Is it possible that an individual who believes in a massive conspiracy in the JFKA can also be considered the worlds leading authority on the event? I speak of Jim DiEugenio. I’ve had enough arguments/debates with DiEugenio over the years to recognize one fact: he doesn’t have a layman’s knowledge of the actual event. Why exactly is this individual lionized throughout the CT community?
I don't think he's considered as the worlds leading authority on the event. I don't think anyone holds that title. But DiEugenio does have a very good website that contains well researched articles written by himself and others. I don't always agree with the conclusions of those articles, but they are very well researched and often contains more indepth material than you're likely to find in even books on the topic.Jim D certainly seems to consider himself a leading authority on the assassination. Or, as he says "one of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s..."
Jealous and bitter? Have you met either one of us? Why share your ignorance and not answer the thread question?
I read your whiny thread, didn't see a [question]. I just saw a bitter rant about someone getting more attention than you.
He is a walking encyclopedia on the JFK case.
The question is can a massive Oswald arse-kisser like JD be considered an authority on the JFK assassination.
There are plenty of JFK CTers who are extremely well informed. In fact, the accumulation of information seems to be part of the psychological make up of many CTers. It's as though they are overwhelmed by detail and come to believe it all must "mean something." What they lack is the ability to translate information into knowledge.
There are plenty of JFK CTers who are extremely well informed. In fact, the accumulation of information seems to be part of the psychological make up of many CTers. It's as though they are overwhelmed by detail and come to believe it all must "mean something." What they lack is the ability to translate information into knowledge.
That makes no sense.
Why can't you just accept that two individuals can view the same evidence and reach different conclusions?
That makes no sense.
Why can't you just accept that two individuals can view the same evidence and reach different conclusions?
What makes no sense is how can you have multiple conclusions when it can only happen 1 way?
Oswald took his rifle to work and murdered the President, it's as simple as that!
What makes no sense is how can you have multiple conclusions when it can only happen 1 way?
Oswald took his rifle to work and murdered the President, it's as simple as that!
"We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did. Nobody's yet been able to put him in the building (Texas School Book Depository) with a gun in his hand."
Dallas Police Chief, Jesse Curry, in 1969
OK little guy.....We understand that you're content with the run along and find another of your favorite fairy tales to read.....
OK little guy.....
We understand that you're content with the tale...
no run along and find another of your favorite fairy tales to read.....
He is a walking encyclopedia on the JFK case.
I agree.
I disagree with his support of Jim Garrison but outside of that, it's undeniable that Jim Di knows his stuff.
"We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did. Nobody's yet been able to put him in the building (Texas School Book Depository) with a gun in his hand."
Dallas Police Chief, Jesse Curry, in 1969
He may know his stuff but his stuff does not match up very well with reality. I've run up against him a number of times in the past few months and I've come to realize that he's not very bright and his knowledge of the JFK assassination does not go very deep. He can carry on about the case but so much of what he says and writes is just not true. He now has me blocked.
Curry never said that.
He may know his stuff but his stuff does not match up very well with reality. I've run up against him a number of times in the past few months and I've come to realize that he's not very bright and his knowledge of the JFK assassination does not go very deep. He can carry on about the case but so much of what he says and writes is just not true. He now has me blocked.
The quote is attributed to a 1969 Dallas Morning News interview of Curry
The quote is wrong. The DMN article does not contain "We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did."
I've read two of his books.
I found most of his defenses of Jim Garrison unpersuasive but outside of that, I don't think it's inaccurate to say Jim has an encyclopedic knowledge of the JFK assassination investigations.
Could you quote the words in the story verbatim?
The "encyclopedia of Jim DiEugenio" is full of false information. He has a poor grasp of the facts surrounding the assassination. It was a shock to me when I came to that realization. Here is something from the last "conversation" that I had with him:
"In Italy, many factories turned out the MC rifle. And there was no regimentation as to the production scheme. If a factory was in Terni, there would be a T prefix and then the number. Therefore, the idea that the serial number was probative is simply wrong."-- James DiEugenio
What I’ve found over the years of studying the Kennedy assassination is that no one is an expert on every aspect of the case. It’s nearly impossible to have an expert level knowledge of the legal stuff, the scientific stuff, the medical stuff, intelligence records, etc. Most researchers know certain aspects like the back of their hands while being a little fuzzy in other areas.
I assume Jim isn’t an expert on firearms fwiw.
The "We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle, and never did" part shamelessly added by conspiracy loons to Curry's quote goes back at least as far to Jim Marrs' 1989 "Crossfire", one of the two principal source books for the 1991 "JFK" propaganda/drama movie.
The Carcano rifle is a rather big piece of evidence though. Is it not? How is it that DiEugenio could be so ignorant of the facts surrounding it?
That and a quarter used to buy a coffee.
"I didn't do anything!" "The end justifies the means!" "It's not propaganda!" "Hang LBJ !"
"No one has ever been able to put him ( Oswald) in the Texas School book Depository with a rifle in his hand"
Rather ambiguous [...] Curry's statement doesn't mean a thing...
Is it possible that an individual who believes in a massive conspiracy in the JFKA can also be considered the world's leading authority on the event? I speak of Jim DiEugenio. I’ve had enough arguments/debates with DiEugenio over the years to recognize one fact: he doesn’t have a layman’s knowledge of the actual event. Why exactly is this individual lionized throughout the CT community?
Moreover, Curry's statement is dead wrong. And Curry (by 1969) had to know it was dead wrong.\
Why is it wrong?
Answer: Howard L. Brennan.
Now, Curry might argue that Brennan's positive IDing of Oswald as the sixth-floor sniper came too late (it came during Brennan's '64 WC testimony), but the fact remains: There is most definitely a person who put Oswald in the TSBD with a rifle in his hands---and that person is Howard Brennan.
(The small insets are from pictures of Oswald's shirt. View from where Brennan stood; not how cropped or close-to his view was.)
Oswald's shirt looked khaki when sun-struck.
Pretty hard to gauge weight and height when you're witnessing such a traumatic thing and the subject is in a window.
Very nice graphic and if you don't mind I have added it to my collection.
Previously in response to Walt's regularly repeated claim that Oswald's shirt was too dark compared to Brannan's description, I've posted the following photo highlighting the fact that Oswald's shirt when in direct sunlight is a much lighter shade and especially when Oswald was in the Sniper's Net with his the sunlit shirt is being heavily contrasted by the relatively dark interior behind the boxes, but you know what they say, you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Btw is Walt still claiming that the Flash photography of the internal 6th floor photos were taken at night?
Also worth considering is the following simple graphic showing how we perceive the shade of an object with contrasting backgrounds, the bar in the centre is a constant shade but when the same bar is displayed against a varying contrasted background the bar appears to be simultaneously light and dark. It still amazes me that because some of the witnesses who saw Oswald's jacket describe a slightly different lighter/darker grey/tan jacket, so that automatically makes Oswald innocent is naïve and incredibly short sighted.
Don't see where that gets you. The shirt you claim Oswald was wearing was just as khaki in appearance.
Maybe 'Lil' Lee wore his shirt outside his trousers and Brennan thought it was the pants color.
BTW, you don't even trust photos that document the LN scenario, so why should anyone take your interpretation of LN testimony?
Was Brennan speaking of khaki in the military uniform sense?What ??...Vietnam era?.... Lacked the balls to post a picture of a GI wearing his "suntans".... The old timers in the group will surely notice your dishonesty.Thanks for sharing the windmills of your mind. :D
( (
Vietnam Era
Preponderance of evidence in totality along with consciousness of guilt. Damn strong circumstantial case that has stood the test of time for 58 years. There is no conspiracy argument that can say that.
Moreover, Curry's statement is dead wrong. And Curry (by 1969) had to know it was dead wrong.
Why is it wrong?
Answer: Howard L. Brennan.
Now, Curry might argue that Brennan's positive IDing of Oswald as the sixth-floor sniper came too late (it came during Brennan's '64 WC testimony), but the fact remains: There is most definitely a person who put Oswald in the TSBD with a rifle in his hands---and that person is Howard Brennan.
Pretty hard to gauge weight and height when you're witnessing such a traumatic thing and the subject is in a window.
Oswald did change his position, for a "kill shot" to the head. Real humanitarian, that guy you're trying to exonerate.
Not based on Tatum. If tTippit's killer stayed on the passenger side of the car and Tippit was still alive laying on the pavement by the driver's door, did the gunman fired the fatal shot through the engine?
Plus read calanans testimony. He says there was a delay before the last shot was fired. This matches Tatum's testimony.
Pretty hard to gauge weight and height when you're witnessing such a traumatic thing and the subject is in a window.
Not based on Tatum. If tTippit's killer stayed on the passenger side of the car and Tippit was still alive laying on the pavement by the driver's door, did the gunman fired the fatal shot through the engine?
Wednesday, Feb. 1st, 1978.
Investigators Jack Moriarty and Joe Basteri, menders of the Select Committee on Assassinations, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington., D.C. are in the office of the Director of Photography of the hospital mentioned above, and Mr. JACK RAY TATUM, The Director, has been interviewed with regard to his first hand knowledge, of the Fatal shooting of Officer J.D. Tippit, here in Dallas, Friday, November 22nd, 1963.
Mr. Tatum will reiterate his statement to be reduced to typewritten form
(By Moriarty) "Mr. Tatum, if you'll repeat your statement slowly, I'll attempt to type it."
Although I did not remember the exact time I remember it was early in the afternoon on Friday, November 22, 1963. I was driving XXXX north on Denver and stopped at 10th St. when I first saw the squad car and men walking on the sidewalk near the squad car. Both the squad car and this young white male were coming in my direction(East on 10th Street). At the time I was just approaching the squad car, I noticed this young white male with both hands in the pockets of his zippered jacket leaning over the passenger side of the squad car. This young white male was looking into the squad car from the passenger side.
The next thing I knew I heard something that sounded like gun shots as I approached the intersection. (10th & Patton). I heard three shots in rapid (illegible)I went right through the intersection, stopped my car and turned to look back. I then saw the officer lying on the street and saw this young white man standing near the front of the squad car. Next. this man with a gun in his hand ran toward the back of the squad car, but instead of running away he stepped into the street and shot the police officer who was lying in the street. At that point this young man looked around him and then started to walk away in my direction and as he started to break into a small run in my direction, I sped off in my auto. All I saw him to the intersection and run south on Patton towards Jefferson.
Q. Did you know Lee Harvey Oswald, Officer Tippit or anyone else at the scene.
A. No
Q Did you not report this information to the authorities?
A. There were more than enough people there and I could not see what I could contribute.
Q. Is there anything you wish to add to your statement?
A. At this time I can't think or anything.
Jack MoriartyJoe BasteriJack R. Tatum
Feb, 1 1978
If you know what all other witnesses said about the gun man's actions, then you are aware that Tatum's description doesn't fit with any of the other witnesses.... Tatum was probably making it up from what he heard on news reports....
I think Tatum is genuine. Read the Davis sisters accounts. They describe a pause in the shooting sequence, long enough for one of the sisters to get out of bed before a last shot is fired. Ted Callaway describes a similar break in the shooting sequence.
Tatum would have to have read Calloway and the Davis sisters accounts which mentions a break in the shooting sequence, be aware that Tippit had been shot in the head at an odd angle, and then invented a story to fit these accounts to the odd angle Tippit had been shot in the head, whereby he says Tippit had been shot in the head while on the ground (hence the odd angle). That would make Tatum an extraordinarily good liar, or in my opinion a guy simply telling the truth.
Jim D certainly seems to consider himself a leading authority on the assassination. Or, as he says "one of the most respected researchers and writers on the political assassinations of the 1960s..."I don't see how he has any special expertise or knowledge on the actual assassination, on the specifics of the event. He's a garden variety conspiracy believer that dismisses the evidence against Oswald as being faked or planted or manufactured. Nothing authoritative here.
One can soberly and responsibly ask " whom?" Outside of the Garrisonites, he doesn't have all that much of a following.
At least, he's kind of prolific. Can't say much good about the fruits of what he calls his research though.
I don't see how he has any special expertise or knowledge on the actual assassination, on the specifics of the event. He's a garden variety conspiracy believer that dismisses the evidence against Oswald as being faked or planted or manufactured. Nothing authoritative here.
He is special, an authority if you will, in what I call "conspiracy history." That is this myth of a transformational JFK, a president who was going to end the Cold War, leave Vietnam, normalize relations with Castro, and lead America away from the evil forces that had, using a "Red Scare" tactic, stolen our democracy for the benefits of war profits and power. And so we get the Garrisonite history where, as he wrote in his last book, "Heritage of Stone":
"After the United States ascended to the position of the most powerful military nation in history, in the midst of its accumulation of the most effective death machinery of all time, there occurred the accident of the election of a President who regarded the entire human race with compassion. By the time this happened, the cold war had become our major industry, and the Central Intelligence Agency had become the clandestine arm of our military-industrial complex and, in the process, the most effective assassination machine in the world."
And then the assassination: "A successful coup d’état affects not merely the history of a nation but may change its power structure. With the killing of John Kennedy, the very position of the Presidency was drastically reduced in status. Henceforth, the President would be a broker for the war machine. He would be an advocate and spokesman for the Pentagon. All Presidents who followed Kennedy would have to know their impotence, no matter what their public role."
That's the DiEugenio/Garrison conspiracy history, a history he knows a great deal about. His problem is that most of what he knows is paranoid nonsense and even worse, false.
I don't see how he has any special expertise or knowledge on the actual assassination, on the specifics of the event. He's a garden variety conspiracy believer that dismisses the evidence against Oswald as being faked or planted or manufactured. Nothing authoritative here.I wouldn't call him garden-variety. He's too prolific for that. You're still right in the sense that he's a fervent believer in the Garrisonite faith, and regularly huffs the fumes of Camelot.
He is special, an authority if you will, in what I call "conspiracy history." That is this myth of a transformational JFK, a president who was going to end the Cold War, leave Vietnam, normalize relations with Castro, and lead America away from the evil forces that had, using a "Red Scare" tactic, stolen our democracy for the benefits of war profits and power. And so we get the Garrisonite history where, as he wrote in his last book, "Heritage of Stone":
"After the United States ascended to the position of the most powerful military nation in history, in the midst of its accumulation of the most effective death machinery of all time, there occurred the accident of the election of a President who regarded the entire human race with compassion. By the time this happened, the cold war had become our major industry, and the Central Intelligence Agency had become the clandestine arm of our military-industrial complex and, in the process, the most effective assassination machine in the world."
And then the assassination: "A successful coup d’état affects not merely the history of a nation but may change its power structure. With the killing of John Kennedy, the very position of the Presidency was drastically reduced in status. Henceforth, the President would be a broker for the war machine. He would be an advocate and spokesman for the Pentagon. All Presidents who followed Kennedy would have to know their impotence, no matter what their public role."
That's the DiEugenio/Garrison conspiracy history, a history he knows a great deal about. His problem is that most of what he knows is paranoid nonsense and even worse, false.
Is it possible that an individual who believes in a massive conspiracy in the JFKA can also be considered the worlds leading authority on the event? I speak of Jim DiEugenio. I’ve had enough arguments/debates with DiEugenio over the years to recognize one fact: he doesn’t have a layman’s knowledge of the actual event. Why exactly is this individual lionized throughout the CT community?
I've been asking that last question for eight years now....
"How anyone can possibly even begin to take DiEugenio seriously when it comes to the JFK assassination
is a real mystery to me. .... And yet despite the above laundry list of silliness, James DiEugenio is still held
in high esteem by many people when it comes to his evaluation of the evidence and his assessment of the facts
concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Unbelievable." -- David Von Pein; January 2013
April 12, 2016 at 1:25 pm
Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
Joan Mellen is the author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK’s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History. This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. Tyler Weaver provided the introduction, and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
REX: I – I think –
JOAN: – when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people….
Using only internet resources and in the course of a couple of weeks of part time research I shared in comments on this website, (see- )
I found these details, not published or mentioned, ever, by Joan Mellen.
In the course of attempting to determine if my new fact checked research details were actually original, I found identical details, by author of a biography of Clay Shaw,
Donald H Carpenter.
From Joan Mellen's book.:
The best face I can put on this is that Garrison misled and failed to disclose to his friend, Joan Mellen, and editor of his own book, the co-writer of the JFK the movie screenplay, Zachary Sklar.
The most troubling thing I’ve learned is that almost no one seems to appreciate being exposed to this new information. They already knew what they knew and indicate a preference of not having to consider Garrison’s actual proximity to those even he described as CIA sponsored adversaries. ...
Thomas H. Purvis - Posted July 18, 2013
As was long ago indicated on this forum, the Clay Shaw/Garrison case was little more than a massive "smoke screen" that was created in order to mis-direct the attentions of those who were making attempt at resolving the issues of the assassination.
In event there is any difficulty in location of these postings, one may want to look up the terminology "Land Sharks".
P.S. John.-----Glad to see that you have re-opened the forum. With the 50th anniversary of the event soon approaching there will no doubt be many who are searching for some of the factual truths.
Many of which can be found on this forum.
..03004 Lemann - Mildred Crumb Lyons Lemann, A Homemaker, Died Friday At Her Home In New Orleans. She
Was 94. Mrs. Lemann Was A Lifelong Resident Of New Orleans. She Served For Many Years As Chairman Of
The Music Library Fund Of The New Orleans Symphony. She Was In Charge Of The Children's Concerts
Performed By The Symphony. In 1929, She Worked At Metairie Park Country Day School, Where She
Coordinated The School's Non-Academic Activities. Survivors Include A Daughter, Mildred Lyons Baldwin;
A Sister, Ethel Crumb Brett; Two Stepsons, Thomas B. Lemann, And Stephen B. Lemann; Six Grandchildren;
And Four Great-Grandchildren. ..Times Picayune 01-14-1990
August 21, 2020
Director Oliver Stone dismissed a new report on Russian interference during a talk Friday night with Bill Maher.
Maher brought up the Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russia and before he could even finish the question Stone gave a very dismissive hand-wave. Maher continued and said it shows bipartisan agreement on Trump campaign-Russia contacts.
“This guy Konstantin [Kilimnik] who we heard about,” Maher said, “now they are naming him as a Russian intelligence officer. He’s GRU. He was coordinating with Trump’s campaign manager Manafort. And your namesake Roger Stone organized the Wikileaks dump 30 minutes after the Access Hollywood tape came out. You can’t really think that a Russian president — the one that’s in there now — should be able to ratfuck our elections like this, can you?”
“Oh, Bill,” Stone said. “I’ve known you too long, and I think you’re sophisticated enough to know that you have to question everything that comes out of our intelligence agencies. If you haven’t learned that by you, you have a long way to go still.”
“So you think — so they’re lying?” Maher asked.
“The intelligence agencies are not reliable, they’ve been screwing with America going back to the Vietnam War, going back to the Iraq Wars, Afghani wars,” Stone responded. “It’s very hard to find out the truth from them. And everything they publish — the rumors and all of the anonymous sources, the think tanks, the anti-Russia… it all adds up into this ball of wax that becomes enormous. And they have people like you, who are skeptical generally, believing it.”
“They went after Manafort in a way that — it was bizarre,” Stone continued. “He wasn’t that intelligent and he didn’t have that much to say or do about any of this.”
Maher also asked Stone about Aleksei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader who was poisoned recently.
Stone said it requires investigation and added, “We’re in a moment in time when anything about China or Russia is being broadcast loudly to the American people. We have a very effective Western media that does this all the time. You have to go back, and you have been skeptical in the past and asked why do we need enemies?… Why do we want to make this into an issue? Why?”...
Continued from my last post...
Hopefully it is no small consolation to Paul May that Garrison thoroughly "played" his autobiography editor, Zachary Sklar, who also happened to be Oliver Stone's "JFK, The Movie," screenplay co-writer, through Nicholas Lemann's troublingly unethical efforts.
Ironically, when the late Tom Purvis posted the following comment, "the forum" had been closed for a month because "agitated" John Simkin had closed it after breaking his own forum moderation policies to expel jim DiEugenio and Tom Scully in reaction to their heresy against the fantasy of a "missing" Ray Crumb murder trial witness turned CIA assassin of Mary Meyer on the canal tow path, as advanced by Simkin's friend, Peter Janney in his book, Mary's Mosaic. It turned out DiEugenio could not tolerate this due to evidentiary influences, but because it ran counter to his belief system that "Mary was killed because she knew too much". DiEugenio believes Mary did not have a capacity to be advising JFK on "how the world works," as Peter Janney asserted.
The "stench" of Lemann's efforts, dating back to 1974, to divert from what the evidence and his undisclosed familial relationships indicate,
The Rise and Fall of Big Jim G.
Politics By Nicholas Lemann
February 6, 1974 ..
...brought to my attention through the research and analysis of the late Tom Purvis, is that Garrison was actually the witting "front man" in an elaborate psy-Op to render absurd the very idea there was strong justification to reopen the WC investigation by late 1966, through Garrison's successful effort that seems to have have been a major influence in delaying any further official inquiry until 1975-76 !
The only other alternative explanation is that Nicholas Lemann and Garrison were both unwitting idiots despite their credentials.
Nicholas Lemann has not disclosed that Thomas was his father and that "the WDSU outside counsel" CIA paymaster in the City of New Orleans in 1967 was his uncle, Stephen.
Zachary Sklar - Charlie Rose
Lists all of Zachary Sklar's appearances on the Charlie Rose program on ... Nicholas Lemann, David Denby, and Zachary Sklar debate Oliver Stone's movie "JFK ...
JFK: The Book of the Film : the Documented Screenplay › books ("The+Book+of+the+Film"+sklar+lemann&source=bl&ots=b2_ULxBsTE&sig=ACfU3U00v5Yt44RBiG6ROkfLUeOhkRzlbA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiA-8DVpcbyAhXOFTQIHecHAn0Q6AF6BAgoEAM#v=onepage&q="The%20Book%20of%20the%20Film"%20sklar%20lemann&f=false)
Oliver Stone, Zachary Sklar · 1992 · Performing Arts
The Book of the Film : the Documented Screenplay "Oliver Stone, Zachary Sklar. name names. Isn't it a bit unfair of Lemann to ask Garrison to do what these ..."
Not "unfair" at all, considering Stone and Sklar should have done their homework to discover that David Baldwin's mother-in-law, Mildred Lyons Crumb Lemann was the only fraternal grandmother Nicholas Lemann ever knew, having married Nicholas's widowed grandfather, Monte Lemann in 1947.
The set-up relationships for the marriage, in the year following this 1946 article, of David Baldwin's mother-in-law since 1945, to Edgar Stern's attorney and WDSU ownership partner, Nicholas's grandfather, Monte Lemann.:
But none of the research I've presented should distract from the troubling implications of the shared POV of Stone and DiEugenio.
A response from Oliver Stone that Royell Storing would certainly appreciate! :
Always a pleasure reading your posts, Tom. Thanks.
...De Mohrenschildt was part of St. Nicholas’ choir when married to his Philadelphia wife. The other church, St. Seraphim’s, was located at 4203 Newton Street in Dallas, where Igor Voshinin attended and services were in English. Voshinin didn’t like Bouhe because he was very publicly in everyone’s business, saying things like “Well, you know, I forget things – so I keep a file on everybody.”
Hi Tom, I don't know if it's an aesthetic decision for your hand drawn underlines and if so then just ignore this post, but there is an easy way to underline using Microsoft Paint and I'm sure there is a similar program on a mac computer where you just define the start and end point and a straight line is produced every time.
Thomas H. Purvis – Posted 19 July 2013
The “power structure” within New Orleans lies not with those who are currently in what is some temporary political position.
It lies with those who possess the capability to place these persons in the various political positions…
April 12, 2016 at 1:25 pm
Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
Joan Mellen is the author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK’s Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History. This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. Tyler Weaver provided the introduction, and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
REX: I – I think –
JOAN: – when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people….
Aug 29, 2019 — Silvia Odio's lover Father Walter Machann delivers the invocation at the Martino speech and then abruptly disappears from public life...
More on Father Machann
In regards to the Odio story, I think Father MaChann is an important player and living witness.
Father MacChann catered to the Cuban Community of Dallas, his parish supported by Catholic Welfare, which was in turn backrolled by the CIA front Catherwood Fund, of Philadelphia, Pa....
Russo v. Conde Nast Publications, 806 F. Supp. 603 (E.D. La. 1992) case opinion from the US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana.
In its January, 1992 issue, GQ Magazine published an article entitled "The Case Against Jim Garrison" (hereafter the "GQ article"). The GQ article was written by Nicholas B. Lemann, a New Orleans native and winner of numerous awards for his books and articles. The GQ article was a personal memoir[1] of Lemann's recollections of growing up in New Orleans during District Attorney Jim Garrison's prosecution of Clay Shaw for allegedly conspiring to assassinate JFK.
The 1991 movie release, JFK sparked renewed interest in the assassination as well as the prosecution itself of Clay Shaw. The film was purportedly based on Garrison's book, On the Trail of Assassins, and sympathetically portrayed Garrison.
The GQ article published by Lemann took a different slant, expressing his view that Shaw's prosecution was built on flimsy evidence and was a tremendous embarrassment to the city.[2] The thrust of Lemann's article was his opinion countering that expressed by Stone in his film release JFK, to wit:
Garrison was a public official who had prosecutorial power in his hands, and he used it to bring a man to trial when, by his own admission, he knew he didn't have a real case. With his use of innuendo, his carelessness in flinging the gravest of charges against people, his belief that individual liberties (at least, Clay Shaw's individual liberties) are less important than his attack on what he imagines to be a vast conspiracy destroying America.......
A Record from Mary's Database
Mary's Comments:
Attorney with law firm of Monroe & Lemann. Resident CIA Chief in New Orleans. (See Wm. P. Burke, Jr., Dorothy Brandao, and Hunter C. Leake, III)
I mean Ted Callaway.
"Cyber Parkinson's symptoms" and "an aesthetic decision." do not seem a good fit, John.
OTOH, reading your tip startles me about my own ignorance and I'm grateful you took the trouble to share your knowledge about an MS Paint feature, which happens to be the image editor I've been (ab)using!
The insecure component of my personality has new cause to worry that readers might be thinking, "well, if he was unaware of such a fix for his chronic, squiggly, underline highlighting, how the hell could he ever summon the knowledge and ability to "school" the smug, dynamic duo, Stone & DiEugenio?"
I offer my sincerest apologies, in no way did I realize that you had any type of condition because you have always come across as a very intelligent man with awesome research skills and your analysis of the money order evidence is exemplary.
I just assumed that after reading your posts for years that your hand drawn underlining was due to using a mouse to underline which even under the best of circumstances will always have that handheld look and after comparing my straight underlining with your handheld look, I find my eye is drawn to your highlighted words first which is the point after all.
Anyway keep it up because you are a true inspiration.
John, rereading my reply to you, I see how I did risk misleading you by placing the link to a famous U.S. health clinic's page about symptoms of Parkinson's disease and simply adding the "cyber" adjective was not enough to eliminate the possibility of making you uncomfortable. Please accept my apology. I have no health issue contributing to the unsteadiness of my red underlined highlighting. Until you posted that feature of MS Paint, I was clueless. I appreciate your encouraging words.
Be well!
I'm blind in one eye and have postponed lasik surgery that should restore my vision and a sorely needed hip joint replacement because of concern about covid-19 exposure despite being fully vaccinated for six months now, but thankfully I have options for both of those health complaints.
It saddened me to learn in the past fifteen minutes that Charlie Watts passed away peacefully in a London hospital at age 80. He performed as the Rolling Stones drummer since 1963 and his career dated back to 1959.
More Warren Report fanboy BS.
How many years now?
Everyone around here knows you never had the balls to present a single piece of evidence to back up your Bugliosi-speak.
John, rereading my reply to you, I see how I did risk misleading you by placing the link to a famous U.S. health clinic's page about symptoms of Parkinson's disease and simply adding the "cyber" adjective was not enough to eliminate the possibility of making you uncomfortable. Please accept my apology. I have no health issue contributing to the unsteadiness of my red underlined highlighting. Until you posted that feature of MS Paint, I was clueless. I appreciate your encouraging words.
Be well!
I'm blind in one eye and have postponed lasik surgery that should restore my vision and a sorely needed hip joint replacement because of concern about covid-19 exposure despite being fully vaccinated for six months now, but thankfully I have options for both of those health complaints.
It saddened me to learn in the past fifteen minutes that Charlie Watts passed away peacefully in a London hospital at age 80. He performed as the Rolling Stones drummer since 1963 and his career dated back to 1959.