeutqXVf8J/)
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 13, 2023, 08:19:44 PM
Hickey the "Armpit Assassin" doesn't work.
Powers would, if he possessed a rifle instead of a camera.
https://www.police1.com/police-products/firearms/articles/rifle-sling-positions-low-ready-retention-and-high-ready-dVDi0JIeutqXVf8J/ (https://www.police1.com/police-products/firearms/articles/rifle-sling-positions-low-ready-retention-and-high-ready-dVDi0JIeutqXVf8J/)
In the Donahue drawing Donahue shows SSA McIntyre 6'1" (73") high standing on a 9" running board, which adds to 82".
This is based on the windshield of Queen Mary being 60" high.
Hickey was a tall dude say 6'2" standing on the 10" floor, which makes the top of his head 84" if standing erect (as shown by the oval that i drew).
The Bronson footage shows that the top of Hickey's head at B07 was a half head lower than if fully erect (say 74")(head is 10")(see earlier in this thread).
Notice that the oval head is drawn further forward than the Hickey drawn by Donahue -- his Hickey is standing on the seat -- my oval head is based on Hickey standing on the floor.
The black line that i drew to show the AR15 trajectory is based on the inshoot on JFK's head being 6" below the 60" windshield -- & i said that the line was 63" high at about the butt of the AR15 -- the line is drawn ok, but the 63" is wrong, it should say 62".
As can be seen if Hickey were standing fully erect he would have to have the AR15 say 4" below chest height -- but if not fully erect then say 1" above chest height.
Your overlay of the guy holding a rifle is pretty much correct for what Hickey needed, height wize, but aint necessarily correct in the horizontal -- in the horizontal Hickey might have had his AR15 tucked back under his (right) arm (not left), but more likely Hickey held his AR15 out in front a bit.
In fact i estimate that the muzzle of the AR15 was 28" back from the windshield (& the AR15 was say 39" long).
And your guy needs to be shrunk to 5/8th to properly model Hickey (& then shrunk to 4/8th horizontally)(koz i have shrunk my horizontal dimensions).
I drew the inshoot 6" below the level of the windshield of Queen Mary (60") -- which makes the inshoot 54" above the street.
Actually in this (very early) drawing of mine i drew the inshoot 6" below the blue line joining the 60" Queen Mary windshield to the 59" JFKlimo windshield -- but in later drawings i drew the inshoot 6" below a horizontal line from the 60" QM windshield -- so, in the above drawing the inshoot is more like 53" above the street, ie 7" below the 60".
Also, for simplicity, all of this is based on Elm St being level, rather than its true 3.3 deg or something (karnt remember).
But, that 6"/54"aint critical -- the inshoot is say 211" in front of the windshield -- & the muzzle is say 28" behind the windshield -- which is a ratio of 7.5 to 1.
Hence the muzzle had to be 1" above the windshield if the inshoot was 7.5" below -- not a problem.
When i say 1" above i mean 1" plus a half of 0.223" (ie 1.112").
But u say that that duznt work -- please explain.

I should add that the only problem that i really had was the dent in the chrome trim -- clearly from Hickey's 2nd last shot of his auto burst --
but recently i realized that that shot went over the windshield of Queen Mary & then under the divider/rollbar of the JFKlimo --
the divider is higher than the chrome trim -- so, everything fell into place -- & the problem was not what the so-called experts said was the problem, ie that the AR15 had to be very high, no,
the problem was that the AR15 had to be higher than the windshield but lower than the divider, a small small window.
The other earlier shots of the burst had to go over or between the upturned sun vizors on the JFKlimo.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 13, 2023, 08:52:13 PM
You know this is not true. You posted this same argument on the Education Forum's JFK Assassination Debate section, and several veteran researchers explained to you why this is not true.
Tell me exactly what is not true -- just one little thing -- & one strike & my Hickey theory (actually Donahue's Hickey theory) is out.
Experts said that the AR15 had to be too high to do the dirty deed -- but in my reply to Chris i explain (again)(for the umpteenth time) that 1" or 2" above the windshield works ok.
In fact Queen Mary braked -- hence the windshield would have dipped at the time of the shot(s) -- hence the 1" or 2" bekums praps 0" or 1".

Nextly the experts sayd that Z313 was at UYB09, & that UYB09 shows Hickey sitting.
I have shown that Hickey was never sitting -- not before not during & not after Z313 -- he was half sitting half standing high up on 2 leather cases -- in fact his head was one head lower than the heads of the SSAs standing on the running boards.

And, i have shown that the headshot (which was at Z312) was at UYB07 not UYB09.
And, i have shown that at UYB07 Hickey is seen to have rizen a half head -- so he was then a half head below the agents standing on the running boards.

And the experts say that Powers denied that Hickey fired --  NO -- Powers is the only occupant of Queen Mary that did not ever deny that Hickey fired -- Powers said that if Hickey had fired then Powers would have heard it -- that is not a denial, it is a statement of fact.
Actually there have been threads & postings pointing out that in stress situations guys sometimes do not hear shots -- more than that, that guys sometimes dont even know that they have been shot.
But i am happy to go with the simple answer -- everyone in Queen Mary (9 guys) lied -- oops, no, 8 lied, Powers didn't lie.

There are only 1.5 people in the world it seems that agree with my Hickey fired an auto burst theory -- there is me -- & there is SSA Floyd Boring -- Boring said that a sqeez of the trigger would result in at least 2 or 3 shots if on AUTO.
Its a mystery to me why Donahue (Mortal Error) & McLaren (JFK The Smoking Gun) didnt realize
that there was more than one shot, an auto burst, of at least 4 shots.

And, why didn't they focus more on the dent in the chrome trim -- tests would have shown that a hollow point AR15 would do the trick.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 15, 2023, 11:51:55 AM
Here is a side view of Queen Mary showing heights of Hickey's head & possible pozzy of AR15. Head is say 10" high.
The AR15 was 39" long -- thats huge.
Kinney the driver & Roberts in passenger seat would have got a fright. Powers & O'Donnell in jump seats not so much -- even if the muzzle was much further back than my estimate of 28".
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Chris Davidson on January 15, 2023, 07:54:44 PM
Hickey the "Armpit Assassin" doesn't work.
Powers would, if he possessed a rifle instead of a camera.
https://www.police1.com/police-products/firearms/articles/rifle-sling-positions-low-ready-retention-and-high-ready-dVDi0JIeutqXVf8J/ (https://www.police1.com/police-products/firearms/articles/rifle-sling-positions-low-ready-retention-and-high-ready-dVDi0JIeutqXVf8J/)
I'll ask again as I did previously.
How does a rifle (more than likely pointed downward at a 45° into the floorboard initially) end up shooting an object that is approx 2.5° lower in elevation than the rifle barrel, firing from someone's armpit?

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 15, 2023, 08:57:01 PM
I'll ask again as I did previously.
How does a rifle (more than likely pointed downward at a 45° into the floorboard initially) end up shooting an object that is approx 2.5° lower in elevation than the rifle barrel, firing from someone's armpit?
My #44 answers your #43 -- but i now add the following.
In my below drawing on the side-photo of Queen Mary…..
…..If Hickey was as per his standard height (green ellipse shows his head) then he would have to hold the AR15 at almost chin height to do the dirt deed.
…..If Hickey's was half way up to being fully erect (blue ellipse shows head height but not necessarily pozzy) then he would have to hold the AR15 say 1" above chest height.
…..If Hickey were fully erect (red ellipse) then he would have to hold the AR15 say 4"  below chest height.
Now, the (poor 2017 museum copy of the) Bronson footage shows us that at UYB07 (which is equivalent to Z312)(the time of the headshot) Hickey was indeed at that frame half erect (height = blue ellipse).
And, we can't see (too blurry) whether Hickey was ever higher than the blue ellipse – he might have been (his auto burst must have started a say half second before Z313, ie at say Z304 or earlier).
The AR15 was laying somewhere on the floor – Hickey grabbed it & lifted it up with difficulty in the small space between his feet & the back of O'Donnell's jump seat – probly pointed down a bit – then he lifted it above O'Donnell's head & swung it around from pointing left to pointing right – while shimmying to Hickey's right so that he could get his legs out of the cramped space behind O'Donnell's seat (there was 3" of air between the front of Hickey's seat & the back of the top of O'Donnell's seat)(it was impossible to stand unless Hickey bent forward at say 45 deg while jamming his crutch forcefully into the back of O'Donnell's head)(so, Hickey had to shimmy to the center of Queen Mary).
Hickey would have intended to swing around to the rear towards the TSBD – but he didn’t get that far – Kinney braked Queen Mary & Hickey lurched forward onto O'Donnell (there was one witness) -- & Hickey accidentally squeezed the trigger (he should not have put his finger on the trigger until he had a definite target)(this was Hickey's first day with the AR15)(the AR15 was on SAFETY & cocked & loaded)(according to SSA Floyd Boring & according to SSA Kellerman)(Hickey flicked the selector back past SEMI all the way to AUTO while he was lifting it).
The first shot of the accidental auto burst (of at least 4 shots) went over the windshield of the JFK limo – this or a later shot resulted in Tague's bloody left cheek. The AR15 swung downwards as Hickey fell – an AR15 usually naturally swings up during a burst, but the up was trumped by the down.
The 2nd last shot of the burst passed over the windshield of Queen Mary & under the divider/rollbar of the JFK limo, & made a huge dent in the chrome trim above & just right of the rear vision mirror – it must have been a hollow-point koz a sharp nosed slug would have made a hole.
The last shot of the burst hit JFK in the head, & the remnant slug veered 6 deg & cracked the windshield – the remnant slug must have then bounced out onto the street without hitting anyone.
Hickey then fell backward back onto the 2 leather cases – his standard half sitting half standing pozzy (a few witnesses)(& as seen in the Bronson footage).
While lifting & swinging he could have had the AR15 under his armpit (as u insist) -- or more likely the AR15 was out in front of him & a little higher than his armpit (my reckoning) – bearing in mind that he had to lift the AR15 well up over O'Donnell's head to swing around (so, no, the AR15 was not in Hickey's armpit)(it was out front, & high up).
Re your linked footage – the shooter duznt ever place his AR15 anywhere near his armpit – this duznt help your argument – why did u include that link?

So, which bit(s) of my Hickey theory do u rate as impossible or improbable or whatever?
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on January 15, 2023, 10:16:28 PM
Funny -- in the above screenprint from a SS youtube of a re-enactment, it is probly Hickey driving Queen Mary -- believe it or knot.
Funny -- i bort my billiards table from a guy who needed the $15,000 to help pay for & ship a 1956 Cadillac from theusofa where he had bort it at auction -- it had dunn only 4 miles on the oddometer i think & had been in a showroom all its life.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on November 21, 2023, 01:06:22 AM
Here are 2 gifs of the Bell footage that i made this week. If u download the 2 gifs u can watch them in full screen.
If u have a close look u can see that Hickey has the AR15 in both hands for most of the gif.

(See below) The guy far left is running koz a few seconds ago some of Hickey's auto burst whizzed just west of the lamp-pole very near to where the guy had been standing (one of the ricochets bloodied Tague's left cheek).
Bell's footage is hard evidence re the AR15, allbeit a long time after Z312.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Royell Storing on November 21, 2023, 01:12:18 AM
My #44 answers your #43 -- but i now add the following.
In my below drawing on the side-photo of Queen Mary…..
…..If Hickey was as per his standard height (green ellipse shows his head) then he would have to hold the AR15 at almost chin height to do the dirt deed.
…..If Hickey's was half way up to being fully erect (blue ellipse shows head height but not necessarily pozzy) then he would have to hold the AR15 say 1" above chest height.
…..If Hickey were fully erect (red ellipse) then he would have to hold the AR15 say 4"  below chest height.
Now, the (poor 2017 museum copy of the) Bronson footage shows us that at B07 (which is equivalent to Z312)(the time of the headshot) Hickey was indeed at that frame half erect (height = blue ellipse).
And, we can't see (too blurry) whether Hickey was ever higher than the blue ellipse – he might have been (his auto burst must have started a say half second before Z313, ie at say Z304 or earlier).
The AR15 was laying somewhere on the floor – Hickey grabbed it & lifted it up with difficulty in the small space between his feet & the back of O'Donnell's jump seat – probly pointed down a bit – then he lifted it above O'Donnell's head & swung it around from pointing left to pointing right – while shimmying to Hickey's right so that he could get his legs out of the cramped space behind O'Donnel's seat (there was 3" of air between the front of Hickey's seat & the back of the top of O'Donnell's seat)(it was impossible to stand unless Hickey bent forward at say 45 deg while jamming his crutch forcefully into the back of O'Donnell's head)(so, Hickey had to shimmy to the center of Queen Mary).
Hickey would have intended to swing around to the rear towards the TSBD – but he didn’t get that far – Kinney braked Queen Mary & Hickey lurched forward onto O'Donnell (there was one witness) -- & Hickey accidentally squeezed the trigger (he should not have put his finger on the trigger until he had a definite target)(this was Hickey's first day with the AR15)(the AR15 was on SAFETY & cocked & loaded)(according to SSA Floyd Boring & according to SSA Kellerman)(Hickey flicked the selector back past SEMI all the way to AUTO while he was lifting it).
The first shot of the accidental auto burst (of at least 4 shots) went over the windshield of the JFK limo – this or a later shot resulted in Tague's bloody left cheek. The AR15 swung downwards as Hickey fell – an AR15 usually naturally swings up during a burst, but the up was trumped by the down.
The 2nd last shot of the burst passed over the windshield of Queen Mary & under the divider/rollbar of the JFK limo, & made a huge dent in the chrome trim above & just right of the rear vision mirror – it must have been a hollow-point koz a sharp nosed slug would have made a hole.
The last shot of the burst hit JFK in the head, & the remnant slug veered 6 deg & cracked the windshield – the remnant slug must have then bounced out onto the street without hitting anyone.
Hickey then fell backward back onto the 2 leather cases – his standard half sitting half standing pozzy (a few witnesses)(& as seen in the Bronson footage).
While lifting & swinging he could have had the AR15 under his armpit (as u insist) -- or more likely the AR15 was out in front of him & a little higher than his armpit (my reckoning) – bearing in mind that he had to lift the AR15 well up over O'Donnell's head to swing around (so, no, the AR15 was not in Hickey's armpit)(it was out front, & high up).
Re your linked footage – the shooter duznt ever place his AR15 anywhere near his armpit – this duznt help your argument – why did u include that link?

So, which bit(s) of my Hickey theory do u rate as impossible or improbable or whatever?

         This is flawed from the jump. Hickey "sitting high up" was NOT at the same level as the guy in front of him. He was well above the guys in front of him and the agent alongside him in that back seat. You need to look at the films again. And that Bell footage issa joke. You can Not tell which agent is which. They coulda shifted around inside the Limo. This is currently not worthy of consideration.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on November 21, 2023, 02:26:36 AM
         This is flawed from the jump. Hickey "sitting high up" was NOT at the same level as the guy in front of him. He was well above the guys in front of him and the agent alongside him in that back seat. You need to look at the films again. And that Bell footage issa joke. You can Not tell which agent is which. They coulda shifted around inside the Limo. This is currently not worthy of consideration.
U should read all of my comments on this thread.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Royell Storing on November 21, 2023, 02:43:59 AM
U should read all of my comments on this thread.

   The above is NOT a response to your putting Hickey at the WRONG HEIGHT inside the JFK Limo. And the Bell Footage you are offering as proof even FAILS the Mr Magoo Test.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 05, 2024, 07:38:16 AM
Here is my latest analysis of Weissman's analysis of the Museum's copies of the Bronson film & scans,
 including my old analysis of Robin Unger's copies of the Bronson frames from Robin's website.
The columns are as follows....
B          Nominal Bronson Bframes 26 total
UYB        Unger 's 2017 youtube UYB frames 20 total
          missing Unger UYB frames 6 total
2019         Museum's 2019 copies of 26 frames
Z frames      Z frame number if Bronson at 12fps & Zapruder at 18.3fps
B   UYB   M   2019   Z frames
B01   UYB01                91963   297.3750   
B02     02A   missing   91965   298.9000   
B03   UYB02                91967   300.4250   
B04   UYB03                91969   301.9500   
B05   UYB04                91971   303.4750   
B06   UYB05                91973    Z305   Left foot is on grass in B06.0 & in Z305.0 according to Weissman synchronization.
B07     06A   missing   91975   306.5250   
B08   UYB06                91977   308.0500   
B09   UYB07                91979   309.5750   Hickey is a half head higher in UYB07 (ie a half head below standing Agents).
B10     08A   missing   91981   311.1000   
                                                 Z312           91981.59    At say Z312.0 Hickey fires last shot of accidental auto burst of at least 4 shots.
B11   UYB08                91983   312.6250   Weissman says Z313 is just past 91983 (ie i reckon at 91983.25).
                                                 Z313            91983.25    At Z313.0 JFK's head has exploded.
B12   UYB09                91985   314.1500   Single blobby stick can be seen in UYB09 (at 50deg). Swishing AR15 can be seen in 91985 (45deg to 55deg).
B13   UYB10                91987   315.6750   
B14   UYB11                91989   317.2000   The AR15 can be seen in UYB11 (at 85deg).
B15     12A   missing   91991   318.7250   
B16   UYB12                91993   320.2500   Double sticks (artifacts)(not the AR15) can be seen in UYB12 (at 00deg).
B17   UYB13                91995   321.7750   
B18   UYB14                91997   323.3   
B19     15A   missing   91999   324.825   
B20     15B   missing   92001   326.35   
B21   UYB15                92003   327.8750   
B22   UYB16                92005   329.4000   
B23   UYB17                92007   330.9250   
B24   UYB18                92009   332.4500   
B25   UYB19                92011   333.9750   Weissman's report shows large copy of B25, small copies of 91993 91985 &91983, large of 91973.
B26   UYB20   blurry   92013   335.5000   
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 05, 2024, 08:04:21 AM
How did Robin Unger miss 6 of the 26 frames?
Weissman tells us that the Museum gave him 26 2017 frames & 26 2019 frames. So, we can assume that that Bronson sequence in mid Elm St had at least 26 frames. But, praps there were more than 26, ie the Museum might have hidden some frames. But lets assume that there were only 26.

(1) Praps the Museum's 2017 youtube had 6 frames missing koz the Museum wilfully hid 6  frames.
(2) Praps the Museum's 2017 youtube had 6 frames missing koz the Museum accidentally hid 6  frames.
(3) Praps Robin Unger missed seeing/finding 6 of the 26 frames on youtube.
(4) Praps Robin skipped copying the 6 frames koz the 6 were too blurry. This is unlikely, if true then why did Robin include his last frame UYB20 even tho this was very blurry.
Re (1), would the Museum hide frames that obviously showed the AR15?
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 05, 2024, 08:12:34 AM
Weissman in his report shows a small blowup of the 2019  91983 & 91985.
91984 (& all of the other even numbered frames) is only a repeat of 91983 so that the 12 fps Bronson film runs at 24 fps for modern viewers. But in some of the Museum's other Bronson films every second frame is duplicated, i think this is based on converting 16 fps to 24 fps (which is a mystery) (care needed).
Anyhow, the small blow-ups of 91983 & 91985 in the report are too blurry to show a head jerk i think.

Weissman says that Z305.0 equals 91973.0. If so, & if Z runs at 18.3 fps & B runs at 12 fps, & if Hickey fires at Z312.0, then Z312.0 corresponds to 91981.59.
We see Hickey with his bum back down on his hi-seat (sitting on 2 leather cases) holding his AR15 at 50 deg in  UYB09 (2017 copy of film) which is  91985 (2019 copy of film)(this part of 91985 is shown in Weissman's report).
So, Hickey has from 91981.59 to 91983 to 91985 to fall from his Ύ standing pozzy down to his ½ standing/sitting pozzy.
This is say 1.41 Bronson frames (the even numbers are only repeats), to fall down a half head vertically, plus fall back a small distance horizontally. Two Bronson frames is say 2/12ths of a second.
Not impossible.

He was only doing his job, it was rotten luck.

Weissman's report pdf.   https://topekatornado.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/the-Bronson-Kennedy-assasination-film-investigation-Report.v2.1.pdf
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 07, 2024, 03:11:52 AM
The Weissman report gifted us a low-res copy of frame 6 (of 26 frames) of the Museum's 2019 scan of the Bronson film. The Museum call frame 6 frame DPX91973 (which i call 91973 for short).
Before the Weissman report we had Robin Unger's 20 copies of the Museum's 2017 scan. Six of the 26 frames are missing, hence 20. So, 91973 is the same frame as Unger's frame 5 (which i call UYB05), koz Unger has somehow missed frame 2 of 26.
Here below is my scan of Weissman's 91973, which i have called 91973pdf (koz i got it by making a screenprint of each page of Weissman's pdf report).
As i said 91973pdf is not as good as 91973 (which the Museum will not make public).
Anyhow, for what it is worth, here below on the left is 91973pdf.

And on the right i show Robin Unger's frame UYB05A from his copy of the Museum's 2017 scan. He probly did screenprints from the Museum's 2017 youtube (the Museum deleted their youtube in 201?). Nowadays i think that we can if we like make krappy  screenprints from the Museum's krappy copy of the Bronson film seen on their website. I wish we had full access to the 26  2019 frames.

Nextly i will make a magnification of Hickey in 91973pdf & compare it to a magnification of Hickey in (the poorer quality) UYB05.

(https://i.postimg.cc/QxxP8hx5/91973pdf-similar-to-UYB05-A.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/BvKZm2rq/UYB05-A-2017.jpg)
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 07, 2024, 11:16:09 PM
Here below is my screenprint (that i will now call) 91973Bpdf, it is a magnification of a part of my full frame 91973pdf (i will now call the full frame 91973Apdf).
Later i will call further magnifications C & D & E etc.
I have rotated the frame by3.6deg to make Elms St horizontal.
The blue line shows approx the needed traject of Hickey's shot at Z312.
However, 91973 (& UYB05)(& B06) is at Z305.0 (according to Weissman), ie 7 Z-frames before Z312.
And, 91973 is 0.2 sec after Hickey's first shot at B02.36 (based on the AR15 firing at 400 rpm).
So, in 91973 we should see Hickey holding the AR15 at about the level of the blue line.
We don’t see the AR15, but, we see Hickey's hand(s) (a pale blob) out in front of him, at near the blue line.
I used to think that the pale blobs in front of Hickey in the Bronson frames were SSA Bennett's face, but thanx to 91973 i now see that the blob(s) is Hickeys hand(s).
We karnt see Hickey's head very well, hence we karnt tell whether he has risen from his seated pozzy.
Hickey must be looking away from the camera, else we would be able to see Hickey's pale face (we can see the pale faces of the other occupants).
So, 91973 confirms that Hickey was holding the AR15 at a high elevation during that period.
It was rotten luck, he was just doing his job.

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 08, 2024, 12:45:12 AM
Here is 91973Dpdf, it is a magnified version of 91973pdf.
U can see Hickey's hand(s) high up out in front of him.
We karnt see the AR15.
The barrel of the AR15 is hidden by McIntyre standing on the running board.
The butt of the AR15 is hidden by Hickey (he is right-handed i reckon)(& he is half turned to his right).
We karnt see (the left side of) Hickey's face koz he is half turned to his right (we see the back of his head).
We can see the pale left sides of faces of other occupants.
We karnt see McIntyre's face koz he is looking at the AR15, we see the back of his head.
Later after Z313 Bronson shows McIntyre's face, koz McIntyre is then looking at JFK (to see Hickey's damage).

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 10, 2024, 04:48:41 AM
Here are 18 blowups of Robin Unger's 20 frames.
Frames UYB01 & UYB20 are not shown -- too blurry.
The Museum have 26 frames (B01 to B26) in their Bronson Elm St sequence, but Unger has missed copying 6 of their frames (copied from the Museum's 2017 youtube)(now deleted).
Anyhow, we can see Hickey's hand(s) in most of the frames.
And we can see the AR15 in some of them.
But Hickey & his hand & the AR15 are hidden by gawkers in some frames.

And we see SSA Bennett in one frame. Bennett was sitting on the right in the back seat, tucked hard against the side of Queen Mary, & turned half right, to see around past the 2 SSAs (Ready & Landis) standing on the running board on that rhs. But, when Hickey fired, Bennett got whiplash turning to his left (& we catch a glimpse of Bennett's face at Z329.4).

The Museum's 2019 copies are much clearer than their 2017 copies, & much clearer than Unger's 2017 copies (ie the blow-ups shown here), but the Museum wont make their 2019 frames public.
Anyhow, as can be seen, Hickey has his hand(s) well up & out, so, he must be holding the AR15 (even tho it is not easily seen in most of the frames).
Hickey fired at least 4 shots, from about Z300 (wounded Tague) to Z312 (the headshot).
It was rotten luck, he was just doing his job.

(https://i.postimg.cc/dQ7F2gMQ/2-50-bronson.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/jdzGvbMT/3-50-bronson.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/3x22s1k5/4-50-bronson-20180925-185113.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/j2YMJW07/5-50-bronson-20180925-185120.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/HsHSY7tG/6-50-bronson-20180925-185133.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/cCTf46sZ/7-50-bronson-20180925-185144.jpg)
(https://i.postimg.cc/wMPTVd2L/8-50-bronson-20180925-185153.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/nVKyGxRJ/9-50-bronson-20180925-185202.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/nrsQZ2wK/10-50-bronson-20180925-185216.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/BQ9x494X/11-50-bronson-20180925-185226.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/KYkz1j5F/12-50-bronson-20180925-185240.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/T1mN1VKm/13-50-bronson-20180925-185249.jpg)
(https://i.postimg.cc/nrtYd6Lj/14-50-bronson-201810925-185256.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/BnyFYdYS/15-50-bronson-20180925-185325.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/CLrn53VG/16-50-bronson-20180925-185332.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/yxkBbrrK/17-50-bronson-20180925-185344.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/sxddTDSY/18-50-bronson-20180925-185352.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/05DqbDRc/19-50-bronson-20180925-185359.jpg)
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 11, 2024, 05:23:28 AM
Here we can see Hickey's hand(s) & the AR15 in screenprints of 91985pdf (that i took from Weissman's pdf report).
These are similar to frames B12 & UYB09. These frames are at same time as Z314.2.


Here in the 2 pix below i have painted out Weissman's red circle so that we can see more clearly.
Weissman said that the blurry dark AR15 sticking up at 50deg is an artifact, ie not real. Nope, it is real.
Hickey fired his last shot at say Z312.0, & the below frame was at say Z314.2.
So, Hickey had say 0.12 sec to drop the AR15 from near horizontal at Z312 to this here 50deg at Z314.2, as he accidentally fell back down onto his high perch, after attempting to stand.
Not impossible.

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 12, 2024, 02:56:10 AM
Here are 3 ways of holding an AR15.
If Hickey held at the magazine as per (d) (the right hand pix) then that would elevate the AR15 a few inches higher than his left hand in the pix in my earlier posting, in which case it would help to explain how Hickey's shots cleared the windshield of Queen Mary even tho Hickey's hand(s) were no higher than the windshield.
Its a pity that Hickey didnt have his trigger finger safely clear of the trigger as per the guy in the three pix.

Hickey of course was not yet set to fire at the time of his auto burst, he was (1) swinging the AR15 high up over O'Donnell's head, (2) while turning to his right, (3) while trying to rize higher to stand, (4) while placing his right foot up on the seat (to help turn right), or (5) while shimmying over to his right to the center of Queen Mary (where he could find more space for his feet to stand & turn right).

(https://i.postimg.cc/nhJLY0Wv/holding-AR15-a.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/hv1YF4S4/holding-AR15-b.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/Pr3jNKjX/holding-AR15-d.jpg)

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 14, 2024, 08:04:46 AM
The JFK headshot explosion is at Bronson frame  B12  UYB09   91985 (as can be seen below).
And this frame is i reckon at Z314.15 (ie this Bronson frame is a bit later than the Zapruder Z313).
This here Z314.15 accords with Weissman's estimate that the Bronson footfall & the Zapruder footfall (of a lady wearing white shoes) synchronise at Z305.00 (as can be seen in the table below).
Researchers have somehow failed to see the obvious explosion in UYB09.
UYB09 is from Robyn Unger's gallery. It is his homemade scan of the Museum's 2017 youtube (the Museum have deleted the youtube)(today we can view a very inferior useless footage on their website).
But Weissman had full access to the Museum's superior 2019 scan (their 2019 number for frame B12 & frame UYB09 is 91985), & Weissman also had the film itself in his hands for direct scrutiny.
So, Weissman had no excuse for failing to see the explosion.
And he failed to see a lot of things (why???).

(https://i.postimg.cc/8cP2Tdhh/UYB08-B11-91983-Z312-625.jpg)  (https://i.postimg.cc/XvbDVcWp/UYB09-B12-91985-Z314-150.jpg) (https://i.postimg.cc/qvbXFs7P/UYB10-B13-91987-Z315-675.jpg)

B   UYB                 Z               Z           Z            Z         2019
01   01               296.2250 296.7250 297.2250 297.3750 91963
02   02A missing 297.7500 298.2500   298.7500 298.9000 91965
03   02               299.2750 299.7750 300.2750 300.4250 91967
04   03               300.8000 301.3000 301.8000 301.9500 91969
05   04               302.3250 302.8250 303.3250 303.4750 91971
06   05               303.8500 304.3500 304.8500 305.0000 91973
07   06A missing 305.3750 305.8750   306.3750 306.5250 91975
08   06               306.9000 307.4000 307.9000 308.0500 91977
09   07               308.4250 308.9250 309.4250 309.5750 91979
10   08A missing 309.9500 310.4500   310.9500 311.1000 91981
11   08                311.4750 311.9750 312.4750 312.6250 91983
12   09 headshot 313.0000 313.5000 314.0000 314.1500 91985
13   10               314.5250 315.0250 315.5250 315.6750 91987
14   11               316.0500 316.5500 317.0500 317.2000 91989
15   12A missing 317.5750 318.0750   318.5750 318.7250 91991
16   12               319.1000 319.6000 320.1000 320.2500 91993
17   13               320.6250 321.1250 321.6250 321.7750 91995
18   14               322.1500 322.6500 323.1500 323.3000 91997
19   15A missing 323.6750 324.1750   324.6750 324.8250 91999
20   15B missing 325.2000 325.7000   326.2000 326.3500 92001
21   15               326.7250 327.2250 327.7250 327.8750 92003
22   16               328.2500 328.7500 329.2500 329.4000 92005
23   17               329.7750 330.2750 330.7750 330.9250 92007
24   18               331.3000 331.8000 332.3000 332.4500 92009
25   19               332.8250 333.3250 333.8250 333.9750 92011
26   20               334.3500 334.8500 335.3500 335.5000 92013
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 15, 2024, 09:29:26 PM
Here below on the left is my screenprint B12pff from Weissman's pdf report, showing Weissman's copy of a part of a frame from the Museum's film or somesuch.
This is the same frame as my UYB09 (showing what i claim is the headshot explosion) (shown on the right).
My blow up of Weissman's frame B12pdf is probly of better resolution than my blow up of Unger's UYB09 frame even tho my blow up of B12pdf looks blurrier.

(https://i.postimg.cc/rprRpCtb/B12-D-jfk-limo-UYB09-91985-Z314-15-resized-by-4.jpg)    (https://i.postimg.cc/XvbDVcWp/UYB09-B12-91985-Z314-150.jpg)

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 17, 2024, 02:47:46 AM
Whether Hickey was seated or knot, Hickey had to pick up the AR15 from the floor & swing the AR15 up & around over O'Donnell's head.
Hence as can be seen in the pix the AR15 would have been high enuff to shoot over the windshield (whether seated or knot).


Why is O'Donnell gripping the grip on the front seat – this Willis pix was at Z202 – praps O'Donnell was still reacting to Oswald's shot-1 at pseudo Z105, back at the overhead signals -- & Oswald's shot-2 has yet to happen (at Z218).
O'Donnell's grip will tighten at Z218 -- & then he will yank the grip clear offa the seat at Z300 when Hickey starts his autoburst.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 17, 2024, 03:01:42 AM
The cartoon in The Smoking Gun shows Hickey holding the AR15 with just one hand.
I reckon that a one handed grip would not show much pale hand color/patch in the Bronson frames (hmmm, unless Hickey was left handed, & he held the trigger grip with his left hand, in which case we might see a large pale patch).

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 17, 2024, 03:36:44 AM
Here in the Willis 03 slide we can see (once again) what is needed for Hickey to swing the AR15 over O'Donnell's head, relative to the needed trajekt for the headshot -- & relative to the needed trajekt to dent the chrome trim (allbeit shown in Houston rather than Elm).

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 17, 2024, 03:42:27 AM
A close up of my Bell gif of Hickey & AR15 -- & a faster version. '
Hickey is holding the trigger grip of the AR15 with his right hand (ie he is probly right handed)

(https://i.postimg.cc/LXHp9wb7/bell-of-hickey-auto-slow-ezgif.gif)   (https://i.postimg.cc/446X6NXt/bell-of-hickey-auto-fast-ezgif.gif)
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 17, 2024, 08:30:15 PM
We will meet again in 7 months.

Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 25, 2024, 10:00:13 PM
We can see that SSA Bennett's job (Bennett is sitting on rhs of back seat) is to scan windows etc high up on rhs of the roads.
In particular Bennett has to scan windows directly next to jfk, & behind.
SSAs Ready & Landis (standing on running board on rhs) have to scan ahead on rhs (low down on rhs)(high up on rhs).
Oswald up on the 6th floor of the TSBD was Bennett's man.
Bennett did grab for the AR15 (on the floor in front of Hickey), but Hickey had already grabbed it first. Pity.
Here in the Willis 03 slide we can see (once again) what is needed for Hickey to swing the AR15 over O'Donnell's head, relative to the needed trajekt for the headshot -- & relative to the needed trajekt to dent the chrome trim (allbeit shown in Houston rather than Elm).
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on March 31, 2024, 02:58:38 AM
The Secret Killer of President John F. Kennedy

By Ashley Machtig, Brett Machtig · 2020  &  2019

 We believe it could not have been Lee Harvey Oswald who killed JFK. It was

(1) an assassination team who tried to kill JFK, as well as?

(2) It could have been Secret Service Agent George Hickey who could have accidentally shot President Kennedy in the head
with his cocked-and-loaded Colt AR-15 using a unique six millimeter fragmenting bullet shot from the Secret Service chase car
directly following the presidential limousine while swinging his rifle around to engage an active shooter thought to be in the Texas Book Depository.
Possibly, while Hickey was swinging his rifle,
he accidentally shot the man he was sworn to protect, JFK in the back of the head where the bullet
exploded and blew the far side of JFK's head open, killing him dead.This work is dedicated to Truth, Justice and the American Way.

Ashley Machtig  is a student attending Normandale Community College where she is finishing up her Associate's degree. Ashley plans on furthering her education at the University of Minnesota where she plans on pursuing a career in law.

 Brett Machtig  serves on the Normandale College Business Advisory Committee as well as The National Security Forum for the United States Department of Defense. Brett is the founding partner of The Capital Advisory Group and has written more than 21 books on finance, negotiation, and art. His hobbies include history, collecting antique books, and a lifetime of study. www.brettmachtig.com
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on April 05, 2024, 11:38:53 AM
I think that the AR15 had a right hand twist.
If the nose of the hollow-point slug contacts JFK's skull at 6 o'c on the slug then the hollow point will i think suffer more initial damage at that 6 o'c sector of the nose.
During the slug's say 6 inch trajekt through the brain the slug partly disintegrates to say less than a half of its original 55 grain, & slows to less than a half of its initial 3200 fps, & veers upwards, & tumbles upwards.
The more damaged sector of the slug twists from say 6 o'c at entry to say 12 o'c at exit, rotating clockwise (right hand twist) a half twist.
Then after exit the slug tumbles some more & hits & cracks the windshield just left of the rear vision mirror, having veered 6 deg in JFK's head.
The slug then ricochets back & down & up off the front seat (or up off the dash)(or the floor) & then out into Elm St.
I mention all of this koz i am thinking about how the twist of the remnant slug during its trajekt through the head might aid the 6 deg veer, ie based on the orientation of the more damaged sector magnifying the veer in some way.
That there 6 deg of veer is a big ask (for a hollow-point) in only 6 inches, & needs all the help it can get. Still thinking.
Title: Re: Bronson saw Hickey shoot JFK.
Post by: Marjan Rynkiewicz on February 25, 2025, 09:37:10 PM
SSA Hill had jumped offa the running board & was hitting the tarmac when SSA Hickey accidentally fired his first shot of his 4 shot auto burst of his AR15 (this first shot probly wounded Tague).
Later Hill was galloping & almost level with the front wheel when Hickey fired his shot 4 at Z312 (which hit jfk in the head & cracked the windshield).
So, it makes sense that Hill did not hear them there 4 shots.
With hindsight Hill could have turned around & reached over & grabbed the barrel of the AR15 to try to save jfk (instead of jumping off).
But otherwise there was nothing that Hill could have done.
SSA McIntyre who was standing behind Hill was in the prime pozzy to see Hickey shoot (& we see in Bronson that McIntyre was indeed looking at Hickey).
Anyhow, SSA Landis (who was standing on the right hand running board) is now today the only SSA still alive.
And he knows the truth.
They all knew.