JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Tom Scully on January 07, 2018, 01:36:25 AM
When did Eddy Benavides die.
? on: September 17, 2011, 08:06:05 PM ?
This is a test to determine whether ort not Rob is a legit poster or just a troll. Rob has argued that Benavides was killed in 1964. CK like to say he was killed in 1964 because some like to claim he was killed to intimidate his brother who was to testify before the WC.
Its been proven to Rob that Eddy Benavides was really killed in 1965 but Rob is always willing to argue to the death about something after he has been proven wrong, he argued about this topic for pages after being proven wrong. This has ruined many threads on many topics.
So Ok Rob when was Eddy Benavides killed.
Is he just a troll ready to argue about anything for pages on end, or is he a serious poster?
Newspaper article from Feb 1965 below.
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Dallas Death record Below.
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Article from Time Magazine from Nov 1966.
Eddy Benavides, 29, identified as the look-alike brother of Domingo Benavides, a witness in Oswald's slaying of Patrolman J. D. Tippit, was shot to death in a Dallas tavern in February 1965. Ramparts reports that Dallas police classed it as death by "pistol shot, wrote up a cursory report and marked the case 'unsolved.' " The magazine also suggests that "Domingo was the intended victim." In fact, there is a full police report on the shooting (it was a shotgun, not a pistol). Moreover, one Radford Lee Hill, 41, confessed that he killed Eddy and served 20 months in prison for manslaughter. (November 11, 1966)
? Last Edit: September 17, 2011, 09:46:43 PM
by Brian Walker ?
I remember this one. Hilarious! Rob was 100% sure that Penn Jones and Sylvia M. had done their research properly. Rob, do you think we went to the Moon? Do you think the Earth is flat?
When in the heck are you going to write that book, Tom? Your sources shall be, well, well notated. Stars in your Crown.
I remember this one. Hilarious! Rob was 100% sure that Penn Jones and Sylvia M. had done their research properly. Rob, do you think we went to the Moon? Do you think the Earth is flat?
Not just Penn Jones and Sylvia Meagher, but Jim Marrs as well. Incidentally, Marrs didn't believe that we went to the moon. Caprio is/was a big fan of the now departed Marrs.