JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Richard Smith on September 16, 2021, 01:43:18 AM

Title: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 16, 2021, 01:43:18 AM
Here is Joe Biden's America.  The socialist utopia urban cities under the control of Democrats for decades.  This is not some Hollywood dystopian horror film but daily street footage that is playing out in every major US city.  Where are the reporters from CNN, NY Times, and MSNBC?

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on September 16, 2021, 02:56:42 AM
Here is Joe Biden's America.  The socialist utopia urban cities under the control of Democrats for decades.  This is not some Hollywood dystopian horror film but daily street footage that is playing out in every major US city.  Where are the reporters from CNN, NY Times, and MSNBC?

4 years of economic disaster from Donald Trump has destroyed America. That's why the overwhelming majority of Americans elected Joe Biden to clean up this disaster. I thought Criminal Donald was supposed to end all crime, homelessness, illegal immigration, have Mexico pay for a wall? All lies in order to get a bunch of gullible morons to support him.

When you are the worst jobs "President" in the modern era, you can expect people to be homeless. Republicans refuse
to do anything to end homelessness. They refuse to increase the minimum wage, offer new jobs, invest in the middle class and the poor, as well an American infrastructure. They have no business being in office because they refuse to help the American people. That's why the GOP needs to be defeated in an even bigger landslide so real progress can be made. All they do is block and obstruct so they can blame Democrats. They are useless. Vote them all out.         

President Biden has big plans to help tackle the homeless problem in America and the nation is behind him.

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover

Wisconsin Republicans reject funding to fight homelessness


Project Home: Biden’s ‘Ambitious’ Housing Plan Lauded By Bay Area Advocates
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Tom Scully on September 16, 2021, 08:29:36 PM
Here is Joe Biden's America. The socialist utopia urban cities under the control of Democrats for decades.  This is not some Hollywood dystopian horror film but daily street footage that is playing out in every major US city.  Where are the reporters from CNN, NY Times, and MSNBC?

Biden has been POTUS for 8 months, let that sink in, consider what he inherited in January.

As Pandemic Peaks, County Commissioner Ginny Haines ...
Jan 25, 2021 — By Phil Stilton. January 25, 2021 ... Philly's Kensington is a zombie apocalypse ignored by Biden on city visit ...

Why the California Governor Recall is Working and the New .
By Phil Stilton. February 15, 2021. Government/New Jersey News. Share this ... Philly's Kensington is a zombie apocalypse ignored by Biden on city visit ...

Richard shared no link to the right wing, racist extremist video he decided to build this thread around.

Even he is aware of how toxic and controversial the author-distributor of this toxic, divisive garbage is, and so he decided not to share the origin of it.

Here is a link to a page of search results of this person who Richard is impressed enough with to feature on this forum....

Search terms, "Phil Stilton" Fox (https://www.google.com/search?q="phil+stilton"++fox+&client=opera&hs=3ge&sxsrf=AOaemvIiyHqVESP4R-5LuFFm2nr5NxebSA%3A1631814957389&ei=LYVDYbf5FsjQ-gTU2IyYCA&oq="phil+stilton"++fox+&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgAToECCMQJzoGCAAQFhAeOgUIIRCrAjoHCCEQChCgAUoECEEYAFDyhhhY9qYYYN-7GGgAcAB4AIAB-QGIAbQGkgEFMC40LjGYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwj3w_62iITzAhVIqJ4KHVQsA4MQ4dUDCA0&uact=5)

Some "low lights" in the search results, linked above...

Meet The Controversial Figure Behind 'The FOX News Of New Jersey
Sep 23, 2019 — Meet The Controversial Figure Behind 'The FOX News Of New Jersey' - Toms River, NJ - In GOP-strong Ocean County, conservative editor Phil Stilton...

The youtube "channel" where the garbage Richard built this thread around is nearly anonymous by design, but displays a viewer count of 31,000,000 views. Stealth molotov cocktail throwers serving up bait for the consumption and reinforcement of Richard and his ilk. :

Our Team -
Phil Stilton. Phil is the editor of Shore News Network. · Charlie Dwyer. Mid Atlantic and Midwest News Curator. · Ryan Dickinson. West Coast and Border State News ...

"Charlie Dwyer" served up Richard's thread's "stink bomb"/
Philly's Kensington is a zombie apocalypse ignored by Biden
Jul 20, 2021 — Kim Gary shared a video drive-through of Kensington that will ... for heroin on the East Coast with many neighboring residents flocking to ..

Fact Check: Did President Trump Incite Riot at U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021? By Phil Stilton. February 13, 2021. Fact Checking/Government/The Swamp.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 17, 2021, 03:36:58 PM
Biden has been POTUS for 8 months, let that sink in, consider what he inherited in January.

Yes, it does seem much, much longer.  Only Jimmy Carter can compare in terms of incompetence and weakness.  Literally everything has gotten much worse.  Even the virus cases increased 300% despite having the vaccine available for public distribution from day one of his presidency.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 18, 2021, 06:12:42 PM
Biden's America on full display: 

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 12, 2021, 01:00:48 AM
Biden's America on full display again:

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 01, 2022, 04:50:35 PM
Joe Biden greeted the invisible man after a recent speech and then roamed aimlessly about the stage trying to remember where he was.  Truly frightening that this person is in charge with America smoldering in ruins.  Crime, inflation, illegal immigration, gas prices, war, and we have a person with obvious cognitive issues in charge.  But the midterm elections are just around the corner.  The red tsunami is closer every day.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 01, 2022, 05:38:21 PM
Biden gets lost on the White House lawn and ends up walking through some bushes despite the Secret Service clearly directing him in the right direction.  This would be humorous if the consequences of his mental decline were not so disastrous.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 01, 2022, 05:43:28 PM
If George Orwell's Ministry of Truth had been headed by this imbecile instead of Big Brother, 1984 would have been a comedy.  Keep in mind that this is not a SNL skit but a real thing.  This is the person charged with censoring Americans with Stalinist-like powers.  It would be hilarious in any other context.  If the Biden administration could actually find competent people to implement their Stasi policies, it would be dangerous.  Again, this is real and not something made up by National Lampoon.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 04, 2022, 05:39:39 PM
Another magnificent week for Trump with the candidates that he has endorsed winning major victories, the Supreme Court apparently intending to overturn Roe (63 million abortions in America), and Dems in complete disarray under Whispering Joe.  So much winning for America.  And the red tsunami of the midterm elections is a day closer.  The end of this national nightmare is close.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 05, 2022, 04:39:12 PM
I almost forgot the victories for free speech with Musk taking over Twitter from the Stasi.  Obama apparently is not a fan of the 1st Amendment since he advised Silicon Valley to disregard it in one of the most frightening speeches in American history.  The 1st Amendment is only applicable to the government, but the principle of free speech is a cornerstone of democracy and one that should be embraced.  Not discouraged.  And Libs are furious with the Supreme Court.  Unreal.  Whenever Trump questioned a court decision that went against him, he was accused of being a dictator who did not accept the power of the judiciary.  But Dems are now claiming a decision of the Supreme Court is an abuse of power.  The hypocrisy is unreal.  And CNN and Adam Schiff will finally be held accountable for defamation of that poor guy who owned the computer store where Hunter dropped off his laptop.  Driven out of business, defamed as a Russian asset, and subject to acts of leftist violence.  But the chickens are coming home to roost.  Another magnificent day for Trump and America in the midst of the national nightmares unfolding under Biden.  And the red tsunami is one day closer with the elections. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 05, 2022, 06:43:19 PM
Biden has added a stock market collapse to his endless list of disasters.  Officially the worst president in history in less than two years.  He has turned America into a smoldering ruin.  Crime, inflation, illegal immigration, war on the judicial branch, censorship, and now a stock market collapse.  This on top of his dismal failure to address the pandemic with more deaths and cases than under Trump when the vaccine was not widely available. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 06, 2022, 11:12:14 PM
Yet another win for democracy!   Another leftist hoax and attempt to undermine democracy comes apart.  Thank goodness the judiciary is saving us from the leftists who would deprive Americans of fundamental rights like freedom of speech and the ability to decide elections at the ballot box:

"State Judge Charles Beaudrot said in a 19-page recommendation that even if it is assumed that the US Capitol riot was an insurrection, "challengers have produced insufficient evidence to show that Rep. Greene 'engaged' in that insurrection after she took the oath of office on January 3, 2021."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 10, 2022, 03:15:11 PM
Things have gone from bad to worse to disaster to complete free fall under Biden.  Really getting ugly with leftists trying to intimidate judges and attacking churches.  Even declaring war on mothers.  That is quite a winning strategy for winning elections.  LOL.   Meanwhile gas prices hit an all time high and the stock market is crashing.  The Biden recession is upon us.  That would be bad enough but add in record crime and open borders.  Dark days for America.  And two more disastrous years left is his administration.  Unreal.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 11, 2022, 03:06:25 PM
Another disastrous inflation report this month.  Just when you think Biden has bottomed out and things can't possibly get any worse they do.  He has turned America into a smoldering ruin. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 11, 2022, 05:02:55 PM
Trump endorsed candidates continue to do well.  2024 is just around the corner.  The Biden nightmare still has two long years, though.  The damage is already immense.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 11, 2022, 06:59:00 PM
Another record for Old Joe!  Most of these drugs are coming across the wide-open border aa millions of unknown illegal immigrants flood across in violation of federal law:

"Over 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in 2021, reaching an all-time high."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 12, 2022, 03:32:53 PM
Most of the enormous savings generated through 401K plans under Trump have been swept away in the recent Biden market collapse.  So add billions in savings to the harm done by Joe Biden.  A complete, unmitigated disaster.   A new disaster every day while none of the existing disasters are getting any better.  The blame game isn't working.  The red tsunami is coming.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 12, 2022, 04:29:21 PM
Another record under Old Joe!  There have now been one million US deaths from the COVID pandemic.  A million.  The vast majority occurred under Biden even with the vaccine widely available during his administration.  He promised to "shutdown" the virus.  Instead he has shutdown America and turned into a smoldering ruin.   And cases are increasing again.  Way to go Joe!  Working his magic.  The red tsunami is just around the corner.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 13, 2022, 03:34:32 PM
And now there is no baby formula as the Biden third world economy continues down in a death spiral.  Unreal.  But there is plenty at the border for folks crossing illegally.  The stock market is in free fall wiping out the savings for millions of American.  Inflation is out of control.  Crime is out of control.  Gas prices are out of control.  The border is out of control. Disaster after disaster is unfolding while Old Joe roams the White House lawn trying to remember where he is at. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 13, 2022, 04:46:18 PM
Virus cases are climbing steadily again.  Shutdown Joe is working his magic. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 15, 2022, 05:38:02 PM
Hunter is lawyering up.  The indictment is coming right after the midterm election.  Biden's brother is likely to go with him to the big house.  How nice is it that Hunter's lawyer gave him $2 million to pay off his delinquent taxes?  Nothing to see there!  I'm sure lawyers around the country frequently pay off multi-million dollar debts of their crackhead clients.  At least Avenatti will have some company in the slammer.  They can share that book he was given to read by the authorities to pass the time.  Something called "The Art of the Deal."   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 16, 2022, 03:06:47 PM
A new record for Old Joe!  Every day bring a new disaster.  Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.  Gas prices have reached a new record high.  Prices are up significantly from just a week ago.  Gas prices, drug deaths, virus deaths, illegal immigrants, homicides, inflation.  All records under Joe.  And he still has two years to go.  At least he will be able to blame the republicans after the mid-term elections sweep most of the swamp Dems from power.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 17, 2022, 02:59:23 PM
A magnificent day for democracy with primaries in many states.  Leading Republican candidates are promoting their ties to Trump while Dems are running away from Biden.  The red tsunami is another day closer.  Many female and minority candidates are running strong in the Republican primaries including in PA.  Showing the diversity of the party.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 17, 2022, 04:33:00 PM
A great victory for democracy that the leftist efforts to keep various republicans off the ballot have failed.  They are afraid to let the voters decide for themselves.  Many women and minorities are running strong campaigns on the republican side while the dems are dominated by white males per the current President. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 17, 2022, 08:55:45 PM
More great news for democracy.  Trump is back on Twitter!  The efforts by leftist opponents of free speech have finally been reversed.  What a great day for America with diverse republican candidates surging around the country and the end of Big Brother censorship coming to an end.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 18, 2022, 10:44:27 PM
Trump endorsed candidates had a magnificent night!  Even republicans that he did not endorse ran campaign ads highlighting their connection to Trump.  The most influential politician in modern history.  Meanwhile no Dem asked Paw Paw Joe to campaign for them.  Their schedules were suddenly "full" when the old cryptmaster came to town.  His poll numbers are election cancer.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 19, 2022, 01:28:21 AM
The stock market tumbled another 1000 points today as Paw Paw Joe naps.  The savings of millions wiped away by Biden's incompetence.  Gas price hit another record high.  Predictions now that it will reach $6 per gallon.  Imagine being a democrat on the ballot in November?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 19, 2022, 01:33:36 AM
On a day of even more disastrous economic news as America collapses to third world status, Old Joe's new Ministry of Truth was placed on "pause."  HA HA HA. 

Nina we hardly knew ye!  So long and thanks for the laughs:

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 19, 2022, 02:57:34 PM
The radical leftist Dem nominee for Senate in PA, John Fetterman, once jumped in a pickup truck and chased down a black jogger in his neighborhood.  Holding him at gun point until the authorities arrived.  The jogger had done absolutely nothing wrong.  Fetterman to this day refuses to apologize.  Yet, it is the republicans who are racist according to the media.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 19, 2022, 03:16:29 PM
Trump is now 83-2 in endorsement wins.  An incredible streak given that many of these elections are decided on subjective criteria of voters.  Endorsements almost never have a significant impact.  Oz would have been trounced in PA absent Trump's endorsement.  Trump is the most influential politician in modern history.  The winning never seems to end.  What a contrast with weak Paw Paw Biden.  The baby formula storage is yet another disaster.  Gas prices near an incredible $6 per gallon.  The stock market in free fall.  Crime and inflation rampant.  I can't imagine being a Dem candidate in this election.  Like being with Custer at Little Big Horn.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 19, 2022, 07:25:57 PM
It looks increasingly like Trump-endorsed candidate Dr. Oz is going to win the PA senate primary.  Not that it matters since the top three republicans all campaigned on their close ties to Trump.  And Trump's endorsement for governor resulted in a landslide victory.  Where is Paw Paw Joe on the Dem side?  Has Kamala gone into the witness protection program?  She hasn't been seen in months.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 19, 2022, 07:29:35 PM
The WSJ and others are now acknowledging what was obvious from the beginning.  That the fake COVID relief bill fueled hyperinflation, resulted in countless billions being spent for fraud, waste, and political pork.  In addition, it encouraged a work force shortage that has crippled America by paying people to stay home.  It is still impossible to find any business that is fully staffed.  Perhaps the most disastrous economic policy since the Great Depression.  And no end in sight.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 20, 2022, 03:00:35 PM
Another record day for gas prices with no end in sight.  Next up on the Biden hit parade of disasters?  Widespread power outages throughout the country this summer.  What is Biden doing about all this?  Sending $40 billion to Ukraine where it will be stolen or redirected to political pork contractors for some unknown purpose.  Just like the so-called "COVID relief" package.  Soon Biden will have reduced the most affluent country in the history of the world to the stone age.  No power, gas, water.  We will be like cavemen.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 20, 2022, 05:37:26 PM
The only good news is that Biden has finally left the US.  He is napping in S. Korea instead of Delaware this weekend.  Not that he knows the difference.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 20, 2022, 08:07:56 PM
The stock market continues its collapse today.  Disaster after disaster under Biden.  Unreal.  Obama was right.  "Never underestimated Joe's ability to "f" things up."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 27, 2022, 02:27:22 PM
So many victories for Trump while the country continues to come unglued under Paw Paw Joe.  The leftist media desperately tried to spin the recent Georgia primary as some type of evidence that Trump's influence is fading.  LOL.  Trump supported candidates are 85-4 in the primaries.  The few losses were simply candidates who were too far behind for any endorsement to make a difference.  In every competitive race, Trump's endorsement has made the difference. Oz would never have won the PA primary without that endorsement.  And where are Old Joe and Kamala on the Dem primaries?  Great timing on that announcement to crack down on the police just after another mass shooting.  No one wants to be seen with them as disaster after disaster unfolds.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 27, 2022, 11:03:05 PM
Trump endorsed candidate Oz declares victory in PA!  So much winning.  Meanwhile Joe is napping somewhere as America spirals downward.  Gas nearing $6 per gallon.  Some gas stations are having to recalibrate their gas pumps to prepare for the eventuality of gas prices that exceed $9.99/gallon.  An incredible string of disasters.  Meanwhile Joe's feeble efforts to address the baby formula issue have resulted in even a greater failure than his non-effort to address gas prices.  Everything Joe touches crumbles to ruin.  The law of averages would suggest that even the most incompetent and unlucky person might catch a break now and again.  But not Paw Paw Joe.  He has a perfect record of failure. Pandemic cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are also once again in a steep increase.   Shutdown Joe vowed during the campaign to show us how to control the pandemic.  One million deaths later he still hasn't done it.  If Trump were still President, the pandemic ticker would run day and night on the leftist media.  Not a peep under Brandon, though. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 28, 2022, 05:43:43 PM
Pandemic cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are climbing two years after Joe became President.  No sign of Old Joe who promised to "shutdown" the virus.  Deaths have now exceeded one million with no end in sight.  Joe promised over and over again during the campaign that he would "shutdown" the virus.  The leftist media relentlessly claimed Trump had done something (never specified) wrong during the pandemic.  And Biden with all his "experience" would do a better job.  But not a peep now as this goes on and on with no end in sight.  Paw Paw Joe naps somewhere.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 30, 2022, 03:36:17 PM
Per Newsweek, Trump's opposition to Liz Cheney is making a significant difference:

Polling conducted from May 24 to 25 showed the incumbent trailing Hageman by 30 points.

Prior to her opposition to Trump, Cheney appeared to be widely popular in Wyoming. The GOP congresswoman won her 2020 reelection with nearly 69 percent of the vote. That was also an improvement compared to the just under 64 percent she garnered in 2018 and the approximately 62 percent she won in 2016.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 30, 2022, 11:33:17 PM
The $100 million man Paul Pelosi was DUI and crashed his Porsche.  An 82-year old man driving drunk in a Porsche.  Nothing to see there.  I'm sure his $100 million has nothing to do with influence peddling.  Just an amazing coincidence.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 30, 2022, 11:34:53 PM
you have your nose so far up Trumps ass that you need a wet wipe to blow your nose...wow

Imagine this is your third post on a JFK assassination forum!  "Harvey"  LOL.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 31, 2022, 01:01:20 AM
Nancy has "no comment" for once on her octogenarian husband driving drunk in his Porsche.  What a life these corrupt politicians lead with their multi-million dollar relatives.  Such a coincidence that so many have these relatives.  Old Joe has several.  Like winning the lottery over and over again. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 31, 2022, 01:20:47 AM
I bet corrupt Nancy has a Porsche or two of her own.  $100 million buys a lot of cars and ice cream.  And a great, big, beautiful wall around her mansion to keep out the masses. "Let them eat cake" is her motto (although mostly slurred after drinking a few whiskeys with her hubby).
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 31, 2022, 04:51:31 PM
"Let them eat ice cream" Nancy comes from an extended line of corruption.  Her own father was on the take while in office.  Her husband has peddled on influence and insider knowledge to garner a fortune worth over $100 million.  Her son is involved in numerous shady dealings.  But nothing to see there.  Making over $100 million on a government salary is easy for criminal enterprises like Biden, Inc. and Pelosi clan.  Nancy believes in "free enterprise" which is why she opposed prohibiting stock trading by member of Congress (such as herself) who acquire fortunes based on insider knowledge and even direct influence over the industries that they invest.  Who knew Nancy had such faith in capitalism?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 01, 2022, 01:49:51 PM
Hyperinflation and record gas prices fueled by Old Joe's disastrous and unnecessary COVID relief package (a pork bill) and energy policies are crippling the US economy.  No end in sight as Paw Paw Joe has no plan or even any idea what to do.  A labor shortage fueled by the influx of billions of dollars to keep people from working will go on as the most disastrous economic decision this side of the Great Depression. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 01, 2022, 01:53:43 PM
Despite almost no gun crime, Trudeau is rushing to disarm Canadians.  This in the aftermath of his Stasi like crackdown on free speech.  A very frightening time in Canada.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 01, 2022, 02:06:33 PM
Ex-Republican Liz Cheney appears headed for a crushing defeat.  Despite the best efforts of the corrupt establishment to keep her forever in power including donating millions in cash, her anti-Trump stance has forever doomed her political career.  I'm sure she will be fine, though, getting paid to carry water for the establishment.

"A new Cygnal survey shows that just 27% of Wyoming voters have a favorable opinion of Liz Cheney, 71% hold an unfavorable opinion of Cheney."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 01, 2022, 04:32:36 PM
Biden cabinet officials are now apologizing for ignoring inflation.   They have no answers, though.  I'm sure Putin or Trump is to blame.  Or maybe gun ownership by law abiding citizens.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 01, 2022, 04:37:55 PM
Biden's America.  A smoldering ruin:

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 02, 2022, 03:17:31 PM
Biden acknowledges he was clueless about the baby shortage formula.  He doesn't still have any solution, though.  The shelves are empty.  Gas prices hit another record high with no end in sight.  Disaster after disaster.  All Paw Paw can talk about is taking guns away from law abiding citizens while opening the border and jails.  Drugs are flowing into the country unchecked killing thousands.  Criminals are being released to cause havoc in the cities.  The stock market is crashing taking billions in savings from Americans.  There is a widespread labor shortage because Biden paid folks to stay home causing hyperinflation.  Homeless camps are overrunning every major city.  America is a smoldering ruin. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 04, 2022, 12:13:19 AM
What a contrast between Old Joe's campaign promise to unite Americans and solve all our problems and his current litany of excuses including that as President has no control over gas prices, inflation, labor and supply shortages, or the pandemic.  His limited energy was expended on a rant about guns that blamed republicans.  Very uniting.  He was so committed to getting something done about guns that he immediately knocked off for the weekend and went to the beach.  In addition to the cast of incompetence in his administration is his new spokesperson who is dumb as a rock.  She looks like a deer in the headlights when asked anything other than a softball question.  She makes Peppermint Patty look like a genius. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 04, 2022, 05:29:25 PM
Trump endorsed Oz was finally declared the winner in PA.  He is now running against a left-wing loon from the Dems who once chased down a black jogger in his neighborhood and held him at gun point.  Trump's endorsement of Oz made the entire difference.  So much winning.  Meanwhile everything Paw Paw Joe touches turns to disaster.  Not even the law of averages applies to him.  EVERYTHING Joe does is a complete disaster.  Fortunately, he is off to the beach again this weekend where he has now spent half his time as President.  What is he doing there?  Napping?  I guess the gun issue wasn't that critical after all.  He immediately left for vacation.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 05, 2022, 03:25:20 PM
Mass shootings and crime continue to run rampant across the US while Paw Paw Joe vacations once again at his beach home.  US cities have become war zones under Dems.  A situation that is now out of control. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 05, 2022, 03:38:58 PM
The bizarre Dem nominee for Senate John Fetterman, who once held a black jogger at gun point because he was running through his neighborhood, now is peddling inconsistent stories about his recent health issues.  Imagine this nut job in the Senate.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 06, 2022, 02:59:27 PM
Has anyone seen Old Joe recently while disaster after disaster unfolds around America.  More mass shootings this weekend in the Dem controlled cities while Paw Paw Joe works tirelessly from his beach home.  Napping and playing Bingo with his nurses.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 06, 2022, 03:01:09 PM
The literal streets of Philadelphia this weekend under Old Joe.  Scenes of chaos and violence:

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 06, 2022, 05:55:11 PM
Could anyone ever imagine a time in which the US military had to airlift baby formula into this country from abroad?  Like a third world country that needs the charity of other countries to feed its children.  A sad and disgraceful reminder of how far America has fallen.  And there is no end in sight until 2024.  Paw Paw spent the weekend walking his dog on the beach instead of working on the endless list of disasters unfolding under his incompetent administration.  The most inept administration in the history of the US.  Even after Woodrow Wilson suffered a debilitating stroke he was a more competent President than Whispering Joe. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 07, 2022, 12:06:35 AM
The recent comparisons between Biden and Carter are an insult to Carter.  He was a terrible president as well but at least not everything he touched was a disaster.  There is nothing going right under Biden.  Inflation is off the charts.  The US cities are in chaos and violence.  Crime is off the charts.  Illegal immigration is off the charts.  A record caravan is on the way.  The Russians are gaining ground in Ukraine.  The stock market is crashing.  The military is airlifting baby formula into the US like we are a third world country who can't feed our own children. Incredible string of disasters with no solutions in sight.  Biden has spent an incredible 200 days of his presidency at the beach.  He is heading to Saudi Arabia after they wouldn't take his phone calls to beg for oil.  Disgraceful and weak in the eyes of the world.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 07, 2022, 02:46:59 PM
Things are so bad in the Biden administration that the top news story is simply how bad things are.  It would be humorous if the stakes were not so high.  The US has been reduced to third world status airlifting baby formula into our own country.  Disgraceful. The cities are out of control with mass shootings every day while the Dems turn the criminals lose over and over again.  The nutty LA DA turned loose a driver who ran down a woman pushing her infant in a baby carriage (a Dem solution to baby formula demand?).  The sheer numbers of disasters that Biden has unleashed under his administration is unreal.  And his solution to inflation, crime, shortages etc?  Buy a bunch of solar panels and take guns from law abiding citizens.  The leftist CNN is still fixated on "Jan. 6" (whatever that is supposed to mean) while ignoring the Biden catastrophes that are unfolding. Gas prices are at a new record each day with no end in sight.  Old Joe is going to Saudia Arabia to beg for more oil after he ended US energy independence.  The Saudis will laugh at him as they have done before.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 07, 2022, 02:53:12 PM
The politically driven "Jan. 6" investigation is coming to an end soon with no results.  But only after wasting months and millions of tax payer dollars while ignoring the many disasters unfolding under Biden.  The corrupt establishment politicians like former republican Liz Chaney will be out of office soon.  The upcoming republican landslide will end Dem control of these Stasi-like show trials that are designed to undermine the democratic process in America.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 07, 2022, 05:45:07 PM
The Stasi-like show trial of Jan. 6 is ending in a complete bust like the fake Russian collusion hoax.  In total desperation, the Dems are hiring TV consultants to milk some production values out of this pointless undertaking that Americans couldn't care less about while they suffer under record inflation, crime, gas prices, shortages, and all manner of disaster.  Tone deaf democrats can't understand that this obsession with Trump and Jan. 6 is a political loser that will culminate with an historic landslide for the republicans in the mid-term elections.  Old Joe's poll numbers have declined an historic -26 percent since taken office.  Surpassing every modern president in his historic drop in the polls.  And things are only getting worse with new record gas prices each day and no end in sight with Biden contending he is powerless after campaigning on his experience and ability to resolve issues.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 07, 2022, 06:06:22 PM
After months of silence refusing to give any interviews while disaster after disaster has unfolded in America, Biden is going to finally give an interview to hard hitting journalist Jimmy Kimmel!  HA HA HA.  What a farce.  Biden's handlers/nurses have no confidence in his ability to talk with the press.  And with good reason given his obvious cognitive limitations.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 07, 2022, 06:56:38 PM
The NY Times has concluded based upon the available data that mask mandates had no apparent impact on the spread of the virus:

"In U.S. cities where mask use has been more common, Covid has spread at a similar rate as in mask-resistant cities. Mask mandates in schools also seem to have done little to reduce the spread. Hong Kong, despite almost universal mask-wearing, recently endured one of the world’s worst Covid outbreaks."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 08, 2022, 03:02:58 PM
Leftist radicals around the country are being swept from office in the aftermath of disaster after disaster under Biden.  Even in SF they have had enough of crime, homelessness, and chaos under the leftists.  And the hapless Dems are wildly overhyping the upcoming "Jan. 6" hearing like some Stalinist-era show trial.  There is absolutely zero interest in this issue from average Americans who are suffering under Uncle Joe's incompetence with inflation and crime rampant.  The leftist TV networks are even going to preempt their regular prime time programming (which no one watches) to run this show trial.  A terrible miscalculation that will come back to bite the Dems like the fake "Russian collusion" investigation when it amounts to nothing.  No wonder the corrupt establishment candidates fear Trump.  He is the only person holding them accountable for results.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 08, 2022, 03:14:47 PM
A rare day of optimism in America as democracy survives desperate attempts to block free speech and allow voters to decide elections despite the Stasi-like tactics of the Dems to punish dissenters.  Voters around the country have had enough.  Politics is just s small part of it.  Results are what matter to most people.  They can't afford gas or food and might get robbed if they leave their homes under the current administration.  The corrupt establishment Dems and Republicans have never learned that lesson.  They effectively created Trump with their corruption and incompetence.  No single person in the entire world has done more to enhance Trump's chances in 2024 than Old Joe.  His incompetence has opened the door wide for another Trump presidency.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 08, 2022, 03:56:51 PM
It's morning in America with the end of the Dem controlled Congress one day closer and leftist radicals being dismissed by voters throughout the country including incredibly SF where things have become so awful with crime and homelessness that even they have no other choice but to accept reality!  And 2024 is a day closer as well!  Radical Dems are beginning to panic in desperation and staking all on their phony "Jan. 6" hearing that will fall flat.  Hiring TV consultants won't save them from the backlash for wasting taxpayer money and resources while America suffers real disasters due to Whispering Joe's incompetence and dementia.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 08, 2022, 04:04:25 PM
Where is Kamala?  No one has seen her in weeks.  An embarrassment even by the Biden administrations low standards of competency.  They are all now "powerless" to solve any of America's problems after running on their experience.  LOL.  Old Joe suddenly must beg Saudia Arabia for oil and airlift baby formula INTO the US to feed our children like some third world country.  A sad and disgraceful state of affairs with no end in sight until 2024.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 08, 2022, 05:19:45 PM
Armed leftist insurrections are now attempting to intimidate Supreme Court justices.  Disgraceful.

"An armed man was arrested near the Maryland home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh Wednesday morning, law enforcement sources confirmed.

The suspect was carrying a gun and a knife when arrested and had made violent threats against Kavanaugh, sources said"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 08, 2022, 06:16:05 PM
Will there be an endless "June 8" investigation relating to the armed leftist insurrectionist threatening a US Supreme Court Justice?  No?  It's all about Trump while America spirals downward to third world status accepting airlifts of baby formula to feed our children while Congress has Stalinist show trials and Old Joe vacations at the beach.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 08, 2022, 09:56:47 PM
A new humiliation each day for Biden.  Now even the President of Mexico is snubbing him.  The entire world is laughing at the US.  And these were supposed to be the "adults" with foreign policy experience.  HA HA HA.  That will be some summit with no one else there. I hope they have a snack bar.

"In a rebuke to President Biden, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said Monday that he would not attend the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 10, 2022, 01:40:34 AM
The poor Dems.  They have doubled down time and again on "Jan. 6" wasting taxpayer money and resources while America spiraled downward.  And now they have no choice except to go down with that ship.  A disastrous political miscalculation that will result in an historic landslide in the upcoming election.  Repeating the same mistake when they wheeled our Robert Mueller for the Russian collusion hoax after years of investigation and finding nothing.  It was painful to watch them exploit a person who obviously had advanced dementia.  He couldn't even figure out where he was much of the time.  That frightened glaze in his eyes was sad.  He must be in a nursing home because he hasn't been seen since then.  A truly divisive and sad day for America.  The corrupt political establishment hasn't learned that the political climate has changed.  The Clintons, Bushes, and Cheney's are on the dung heap of history. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 10, 2022, 02:20:12 PM
Of all the hypocrisy of the "Jan. 6" hearings here is the absolute most astounding.  Keep in mind that Bennie Thompson is the chairman of the Jan. 6 committee:

Bennie Thompson was one of 31 House Democrats to oppose the certification of the results of the 2004 presidential election; President George W. Bush won Ohio, the state the representatives objected to counting, by 118,457 votes. Without Ohio's electoral votes, the election would have been decided by the House of Representatives, with each state having one vote, in accordance with the Twelfth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 10, 2022, 02:30:19 PM
What a snooze fest the Dems put on last night.  A long-winded bureaucratic hearing on prime time that revealed nothing new in the midst of numerous disasters unfolding across America.  They did inadvertently raise the only relevant question left to be the answered.  The one question they won't touch.  Why was security that day so inadequate despite advanced warnings?  Was it simply typical Dem incompetence or was it intentional?  We will never know.  Bennie Thompson, the chairman of this circus, is an actual insurrectionist under his own definition.  He refused to certify Bush's win in 2004 as a member of Congress.   Keep in mind that this was not the closer election win in 2000 but 2004 when there was absolutely no question that Bush had won the presidential election.  But Benny rejected the election results and wanted to decide the winner in the House.  Astounding hypocrisy.  He should be ashamed to show his face in this circus.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 10, 2022, 07:15:45 PM
The stock market is crashing while inflation and gas hit record highs.  But the economy is "strong" according to Old Joe.   He has "created" jobs by closing the economy and then reopening it to allow people to go back to work!  That is what he considers job creation.  Meanwhile the Dems continue to waste time and resources on "Jan. 6".  The media continues to perpetuate the demonstrably false narrative that police officers died that day.  It's incredible that this false story is still being circulated.  Only one person was killed that day.  An unarmed female protestor who was shot and killed at point blank range. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 11, 2022, 02:41:58 PM
Just when you think America has hit rock bottom and things can only improve, they get even worse under Paw Paw Joe.  What a horrific week for the Dems.  Inflation hit another record high with no end in sight, gas prices are still skyrocketing with no end in sight, the stock market is crashing, an enormous caravan of illegals is heading to the border, the Russians are gaining ground in Ukraine, and the bizarre fixation on "Jan. 6" fell flat.  One of the worst political weeks since the height of the Watergate scandal.  The upcoming mid-term election is going to be a landslide.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 12, 2022, 06:03:57 PM
Biden's policy in Ukraine is failing miserably (as have all his policies) but only after American taxpayers have footed the bill to the tune of over $50 billion.  Money for which there is no way to know what it is being spent on.  Most of it stolen by corrupt US and Urkanian oligarchs and politicians.  Putin is laughing his backside off at Biden.  The press made a big deal about McDonald's closing all their restaurants in Russia.  What do the Russians do?  They reopen everyone one of them serving the same food under a different name.  Unreal.  American businesses continue to suffer under Biden's incompetency and fake outrage.  If Biden had any interest in solving the record gas prices and inflation that he created, he might begin by making some attempt to resolve the conflict in Ukraine instead of spending money to escalate it. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 13, 2022, 07:40:09 PM
It's truly surreal to see the Dems going on and on about "Jan. 6" while America burns.  The stock market is crashing again today taking away the savings of millions while gas prices continue to skyrocket and inflation is at record highs.  Crime is out of control.  Illegal immigrants are pouring across the border unchecked.  There are no proposed solutions to any of these problems coming from the Dems or Old Joe. What exactly are they investigating here?  It is not clear.  Hundreds of Americans were arrested for minor crimes like trespassing on Jan. 6.  A few more serious crimes like assaulting police officers were prosecuted.  The FBI devoted more resources to rounding up trespassers in this situation than any crime in history.  What is left to investigate?  Maybe why security precautions were so inept?  They are not touching that one.  We will never know if it was the result of incompetence or something more sinister.  The only point is some vague attempt to make Trump look bad by rehashing the same facts that have been known for over a year. 

Most importantly why is the Chairman of the "Jan. 6" hearing an insurrectionist under his own definition?  That is incredible.  Bennie Thompson, as a member of Congress, along with 30 other Dems voted against certifying the results of the 2004 election solely because he hated George W. Bush.  There was no question that Bush had win the election but Thompson voted to allow the House to decided that election.  The very thing he believes is an attack on democracy insurrection under Trump.  It's shameful that he can preside over this circus.  But like the fake Russian collusion hoax this show trial in the midst of many legitimate ongoing disasters will rebound on the Dems in the upcoming election. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 14, 2022, 12:29:43 AM
The stock market drop today continues a trend that puts the market collapse into another category of Biden disasters.  Biden has no answers.  He is suddenly powerless in his own words after running on his ability and experience.  The typical corrupt politician bait and switch.  Nothing is his fault. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 14, 2022, 04:14:32 PM
So much for the "Jan. 6" hearing.  The cat is out of the bag.  It's a complete show trial.  Old Bennie is covering his backside in anticipation of a republican landslide since he knows that he himself is an insurrectionist according to the standard applied by Liz Cheney and others.  He voted against certifying the 2004 election.

"The chairman of the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol told reporters Monday that the panel will not make any criminal referral of former President Donald Trump or anyone else to the Justice Department -- a claim that met swift pushback from members of the panel."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 14, 2022, 05:56:46 PM
Poor Joe.  He is heading to Saudi Arabia after calling it a "pariah" nation to beg for oil.  They refused to even take his phone calls.  A further display of weakness and incompetence.  The Saudis, Russians, and Iranians are laughing their backsides off and rolling in the oil profits.

Where are the negotiations to end the conflict in Ukraine if that is the cause of all of America's problems?  There are none.  At least none sponsored by America.  Biden is only spending more and more money to extend the conflict while America flounders.  He has no plan or apparent desire to bring resolution.  Just endless war that allows Congress to appropriate billions to their cronies.  A repeat of Afghanistan and Vietnam. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 14, 2022, 08:39:46 PM
The "Jan. 6" Commission is in complete disarray after canceling the hearing tomorrow.  Old Bennie apparently sunk Liz Cheney's battleship when he confirmed there would be no criminal referrals.  Cheney's only hail Mary hope of reelection is to destroy Trump.  The entire purpose of this show trial from her perspective.  She must be fuming that Trump has bested her again and she will soon be out of her cushy establishment job.  Not to worry, though.  I'm sure Halliburton is hiring with all the money Congress is funneling to Ukraine.  She will make out fine.  Perhaps even hire Hunter as a consultant with all his experience.  They have $40 billion and counting to spend. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 15, 2022, 03:32:48 PM
More wins across the nation for republicans and Trump-endorsed candidates!  The red tsunami is coming to save America from Old Joe's incompetence.  Paw Paw Joe is now officially the most unpopular president in American history.  The same guy who just two years ago received the most votes in American political history.  More than JFK, FDR, Obama, Reagan, Clinton, or any presidential candidate.   His fall to this historic level in just two years in unsurpassed in history.  And there are two more years of misery ahead.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 15, 2022, 03:51:29 PM
The lame duck "Jan. 6" commission is now floundering without any apparent purpose.  Liz and Bennie are at war because Bennie saw the light and acknowledged there will be no criminal referrals.  Just a pointless rehashing of events.  Unbelievably, CNN and MSNBC continue to run non-stop "Jan. 6" coverage while America is spiraling down the tubes under Biden.  Old Joe is off to Saudia Arabia to beg for oil.  The Saudis must be pinching themselves.  Just two years ago the US was energy independent with gas prices under $2 per gallon.  Enter Old Joe and America is in complete ruin begging Iran and Saudi Arabia for oil while they take in billions.  Americans can't even afford to drive to work.  Biden's fake COVID relief plan opened a floodgate of unnecessary taxpayer money that fueled hyperinflation like putting gasoline on a fire.  Bringing Americans to their knees.  Then he destroyed the stock market taking away their retirement savings.  An unequaled economic disaster in just two years.  Way to go Brandon!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 15, 2022, 07:52:46 PM
Defeated presidential candidate John Kerry in his pretend role as energy czar doesn't believe we need to drill for more oil in the US!  Things are apparently fine.  LOL.  This is the most tone-deaf administration in history.  Just marry someone who is a multimillionaire like Traitor Kerry did and it doesn't matter how high gas prices are.  Fire up the private jet and off old Johnnie goes to spread his message. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 15, 2022, 09:18:07 PM
Add an historic interest rate increase to Biden's legacy.  No many records broken.  The Jimmy Carter-recession is really on now.  It's 1978 all over again.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 16, 2022, 11:11:11 PM
Another leftist hoaxer bites the dust.  83 years?  I guess it could have been worse.  They could have sentenced him to life. LOL.  Next up on the big house express?  Hunter and James Biden.  Maybe they can all start a book club.

"Michael Avenatti, the former lawyer for Stormy Daniels, a porn star, pleaded guilty to five criminal charges in federal court on Thursday.

Avenatti pleaded guilty to four counts of wire fraud from defrauding clients as well as one tax-related charge during a court hearing in Santa Ana, California. He faces a maximum sentence of 83 years in prison."  Fox News.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 17, 2022, 05:09:37 PM
The bottom has truly dropped out on Biden.  America had hit an all time low.  Basically relegated to third world status and still falling.  Biden can't even fix the baby formula problem.  America is airlifting formula into the country FROM Mexico like the recipient of charity.  Disaster after disaster has unfolded with no end in sight.  Biden has claimed he is "powerless."  The stock market has crashed, inflation at record highs, interest rates skyrocketing, crime out of control, millions flooding across the borders, and Old Joe who ran on his "experience" has nothing to offer.  His only hope is a republican landslide in the upcoming midterms.  After which he can add republicans to his list of excuses for failure (currently limited to Putin and Trump).  The worst president in modern history by a long shot.  He makes Jimmy Carter look like a genius.  Russia is laughing at us.  They have actually increased oil revenues since the so called sanctions were imposed.  Their economy is doing fine while America is tanking.  And Russia is now making progress in Ukraine after the US sent billions of dollars for some unknown purpose to one of the most corrupt governments in the world.  Like the pointless COVID relief package, millions have been stolen, wasted, or sent to political pork projects.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 18, 2022, 03:48:45 PM
Another insurrection has occurred according to the definition of the radical Dems.  Why weren't these individuals shot like the unarmed protestor on Jan. 6?  Will there be a committee to investigate this incident for the next two years?  Will they be put in solitary confinement indefinitely like political prisoners in the old USSR?

"The U.S. Capitol Police arrested a group of staffers with CBS's "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert" after they allegedly illegally entered a U.S. House of Representatives office building on Thursday night,

The group of seven people were arrested in the Longworth House Office Building after being escorted out of the Jan. 6 committee hearing earlier in the day because they did not have proper press credentials, according to sources.

The same group resurfaced later on Thursday night after the Capitol complex was closed to public visitors and Fox News is told that they took videos and pictures around the offices of two Republican members of Congress, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy R-Calif. and Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 18, 2022, 11:29:05 PM
Old Joe went bike riding today as he continues to vacation while America spirals into disaster after disaster.  He managed to topple off his bike while sitting still in a symbolic display of his leadership.  Very fortunate he wasn't injured given his advanced age.  A dementia patient who is almost 80 years old has no business bike riding.  Ask John Kerry how that worked out for him.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 18, 2022, 11:53:05 PM
It is estimated that Americans have now lost over a trillion dollars in retirement savings in their 401K plans under Old Joe with no end in sight.  That a trillion with a "t."   Americans will have to work years longer than anticipated to ever hope to recoup their retirement savings that have vanished in an instance under Paw Paw Joe's incompetence. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 19, 2022, 04:53:05 PM
Poor Old Joe.  What a sad spectacle to see him fall off his bicycle in front of a group of people.  Humiliating for him.  It's bad enough that he knocks off every weekend to go to the beach.  But his handlers apparently haven't wised up that he is almost 80 and suffering from cognitive issues including balance problems.  He can barely even walk these days.  Putting him on a bike is a recipe for trouble. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 20, 2022, 11:30:01 PM
I'm actually feeling sorry for Old Joe.  Falling off his bike like an escaped dementia patent.  Now he is roaming on the beach like a Florida retiree in black socks and a polo shirt.  In complete denial about the many unfolding disasters created by his administration.  Blaming Putin and Trump for everything.  The Dems are quietly escorting him out the door to the nursing home in a room next to Robert Mueller.  It's a shame that Biden's family allowed him to be exploited for their own gain and allowed a man with advanced dementia to be embarrassed like this in front of the public.  Leaving him with no dignity.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 20, 2022, 11:42:30 PM
Biden's poll numbers have dropped more than any president in history since elected.  Another record for Brandon.  Approximately -30%.  His administration is sinking faster than the Titanic and Paw Paw Joe is roaming the beach with no answers.  In a complete cognitive haze.  Falling off bikes due to his unsteady balance.  Ranting about Putin and Trump.  Wait until he has to pardon Hunter and his brother James after the mid-term elections. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 21, 2022, 03:56:56 PM
A group of democratic operatives sent by Stephen Colbert invaded the Capitol grounds trespassing and filming in unauthorized areas of the building.  Harassing members of Congress in, as defined by Dems, an attack on democracy.  Turning the whole "Jan. 6" investigation into even a greater mockery than the political show trial that it already is.  They were apparently conspiring with "Jan. 6" committee members like Adam Schiff to gain unauthorized access to the building.  Impeachment and felony charges are the precedent for this attack on democracy.  Perhaps they will be placed in solitary confinement for years without any charges and no bail.  That is the precedent set. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 22, 2022, 04:30:05 PM
Things have become so toxic for Paw Paw Joe that even the leftist media are waving the white flag of surrender.  One leftist pundit after another is signaling Shuffling Joe is too old to run again.  His incompetence is actually a larger concern but they are citing his age as a way to escort him out the door.  Incredibly, Kamala's poll numbers are even lower than Paw Paw's.  A remarkable achievement given the disasters under Whispering Joe and the fact that Kamala has largely remained in hiding.  The upcoming midterms are going to be a republican landslide.  After which the Dems will desperately attempt to blame their endless failures on republican obstruction (as they have tried to do with Putin and Trump thus far even when controlling both the House and Senate).
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 22, 2022, 05:57:45 PM
A few months ago radical leftist Dems were screaming from the roof tops that Georgia's elections laws were "Jim Crow" laws designed to preclude minorities from voting.  Old Joe even went down to make a memorable rant on the topic calling anyone who disagreed a racist (this despite his own state of Delaware having more stringent voter requirements).  MLB moved its all star game out of Georgia (penalizing the local businesses to the tune of millions).  Fast forward to the Georgia elections.  Voter turnout was up by record levels.  The new laws had no impact whatsoever on suppressing Georgia voters.  The whole thing was another Dem hoax.  The results speak for themselves.  No Dem now stands behind the allegations from just a few a months ago that the Georgia voting law is basically a throwback to the Jim Crow-era.  That narrative disappeared faster than Old Joe's approval rating.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 22, 2022, 09:17:55 PM
Biden has managed to spend $50 billion or so of US taxpayer money in some unspecified manner to allegedly assist Ukraine and the situation there has only gotten progressively worse.  The net impact of this tidal wave of spending is similar to the waste, fraud, and political pork funded by the so called "Covid relief" package that fueled hyperinflation.   Biden's response to every problem is to allocate an enormous amount of money that can be funneled for other unrelated purposes to enrich his political supporters and cronies.  Results don't matter.  That is not the objective.  The objective is to use a "good cause" to fool the American public into allowing Congress to spend billions of their money that is then directed to other purposes that assist the corrupt establishment politicians.  A time honored tactic of both establishment republicans and democrats to maintain their grip on power.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 23, 2022, 03:27:20 PM
Biden's desperate hail Mary gimmick to lower gas prices via a gas tax holiday to influence the upcoming elections has met with another dismal failure.  Even his own party members are not supportive.  Why even announce this decision if he doesn't have the votes of his own party and it is doomed to failure?  This is the same guy who ran on a promise that he could get things done in Congress due to his experience.  Shuffling Joe suggested he could even work with republicans, but he can't even convince his own party.  A sad spectacle.  Failure after failure.  Disaster after disaster.  No solutions.  Weakness and incompetence.  It's off to the beach for another weekend.  Hopefully he doesn't go bike riding.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 23, 2022, 05:25:28 PM
More of Biden's extensive "experience" in Congress at work:

ABC News:  Biden’s big gas-price play falls flat.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 23, 2022, 09:55:22 PM
Even radical leftist CNN can't believe that Old Joe would announce support for a gas tax holiday without vetting the idea to see if anyone in Congress would support it.  Apparently, the answer is a resounding no even among his own party.  They want to spend that tax money.  Another humiliating fiasco for the Biden administration.  What happened to that "experience" that he campaigned on?   Master of the Senate he's not.  LBJ would have gone to the mat to get a measure like that passed.  Bumbling Joe knocks off for a weekend at the beach and falls off his bike.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 24, 2022, 02:45:46 PM
Biden's cognitive decline must be reaching a critical point.  He was photographed yesterday holding a note card that instructed him to do things like:

"YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants,"

"YOU take YOUR seat."

"YOU thank participants" and "YOU depart."

This would be humorous if these instructions were not for the President of the United States. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 24, 2022, 04:50:10 PM
Roe v. Wade overturned!  A great day for democracy.  The illegal attempts of radical dems to intimidate federal judges and their families and commit acts of violence throughout the country had no effect on the legal process. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 24, 2022, 05:01:33 PM
Will radical leftists now further their violent riots and insurrection with attacks on churches, federal judges, and politicians now that the Supreme Court has ruled or accept the outcome of the court?  Funny how we must accept the outcome of certain democratic processes without question or it is an attack on democracy but otherwise are allowed to riot and commit widespread violence in response to other situations. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 24, 2022, 09:50:38 PM
The situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate even after the US taxpayers have pumped $50 billion or so into the cause.  Most of which was no doubt stolen or went to some political crony of a corrupt establishment politician.   Another fiasco under Old Joe.  No effort to bring an end to the conflict.  Just extend it indefinitely.  Another Afghanistan or Vietnam. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 26, 2022, 07:07:28 PM
Old Joe is off to Europe to fight the Kaiser.  Hopefully he takes his note cards that tell him things like to say "hello" and "sit down".  Imagine if Trump carried a note card telling him to enter the room and greet the participants and then sit down.  They would be clamoring - and rightly so - for the 25th Amendment.  In addition to media bias, however, no one wants that to happen and put Kamala in charge.  It's hard to believe but Kamala with her brain marginally functional is less bright than Old Joe with his advanced dementia. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 27, 2022, 06:08:23 PM
The poor people of Europe.  They have a war on their hands and now an elderly President roaming about to keep track of who probably thinks the meetings are about defeating the Kaiser.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 28, 2022, 03:04:08 PM
The FBI now is targeting legal counsel for Trump.  An astounding Stasi-like political prosecution that violates the attorney-client privilege.  The desperation is growing as the "Jan. 6" investigation fizzles.  A rehash of issues that have been known for over a year.  Poor Liz.  Soon to be just another member of public.  No more cushy taxpayer job. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 28, 2022, 09:49:39 PM
One lulu of a fake story today from the infamous "Jan. 6" committee that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the presidential limo.  HA HA HA.  Not even possible.  And what was he going to do?  Drive it from the back?  Wow.  The desperation is unreal.  But even if this fake story were true, so what?   Poor Liz.  Her days of cushy, taxpayer paychecks to fund her corrupt control over power are almost over.  Her already tainted career ends in disgrace.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 29, 2022, 12:11:50 AM
The fake anonymous sources are once again in hyper drive trying to promote interest in the lame "Jan. 6" rahash.  How about this laughable over-the-top anonymous quote from CNN:

"This is a bombshell. It's stunning. It's shocking. The story about 'The Beast' -- I don't have words. It's just stunning," said one Trump adviser, referring to the presidential limousine.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 29, 2022, 12:27:13 AM
The Dems and former republican Liz Cheney held a surprise session to claim Trump was upset on Jan. 6.  Oh dear!  It's the end of democracy.  Shocking, breathtaking, astounding according to anonymous sources.  Trump got angry on Jan. 6.  HA HA HA.  You can't make that up.  In the midst of the complete collapse of America, the Dems are still obsessed with Trump's emotion from an event that took place nearly two years ago.  Unreal.  The red tsunami is a day closer.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 29, 2022, 03:18:50 PM
This most recent hoax didn't take long to come apart.  It is disgraceful that with all the disasters unfolding under Biden that these hoaxes are the focus of the Dems:

"Two Secret Service agents are prepared to testify before Congress that then-President Donald Trump did not lunge at a steering wheel or assault them in an attempt to go to the Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot, a source close to the Secret Service tells Fox News."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 29, 2022, 07:03:52 PM
Over 50 immigrants died a horrific death this week when left in a truck.  Mexican nationals illegally in the US with an arsenal of weapons have been arrested in connection to that crime.  Biden's open border policy continues to encourage illegal entry of individuals at great peril to themselves and others.  An avalanche of drugs like Fentanyl are also entering the US with this flood of illegal immigration.  Record numbers of drug overdoses have occurred as a result.  But the Dems are conducting endless hearings on Jan. 6.  Anonymous sources tell us is it "shocking," "stunning," and a "bombshell" even though most of it is hearsay or the outright product of perjured testimony.   Enjoy it Liz.  The Wyoming primary is coming up soon that will forever end her cushy ride at the American taxpayers' expense.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 30, 2022, 03:53:48 PM
The "Jan. 6" committee spirals into the surreal.  It's difficult to even understand what they are investigating.  What is the "bombshell"?  It's all a rehash of facts that have been known for over a year.  The committee members, who have actually voted not to certify prior presidential elections, are obviously biased.  Using unsubstantiated triple hearsay when the witnesses to events are readily available.  This is clearly a Stalinist-like show trial.  The sole purpose is to harm Trump's chances in 2024.  Otherwise they might be asking relevant questions like why security was woefully inadequate.  If Trump knew the crowd was armed and dangerous, so too did folks like Nancy Pelosi whose responsibility it was to ensure there was adequate security.  Why only a couple of officers in several places with only bike racks for protection?  Why not call out the National Guard as Trump authorized them to do?  Why were there instances of officers waving the crowd into the building?  Where are all the documents from Nancy and the folks authorized to make the security decisions that day?  Questions that will not be answered until the republicans sweep the midterms.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 01, 2022, 05:09:07 PM
Old Joe continues to blame everyone except himself for all the disasters unfolding in the US.  And he has managed to put the US back into the endless foreign war situation in Ukraine.  Already sunk over $50 billion into that morass with no end in sight.  Way to go Brandon.  That worked so well in Afghanistan and Vietnam.  Several years from now there will be a settlement but only after our corrupt politicians and their cronies have milked it for all it's worth.  No doubt a job is waiting for Liz Cheney at Halliburton after she is removed from Congress in a landslide defeat. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 01, 2022, 08:37:32 PM
What a shameless disgrace this "Jan. 6" sham committee is, but here is one for books:

"Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., claimed Thursday that a Secret Service agent who may testify before the Jan. 6 committee about the timeline of events that unfolded around former President Donald Trump during the riot "likes to lie."

Another Dem hoax is going down the tubes.  In record speed.  I guess it wasn't a "bombshell" or "stunning" revelation that Trump lunged at the secret service.  Just untrue. Based on hearsay evidence of a witness who according to Kinzinger was relying on a statement from a "liar."  No one can be telling truth unless it comports to the anti-Trump narrative.  So hearsay of some low-level person who was not present is preferrable to the sworn testimony of a secret service agent present at the event in question.  And that person must be defamed if they don't fall into compliance with the desired line.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 01, 2022, 11:15:47 PM
Poor Old Joe.  Not a single Dem wants him to campaign for them.  He is toxic.  His poll numbers are worse than Trump's who had the entire leftist media running non-stop anti-Trump conspiracy stories for four years.  An amazing plummet in the polls.  Approximately a -30 percent decline in approval since taking office.  The mid terms will be brutal for dems.  But the upside is that Whispering Joe will have someone else to blame for his failures after the republicans win a landslide victory in November.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 02, 2022, 08:52:40 PM
Old Joe is increasingly isolated in the WH.  He is so toxic that no Dem wants to even be seen with him as the mid-term elections approach.  He is making Jimmy Carter look like Winston Churchill.  He's certainly the most inept president in the last century.  And there are two long years to go before his disastrous administration comes to end.  Imagine how bad things could get if only after the first two years America has been brought to its knees?  A laughingstock of the world.  Airlifting baby formula INTO the US from places like Mexico.  Crime is rampant in the Dem controlled cities.  Illegal immigration is completely out of control.  Gas price are at record highs with no end in sight or any proposed solution.  Inflation at records.  Interest rates soaring.  Labor and supply shortages due to the fake Covid relief bill.  Throw in $50 billion and counting in another endless foreign war.  And on and on.  Disaster after disaster.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 03, 2022, 04:52:08 PM
It's the weekend.  That can only mean one thing.  Old Joe is off to the beach where he has spent about half his presidency as disaster after disaster has unfolded.  Hopefully stay off the bike and avoids those phony photo opps to make it look as though he is still physically capable of movement! No one wants Kamala in office.  That is the one thing he did right.  He picked an even dumber and more inept VP than himself.  Otherwise even the Dems would be calling for the 25th Amendment given Old Joe's obvious cognitive issues.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 12, 2022, 02:34:16 PM
Poor Old Joe.  His "approval" rating has slipped into the low 30's with no end in sight.  No candidate in the upcoming midterms wants to be seen with him.  They have "scheduling conflicts" when he comes to town.  Everything that he touches turns to ruin.   He defies even the law averages.  Nothing ever goes right even by chance.  He is victory kryptonite.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 12, 2022, 03:49:41 PM
Poor Joe.  Out of options he is heading to Saudi Arabia to beg for oil.  They refused to take his telephone calls earlier this year.  He is a laughingstock and now a hypocrite.  After calling Saudi Arabia a "pariah" nation, he now needs their help.  Another humiliation for Biden.  His weakness and incompetence have resulted in groveling for foreign assistance.  Just as he did with the baby formula shortage.  The US military was airlifting baby formula into the US FROM Mexico like a third world country receiving basic food aid from other countries.  The speed with which Biden's policies totally dismantled the most prosperous country in the world and reduced us to beggar status is unreal.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 12, 2022, 04:27:33 PM
Jill Biden added to Old Joe's woes and plummeting poll numbers with Latinos by comparing them to tacos.  Imagine if Melania had done something like that?  It would be "breaking" news of her racist beliefs for weeks.  But "Dr." Jill is a-ok with the media. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 12, 2022, 04:43:18 PM
Russia continues to make advances in Ukraine as Biden's $50+ billion outlay of US taxpayer money and policies has provided similar results as in Afghanistan and Vietnam.  Endless war.  No effort whatsoever is being made to broker a settlement.  The poor people of Ukraine are dying and will live in rubble due to Biden's incompetence.  The sole objective is an endless conflict that allows our corrupt politicians to funnel money to their cronies.  Keep the conflict going for as long as possible.  On and on it will go for years using a false narrative to defend the outlay of trillions. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 12, 2022, 04:47:04 PM
I bet "Taco" Jill will not be campaigning in those states with high number of Hispanics.  Like her husband "Nacho" Joe, she is now a pariah among those voters.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 13, 2022, 02:08:36 PM
Another leftist media hoax has now been debunked.  As usual, it took many months and the results were not covered by the media, but the CBP found "no evidence" that Border patrol agents whipped migrants as falsely alleged by Biden, Harris, and many members of the media including CNN in their hysteria to race bait.   Hopefully these agents get apologies and monetary compensation for these false and defamatory claims.  Given that the entire incident was captured on film, there never should have been any such claim in the first place.  It was demonstrably false from the beginning, but the facts didn't fit the desired narrative.  Just another of a growing list of who you going to believe?  Your own eyes or what you are told.  Why it took months to exonerate them is not a mystery with "Taco" Jill as first lady.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 13, 2022, 02:27:34 PM
I wonder if "Taco" Jill will ever be allowed to speak again in public.  She was supposed to be the person with a functioning brain.  Not so.  Even Kamala couldn't cackle that one off. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 13, 2022, 02:46:28 PM
The leftist never Trumpers who got Old Joe elected with an endless four-year campaign of media hoaxes and cover ups are now clamoring for him not to run in 2024.   The irony is rich.  Suddenly Biden is too old.  That is true (Trump said that all along), but he is no more incompetent today than he was in 2020 or at any point in his pathetic career.  Biden has a long track record as a screw up and do nothing dating back for decades.  The media didn't care.  They knew that in 2020 when they backed him.   Now everyone is paying the price for their bias and lies.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 13, 2022, 02:56:46 PM
Another leftist media hoax story comes undone:

"Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost says there is “not a whisper” of evidence to backup a story that claims a 10-year-old Ohio girl who became pregnant after she was raped had to go to Indiana to get an abortion following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 13, 2022, 03:09:05 PM
More crushing economic news for the American economy under Old Joe as his incompetence reduces us to third world status.  A new record inflation rise this month:

"The Labor Department said Wednesday that the consumer price index, a broad measure of the price for everyday goods, including gasoline, groceries and rents, rose 9.1% in June from a year ago." 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 13, 2022, 03:45:27 PM
Old Joe has found a new use for COVID.  The WH is claiming he can't shake hands with the Saudis due to COVID concerns.  LOL.  The real reason, of course, is that they don't want a photo of him shaking hands with individuals after calling them a "pariah" nation and blaming Trump for not taking more forceful action.  Now that Old Joe is forced to go begging for oil due to his disastrous energy policy, they are floundering for an excuse.  What a hypocrite and coward.  The Saudis must be laughing their backsides off.  Hopefully he doesn't bring "Taco" Jill to insult anyone with a racist comment.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 13, 2022, 05:44:16 PM
Absolutely brutal poll numbers for "Taco" Joe:

A new poll was released by the NY Times found that "nearly two-thirds of Democrats prefer someone else to run in 2024, mentioning issues like “age” and “job performance” as the most important factors that should disqualify Biden from running for re-election."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 14, 2022, 03:38:26 PM
The inflation numbers are absolutely brutal as Old Joe continues to reduce the US to third world status.  Can't wait to see him grovel to the Saudis.  What a humiliation.  Begging those that he called murders for oil.  Somewhere Jimmy Carter is smiling. He is no longer the ineptest president in modern history.  The inflation numbers along with declining wages have now surpassed the economic disaster of his disastrous presidency.  And there are two more years left!  Can't wait for Brandon to add to his list of people to blame.  Currently it is Trump and Putin.  After the midterm elections he can add republicans.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 14, 2022, 04:31:25 PM
The nonstop obsession to undermine a Trump 2024 win may come back to haunt Dems.   If DeSantis turns out to be the Repub candidate, all this Stasi-like focus on Trump will have been wasted.  DeSantis would probably win in 40 states at this point against hapless Biden.  The Dems are desperately trying to escort "Taco" Joe to the nursing home, but there is no one else to take his place.  A rogue's gallery of incompetents out of touch with reality.  AOC, Kamala, Mayor "taking leave" Pete, Bernie, Newsom.  Wow.   If any of those inept losers runs against DeSantis in 2024, he may win all 50 states.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 14, 2022, 06:45:08 PM
The economic news continues to be disastrous.  Every day brings a new catastrophe under the inept Biden administration.  A massive interest rate hike is coming.  As a result, the stock market is crashing even further taking away billions in savings from Americans.  The housing market will also soon collapse bring on a recession.  There is no solution or even a plan as Biden flounders in a cognitive haze.  Just excuses and funding an endless war in Ukraine.  Over $50 billion spent with no end in sight.  Along with the fake "Covid" relief plan that resulted in billions lost in fraud and political pork that mostly went to political supporters of both parties, the hyperinflation has been fueled for the foreseeable future.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 14, 2022, 11:13:03 PM
Another magnificent Trump rally scheduled tonight in AZ.  Thousands lined up waiting hours.  No other politician in US history has had that kind of appeal after leaving office.  Imagine if Old Joe held a rally even as President.  No Dem candidate running for office would be seen within a hundred miles.  Not even his wife would show up.  And if she did, he wouldn't recognize her without a note card.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 15, 2022, 03:17:42 PM
Biden's woes go on and on.  Manchin has delivered another crushing blow to Old Joe's radical leftist agenda that has thus far caused ruin and suffering.  Two thirds of Dems don't want Whispering Joe to even run again.  A whopping 90 percent of younger people don't want him to run.  Leftist media arms of the Dem party like CNN ("Jan. 6" Network formerly "Russian collusion" Network) and NY Times have suggested he is too old.  I guess Trump was right again since he made that exact claim in 2020.  It isn't just Biden's age but his cognitive condition that is concerning.  He is clearly someone struggling with dementia.  It is painful to watch.  His family should have intervened to avoid this humiliation.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 15, 2022, 04:25:18 PM
Thank goodness for Joe Manchin.  He is the only person keeping America from becoming a European-style socialist disaster.  Things are bad enough with Biden's incompetence.  Imagine how much worse it could be if Old Joe could get his own party to support his leftist agenda?  But, as with everything, Old Joe can't even do that.  All his "experience" in Congress that he noted during the campaign has come to nothing.  Way to go Brandon. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 15, 2022, 05:43:34 PM
Old Joe's campaign promise to "shutdown" the virus apparently entailed doing nothing and allowing everyone to get it.  Approximately 70% of Americans now have had the virus with infection rates on the rise.  No end in sight.  Another Biden success story.  Way to go Brandon!  Imagine if Trump were President and COVID was still spreading unchecked?  A media "bombshell" story.  LOL.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 15, 2022, 06:35:02 PM
Biden has begun the most humiliating foreign policy visit since Neville Chamberlain went to Munich.  Groveling for oil to save his disastrous presidency from the same folks he called murders and chastised Trump for doing business with.  All Biden's many deficiencies are on display:  incompetence, weakness, hypocrisy.  And the Saudis will just laugh at him.  Another humiliation for the US.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 15, 2022, 10:54:27 PM
With all that sand in Saudi Arabia, Biden must think he is at the beach again this weekend.  Hopefully someone provides him with a note card that instructs him to say "Hello" and "sit down."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 18, 2022, 08:38:54 PM
Neville Chamberlain has returned from Munich promising "peace in our time"!  Old Joe's visit to Saudi Arabia on hands and bony old man knees groveling for oil resulted in nothing except further humiliation and sign of weakness.  Only 10% of Americans now think the country is going in the right direction.  I can't imagine who these ten percent are unless they are members of the Biden, Inc.  And the virus is now raging out of control.  Old Joe campaigned on a promise to "shutdown" the virus by taking some unspecified action that he claimed Trump hadn't taken.  Now we are two years down the road with the vaccine widely available and the case numbers are out of sight.  I guess the cryptmaster's plan was to do nothing and allow every American to get the virus.  Someone needs to find that "Mission Accomplished" banner since almost everyone has now had it.  Some more than once.  Way to go Brandon?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 18, 2022, 09:15:47 PM
The official COVID count is artifically low.  According to CNN, the case numbers may be 7-10 times higher than reported due to the prevalence of home testing.  There may be as many as 1 million new case per day!  Way to go Brandon!  What happened to that campaign promise to "shutdown" the virus?  Why isn't the media running that nonstop ticker of cases and deaths on the screen? 

As Americans have switched to more rapid at-home tests, official case counts -- currently hovering around 110,000 new infections a day -- reflect just a fraction of the true disease burden. "We estimate that for every reported case there are 7 unreported," Ali Mokdad, professor of health metrics sciences at the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, wrote in an email. Other experts think the wave could be as much as 10 times higher than what's being reported now.
"We're looking at probably close to a million new cases a day,"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 19, 2022, 04:23:47 PM
When you hit rock bottom and you are there to stay:


"President Joe Biden hit a new low in CNN polling, Jake Tapper revealed on Monday, calling the numbers “dismal” and a “somber outlook for the state of our nation.”
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 19, 2022, 04:45:11 PM
"Taco" Jill is waving the white flag of surrender on Old Joe's presidency.  Talking about it in the past tense.  Time for Hunter to start stealing the silverware and get the moving van ready.  Remember when Whispering Joe ran on his experience and ability to solve problems?  As president, however, he claims to be powerless.  Every disaster is the fault of someone else and he has no ability to correct it.  The typical corrupt establishment politician bait and switch.

President Joe Biden “had so many hopes and plans for things he wanted to do, but every time you turned around, he had to address the problems of the moment,” First Lady Jill  Biden told a small crowd of donors at a Nantucket gathering SaPersonay.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 19, 2022, 05:45:31 PM
The Biden administration hall of shame.

1) One million new COVID cases per day two years after taking office with the vaccine gifted to him by Trump.
2) Record inflation.
3) Record gas prices
4) Record crime.
5) Record number of illegal immigrants.
6) Record numbers of drug related deaths from the fentanyl flooding across the border.
7) Disaster and disgrace in Afghanistan.
8) Endless war in Ukraine with no end in sight after nearly $60 billion US taxpayer dollars have already been spent.
9) Referring to Latinos as tacos. 
10) Hunter.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 19, 2022, 05:49:25 PM
The most recent poll has former Republican and disgraced Liz Chaney trailing by 30 points in Wyoming!  Even with Dems pouring money into the campaign.  They are going to run her out of the state.  At last something useful has come from the "Jan. 6" investigation!  So long Liz.  Time to find a real job. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 19, 2022, 05:58:12 PM
Trump has made his decision.  It's just a matter of time now.  Not a minute too soon with the country in ruin. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 19, 2022, 08:31:14 PM
The irony.  One of the million new COVID cases today is the chairman of the "Jan. 6" committee.  Get well soon Bennie!  Even an insurrectionist like Thompson, who actually voted as a member of Congress not to certify the legitimate 2004 election results, shouldn't suffer for Biden's incompetence in handling the pandemic. 

"Representative Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, the chairman of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the United States Capitol, announced on Tuesday that he had tested positive for the coronavirus and will not appear in person at what could be the committee’s last hearing of the summer."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 20, 2022, 12:44:17 AM
The Hoover dam has an explosion, power grids are faltering across the country due to the heat, and there are an estimated one million new COVID cases PER DAY in the US.  That's million.  And what is the lead leftist story?  You guessed it.  "Jan. 6".  Unreal.  A completely unhinged view of reality.  Where is that famous CNN ticker of COVID cases that they ran continuously during Trump's presidency?  Now that there are one million cases per day, there is nary a peep about it under the leftist media.  Old Joe's plan to shutdown the virus must be working fine.  Nothing to see there.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 20, 2022, 04:58:58 PM
AOC pretending to be arrested and holding her hands behind her back like she was handcuffed by the police was the best political theatre in a long while.  It even surpassed the "Jan. 6" show trial.  Meanwhile another Trump endorsed candidate won in MD.  Magnificent.  No end to the winning.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 20, 2022, 09:01:36 PM
The Biden administration is contending the southern border is secure!  Only two million illegal immigrants have crossed it under Old Joe.  LOL.  You have to wonder what their definition of an "open" border might be?  Do they live in some type of alternative universe?  Constantly telling people things that they can see with their own eyes are not true.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 21, 2022, 12:54:51 PM
Old Joe added "having cancer" yesterday to a long list of fantasies in his dementia state.  He has previously claimed to have driven a truck for a living, been a constitutional law professor, traveled thousands of miles with the president of China, been arrested with Nelson Mandela etc.  None of which ever happened. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 21, 2022, 03:31:46 PM
The Feds are closing in on Hunter according to even leftist CNN.  Numerous potential charges are under consideration.  Funny how CNN is suddenly taking this story that they covered up as a "conspiracy theory" so seriously.  I guess they want Biden not to run again.  Chris Wallace even refused to allow Trump to raise it during the debate because he deemed it debunked.  Will he apologize when Hunter is arrested?  Will the FBI stage a predawn armed raid on Hunter's Malibu home with CNN filming like they did with an elderly Roger Stone for an alleged nonviolent crime? 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 21, 2022, 03:56:30 PM
Old Joe now has COVID.  One of the one million new COVID cases PER DAY.  Get well Joe!  The world is praying for you.  No one wants Kamala in office. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 21, 2022, 05:50:23 PM
When will the leftist media start asking about Biden's campaign promise to "shutdown" the virus?  There are an estimated one million new cases per day now almost two years after Biden became president.  Fauci, Bennie "the insurrectionist" Thompson, and Old Joe have all had the virus.  There is no end in sight.  No plan.  No apparent effort.  Just letting it run its course.  Will CNN start running that ticker on its broadcast of new cases and deaths?  No.  Wonder why?  I guess they were never really concerned about the pandemic.  It was all just a means to promote a political agenda.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 21, 2022, 08:59:57 PM
It's good that the WH announced that Old Joe will be in isolation.  Otherwise, no one could tell the difference since he has almost no public events.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 22, 2022, 02:08:10 PM
The Dems and former Republican Liz Cheney failed miserably.  They have even have conspiracy theory narrative inconsistency claiming that Trump was acting criminally by being "inactive" but also claiming he wanted to head to the Capitol but was kept from doing so.  So which is it?  And when did it become a crime to be "inactive"?  LOL.  It was not Trump's job to secure the Capitol.  That was the responsibility of Queen Nancy and the Mayor of DC.  The failure to do so is on them.  They were one that were "inactive" during the critical time period.  That was Liz's farewell to public service.  This conspiracy theory cost her that cushy job.  Down 30 points in the polls. BYE BYE Liz.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 22, 2022, 02:55:41 PM
Old Joe was showing COVID symptoms last week during his trip to the Middle East. Coughing his head off during a press conference.  Now he is not wearing a mask in the presence of other WH staff.  Imagine if Trump had done that?  The media would have gone nuts.   MSNBC tried to spin the maskless photo of Biden as likely being taken by a photographer wearing a N95 mask and quickly leaving.  LOL.  Of course, they had no information whatsoever about the event.  They made up facts to defend Biden in the same way they made up facts to criticize Trump. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 23, 2022, 03:48:21 PM
Liz Chaney has waved the white flag of surrender in Wyoming.  She is a pariah.  No public events.  She is taking money from Dems and entertaining an outlandish fantasy that she will run for president in 2024!  HA HA HA.  Talk about out of touch.  She could not be elected dog catcher.   So long Liz!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 24, 2022, 03:31:34 PM
Dem politicians in Ukraine this week are clamoring for a more active US presence including military advisors on the ground!  Sound familiar?  Creeping escalation to get us into yet another endless foreign war.  Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and now Ukraine.  The US has already sunk over $60 billion into a conflict for which there is no apparent US interest other than, as Kamala explained:  Russia "bad"; Ukraine "good."  There is no apparent effort or desire to end the conflict.  The sole objective is an endless war that provides corrupt politicians with an excuse to funnel billions to their political cronies which is kicked back to them.  Most of this money will be stolen or wasted.  There is also no accounting for what happens to any weapons systems that get to Ukraine.  Many will end up on the black market.  Another foreign policy disaster in the making.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 24, 2022, 04:51:50 PM
"Taco" Jill continues the Biden superspreader event.  First, Old Joe travels to the Middle East while showing COVID symptoms.  Then he poses maskless for photos and sound bites after testing positive.  Now, the "Dr" is roaming about after being exposed.  What hypocrisy after vilifying Trump's handling of the pandemic.  More people have the virus today than ever.  More Americans have died under Biden than under Trump.  Way to "shutdown" the pandemic Brandon. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 25, 2022, 02:27:56 PM
The news just keeps getting worse for Pandemic Joe as the country spirals down the tubes.  Record inflation, crime, illegal immigration, and COVID is out of control.  The latest poll numbers are brutal:

"Quinnipiac University released a poll this week that found only 31% of respondents approve of Biden's job as president, an all-time low for the national survey"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 25, 2022, 03:20:13 PM
Add Joe Manchin to the growing number of Americans with COVID as Biden's pandemic rages out of control.  A million new cases each day in the US.  Old Joe's plan to "shutdown" the virus has really gone sideways.  There was never any plan.  Another bait and switch of the corrupt political establishment.  Where is that CNN ticker of new cases that they ran while Trump was president?  I guess it doesn't matter any more.  Almost every American has now had the virus.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 26, 2022, 03:34:15 PM
How do we know the economic data this week will confirm a recession?  Because the Biden administration is desperately spinning some type of new definition of a recession.  As with crime, inflation, illegal immigrants, and Afghanistan, we are supposed to believe them and not our own eyes.   The most disastrous presidency in modern American politics.  They not only don't know the answers, they don't even know the questions.  The leftist media that dismissed Hunter's laptop as a disinformation campaign and Old Joe's age as disqualifying, now are making those same claims to discourage him from running.  The sole leftist media objective was to remove Trump at all costs.  The truth and results didn't matter.  Now we are in this terrible mess with no way out.  And the Biden pandemic is raging out of control.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 27, 2022, 02:08:04 PM
Despite a relentless campaign to destroy Trump that is now on year 5, the establishment media and corrupt political establishment haven't made a dent in his popularity.  He is the front runner for the republican nomination by anywhere from 20-40 points.  The "Jan. 6" committee basically exonerated him.  How many insurrections are led by someone sitting in their home watching TV?  None.  Meanwhile former republican Liz Cheney is trailing by 30 points in her upcoming primary.  BYE BYE Liz. 

Meanwhile Old Joe's poll numbers have hit all-time lows while the Biden pandemic rages across America with no end in sight.  The leftist media is trying everything possible to preclude Pandemic Joe from running again.  Even touting the equally incompetent Gavin Newsom because he is less than 100 years old.  The economic news coming this week will be brutal.  The myth of "jobs creation" will be busted.  Closing down the entire the country and driving it to ruin and then reopening it to allow people to return to their jobs is not "jobs creation."  The "COVID relief package" will go down as the most disastrous economic policy of the last hundred years.  Flooding the economy with government money that allowed folks to stay at home and spend created hyperinflation and supply shortages.  Too much demand and no supply.  Basic econ 101 but Biden's cabinet is made up of incompetents selected on the basis of gender, race, and factors other than competence.  The results speak for themselves.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 28, 2022, 01:18:30 PM
The Dems new economic plan involves raising taxes and increasing spending in the midst of a recession.  You can't make that up.  Election suicide.  They are going for all the pork before the republican landslide in November.  Their only concern is funneling as much taxpayer money as they can to their political cronies and relatives.  The corruption is unreal.  Both Dems and Repubs.   If anyone wonders where Trump gets his support with the relentless establishment media and political attacks, they need look no further than this.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 28, 2022, 02:09:05 PM
It's official now.  The BIDEN RECESSION is here. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 28, 2022, 08:15:42 PM
The pathetic spinning against the BIDEN RECESSION joins the spin against the BIDEN CRIME WAVE, BIDEN INFLATION, BIDEN OPEN BORDERS, and BIDEN AFGHANISTAN FIASCO.  It's all just a figment of our imagination according to Old Joe.  In addition to these disasters, he and Queen Nancy have blundered into a foreign policy disaster with China and Taiwan.  Their weakness and incompetence have created a dangerous situation for no apparent reason.  If Nancy doesn't go now, it will look as though China is calling the shots.  If she does go, that will provoke a response.  The typical lose-lose scenario for the Biden administration.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 29, 2022, 02:14:33 PM
Old Joe plans to add another $500 billion to spending and $800 billion in taxes hikes to his disastrous recession economy.  Fueling his out of control hyperinflation even further.   Unreal.  Political suicide.  The insatiable desire to fund political pork projects with fancy sounding bill titles would be humorous if the impact was not such a colossal disaster.   Meanwhile Old Joe is quietly building Trump's wall again.  I guess he can learn from his many mistakes.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 30, 2022, 12:09:14 AM
According to the leftist media, John Fetterman, an individual more radical than Bernie Sanders who once chased down a black jogger who ran through his neighborhood and held him at gun point, is out to a big lead in PA.   Imagine a radical leftist with a documented racist past is supposed to be doing well in blue collar PA.  A guy who can't even campaign because he just had a stroke.  Imagine what the media would make of a republican candidate who chased down an unarmed black jogger in a pickup truck and held a shot gun on him until the police arrived?  It would run continuously on CNN.  Unreal.   Remember those leftist polls that had Hillary ahead by double digits in a can't lose scenario?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 30, 2022, 04:25:43 PM
As with everything else, Old Joe and Queen Nancy managed to turn the visit to Taiwan into a foreign policy disaster.  Better to simply do it without prior notice than bicker about it beforehand and start an incident with China.  But Old Joe is the king of Lose-Lose.  His entire political career has been fraught with disasters.  Hopefully WWIII doesn't begin due to his weakness and incompetence.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 31, 2022, 12:50:24 AM
Old Joe continues to add to the record number of COVID cases by getting it twice now.  Everyone in America has gotten it under his inept leadership.  He recently mocked Trump for having to go to the hospital.  Of course, when Trump got COVID there was no vaccine and few treatments.  Old Joe got it despite all that.  Now twice. Get well Joe.  No one wants Kamala in charge.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Jerry Freeman on July 31, 2022, 02:28:32 AM
It's official now.  The BIDEN RECESSION is here.
May I chime in?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Jerry Freeman on July 31, 2022, 02:44:40 AM
Gas prices skyrocket...Biden blames Putin
Gas price drops a few cents...Biden takes credit

                                                              GOD HELP US
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Jerry Freeman on July 31, 2022, 03:35:25 AM
Priorities: U.S. Military Base Is Hosting a Drag Show
The U.S. Air Force didn’t even have an Office of Diversity and Inclusion until Old Joe Biden started pretending to be president. But now that seems to be all that it’s about.

My honor to be here, to say to all of you how we proud we are of you. Thank you for the joy and beauty you bring to the world. Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about. I say that all the time to my friends in drag.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 31, 2022, 03:21:20 PM
Good ones Jerry.  We found something we can agree on.   Meanwhile Queen Nancy and Bumbling Joe have walked into a foreign policy disaster with China for no apparent reason.  Announcing that Nancy might travel to Taiwan and then allowing the Chinese to dictate to them whether that was permissible.  If you are going, do it without saying anything.  Another fiasco for Whispering Joe. 

The so called "Inflation Reduction Act" is also a joke.  Who are they fooling with that title?  No one.  Another massive tax and spending plan in the midst of record inflation is like throwing gasoline on the fire.  Political suicide.  This is the last chance for the Dems to fund their pork projects before being swept out of the elections in the upcoming election.  They couldn't care less about inflation or costs to average Americans.  They hold them in contempt with titles like the "Inflation Reduction Act."  A complete farce.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 01, 2022, 03:10:23 PM
Another record for Old Joe.  He is now officially the most unpopular president in modern history.  Meanwhile Dems tried to sneak in $400 billion of discretionary spending (that's "billion" with a "b") into a bill that was supposed to help veterans.  They were caught with their hands in the cookie jar.  Celebs like Jon Stewart and leftist media railed because the Republicans caught them.   Disgraceful but a repeated pattern of using a "cause" to open the floodgates for pork money.  COVID and Ukraine are two other recent examples. 

"Biden's sixth quarter approval rating of 40 percent—covering April 20 through July 19—is also the lowest of any president in modern history dating back to Dwight Eisenhower."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 02, 2022, 01:10:38 AM
Hopefully someone woke up Old Joe to tell him they killed Al-Zawahari.  Remember Bumbling Joe was opposed to the raid that killed Bin Laden.  Even Hillary was on the right side of that one.  It only took two decades to find Al-Zawahari.  Way to go Brandon. That's one success during his first two years.  We knew the law of averages had to kick in sooner or later.  No one can fail at everything.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 02, 2022, 01:36:10 AM
The latest leftist media fantasy is that has been some type of falling out between Trump and Fox News.  LOL.  They are so hopefully as the pathetic ratings at CNN and MSNBC fall even lower than Inflation Joe's.  CNN is all Jan. 6 all day.  They transitioned from all Russia collusion and then all COVID network.  Nothing worked.  Chris Cuomo is promoting a "podcast."  The sad thing is that he will likely have a larger audience than CNN. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 02, 2022, 01:00:20 PM
The hypocrisy of the leftists goes on and on.  They are doing everything possible to destroy Herschel Walker including attacking his intelligence and using vile racist language.  MSNBC has been particularly egregious.  The Dems need about 90% of the minority vote to win most any election.  So any African American that dares to exercise any independent judgment has to be destroyed as an example.  Go Herschel!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 02, 2022, 03:41:46 PM
Of all the crazy, anti-Trump hate fueled conspiracy theories (and there are more than can be counted as evidenced by ten or more such threads on this forum), the one about Trump burying Ivana Trump at his golf course to get a tax break is a real keeper.  Trump is a multi-billionaire.  But we are supposed to believe that he is so evil that he buried his ex-wife there to save a few dollars on his taxes?  Unhinged nonsense.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 02, 2022, 03:55:15 PM
Despite the numerous conspiracy theories and fake leftist news stories, democracy continues to thrive in America.  Republicans are running all manner of diverse candidates in the primaries today including numerous women and minorities.  All of whom are the target of vicious leftist attacks as they cannot tolerate any female or minority not towing the leftist line.  Nevertheless, these candidates are running strong.  Meanwhile white leftist darlings like John Fetterman chased down a black jogger in his neighborhood and held him at gun point.  Nothing to see there, though.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 02, 2022, 04:01:33 PM
How much does Hunter's corrupt dealings with China, including Joe's cut, have to do with leaking Pelosi's plan to travel to Taiwan and put China on notice?   An incredible display of weakness and incompetence by the WH and Biden.  Imagine if WWIII were started because of Hunter's shady business dealings and Pa Pa Joe's efforts not to offend China.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 02, 2022, 04:06:14 PM
The hypocrisy of the leftist has no apparent limits.  They are funding the campaigns of numerous republican candidates who have claimed that the Jan. 6 election was stolen in a belief that these candidates will be easier to defeat.  Imagine undermining the democratic process to support candidates that they claim are a threat to democracy.  Astounding.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 02, 2022, 04:25:51 PM
Nancy is in Taiwan despite the best efforts of Biden to grovel to the Chinese.  Good for her.  Her safety and that of the world was put at risk by Inflation Joe's fear and weakness of China.  How much of that is based on the information that the Chinese have on Hunter will never be known with our corrupt DOJ.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 03, 2022, 01:26:40 PM
A magnificent string of election victories for Trump-endorsed candidates from sea to shining sea!  Amazing.  Trump cleaned house in AZ.  Trump is the most influential American politician in modern history.  So much winning.  It's great to see that democracy can continue to function despite the concerted efforts of the corrupt establishment and propagandists including the media to overcome an endless drumbeat of misinformation, censorship, and old fashion Stasi-like tactics.  Meanwhile Old Joe is nowhere to be seen.  Inflation Joe is toxic to Dems candidates and in hiding in the WH basement.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 03, 2022, 02:49:47 PM
The leftist media is clamoring for the release of a basketball player who carried drugs to Russia and the Biden administration is groveling to Putin to accept a deal that would result in the release of a terrorist.  Meanwhile the Japanese (an alleged friendly nation who we pay to defend) have imprisoned a US military person for having a medical incident that resulted in a traffic death.  There is zero interest among the leftist media because he does not fall into a woke category.  No wonder the republicans are sweeping away the corrupt establishment politicians.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 03, 2022, 03:42:57 PM
The Dems have made every effort to cover up the circumstances surrounding the arrest of Nancy Pelosi's drunken husband.  The guy who miraculously made hundreds of millions with timely Nostradamus-like stock trades.  They refused to even release his mug shot for weeks.  A standard procedure when dealing with criminals.  Now we learn that he had a "drug" in his system in addition to driving drunk.  What this "drug" is no one is saying.  And he apparently tried to bribe the arresting officer.  But nothing to see there.  So much for transparency.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 04, 2022, 03:14:56 PM
The drumbeat among leftist politicians and media to preclude a Biden run in 2024 has become deafening.  No loyalty among the rats.  I guess all that talk of Biden not being too old and bringing his long experience in politics to resolve all our problems hasn't worked out too well.  The typical bait and switch of establishment politicians which is why they are getting rolled out of office in the mid terms.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 04, 2022, 04:34:30 PM
Fantastic news that DeSantis is holding government officials accountable who intentionally refuse to enforce the law.  During the Civil Rights era, many racist Dems in the South refused to enforce the law.  The federal government sent in the troops.  The same should be done when state government officials publicly state that they will not enforce the law on immigration or abortion because they have political objections.  Those folks should be forced to resign.  Individual state officials do not have the authority to violate laws much less actively engage in efforts to promote violations.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 04, 2022, 11:05:37 PM
A week or so ago, Old Joe mocked Trump for having to go to the hospital when he got COVID while he was over it.   Old Joe being such a robust guy.   Of course, when Trump got COVID in 2020 there was no vaccine and fewer treatments.  Now Old Joe has tested positive multiple times and has been trapped in the WH (where he has appeared several times without a mask among groups in superspreader events) even with the vaccine and treatments.  Maybe next time he should take the high road.  It's been the most successful part of his presidency (which is not saying much), however.  And he won the election by using COVID as an excuse to never leave his home.  So maybe he should claim he has COVID for the next two years.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 05, 2022, 02:43:09 PM
Political suicide by the Dems on the so called "Inflation Reduction Act."  They must realize this is their last chance before the midterm sweep by republicans.  They have to get the pork money out before the republicans take over.  A complete looting of the federal treasury.  A massive spending and tax raise in the midst of an economic inflation crisis.  More fuel to the hyperinflation created by the so called "COVID" relief spending which went to mostly pork projects that benefited the donors and cronies of the political establishment.  The last hurrah though for many Dems who will soon be looking for new employment outside of government after the red tsunami in November. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 05, 2022, 03:22:49 PM
The hypocrisy of the Dems has no limit.  The mayors of DC and NYC are now complaining about a small number of illegal immigrants being sent to those cities.  These are politicians that support open borders and have declared their cities sanctuaries to avoid compliance with federal immigration laws.  But they don't want the immigrants in their cities for some reason.  They want Texas and other places to pay for and deal with the millions of illegals that have poured across the border under Old Joe's open border policy.  If these Dems think open borders is the right policy and are even refusing to comply with the law, then let them figure out how to cope with the consequences of these decisions instead of crying about it. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 05, 2022, 03:56:21 PM
Trump's incredible streak of winning continues.  Amazing streak of Trump endorsed candidates won throughout the country this week.  No politician in modern history has had his influence. An amazing contrast to the Dems who refuse to be seen with Old Joe or even suggest they will support him if he runs for reelection. 


"Trump ally Kari Lake wins GOP primary for Arizona governor"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 05, 2022, 07:28:31 PM
The corrupt politician established who are advocates for endless foreign war now apparently don't like the fact that Ukrainian-born congress women Victoria Spartz has dared to criticize Ukraine.  They are, of course, using Ukraine as another cause to funnel pork money to their donors.   The republicans are as bad as the Dems in this instance.  Spartz is pointing out the corruption and ineptness of the effort risking their access to billions in taxpayer money.  Meanwhile, there has been no effort whatsoever to find a means to end the war.  None. The objective is to milk it for as long as possible now that Afghanistan is over.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 05, 2022, 07:31:24 PM
Old Joe and Queen Nancy have almost succeeded in starting WWIII for no apparent reason with China.  The ineptness and weakness are unbelievable.  Biden was supposed to be the "expert" with his long "experience."  Instead he has blundered into disaster after disaster.  It's unreal how Biden can't get anything right.  Even the law of averages says that the ineptest might blindly succeeded now and again.  The casinos in Vegas should hire him as a "cooler" to end the winning streak of any gambler.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 06, 2022, 08:36:36 PM
Air travel continues to be a complete disaster under Old Joe and Mayor Pete.  Thousands of canceled flights every day.   The airlines fleeced the government into giving them billions during the COVID shutdown conditioned on not firing anyone.  What did they do?  Offered buyouts to staff willing to quit.  Now they have staff shortages, but the CEO's have made out like bandits on taxpayer money.  Laughing at Old Joe all the way just like the entire world laughs at him.  And how is the baby formula shortage going?  It continues with no end in sight.  Another disaster.  Lightning even struck near the WH this week killing three people.  Old Joe is like a harbinger of doom.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 07, 2022, 04:26:16 PM
After over a week of being in COVID isolation Old Joe is off to the beach!  Such a hard-working guy.  Hopefully he has a lot of sunscreen since he has spent half of his presidency on a beach vacation.  Don't ride the bike Joe! We know how that ended.  Just like his presidency and poll numbers.  A disaster.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 07, 2022, 07:00:40 PM
So they had a major weather issue at Biden's beach today.  A black cloud seems to follow him from place to place.  Vegas needs to hire him as a "cooler" to stand next to any gambler on a winning streak.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 08, 2022, 01:55:18 AM
Another 1K flights cancelled today with nearly 10k delays as Old Joe vacations and Mayor Pete is not seen.  No woke angle to solving that disaster.  Or the baby formula disaster.  Or the open border disaster.  Or the inflation disaster (in fact they piled on with a last chance huge tax and spend fire sale before the midterms coming up to sweep the Dems from power).   Disaster after disaster with no solutions.  Only throwing tax money at fake woke issues.   Most of which goes to pork and donors.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 08, 2022, 02:19:30 AM
After supporting open borders and refusing to assist federal law enforcement entities even with their feeble efforts to deport illegal aliens, the Dems mayors of NYC and DC are now crying about a handful of illegals being sent to their cities.  You can't make that up.  It's ok for millions of illegals to stay in places like Texas or other border states where those states have to somehow figure out how to house and pay for a migration of millions but not the liberal politicians who created this mess.  As with all leftist policies, they can espouse outcomes that have no direct bearing on their lifestyle.  There is no homeless encampment on Queen Nancy's sidewalk.   No illegal is coming over the wall around her mansion.  Rich, white, liberal elitists are not affected by their policy decisions.  Others always bear the consequences. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 08, 2022, 02:21:49 PM
"Sanctuary" cities like NYC and DC are getting a chance to embrace the open borders!  They don't seem to like it much, though, as the mayors are crying a river about the few illegals being sent there.  They apparently are all for open borders so long as it does not affect them.  The typical elitist liberal approach to issues.  Texas and the border states are handing millions of illegals from this disaster while NYC has a handful. 

Meanwhile the so called "inflation reduction act" has directed billions to woke energy policies that have no impact on inflation.  None.  If anything, this enormous ocean of spending will be fuel on the inflation fire just like the so called "COVID relief act" fueled hyperinflation.  This bill has nothing to do with inflation.  It is a last chance for the Dems to spend before the republicans win back the House in the upcoming elections.  Another fraud of the Biden administration and media.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 08, 2022, 03:36:28 PM
Hundreds of flights cancelled again in the US today.  It's amazing planes can even get off the ground after the airlines made fools of Old Joe and ripped off the US taxpayers to the tune of billions in fake COVID relief that they used to downsize.  And where are Mayor Pete and Inflation Joe?  Who knows?  There is no woke angle on this disaster.  So it's off to the beach again.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 08, 2022, 11:35:03 PM
Bernie Saunders rightly eviscerated and exposed the so called "Inflation Reduction Act."  Another humiliation for Old Joe. The leftist politicians must believe Americans are complete morons to give it a title like that.  What they should have titled it is the "Last Chance to Fleece America Act."  The leftist media is playing along.  The state approved talking point for this week is "big win".  Every leftist media outlet used the same terminology.  We have the same state sponsored media as the most dictatorial nations.  China has nothing on our media outlets for promoting the cause. 

“According to the [Congressional Budget Office] and other economic organizations that have studied this bill, it will have a minimal impact on inflation,” Sanders declared on the Senate floor to open debate on the 755-page bill, which will raise taxes on corporations."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 08, 2022, 11:39:51 PM
Inflation Joe is going to leave his hiding place and promote his "Inflation Bill".  HA HA HA.  Who thinks this is a good idea?  An old man promoting a bill that Americans know will do nothing about inflation using it as a guise to spend money on woke energy policies.  Such dishonesty.  And I bet no candidate in the midterms will come within a hundred miles of Toxic Joe and Taco Jill.  It's a "big win" though.  Just ask CNN. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 08, 2022, 11:43:45 PM
Leftist media polls are telling us the Dems are doing well.  Just like they told us Trump had no chance in 2016.  No bias there.  Remember it's a "big win" this week.  The crime, open borders, inflation, gas prices, flight cancellations, rampant spread of COVID, and ongoing baby formula shortage apparently have been solved by solar panels.  Way to go Brandon!  Somebody find Mayor Pete and tell him to knock off for a few days.  He must be exhausted.  Maybe a beach vacation!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 09, 2022, 02:18:49 PM
Any facade that we live in a country with neutral application of the law was undone by a predawn raid on a former president for what amounts to an alleged process violation in handling documents.  One of the greatest political miscalculations in American history that will galvanize support for Trump.  An act that plays directly into Trump's narrative of a corrupt, biased deep state with an agenda.  At least the pretext that we live in a country of laws can no longer be touted by Dems.  Putin has nothing on the politicization of our justice system that is arresting and harassing Americans for their political views.  Many Trump supporters are afraid to express their views for fear of retaliation or violence. It's a sad day for Americans when free speech is met with retaliation and threats of violence.  Stasi-like weaponization of the justice system, as in a banana republic, is celebrated by liberals who were formerly the champions of free speech.

With the complete failure of the Stalinist "Jan. 6" show trial and Biden's poll numbers tanking, Garland was under enormous political pressure by the leftist mob to do something to stop Trump from running in 2024.  The real coup d'état.   And the raid yesterday was his effort to appease those political pressures.  Like everything else, however, in the Biden administration it was completely bungled.  And now there will be a groundswell of support for Trump which had been flagging.  Way to go Brandon!  Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory once again.   Bring on those midterm elections.  Time to kick off the Hunter hearings including answers from the FBI as to why no action has been taken in three years.   My guess is that Hunter cops a plea before November with the corrupt DOJ to avoid jail time and a real investigation that implicates the "big guy."  Nevertheless, a sad day for Americans and democracy.  Imagine if the FBI and DOJ under Trump had staged a predawn Waco raid on Obama or Hillary?  There would have been a firestorm from the leftist media and immediate impeachment.  The wheel always turns in politics, though.  The Dems crossed the Rubicon in this desperate last ditch effort to stop Trump.  So when the FBI comes knocking for Old Joe at the beach it will be based on precedent set by the leftists.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 10, 2022, 01:19:51 AM
The FBI has gone completely rogue.  Desperately trying to find any evidence to keep Trump from running again at the behest of their political masters.  They are now confiscating the phones of members of Congress.  Meanwhile Old Joe looks completely lost. in some type of post COVID dementia haze.  Unable to put on his jacket and coughing all over people.  Imagine Trump having events a day after leaving COVID isolation coughing like the end of times on people standing next to him.  Another super spreader event for Typhoid Joe.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 10, 2022, 01:42:50 PM
Trump once again dominates the news cycle.  The Dems really screwed up their "big wins" by staging this political raid on Trump.  Searching through Melania's underwear completely knocked Old Joe out of the headlines.  And galvanized support for Trump that they had some success in diminishing with the constant attacks.  Basically, ensuring a Trump run for president.  Way to go Brandon!  Maybe take a cough drop before the next superspreader event.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 10, 2022, 02:32:55 PM
In the view of our leftist media, an FBI raid apparently means you are guilty until proven innocent.  Guilty of what is unstated but it must be "serious" even in the complete absence of an explanation from DOJ.  And if you make the mistake of claiming your innocence or protesting, then you are inciting violence.  A potential terrorist.  Putin has nothing on us.  And they wonder why the public is skeptical of hiring 87,000 more IRS employees.  We just need to trust them.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 10, 2022, 03:46:05 PM
According to reports, Trump's attorneys were not allowed to be present during the FBI's raid and the FBI asked that the security cameras be turned off.  But we need to trust them.  Nothing suspicious about all this.  Top secret documents could have been stashed among Melania's underwear.  They had to search that for hours.  Imagine searching Dr. "Taco" Jill's underwear for hours?  It would be impeachment time for Trump.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 10, 2022, 05:45:09 PM
The leftist media's take on the latest inflation numbers is hilarious.  They are touting the fact that it didn't break a new record high!  What an achievement.  Another "big win" for Old Joe.  Inflation numbers have "gone down" from a record high to almost record highs.  How does he do it?  Even with knocking off every week for a beach vacation.  Now get him a cough drop and spread the virus at more superspreader events.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 10, 2022, 08:15:56 PM
Lost in the outrage over the FBI's conduct this week was that once again Trump endorsed candidate won across the country.  So much winning.  It's refreshing that democracy cannot be crushed by the media, online propagandists, and weaponized justice system.  And Liz has her turn next week in the upcoming Wyoming primary.  Time to get those resumes out.  Her cushy employment at taxpayer expense is almost over.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on August 10, 2022, 09:57:32 PM
The FBI has gone completely rogue.  Desperately trying to find any evidence to keep Trump from running again at the behest of their political masters.  They are now confiscating the phones of members of Congress.  Meanwhile Old Joe looks completely lost. in some type of post COVID dementia haze.  Unable to put on his jacket and coughing all over people.  Imagine Trump having events a day after leaving COVID isolation coughing like the end of times on people standing next to him.  Another super spreader event for Typhoid Joe.
I think you need to distinguish between the rank-and-file agents - those outside of DC doing difficult dangerous work - and the political types who are running things. Same with the CIA or Pentagon. This distinction is why, among other reasons, I'm not a JFK conspiracy believer; at least those conspiracists who think "the CIA" and "the FBI" and "the government" assassinated JFK.

That is, you can't get everyone to go along with such a complicated far reaching plot. Planning it - and not having anyone blow the whistle - carrying it out and then covering it all up? Impossible.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 11, 2022, 03:35:32 AM
I think you need to distinguish between the rank-and-file agents - those outside of DC doing difficult dangerous work - and the political types who are running things. Same with the CIA or Pentagon. This distinction is why, among other reasons, I'm not a JFK conspiracy believer; at least those conspiracists who think "the CIA" and "the FBI" and "the government" assassinated JFK.

That is, you can't get everyone to go along with such a complicated far reaching plot. Planning it - and not having anyone blow the whistle - carrying it out and then covering it all up? Impossible.

Yes, I completely agree.  The rank and file have to follow orders from the corrupt political parties.  Nevertheless, a pre dawn raid on the home of a former president for an alleged process violation in the handling of documents is an outrage.  A banana republic tactic.   Even if someone hates Donald Trump this is a terrible precedent.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 11, 2022, 01:55:43 PM
Old Joe is taking a week-long vacation.  He goes to the beach every weekend under normal circumstances.  He has been in COVID isolation for two weeks and now he is off to an island for a vacation.  Coughing all over everyone as he goes on his merry way.   Spreading the virus from sea to shining sea.  Hopefully there is no bike riding on this vacation.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 11, 2022, 02:48:46 PM
Old Joe said yesterday that the US has "zero inflation".  I guess that negates the need for his massive tax and spend "Inflation Reduction Act."  Way to go Brandon.  Return all that money to the tax payers since it is not needed.  Then off to the beach with Hunter.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 11, 2022, 07:59:03 PM
The next island that Hunter vacations on at tax payer expense should be Alcatraz.  Plenty of fresh air.  He and Avenatti can take up knitting to pass the time.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 12, 2022, 01:33:14 PM
The FBI and DOJ can't comment on the Trump raid but has started leaking alleged details to the press.  For this raid, they not only used 30 or so agents but also had air and sea forces.  As though someone was going to row away from Trump's estate in a boat to escape.  Meanwhile crime and drugs are rampant across the country with no agent to be seen.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 12, 2022, 04:16:44 PM
This would humorous under less serious circumstances, but Roger Stone indicated that in addition to seventeen armored cars and a tactical assault team with automatic weapons that the FBI's predawn raid on his home included "frogmen."  He apparently had a pool or something in his backyard and the FBI sent frogmen to ensure he didn't escape by swimming away.  An elderly man with no history of violence for whom they were arresting for an alleged process crime.  Completely staged for publicity and political impact.  They leaked notice of the raid to CNN to be present to film the event.  A disgusting abuse of the legal process for political purposes. 

Now DOJ has themselves in another bind over the Trump raid.  GSA packed the documents in question, the Trump folks were working with the National Archives to correct any errors made by GSA, the NA sent a letter confirming such cooperation, but when the "Jan. 6" hearings were a complete bust tremendous pressure was put on Garland to "do something" to stop Trump from running.  He panicked and authorized this bizarre raid that has now galvanized Trump's somewhat flagging support.  All but ensuring a Trump 2024 run. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 12, 2022, 09:38:26 PM
The FBI sinks deeper and deeper as the facts come to light on the Trump raid.  They found a "magistrate" (and long time Dem) to approve the warrant on Aug. 5 but then waited several days to execute it!  Demonstrating beyond any doubt that there was no urgency or need to expedite a raid due to fear of documents being destroyed.  Instead they waited days and then staged an armed air, land, and sea raid.  Unreal.  In any other situation, they would issue a subpoena or motion to compel instead of a massive predawn raid.  The raid was made due to the political pressure on Garland following the failure of the "Jan. 6" investigation.  There was no reasonable legal basis - as Garland himself bizarrely explained - to raid a former president's home in the most heavy handed manner.   The leftist media is making a lot of noise about the documents found as though Trump packed those.  There are such documents in the presidential library of every president.  This is Russian collusion all over again.  Facts are leaked by the FBI, they turn out not to be true or completely false, and the story eventually disappears from the headlines over months (but only after maximizing the political harm to Trump from yet another fake story). 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 12, 2022, 09:58:12 PM
The outrage over the FBI raid on Trump has resulted in a flood of new contributions to Trump's 2024 campaign.  Way to go Brandon!  Make sure to use that sun screen at the beach this week.  And don't work too hard. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 12, 2022, 10:04:23 PM
Disgraced "Tubin" Toobin is leaving CNN!  They are starting to clean house due to their dismal ratings and spiral into effectively a state sponsored media outlet like in Russia or Chian.  Better late than never.  The hall of broadcasting shame at CNN grows longer and longer. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 13, 2022, 04:19:25 PM
Hunter continues to vacation at taxpayer expense.  What a charmed life.  A guy with no apparent skills or talents who has done nothing other than smoke crack and abuse women, but he flies to the beach on Air Force One.   Meanwhile, DOJ is in a complete panic over the raid on Trump.  "Classified" documents - LOL.  Trump declassified all these documents.  As President, he had complete and total authority to do so.  He had a standing order to declassify such documents and the legal definition is ambiguous at best.   It's another fake story that will eventually unravel.  Garland panicked after the "Jan. 6" show trial went nowhere.  He was under tremendous political pressure from the radicals to "do something" to stop Trump.  Some Trump hater in the DOJ/FBI concocted this terrible idea to appease those political interests.  It has completely backfired galvanizing support for Trump like almost nothing else.   What it does tell us is that DOJ and fake Jan. 6 committee couldn't come up with anything or they would not be staging this reckless hail Mary effort to find something.  Trump has done it again.  Despite the combined forces of the corrupt political establishment, state media, and weaponized justice system, they can't find a single thing.  No other person in history could have withstood this effort.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 15, 2022, 04:03:20 PM
Victory after victory across the country for Trump endorsed candidates!  And the voters in Wyoming get their chance to boot the corrupt establishment phony Liz Chaney out of office this week.  Bye bye Liz.  Don't let the door hit you.  She entertains an outlandish fantasy of running for president based solely on her hatred of Trump.  What an inspired agenda.   She couldn't get elected dog catcher.  She went from being unbeatable to unwinnable in the republican primary.  She turned to the same Dems who called her father a war criminal for a decade for help.  They poored millions into her campaign but it made no difference.  Good riddance. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 15, 2022, 09:47:12 PM
Incredible images of the large numbers of illegal aliens flooding across the border this month.  Tens of thousands.  Another in a long list of Old Joe's horrific disasters.  A terrible human tragedy compounded with the flow of drugs from Mexico that killed more Americans last year than the entire Vietnam war.   Old Joe has no solution.  His administration won't even acknowledge there is an issue.  It's off the beach.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 15, 2022, 11:17:54 PM
DOJ is now in major cover up mode for its recent raid on Trump.  They are refusing to release the underlying affidavit.  This is basically Russia Collusion 2.0.  The exact same gameplan.  Make some allegations, leak false details to the press, imply a great deal, and stretch it out as long as possible in an effort to harm Trump's political future.  When all is said and done, however, there is nothing there.  Garland panicked when the "Jan. 6" investigation went nowhere and the radicals put pressure on him to "do something" about Trump.  He hastily concocted the most bizarre plan in political history that has backfired on him and the DOJ.   The public is on to them this time, though.  As they say, fool me once....
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 15, 2022, 11:27:53 PM
It's the one-year anniversary of Old Joe's debacle in Afghanistan!  The terrorists have moved back into power with a gift of billions in US military equipment left behind by "Saint Nick" Joe.  I'm sure he doesn't remember a thing about it, though.  Probably thinks he defeated the Kaiser.  What a debacle.  And no one held accountable for that disgrace or the decades of lies told by the corrupt political establishment (calling Liz) to keep the money flowing to their donors.   The exact same game plan is unfolding in Ukraine.  The corrupt establishment needs the endless foreign war to keep the machine oiled with taxpayer money.  That's one reason they hated Trump. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 16, 2022, 02:01:31 PM
DOJ is running scared trying to cover up the basis of the raid on Trump.  The biggest political miscalculation in American politics.  Meanwhile voters, like those in Wyoming today, can still express their discontent despite the restrictions on free speech, state sponsored conspiracy theories, and weaponized legal system.  The corrupt political establishment has tried every dirty trick to stay in power and it has backfired.  Liz Cheney has even tried to undermine the primary by encouraging Dems to vote in the Republican primary.  She betrayed her party and constituents, and now is turning to those who called her own father a war criminal to stay in power.  No shame.  Her avowed sole purpose in politics now is to attack Trump.  A person with whom she is in agreement with on many issues.  Why?  Because she is an unqualified individual who benefited solely from being part of the corrupt establishment that Trump threatened and held accountable.   Not something that folks with the name Cheney can allow.  If competence and results are the criteria to stay in office instead of corruption and hypocrisy, then the establishment is finished.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 16, 2022, 03:03:13 PM
Superspreader Joe has coughed his way around the world.  Spreading the virus far and wide.  Now Dr. "Taco" Jill has tested positive.  Nearly every member of the Biden administration has tested positive over the last year.  Many multiple times.  And Old Joe promised to "shutdown" the virus.  LOL.  Another campaign promise not fulfilled.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 16, 2022, 03:34:14 PM
John Fetterman made his first campaign appearance since suffering a life-threatening stroke that he tried to hide before the Dem primary.  Fetterman is best known for chasing down a black jogger in his neighborhood and holding him at gun point (very similar to the morons who recently got a life sentence).   Despite his outrageous racist conduct, he is a darling to the radical left.  Fetterman was slurring his words and looked completely lost.  His health-related issues appear to have impaired his cognitive functions, but I guess Old Joe proved that a functioning brain is not necessary for a Dem candidate.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 16, 2022, 04:22:00 PM
The DOJ apparently took Trump's passports (including an expired passport) in its outrageous raid.  In addition to searching Melania's underwear, they engaged in an overly broad fishing expedition desperately still trying to find something to keep Trump from running in 2024.  The "Jan. 6" show trial went nowhere except to end Liz Cheney's political career.   Radical leftist panicked with Biden's poll numbers sinking faster than the Titanic.  This was a Hail Mary effort.  It failed.  The plan now is to cover up the details as long as possible, leak fake stories to the leftist media, and imply that they have "something" relating to an unspecified crime for as long as possible.  A gross abuse of the legal process that mirrors the fake Russia collusion hoax.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 16, 2022, 04:51:48 PM
Superspreader Joe is insisting on holding an event at the WH today to sign the falsely titled "Inflation Reduction Act" despite still having COVID symptoms and his wife testing positive today.  Imagine if Trump were doing this?  The headlines would be that he was reckless, not following the science, and didn't care if people died.  The hypocrisy is astounding.  But Old Joe is sinking in the polls and grasping at this massive tax and spend bill to revive his disastrous presidency.  Another major miscalculation.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 16, 2022, 04:57:26 PM
Hopefully Liz Cheney has been working on her concession speech.  Rather than apologize to republicans and the people of Wyoming for her unwillingness to represent them as she promised, she will no doubt make her defeat all about herself.   A fake narrative that she is a defender of democracy against the evil Trump.  In fact, she has done everything possible to undermine democracy including the fundamental right of voters to select whomever they wish to be president.  Not even a state media and collusion with Dems could save her campaign from this hypocrisy.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 16, 2022, 05:35:32 PM
While the FBI was expending countless resources on the politically driven air, land, and sea raid on Trump's home there were hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens pouring across the border in violation of federal law.  No effort is being made to enforce the existing federal immigration laws.  To the contrary, the Biden administration conspired with the law breakers to provide them with food and transportation in the biggest human trafficking and drug operation in history.  More Americans died last year from the drugs that came across the border than in the entire Vietnam war.  Imagine if some of the hundreds of FBI agents wasting time and resources searching Melanie's underwear were directed to enforce actual federal laws?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 16, 2022, 08:13:38 PM
Great to read headlines like this in the leftist Wash. Post:

"Will Palin win?  How Badly Will Cheney Lose?"

Outstanding that the propagandists and radical media can't stop Democracy with fake stories and conspiracy theories.  We are at six years and counting of a nonstop media blitz to destroy Trump and he is still winning.  Not even weaponizing the legal system to arrest and intimidate numerous Trump associates in Stasi-like fashion can stop the American voter from exercising their right to evict these corrupt politicians from office.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 18, 2022, 01:34:17 PM
Millions are pouring into the Trump campaign due to FBI's raid.  Garland has managed to galvanize Trump supporters.  They claim Old Joe had no advanced knowledge of the raid.  Ordinarily, I would be skeptical of such a claim, but Inflation Biden has very little awareness of anything these days.  He coughed all over the place again during his so called "Inflation Reduction Act" signing.  Another super spreader event for COVID Joe.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 18, 2022, 07:08:22 PM
Can the news get any better this week for Trump?  Yes, it can.  Long time Trump hater Brian Stelter is out at CNN.  Your fired!  They are finally cleaning house at the state arm media network.  The ratings hit rock bottom with their non-stop anti-Trump conspiracy TV.   So long Brian.  Maybe join Liz Cheney's new group and double her membership.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 19, 2022, 02:51:00 PM
Old Joe is finally building the wall! Alas not the one to protect America from the illegal aliens pouring across the border (over two million since just October).  Instead the taxpayers are paying half a million dollars to build a wall around his $3 million beach home.   I thought walls didn't work to keep people out.   But Dems sure use them a lot around their multimillion-dollar mansions.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 19, 2022, 03:54:58 PM
Anyone who doubts that there is outrageous bias in the media should read CNN's take on the record gas prices.  Recently dropping from historic record highs to still over $4 per gallon.  Double what they were under Trump.  They must think the average person is dumb as a rock to peddle this propaganda.  Here is CNN"s take:

CNN Business
Next time you stop at a gas station, think of it as a $100-a-month tax cut. Or a maybe $100-a-month raise.

The steady drop in gas prices over the last few months has turned into an unexpected form of economic stimulus, coming at a time when the Federal Reserve is trying to cool the economy and battle rising prices with higher interest rates.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 20, 2022, 04:51:18 PM
Great example of dishonest CNN "journalism."  Without any facts whatsoever they post a story like this based on alleged comments of unnamed "officials."  The same anonymous sources they used to allege Russian collusion and who obviously are political enemies of Trump:


White House officials have privately expressed deep concern over the tranche of classified material taken to former President Donald Trump’s home in Florida, including some documents that are only meant to be viewed only in secure government facilities, CNN has learned.

“There is a deep concern,” one senior administration official told CNN.

LOL.  "deep concern" from an unnamed official over the "tranche" of documents.  Cue spooky music. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 21, 2022, 03:48:42 PM
Mitch McConnell is doing his part to protect the corrupt political establishment.  You might think he would be hoping that republicans take back the Senate and doing everything possible to assist them.  You would be wrong.  Instead he is questioning the qualifications of republican candidates.  Why?  Because he prefers to prove that Trump endorsed outsiders who are not part of his cadre can't win.  Only a small group of powerful establishment people such as himself get to decide who serves in the Senate.  To the extent that he has any reservations about the Republican candidates, he could have kept those to himself until AFTER the election.  Instead he decided to so during the campaign.  He is another swamp creature that the voters need to send packing like Liz. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 21, 2022, 09:14:07 PM
The DOJ is panicking trying to hide the motive behind the Trump raid.  They suddenly don't want to provide any information.  Wonder why?  The Dems panicked after the "Jan. 6" show trial fell flat and it was obvious the voters were sending Liz into retirement.  The land, air, and sea raid on Trump's home was forced on Garland by the radicals who dictated that Trump be stopped from running.  It has backfired on them.  Millions are pouring into Trump's campaign.  Garlend is hung out to dry trying to cover up behind the lawyers.   Way to go Brandon!  Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory as he has done so many times.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 21, 2022, 09:22:33 PM
John Fetterman continues to run a successful basement campaign.  He had a disabling stroke just before the Dem primary that he covered up.  He can barely talk.  As Mayor of a small PA town, he chased down a black jogger running through his neighborhood and held him at gun point after hearing some fireworks.  A hate crime.  Of course, the leftist media completely ignores that story and fawn over his "populist" campaign.  A guy who never worked a day in his life and lived on an allowance from his parents into his 40s is criticizing his opponent for getting through medical school and making millions.  Unreal.  Ultimately, the voters get the representatives they deserve.  We are currently being punished for the fake media stories that got a dementia patient elected president.  More of the same if a radical kook like Fetterman gets elected.

NY Times:

In 2013, when he was mayor, Mr. Fetterman used his shotgun to stop an unarmed Black jogger and detain him, telling the police that he had heard shots fired near his home and spotted the man running, according to the police report. “Fetterman continued to yell and state that he knows this male was shooting,” the police report says. Two other people told police they had heard several shots as well.

An officer who patted down the man, Christopher Miyares, then 28, found no weapons. The officer noted that Mr. Miyares was wearing running clothes and headphones. Mr. Miyares was released.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 22, 2022, 04:28:42 PM
Finally some good news out of the Biden administration.  Fauci is finally resigning in disgrace.  After presiding over one of the greatest screw ups in American history which resulted in one million American deaths and untold disruption of the economy and education that will have consequences for decades, he is finally leaving!  He will go down in history as one of the most incompetent and corrupt officials in American history.  Which is saying a lot these days.  Good riddance.  Hopefully there will be "Jan. 6" like hearing on his incompetence and corruption.  If only Liz Cheney had spent some of her time and energy in Congress overseeing the CDC maybe they would have been better prepared for the pandemic.   But she spent all of her time on Trump as did many others.  Americans paid the price for their incompetence and corruption.  Fauci is fleeing before the Republican congress takes over in January and holds him accountable.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 22, 2022, 10:43:07 PM
A stupid question...
What is wrong with those spooky people all bent over and insanely squatting?
I do understand it is drugs but what drug?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 23, 2022, 01:57:13 PM
As bad as things are in the US, at least we are not Canada.  Not only has the US become the permanent home of the Stanley Cup but things up in the "Great WHITE North" are really coming unglued under their socialist system:

"Canadian soldier suffering with PTSD offered euthanasia by Veterans Affairs"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 23, 2022, 03:14:27 PM
Anarchy and chaos continue throughout leftist run cities in the US.  This is like something from "Mad Max" or "The Purge."   No wonder people are fleeing these crime ridden zones for places like Texas and Florida. 

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 23, 2022, 03:47:18 PM
As usual, the leftist media has started painting a rosy polling forecast for Dems.  Like they did in 2016 and 2020 showing Dems with insurmountable leads.  Suggesting that minor improvements form historic highs in inflation, crime and a massive tax and spend bills are giving Dems momentum.  LOL.  We are only paying $4 plus per gallon for gas!  What I'm I to do with those "savings"?  The gas prices are still double from where they were under President Trump.  Biden's poll numbers have allegedly improved from the worst in modern history to just less than the worst.  He is surging with his "big wins" according to the media!  LOL.  They can't explain, however, why not a single Dem candidate in the midterms wants to be seen with him.  He is toxic.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 23, 2022, 06:11:55 PM
Paul Pelosi has pleaded guilty to DUI.  He is an octogenarian who drives around drunk in a Porsche crashing into people.  The libs did their best to cover up his crimes including never disclosing the drug found in his system.   He is now a convicted criminal.  He should have been convicted for the numerous instances of insider trading based on his information funneled through Nancy.  The guy has made hundreds of millions based on his miraculous stock trade timing.  How does he do it?  If we only knew, we would all be multi-millionaires just like Queen Nancy and Party on Paul.  I guess it is just good luck.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 24, 2022, 01:50:58 AM
Paul "Party on" Pelosi was driving his $100k Porsche when he crashed it while drunk.  An 80-year-old guy driving drunk in his sports car while under the influence.  And no one questions the corrupt nature of our political system.  He has made millions based on insider information from Queen Nancy.  No FBI assault forces is raiding his home by land, sea, and air.  It's party on like Hunter Biden.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 24, 2022, 01:52:12 PM
Add Nadler to the growing list of cognitively impaired Dems heading back to office.  Old Biden, Waddling Jerry Nadler, and perhaps incoming John Fetterman who has campaigned once so far and is clearly impaired by a recent stroke.  Those will be the folks handing out billions of taxpayer dollars.  Meanwhile Oz went to Harvard, then medical school, had a successful medical practice, made millions.  He is at the top of his game.  The son of immigrants he would be the first Muslim elected to the Senate.  But the media is fawning over Fetterman who never worked a day in his life, lived with his parents on an allowance until his 40s, chased down a black man jogging in his neighbor and held him at gun point.  What a contrast. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 24, 2022, 07:36:45 PM
Old Joe has opened up the floodgates of spending to save his disastrous presidency.  The last gasp is to throw taxpayer money in every direction to buy back votes.  Hundreds of billions are being spent.  Like the so call "COVID Relief" bill it will eventually fuel hyperinflation that will be catastrophic to Americans, but in the short term will buy the Dems some bounce in the polls.  Not a sustainable situation. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 25, 2022, 03:33:16 PM
Of all the disasters under the Biden administration, the recent $300 billion in student loan forgiveness may prove to be the final straw.  Of course, it will have no real impact on the cost of education as the affected institutions will just raise tuition (as they have consistently done) as more federal aid is made available.  It will fuel inflation, increase the out of control national debt, and saddle the American taxpayer with a crushing debt to repay in conjunction with paying for the fake COVID relief and Inflation Reduction Act (i.e. climate bill).  Generations of Americans will be encumbered with paying for these leftist programs that result in no benefit to the majority of Americans.  We also get to pay for Ukraine.  Another endless foreign war that may drag on for years costing trillions.  How are those peace talks going Joe?  That's right.  There are none.  Then we get to rebuild another ruined country when all is said and done.  But there will be some short-term bump in the polls for the radical leftists.  So it's all good to them.  This won't come crashing down until after the election in the time-honored tradition of the corrupt establishment.  No consequences for the octogenarians that pull these stunts.  They will be long gone with that bill comes due.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 25, 2022, 05:08:10 PM
The media is working themselves up into a frenzy about the chances of the Dems in the upcoming midterms.  Because, in their minds, things have improved from historic lows to only near historic lows it means "big wins" for Old Joe.  As though Americans have forgotten about inflation, gas prices, crime, the flood of illegal immigrants, record drug deaths, fiasco in Afghanistan, and the ocean of taxpayer money being spent on radical leftist causes.  Dream on.  This is just like 2016 and 2020 where the leftist media polls showed Dems winning in a landslide.  Those polls are about 10 points overly optimistic in the favor of Dems come election day. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 26, 2022, 01:56:40 PM
The backlash has already begun over Old Joe's unconstitutional student debt forgiveness bribe.  It will be challenged in court and overturned.  Imagine how unhappy the giddy libs who think they got something for nothing will be when they have to actually pay back their loans.  The dubious legal authority derives from the COVID "emergency."   So Shutdown Joe is claiming there is a COIVD emergency that necessitates this handout but then he goes out and has a big rally to promote it.   Wow.  I guess the health emergency doesn't extend to a big, maskless crowd to listen to his speech (i.e. reading from the teleprompter).  In the meantime, Dems are running away from Handout Joe.  None want him to campaign for them even though the media is relentlessly pumping the story of his momentum.  LOL.  Fake news. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 26, 2022, 05:00:45 PM
The WH continues to contribute to the COVID case numbers.  Almost everyone there has had it.  Many multiple times including Dr. "Taco" Jill Biden who is once again positive.  That didn't stop a maskless Joe from attending a rally to promote his illegal student debt bailout.  Soon to be overturned by the courts.  Coughing all over America in another superspreader event.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 27, 2022, 12:24:21 AM
Another disastrous week comes to a close under Old Joe.  He looked like an escaped dementia patient railing about "semi-fascists" at the rally.  Alienating have the country as nazis or whatever he was trying to articulate.  An illegal $300-600 billion handout to students that is already blowing up in his face.  His DOJ is running scared redacting page after page of the affidavit contrived to raid Trump's home.  Increasingly clear that it was a political rather than legal effort.  Like Russian collusion.  The stock market tanked again under crushing inflation, rate hikes, and endless spending.  Down one thousand points today.  But it's off to the beach.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 27, 2022, 12:40:38 AM
The redacted DOJ affidavit is hilarious.  Page after page blanked out in an effort to conceal the basis of the raid.  And it's the republicans who are "semi-fascists" according to Stasi Joe.  Who is using the justice system to arrest and intimidate political opponents?  Who is putting elderly, non-violent people in leg irons or raiding their homes with tactical assault teams in predawn raids for process crimes?  Who forced school children to wear masks and deemed parents domestic terrorists if they questioned this mandate?  Who fired people for exercising their choice not to take a vaccine including members of the military?  Who conspired with social media to suppress free speech including the Hunter Biden story in an effort to influence the election?  Was that the republicans or Old Joe.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 27, 2022, 02:12:11 PM
The conspiracy by the FBI to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop is coming completely unraveled.  Better late than never.   After the mid term elections, DOJ will cut a deal with Hunter giving him a slap on the wrist for some minor violation in return for not prosecuting him for the numerous felonies he and the "big guy" committed.  They will get that done before the republicans take over in January.   No way does the corrupt DOJ want an honest investigation into Biden, Inc.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 27, 2022, 03:40:16 PM
So it appears the Europeans developed a vaccine only by stealing from the US.  The Trump vaccine led the way!  U-S-A, U-S-A!  If Shutdown Joe had been in charge, the money for the vaccine would have been appropriated to some lib cause, taken decades, and not worked.

"Moderna is suing its chief competitor in the COVID-19 vaccine space, alleging that Pfizer and BioNTech stole key technology used in the development of that group's inoculation."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 29, 2022, 01:32:56 PM
A new week which means another several days for Old Joe to come up new disasters before knocking off for the beach.  Last week he saddled generations of American taxpayers with $300 billion to as much as one trillion dollars in debt to pay of the loans of deadbeat students.   This is more a payoff to the academic institutions who simply raise their tuition to the level of any available federal funding and laugh all the way to the bank.  Even most of the Dems couldn't believe this outrageous and likely illegal bribe for votes.  After the election, the courts will overturn the debt bribe and make these deadbeats pay their own loans.  Biden knows that.  This is to buy votes for the midterm election.  After that he couldn't care less.  The typical corrupt politician.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 29, 2022, 04:48:16 PM
Anyone with a functioning brain can figure out that the DOJ's raid was solely intended to harm Trump's chances in 2024.  Ask yourself why Trump would want any such classified documents?   There is no apparent reason.  Theories like he was going to sell nuclear secrets are absurd.   If such documents were packed by GSA in violation of the process, why wouldn't Trump just give them back?  Why would he care?  There is no explanation.  The most plausible scenario is that because the rules governing "classified" documents are vague and even the definition is vague - particularly when it comes to a president who has completely discretion to declassify information - that it provides grounds to "get" someone on an alleged process violation.  When the Jan. 6 hearings failed and Trump candidates continued to win around the country, enormous pressure was put on Garland to "do something."  With the pending effort to return any classified documents given low priority until that point, they could stage a raid and leak false info to the press to make it sound like a big deal,  DOJ can cover up the lack of any violation by contending it is an "ongoing investigation" while leaking selected info to the press that can't be verified.  They also admit to taking information that false under attorney-client privilege.  An outrageous violation of rights against anyone much less the former president. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 29, 2022, 10:52:55 PM
The recent chain of events is laughable.  First, Biden claims there is "zero" inflation.  Then passes the $700 billion "Inflation Reduction Act."  How is it going to reduce inflation?  His explanation is by reducing the national debt.  A dubious claim.  But then what does he do?  A few days later he authorizes a $300 billion to $1 trillion bailout to students thus eliminating any deficit reduction from the Inflation Reduction Act.  Net result is about $2 trillion for absolutely nothing.  A crushing debt on future generations.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 30, 2022, 01:46:49 PM
White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre claimed yesterday that illegal immigrants don't just walk over the border.  LOL.  They are living in some type of alternative reality from the rest of the world.  Imagine telling people that the flood of millions of illegal aliens shown every day on their TV are not real.  They apparently don't walk across the border but just somehow magically appear.  The WH has no answer whatsoever on how the $1 trillion student debt bailout will be paid.  Of course, everyone knows how.   The American taxpayers will pick up the tab for the next several decades. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 30, 2022, 02:16:27 PM
Imagine spending $2 trillion in taxpayer money and being unwilling to state how it is being paid for.   You can always tell when the corrupt establishment politicians have been caught lying.  It's not only when they open their mouths but when they refuse to answer a simple question.  How is it being paid for?   The answer is obvious.  Americans will pay higher taxes for decades.  If these socialist programs are so worthy of this funding, then why not just state the answer instead of deflecting with a lot of mumbo jumbo?  Why be afraid to explain how it is being paid for?  Again, the chain of events over the last week highlights the dishonesty.

1)  Biden states inflation is "zero"
2)  The Dems enact the "Inflation Reduction Act" which will cost $700 billion or more.  Why is this needed if inflation is zero?  How does it reduce inflation?  The only answer is that it will reduce the national debt.
3)  Biden signs a $300 billion to $1 trillion student loan bailout.  No one can even calculate the exact cost. Effectively erasing any reduction in the national debt (real or imagined) derived from the so-called Inflation Reduction Act.
4)  Net result.  As much as $2 trillion in new spending that does not reduce the national debt one penny, provides questionable benefits to a handful of individuals, that will be paid for by all tax payers for decades, and likely spurs more, not less, inflation. 

A complete economic catastrophe.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 30, 2022, 02:39:27 PM
This is $2 trillion written out:  $2,000,000,000,000. That is just the new spending authorized by the Dems LAST WEEK.  They refuse to answer for how it will be paid for.  There are no apparent benefits for the majority of Americans who will have to repay this crushing debt for decades.  Some more solar panels (purchased from China) and student debt bailout. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 30, 2022, 03:46:51 PM
The disastrous miscalculation to raid Trump's home has apparently resulted in a windfall for campaign contributions.  The money is flowing to Trump.  How great is it that Biden/Garland effectively galvanized support for Trump?  No one in DC can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory better than Old Joe.  It's one disaster after another.  And just wait until the courts rule that his bailout of deadbeat student debt is unauthorized.  A lot of angry young people who thought they were off the hook for $1 trillion in lawful debt.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 30, 2022, 11:30:01 PM
This is working out great - for the greedy universities.  A complete disaster reminiscent of throwing billions at COVID relief that was used for political pork and fraud.

"Federal student aid website crashes after Biden's debt handout announcement"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 31, 2022, 01:14:49 PM
Old Joe escaped his handlers and was ranting like an escaped dementia patient in PA.  In theory campaigning for the PA candidates in the upcoming election.  None of whom wanted to be seen with him.  If he is on the upswing as the leftist media keeps insisting, then why do none (as in zero) Dem candidates want to be seen with him?  He is toxic.   Why does he go to states where the local candidates refuse to appear with him?  That must be a complete humiliation.  Another sign of his weakness and incompetence. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 31, 2022, 02:17:27 PM
Incredibly John Fetterman is claiming that his stroke is keeping him from debating Oz.  If he is physically incapable of standing on a debate stage for a couple of hours, how does he expect to perform the duties of a US Senator for six years?  Imagine deciding to run for political office but then crying a river whenever it is noted that he is not physically able to perform the duties of that office.  How insensitive to suggest that he campaign!  He has stolen Hiden Biden's technique to stay in the basement to hide his physical and mental deficiencies from the voters.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 31, 2022, 05:43:22 PM
Dem politicians around the US are suddenly sending checks to their constituents under the guise of some state program.  Just before the election liberal voters are suddenly getting some of the ocean of COVID funding that was never spent as a bribe.  It's unreal.  Imagine if Trump did this?  It would be the subject of impeachment.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 31, 2022, 05:51:55 PM
Biden made an incredibly racist comment at his rant filled rally yesterday.  Of course, the leftist media didn't touch it but praised his hate filled speech.  He noted that he was once the only white lifeguard in a high crime community where all the good basketball players came from.  In other words, black communities are full of criminals and basketball players according to him.  His wife made a similar racist remark in comparing Latinos to tacos. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 31, 2022, 09:18:53 PM
Russian energy and oli revenues have INCREASED by a whopping 40% since Biden imposed his sanctions.  The failed Biden energy policy has allowed Russia to not only continue in the war in Ukraine but now that are getting ready to shut off the supply to Europe.  Which will send the world's energy prices skyrocketing.  Another Biden disaster in the works.  This one might have some actual consequences for the Dems since it means energy prices will increase again just before the election.  Way to go Brandon.  Enjoy your one-man campaign tour since no Dems wants to be seen at any event with him.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 01, 2022, 02:56:42 PM
Biden seemed totally unhinged in his recent appearance.  Screaming and ranting and threatening.  He has really lost it.  No wonder no Dem candidate wants to be seen with him.  He turns 80 in a couple of months.  Unreal. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 01, 2022, 03:14:33 PM
California is telling people not to charge their electric cars this week due to the strain on the crumbling energy grid.  Where to even start?  Didn't the Dems claim to allocate billions to "infrastructure."  Most of that went to unrelated political pork projects that had nothing to do with highways and power grids.  What are they going to do during future heat waves after they forced tens of millions of people to have electric cars?  The entire society will be homebound due to the incompetency of the libs who run these set these woke policies without any understanding of how to implement them. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 01, 2022, 03:35:03 PM
Hopefully they give Old Joe his meds before his speech tonight.  He was totally unhinged in his recent appearance.  Screaming at the top of lungs while squinting at the teleprompter like someone's dementia patient uncle who is out of the nursing home for the day.   What Dem candidates will be joining him for this appearance since the media is reporting that he is on a roll?  That's right.  None.  Not even Fetterman who has outdone Hiden Biden by never leaving his home. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 02, 2022, 02:00:39 AM
What a rant fueled hour of hate tonight from the great divider.  The irony apparently was lost on Biden's handlers to have him read from the teleprompter at Independence Hall where Americans were ensured the right to free speech, bear arms, due process, and freedom from governmental overreach.  All of which Biden has trampled on.   I'll give him some credit, though.  The only play left is to make the election all about Trump instead of himself.  He has to deflect from his disastrous record on crime, inflation, illegal immigration, Afghanistan fiasco, Ukraine, out of control spending.  Results don't matter to a surprising number of people who prefer ideology over outcomes.  That's how Biden got elected in the first place.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Jerry Freeman on September 02, 2022, 02:40:33 AM
Old Joe escaped his handlers and was ranting like an escaped dementia patient in PA.
That was an escaped dementia inmate...the real Joe was asleep in the White House basement.
He is toxic ...campaigning for the PA candidates in the upcoming election.  *None of whom wanted to be seen with him*.  Why does he go to states where the local candidates refuse to appear with him?
Incredibly John Fetterman is claiming that his stroke is keeping him from debating Oz.
Answered above * Does not want to be seen with Biden [or even his look alike]
What a rant fueled hour of hate tonight from the great divider.
Accuses 70 million Americans of being a threat to democracy then brags about his wonderful unity progress. Who wrote this rant for him? 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 02, 2022, 02:20:28 PM
That was an escaped dementia inmate...the real Joe was asleep in the White House basement.   Answered above * Does not want to be seen with Biden [or even his look alike]Accuses 70 million Americans of being a threat to democracy then brags about his wonderful unity progress. Who wrote this rant for him?

Individuals with dementia often exhibit agitation.  Old Joe was ranting like an inmate in the local nursing home.  His deadbeat student loan bailout has badly misfired, and his polls numbers are dropping again.  The Russians just shut off the energy supply to Europe with winter coming.  That means skyrocketing energy costs across the world as the midterm elections approach.  Putin is laughing his backside off at this weak old man.  Russia has INCREASED energy revenues by 40 percent since the "crippling" sanctions were imposed.  Selling to China and India.  Russia is awash in money while Americans and Europeans are suffering.  Another Biden foreign policy disaster but why should the world be spared our pain? 

Biden was elected on two issues:  Trump and COVID.  The latter he has screwed up over the last two years with over one million dead Americans.  So he can't use that.  His ONLY political card left is to frame the election as being about Trump again.  It's all Trump all day while America crumbles into ruin.  I'm surprised he hasn't hired Liz since she has plenty of spare time.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 04, 2022, 08:15:04 PM
Hopefully Old Joe got out of Philly without being robbed.  Crime is out of control in that socialist utopia as it is in every major city run by radical libs.  Crime and hordes of drug crazed homeless zombies are overrunning the cities.  Law abiding citizens have fled these Mad Max-like territories. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 05, 2022, 04:26:04 PM
Putin just shut the gas off to Europe.  A major story that the leftist media is not reporting.  It means the "crippling" sanctions imposed by Old Joe completely backfired.  Russia is awash in money with China and India buying up the oil and gas.  Meanwhile Americans and Europeans are suffering with high prices and shortages.  It will be, in the infamous words of Bumbling Joe, a long dark Winter in Europe.  Putin is no doubt doing this in part to affect the US elections.  And laughing at the weak and incompetent Biden all the way.  Ukraine Joe needed his endless foreign war, though, for his donors after the Afghanistan fiasco.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 05, 2022, 08:35:45 PM
Things are getting worse and worse for the DOJ.  They not only seized documents covered by attorney-client privilege but also protected medical and tax records.  Wow.  Incredible overreach in violation of numerous rights and privileges.  Garland and Wray should resign in disgrace.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 06, 2022, 02:57:23 PM
The combined age of the Dem leadership (Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer) is 234 years!   If you counted backward 234 years from today, it takes you to 1788.  LOL.  That explains a lot.  A party run by old, white people who have lost their marbles. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 06, 2022, 06:00:42 PM
Nancy Pelosi is requesting that she be the next ambassador to Italy in anticipation of a Republican victory in November.  The rats are preparing to jump ship.  Those poor Italians.  As though Europe doesn't have enough problems under their socialist regimes, they also will have Queen Nancy on their hands.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 06, 2022, 06:15:20 PM
I wonder if this is how China does it?

"Biden Admin To Distribute $50 Billion Chips Fund Based On Race And Gender"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 07, 2022, 12:58:27 AM
Dems are doctoring (no pun intended) fake photos of Dr. Oz in an effort to undermine his campaign.  Numerous instances including a faked photo him kissing Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood walk of fame (so much winning!) and a worker holding an Oz sign sideways to read "No".  Again, confirmed faked.  The leftist crusade against disinformation apparently doesn't extend to their own kind.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 07, 2022, 01:00:23 AM
I wonder if this is how China does it?

"Biden Admin To Distribute $50 Billion Chips Fund Based On Race And Gender"

I do wonder how the Biden administration can discriminate on the basis of gender when they are unable to formulate or acknowledge any definition of a gender.  Their Supreme Court nominee could not even define a "woman."  So who exactly gets these gender-based preferences? 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 07, 2022, 02:04:42 PM
The stock market is down over 3000 points since Old Joe signed the so-called "Inflation Reduction Act."  The only thing it has reduced is the savings of millions of Americans.  Another disaster in the making. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 07, 2022, 03:55:19 PM
Despite fighting tooth and nail to avoid disclosing any details of the illegal raid on Trump's home, DOJ and the FBI continue to leak unverified information to the media.  The Wash Post breathlessly reports every unverified detail from "anonymous" sources as fact.  Russia collusion 2.0.  Meanwhile crickets on Hunter.  Crickets on the flood of immigrants crossing the border including many who recently drowned.  Crickets on the massive crowds at the Trump rally.  Crickets on Russia cutting off Europe's winter energy sources.  Nothing to see there. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 07, 2022, 11:17:56 PM
The media is taking every scrap of leaked info from the DOJ and turning it into a mountain.  Amazing how similar this is to Russian collusion.  No concern from the media about a complete lack of transparency from DOJ.  Or leaking unverified information in an "ongoing" investigation.  Why doesn't Garland look into who is leaking this information?  That's right.  It's probably him.  Corrupt to the core.  Thankfully the public is not fooled.  A large crowd of 12K filled the arena roaring for Trump this weekend.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 07, 2022, 11:27:29 PM
Brutal ads are hitting the air focusing on John Fetterman's racist abduction of a black jogger who he accosted with a shotgun.   Fetterman has cried a river about Dr. Oz noting that he is not physically up for the job, but he won't have to worry about that with ads like this playing in Philadelphia and other minority communities. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 07, 2022, 11:54:49 PM
Will Stacey Abrams once again claim the election was stolen when she loses in Georgia?  Even the leftist polls, which are historically 5-10 points overly favorable to libs, have her getting crushed.  The bottom is falling out when even the NYT starts worrying.  Walker is also surging in his race.  Fetterman is starting to panic.  He may even have to leave his home and debate the Great Oz.  These races were always going to come back to inflation, crime, illegal aliens, and the many disasters that have unfolded under the Dems.  People have eyes.  Results matter to enough people to overcome ideology and propaganda. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 08, 2022, 02:42:17 PM
John Fetterman was asked what he would do if given one wish.  Did he want to cure cancer?  No.  End poverty?  No.  What would he do?  He would end life without parole sentences in prison.  Thereby releasing the murderers back into society.  That is the mindset of the libs in a nutshell.  In the midst of historic levels of crime, murder, and mayhem in their cities like something straight out of Mad Max, the one thing a radical like Fetterman wants to do is release the most violent criminals.  Unreal. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 19, 2022, 03:09:40 PM
Magnificent Trump rallies around the country as he continues to bolster the anti-establishment candidates that will soon sweep away the corrupt political establishment.   Tens of thousands of voters.  Meanwhile Biden finally attended an event where someone was older than him.  The Queen's funeral.  Old Joe probably thought he was at Kaiser Wilhelm's funeral.  It's very sad to see him in public with that glazed dementia fear in his eyes not knowing where he is at. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 20, 2022, 01:14:28 PM
The WH staff continues to contradict Old Joe as he goes off message on the pandemic, inflation, and tries to start WWIII over Taiwan.  Meanwhile Weak Biden was seated near the back of the church for the Queen's funeral after arriving late.  What an embarrassment to the US.  An old, weak man with obvious dementia creating chaos and embarrassing the US in front of the world.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 20, 2022, 07:39:32 PM
During the height of the pandemic, the Dems flew tens of thousands of unvaccinated illegal aliens throughout the US in the dead of night in unmarked planes.  But now when the republican governors are sending a few to their "sanctuary" cities it is suddenly human trafficking.  LOL.  Unreal how quickly their tune changed when the illegal aliens started showing up in the white, elitist liberal communities.  Suddenly it was a crisis.  The fundamental hypocrisy of these radical elitist libs is breathtaking.  They can espouse all manner of nonsense because it has no implications on their situation.  No homeless encampments on their sidewalk or in front of their businesses.  No crime in their gated communities.  No need for police when they have private security.  It's all good.  Others have to suffer for their hypocrisy.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 21, 2022, 02:05:28 PM
Another disastrous week for Old Joe.  The illegal aliens are pouring across the border in record numbers to a level never seen in history.  Over two million according to his own numbers but those reflect only the ones detained.  It's likely double that number, including numerous suspected terrorists.  Old Joe has also gaffed his way into potential WWIII with not just one but two superpowers with his acts and statements on Ukraine and Taiwan.  Crime is completely out of control in US cities.  The homeless are also overrunning those cities.  Inflation continues to crush American families and now the interest rates are crushing the economy.  And the cherry on top is a stock market crash.   Nothing like this has been seen since the Great Depression.  It wasn't this bad even under Jimmy Carter.  Trillions are being wasted on political pork spending that are using COVID, inflation, and Ukraine as a pretext to spend. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 21, 2022, 07:16:18 PM
Having totally failed to find any evidence of wrongdoing by Trump despite a desperate attempt the radical liberal NY AG has filed a frivolous civil suit against him.  HA HA HA.  Trump must be rolling with laughter.  Nothing they try touches him.  The "Jan. 6" investigation disappeared faster than Amelia Earhart. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 22, 2022, 01:56:11 PM
The stock market is down over 3000 points since the disastrous "Inflation Reduction Act."  You have to wonder how many disasters can unfold under one guy.  Everything Old Joe touches is a complete disaster.  Even the law of averages doesn't apply to him.  He can't catch a break even by chance.  Incompetence, weakness, and corruption explains most of it but it's almost like he is cursed with dark cloud over his head.  Nothing ever goes right.  He is kryptonite to success.  Victory cancer.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 22, 2022, 04:15:36 PM
It's absolutely amazing that Trump continues to be a political force given the endless, non-stop campaign of the establishment forces to destroy him.  No other person could have withstood this relentless attack.  The mass media, social media, and political establishment have spent nearly six years spreading conspiracy theories (e.g. Russian collusion) and misinformation.  The radical leftist legal establishment in both the federal and state government have scoured his every act going back for decades to find any wrongdoing.  They can't find a thing.  Imagine if that same effort had been devoted to Hunter Biden and Biden, Inc.?  Hunter has confessed and documented numerous felonies including kickbacks for influence peddling to the "big guy."  He has engaged in illegal drug use and human trafficking.  He has taken bribes from numerous foreign sources.  But nothing.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 23, 2022, 02:13:52 PM
Stacey Abrams believes that men have conspired to lie about the ability to hear an infant's heartbeat at six weeks to take control of women.  I guess Dems only follow the "science" when it suits their narrative.  She is a real kook:

"There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman's body."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 23, 2022, 02:45:24 PM
The Dow is set to fall below 30K today in another historic disaster under Old Joe.   An incredible string of disaster after disaster.  The man literally can do nothing right.  Even the law of averages suggests that the most incompetent and weak leader might catch a break.  But not Old Joe.  His string of disasters marches on and on unabated.  The worst President in modern history.  Maybe ever.  Certainly among the bottom five and there are two long years of disaster still in store.  He has teed up not one but possibly two nuclear wars with his gaffes and incompetence. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 24, 2022, 02:04:22 PM
As the stock market collapses taking with it the savings of millions of Americans, we are at least one day closer to the midterm elections that will mitigate the nightmare unfolding under Biden.  In the meantime, Old Joe and the war mongers in DC have angling for war with Russia.  Not just sending billions to Ukraine to defend themselves but now arguing for regime change in Russia and/or categorizing it as a terrorist state.  An invasion of Russia.  The desire for endless foreign war and risking WWIII is unreal.  No wonder the public wants Trump.  The only politician in modern American history who has not supported pointless foreign wars.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 24, 2022, 02:13:56 PM
Scary stuff.  The guy presiding over potential nuclear conflict with Russia and China.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 25, 2022, 01:37:36 PM
Has Biden ever figured out how to get off that stage?  I'm sure his handlers packaged him off to the beach house for the weekend.  Wouldn't want him to tire himself out.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 27, 2022, 02:17:57 PM
Dems are overwhelmingly indicating that they do not want Old Joe to run again.  A total rejection of his weak and disastrous policies by his own parties.  This is the same guy who allegedly got the most votes in American history.  Now he can't get a handful of people to show up at any of his rant filled rallies.  Very sad that his own family would subject him to this with in his limited cognitive state.  And the thought of him running for re-election at the age of 82 is unreal.  He should be in a nursing facility instead of running the country.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 27, 2022, 07:17:15 PM
Imagine how the American public will view this when the Ukraine war drags on for years as the corrupt political establishment under Biden intends.  A war is a great excuse to spend money on pork.  Republicans are as bad or worse than the Dems in this respect.  There has been no effort whatsoever to negotiate an end to this conflict.  None. The politicians want it to go on for decades like Afghanistan and Vietnam.  And when all is said and done, the US will pay billions to rebuild Ukraine.

"New poll signals Americans are growing tired of supporting Ukraine as the war against Russia drags on."

According to a poll conducted by the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and Data for Progress, 57% of likely voters strongly or somewhat support the US pursuing diplomatic negotiations as soon as possible to end the war in Ukraine, even if it requires Ukraine making compromises with Russia.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 28, 2022, 12:38:27 PM
So many baseless media stories about Ukraine.  As with Afghanistan, the media simply repeat the baseless claims of the war mongers in DC.  The same ones who told us for decades that things were going well in Afghanistan so long as the money continued to flow.  And there is a bizarre story claiming that the Russians sabotaged their own pipeline to Europe.  Why would they do that?  If this was an act by some other country or the US, it is an act of war against Russia.  An incredibly dangerous escalation.  No interest from the US media to explain this, however.  They are blaming it on Putin like sheep.  The irony of CNN telling us that the referendum in Ukraine was stolen is also lost on them.  And more billions have been authorized to continue this endless conflict.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 28, 2022, 05:59:33 PM
Scary stuff.  Biden "sees dead people" like in the movie:

President Joe Biden forgot about the death of Indiana Rep. Jackie Walorski while at an event Wednesday, repeatedly searching the crowd for her and calling her name while on stage.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 30, 2022, 01:40:37 PM
Even the leftist poll numbers that have proven incorrect in every recent election have Old Joe in free fall again as gas prices rise, inflation continues, the stock market collapses, crime is rampant, and the US is involved in another expensive and endless foreign war.  Fetterman's double digit lead in PA is now down to margin of error.  Stacey "election was stolen" Abrams is trailing badly in Georgia.  There is a great silent majority in this country that will trend republican on election day.  Many are fearful to express their support in the current political culture, but they will vote.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on September 30, 2022, 04:30:16 PM
Even Bill Clinton is warning about the flood of illegal immigrants crossing the open border on Old Joe's watch (over 2 million and counting):

"There is a limit to how many migrants any society can take without severe disruption and assistance"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 02, 2022, 01:18:22 PM
What a banner week for the Libs.  They are truly in a weird place:

1) Testimony to Congress that men can give birth.

2) NYC plans to lease a cruise ship to house their illegal immigrants because tents are too expensive.  A cruise ship.  They have no plan to house homeless Americans.

3) Kamala suggests that hurricane victims be compensated on the basis of race and gender.  How she is defining "gender" is left to our imagination.

4) Biden "sees dead people."

5)  Even Hollywood libs like Bill Maher are suggesting that Kamala be dropped from the 2024 ticket. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 02, 2022, 01:55:01 PM
Things must be getting really bad in the polling when uber radicals like John Fetterman start scrubbing BLM references from their websites.  Fetterman is sinking like the Titanic.  In part due to the disastrous Biden administration, but also due to his own outrageous policies.  He was asked what he would do if granted one wish.  Cure cancer?  No.  World peace?  No.  End hunger?  No.  What did he say?  He said he would end life in prison without parole for criminals convicted of serious crimes like murder and rape.  Put them back on the street as though there are not enough criminals terrorizing American cities led by radical dems.  What a winning campaign promise!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 02, 2022, 09:11:24 PM
How could I forget Nancy Pelosi's racist remarks about illegal immigrants.  Suggesting that Florida businesses don't want them sent elsewhere because they need them to pick the fruit.  Wow.  Second only "Dr." Jill's racist taco remark.  No wonder support for these radicals is slipping in the conservative Catholic Latino community.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 03, 2022, 01:32:13 PM
Old Joe is attacking the election of Giorgia Meloni in Italy as a threat to democracy.  Keep in mind that she was elected in a landslide victory without a hint of impropriety in the way the election was conducted.  Exactly the way in which a "democracy" is supposed to work. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 03, 2022, 07:43:48 PM
Anarchy and chaos in the literal streets of Philadelphia in Joe Biden's America.  Like something from Mad Max or the Purge.  A direct consequence of the liberal policies that have emboldened criminals in America's cities.  Unreal.   

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 05, 2022, 03:38:20 PM
OPEC just stuck it to Old Joe.  They are laughing at his ineptness and gas prices are now set to skyrocket again just before the election.  Meanwhile Old Joe and his warmongers in DC, who peddled lies about Afghanistan for decades to spend trillions, are dangerously escalating the war in Ukraine.  It is no longer to combat the invading Russian forces (no small task) but now to escalate the war for regime change in Russia.  A possible WWIII.  It's unreal how this dangerous escalation has been minimized by the leftist media.  A potential nuclear war with Russia is not only not a concern but they appear to be on onboard.  David Petraous has been talking with glee of destroying the Russian fleet in the Black Sea as though it were his lifelong dream to have a war with Russia.  Old Joe has bungled his way to verge of WWIII in Ukraine.  N. Korea is now shooting rockets over Japan.  China is emboldened to invade Taiwan.  Weakness and incompetence of the current Biden administration have emboldened every foreign enemy.  The leftist press and conspiracy theorists who wanted Trump gone at all costs because he was "mean" bear an enormous responsibility for all the disasters that are occurring.  Crime, inflation, open borders, over one million Americans dead from COVID, a record number of drug deaths, stock market crash, recession, and now endless war in another foreign country.  Old Joe is roaming around claiming to see dead people and be Puerto Rican.  A cognitive mess while these disasters unfold.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 06, 2022, 04:28:38 PM
In an act of complete desperation, Old Joe is raiding the strategic petroleum reserves in an attempt to keep gas prices from skyrocketing just before the election.  These are reserves that are kept for national emergencies like, for example, a war with Russia.  They are almost depleted now due political considerations.  Hopefully there are no emergencies in the next few years.  Old Joe's disastrous energy policy and woke agenda have made the US dependent on foreign oil.  The Saudis are laughing at his weak attempts to convince them not to cut production.  Saudia Arabia and Russia are making billions due to Old Joe undermining America energy production.  Now he is going to our enemies in Iran and Venezuela begging for oil.  It's humiliating and dangerous given the war mongers in DC angling to escalate the situation in Ukraine into a full-blown war with Russia.  A complete bungling of this situation.  If you gathered the smartest people in the world together and asked them to create the worst possible energy situation, they could not surpass the efforts of the Biden administration.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 07, 2022, 01:44:05 PM
Biden hits new lows every week, but this week a real keeper for Old Joe.  The Saudis undermined him after he groveled to them for oil.  Not only a personal and political humiliation but skyrocketing gas prices just before the midterms spells doom.  His poll numbers are again cratering to all time lows.  Republican candidates are surging around the country in close races.  The war in Ukraine continues to escalate with no end in sight.  Inflation, crime, and flood of illegal aliens continues.  And, oh yeah, the Feds are about to arrest his son for tax and gun charges. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 08, 2022, 02:38:22 PM
Old Joe is the gift that keeps on giving:

'Let me start off with two words: made in America,'
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 11, 2022, 02:17:19 PM
The standard Dem campaign rules this year:

1) Don't campaigning with Joe Biden.  His poll numbers are toxic.
2) Don't debate.  If this is unavoidable, delay until the early voting is mostly done.  Why?  There is no defense to the Dem policies that have led to disaster after disaster on the economy, crime, and border.
3) Discuss only abortion in any interview.
4) Never acknowledge that you have voted lockstep with all of policies of Joe Biden.  Pretend you are an outsider who has nothing to do with it.
5) Say "democracy".
6) If asked if Old Joe should run again, never answer. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 12, 2022, 01:05:32 PM
Crushing poll numbers even from the leftist media.  Only 29% believe the country is going in the right direction.  Wow.  Imagine doubling down on that disastrous failure by reelecting those responsible in the midterms.  Any undecided or independent voter is breaking republican. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 13, 2022, 04:58:17 PM
More crushing inflation numbers today doom Dems in close elections in the coming weeks.  The trend is definitely toward Republican candidates.  Crime, inflation, open borders, gas prices are impossible to ignore.  Just saying "abortion" over and over doesn't move the needle.  Old Joe and his party are trapped like rats by their own making.  There is no solution when their policies are responsible for these situations. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 14, 2022, 01:55:18 PM
The Saudis have confirmed that Old Joe asked them to delay the cuts in oil production until AFTER the midterm election.  Wow.  That's an impeachable act according to the Dems and Liz Cheney.  Colluding with a foreign government to influence the election.  Sound familiar? Isn't that the line they took when Trump asked the Ukranians to look into Hunter's illegal conduct before the election?  They impeached him for that act.  What Biden has done is a million times worse and it has been confirmed by the Saudis.  I wonder when Liz Cheney will be asking for an impeachment and the NY Times and CNN will be running continuous coverage of this impeachable offense. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 15, 2022, 01:35:08 PM
Herschel Walker mopped the floor with Warnock last night.  No wonder the Dems don't want to debate.  No one could defend their record of disasters.  This should be put on a billboard:

“For those of you who are concerned about voting for me, a non-politician, I want you to think about the damage politicians like Joe Biden and Raphael Warnock have done to this country,” Walker said.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 17, 2022, 05:17:52 PM
The most recent polls are all trending heavily toward the republicans.  Big Mo seems to be on their side.  This could be landslide.  Even the leftist polls that generally overstate support for Dems by 5% or are trending republican.  Support among minorities and women are sliding significantly for the Dems.  A big red flag.  The bet on abortion to distract from crime, inflation, and open borders isn't paying off.   That was the only card the leftists had to play, though, since their own policies created all these disasters.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 18, 2022, 03:26:17 PM
The Dems are sinking faster than the Titanic.  And what is Old Joe's final pitch to voters?  Making abortion his top priority.  Not crime, inflation, open borders, endless foreign war or gas prices.  Abortion.  Wow.  They certainly are a one trick pony.   Tone deaf and living in an alternative reality.  A landslide is coming.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 21, 2022, 02:18:09 PM
Fetterman is claiming that he is fine and recovering from his stroke, but when anyone questions his health his wife objects suggesting that that are mocking someone with a "disability."  Which is it?  Is he doing well or "disabled"?   What a disaster as a candidate.   A guy who never worked a job, lived with his parents, didn't pay his taxes, and wants to release violent criminals as his top priority. Thankfully Old Joe has doomed such candidates with his disastrous policies that have destroyed the country. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 23, 2022, 03:13:26 PM
Widespread panic throughout the Dem party and their lefist media supporters.  Their gamble on abortion and "Jan. 6" didn't pay off.  They couldn't distract the American public from the numerous disastrous that unfolded over the last two years.  Restoring faith in democracy.  They peddled a fake Russia conspiracy and then used COVID to get Old Joe elected.  One of the greatest frauds in history.  Now they want him gone. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 26, 2022, 01:23:55 PM
What a sad spectacle to see John Fetterman in that debate.  His family should have intervened to spare him that humiliation.  He is incapable of forming or expressing simple thoughts.  Much like Robert Mueller who had dementia when testifying before Congress on the fake Russian collusion hoax.  He clearly is not fit to serve in the Senate.  Regardless of politics, that was uncomfortable to watch.  I can't believe politicians and their families want power so much that they would put someone through this.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 26, 2022, 07:22:38 PM
Whoever advised John Fetterman to debate when he is in a Biden-like vegetative state made a serious political blunder.  That was brutal stuff.  Staring at the camera in silence.  Repeating phrases over and over.  Starting out by telling everyone goodnight.  It was unreal Twilight Zone stuff.  This is the guy who could end up being the deciding vote for every piece of major legislation in the US senate for the next two years including funding a war that could morph into WWIII and he is in an obviously brain damaged state that would preclude him from working at the local convenience store. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on October 27, 2022, 08:11:57 PM
The spin on Fetterman changes from day to day.  For months he was fine.  Then he has some trouble understanding a few words.  Now he is heroic because he is disabled but running for Senate.  No one should criticize him.  That would be like getting on a flight and being told that your pilot today is blind, but you shouldn't voice a concern because that would be unkind to a person with a disability.  Fetterman couldn't get a job at McDonald's in his current cognitive state.  But he could be the person who is the deciding vote in the US Senate for the next two years.  Unreal.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on November 02, 2022, 01:06:22 PM
The Dems called for greater law enforcement transparency following the shooting deaths of several individuals by police officers.  A reasonable and justifiable request.  But suddenly with the Paul Pelosi situation, they are not releasing the 911 call or police body cam footage.  They are providing no information about the criminal background of the illegal alien behind the attack or even his mug shot.  All public records. Then they complain about social media speculation over what happened?  LOL.  Why aren't they releasing this information?  The hypocrisy is unreal and leads to conspiracy theories about a cover up.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on November 03, 2022, 07:08:20 PM
Old Joe rolled out the last of his desperate efforts to avoid an election landslide.  The false claim that Republicans will end Social Security - check.  The false claim that voting for a Republican will be the end of democracy - big check on that one.  Imagine the rationale behind claiming that if someone votes for a candidate and that candidate receives the most votes, that it is the end of democracy.  Isn't that exactly how a democracy works?  Old Joe and his Stasi-like cronies think democracy only works one way.  You vote for them or else.  If not, then you are an insurrectionist who should be denied freedom of speech and imprisoned.  A very frightening Putin-like world view.   Fortunately, Americans are not fooled by this nonsense.  The red tsunami is coming next week.  It could be a historic landslide election.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on November 07, 2022, 03:18:39 PM
The media is increasingly desperate as it becomes clear that Old Joe and his failed party are in for a shellacking.  They are reporting with glee that Ron DeSantis got married at Disney back in 2010 as though he should have anticipated over a decade ago that Disney would go all in on woke politics.  In the meantime, there are record numbers of homicides, an open border with millions of unknown people pouring across, record inflation, record gas prices etc.  Nothing to see there but getting married at Disney is a big deal.  LOL. 

The single best thing that could happen to Old Joe is to lose the midterms big time.  Then he can resort to the time-honored excuse that the Republicans obstructed his agenda and blame them for the failures that will occur over the next two years.  He is going to get his wish.  The next thing that will happen is DOJ will announce some wrist slap for Hunter and otherwise absolve him of any criminal charges prior to the Republicans taking control of Congress in January. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on November 22, 2022, 01:37:28 PM
Of all the idiotic and disastrous policies of the Biden administration perhaps none surpasses the conclusion that the US owes reparations to countries from the harm allegedly caused by climate change.  Apparently, the US is responsible for floods in Pakistan etc.   This is like something out of a comedy sketch.  The US intends to pay Pakistan a billion dollars for the recent floods.  There is zero science to link anything the US has done to floods or natural disasters in any other country.  And what will Pakistan and other developing countries do with such money.  Fund terrorists and use it to support their corrupt governments.  It's surreal.  And here is the kicker.  China is still considered a developing country that would be eligible for this handout.  HA HA HA.  Meanwhile there is a growing US population of homeless under Old Joe's disastrous economy.  US cities are full of tens of thousands of such people.  And Old Joe and the Dems responsible for this situation won't spend a dime to help them.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 13, 2022, 02:05:59 PM
The scenes this week of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants flooding across the border in places like El Paso are unreal.  There have already been approximately 5 million people who have illegally entered the US on Old Joe's watch.  The border is wide open.  This is going to have long term implications for the US for decades.  No one has a clue who these people are.  Where are they all going?  Who is paying for their care, transportation, housing.  What is the cost of all of this?  No one has a clue.  If they do, they are not saying. Try getting off an international flight and running through customs to enter the country illegal.  They will break your legs.  But millions can do exactly that at the border.  The million-dollar question is why are the immigration laws not being enforced?   The Dems are not simply allowing this to happen for humanitarian purposes.  To the contrary, they have created a humanitarian crisis of drugs and sex trafficking.  So why?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 16, 2022, 06:20:35 PM
You have to hand it to Trump.  The man is a winner.  The leftist media relentlessly mocked him for the NFT "trading card" announcement. 

"Former President Trump’s digital trading cards have sold out less than 24 hours after he first announced they were available.

As of Friday morning, the site selling the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) says they are sold out, and links to purchase the digital cards are no longer available."

That's $4.5 million in less than 24 hours.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 19, 2022, 01:53:50 PM
Ah yes. Well to remember the Glory Days when "Mr. Humanitarian" Donald Trump cleaned up the streets, sheltered the homeless in humane conditions and played "football" with relief supplies. Trump's tariffs on China, along with massive tax cuts benefiting the One-Percent and corporations, seeded today's inflation.

Like him or hate him, Trump's America was a utopia compared to Old Joe's.  It's been one disaster after another under Old Joe.  Record crime, inflation, gas prices, illegal immigrants, crashed stock market and another endless war.   Trillions stolen from his fake COVID relief bill that led to hyper inflation.  And COVID is still rampant two years after he promised to "shutdown" the pandemic.  He is the worst president since the great depression and there are two long years to go. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 23, 2022, 12:48:03 AM
As bad as things are in the US, at least we haven't fallen to the level of "Europe."  Shameful.

"A pro-life volunteer has been arrested and charged after silently praying outside an abortion facility in Birmingham, U.K.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the director of March for Life UK, was arrested on Dec. 6 and charged on Dec. 15 with four counts of breaking a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).

A PSPO is intended to stop antisocial behavior. Police were responding to a complaint from a member of the public who believed that Vaughan-Spruce was praying silently.

As part of her bail conditions, restrictions have been placed on her participating in public prayer. Another requirement of her bail, later dropped, banned her from contacting a local priest involved in pro-life work."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 23, 2022, 02:07:41 AM
Like him or hate him, Trump's America was a utopia compared to Old Joe's.  It's been one disaster after another under Old Joe.  Record crime, inflation, gas prices, illegal immigrants, crashed stock market and another endless war.   Trillions stolen from his fake COVID relief bill that led to hyper inflation.  And COVID is still rampant two years after he promised to "shutdown" the pandemic.  He is the worst president since the great depression and there are two long years to go.

Like him or hate him, Trump's America was a utopia compared to Old Joe's.

HAHAHAHAHA  That's why so many people woke up every morning fearing what the idiot had done next....

You really need to somehow try to get back to reality!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 23, 2022, 02:29:51 AM
As bad as things are in the US, at least we haven't fallen to the level of "Europe."  Shameful.

"A pro-life volunteer has been arrested and charged after silently praying outside an abortion facility in Birmingham, U.K.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the director of March for Life UK, was arrested on Dec. 6 and charged on Dec. 15 with four counts of breaking a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).

A PSPO is intended to stop antisocial behavior. Police were responding to a complaint from a member of the public who believed that Vaughan-Spruce was praying silently.

As part of her bail conditions, restrictions have been placed on her participating in public prayer. Another requirement of her bail, later dropped, banned her from contacting a local priest involved in pro-life work."

As bad as things are in the US, at least we haven't fallen to the level of "Europe."  Shameful.

What's with the "Europe" BS?

And who are you to have an opinion about a continent you've never even visited?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 23, 2022, 08:31:51 PM
As bad as things are in the US, at least we haven't fallen to the level of "Europe."  Shameful.

What's with the "Europe" BS?

And who are you to have an opinion about a continent you've never even visited?

Are you still in "Europe" and suggesting there is a forum rule that the rest of us are unaware of about expressing opinions about it?  If so, can that rule be applied to those posters from places like "Europe" and Canada who appear to be obsessed with the US?  How about instead of deflecting yet another thread down the rabbit hole for once you address the topic?  A woman was arrested in "Europe" because she was silently praying on the street.  A condition of her bail was that she does not pray.  Do you not find this troubling?  An infringement of several basic human rights?  Or do you support the oppression of such rights?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 23, 2022, 09:57:56 PM
Are you still in "Europe" and suggesting there is a forum rule that the rest of us are unaware of about expressing opinions about it?  If so, can that rule be applied to those posters from places like "Europe" and Canada who appear to be obsessed with the US?  How about instead of deflecting yet another thread down the rabbit hole for once you address the topic?  A woman was arrested in "Europe" because she was silently praying on the street.  A condition of her bail was that she does not pray.  Do you not find this troubling?  An infringement of several basic human rights?  Or do you support the oppression of such rights?

Are you still in "Europe" and suggesting there is a forum rule that the rest of us are unaware of about expressing opinions about it?

Yes of course. I'm one of the lucky ones who can choose where they want to live. Life is far more pleasant and relaxed here. I'm done with leaving my house every day fearing that on every corner there is an idiot or mental case carrying a gun. I'm sick and tired of wondering if my grandkids will make it back home alive from school every day. Don't get me wrong. I love the country but for some time now it's no longer that land of the free. The righteous people of the country have been imprisoned by the gun fanatics. 

And, no there isn't such a forum rule, but opinions based on nothing but a total lack of actual knowledge by ignorant people aren't worth much.

A woman was arrested in "Europe" because she was silently praying on the street.  A condition of her bail was that she does not pray.  Do you not find this troubling?

Really? Are you sure that's what really happened? I seriously doubt it. You probably got that stuff from the same station that falsely claimed cities like Birmingham and Paris had islamic no go zones. And no, I don't find that troubling when she is charged with disturbing the peace.

Just a few days ago a woman in the Houston area was shot by police for walking on the sidewalk. Do you not find this troubling?
Three months ago in Colorado a 22 year old man who called 911 for help was shot and killed by police. Do you not find this troubling?
Two weeks ago in Texas a man was shot by Austin police when he walked on his own porch with a weapon looking for an intruder. Do you not find this troubling?

and the list goes on and on.....

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 24, 2022, 03:08:17 PM
Are you still in "Europe" and suggesting there is a forum rule that the rest of us are unaware of about expressing opinions about it?

Yes of course. I'm one of the lucky ones who can choose where they want to live. Life is far more pleasant and relaxed here. I'm done with leaving my house every day fearing that on every corner there is an idiot or mental case carrying a gun. I'm sick and tired of wondering if my grandkids will make it back home alive from school every day. Don't get me wrong. I love the country but for some time now it's no longer that land of the free. The righteous people of the country have been imprisoned by the gun fanatics. 

And, no there isn't such a forum rule, but opinions based on nothing but a total lack of actual knowledge by ignorant people aren't worth much.

A woman was arrested in "Europe" because she was silently praying on the street.  A condition of her bail was that she does not pray.  Do you not find this troubling?

Really? Are you sure that's what really happened? I seriously doubt it. You probably got that stuff from the same station that falsely claimed cities like Birmingham and Paris had islamic no go zones. And no, I don't find that troubling when she is charged with disturbing the peace.

Just a few days ago a woman in the Houston area was shot by police for walking on the sidewalk. Do you not find this troubling?
Three months ago in Colorado a 22 year old man who called 911 for help was shot and killed by police. Do you not find this troubling?
Two weeks ago in Texas a man was shot by Austin police when he walked on his own porch with a weapon looking for an intruder. Do you not find this troubling?

and the list goes on and on.....

I agree that the Biden administration has ruined America.  Record crime because they allow crimes to go unpunished and release dangerous criminals back onto the streets.  Homeless encampments etc.  Every Amercian city which have all been governed by Dems for decades is overrun by crime and homelessness due to the failed policies of the leftists.  You sure know a lot about Texas for someone who lives in "Europe".  But don't be so pompous about the comparison.  "Europe" can only be a socialist utopia because the US pays for its national defense and has done so due to the corruption of our politicians for the last 70 years.  If someone had paid for the national defense of the US - who spends trillions on defense - and we could allocate that money to other purposes, the US would be the utopia.  It is only through corruption and incompetence of our politicians (both republicans and Dems) that this has resulted. 

Here is the dangerous "terrorist" arrested for silently praying.  Everyone can judge for themselves.  It is an astounding violation of human rights.  Keep in mind that leftists support allowing people to live on public streets, defecate on those streets, take drugs and harass people, and steal from businesses, just don't pray because that is verboten. 

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 24, 2022, 03:54:37 PM
I agree that the Biden administration has ruined America.  Record crime because they allow crimes to go unpunished and release dangerous criminals back onto the streets.  Homeless encampments etc.  Every Amercian city which have all been governed by Dems for decades is overrun by crime and homelessness due to the failed policies of the leftists.  You sure know a lot about Texas for someone who lives in "Europe".  But don't be so pompous about the comparison.  "Europe" can only be a socialist utopia because the US pays for its national defense and has done so due to the corruption of our politicians for the last 70 years.  If someone had paid for the national defense of the US - who spends trillions on defense - and we could allocate that money to other purposes, the US would be the utopia.  It is only through corruption and incompetence of our politicians (both republicans and Dems) that this has resulted. 

I agree that the Biden administration has ruined America.

BS... People like you ruined America a long time ago. It just keeps getting worse because there are two parties who fight eachother more than they try to do something good for the country.

Record crime because they allow crimes to go unpunished and release dangerous criminals back onto the streets.

And yet, America has by far the highest number of prisoners per capita in the world. Go figure.... Maybe crime would go down if guns weren't so easily available for those criminals to get hold of.

Every Amercian city which have all been governed by Dems for decades is overrun by crime and homelessness due to the failed policies of the leftists.

It has nothing to do with failed policies of the left. It simply is a fact that more people live in cities and that has consequences.

You sure know a lot about Texas for someone who lives in "Europe".

Yeah, I've got this thing called "internet". It's very handy, and this thing called YouTube will show you far more videos about police brutality than I care to watch. Give it a try.
Btw you haven't answered my question. You get all upset about a woman in Birmingham, England being arrested by unarmed police officers, but you don't care when highly strung cops in the USA kill innocent civilians who walk on sidewalks or ask for help. Is that your position?

But don't be so pompous about the comparison.  "Europe" can only be a socialist utopia because the US pays for its national defense

Yes, that's one of the many lies Americans are told about Europe. And those people actually believe it until they go the Europe and see for themselves that they have been told a lot of BS. Europe is not socialist continent. Some countries have left wing governments, others have right wing governments. Unlike America, Europe hasn't got gestapo-like cops, militias, regular mass murders and school shootings. It also has a far more superior healthcare system at a fraction of the cost in the US. Is it perfect? No it isn't. There are people living there, which means there will always be some idiot who screws things up.

If someone had paid for the national defense of the US - who spends trillions on defense - and we could allocate that money to other purposes, the US would be the utopia.  It is only through corruption and incompetence of our politicians (both republicans and Dems) that this has resulted. 

Finally we agree on something.

Here is the dangerous "terrorist" arrested for silently praying.  Everyone can judge for themselves.  It is an astounding violation of human rights.  Keep in mind that leftists support allowing people to live on public streets, defecate on those streets, take drugs and harass people, and steal from businesses, just don't pray because that is verboten. 

She wasn't arrest for silently praying. The video shows there is a history there and on previous occassions complaints have been made about her behavior which resulting in a court issueing a so-called Public Spaces Protection order against her. The police asked her is she would come volutary to the station to answer questions about possible violations of the order and when she refused they arrested her. There was no human rights violation. When she is suspected of violating a lawful order the police have every right to arrest her.

But leave it to Fox (and you) to completely misrepresent the story just as they did when they falsely claimed that there was an Islamic no go zone in Birmingham (and Paris).
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 24, 2022, 04:11:15 PM

She wasn't arrest for silently praying. The video shows there is a history there and on previous occassions complaints have been made about her behavior which resulting in a court issueing a so-called Public Spaces Protection order against her. The police asked her is she would come volutary to the station to answer questions about possible violations of the order and when she refused they arrested her. There was no human rights violation. When she is suspected of violating a lawful order the police have every right to arrest her.

But leave it to Fox (and you) to completely misrepresent the story just as they did when they falsely claimed that there was an Islamic no go zone in Birmingham (and Paris).

Why did they ask "Are you praying?" if that was not a factor in her arrest?  LOL.  You can't be for real.  Let me get this one straight.  You are concerned about American police - who have to deal with record violent crime due to leftist policies - but not British police arresting an unarmed woman standing quietly by herself.  That is your comparison.   Her "behavior" is standing peacefully on a public street.  And you support a "Public Space Protection" that is imposed on individuals who exercise peaceful protest and religious prayer?  In contrast, to leftist policies that allow homeless people to take drugs, defecate, and engage in all manner of objectionable behavior in a public space.   They asked her to come "voluntarily" to the station but then arrested her when she refused?  That is a tortured interpretation of voluntary and police powers.  All the more ironic since you and your contrarian sidekick have criticized the DPD for approaching Oswald (a double murderer who had snuck into a movie theatre) to ask him questions claiming that was a violation of his rights.  Unreal.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 24, 2022, 05:09:35 PM
Why did they ask "Are you praying?" if that was not a factor in her arrest?  LOL.  You can't be for real.  Let me get this one straight.  You are concerned about American police - who have to deal with record violent crime due to leftist policies - but not British police arresting an unarmed woman standing quietly by herself.  That is your comparison.   Her "behavior" is standing peacefully on a public street.  And you support a "Public Space Protection" that is imposed on individuals who exercise peaceful protest and religious prayer?  In contrast, to leftist policies that allow homeless people to take drugs, defecate, and engage in all manner of objectionable behavior in a public space.   They asked her to come "voluntarily" to the station but then arrested her when she refused?  That is a tortured interpretation of voluntary and police powers.  All the more ironic since you and your contrarian sidekick have criticized the DPD for approaching Oswald (a double murderer who had snuck into a movie theatre) to ask him questions claiming that was a violation of his rights.  Unreal.

Why did they ask "Are you praying?" if that was not a factor in her arrest?  LOL.  You can't be for real.

No, it was not a factor in her arrest. The video clearly shows that police wanted to talk to here about events on other days and the complaints that resulted in a Public Spaces Protection order. That's what she was arrested for. She most likely created a nuisance on other occassions and was told not to return to the area. As soon as she refused to go to the police station she was arrested regardless of what she was doing.

You are concerned about American police - who have to deal with record violent crime due to leftist policies -

No. I am concerned about the excess violence of highly strung American police who assume that every person they meet could be carrying a weapon. The crime rate is not recent. It's consistent and has been so for a while.

but not British police arresting an unarmed woman standing quietly by herself.  That is your comparison. 

For the record, it's unarmed police officers (Bobbies don't normally carry guns) arresting a women for violating a lawful order. Consider it similar to a trespass. When a trespasser is told to leave and later returns, even if he is not doing anything, he will get arrested!

Her "behavior" is standing peacefully on a public street.  And you support a "Public Space Protection" that is imposed on individuals who exercise peaceful protest and religious prayer?

Educate yourself before you make stupid comments. She was charged with four counts of failing to comply with a Public Space Protection Order and will appear in court in February 2023.


I'll gladly support an Public Space Protection Order that is intended to keep an area safe. For crying out loud, you support that every man, woman and child has easy access to leathel weapons. If I have to choose I'll pick the Public Space Protection Order every time.

They asked her to come "voluntarily" to the station but then arrested her when she refused?  That is a tortured interpretation of voluntary and police powers.

No it isn't. Police was going to take her to the police station one way or the other. They gave her the option to go voluntary. If she had done so, she wouldn't have been arrested.

Why is it that the far extreme right in the US are the only ones who are blowing this thing out of all proportions with a complete misrepresentation of the facts. Are guys like you really that naive to believe that it's not easy to find out what really happened.

All the more ironic since you and your contrarian sidekick have criticized the DPD for approaching Oswald (a double murderer who had snuck into a movie theatre) to ask him questions claiming that was a violation of his rights.  Unreal.

What's really unreal is the number of times you claim I have said something which I have never said. But I will say something now; the DPD did not approach Oswald to ask him questions. They were there in force to arrest him without being able to specify for what he was being arrested.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 24, 2022, 08:24:07 PM
Why did they ask "Are you praying?" if that was not a factor in her arrest?  LOL.  You can't be for real.

No, it was not a factor in her arrest. The video clearly shows that police wanted to talk to here about events on other days and the complaints that resulted in a Public Spaces Protection order. That's what she was arrested for. She most likely created a nuisance on other occassions and was told not to return to the area. As soon as she refused to go to the police station she was arrested regardless of what she was doing.

The policeman asked her "ARE YOU PRAYING?" just before arresting her.  Again "ARE YOU PRAYING?"  But that was not a factor in her arrest?  Then why ask her?  And she "most likely created a nuisance on other occasions"?  It's grounds to arrest someone based on their prior behavior?  And how is she creating a "nuisance" by standing alone praying to herself in this instance?  Is that how they define a nuisance in "Europe"?  It's Orwellian.  And to think the leftist are actually on the side of Big Brother in this age.  If she had been told not to this on a prior occasion, then more power to her.  She is a hero.  Her religious freedom and right to peacefully protest were not only infringed but she had the courage to stand up for them in the face of authoritarian persecution. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 24, 2022, 08:33:18 PM

All the more ironic since you and your contrarian sidekick have criticized the DPD for approaching Oswald (a double murderer who had snuck into a movie theatre) to ask him questions claiming that was a violation of his rights.  Unreal.

What's really unreal is the number of times you claim I have said something which I have never said. But I will say something now; the DPD did not approach Oswald to ask him questions. They were there in force to arrest him without being able to specify for what he was being arrested.

LOL.  And you can read the minds of the DPD as well as the British police?  Psychic despite lecturing others endlessly on "assumptions".  The DPD approached Oswald in the same manner as the person being seen running into the library.  As a potential suspect in the murder of a police officer.  A potentially dangerous person.  They had grounds to be cautious about approaching a person who may have just killed another police officer.  If Oswald had simply stood there and answered their questions, as the reasonable person at the library did in identical circumstances, then he could have explained himself if innocent.  Instead he reached for his gun and engaged in a struggle before the police had a chance to start questioning him.  And even if they were going to make an "unjust" arrest without bothering to question him first in your idiotic contrarian scenario, the thing to do is go peacefully as this woman did in England.  Not try to kill the police officer.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 24, 2022, 10:26:35 PM
The policeman asked her "ARE YOU PRAYING?" just before arresting her.  Again "ARE YOU PRAYING?"  But that was not a factor in her arrest?  Then why ask her?  And she "most likely created a nuisance on other occasions"?  It's grounds to arrest someone based on their prior behavior?  And how is she creating a "nuisance" by standing alone praying to herself in this instance?  Is that how they define a nuisance in "Europe"?  It's Orwellian.  And to think the leftist are actually on the side of Big Brother in this age.  If she had been told not to this on a prior occasion, then more power to her.  She is a hero.  Her religious freedom and right to peacefully protest were not only infringed but she had the courage to stand up for them in the face of authoritarian persecution.

The policeman asked her "ARE YOU PRAYING?" just before arresting her.  Again "ARE YOU PRAYING?"  But that was not a factor in her arrest?  Then why ask her?

Ever considered the possibility that the police man asked her out of respect for her faith. If she was praying he may well have waited until she finished her prayer.

And she "most likely created a nuisance on other occasions"?  It's grounds to arrest someone based on their prior behavior?  And how is she creating a "nuisance" by standing alone praying to herself in this instance? 

I know by now that it is nearly impossible to get anything into that head of yours, but (again) she wasn't arrested for praying. She was arrested for violating a lawful order four times in the past. That's what she is charged with.

Is that how they define a nuisance in "Europe"?

You don't even know that England is only one country in Europe?

If she had been told not to this on a prior occasion, then more power to her.  She is a hero.  Her religious freedom and right to peacefully protest were not only infringed but she had the courage to stand up for them in the face of authoritarian persecution.

Utter Bs... Her religious freedom has nothing to do with it. She can practice her faith anywhere she wants, except of course in those Protected areas. He rights were not infringed upon, she broke the law four times, but I guess that doesn't matter for you. Complaining about people breaking the law in the US and cheering people on who break the law in other countries. You're truly pathetic.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 24, 2022, 10:54:34 PM
It's actually sad and hilarious at the same time.

A fanatical right wing zealot, as Richard is, couldn't care less if highly strung American police officers kill innocent people, for walking on the sidewalk or asking for help, on a daily basis, but he cries crocodile tears when a religious nutjob in England gets peacefully arrested by unarmed officers for violating the law for the 5th time in a row.

You can't make this stuff up, but Richard can   :D

I seriously doubt that anybody wants to be around him for Xmas.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 25, 2022, 07:51:27 PM
The policeman asked her "ARE YOU PRAYING?" just before arresting her.  Again "ARE YOU PRAYING?"  But that was not a factor in her arrest?  Then why ask her?

Ever considered the possibility that the police man asked her out of respect for her faith. If she was praying he may well have waited until she finished her prayer.

So the policeman who approached her and asked "Are you praying?" just before arresting her was doing so out of respect for her faith?  That is comedy gold.  Breathless in its stupidity.  They "respected" her by telling her she was under arrest, having her searched, and putting her in the squad car where she was interrogated about praying and her bail condition included not praying again in a public area.  He was asking her what she was doing there to ascertain whether he had grounds to arrest her.  When she confirmed that she was praying in regard to the abortion center, she was immediately arrested.  That was literally the ONLY thing she was doing there. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 25, 2022, 08:59:36 PM
So the policeman who approached her and asked "Are you praying?" just before arresting her was doing so out of respect for her faith?  That is comedy gold.  Breathless in its stupidity.  They "respected" her by telling her she was under arrest, having her searched, and putting her in the squad car where she was interrogated about praying and her bail condition included not praying again in a public area.  He was asking her what she was doing there to ascertain whether he had grounds to arrest her.  When she confirmed that she was praying in regard to the abortion center, she was immediately arrested.  That was literally the ONLY thing she was doing there.

she was interrogated about praying and her bail condition included not praying again in a public area.

She wasn't interrogated about praying. She was merely asked if she was praying. And not praying in a public area is not part of her bail condition. Stop lying, will ya!

He was asking her what she was doing there to ascertain whether he had grounds to arrest her.

Idiot. In the video you hear the police officer say that they wanted to talk to her about previous incidents. In the newspaper link I provided we find out those incidents were four previous violations of a lawful order intended to keep the area safe. They asked her if she would come to the station voluntary and she refused and that's when they arrested her.

She is due in court in February 2023 and it charged with several violations of a lawful order, which is exactly what she was arrested for. She is not charged for praying in public.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 27, 2022, 07:47:22 PM
she was interrogated about praying and her bail condition included not praying again in a public area.

She wasn't interrogated about praying. She was merely asked if she was praying. And not praying in a public area is not part of her bail condition. Stop lying, will ya!

He was asking her what she was doing there to ascertain whether he had grounds to arrest her.

Idiot. In the video you hear the police officer say that they wanted to talk to her about previous incidents. In the newspaper I provided link we find out those incidents were four previous violations of a lawful order intended to keep the area safe. They asked her if she would come to the station voluntary and she refused and that's what they arrested her.

She is due in court in February 2023 and it charged with several violations of a lawful order, which is exactly what she was arrested for. She is not charged for praying in public.

More personal insults.  This woman was doing nothing other than standing silently and praying.  She was arrested for that.  If the ONLY thing you are doing is praying when you are arrested, and the police ask "Are you praying?" just before arresting her, that means she was arrested for praying.  It is literally the only thing she was doing at the time of her arrest.   If she had been drunk, and the police officer had asked "Have you been drinking?" and she said "Yes" just before arresting her, she would have been under arrest for being drunk.  The fact that she has exercised her religious liberties on prior occasions in a similar manner does not justify her arrest.  Her behavior was entirely lawful on this occasion and any prior occasion in which she peacefully exercised her right to pray.  Every person who believes in human rights should support the ability to pray without fear of arrest.  The act she is under arrest for is praying in public.  That is simply a fact even if the charge is a violation of an ordinance.  It was the only act she was performing when she was arrested. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 27, 2022, 08:42:49 PM
More personal insults.  This woman was doing nothing other than standing silently and praying.  She was arrested for that.  If the ONLY thing you are doing is praying when you are arrested, and the police ask "Are you praying?" just before arresting her, that means she was arrested for praying.  It is literally the only thing she was doing at the time of her arrest.   If she had been drunk, and the police officer had asked "Have you been drinking?" and she said "Yes" just before arresting her, she would have been under arrest for being drunk.  The fact that she has exercised her religious liberties on prior occasions in a similar manner does not justify her arrest.  Her behavior was entirely lawful on this occasion and any prior occasion in which she peacefully exercised her right to pray.  Every person who believes in human rights should support the ability to pray without fear of arrest.  The act she is under arrest for is praying in public.  That is simply a fact even if the charge is a violation of an ordinance.  It was the only act she was performing when she was arrested.

The act she is under arrest for is praying in public.  That is simply a fact even if the charge is a violation of an ordinance.

She is charged with violating a lawful order four times and will go to court for that. But that doesn't stop our resident fool (who has never been in Europe and is clueless about the English legal system) to disagree and make up a bogus story about her being arrested for praying.

It's not only hilarious but also a perfect demonstration of a total lack of any sense of reality, which he also displays frequently in the Kennedy case. Ignoring the actual evidence, misrepresenting facts and making up stories he can't support with any evidence is Richard's trademark! (*)

The bottom line is here that a bogus story of an innocent bystander arrested for praying makes for a far more dramatics (in Richard's mind) than the story of a religious nutjob who is known for intimidation of women visiting abortion centers and who gets arrested for several violations of a lawful city ordinance.


(*) Richard once claimed that the evidence for Oswald coming down the TSBD stairs unnoticed after the shots was that it happened! Says it all, really...
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 28, 2022, 05:09:51 PM
The act she is under arrest for is praying in public.  That is simply a fact even if the charge is a violation of an ordinance.

She is charged with violating a lawful order four times and will go to court for that. But that doesn't stop our resident fool (who has never been in Europe and is clueless about the English legal system) to disagree and make up a bogus story about her being arrested for praying.

It's not only hilarious but also a perfect demonstration of a total lack of any sense of reality, which he also displays frequently in the Kennedy case. Ignoring the actual evidence, misrepresenting facts and making up stories he can't support with any evidence is Richard's trademark! (*)

The bottom line is here that a bogus story of an innocent bystander arrested for praying makes for a far more dramatics (in Richard's mind) than the story of a religious nutjob who is known for intimidation of women visiting abortion centers and who gets arrested for several violations of a lawful city ordinance.


(*) Richard once claimed that the evidence for Oswald coming down the TSBD stairs unnoticed after the shots was that it happened! Says it all, really...

This is real simple.  Pay attention.  The law she violated is intended to protect public spaces from objectionable conduct.  So that the public can make use of them. For example, not cleaning up after your dog in a park.  It is not unlawful for the public to be in these places.  In fact, the law is intended to promote the usage of public areas.   This woman was arrested on a public sidewalk.  Her presence on a public sidewalk is not a crime.  Every citizen can lawfully be present in a public area.  She has to be committing some objectionable act in that area in the opinion of the authorities. 

In this instance, she was asked "Are you praying?" by the policeman to determine whether her presence there was to protest the nearby abortion clinic.  It was her acknowledgement that she was praying that led to her arrest in this instance.  The act of praying or expression of religious liberties is deemed objectionable by the authorities when it comes to abortion.  No dissent is allowed.  That was her crime.  To pray in contradiction of the authoritarian's desire to suppress any dissent to abortion was her crime.  She committed no other act other than to pray.  As a result, it is proper and correct to deem her arrest to be for praying.  The fact that Martin characterizes a person arrested for standing peacefully and praying to be a "religious nutjob" is the real reason behind her arrest.  An anti-religious bigotry.  Shameful. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 28, 2022, 06:59:47 PM
This is real simple.  Pay attention.  The law she violated is intended to protect public spaces from objectionable conduct.  So that the public can make use of them. For example, not cleaning up after your dog in a park.  It is not unlawful for the public to be in these places.  In fact, the law is intended to promote the usage of public areas.   This woman was arrested on a public sidewalk.  Her presence on a public sidewalk is not a crime.  Every citizen can lawfully be present in a public area.  She has to be committing some objectionable act in that area in the opinion of the authorities. 

In this instance, she was asked "Are you praying?" by the policeman to determine whether her presence there was to protest the nearby abortion clinic.  It was her acknowledgement that she was praying that led to her arrest in this instance.  The act of praying or expression of religious liberties is deemed objectionable by the authorities when it comes to abortion.  No dissent is allowed.  That was her crime.  To pray in contradiction of the authoritarian's desire to suppress any dissent to abortion was her crime.  She committed no other act other than to pray.  As a result, it is proper and correct to deem her arrest to be for praying.  The fact that Martin characterizes a person arrested for standing peacefully and praying to be a "religious nutjob" is the real reason behind her arrest.  An anti-religious bigotry.  Shameful.

As I said earlier; a perfect demonstration of a total lack of any sense of reality!

The law she violated is intended to protect public spaces from objectionable conduct.

Indeed, and she apparently violated that law four times.

This woman was arrested on a public sidewalk. 

Yes, so what? Are there specific places now where you can arrest somebody for violating the law four times?

She has to be committing some objectionable act in that area in the opinion of the authorities. 

Really? So if a guy robs a bank on Monday and on Tuesday he is just standing on the sidewalk doing nothing wrong, police can't arrest him? Is that your "logic"?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 29, 2022, 12:40:42 AM
As I said earlier; a perfect demonstration of a total lack of any sense of reality!

The law she violated is intended to protect public spaces from objectionable conduct.

Indeed, and she apparently violated that law four times.

This woman was arrested on a public sidewalk. 

Yes, so what? Are there specific places now where you can arrest somebody for violating the law four times?

She has to be committing some objectionable act in that area in the opinion of the authorities. 

Really? So if a guy robs a bank on Monday and on Tuesday he is just standing on the sidewalk doing nothing wrong, police can't arrest him? Is that your "logic"?

Her prior "violations" were for the same lawful conduct.  Praying.  She did not "rob a bank."  LOL.  Her only act was to pray. Multiple wrongs on behalf of the authorities do not make a right.  You must really hate religious people.  Particularly when they dissent from authoritarian leftist causes.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 29, 2022, 12:47:37 AM
Her prior "violations" were for the same lawful conduct.  Praying.  She did not "rob a bank."  LOL.  Her only act was to pray. Multiple wrongs on behalf of the authorities do not make a right.  You must really hate religious people.  Particularly when they dissent from authoritarian leftist causes.

Her prior "violations" were for the same lawful conduct.

Nope... her prior violations were for intimidation of women visiting the abortion center.

You really need to do some research before you (once again) expose your ignorance!

You must really hate religious people.

Not really, but I don't like fanatical zealots who try to impose their opinion on other people.

Particularly when they dissent from authoritarian leftist causes.

Like what? Be precise....
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 29, 2022, 12:56:28 AM
Her prior "violations" were for the same lawful conduct.

Nope... her prior violations were for intimidation of women visiting the abortion center.

You really need to do some research before you (once again) expose your ignorance!

You must really hate religious people.

Not really, but I don't like fanatical zealots who try to impose their opinion on other people.

Particularly when they dissent from authoritarian leftist causes.

Like what? Be precise....

Isn't it late in "Europe"?  LOL.  Her acts of intimidation were praying.  Like yourself, some people find that objectionable and worthy of arrest.  The leftist cause here is not a mystery.  The authorities have imposed a censorship zone around an abortion clinic.  They use that as a pretext to arrest dissenters.  No praying allowed there.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 29, 2022, 01:10:07 AM
Isn't it late in "Europe"?  LOL.  Her acts of intimidation were praying.  Like yourself, some people find that objectionable and worthy of arrest.  The leftist cause here is not a mystery.  The authorities have imposed a censorship zone around an abortion clinic.  They use that as a pretext to arrest dissenters.  No praying allowed there.

Isn't it late in "Europe"?

Not really, no

Her acts of intimidation were praying.

No, there were not, but since you keep repeating it; prove it. Show us the charges filed against her.

Like yourself, some people find that objectionable and worthy of arrest.

Wrong again. If it was only praying it would not be worthy of arrest.

The leftist cause here is not a mystery.  The authorities have imposed a censorship zone around an abortion clinic.

And there we have it. Unlike in the US, in England abortion is legal and women who visit a clinic should be able to do so without being accosted by fanatic religious zealots.

What makes you think that whatever you believe is more important than a woman's right to decide about her own body and life?

Let me ask you a question; is there anything that you don't hate?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 29, 2022, 02:20:06 PM
Isn't it late in "Europe"?

Not really, no

Her acts of intimidation were praying.

No, there were not, but since you keep repeating it; prove it. Show us the charges filed against her.

Like yourself, some people find that objectionable and worthy of arrest.

Wrong again. If it was only praying it would not be worthy of arrest.

The leftist cause here is not a mystery.  The authorities have imposed a censorship zone around an abortion clinic.

And there we have it. Unlike in the US, in England abortion is legal and women who visit a clinic should be able to do so without being accosted by fanatic religious zealots.

What makes you think that whatever you believe is more important than a woman's right to decide about her own body and life?

Let me ask you a question; is there anything that you don't hate?

A woman arrested for silently praying is a "religious zealot", "religious nutjob" and "religious fanatic" according to Martin.  See any theme?  But without missing a beat, he tells us this has nothing to do with religion.  HA HA HA.  Unreal.   No one said anything about the subject of abortion.  The obvious point is that leftist have created this "zone" around an abortion clinic as a pretext for arresting peaceful dissenters because abortion is a sacred leftist cause.  It is a way for the authoritarians to suppress free speech and religious liberties via a zoning regulation.  Then argue, as you have stupidly done, that this all has nothing to do with religious liberties.  Whether abortion is good, bad or indifferent is not the issue.  This woman was singled out for prosecution because she dared to dissent against abortion.  Not because she committed any crime. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 29, 2022, 02:40:45 PM
A woman arrested for silently praying is a "religious zealot", "religious nutjob" and "religious fanatic" according to Martin.  See any theme?  But without missing a beat, he tells us this has nothing to do with religion.  HA HA HA.  Unreal.   No one said anything about the subject of abortion.  The obvious point is that leftist have created this "zone" around an abortion clinic as a pretext for arresting peaceful dissenters because abortion is a sacred leftist cause.  It is a way for the authoritarians to suppress free speech and religious liberties via a zoning regulation.  Then argue, as you have stupidly done, that this all has nothing to do with religious liberties.  Whether abortion is good, bad or indifferent is not the issue.  This woman was singled out for prosecution because she dared to dissent against abortion.  Not because she committed any crime.

Why don't you fly to Birmingham and tell it to the Judge and Jury at her trial, troll.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 29, 2022, 02:52:57 PM
Why don't you fly to Birmingham and tell it to the Judge and Jury at her trial, troll.

Such an angry guy.  Make you a deal.  I'll do that when you go to the NY Times or Tucker Carlson and provide them with your "evidence" that Oswald "didn't come down the stairs."  Thereby proving a conspiracy in the assassination of the US president.  HA HA HA.  Make sure to bring a suitcase because the mental health authorities may offer you accommodations for a lengthy stay.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 29, 2022, 04:50:25 PM
Such an angry guy.  Make you a deal.  I'll do that when you go to the NY Times or Tucker Carlson and provide them with your "evidence" that Oswald "didn't come down the stairs."  Thereby proving a conspiracy in the assassination of the US president.  HA HA HA.  Make sure to bring a suitcase because the mental health authorities may offer you accommodations for a lengthy stay.

There it is again; desperation on full display! Dishonestly asking for evidence of something that didn't happen in order to weasel out of another mess he has gotten himself into.

Not the first time and it won't be the last.  :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 30, 2022, 04:13:16 PM
There it is again; desperation on full display! Dishonestly asking for evidence of something that didn't happen in order to weasel out of another mess he has gotten himself into.

Not the first time and it won't be the last.  :D

So I guess I won't be reading about your idiotic claim in the NY Times that you have proven a conspiracy to kill JFK.  Oswald "didn't come down the stairs"!  LOL.  That's a shame since it would have meant a Pulitzer Prize for you.  I wonder why you are so reluctant to bring this to the attention of the world outside this forum.  Some dim awareness that you are a fraud?  Maybe that is the source of your anger.  Self-loathing.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 30, 2022, 07:31:53 PM
So I guess I won't be reading about your idiotic claim in the NY Times that you have proven a conspiracy to kill JFK.  Oswald "didn't come down the stairs"!  LOL.  That's a shame since it would have meant a Pulitzer Prize for you.  I wonder why you are so reluctant to bring this to the attention of the world outside this forum.  Some dim awareness that you are a fraud?  Maybe that is the source of your anger.  Self-loathing.

your idiotic claim in the NY Times that you have proven a conspiracy to kill JFK

And yet another lie from Richard. I never made such a claim

Oswald "didn't come down the stairs"!  LOL.

That's the only correct conclusion as all the available evidence points to that and you have failed miserably, for six months now, to provide a shred of evidence for your bogus claim that Oswald did come down the stairs unnoticed within 75 seconds after the last shot.

The only question that really needs to be asked is; "why am I wasting my time telling this to a brainless dishonest troll?"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on December 31, 2022, 04:18:57 PM
your idiotic claim in the NY Times that you have proven a conspiracy to kill JFK

And yet another lie from Richard. I never made such a claim

Oswald "didn't come down the stairs"!  LOL.

That's the only correct conclusion as all the available evidence points to that and you have failed miserably, for six months now, to provide a shred of evidence for your bogus claim that Oswald did come down the stairs unnoticed within 75 seconds after the last shot.

The only question that really needs to be asked is; "why am I wasting my time telling this to a brainless dishonest troll?"

If Oswald "didn't come down the stairs," then he couldn't have been the assassin on the 6th floor because those stairs were the only way for him to have made it to the 2nd floor lunchroom in the known timeframe.  If Oswald wasn't the 6th floor assassin, then someone else must have assassinated JFK and planted the evidence to frame Oswald for the crime.  That means Oswald wasn't the assassin and there was a conspiracy.  But Martin denies he is suggesting there was a conspiracy in reaching his idiotic conclusion about Oswald not coming down the stairs!  HA HA HA.  Every fact exists in a vacuum in his contrarian world having no impact on any other action.  So Oswald not coming down the stairs after the assassination is the end of his analysis.  Its implications are left unaddressed.  HA HA HA.  And the mandatory personal insults and commentary.  It's amazing that he can't make a single post that avoids an insult.  So angry and unable to control his emotions.  Like a petulant child learning there is no Santa Claus.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on December 31, 2022, 05:30:33 PM
If Oswald "didn't come down the stairs," then he couldn't have been the assassin on the 6th floor because those stairs were the only way for him to have made it to the 2nd floor lunchroom in the known timeframe.  If Oswald wasn't the 6th floor assassin, then someone else must have assassinated JFK and planted the evidence to frame Oswald for the crime.  That means Oswald wasn't the assassin and there was a conspiracy.  But Martin denies he is suggesting there was a conspiracy in reaching his idiotic conclusion about Oswald not coming down the stairs!  HA HA HA.  Every fact exists in a vacuum in his contrarian world having no impact on any other action.  So Oswald not coming down the stairs after the assassination is the end of his analysis.  Its implications are left unaddressed.  HA HA HA.  And the mandatory personal insults and commentary.  It's amazing that he can't make a single post that avoids an insult.  So angry and unable to control his emotions.  Like a petulant child learning there is no Santa Claus.

If Oswald "didn't come down the stairs," then he couldn't have been the assassin on the 6th floor because those stairs were the only way for him to have made it to the 2nd floor lunchroom in the known timeframe.  If Oswald wasn't the 6th floor assassin, then someone else must have assassinated JFK and planted the evidence to frame Oswald for the crime.  That means Oswald wasn't the assassin and there was a conspiracy.

Those are logical conclusions, which is why it is so important to provide conclusive evidence for Oswald being on the 6th floor when the shots were fired and coming down the stairs within 75 seconds after the last shot. For 6 months now you have failed miserably to provide even a shred of evidence that puts Oswald on the 6th floor and coming down the stairs. Your assumption that he was isn't evidence!

So Oswald not coming down the stairs after the assassination is the end of his analysis.

Indeed. That's what the available evidence allows. Anything beyond that would be pure speculation. I've told you a long time ago that I don't care if Oswald did it alone or if there was a conspiracy. All I am interested in is finding out just how strong or weak the case against Oswald is. For that all I need to do is scrutinize the available evidence. Unlike you, I don't have to make up stuff   Thumb1:

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 03, 2023, 07:00:14 PM
If Oswald "didn't come down the stairs," then he couldn't have been the assassin on the 6th floor because those stairs were the only way for him to have made it to the 2nd floor lunchroom in the known timeframe.  If Oswald wasn't the 6th floor assassin, then someone else must have assassinated JFK and planted the evidence to frame Oswald for the crime.  That means Oswald wasn't the assassin and there was a conspiracy.

Those are logical conclusions, which is why it is so important to provide conclusive evidence for Oswald being on the 6th floor when the shots were fired and coming down the stairs within 75 seconds after the last shot. For 6 months now you have failed miserably to provide even a shred of evidence that puts Oswald on the 6th floor and coming down the stairs. Your assumption that he was isn't evidence!

So Oswald not coming down the stairs after the assassination is the end of his analysis.

Indeed. That's what the available evidence allows. Anything beyond that would be pure speculation. I've told you a long time ago that I don't care if Oswald did it alone or if there was a conspiracy. All I am interested in is finding out just how strong or weak the case against Oswald is. For that all I need to do is scrutinize the available evidence. Unlike you, I don't have to make up stuff   Thumb1:

There is no "assumption" about this.  If there is evidence that places someone named, for example, "Martin" in "Europe" this morning, and evidence that places him in Texas several hours later, then we know as an absolute fact that Martin has flown from "Europe" to Texas that day on a plane since that is the ONLY way for him to have been in both places within the known timeframe.  Just because there may be no witness who can later confirm his presence on any specific plane raises no doubt about this conclusion much less proves he wasn't on a plane.  The conclusion is premised on the only possible explanation.

You are attempting to raise doubt about Oswald's presence on the 6th floor by suggesting that witnesses preclude him from having used the stairs.  That is a false premise because your witness testimony is not sufficient in detail and recollection to the level necessary to support your desired conclusion.  We are talking about a matter of seconds for Oswald to have descended the stairs from the 6th floor to the 2nd floor.  No witness precludes him from having done so.  You are correct that no witness can confirm his presence on the stairs either.  However, the evidence places him on the 6th floor at 12:30.  Oswald's gun is found there.  Fired bullet casings from his gun are found by the very window from which the shots were fired at 12:30.  His prints are on the boxes etc.  Oswald provides no credible alibi or explanation for this evidence.  Instead he lies about ownership of a rifle.  You don't accept that evidence as conclusive of his presence on the 6ht floor because you apply an impossible standard of proof.  But any reasonable person, in any other crime, accepts that this evidence places him on the 6th floor at 12:30 absent a credible alibi or explanation from Oswald as to how his rifle came to be found there.  None of which Oswald provided.

So what we are left with is persuasive evidence that places him on the 6th floor at 12:30 and then his presence in the lunchroom a few minutes later.  And the only way to have gotten between these two points in the known timeframe is down the stairs.  Thus, if Oswald can be placed on the 6th floor at 12:30 (as it does) and then in the lunchroom a few minutes later, that proves by implication that he took the stairs.  It is the only possible explanation for how he got between those two points.  It is conclusive of the matter despite there being no witness who can place him on the steps because it is the only possible explanation supported by the known facts.  No one has to otherwise prove this to your subjective satisfaction for this to be a fact.  No witness has to confirm it for this to be a fact.  That is as much as I can dumb this down. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 03, 2023, 08:38:56 PM
It's great to see the Republicans finally pushing back against the establishment politicians who have betrayed America for their own self interests.  You will never see anything like that from the Dems who vote in lockstep.  McCarthy and McConnell need to go as much as Pelosi and Schumer.  They have brought the country to ruin with their corruption.  The establishment spent six years destroying Trump and Trump eventually fell into their trap with the stolen election rhetoric, but their problems run a lot deeper than Trump which hasn't dawned on them yet.  Incompetence and corruption eventually result in political change.  You can only fool some of the people some of the time etc.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 03, 2023, 09:02:03 PM
There is no "assumption" about this.  If there is evidence that places someone named, for example, "Martin" in "Europe" this morning, and evidence that places him in Texas several hours later, then we know as an absolute fact that Martin has flown from "Europe" to Texas that day on a plane since that is the ONLY way for him to have been in both places within the known timeframe.  Just because there may be no witness who can later confirm his presence on any specific plane raises no doubt about this conclusion much less proves he wasn't on a plane.  The conclusion is premised on the only possible explanation.

You are attempting to raise doubt about Oswald's presence on the 6th floor by suggesting that witnesses preclude him from having used the stairs.  That is a false premise because your witness testimony is not sufficient in detail and recollection to the level necessary to support your desired conclusion.  We are talking about a matter of seconds for Oswald to have descended the stairs from the 6th floor to the 2nd floor.  No witness precludes him from having done so.  You are correct that no witness can confirm his presence on the stairs either.  However, the evidence places him on the 6th floor at 12:30.  Oswald's gun is found there.  Fired bullet casings from his gun are found by the very window from which the shots were fired at 12:30.  His prints are on the boxes etc.  Oswald provides no credible alibi or explanation for this evidence.  Instead he lies about ownership of a rifle.  You don't accept that evidence as conclusive of his presence on the 6ht floor because you apply an impossible standard of proof.  But any reasonable person, in any other crime, accepts that this evidence places him on the 6th floor at 12:30 absent a credible alibi or explanation from Oswald as to how his rifle came to be found there.  None of which Oswald provided.

So what we are left with is persuasive evidence that places him on the 6th floor at 12:30 and then his presence in the lunchroom a few minutes later.  And the only way to have gotten between these two points in the known timeframe is down the stairs.  Thus, if Oswald can be placed on the 6th floor at 12:30 (as it does) and then in the lunchroom a few minutes later, that proves by implication that he took the stairs.  It is the only possible explanation for how he got between those two points.  It is conclusive of the matter despite there being no witness who can place him on the steps because it is the only possible explanation supported by the known facts.  No one has to otherwise prove this to your subjective satisfaction for this to be a fact.  No witness has to confirm it for this to be a fact.  That is as much as I can dumb this down.

So many words and it's still all BS.

That is as much as I can dumb this down.

Well, I have to agree it's pretty dumb.

So what we are left with is persuasive evidence that places him on the 6th floor at 12:30 and then his presence in the lunchroom a few minutes later.

Nothing of what you have written is "persuasive evidence" of anything!

You are attempting to raise doubt about Oswald's presence on the 6th floor by suggesting that witnesses preclude him from having used the stairs. 

Nope. I've been asking you, for six months now, to provide evidence that Oswald was indeed on the 6th floor when the shots were fired. I don't need to raise doubt about that. When you can't provide the evidence I asked for, that by itself is sufficient reason for doubt.

You are correct that no witness can confirm his presence on the stairs either.  However, the evidence places him on the 6th floor at 12:30.  Oswald's gun is found there.

There is no evidence that places Oswald on the 6th floor. You can't even show conclusively that the rifle found there belonged to him. But even if you could prove that, how in the world does that prove that Oswald was there as well? The simple answer (but too difficult for you to understand) is that it doesn't.

Fired bullet casings from his gun are found by the very window from which the shots were fired at 12:30.  His prints are on the boxes etc.  Oswald provides no credible alibi or explanation for this evidence.  Instead he lies about ownership of a rifle.

Assumes facts not in evidence. None of this proves that Oswald was on the 6th floor. Most of it isn't even evidence of anything significant.

You don't accept that evidence as conclusive of his presence on the 6ht floor because you apply an impossible standard of proof.

There's the pathetic prosecutor with no solid case again who complains to the Judge that he doesn't like the Jury because they don't buy his BS. LOL

But any reasonable person, in any other crime, accepts that this evidence places him on the 6th floor at 12:30 absent a credible alibi or explanation from Oswald as to how his rifle came to be found there.  None of which Oswald provided.

I seriously doubt that you have any clue what reasonable people think.

So what we are left with is persuasive evidence that places him on the 6th floor at 12:30 and then his presence in the lunchroom a few minutes later.  And the only way to have gotten between these two points in the known timeframe is down the stairs.  Thus, if Oswald can be placed on the 6th floor at 12:30 (as it does) and then in the lunchroom a few minutes later, that proves by implication that he took the stairs.

I would actually agree with you, if (and it's a massive "if") you can actually show that Oswald was in fact on the 6th floor when the shots were fired. You clearly can't do that. All you can do is assume that he was.

No one has to otherwise prove this to your subjective satisfaction for this to be a fact.  No witness has to confirm it for this to be a fact.

Translation; I haven't got the evidence, so I'm just going to say that I don't need to prove it to begin with.

Jessie Curry was right when he said that nobody has ever been able to place Oswald on the 6th floor when the shooting took place. He, unlike you, is honest about it.

The bottom line is that there is not a shred of evidence for Oswald being on the 6th floor when the shots were fired and coming down the stairs, unnoticed, within 75 seconds after the last shot. The WC lawyers were clever enough to deal with this issue by basically ignoring it and making assumptions. You are clearly not so clever.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 03, 2023, 11:12:00 PM
It's great to see the Republicans finally pushing back against the establishment politicians who have betrayed America for their own self interests.  You will never see anything like that from the Dems who vote in lockstep.  McCarthy and McConnell need to go as much as Pelosi and Schumer.  They have brought the country to ruin with their corruption.  The establishment spent six years destroying Trump and Trump eventually fell into their trap with the stolen election rhetoric, but their problems run a lot deeper than Trump which hasn't dawned on them yet.  Incompetence and corruption eventually result in political change.  You can only fool some of the people some of the time etc.


From post after post saying a red wave was coming to cheering the complete destruction of the Republican party in less than two months.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 04, 2023, 02:14:49 PM

From post after post saying a red wave was coming to cheering the complete destruction of the Republican party in less than two months.

That's how democracy actually works.  Instead of acting like socialist sheep playing follow the leader to enrich themselves some politicians have had enough of the corruption and incompetence.  Breaking the status quo hold on power is not easy.  Only Trump has done that in the last hundred years.  The leftist media portrays this in the same idiotic way as yourself.  They try to create the impression that any dissent to the establishment is crazy or an insurrection.  Like a state propaganda arm of the government.  And they have been pretty successful.  Every politician who does not conform without question is deemed a fanatic.  So year after year the corruption and incompetence are passed along but at some point the results matter.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 04, 2023, 05:17:31 PM
That's how democracy actually works.  Instead of acting like socialist sheep playing follow the leader to enrich themselves some politicians have had enough of the corruption and incompetence.  Breaking the status quo hold on power is not easy.  Only Trump has done that in the last hundred years.  The leftist media portrays this in the same idiotic way as yourself.  They try to create the impression that any dissent to the establishment is crazy or an insurrection.  Like a state propaganda arm of the government.  And they have been pretty successful.  Every politician who does not conform without question is deemed a fanatic.  So year after year the corruption and incompetence are passed along but at some point the results matter.

some politicians have had enough of the corruption and incompetence.

Too bad they are some of the most incompetent, corrupt and idiotic ones of the bunch.

Only Trump has done that in the last hundred years.

If that was only remotely true, we wouldn't have this mess right now.

They try to create the impression that any dissent to the establishment is crazy or an insurrection.

In this case it is true, but it doesn't always have to be the case.

Every politician who does not conform without question is deemed a fanatic.

Again, in this case they predominantly are, but that doesn't have to be the case always. It depends on how you go about things. The US is still a democracy and as such majority rules. There will always be fringe groups who disagree and that's fine as long as they try to change the system from within. But as soon as a loud minority (which is what they are) feel that they can tell the majority what to do and start doing all sorts of crazy things like telling lie after lie to the people to get what they want then they are indeed fanatics who should be kept out of office.

When idiots like Gaetz and Boebert don't agree with their own party line, they should leave the party and start one of their own. They won't of course because that way they would never get the support for their wacky ideas or the exposure they get now.

So year after year the corruption and incompetence are passed along but at some point the results matter.

In this case, the result is a party in self-destruct mode, a House of Representative being held hostage and no work being done at all. Wow, and they call that serving the people.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 04, 2023, 07:27:21 PM
some politicians have had enough of the corruption and incompetence.

Too bad they are some of the most incompetent, corrupt and idiotic ones of the bunch.

Only Trump has done that in the last hundred years.

If that was only remotely true, we wouldn't have this mess right now.

They try to create the impression that any dissent to the establishment is crazy or an insurrection.

In this case it is true, but it doesn't always have to be the case.

Every politician who does not conform without question is deemed a fanatic.

Again, in this case they predominantly are, but that doesn't have to be the case always. It depends on how you go about things. The US is still a democracy and as such majority rules. There will always be fringe groups who disagree and that's fine as long as they try to change the system from within. But as soon as a loud minority (which is what they are) feel that they can tell the majority what to do and start doing all sorts of crazy things like telling lie after lie to the people to get what they want then they are indeed fanatics who should be kept out of office.

When idiots like Gaetz and Boebert don't agree with their own party line, they should leave the party and start one of their own. They won't of course because that way they would never get the support for their wacky ideas or the exposure they get now.

So year after year the corruption and incompetence are passed along but at some point the results matter.

In this case, the result is a party in self-destruct mode, a House of Representative being held hostage and no work being done at all. Wow, and they call that serving the people.

Doing nothing is better than enacting disastrous policies to support endless wars and woke causes to the tune of trillions of dollars.  Not a sustainable policy.  "Europe" and others who have been dependent on US handouts for decades will also eventually have to abandon their socialist policies and start paying their own way - or learn Russian or Chinese.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 04, 2023, 07:52:44 PM
Doing nothing is better than enacting disastrous policies to support endless wars and woke causes to the tune of trillions of dollars.  Not a sustainable policy.  "Europe" and others who have been dependent on US handouts for decades will also eventually have to abandon their socialist policies and start paying their own way - or learn Russian or Chinese.

Doing nothing is better than enacting disastrous policies to support endless wars and woke causes to the tune of trillions of dollars.  Not a sustainable policy.

Than do nothing for two years and see how the voters will feel about that. The status quo only means that current laws remain in place and everything continues as it did, including the "endless wars and woke causes".

What's with this constant "Europe" BS? Do you think that continent isn't real and doesn't exist?

And for what exactly has Europe "been dependent on US handouts for decades"?

will also eventually have to abandon their socialist policies and start paying their own way   

You clearly haven't got a clue what socialism really is or, if you do know what it means, you clearly don't know the first thing about Europe.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 04, 2023, 08:18:34 PM
Doing nothing is better than enacting disastrous policies to support endless wars and woke causes to the tune of trillions of dollars.  Not a sustainable policy.

Than do nothing for two years and see how the voters will feel about that. The status quo only means that current laws remain in place and everything continues as it did, including the "endless wars and woke causes".

What's with this constant "Europe" BS? Do you think that continent isn't real and doesn't exist?

And for what exactly has Europe "been dependent on US handouts for decades"?

will also eventually have to abandon their socialist policies and start paying their own way   

You clearly haven't got a clue what socialism really is or, if you do know what it means, you clearly don't know the first thing about Europe.

The US has paid trillions to defend "Europe" since the end of WWII.  That has allowed "Europe" to create socialist states because the US protects them and pays for their defense from Russia and others.  Contrary to common sense and the interest of US citizens, the US politicians actually want to pay for "Europe's" defense because that allows them access and control billions of dollars each year which they can allocate to the lobbyists who then support their campaigns and enrich their relatives.  A vicious circle of corruption in which everyone benefits except the US taxpayer. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 04, 2023, 08:29:09 PM
The US has paid trillions to defend "Europe" since the end of WWII.  That has allowed "Europe" to create socialist states because the US protects them and pays for their defense from Russia and others.  Contrary to common sense and the interest of US citizens, the US politicians actually want to pay for "Europe's" defense because that allows them access and control billions of dollars each year which they can allocate to the lobbyists who then support their campaigns and enrich their relatives.  A vicious circle of corruption in which everyone benefits except the US taxpayer.

So many words and nothing that makes any sense.

The US has paid trillions to defend "Europe" since the end of WWII.

Really? And how are that "handouts" that European countries depended on?

And of course, none of this this would have had nothing to do with US nukes being placed in European countries to be able to strike faster against the Soviets in defense of the US, right?

That has allowed "Europe" to create socialist states

Which countries in Europe are socialist states?

Contrary to common sense

I don't think common sense has anything to do with what you say..
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 05, 2023, 03:56:54 PM
So many words and nothing that makes any sense.

The US has paid trillions to defend "Europe" since the end of WWII.

Really? And how are that "handouts" that European countries depended on?

And of course, none of this this would have had nothing to do with US nukes being placed in European countries to be able to strike faster against the Soviets in defense of the US, right?

That has allowed "Europe" to create socialist states

Which countries in Europe are socialist states?

Contrary to common sense

I don't think common sense has anything to do with what you say..

It doesn't surprise me that someone who allegedly lives in "Europe" is supportive of endless US defense spending to protect their country.  That is an understandable position.  Trump is the only US President in modern history who tried to change that by actually asking the "Europeans" to contribute at least something to their own defense and the US political establishment went nuts.  They want to control the funding and direct it to the corrupt lobbyists who kick it back to them and their relatives.  Almost every politician in a position of power in the US is a multimillionaire despite being a career government employee.  Many of their relatives are multimillionaires.  But nothing to see there.  The good times just keep on rolling for the establishment.  Endless war is big business.  They control the laws and the money.  So things will have to hit rock bottom before there is any change. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 05, 2023, 04:17:06 PM

It doesn't surprise me that someone who allegedly lives in "Europe" is supportive of endless US defense spending to protect their country.  That is an understandable position.  Trump is the only US President in modern history who tried to change that by actually asking the "Europeans" to contribute at least something to their own defense and the US political establishment went nuts.  They want to control the funding and direct it to the corrupt lobbyists who kick it back to them and their relatives.  Almost every politician in a position of power in the US is a multimillionaire despite being a career government employee.  Many of their relatives are multimillionaires.  But nothing to see there.  The good times just keep on rolling for the establishment.  Endless war is big business.  They control the laws and the money.  So things will have to hit rock bottom before there is any change.

It doesn't surprise me that someone who allegedly lives in "Europe" is supportive of endless US defense spending to protect their country.

It doesn't surprise me that once again you have to make up stuff in order to somehow make an idiotic point! Where exactly did it express support for that?

Trump is the only US President in modern history who tried to change that by actually asking the "Europeans" to contribute at least something to their own defense and the US political establishment went nuts.

BS... Trump insisted that each NATO member should actually pay their part in full, which is something that at that moment wasn't happening. NATO doesn't exist exclusively for the protection of Europe. 

You forgot to mention which countries in Europe are socialist, like I asked you to do. Why is that? Can't think of any?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 10, 2023, 03:32:03 PM
Will the FBI be staging a land, sea, and air raid on Biden's home now that it has been confirmed that he left classified documents at his private office after leaving as VP?  HA HA HA.  You can't make that up.  Old Joe pontificated for days about how reckless it was for Trump to have classified documents in his home.  Imagine if you searched the archives and libraries and homes of every former president?  There would be classified documents in every one of them.  "Classified" is a broad and ambiguous legal term as used here. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 10, 2023, 08:16:17 PM
"When is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House?" posted the whinny leader of the Party of Greivances. The Donald apparently begrudges the homes of people who weren't born into wealth.

The entitled Trump and today's GOP expect to be given a pass.

According to Biden and the Dems it was reckless and a crime for Trump to have classified documents at his home.  They staged a raid like he was a terrorist using even boats in case he tried to swim for it.  That is the standard set by the Dems in these situations.  Or are there two standards of justice depending upon the political affiliation of the person involved?  And imagine that we are supposed to believe they only suddenly became aware of this on the day before the midterm elections and then kept it covered up for two months.  How fortunate it didn't come to light before the election. 

Trump was impeached for asking Ukraine to look into Hunter's criminal conduct.  That was deemed an impeachable offence as seeking the involvement of a foreign government in an election.  Old Joe goes to Saudia Arabia just before the midterms and begs them on his bony old man knees not to cut oil production until after the election and - nothing.   The erosion of trust in the legal system is just another in a list of entities in which the public has lost trust.  And for good reason.  Completely corrupt and biased.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 11, 2023, 01:26:01 AM
According to Biden and the Dems it was reckless and a crime for Trump to have classified documents at his home.  They staged a raid like he was a terrorist using even boats in case he tried to swim for it.  That is the standard set by the Dems in these situations.  Or are there two standards of justice depending upon the political affiliation of the person involved?  And imagine that we are supposed to believe they only suddenly became aware of this on the day before the midterm elections and then kept it covered up for two months.  How fortunate it didn't come to light before the election. 

Trump was impeached for asking Ukraine to look into Hunter's criminal conduct.  That was deemed an impeachable offence as seeking the involvement of a foreign government in an election.  Old Joe goes to Saudia Arabia just before the midterms and begs them on his bony old man knees not to cut oil production until after the election and - nothing.   The erosion of trust in the legal system is just another in a list of entities in which the public has lost trust.  And for good reason.  Completely corrupt and biased.

Trump was impeached for asking Ukraine to look into Hunter's criminal conduct.  That was deemed an impeachable offence as seeking the involvement of a foreign government in an election.

Rightly so, because it's not up to a President to ask a foreign leader to conduct an investigation. He was only saved by the spineless GOP not serving the country.

No "Hunter's criminal conduct" has even been proven and probably never will. It's Benghazi all over again. The only positive in all this is that it keeps thugs like Jordan of the streets for a while.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 11, 2023, 01:49:29 AM
Trump was impeached for asking Ukraine to look into Hunter's criminal conduct.  That was deemed an impeachable offence as seeking the involvement of a foreign government in an election.

Rightly so, because it's not up to a President to ask a foreign leader to conduct an investigation. He was only saved by the spineless GOP not serving the country.

No "Hunter's criminal conduct" has even been proven and probably never will. It's Benghazi all over again. The only positive in all this is that it keeps thugs like Jordan of the streets for a while.

Hunter's disgusting crimes are on video.  Smoking crack, abusing prostitutes.  He writes about it in his "book."  They are matter of facts.  We don't even need your time machine.  There is almost as much evidence against him as Oswald.

What about Old Joe asking the Saudis not to cut oil production until after an election?  That is different from Trump?  Old Joe sure beat a path to the microphones to blast Trump for having classifed document.  So "reckless."  HA HA HA HA HA.  He is suddenly silent on how classified documents were left in an unsecured office.  Karma is beeatch as they say. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 11, 2023, 07:47:03 PM
Hunter's disgusting crimes are on video.  Smoking crack, abusing prostitutes.  He writes about it in his "book."  They are matter of facts.  We don't even need your time machine.  There is almost as much evidence against him as Oswald.

What about Old Joe asking the Saudis not to cut oil production until after an election?  That is different from Trump?  Old Joe sure beat a path to the microphones to blast Trump for having classifed document.  So "reckless."  HA HA HA HA HA.  He is suddenly silent on how classified documents were left in an unsecured office.  Karma is beeatch as they say.

Hunter's disgusting crimes are on video.  Smoking crack, abusing prostitutes.  He writes about it in his "book."  They are matter of facts.

You have seen that video?

There is almost as much evidence against him as Oswald.

That little? Really? No wonder it has not come to a prosecution

What about Old Joe asking the Saudis not to cut oil production until after an election?

Biden did no such thing.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 11, 2023, 08:45:56 PM
Poor Old Joe.  Impeachment and possibly prison time based on his own assessment of handling classified documents.  And Biden Inc. is corrupt to the core.  The influence peddling and flow of foreign government money into the family is unreal.  The revelations about China sending tens of millions to Penn after the opening of the so called "Penn Biden Center" a think tank (LOL) that operates as a money laundering entity for him is unreal.  Hunter has an office there.  HA HA HA.  Imagine Old Hunter in his office all day making important decisions.  Like which strip club to frequent.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 11, 2023, 08:47:45 PM

What about Old Joe asking the Saudis not to cut oil production until after an election?

Biden did no such thing.

Better tell that to the Biden administration.  They are the ones who confirmed.

WASHINGTON – The Biden administration admitted Thursday it had asked Saudi Arabia to delay the OPEC+ vote to cut oil production until the cartel’s next meeting – after the midterm elections.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 11, 2023, 09:19:35 PM
Better tell that to the Biden administration.  They are the ones who confirmed.

WASHINGTON – The Biden administration admitted Thursday it had asked Saudi Arabia to delay the OPEC+ vote to cut oil production until the cartel’s next meeting – after the midterm elections.

Nice "headline", if that is what is. And so misleading, but coming from you, that's no surprise!

The Biden administration (so not Joe Biden himself) asked the Saudis to delay a vote on cutting oil production until their next meeting.

The reason for the request had nothing to do with the midterm elections. It had to do with the fact that a decrease of production would increase revenue for Russia when the market didn't need another price rise. Not everything in the world is about American elections!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 11, 2023, 09:20:44 PM
And now even more classified documents at another location!  Unreal.  Where is the FBI raid on his home?  Remember that this has to happen in the predawn by air, land, and sea with a tactical assault team in case an old man puts up resistance.  He could be dangerous like Roger Stone and try to make an escape using his walker.  They also need to spread out all the "evidence" on the floor and take pictures to release to the press to make it all seem more sinister.   Poor Joe is done.  Even he can't avoid responsibility for this fiasco.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 11, 2023, 09:22:36 PM
Nice "headline", if that is what is. And so misleading, but coming from you, that's no surprise!

The Biden administration (so not Joe Biden himself) asked the Saudis to delay a vote on cutting oil production until their next meeting.

The reason for the request had nothing to do with the midterm elections. It had to do with the fact that a decrease of production would increase revenue for Russia when the market didn't need another price rise. Not everything in the world is about American elections!

The "Biden" administration has nothing to do with Biden himself?  HA HA HA.  Keep them coming.  That is comedy gold.  Old Joe is just sitting in his rocker while his "administration" is making requests to foreign governments.  He doesn't care so long as the "Big Guy" gets his 10%.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 11, 2023, 10:42:57 PM
The "Biden" administration has nothing to do with Biden himself?  HA HA HA.  Keep them coming.  That is comedy gold.  Old Joe is just sitting in his rocker while his "administration" is making requests to foreign governments.  He doesn't care so long as the "Big Guy" gets his 10%.

The "Biden" administration has nothing to do with Biden himself?

Who said that?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 12, 2023, 02:36:58 PM
The "Biden" administration has nothing to do with Biden himself?

Who said that?

We are playing the contrarian rabbit hole game to pass the time again?  "Europe" must be boring these days.  I bet there is something to do in Texas, though.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 12, 2023, 02:52:07 PM
The President who promised "transparency" and chastised Trump for having possession of classified documents now won't provide any details about the classified documents that were in his possession.  Suddenly it is "different."  Where were they found?  How did they get there?  What did they contain?  Why can't Old Joe remember?  Why do they suddenly conduct a search in a closet for these documents?  LOL.  Obviously, they were tipped off by someone that these documents had been traced to Biden and couldn't be accounted for.  Before the Republicans could conduct an investigation, they were suddenly found - a miracle - after being gone for six years.   Every president likely has such documents in their archives.  The classification system is a mess.  They over classify documents.  The rules are often unclear and confusing.  It was never a big deal that Trump had some such documents.  GAO packed them.  It was overblown in an effort to "get" Trump on something.  That was the directive to Garland.  Now the chickens have come home to roost as they always do when the Deme overplay their hand.  Not only does Biden have the classified documents hanging over his head but this scandal sheds light on the corrupt money laundering scheme and Chinese money flowing into the so-called "Biden Penn Center."   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 12, 2023, 04:03:42 PM
So Old Joe kept classified document in his garage along with his lawn mower and tools?  HA HA HA.  Unreal.  I wonder if they found any boxes marked "Big Guy" full of cash from China and Ukraine? 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 12, 2023, 07:35:56 PM
For sheer hypocrisy and hubris, there may be nothing in political history that can compare to Biden's assessment of Trump's handling of classified documents with his own situation:

"By the way, my Corvette's in a locked garage, so it's not like they're sitting out on the street,"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 13, 2023, 02:32:55 PM
The tangled web of lies and corruption are all finally coming home to Biden, Inc.  A recent explanation for the classified documents ending up among his personal papers is that Biden continued to travel until the very last day as VP.  His office was in chaos and never properly shutdown because he was not in the country.  And where was he?  Ukraine.  The same country where his son was making millions.  For some inexplicable reason, Biden felt the need to travel around the world on his last days as VP instead of overseeing his departure from government.  What was so important?  Another explanation is that Biden is getting "Cuomed" by Dems.  They put up a white male to get elected and then sabotage him to get into office some radical who could not otherwise be elected.  The "leak" to the press about the classified documents no doubt came from a Kamala insider trying to force Biden out.  Karma.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 13, 2023, 08:27:48 PM
The most disastrous week in the history of any US president since Watergate just won't end.  On top of everything else, the record spending on COVID, Inflation "reduction" and Ukraine has brought the country to bankruptcy.  And most of that money was stolen or wasted for nothing.  Absolutely brutal. 

"U.S. to begin ‘extraordinary measures’ to stay under debt limit"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 14, 2023, 02:56:08 PM
What a week for Old Joe:
First, his inept administration bungles the handling of the airlines again and brings air travel to a grinding halt around the entire country. 

Second, someone leaks that he had classified info in his private office. Likely his own VP or some other high-ranking Dem to pressure him not to run in 2024.  This just after Biden has pontificated for months about Trump's handling of such documents.

Third, Biden fails to reveal the fact that even more documents had been found in his home.  Once it is known, Biden humiliates himself with an idiotic comment about the documents being in a locked garage along with his Corvette. 

Fourth, some of the documents are top secret. 

Fifth, the whole mess shines a light on the corruption and influence peddling going on at the "Penn Biden Center." 

Sixth, we learn from Biden's incompetent Treasury Secretary that the country is bankrupt and requires "extraordinary measures" to pay its obligations.  Likely meaning an ugly battle in Congress that could cripple the economy even further. 

Seventh, the war in Ukraine has taken a turn for Russia despite sending over $100 billion to Ukraine.  Three times the entire annual Russian military budget with no end in sight or even an articulated way to bring it to an end.  More money is needed.  Sound familiar?

Eighth, a special counsel is named to investigate Biden, Inc. 

Ninth, the Republicans are beginning their investigations into his corruption.  And on and on.  The worst week for any president since Watergate. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Michael T. Griffith on January 15, 2023, 11:51:12 AM
4 years of economic disaster from Donald Trump has destroyed America.

HUH??? Until COVID hit, Trump had given us the best economy we had seen in nearly 30 years. For the first time in decades, manufacturing jobs rose considerably (they were nearly flatline under Obama). Black, Hispanic, Asian, and female unemployment hit new lows under Trump. Thanks to the Trump tax cuts, middle-income Americans received their biggest tax cut in over 30 years. Also thanks to the Trump tax cuts, American capital parked overseas began to return to the U.S. to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars. And on and on we could go.

That's why the overwhelming majority of Americans elected Joe Biden to clean up this disaster.

Phew! You call a margin of 51.3% to 46.8% an "overwhelming majority"? Really? 25 states for Biden to 25 states for Trump is an "overwhelming majority"? Really?

And let's take a cursory look at some odd facts about Biden's supposed vote total:

* The amazing fact that the mail-in ballot rejection rates in the 2020 election were two to 10 times lower than in any previous election, varying by state, even though the 2020 election had a record number of such ballots.

* The fact that Biden somehow got 16 million more votes than Hillary got in 2016, even though Trump got 12 million more votes than he got in 2016, even though Trump sizably increased his share of the black vote, the Hispanic vote, and the Asian vote, and even though Trump increased his share of the overall male vote and the overall female vote.

According to the NYT exit polls, compared to 2016, Trump's share of the black vote rose by 50% (from 8% to 12%); his share of the Hispanic vote rose by 10% (from 29% to 32%); his share of the Asian vote rose by 17% (from 29% to 34%); and his share of "other" minorities rose by 11% (from 37% to 41%). And those four voting blocks accounted for 34% of all voters in the election.

What's more, Trump's share of the white vote rose by 1.7% (from 57% to 58%), and white voters accounted for 67% of all voters. Surprisingly (at least to some)--and, again, this is according to the NYT exit polls--Trump's share of the LGBT vote rose by a whopping 96% (from 14% to 27%), and LGBT voters accounted for 7% of all voters.

So we can readily see where and how Trump got 12 million more votes than he got in 2016. But it is not at all apparent where Biden could have gotten the extra millions of votes that were credited to him.

* The fact that Biden broke Obama's 2008 vote-total record by a whopping 12 million votes but won 336 fewer counties than Obama won. When Obama broke the record for number of votes received in 2008, he won 873 counties, but Biden won only 537 counties. So we are supposed to believe that Biden shattered Obama's record by 12 million votes but won 336 fewer counties than Obama won. How does that math work, especially given the fact that the recent census shows that the majority of counties in the U.S. dropped in population over the preceding 10 years?

Nor has anyone been able to rationally explain how Biden could have gotten 16 million more votes than Hillary got in 2016 even though he won only 50 more counties than she did (537 to 487), and though he won substantially smaller shares of the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, and the "other" minority vote, and smaller* shares of the white vote and the LGBT vote, than Hillary did.

* The fact that an audit ordered by the Arizona Senate found evidence that 200,000 mail-in ballots had signature mismatches--i.e., the signature on the ballot did not match the signature on file. Biden "won" Arizona by just 11K votes.

* The fact that in Wisconsin, which Biden "won" by just 20K votes, a special counsel investigation found that 91 nursing homes had an astounding, unprecedented voter turnout rate of 95-100%. Investigators interviewed family members of many of the seniors in those nursing homes, and they repeatedly insisted that their loved ones were in no condition to vote and had not voted in years.

* The fact that Republicans clobbered Democrats in state legislative races in NH, GA, and WI, running up large majorities in both chambers in those states, yet somehow Trump supposedly lost those states.

* The videos showing election workers illegally preventing GOP election observers from entering voting facilities. We know that at least, at the very least, well over 600,000 ballots in PA alone were counted without any observers being present.

* The videos showing election workers illegally covering the windows of voting centers to prevent GOP observers from even observing the vote-counting through windows.

* The videos showing GOP election observers being illegally forced to sit 50-100 feet away from vote-counting areas.

* The video showing election workers in the largest vote-counting facility in GA (the State Farm Arena in Atlanta) pulling out crates of ballots and counting them late at night after GOP election observers had departed.

* The numerous sworn statements from election observers documenting cases of election workers ignoring obvious differences in mail-in ballot signatures and envelopes, ignoring major missing information on mail-in ballots, and scanning ballots multiple times, among other violations.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 19, 2023, 09:03:41 PM
Maybe Alec Baldwin, Hunter, and Avenatti can pass the time in prison by sewing a quilt.  Karma is a beach as they say.  Trump was right about all these dirtbags. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 20, 2023, 01:41:48 PM
Another record for Old Joe!  250,000 illegal immigrants were encountered in December.  The most in history.  Approximately 5 million since Old Joe opened the border.   That's ten times the population of the state of Wyoming with no end in sight.  Way to go Brandon!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 22, 2023, 12:47:50 AM
And even more classified documents!  Unreal.  Old Joe is heading to the big house with Hunter.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 28, 2023, 02:57:02 PM
So the woke liberal establishment hired some unqualified people to be cops in Memphis, failed to train them adequately, and provided no apparent supervision of their conduct.  Now it has resulted in a horrible tragedy.  The concept of hiring people solely based on race and gender with no concern for competence is doomed to failure.  The Biden administration is a great example.  The individuals who committed this crime will spend most of their lives in jail, but the officials who failed to properly train and supervise them should all be fired.  Doing the right thing AFTER the event to save themselves does not absolve anyone of responsibility for the negligence in hiring these people in the first place.  Memphis, like almost every American city, is a catastrophe due to the liberal policies and incompetence that has governed them for decades.  Crime and homelessness are rampant.  The media, however, spends hardly a second on any of the other hundreds of murders that happen in Memphis or any other city unless it fits an agenda.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 29, 2023, 06:34:26 PM
So the woke liberal establishment hired some unqualified people to be cops in Memphis, failed to train them adequately, and provided no apparent supervision of their conduct.  Now it has resulted in a horrible tragedy.  The concept of hiring people solely based on race and gender with no concern for competence is doomed to failure.  The Biden administration is a great example.  The individuals who committed this crime will spend most of their lives in jail, but the officials who failed to properly train and supervise them should all be fired.  Doing the right thing AFTER the event to save themselves does not absolve anyone of responsibility for the negligence in hiring these people in the first place.  Memphis, like almost every American city, is a catastrophe due to the liberal policies and incompetence that has governed them for decades.  Crime and homelessness are rampant.  The media, however, spends hardly a second on any of the other hundreds of murders that happen in Memphis or any other city unless it fits an agenda.

Isn't it just amazing how, according to Richard Smith's world view, the liberal establishment (whatever that may be) is to blame for everything negative. So much hate and polarization, it's pathetic.
Never mind that Tennessee is a Republican state with the G.O.P. holding the Governer's office and the majority in the Tennessee Senate and House of Representatives.

It's faux outrage coming from a guy who, in reality, couldn't care less that last year alone 1186 US citizens were killed by police officers.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 29, 2023, 07:06:18 PM
Isn't it just amazing how, according to Richard Smith's world view, the liberal establishment (whatever that may be) is to blame for everything negative. So much hate and polarization, it's pathetic.
Never mind that Tennessee is a Republican state with the G.O.P. holding the Governer's office and the majority in the Tennessee Senate and House of Representatives.

It's faux outrage coming from a guy who, in reality, couldn't care less that last year alone 1186 US citizens were killed by police officers.


LOL. How are things in "Europe"?   Memphis, of course, is a city that has been under total Dem control for decades.  It has nothing to do with the larger state.   Memphis has Dems in charge from top to bottom.  The results speak for themselves.  Crime and incompetence.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 29, 2023, 07:08:58 PM
LOL. How are things in "Europe"?   Memphis, of course, is a city that has been under total Dem control for decades.  It has nothing to do with the larger state.   Memphis has Dems in charge from top to bottom.  The results speak for themselves.  Crime and incompetence.

It has nothing to do with the larger state.

Yeah right, but it has something to do with Joe Biden, right? You're so full of BS!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on January 29, 2023, 07:14:33 PM
It has nothing to do with the larger state.

Yeah right, but it has something to do with Joe Biden, right? You're so full of BS!

What exactly don't you understand here?  Memphis is a city that is controlled by Dems from top to bottom.  It has a very high minority population that elects only Dems.  That is simply a fact.  It is reflective of the same incompetence of the Biden administration who hires folks solely on the basis of race, gender, and sexual orientation.   There is no consideration of competence.  And the results are a disaster.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on January 29, 2023, 07:27:19 PM
What exactly don't you understand here?  Memphis is a city that is controlled by Dems from top to bottom.  It has a very high minority population that elects only Dems.  That is simply a fact.  It is reflective of the same incompetence of the Biden administration who hires folks solely on the basis of race, gender, and sexual orientation.   There is no consideration of competence.  And the results are a disaster.

There is no consideration of competence.  And the results are a disaster.

Biden is hiring Republicans now?  :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 01, 2023, 07:02:27 PM
Old Joe is taking a huge lead over Trump on how many homes and offices are searched by the FBI.  Of course, they ask politely in advance, don't stage a predawn raid using air, sea, and land forces, don't take pictures of the "evidence" obtained and release them to the media, or notify the media in advance so they can film it for political purposes.  It's all done politely after giving the criminal suspect weeks to clean out his house.  Nothing to see there.  Just the FBI at the President's home and office.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 04, 2023, 02:16:56 AM
Old Joe is paralyzed with fear over a balloon floating over the US.   He can make no decision.  Instead he is off to the beach.  Unreal. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 11, 2023, 01:55:15 AM
Maybe 20K or more deaths from an earthquake in Turkey and Old Joe is nowhere to be seen.  He is at the beach.  No leftists are flying a Turkish flag or suggesting that the US send billions.  The money only flows to fund endless war.  There is no margin in it for the politicians to help out countries that suffered from a disaster. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 11, 2023, 02:09:08 AM
Maybe 20K or more deaths from an earthquake in Turkey and Old Joe is nowhere to be seen.  He is at the beach.  No leftists are flying a Turkish flag or suggesting that the US send billions.  The money only flows to fund endless war.  There is no margin in it for the politicians to help out countries that suffered from a disaster.

Oh boy..... Grumpy strikes again.

Is that egg on your face, Richard?   :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 11, 2023, 03:50:07 PM
Oh boy..... Grumpy strikes again.

Is that egg on your face, Richard?   :D

Did they use "seagulls" to deliver those supplies?  HA HA HA.  They have sent over $100 billion to Ukraine to fight an endless war and destroy the country.  No doubt some Americans are being sent to Turkey but the effort pales in comparison.  And no leftists are waving Turkish flags because there is no propaganda. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 11, 2023, 09:35:42 PM
Did they use "seagulls" to deliver those supplies?  HA HA HA.  They have sent over $100 billion to Ukraine to fight an endless war and destroy the country.  No doubt some Americans are being sent to Turkey but the effort pales in comparison.  And no leftists are waving Turkish flags because there is no propaganda.

Moving the goalposts again?

Did they use "seagulls" to deliver those supplies? 

Why would they do that when they can use balloons?  :D

Maybe 20K or more deaths from an earthquake in Turkey and Old Joe is nowhere to be seen.  He is at the beach.  No leftists are flying a Turkish flag or suggesting that the US send billions.  The money only flows to fund endless war.  There is no margin in it for the politicians to help out countries that suffered from a disaster. 

Maybe 20K or more deaths from an earthquake in Turkey and Old Joe is nowhere to be seen.  He is at the beach.

Lie #1

The money only flows to fund endless war.

Lie #2

There is no margin in it for the politicians to help out countries that suffered from a disaster. 

Lie #3
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 16, 2023, 03:09:19 PM
What better symbol of Biden's America than the toxic mushroom cloud over Ohio?  Way to go Mayor Pete!  He sets fire to some highly toxic chemicals ensuring they spread far and wide.  Why?  Because he is another complete incompetent hired to check a box.  Nothing to worry about there.  "Return to your homes" citizens are told by federal officials dressed head to toe in hazmat suits.  It would be humorous under other circumstances.  Where is Old Joe?  Have the aliens taken him after he shot down all those UFOs? 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 16, 2023, 11:08:09 PM
What better symbol of Biden's America than the toxic mushroom cloud over Ohio?  Way to go Mayor Pete!  He sets fire to some highly toxic chemicals ensuring they spread far and wide.  Why?  Because he is another complete incompetent hired to check a box.  Nothing to worry about there.  "Return to your homes" citizens are told by federal officials dressed head to toe in hazmat suits.  It would be humorous under other circumstances.  Where is Old Joe?  Have the aliens taken him after he shot down all those UFOs?

Grumpy strikes again.

If one lie (or three) doesn't work, just move on to another subject to complain about. Hiliarious...

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 17, 2023, 01:37:32 PM
Poor Old Joe.  He was paralyzed with fear over the Chinese balloon and allowed it to transverse the entire country.  Then after he caught political flak, he apparently started shooting down party balloons with $500K missiles.  At least one of which didn't work.  Incredible incompetence.  And poor John Fetterman who had a debilitating stroke but assured the public he was in condition to be a senator has now been in both a hospital and a mental asylum within one month of being sworn in.  His family should be ashamed to have not intervened and allow him to recover.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 17, 2023, 02:14:33 PM
Grumpy strikes again.

If one lie (or three) doesn't work, just move on to another subject to complain about. Hiliarious...

So needy for my attention.  Like a puppy.  There, of course, was no lie.  The US has sent over $110 billion and counting with no end in sight to Ukraine for an endless war.  Nothing comparable is being sent to Turkey.  Much of the US relief effort is coming from private charities.  The US government's contribution is miniscule in comparison to the effort to promote endless war in Ukraine. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 17, 2023, 02:29:20 PM
So needy for my attention.  Like a puppy.  There, of course, was no lie.  The US has sent over $110 billion and counting with no end in sight to Ukraine for an endless war.  Nothing comparable is being sent to Turkey.  Much of the US relief effort is coming from private charities.  The US government's contribution is miniscule in comparison to the effort to promote endless war in Ukraine.

There, of course, was no lie.

That's another lie.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 17, 2023, 02:36:13 PM
There, of course, was no lie.

That's another lie.

What was the lie?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 17, 2023, 04:27:47 PM
What was the lie?

That really needs to be explained to you?  Wow!

What do you think, could it be a lie that you claimed there had been no lie?

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 17, 2023, 09:29:29 PM
That really needs to be explained to you?  Wow!

What do you think, could it be a lie that you claimed there had been no lie?

Got it.  You can't articulate anything. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 17, 2023, 09:30:01 PM
Mayor Pete's political career:

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 17, 2023, 09:45:04 PM
Got it.  You can't articulate anything.

Pot meet kettle    Thumb1:
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 18, 2023, 03:29:49 PM
It looks like Don Lemon is about to be fired.  Possibly the dumbest and most arrogant commentator on TV.   Which is saying a lot.  Joining the long list of Trump hating conspiracy theorists whose careers have gone down in flames.  The Brothers Cuomo, Avenatti, Alec Baldwin, Brian "baby Huey" Stelter.  Karma. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 20, 2023, 08:36:49 PM
With Biden in Ukraine, let's wait and see what Grumpy Richard has to complain about this time....

Could it be that it was wrong for Biden to go? Or perhaps that he took a great (perhaps even too great) risk visiting a war zone?

I'm sure Grumpy will find something creative to complain about.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 20, 2023, 11:15:09 PM
With Biden in Ukraine, let's wait and see what Grumpy Richard has to complain about this time....

Could it be that it was wrong for Biden to go? Or perhaps that he took a great (perhaps even too great) risk visiting a war zone?

I'm sure Grumpy will find something creative to complain about.

So much obsession with my opinion.  Biden's visit was meaningless propaganda for a good photo op when he announces his reelection campaign soon.  It has no affect on the war other than to result in possibly escalating the situation.  He has no plan for ending this war.  In fact, he wants it to go on and on.  It's good business for the lobbyists who pour millions into the pockets of the politicians who approve the funds for endless war.  It appeases the insane war hawks who want to fight the Cold War again and tie Russia up in an endless Vietnam-like conflict.  What it has nothing to do with is "democracy" or any of the fake narratives designed to appeal to the emotions of Americans.  The "Europeans" are smarter in this instance if no other.  They have cut bait and will let the Americans pay for it as always.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 21, 2023, 01:27:06 AM
So much obsession with my opinion.  Biden's visit was meaningless propaganda for a good photo op when he announces his reelection campaign soon.  It has no affect on the war other than to result in possibly escalating the situation.  He has no plan for ending this war.  In fact, he wants it to go on and on.  It's good business for the lobbyists who pour millions into the pockets of the politicians who approve the funds for endless war.  It appeases the insane war hawks who want to fight the Cold War again and tie Russia up in an endless Vietnam-like conflict.  What it has nothing to do with is "democracy" or any of the fake narratives designed to appeal to the emotions of Americans.  The "Europeans" are smarter in this instance if no other.  They have cut bait and will let the Americans pay for it as always.

So much obsession with my opinion. 

Not really, just pressing the right button. Seems I've got your number and it's so much fun to get you riled up!   :D

It's freakin' hilarious to see how easy it is to bait you.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 21, 2023, 01:02:59 PM
So much obsession with my opinion. 

Not really, just pressing the right button. Seems I've got your number and it's so much fun to get you riled up!   :D

It's freakin' hilarious to see how easy it is to bait you.

Imagine the humiliation of writing a post like the above?  Like a petulant child who needs the attention of his parent.  Or a puppy who has made a mess on the carpet.  Pathetic.  Do many people in "Europe" use phrases like "it's freakin hilarious"?  LOL.

Meanwhile back on planet Earth Old Joe arranged a fake air raid siren to go off in Kiev yesterday as part of his propaganda visit.  Imagine putting an entire city on alert for an air strike to get a film of him walking outside while an air raid siren can be heard.  Pathetic.  Old Joe has also managed to push Russia and China into a coalition against the US.  Something even Karl Marx couldn't do. And the US has paid billions for the privilege.  No sign of any of that money going to Ohio where Old Joe has left an American city under a toxic mushroom cloud of his creation.  Nothing to see there. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 21, 2023, 02:05:06 PM
Our resident contrarians follow the news in Austin, so I'm surprised they have not expressed concern that it is in complete anarchy under the Dems.  Unreal Mad Max like conditions on the streets with no police.  No sane, law-abiding person would be safe there or in any American city governed by anarchists and socialist Dems who have allowed the criminals and homeless to take over the cities.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 21, 2023, 03:59:05 PM
Imagine the humiliation of writing a post like the above?  Like a petulant child who needs the attention of his parent.  Or a puppy who has made a mess on the carpet.  Pathetic.  Do many people in "Europe" use phrases like "it's freakin hilarious"?  LOL.

Meanwhile back on planet Earth Old Joe arranged a fake air raid siren to go off in Kiev yesterday as part of his propaganda visit.  Imagine putting an entire city on alert for an air strike to get a film of him walking outside while an air raid siren can be heard.  Pathetic.  Old Joe has also managed to push Russia and China into a coalition against the US.  Something even Karl Marx couldn't do. And the US has paid billions for the privilege.  No sign of any of that money going to Ohio where Old Joe has left an American city under a toxic mushroom cloud of his creation.  Nothing to see there.

Just keep them coming, Grumpy. It's great entertainment.

Old Joe arranged a fake air raid siren to go off in Kiev yesterday as part of his propaganda visit. 

Where did you get this beauty from? Your favorite Russian channel perhaps?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 21, 2023, 04:15:34 PM
Just keep them coming, Grumpy. It's great entertainment.

Old Joe arranged a fake air raid siren to go off in Kiev yesterday as part of his propaganda visit. 

Where did you get this beauty from? Your favorite Russian channel perhaps?

That's "freakin hilarious" as they say in "Europe."  There are no Russian channels in the US.  In fact, the opposite.  Most of the social and mass media outlets only run US state sponsored information and actively suppresses any pro-Russian information even if true.  Do you believe that the secret service would allow Biden to walk around in the open if there was even a remote threat of an air strike much less one that necessitated an air raid siren sending citizens to shelters?  HA HA HA.  There, of course, was no air strike in the city nor has there been any recently.   Even a gullible contrarian such as yourself knows better. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 21, 2023, 05:00:59 PM
That's "freakin hilarious" as they say in "Europe."  There are no Russian channels in the US.  In fact, the opposite.  Most of the social and mass media outlets only run US state sponsored information and actively suppresses any pro-Russian information even if true.  Do you believe that the secret service would allow Biden to walk around in the open if there was even a remote threat of an air strike much less one that necessitated an air raid siren sending citizens to shelters?  HA HA HA.  There, of course, was no air strike in the city nor has there been any recently.   Even a gullible contrarian such as yourself knows better.

There are no Russian channels in the US.

Who said anything about them being in the US? And since when do they have to be in the US for you to be able to watch them?

Btw, did you enjoy the speech of your idol, Putin?

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 22, 2023, 07:05:44 PM
Old Joe concluded his disastrous trip to "Europe" by falling down or rather somehow up the stairs of his plane again.  His staffers topped even that by falling while getting off the plane like the Three Stooges landing in a pile on the runway.  A clown show.  Putin must be rolling on the ground laughing.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 22, 2023, 08:08:43 PM
Old Joe concluded his disastrous trip to "Europe" by falling down or rather somehow up the stairs of his plane again.  His staffers topped even that by falling while getting off the plane like the Three Stooges landing in a pile on the runway.  A clown show.  Putin must be rolling on the ground laughing.

Grumpy strikes again.... in the most cultist way.  :D

Putin must be rolling on the ground laughing.

Well, actually, like all paranoid dictators before him, your hero is now travelling by armoured train only as he is afraid to fly or drive around in a car for fear of being assassinated or deposed.

And now his Wagner mercenaries are turning against him.

He's laughing alright....   :D :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 22, 2023, 09:47:18 PM
Trump is heading to Ohio to aid the residents of the town abandoned by Ukraine Joe and Mayor Pete.  Magnificent.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 22, 2023, 10:54:06 PM
Trump is heading to Ohio to aid the residents of the town abandoned by Ukraine Joe and Mayor Pete.  Magnificent.

So much delusion....

The words 'Trump' and 'aid' can not be used in one sentence.

Remember the 'aid' he gave to Puerto Rico?

Next time you have an opportunity, why don't you ask Trump why his administration cancelled the safety regulations for rail transportation put in place by Obama?

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 23, 2023, 01:05:19 PM
A magnificent reception for Trump in Ohio.  Meanwhile Ukraine Joe returned from "Europe" and avoided falling down the stairs of his plane.  A miracle.  He was exhausted from giving away US tax dollars while the folks in Ohio suffer.  Let them eat toxic cake as Mayor Pete would say if he ever showed up. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 23, 2023, 05:27:25 PM
A magnificent reception for Trump in Ohio.  Meanwhile Ukraine Joe returned from "Europe" and avoided falling down the stairs of his plane.  A miracle.  He was exhausted from giving away US tax dollars while the folks in Ohio suffer.  Let them eat toxic cake as Mayor Pete would say if he ever showed up.

So much anger and hatred.

"Our prayers are with you" says the Orange one and calls it "aid". The cultists go crazy   :D

Never mind that it was his own administration who made the disaster possible by cancelling Obama's safety regulations for rail transportation.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 24, 2023, 01:15:51 PM
Mayor Pete was finally forced by political pressure to do his job.  He slipped into Ohio in the early hours under the cover of darkness and walked around in a hard hat (does he think train disasters occur over his head?) and then fled before any of the locals were aware that he had even been there.  At least there was no fake air raid siren.   That's "freakin hilarious" as they say in "Europe." Mayor Pete's cowardly and weak presence stood in stark contrast to the magnificent visit by Trump who was greeted as a hero.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 24, 2023, 09:43:01 PM
Mayor Pete was finally forced by political pressure to do his job.  He slipped into Ohio in the early hours under the cover of darkness and walked around in a hard hat (does he think train disasters occur over his head?) and then fled before any of the locals were aware that he had even been there.  At least there was no fake air raid siren.   That's "freakin hilarious" as they say in "Europe." Mayor Pete's cowardly and weak presence stood in stark contrast to the magnificent visit by Trump who was greeted as a hero.

How do you tell somebody in a cult that he is actually in a cult?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 25, 2023, 03:41:23 PM
Ukraine Joe is sending another $50 billion to his favorite place.  And it's not Ohio.  The money is flowing to Ukraine without limitation, purpose or objective.  And no end in sight.  No effort is even being made to find a way to end it other than endless war.  "Europe" has completely dropped out except as spectators. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 26, 2023, 11:25:09 PM
And so it goes with no consequences.  Another MAGA conspiracy theory turns out to be true.  Where is Fauci?

"The Energy Department, which was previously undecided on the origin of the pandemic, now joins the FBI’s stance that the coronavirus likely spread due to a mishap at a Chinese laboratory, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 27, 2023, 02:04:58 AM
And so it goes with no consequences.  Another MAGA conspiracy theory turns out to be true.  Where is Fauci?

"The Energy Department, which was previously undecided on the origin of the pandemic, now joins the FBI’s stance that the coronavirus likely spread due to a mishap at a Chinese laboratory, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress."

More right wing paranoia...  It has always been a possibility that something had gone wrong in the lab in China, but as the Chinese refused to cooperate there wasn't enough information either way to come to a conclusion based on actual evidence. Obviously, that didn't stop the extreme right wing media to jump to conclusions anyway. But even if there was a leak at a lab in China, how is that a conspiracy?

It's impossible to keep track of the multiple ludacris conspiracy theories of the MAGA cult, so please do tell, what exactly was/is the conspiracy you are talking about?

And what has Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and chief medical advisor to the President to do with the Energy Department or the FBI?   

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 27, 2023, 01:47:47 PM
Ukraine Joe had another horrific week last week.  Inflation numbers are up, the stock market is crashing, billions more sent to Ukraine with no end in sight, he fell down the stairs of his plane again, the buffoon Mayor Pete humiliated his administration with a silly photo op visit to Ohio in which he met no one and fled before they knew he was even there, Biden's bribe of student load debt is set to be reviewed by the Supreme Court and likely overturned, and Old Joe, for some inexplicable reason, still refuses to visit the disaster scene in Ohio like a badge of honor despite flying halfway around the world to Ukraine (where he has been many times while VP).  Unreal.  Meanwhile Trump was welcomed like a hero in Ohio.  Magnificent.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 27, 2023, 02:16:04 PM
Over one million Americans dead from COVID and counting.  We were told by Fauci and the leftists that it didn't come from a lab and that it was a baseless conspiracy theory to even suggest.  In fact, you would be banned from social media for "disinformation" and called racist if you did so.  Fast forward to today, and we suddenly learn that the leftists always entertained the possibility of a lab leak.  Just like they apparently always entertained the possibility that Hunter's laptop wasn't the product of Russian disinformation.   Just because they said the exact opposite at the time and attributed any dissent to being racist or an insane conspiracy theorist is long forgotten. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 27, 2023, 02:33:14 PM
Over one million Americans dead from COVID and counting.  We were told by Fauci and the leftists that it didn't come from a lab and that it was a baseless conspiracy theory to even suggest.  In fact, you would be banned from social media for "disinformation" and called racist if you did so.  Fast forward to today, and we suddenly learn that the leftists always entertained the possibility of a lab leak.  Just like they apparently always entertained the possibility that Hunter's laptop wasn't the product of Russian disinformation.   Just because they said the exact opposite at the time and attributed any dissent to being racist or an insane conspiracy theorist is long forgotten.

We were told by Fauci and the leftists that it didn't come from a lab

No we weren't. Why do you always have to make up stuff? They said from the beginning (under Trump, I might add) that there was no certainty where the virus came from. They wanted to investigate the lab in China, but the Chinese refused to cooperate.

that it was a baseless conspiracy theory to even suggest

At the time it was, because it was a claim for which there was no evidence either way. And there still isn't now. All the report says is that it is likely that the virus came from a Chinese lab. For reasonable people "likely" is hardly conclusive.

Fast forward to today, and we suddenly learn that the leftists always entertained the possibility of a lab leak. 

Wrong again. We don't learn that suddenly. Reasonable people have known that all along. it's only gullible cultists with an agenda who ignored it so they could have one more thing to complain about.

Just like they apparently always entertained the possibility that Hunter's laptop wasn't the product of Russian disinformation.

Democrats have always stated that the matter of Hunter Biden's laptop needed to be investigated and that one should wait for the outcome of that investigation before starting to make outrages claims. The message clearly never reached the right wingers or they simply ignored it.

But it seems that Grumpy is, yet again, completely unable to answer my questions. He calls it a conspiracy but can not say what exactly that conspiracy was/is and who was involved. It's duly noted...

The list of claims made by Richard that he can't substantiate is growing longer with every pathetic post he writes.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 27, 2023, 05:22:13 PM
Fauci: "No scientific evidence the coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 27, 2023, 05:37:34 PM
No leftist revisionist history is required.  The media and Fauci implied for years that it was a racist conspiracy theory to suggest that COVID originated in a lab.  They banned and/or chastised posters on social media who suggested that the virus originated in a lab as "disinformation" or "racist."  They didn't take a neutral approach that there was a lack of evidence either way and it was an issue in doubt.  They viciously attacked anyone who expressed any doubt that it was naturally occurring. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 27, 2023, 07:27:39 PM
Fauci: "No scientific evidence the coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab."

He was correct when he said it. There was no evidence because the Chinese did not cooperate. So what exactly is your problem.

No leftist revisionist history is required.  The media and Fauci implied for years that it was a racist conspiracy theory to suggest that COVID originated in a lab.  They banned and/or chastised posters on social media who suggested that the virus originated in a lab as "disinformation" or "racist."  They didn't take a neutral approach that there was a lack of evidence either way and it was an issue in doubt.  They viciously attacked anyone who expressed any doubt that it was naturally occurring. 

I'm not sure where you get the "racist" BS from, but it was indeed (and still is) a conspiracy theory to claim, without evidence, that one particular scenario was true, when nobody could and still can't prove it was/is indeed true. Spreading claims without evidence to back it up can indeed be and justly was considered disinformation.

There is more revisionism in this post than anything coming from the left. It is one thing to "express doubt" about something. It's something else entirely to claim that something did happen without being able to prove it. The last thing they needed in a pandemic was idiots making all sorts of wild claims to make the population, or at least part of it, feel insecure. That's what happened here!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 27, 2023, 09:00:06 PM
What a fascinating fantasy world the leftists must live in.  Fauci and company contended that there is no evidence it came from a lab.  Fauci was supposed to know the evidence.  He claimed to be the science.  That was his entire job. They treated the lab theory as the product of disinformation to the point of censoring social media posts to that effect.  Left wing pundits mocked Trump and any dissenter who would even dare suggest that it was possible that it came from a Chinese lab.  It was deemed racist to link it to China.  Did they treat theories that it was naturally occurring and originated in a Wuhan market the same way even though there was zero evidence of such?  Of course not.  This was a case of promoting one theory and trying to bury any other theories.  They tried to suppress the evidence relating to the lab.  Why?

The leftist narrative had to be that the pandemic was Trump's fault.  Not China.  They couldn't allow that blame to be deflected to China.  So it couldn't have originated in a lab.  It had to be an act of nature that the Chinese couldn't control.  And then Trump was at fault for botching the response (albeit in some unspecified way since many more Americans died under Ukraine Joe with the vaccine than under Trump without it until the very end of his administration). The leftist hated Trump so much they were willing to politicize and falsify the origins of COVID to put the blame on Trump.  Fauci was also caught with his hands in the cookie jar by being party to the activities of that lab.  Millions died as a result of such disinformation with no consequences.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 27, 2023, 09:54:26 PM
What a fascinating fantasy world the leftists must live in.  Fauci and company contended that there is no evidence it came from a lab.  Fauci was supposed to know the evidence.  He claimed to be the science.  That was his entire job. They treated the lab theory as the product of disinformation to the point of censoring social media posts to that effect.  Left wing pundits mocked Trump and any dissenter who would even dare suggest that it was possible that it came from a Chinese lab.  It was deemed racist to link it to China.  Did they treat theories that it was naturally occurring and originated in a Wuhan market the same way even though there was zero evidence of such?  Of course not.  This was a case of promoting one theory and trying to bury any other theories.  They tried to suppress the evidence relating to the lab.  Why?

The leftist narrative had to be that the pandemic was Trump's fault.  Not China.  They couldn't allow that blame to be deflected to China.  So it couldn't have originated in a lab.  It had to be an act of nature that the Chinese couldn't control.  And then Trump was at fault for botching the response (albeit in some unspecified way since many more Americans died under Ukraine Joe with the vaccine than under Trump without it until the very end of his administration). The leftist hated Trump so much they were willing to politicize and falsify the origins of COVID to put the blame on Trump.  Fauci was also caught with his hands in the cookie jar by being party to the activities of that lab.  Millions died as a result of such disinformation with no consequences.   

What a fascinating fantasy world the leftists must live in.

Says a guy who clearly lives in a news bubble dominated by Fox "news" and completely unhinged right wingers.  :D

Fauci and company contended that there is no evidence it came from a lab.  Fauci was supposed to know the evidence.  He claimed to be the science.  That was his entire job.

Complete and utter nonsense. Fauci is a scientist, not an investigator nor a politician. How in the world would Fauci be able to "know the evidence" when the Chinese refused to cooperate? The simple answer is of course that he couldn't but that doesn't fit Grumpy's narrative....

This was a case of promoting one theory and trying to bury any other theories.  They tried to suppress the evidence relating to the lab.  Why?

Where do you come up with this kind of crap? Nobody promoted one theory and tried to bury others.... Unlike MAGA cult nuts, scientists don't promote "theories", they deal with facts and in this case they had none and still have none!

The leftist narrative had to be that the pandemic was Trump's fault.

And there is the classic right winger playing the victim again.....  Pathetic!

And then Trump was at fault for botching the response (albeit in some unspecified way since many more Americans died under Ukraine Joe with the vaccine than under Trump without it until the very end of his administration).

Of course Trump botched the response! And it is simply not true that more people have died from Covid under Biden than under Trump.

The leftist hated Trump so much they were willing to politicize and falsify the origins of COVID to put the blame on Trump. Fauci was also caught with his hands in the cookie jar by being party to the activities of that lab. 

And yet more false claims for which there is not a shred of evidence. Who falsified the origins of Covid? Who investigated this case and found that Fauci did something illegal? Instead of just making random false claims, why don't you name names and provide evidence for once?

Instead what I really expect to get is another idiotic rant full of bogus claims....

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 28, 2023, 01:19:50 PM

And then Trump was at fault for botching the response (albeit in some unspecified way since many more Americans died under Ukraine Joe with the vaccine than under Trump without it until the very end of his administration).

Of course Trump botched the response! And it is simply not true that more people have died from Covid under Biden than under Trump.

Leftist apparently can't accept facts that don't fit their fantasy narrative.  It is simply a fact that many more Americans have died of COVID under Biden than under Trump.

Reuters: May 12, 2022
"President Joe Biden on Thursday commemorated the COVID-19 deaths of 1 million people in the United States, marking what he called "a tragic milestone" and urging Americans to "remain vigilant" during the ongoing pandemic." "Most of those deaths, some 600,000, happened after Biden took office in January 2021."

Keep in mind that was almost a year ago and another hundred thousand American deaths have occurred after this article.  So over 700K of the 1.1 million US deaths occurred under Ukraine Joe.  That's approximately 65% of the deaths under Old Joe with the Trump vaccine widely available.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 28, 2023, 04:51:06 PM
Leftist apparently can't accept facts that don't fit their fantasy narrative.  It is simply a fact that many more Americans have died of COVID under Biden than under Trump.

Reuters: May 12, 2022
"President Joe Biden on Thursday commemorated the COVID-19 deaths of 1 million people in the United States, marking what he called "a tragic milestone" and urging Americans to "remain vigilant" during the ongoing pandemic." "Most of those deaths, some 600,000, happened after Biden took office in January 2021."

Keep in mind that was almost a year ago and another hundred thousand American deaths have occurred after this article.  So over 700K of the 1.1 million US deaths occurred under Ukraine Joe.  That's approximately 65% of the deaths under Old Joe with the Trump vaccine widely available.

Talk about misrepresenting the facts....

Just because Reuters writes it in an article doesn't make it a fact. But let's examine the entire article a bit closer;

From the same Reuters article;

Biden took office in January 2021 at the peak of a major wave of the disease.

He ran against Trump on a promise to take it more seriously, and he came into office with a plan to get Americans vaccinated and an attempt to show leadership on mask-wearing and mitigation efforts. But he faced an unexpectedly strong opposition to vaccine and mask mandates, led by Republicans, that turned public safety measures endorsed by disease experts into a political and legal battle in the United States. A conservative-dominated Supreme Court struck down his federal vaccine-or-test mandate for companies, and a Trump-appointed judge struck down his public transportation mask mandate

Grumpy seems to think that when Biden was sworn in he had to put a stop all existing cases of Covid instantly. The truth is of course that the majority of the people who died after the inauguration were already infected during the Trump era and even more died because of the Republicans' opposition to vaccine and mask mandates. The claim that more people died under Biden than under Trump is at best a pathetic oversimplication that does not represent the true facts correctly.

The real bottom line is that Trump botched the response and Biden had to deal with the consequences.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 28, 2023, 07:04:42 PM
Talk about misrepresenting the facts....

Just because Reuters writes it in an article doesn't make it a fact. But let's examine the entire article a bit closer;

From the same Reuters article;

Biden took office in January 2021 at the peak of a major wave of the disease.

He ran against Trump on a promise to take it more seriously, and he came into office with a plan to get Americans vaccinated and an attempt to show leadership on mask-wearing and mitigation efforts. But he faced an unexpectedly strong opposition to vaccine and mask mandates, led by Republicans, that turned public safety measures endorsed by disease experts into a political and legal battle in the United States. A conservative-dominated Supreme Court struck down his federal vaccine-or-test mandate for companies, and a Trump-appointed judge struck down his public transportation mask mandate

Grumpy seems to think that when Biden was sworn in he had to put a stop all existing cases of Covid instantly. The truth is of course that the majority of the people who died after the inauguration were already infected during the Trump era and even more died because of the Republicans' opposition to vaccine and mask mandates. The claim that more people died under Biden than under Trump is at best a pathetic oversimplication that does not represent the true facts correctly.

The real bottom line is that Trump botched the response and Biden had to deal with the consequences.

Caught in another lie.  Many more Americans have died from COVID under Biden than Trump exactly as I said.  And you falsely suggested otherwise either out of ignorance from leftist propaganda or dishonesty.  In addition, a hundred thousand more have died since that article was written.  So approximately 65% of American COVID deaths (2 in 3) have occurred under Biden.  It was Ukraine Joe who campaigned on shutting down the virus.  Take it up with him if you don't like the fact that he lied and politicized COVID to get elected.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 28, 2023, 07:09:07 PM
The citizens of PA remain without their elected representative in the US Senate as John Fetterman remains in the mental asylum "indefinitely" according to the most recent update. This is the guy who hid the severity of his illness during the campaign and then had his doctors lie about his ability to fulfill his responsibilities if elected.  He didn't even last a month.  Everyone wishes him well in recovery, but the fact remains that he was in no condition to become a senator.  His family should have intervened to spare his health.  Instead they lied and covered up and this is the result.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 28, 2023, 09:53:15 PM
Caught in another lie.  Many more Americans have died from COVID under Biden than Trump exactly as I said.  And you falsely suggested otherwise either out of ignorance from leftist propaganda or dishonesty.  In addition, a hundred thousand more have died since that article was written.  So approximately 65% of American COVID deaths (2 in 3) have occurred under Biden.  It was Ukraine Joe who campaigned on shutting down the virus.  Take it up with him if you don't like the fact that he lied and politicized COVID to get elected.

More dishonest fromy Grumpy, who simply refuses to accept the fact that the majority of people who died from Covid after Biden took over from Trump were already infected during Trump's term in office.
To blame those deaths on Biden is pathetic and typical right wing nonsense. A far more honest approach would be to look at how many people died under Biden that were indeed infected after his inauguration. But you will never get those number from Grumpy because they don't bode well for his false message.

The real numbers show that Biden kept his campaign promise!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on February 28, 2023, 11:45:05 PM
More dishonest from Crumpy, who simply refuses to accept the fact that the majority of people who died from Covid after Biden took over from Trump were already infected during Trump's term in office.
To blame those deaths on Biden is pathetic and typical right wing nonsense. A far more honest approach would be to look at how many people died under Biden that were indeed infected after his inauguration. But you will never get those number from Grumpy because they don't bode well for his false message.

The real numbers show that Biden kept his campaign promise!

I said more Americans died from COVID under Biden than Trump.  That is a demonstrable fact that you stupidly suggested wasn't true.  You were caught in an outright lie. I'm not sure why you are now babbling about infected people.  Even so more Americans have also been infected under Ukraine Joe than Trump.  Old Joe himself has been infected several times.  He did absolutely nothing to slow the spread of COVID.  He had no plan.  COVID ran its course as it was always going to do.  Almost everyone has had it now.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 01, 2023, 02:16:03 AM
I said more Americans died from COVID under Biden than Trump.  That is a demonstrable fact that you stupidly suggested wasn't true.  You were caught in an outright lie. I'm not sure why you are now babbling about infected people.  Even so more Americans have also been infected under Ukraine Joe than Trump.  Old Joe himself has been infected several times.  He did absolutely nothing to slow the spread of COVID.  He had no plan.  COVID ran its course as it was always going to do.  Almost everyone has had it now.

I said more Americans died from COVID under Biden than Trump. 

You say a great many things and most of them are taken out of context and never tell the true story.

He did absolutely nothing to slow the spread of COVID. He had no plan.

And still, it now is has been reduced to nothing more than a bad flue.... Go figure
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 01, 2023, 01:55:40 PM
I said more Americans died from COVID under Biden than Trump. 

You say a great many things and most of them are taken out of context and never tell the true story.

He did absolutely nothing to slow the spread of COVID. He had no plan.

And still, it now is has been reduced to nothing more than a bad flue.... Go figure

What I said was very specific and 100% accurate.  There have been more American deaths from COVID under Ukraine Joe than Trump.  You took issue with that specific statement, and you were wrong as usual.   You started babbling about "infections" but, of course, there have also been more COVID infections under Old Joe than Trump.  Making that claim not only false but idiotic.  If COVID has been reduced to the "flu", it is because of the Trump vaccine.   Biden did absolutely nothing to slow the spread of the virus.  He himself got it several times.  It ran its course as Republicans said it would providing some natural immunity. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 01, 2023, 10:24:16 PM
What I said was very specific and 100% accurate.  There have been more American deaths from COVID under Ukraine Joe than Trump.  You took issue with that specific statement, and you were wrong as usual.   You started babbling about "infections" but, of course, there have also been more COVID infections under Old Joe than Trump.  Making that claim not only false but idiotic.  If COVID has been reduced to the "flu", it is because of the Trump vaccine.   Biden did absolutely nothing to slow the spread of the virus.  He himself got it several times.  It ran its course as Republicans said it would providing some natural immunity.

What I said was very specific

As well as cherry picking and a misleading out of context misrepresentation of the facts.

But for you that's par for the course....

it is because of the Trump vaccine.

There never was a "Trump vaccine".
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 02, 2023, 12:17:22 AM
What I said was very specific

As well as cherry picking and a misleading out of context misrepresentation of the facts.

But for you that's par for the course....

it is because of the Trump vaccine.

There never was a "Trump vaccine".

It's "cherry picking" to state a fact?  LOL.  You have been spanked like a petulant child and sent to bed without milk and cookies.  What a humiliation to be caught out in an outright lie.  And of course, Trump and the USA developed the vaccine and "Europe" stole it per the lawsuit.  Trump just can't stop winning.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 02, 2023, 01:37:02 AM
It's "cherry picking" to state a fact?  LOL.  You have been spanked like a petulant child and sent to bed without milk and cookies.  What a humiliation to be caught out in an outright lie.  And of course, Trump and the USA developed the vaccine and "Europe" stole it per the lawsuit.  Trump just can't stop winning.

What a humiliation to be caught out in an outright lie.

If there is one person on this planet who would know what such humiliation feels like, it's you.

Trump just can't stop winning.

Tell that to the relatives of the people who died due to his incompetence.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 02, 2023, 08:35:21 PM
What a humiliation to be caught out in an outright lie.

If there is one person on this planet who would know what such humiliation feels like, it's you.

Trump just can't stop winning.

Tell that to the relatives of the people who died due to his incompetence.

Trump was incompetent when fewer Americans died under him than under Ukraine Joe with the vaccine available for the entirety of his administration?  And there are still over 500 Americans dying PER DAY under Old Joe.   But he promised to "shut it down."  LOL. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 02, 2023, 09:08:54 PM
Trump was incompetent when fewer Americans died under him than under Ukraine Joe with the vaccine available for the entirety of his administration?  And there are still over 500 Americans dying PER DAY under Old Joe.   But he promised to "shut it down."  LOL.

Trump was incompetent when fewer Americans died under him than under Ukraine Joe

The largest part of the people who died under Biden were infected under Trump. To deny this is just dishonest.

But he promised to "shut it down."

What did you expect? That Biden, on the day of his inauguration could just flick a switch and all existing infections of Covid would disappear in an instant?

Are you really this stupid or just a nasty hater?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 02, 2023, 09:18:51 PM
Trump was incompetent when fewer Americans died under him than under Ukraine Joe

The largest part of the people who died under Biden were infected under Trump. To deny this is just dishonest.

But he promised to "shut it down."

What did you expect? That Biden, on the day of his inauguration could just flick a switch and all existing infections of Covid would disappear in an instant?

Are you really this stupid or just a nasty hater?

Your first statement is an outright demonstrable lie.   Even if you attributed the deaths that occurred from folks that were infected on Biden's inauguration to Trump, there still have been tens of thousands of more deaths under Old Joe's administration than under Trump.  It was Ukraine Joe who promised to shut down the virus.  If that was not possible and there was no way for him to make it disappear, then take it up with him.  It just was another lie.  In fact, 500 Americans are still dying each day two years after he took office.  Are those deaths still Trump's fault?  It's no longer a big deal because the media doesn't need to politicize it.  It served its political purpose.  It was always going to run its course.  Just like Trump and Republicans said all along. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 02, 2023, 09:43:43 PM
Your first statement is an outright demonstrable lie.   Even if you attributed the deaths that occurred from folks that were infected on Biden's inauguration to Trump, there still have been tens of thousands of more deaths under Old Joe's administration than under Trump.  It was Ukraine Joe who promised to shut down the virus.  If that was not possible and there was no way for him to make it disappear, then take it up with him.  It just was another lie.  In fact, 500 Americans are still dying each day two years after he took office.  Are those deaths still Trump's fault?  It's no longer a big deal because the media doesn't need to politicize it.  It served its political purpose.  It was always going to run its course.  Just like Trump and Republicans said all along.

Your first statement is an outright demonstrable lie. 

Demonstrate it's a lie... go on then! Biden took over from Trump in the middle of the second massive wave of Covid!

Even if you attributed the deaths that occurred from folks that were infected on Biden's inauguration to Trump,

So now you admit that people died under Biden after having been infected under Trump? That's progress.....

there still have been tens of thousands of more deaths under Old Joe's administration than under Trump.

Produce verifiable numbers to back up that claim!

It was Ukraine Joe who promised to shut down the virus.

And he did, as well as could be expected, by reducing it to a flu.... with no thanks to the Republicans who fought him every step of the way.

It just was another lie.

Oh please, stop whining. Trumps promised to build a wall and only managed to build a small section. Was that a lie also?

You tell a lie when you know something isn't true but you say it anyway. In neither case Trump and Biden could have possibly known it wasn't true when they made the promise.

Are those deaths still Trump's fault?

Trump and Biden are politicians. They are not doctors. Blaming a global pandanemic on either is just BS politics.

In fact, 500 Americans are still dying each day two years after he took office.

Where did you get those numbers?

It's no longer a big deal because the media doesn't need to politicize it.  It served its political purpose.  It was always going to run its course.  Just like Trump and Republicans said all along.

BS. It hasn't run it's course. It's still with us and will remain to be for a long time. We just know how to deal with it now, just like we do with HIV and all sorts of other illnesses.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 02, 2023, 09:48:02 PM
Your first statement is an outright demonstrable lie. 

Demonstrate it's a lie... go on then! Biden took over from Trump in the middle of the second massive wave of Covid!

Even if you attributed the deaths that occurred from folks that were infected on Biden's inauguration to Trump,

So now you admit that people died under Biden after having been infected under Trump? That's progress.....

there still have been tens of thousands of more deaths under Old Joe's administration than under Trump.

Produce verifiable numbers to back up that claim!

It was Ukraine Joe who promised to shut down the virus.

And he did, as well as could be expected, by reducing it to a flu.... with no thanks to the Republicans who fought him every step of the way.

It just was another lie.

Oh please, stop whining. Trumps promised to build a wall and only managed to build a small section. Was that a lie also?

You tell a lie when you know something isn't true but you say it anyway. In neither case Trump and Biden could have possibly known it wasn't true when they made the promise.

Are those deaths still Trump's fault?

Trump and Biden are politicians. They are not doctors. Blaming a global pandanemic on either is just BS politics.

In fact, 500 Americans are still dying each day two years after he took office.

Where did you get those numbers?

It's no longer a big deal because the media doesn't need to politicize it.  It served its political purpose.  It was always going to run its course.  Just like Trump and Republicans said all along.

BS. It hasn't run it's course. It's still with us and will remain to be for a long time. We just know how to deal with it now, just like we do with HIV and all sorts of other illnesses.

The NY Times and CDC widely report the number of daily COVID deaths.  I've already explained to you that approximately 1.1 million Americans have died from COVID.  Approximately 700k died after Old Joe became President.  Even you can do that math.  That means 300K more deaths occurred under Biden than Trump (with hundreds more each day). 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 02, 2023, 10:09:13 PM
The NY Times and CDC widely report the number of daily COVID deaths.  I've already explained to you that approximately 1.1 million Americans have died from COVID.  Approximately 700k died after Old Joe became President.  Even you can do that math.  That means 300K more deaths occurred under Biden than Trump (with hundreds more each day).

I don't read the NY Times nor do I have access to the CDC reports....

You're going to have to do better than that, because I'm not taking your word for it.

Approximately 700k died after Old Joe became President.

And how many of those were already infected in the second wave under Trump?

Not that it matters much, because, as I said earlier, you can not blame a global pandemic on a single person.

What you can blame on a single person is how they handled the crisis and the simple truth is that Trump blew it early on and Biden was left with the consequences.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 13, 2023, 04:15:34 PM
I don't read the NY Times nor do I have access to the CDC reports....

You're going to have to do better than that, because I'm not taking your word for it.

In which we learn that Martin doesn't have access to the Internet.  LOL
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 13, 2023, 07:01:02 PM
Grumpy needed 11 days to come up with something and this is all he's got?  :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 13, 2023, 11:51:21 PM
Ukraine Joe continues to amaze with his almost perfect record of disasters.  Thousands are storming across the border.  Banks are collapsing.  Trains are derailing.  Crime is out of control.  Inflation is out of control.  The stock market is collapsing.  War is raging without end.   Biden falls down the stairs of his plane every week.  Fetterman hasn't been seen in weeks.  But the clown show goes on and on. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 14, 2023, 09:11:12 AM
Ukraine Joe continues to amaze with his almost perfect record of disasters.  Thousands are storming across the border.  Banks are collapsing.  Trains are derailing.  Crime is out of control.  Inflation is out of control.  The stock market is collapsing.  War is raging without end.   Biden falls down the stairs of his plane every week.  Fetterman hasn't been seen in weeks.  But the clown show goes on and on.

Let's not forget that storm Freddy caused massive damage in Malawi. Joe Biden is responsible for that as well, surely......   :D  :D  :D  :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 14, 2023, 12:10:30 PM
Ukraine Joe continues to hide as the world unravels about him.  He showed his face briefly to read a teleprompter and fled the room yesterday without answering a single question about the banking disaster.  He had trouble opening the door to get out since it required him to turn the knob. That's "frickin hilarious" as they apparently say in "Europe."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 14, 2023, 07:30:54 PM
The Russians are now shooting down US drones.  This is going well!  Ukraine Joe will be able to add WWIII to his ever-growing list of disasters as his clown show rolls on.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 14, 2023, 11:54:35 PM
The Russians are now shooting down US drones.  This is going well!  Ukraine Joe will be able to add WWIII to his ever-growing list of disasters as his clown show rolls on.

Let's see if this makes any sense....

A US drone flies over the Black Sea in international waters, as part of an ongoing operation. Drones have been flying there for years. Suddenly some idiotic Russian pilot decides he's going to destroy that drone and, in Putin lovin' Grumpy's disturbed mind, Joe Biden is somehow responsible for the start of WWIII....

So much paranoia.

Hilarious!   :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 15, 2023, 01:30:13 AM
It's hard to believe that the US has fallen so far under Ukraine Joe.  He has only been President for two years.  It seems much longer.  His clown show administration has effectively destroyed America.  A smoldering ruin of weakness.  Disaster after disaster is unfolding both domestically and aboard.  Even "Europe" is laughing at Old Joe paying billions for the war in Ukraine while they pay nothing.  It's unreal.  Putin, Iran, and China must fall down laughing at him.  Has anyone seen or heard from Fetterman?  He has been in the mental asylum longer than he has represented the citizens of PA.  Incompetence and weakness at every turn. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 15, 2023, 08:00:41 PM
It's hard to believe that the US has fallen so far under Ukraine Joe.  He has only been President for two years.  It seems much longer.  His clown show administration has effectively destroyed America.  A smoldering ruin of weakness.  Disaster after disaster is unfolding both domestically and aboard.  Even "Europe" is laughing at Old Joe paying billions for the war in Ukraine while they pay nothing.  It's unreal.  Putin, Iran, and China must fall down laughing at him.  Has anyone seen or heard from Fetterman?  He has been in the mental asylum longer than he has represented the citizens of PA.  Incompetence and weakness at every turn.

Oh the dramatics of such a display of massive ignorance.... :D

Even "Europe" is laughing at Old Joe paying billions for the war in Ukraine while they pay nothing.

You really should not believe Fox news.... They lie, don't you know that? They even admitted it in court!

Actually, the E.U. is sending two battalions of Leopard tanks to Ukraine and have just decided to send 2 Billion Euro's worth of ammunition, which for the largest part is purchased in the US. The weapons to fire that ammunition are also being made - and sold to gundealers - by US companies, such as Adams Arms in Florida who make a healty profit from the sale.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 16, 2023, 12:35:49 PM
Ukraine Joe will go down as the worst president in modern history.  Even worse than Carter.  Disaster after disaster unfolding on a daily basis.  It's almost unreal.  Vegas should hire him as a cooler to stand next to gamblers he is so unlucky.  Obama got it right.  Never underestimate Old Joe's ability to screw things up.  He has a nearly 40-year perfect record of being on the wrong side of every decision.  His clown show cabinet of incompetents are not helping.  Not a single one is qualified for the position they hold. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 18, 2023, 01:58:15 PM
So after years of investigation desperately beating the bushes for any possible crime, the leftists are going to prosecute Trump for an alleged campaign finance violation?  When he was actually the subject of a blackmail shakedown.  HA HA HA.  Remember when the leftists went wild over the "lock her up" chant at Trump rallies claiming that was something dictators did in banana republics?  It turns out they were right!  Unfortunately, that is what the US has become.  Putin has nothing on the US justice system and media propaganda.  It is frightening.  More so than at the height of the McCarthy red scare because the justice system and media - traditional liberal means to protect personal liberties - are actually driving these abuses.  People are actually frightened and fear losing their jobs for expressing dissent.  Like something out of the Soviet bloc.  The Stasi and Cheka had nothing like the power of the folks running the show now.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 18, 2023, 06:55:13 PM
So after years of investigation desperately beating the bushes for any possible crime, the leftists are going to prosecute Trump for an alleged campaign finance violation?  When he was actually the subject of a blackmail shakedown.  HA HA HA.  Remember when the leftists went wild over the "lock her up" chant at Trump rallies claiming that was something dictators did in banana republics?  It turns out they were right!  Unfortunately, that is what the US has become.  Putin has nothing on the US justice system and media propaganda.  It is frightening.  More so than at the height of the McCarthy red scare because the justice system and media - traditional liberal means to protect personal liberties - are actually driving these abuses.  People are actually frightened and fear losing their jobs for expressing dissent.  Like something out of the Soviet bloc.  The Stasi and Cheka had nothing like the power of the folks running the show now.

Perhaps you should move to Russia. Putin will keep you safe... I'm sure   :D

So after years of investigation desperately beating the bushes for any possible crime, the leftists are going to prosecute Trump for an alleged campaign finance violation?

Al Capone, one of the biggest criminals of his day, was finally brought down by a tax evasion charge. If this is what it takes to free the world of the menace called Trump so be it.

And it's not merely about a campaign finance violation. It's about falsifying records!

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 20, 2023, 12:17:45 PM
Perhaps you should move to Russia. Putin will keep you safe... I'm sure   :D

So after years of investigation desperately beating the bushes for any possible crime, the leftists are going to prosecute Trump for an alleged campaign finance violation?

Al Capone, one of the biggest criminals of his day, was finally brought down by a tax evasion charge. If this is what it takes to free the world of the menace called Trump so be it.

And it's not merely about a campaign finance violation. It's about falsifying records!

Yes, a shakedown attempt by a porn star represented by a multi-felon convicted attorney who is in prison for blackmail is credible!  LOL.  It's good of you to admit the truth behind these efforts.  They are designed to "bring down" Trump by any possible means to undermine the democratic process.  The radical leftists can't allow the citizens of the US to decide who is the next president.  The leftists are seeing the writing on the wall as Ukraine Joe dismantles the world with his clown show.  So the Stasi has to stop him at all costs.  Like in the old Soviet bloc.  Our political masters now arrest dissenters and imprison political opponents just as Martin stupidly admits is the purpose behind this undertaking.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 20, 2023, 05:34:54 PM
Imagine even if the allegations against Trump are true.  That he had a consensual affair with Daniels and paid her to keep quiet. There is no crime.  The crime was committed by Daniels and her disbarred attorney.  It is called blackmail.  Coercing someone to be paid to avoid revealing embarrassing information.  Avenatti is in prison for exactly that same conduct with Nike.  Trump is actually the victim of the crime.  And after Daniels is paid off and signs a legal nondisclosure agreement, she tries to blackmail Trump for even more money using a convicted felon as her attorney.  What crime has Trump committed?  He has plenty of money.  If wants to pay off porn stars or anyone for real or made-up claims, he can legally do so.  You don't think Bill Clinton and many celebrities haven't done this many times over?  Falsifying records?  How can that be an independent crime if there is no underlying crime to begin with?  And it is based on the testimony of another convicted and disbarred attorney who has acknowledged that he is a liar with a clear agenda against Trump.  Compare this situation with the actual evidence of corruption and money laundering of millions of dollars by Biden, Inc. from numerous foreign governments.  The evidence in that case doesn't rely upon porn stars, felons, and disbarred attorneys.  It comes from banks and financial records. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 20, 2023, 08:10:55 PM
Yes, a shakedown attempt by a porn star represented by a multi-felon convicted attorney who is in prison for blackmail is credible!  LOL.  It's good of you to admit the truth behind these efforts.  They are designed to "bring down" Trump by any possible means to undermine the democratic process.  The radical leftists can't allow the citizens of the US to decide who is the next president.  The leftists are seeing the writing on the wall as Ukraine Joe dismantles the world with his clown show.  So the Stasi has to stop him at all costs.  Like in the old Soviet bloc.  Our political masters now arrest dissenters and imprison political opponents just as Martin stupidly admits is the purpose behind this undertaking.

Yes, a shakedown attempt by a porn star represented by a multi-felon convicted attorney who is in prison for blackmail is credible!

The credibility is confirmed by the payment made by Cohen on behalf of Trump.

Our political masters now arrest dissenters and imprison political opponents just as Martin stupidly admits is the purpose behind this undertaking.

I have admitted no such thing. It is my personal belief that Trump is America's worst enemy and if it takes a charge like falsifying documents to destroy his political career, the end justifies the means. But that's just my opinion. If Trump is arrested, it is not because he is a "dissenter" or a "political opponent", it is because he committed a crime and he isn't above the law. Ignorant right wingers are willing to give Trump as pass for everything. For crying out loud the guy is calling for violence against law enforcement when he is arrested.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 20, 2023, 11:25:12 PM
Imagine even if the allegations against Trump are true.  That he had a consensual affair with Daniels and paid her to keep quiet. There is no crime.  The crime was committed by Daniels and her disbarred attorney.  It is called blackmail.  Coercing someone to be paid to avoid revealing embarrassing information.  Avenatti is in prison for exactly that same conduct with Nike.  Trump is actually the victim of the crime.  And after Daniels is paid off and signs a legal nondisclosure agreement, she tries to blackmail Trump for even more money using a convicted felon as her attorney.  What crime has Trump committed?  He has plenty of money.  If wants to pay off porn stars or anyone for real or made-up claims, he can legally do so.  You don't think Bill Clinton and many celebrities haven't done this many times over?  Falsifying records?  How can that be an independent crime if there is no underlying crime to begin with?  And it is based on the testimony of another convicted and disbarred attorney who has acknowledged that he is a liar with a clear agenda against Trump.  Compare this situation with the actual evidence of corruption and money laundering of millions of dollars by Biden, Inc. from numerous foreign governments.  The evidence in that case doesn't rely upon porn stars, felons, and disbarred attorneys.  It comes from banks and financial records.

How can that be an independent crime if there is no underlying crime to begin with?

Ask Michael Cohen. He was Trump's lawyer dealing with this matter and, guess what, he went to prison for it.

How could Cohen have been convicted for acting on behalf of his client, Donald Trump, when there was no crime committed?

And why would the House Republicans try so desperately to discredit the Manhattan D.A. when this is not a federal matter and Jordan's committees have no jurisdiction? 

And it is based on the testimony of another convicted and disbarred attorney who has acknowledged that he is a liar with a clear agenda against Trump.

You mean the guy who did all sorts of legal (and likely illegal) things from Trump, had direct involvement in the Stormy Daniels matter, and who got thrown under the bus by his client? Sure he has an agenda (wouldn't you with such a creep as your former client) and he may well have been disbarred but he still has the goods on Trump!

Compare this situation with the actual evidence of corruption and money laundering of millions of dollars by Biden, Inc. from numerous foreign governments.

What actual evidence are you talking about? There is none, at least not yet! All there is are some bank transactions that were reported as "suspicious" by a bank. Not a day goes by that banks do not make such reports. They warrant investigation but for most of them there is an explanation and hardly ever does on result in a criminal investigation, notwithstanding the BS put out by the GOP clowns in the House.
As per usual you are watching the Fox news lies channel way too much and are jumping to conclusions you can not back up with evidence. It's the classic GOP/MAGA BS all over again... making all sorts of wild claims and ultimately ending up with nothing!

The evidence in that case doesn't rely upon porn stars, felons, and disbarred attorneys.  It comes from banks and financial records.

The evidence for what exactly? A transfer or even multiple transfers? My bank reports any transfer over $50.000 as suspicious because by law they are obliged to. By itself it's meaningless.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 20, 2023, 11:39:41 PM
In the midst of endless war and the leader of China meeting with Putin, the Biden White House staged a press briefing today featuring the cast of the show "Ted Lasso."  When a reporter from Africa tried to ask a relevant question and direct the briefing back to planet Earth, he was chastised.  He apparently has never been allowed to ask a single question.  What a clown show.  Putin and Xi must be laughing their backsides off in Moscow.  They can't believe how far the US has fallen under Ukraine Joe.  Weakness and incompetence at every turn.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 21, 2023, 12:56:41 AM
In the midst of endless war and the leader of China meeting with Putin, the Biden White House staged a press briefing today featuring the cast of the show "Ted Lasso."  When a reporter from Africa tried to ask a relevant question and direct the briefing back to planet Earth, he was chastised.  He apparently has never been allowed to ask a single question.  What a clown show.  Putin and Xi must be laughing their backsides off in Moscow.  They can't believe how far the US has fallen under Ukraine Joe.  Weakness and incompetence at every turn.

When you worship Putin and Xi as much as you do, why are you still living in a country you clearly hate?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 21, 2023, 12:30:14 PM
When you worship Putin and Xi as much as you do, why are you still living in a country you clearly hate?

Maybe I can move to "Europe."  It is actually Ukraine Joe and his clown show that are destroying the US.  He is staging a promo for a TV show while China and Russia are becoming allies.  Old Joe has actually done something even Karl Marx couldn't do.  He has brought China and Russia together in an alliance against the US.  And over a place that most Americans have never even heard of and couldn't find on a map.  Many of whom in the disputed region are of ethnic Russians who would no doubt prefer to be part of Russia instead of dying in an endless war.  But the wars must go on and on.  Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Ukraine.  Almost continuous war over the last 60 years.  The politicians and their paymasters are getting rich.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 21, 2023, 12:34:54 PM
Cohen's former attorney testified yesterday that Cohen lied about the payments as part of a deal to avoid jail.  The Stasi-like prosecutors in NY threatened to imprison Cohen and members of his family unless he gave them information on Trump.  And so he did.  Still no crime even if all the allegations are true.  Trump broke no law in using his own money to pay someone to not speak about a consensual affair.  He was actually the victim of blackmail.  It is not "falsifying" business records to characterize such payment as a legal expense.  His attorney was involved in the deal.  It was a legal expense. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 21, 2023, 04:14:43 PM
Cohen's former attorney testified yesterday that Cohen lied about the payments as part of a deal to avoid jail.  The Stasi-like prosecutors in NY threatened to imprison Cohen and members of his family unless he gave them information on Trump.  And so he did.  Still no crime even if all the allegations are true.  Trump broke no law in using his own money to pay someone to not speak about a consensual affair.  He was actually the victim of blackmail.  It is not "falsifying" business records to characterize such payment as a legal expense.  His attorney was involved in the deal.  It was a legal expense.

Cohen's former attorney testified yesterday that Cohen lied about the payments as part of a deal to avoid jail.

You mean the guy who has been buddies with Trump for years and played his part in screwing Cohen under the pretence of wanting to help him? That guy?

He was actually the victim of blackmail.

Really? So, Trump has something to hide? How else could he have been blackmailed?

It is not "falsifying" business records to characterize such payment as a legal expense.  His attorney was involved in the deal.  It was a legal expense.

Thank you for this display of total ignorance. Paying a pornstar isn't a "legal expense".
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 22, 2023, 05:20:36 PM

Really? So, Trump has something to hide? How else could he have been blackmailed?

LOL.  Such ignorance of the law.  Blackmail is blackmail whether the underlying claim is true or not.  It's called a shakedown.  Someone makes an allegation (whether true or false) and demands payment to keep quiet.  Many celebrities settle claims that are not true to avoid the bad press.  Regardless, the bogus investigation appears to be imploding.  Trump's presidential chances have been bolstered by this leftist overreach more than he could ever have hoped.  Leave it to the incompetent radical left to keep Trump's hopes alive.  He is now well ahead of DeSantis in the polls.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 22, 2023, 05:58:36 PM
LOL.  Such ignorance of the law.  Blackmail is blackmail whether the underlying claim is true or not.  It's called a shakedown.  Someone makes an allegation (whether true or false) and demands payment to keep quiet.  Many celebrities settle claims that are not true to avoid the bad press.  Regardless, the bogus investigation appears to be imploding.  Trump's presidential chances have been bolstered by this leftist overreach more than he could ever have hoped.  Leave it to the incompetent radical left to keep Trump's hopes alive.  He is now well ahead of DeSantis in the polls.

Blackmail is blackmail whether the underlying claim is true or not.  It's called a shakedown.

Got much experience with these kinds of things, do you? I know what the law says, but that wasn't my point.

Are you really saying that Trump had nothing to hide but paid anyway? Not one, but at least two women? This is a guy who doesn't even pay his lawyers and suppliers, yet for something that's not true he just throws truckloads of money out the window to hush something up that isn't true to begin with? Are you really that far gone that you actually believe this BS?

Someone makes an allegation (whether true or false) and demands payment to keep quiet.

If an allegation simply isn't true and the subject of the blackmail has not done what is alleged, why pay?
What would be the incentive, if there is no validity to a claim, to pay anyway and risk the blackmailer later returning for more when you can also discredit him and his story by going on the offensive, going public, pressing criminal charges as well as sue that person in civil court for massive damages?

Many celebrities settle claims that are not true to avoid the bad press.

Seems like a profitable and low risk way to make money; make untrue allegations and get paid. Made much money that way, have you?

Btw, how do you know that many celebrities make such payments, when the purpose of the payment is to keep the thing quiet and out of the media?

Regardless, the bogus investigation appears to be imploding.

Really? Says who? Fox "news" perhaps?

Trump's presidential chances have been bolstered by this leftist overreach more than he could ever have hoped.

Keep dreaming.... If Trump ever gets back in the White House the country is lost for sure and more and more people are beginning to understand that.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 23, 2023, 12:20:13 PM
The ship is sinking fast now.  And there are no lifeboats for this disaster.  Every day it gets worse and worse.  Meanwhile Trump is surging.

Fortune headline:

"President Biden’s approval rating has sunk near record lows as Americans worry about bank failures and inflation"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 23, 2023, 01:24:49 PM
The ship is sinking fast now.  And there are no lifeboats for this disaster.  Every day it gets worse and worse.  Meanwhile Trump is surging.

Fortune headline:

"President Biden’s approval rating has sunk near record lows as Americans worry about bank failures and inflation"

This is déjà vu!

You predicted Trump would win the election in a landslide.... He didn't
You predicted a landslide GOP victory at the midterms.... It didn't happen

So, keep on hoping and dreaming....   :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 23, 2023, 03:59:35 PM
Blackmail is blackmail whether the underlying claim is true or not.  It's called a shakedown.

Got much experience with these kinds of things, do you? I know what the law says, but that wasn't my point.

Are you really saying that Trump had nothing to hide but paid anyway? Not one, but at least two women? This is a guy who doesn't even pay his lawyers and suppliers, yet for something that's not true he just throws truckloads of money out the window to hush something up that isn't true to begin with? Are you really that far gone that you actually believe this BS?

Someone makes an allegation (whether true or false) and demands payment to keep quiet.

If an allegation simply isn't true and the subject of the blackmail has not done what is alleged, why pay?
What would be the incentive, if there is no validity to a claim, to pay anyway and risk the blackmailer later returning for more when you can also discredit him and his story by going on the offensive, going public, pressing criminal charges as well as sue that person in civil court for massive damages?

Many celebrities settle claims that are not true to avoid the bad press.

Seems like a profitable and low risk way to make money; make untrue allegations and get paid. Made much money that way, have you?

Btw, how do you know that many celebrities make such payments, when the purpose of the payment is to keep the thing quiet and out of the media?

Regardless, the bogus investigation appears to be imploding.

Really? Says who? Fox "news" perhaps?

Trump's presidential chances have been bolstered by this leftist overreach more than he could ever have hoped.

Keep dreaming.... If Trump ever gets back in the White House the country is lost for sure and more and more people are beginning to understand that.

It is hilarious that you, of all people, who entertain any counter possibilities to Oswald's guilt no matter how baseless to avoid ever reaching a conclusion suddenly know what happened in this situation!  A miracle.  HA HA HA.  Comedy gold   Trump is a multibillionaire.  He was running for election.  A claim (whether true or false) that he had an affair with porn star could have caused him issues both in the election and his marriage.  So he paid her off.  Big deal.  It's peanuts to him.  I have no idea whether the allegations are true. EVEN if they are true, however, nothing Trump did is a crime.  The allegation is that he had a CONSENSUAL affair.  Daniels demanded money to keep quiet (i.e. blackmail) via an attorney who has been convicted of multiple felonies for doing the same to others.  She signed a legal NDA and then violated the terms to shakedown Trump again.  Trump is the victim of a crime whether he had an affair or not.  Everything he did was perfectly legal.  How could things be any worse than they are now if Trump gets elected?  We have record inflation, crime, crashing financial markets, endless war, train derailments, and incompetence.  Even if you don't like Trump personally, the US was far better off under his policies than the incompetent clown show in charge now. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 23, 2023, 05:48:22 PM
It is hilarious that you, of all people, who entertain any counter possibilities to Oswald's guilt no matter how baseless to avoid ever reaching a conclusion suddenly know what happened in this situation!  A miracle.  HA HA HA.  Comedy gold   Trump is a multibillionaire.  He was running for election.  A claim (whether true or false) that he had an affair with porn star could have caused him issues both in the election and his marriage.  So he paid her off.  Big deal.  It's peanuts to him.  I have no idea whether the allegations are true. EVEN if they are true, however, nothing Trump did is a crime.  The allegation is that he had a CONSENSUAL affair.  Daniels demanded money to keep quiet (i.e. blackmail) via an attorney who has been convicted of multiple felonies for doing the same to others.  She signed a legal NDA and then violated the terms to shakedown Trump again.  Trump is the victim of a crime whether he had an affair or not.  Everything he did was perfectly legal.  How could things be any worse than they are now if Trump gets elected?  We have record inflation, crime, crashing financial markets, endless war, train derailments, and incompetence.  Even if you don't like Trump personally, the US was far better off under his policies than the incompetent clown show in charge now.

It is hilarious that you, of all people, who entertain any counter possibilities to Oswald's guilt no matter how baseless to avoid ever reaching a conclusion suddenly know what happened in this situation!

What conclusion did I reach? You've lost me completely here.

Trump is a multibillionaire.

So he claims. I'm not so sure it's actually true. In any event a "multibillionaire" begging for donations to fight his legal battle is hilarious!

A claim (whether true or false) that he had an affair with porn star could have caused him issues both in the election and his marriage.  So he paid her off.  Big deal.

Yeah right.... as if this would be the only scandal during the elections...  But it's good to know that this is an easy way to get a lot of money from Trump.  :D

Btw, despite what the propaganda channel called Fox continues to tell you, the case is not about that he paid Daniels off. The case is about where he got the money from (campaign fund, perhaps?) and how did they justify the transaction (by falsifying documents, perhaps?)

Everything he did was perfectly legal.

Let's wait and see, shall we? If there was nothing to it, and Trump did nothing wrong, why are three GOP clowns in the House trying to interfere in the ongoing investigation?

How could things be any worse than they are now if Trump gets elected?  We have record inflation, crime, crashing financial markets, endless war, train derailments, and incompetence.

Typical extreme right complaints. Inflation is world wide. No President can do much about that by himself. There are no crashing financial markets. Just two banks that collapsed in the US and one in Switzerland. There have been wars all through the US history. Some started by other countries and some by a US President. At the moment the US is not actively involved in any war I know about. There are no boots on the ground anywhere! Trail derailments can be easily blamed on Trump because he removed the safety rules put in place by Obama instead of maintaining them and upgrading the infrastructure. And incompetence is Trump's middle name! No President (who claimed to know and hire the best people) has had such a massive rotation of people on important posts than Trump. Chiefs of Staff came and went, he fired Jeff Sessions who he himself had hired earlier simply because Sessions didn't want to comply with Trump's demands.

So, yes, it will get worse if Trump is re-elected!

Even if you don't like Trump personally, the US was far better off under his policies than the incompetent clown show in charge now.

Of course you would say that. What else can you expect from a die hard cult member? But then, you say a great many things and most of them are simply wrong or not true.....
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 24, 2023, 02:53:22 PM
Bungling Joe has stumbled into yet another regional conflict in Syria.  Trump tried to pull the US out of that morass, but the corrupt establishment politicians went insane.  Lindsey Graham almost had a stroke.  War must go on and on and with no end.   The money flows to the lobbyists and politicians.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 24, 2023, 05:21:55 PM
Bungling Joe has stumbled into yet another regional conflict in Syria.  Trump tried to pull the US out of that morass, but the corrupt establishment politicians went insane.  Lindsey Graham almost had a stroke.  War must go on and on and with no end.   The money flows to the lobbyists and politicians.

another regional conflict in Syria.

Have you lost your mind completely?

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on March 24, 2023, 07:21:08 PM
Ukraine Joe has done something no one else in world history could ever accomplish.  Not Stalin, Mao, Karl Marx or anyone.  He has made allies of China and Russia.  But his work hasn't stopped there.  He has made allies of Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Only Joe Biden could have accomplished this.  He is not called great uniter for nothing.  Unfortunately, it is of America's enemies.  Meanwhile the leftist US media and justice system is tirelessly focusing all of its attention on Donald Trump.  It's unreal.   Story after story about Trump.  It goes on continuously on CNN and MSNBC.  An asteroid could be heading toward Earth to end all life as we know it and CNN would be airing a story about how Trump has committed some unspecified crime.  A complete obsession.  He really rocked their socialist utopia boat in 2016 when he ended Hillary's party.  Leftist darling John Fetterman hasn't been seen in weeks.  He has been in a mental asylum more days than serving in his role as a US Senator.  Any media coverage of how long this can continue before he should step down.  No!  It is verboten.  Nothing to see there.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on March 24, 2023, 08:16:49 PM
So many words and still nothing of real significance.... just complaining about anything and everything. Grumpy strikes again  :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 03, 2023, 02:44:34 PM
Down he goes.  Ukraine Joe is sinking faster than the Titanic.  Even Nixon didn't have poll numbers like this during Watergate.  Another record to add to inflation, crime, spending, train derailments and endless war.  Panic in the DC establishment as Trump surges.

"Biden's approval rating sunk from 45% to 38%, according to a March 23 Associated Press/NORC Center survey of more than 1,000 adults."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 03, 2023, 11:29:11 PM
Ukraine Joe is having a bad week.  Even with the media fixated on Trump, this week we learned that Biden, Inc. received a million dollars from Communist China.  The same week we learn that China Joe lied about the Chinese balloon which he allowed to transvers the entire US in a national humiliation.  China Joe claimed it posed no security risk! HA HA HA.  Now NBC has confirmed that the balloon navigated over sensitive military installations while sending info to China.  Just a coincidence that China Joe allowed this and then did nothing in retaliation?  Where is the China collusion investigation!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 14, 2023, 01:39:32 PM
Ukraine Joe is on extended vacation in Ireland while the world burns.  His handlers haven't allowed him to answer any questions.  It's unclear why he is there.  At least Ireland finally has found the village idiot.  Please keep him as long as possible.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 15, 2023, 02:52:14 PM
Ukraine Joe continues to embarrass the US as he wanders around Ireland in an apparent dementia haze.   His family seems to be enjoying the government paid vacation including Hunter.  Maybe the Irish are paying him for some unspecified "consulting" skill.  Another million for Biden, Inc.   The party never ends for Hunter and the "Big Guy."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 16, 2023, 02:24:01 PM
Another disastrous week for Ukraine Joe and his clown show.  He bumbled his way around Ireland for some unknown reason.  Maybe Hunter needs another million for Biden, Inc. and did some consulting.  Old Joe's poll numbers are sinking like the Titanic.  His mental and physical appearance are in obvious decline.  He looks more and more like the corpse from Weekend at Bernie's.  A sad sight that his family is putting him through this humiliation when he should be in a nursing home.  And the Dems are braying about Feinstein.  HA HA HA.  She is much sharper than Old Joe.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 19, 2023, 02:23:05 PM
American cities have descended into chaos and violence after decades of radical leftist control.  Ukraine Joe and his clown show have unleased anarchy.  Law abiding citizens and businesses are fleeing these violent areas by the thousands.  They are being abandoned to chaos.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 19, 2023, 02:57:25 PM
American cities have descended into chaos and violence after decades of radical leftist control.  Ukraine Joe and his clown show have unleased anarchy.  Law abiding citizens and businesses are fleeing these violent areas by the thousands.  They are being abandoned to chaos.

Why are you posting a Fox news video? You know they lie about just about anything, right?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 19, 2023, 04:06:55 PM
Why are you posting a Fox news video? You know they lie about just about anything, right?

So you are denying this event happened even though it is on film?  And, more amusing, this isn't from "Fox News."  It is from the local Fox broadcast network in the Chicago area. Leftist, state-controlled networks like CNN and MSNBC suppress such stories because they do not fit the political narrative.  No different than the media in Russia.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 19, 2023, 08:13:48 PM
So you are denying this event happened even though it is on film?  And, more amusing, this isn't from "Fox News."  It is from the local Fox broadcast network in the Chicago area. Leftist, state-controlled networks like CNN and MSNBC suppress such stories because they do not fit the political narrative.  No different than the media in Russia.

So you are denying this event happened even though it is on film?

No, I don't. It happened alright. It just gets blown out of all porportions to somehow make a point

And, more amusing, this isn't from "Fox News." It is from the local Fox broadcast network in the Chicago area

Same difference

Fox Television Stations, LLC, also known as FTS and Fox Television Stations Group, LLC, is a group of television stations in the United States owned-and-operated by the Fox Broadcasting Company, a subsidiary of the Fox Corporation.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on April 19, 2023, 10:25:11 PM
Another disastrous week for Ukraine Joe and his clown show.  He bumbled his way around Ireland for some unknown reason.  Maybe Hunter needs another million for Biden, Inc. and did some consulting.  Old Joe's poll numbers are sinking like the Titanic.  His mental and physical appearance are in obvious decline.  He looks more and more like the corpse from Weekend at Bernie's.  A sad sight that his family is putting him through this humiliation when he should be in a nursing home.  And the Dems are braying about Feinstein.  HA HA HA.  She is much sharper than Old Joe.

None of this is true. :D :D :D

Donald Trump's and the right wing media's favorite Republican pollster Rasmussen has Biden at 49% approval rating. That's nearly half the country that supports President Biden. And Ireland loves President Biden, when they gave him rockstar welcome during a rally attended by thousands. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's approval rating is 25% which is the lowest in history! 

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, for Wednesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance.

Dropping like a rock”: New poll shows Trump falling into “fringe candidate” territory after arrest
"25 percent is a terrible number if you're trying to win a general election again"

Biden gets rockstar welcome for final stop in Ireland
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 20, 2023, 05:59:59 PM
None of this is true. :D :D :D

Donald Trump's and the right wing media's favorite Republican pollster Rasmussen has Biden at 49% approval rating. That's nearly half the country that supports President Biden. And Ireland loves President Biden, when they gave him rockstar welcome during a rally attended by thousands. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's approval rating is 25% which is the lowest in history! 

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, for Wednesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance.

Dropping like a rock”: New poll shows Trump falling into “fringe candidate” territory after arrest
"25 percent is a terrible number if you're trying to win a general election again"

Biden gets rockstar welcome for final stop in Ireland

A complete propagandist. 

Politico (April 15):

"Biden’s poll numbers look grim as he preps for reelection bid"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 20, 2023, 06:11:04 PM
A complete propagandist. 

Politico (April 15):

"Biden’s poll numbers look grim as he preps for reelection bid"

A complete propagandist. 

It takes one to know one   :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 20, 2023, 06:36:37 PM
Trump continues to surge in the polls according to Newsweek.  Magnificent.  With the entire leftist media, justice system, and corrupt political establishment trying to destroy him, he continues to triumph.  No person in modern history could ever overcome all these combined forces.  It will likely never happen again as political establishment won't allow it. 

NEWSWEEK (April 20):

Donald Trump Receives Huge Polling Boost Against Biden and DeSantis

A new poll shows former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 head-to-head match up.
Trump leads Biden 44 percent to 42 percent in the Premise poll, while the former president has a 22-point lead in a theoretical GOP presidential race.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 20, 2023, 07:36:36 PM
Trump continues to surge in the polls according to Newsweek.  Magnificent.  With the entire leftist media, justice system, and corrupt political establishment trying to destroy him, he continues to triumph.  No person in modern history could ever overcome all these combined forces.  It will likely never happen again as political establishment won't allow it. 

NEWSWEEK (April 20):

Donald Trump Receives Huge Polling Boost Against Biden and DeSantis

A new poll shows former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 head-to-head match up.
Trump leads Biden 44 percent to 42 percent in the Premise poll, while the former president has a 22-point lead in a theoretical GOP presidential race.

Hope always dies last....
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 21, 2023, 01:21:08 PM
With Biden Inc. taking some big hits this week with the revelations about the IRS cover up of the Hunter Biden tax situation and Blinken orchestrating the fake letter to debunk the laptop, it is possible that the entire Biden cabinet may be forced to resign.  And what better timing with Ukraine Joe preparing to announce his 2024 campaign.  LOL.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 21, 2023, 03:09:27 PM
What happened to the leftist hysteria over COVID?  We were told for two years that masks must be worn (even when outside by yourself) and that any social gathering was a death sentence.  Fast forward a couple years and it's a miracle.  No longer in the news.  Leftists are gathering without masks and partying like it's 1999.  What changed?   COVID still exists.  Hundreds of US citizens are still dying each week.  It isn't the vaccine which doesn't stop individuals from getting COVID or spreading it.  What has changed?  It is no longer politically expedient.  That story served its purpose to harm Trump and get Ukraine Joe elected.  It was politicized to the detriment of the entire country.  Here we are two long years into Old Joe's regime and only 16% of the public are getting the COVID booster.  He has failed miserably to convince even Dems to get the vaccine.  An astounding failure even from him.  In fact, he and the leftist media that touted this as the apocalypse have just moved on.  Nothing to see.  Imagine if Trump were still president and only 16% of the public was getting the COVID booster and hundreds were still dying while he took a vacation with his family in Ireland at taxpayer expense.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 21, 2023, 04:57:27 PM
What happened to the leftist hysteria over COVID?  We were told for two years that masks must be worn (even when outside by yourself) and that any social gathering was a death sentence.  Fast forward a couple years and it's a miracle.  No longer in the news.  Leftists are gathering without masks and partying like it's 1999.  What changed?   COVID still exists.  Hundreds of US citizens are still dying each week.  It isn't the vaccine which doesn't stop individuals from getting COVID or spreading it.  What has changed?  It is no longer politically expedient.  That story served its purpose to harm Trump and get Ukraine Joe elected.  It was politicized to the detriment of the entire country.  Here we are two long years into Old Joe's regime and only 16% of the public are getting the COVID booster.  He has failed miserably to convince even Dems to get the vaccine.  An astounding failure even from him.  In fact, he and the leftist media that touted this as the apocalypse have just moved on.  Nothing to see.  Imagine if Trump were still president and only 16% of the public was getting the COVID booster and hundreds were still dying while he took a vacation with his family in Ireland at taxpayer expense.

Are you the only idiot who thinks that vaccines always offer 100% protection against a particular disease or are there more clowns who think that way?

Hundreds of US citizens are still dying each week.

Compared to hundreds of thousands when Covid first appeared. There are still people dying from HIV and smallpoxs as well, so your entire "point" is moot.

It isn't the vaccine which doesn't stop individuals from getting COVID or spreading it. 

Really? If not the vaccine, what did cause the massive reduction in cases?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 21, 2023, 05:00:22 PM
With Biden Inc. taking some big hits this week with the revelations about the IRS cover up of the Hunter Biden tax situation and Blinken orchestrating the fake letter to debunk the laptop, it is possible that the entire Biden cabinet may be forced to resign.  And what better timing with Ukraine Joe preparing to announce his 2024 campaign.  LOL.

The Republican playbook is always the same...
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 21, 2023, 10:23:50 PM
Are you the only idiot who thinks that vaccines always offer 100% protection against a particular disease or are there more clowns who think that way?

Take it up with Biden and Fauci.  That is what they claimed.   Ironically, Ukraine Joe got COVID multiple times after being vaccinated.  So did his wife. 

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 21, 2023, 11:20:11 PM
Take it up with Biden and Fauci.  That is what they claimed.   Ironically, Ukraine Joe got COVID multiple times after being vaccinated.  So did his wife. 

So, you know that statement by Biden wasn't correct and that the vaccine didn't offer 100% protection?

Yet you still pushed a fake narrative that nothing had changed between when Covid first appeared and now, just because some Americans still die from the disease. How pathetic!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 22, 2023, 05:42:13 PM
So, you know that statement by Biden wasn't correct and that the vaccine didn't offer 100% protection?

Yet you still pushed a fake narrative that nothing had changed between when Covid first appeared and now, just because some Americans still die from the disease. How pathetic!

You have some reading comprehension issue.  And you have inadvertently supported my point but are too moronic to understand.  HA HA HA.  COVID is still around (check).  The vaccine does not keep from getting sick despite the lie told by Biden and Fauci (check).  Hundreds of Americans are dying each month but now there is nothing to see because it doesn't suit the poltical narrative of the leftists (big check on that one).  Only 16% of Americans have gotten the booster.  The leftists who told us COVID was the end of civilization have just moved on.  It doesn't suit their narrative to continue the lockdown and masking.  That never worked.  It was used strictly for political purposes to the detriment of the country.  Incalculable harm to gain a political advantage.   There are fewer deaths largely because almost every single person has now had COVID.  They have built up natural immunity.  Absolutely nothing Ukraine Joe and his clown show have done changed the situation one iota despite his campaign promises.   They effective gave up and let the virus run its course as it was always going to do.  But only after they destroyed the country for political advantage. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 22, 2023, 05:51:50 PM
So, you know that statement by Biden wasn't correct and that the vaccine didn't offer 100% protection?

Yet you still pushed a fake narrative that nothing had changed between when Covid first appeared and now, just because some Americans still die from the disease. How pathetic!

Says the guy who just claimed that I was the only "idiot" who believed the vaccine offered 100% protection (something I never claimed - in fact the opposite).  Now he ackonwledges it was actually Ukraine Joe making that claim.  The guy he was defending.  Is Biden an "idiot" and "clown" since that was what he told the public?  Unreal.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 22, 2023, 06:12:49 PM
You have some reading comprehension issue.  And you have inadvertently supported my point but are too moronic to understand.  HA HA HA.  COVID is still around (check).  The vaccine does not keep from getting sick despite the lie told by Biden and Fauci (check).  Hundreds of Americans are dying each month but now there is nothing to see because it doesn't suit the poltical narrative of the leftists (big check on that one).  Only 16% of Americans have gotten the booster.  The leftists who told us COVID was the end of civilization have just moved on.  It doesn't suit their narrative to continue the lockdown and masking.  That never worked.  It was used strictly for political purposes to the detriment of the country.  Incalculable harm to gain a political advantage.   There are fewer deaths largely because almost every single person has now had COVID.  They have built up natural immunity.  Absolutely nothing Ukraine Joe and his clown show have done changed the situation one iota despite his campaign promises.   They effective gave up and let the virus run its course as it was always going to do.  But only after they destroyed the country for political advantage.

COVID is still around (check)

Sure.. and it likely will be around for a long time.

The vaccine does not keep from getting sick despite the lie told by Biden and Fauci (check).

Actually, in most cases it does...

Hundreds of Americans are dying each month

Compared to hundereds of thousands a couple of years ago. Big difference!

It doesn't suit their narrative to continue the lockdown and masking.

What lockdown and masking? There is no need for it anymore as Covid is now no longer a lethal epidemic. Instead it's similar to a normal flu, from which people still die sometimes as well!

That never worked. 

Really? And your expertise to make such a pathetic statement is?

It was used strictly for political purposes to the detriment of the country.

Wasn't it your hero Trump who ordered the lockdown and masking?

There are fewer deaths largely because almost every single person has now had COVID.

That's an absolute lie.

As of April 12, 2023, the current 7-day average of weekly new cases (14,491) decreased 17.3% compared with the previous 7-day average (17,519). A total of 104,348,746 COVID-19 cases have been reported in the United States as of April 12, 2023.


They have built up natural immunity.

Another lie...

But only after they destroyed the country for political advantage.

Your are confusing Biden with Trump!

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 23, 2023, 02:58:53 PM
Has there ever been a time with an incumbent president lacks the support of his own party?  The latest polls indicate that a majority of Dems don't want Ukraine Joe to run in 2024.  A Feinstein type situation if Old Joe - who is already exhibiting advanced dementia - gets four more years.  He would be 82(!) on inauguration day and 86 by the end of his term.  No person who has seen the confusion in his eyes and his old man shuffle can believe he is up to the job.  His family should intervene and spare him this humiliation.  But they enjoy the money too much.  Hunter will also need a pardon for his numerous felonies.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 23, 2023, 04:14:41 PM
Has there ever been a time with an incumbent president lacks the support of his own party?  The latest polls indicate that a majority of Dems don't want Ukraine Joe to run in 2024.  A Feinstein type situation if Old Joe - who is already exhibiting advanced dementia - gets four more years.  He would be 82(!) on inauguration day and 86 by the end of his term.  No person who has seen the confusion in his eyes and his old man shuffle can believe he is up to the job.  His family should intervene and spare him this humiliation.  But they enjoy the money too much.  Hunter will also need a pardon for his numerous felonies.

Hunter will also need a pardon for his numerous felonies.

What felonies? He hasn't been charged with anything, unlike that orange criminal you support!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 23, 2023, 09:15:21 PM
Hunter will also need a pardon for his numerous felonies.

What felonies? He hasn't been charged with anything, unlike that orange criminal you support!

What felonies?  HA HA HA.  Just the tax, fraud, money laundering and gun charges.  The sky is the limit.  He has admitted to several himself.  Take a look at Hunter's recent appearance.  He has aged a hundred years.  He is also facing jail in the child support case in Arkansas.  He hasn't provided the financial disclosures to the court in his child support case.  Wonder why? 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 23, 2023, 09:45:00 PM
What felonies?  HA HA HA.  Just the tax, fraud, money laundering and gun charges.  The sky is the limit.  He has admitted to several himself.  Take a look at Hunter's recent appearance.  He has aged a hundred years.  He is also facing jail in the child support case in Arkansas.  He hasn't provided the financial disclosures to the court in his child support case.  Wonder why?

Just the tax, fraud, money laundering and gun charges.

Where are these charges? As far as I know none exist to this day. And those being talked speculated about are tax evasion and one gun charge only. So, what fraud and money laundering are you going on about?

The sky is the limit.

Sure, you would love to make up some more stuff if you could, wouldn't you?

He is also facing jail in the child support case in Arkansas.

Oh well, that's the end of Joe Biden's Presidency, right there.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 24, 2023, 02:36:31 PM
China must be emboldened by Ukraine Joe's weakness and incompetence.  He has also exhausted much of the US military's supplies in Ukraine after leaving billions of dollars' worth of equipment to the Taliban in Afghanistan.  If there was ever a time when China was going to invade Taiwan, it is in the coming months.  Old Joe has bungled and weakened the US.  "Europe" has shown their unwillingness even to stand up to Russia.  They will do nothing for Taiwan.  France has already betrayed Ukraine and the US to China.  China can't risk waiting for Trump or DeSantis to win in 2024. They want to act while Old Joe is still in office and the endless war in Ukraine has the US tied up. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 24, 2023, 02:42:17 PM
Incredibly, Hunter's attorney suggested in writing that the IRS whistleblower be prosecuted for revealing the corruption in handling Hunter's criminal investigation.  Remember how the Dems fawned over the whistleblower when Trump was in office.  They denounced any criticism noting that whistleblowers are protected under the law etc.  But now they want to send a whistleblower to jail and not a single Dem has denounced this nonsense. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 25, 2023, 07:02:40 PM
Old Joe rolled out (in very slow motion) his 2024 announcement today despite the panicked efforts of the Dems to dissuade him.  Now we learn the extent to which censorship and state sponsored media have had on voters.  Reagan famously asked "are you better off than you were four years ago?"  The Republicans in this campaign don't have to go that far.  They just need to ask if there is a anything that is better than it was four years ago.  In addition, we are mired in another endless and costly war with no apparent way out.  If results still matter more than ideology and hate-filled obsession with Trump, it will be a landslide.  But the combined forces the leftist media and corrupt political establishment are difficult to overcome.  LBJ saw the light in similar circumstances in 1968 but Ukraine Joe is being manipulated by political cronies and corruption to stay in power.  Biden has no clue what is happening.  If his family had any decency, they would intervene to save him the public humiliation of being in the limelight while suffering from dementia.  Imagine his condition in another few years.  It is sad to watch now, but also dangerous to the world.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on April 26, 2023, 03:17:19 AM
Old Joe rolled out (in very slow motion) his 2024 announcement today despite the panicked efforts of the Dems to dissuade him.  Now we learn the extent to which censorship and state sponsored media have had on voters.  Reagan famously asked "are you better off than you were four years ago?"  The Republicans in this campaign don't have to go that far.  They just need to ask if there is a anything that is better than it was four years ago.  In addition, we are mired in another endless and costly war with no apparent way out.  If results still matter more than ideology and hate-filled obsession with Trump, it will be a landslide.  But the combined forces the leftist media and corrupt political establishment are difficult to overcome.  LBJ saw the light in similar circumstances in 1968 but Ukraine Joe is being manipulated by political cronies and corruption to stay in power.  Biden has no clue what is happening.  If his family had any decency, they would intervene to save him the public humiliation of being in the limelight while suffering from dementia.  Imagine his condition in another few years.  It is sad to watch now, but also dangerous to the world.

None of this is true. More fake conspiracy theories against President Biden. So pathetic.   

In 2020, under the failure of Criminal Donald, the United States had massive unemployment, a recession, a manufacturing recession, a covid crisis, civil unrest, a broken border policy, failed foreign policy under the failure of Criminal Donald.

In 2023, under the strong leadership of President Biden, nearly 13 million jobs were created, the lowest unemployment on record, Covid is under control, the largest manufacturing boom in history, wages are up, and new infrastructure projects are up and running all over the country.

Yes, America is better off than in 2020.

The most conservative pollster in the country, and Donald Trump's favorite Republican pollster Rasmussen, has Biden at 49% approval rating. It went up 1 more point from Monday since President Biden announced his re-election campaign. That poll shows Biden is popular and will easily win in 2024 against a far right wing extremist pushing far right polices that the majority of Americans oppose.

President Biden 49% approval rating

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 26, 2023, 02:43:06 PM
None of this is true. More fake conspiracy theories against President Biden. So pathetic.   

In 2020, under the failure of Criminal Donald, the United States had massive unemployment, a recession, a manufacturing recession, a covid crisis, civil unrest, a broken border policy, failed foreign policy under the failure of Criminal Donald.

In 2023, under the strong leadership of President Biden, nearly 13 million jobs were created, the lowest unemployment on record, Covid is under control, the largest manufacturing boom in history, wages are up, and new infrastructure projects are up and running all over the country.

Yes, America is better off than in 2020.

The most conservative pollster in the country, and Donald Trump's favorite Republican pollster Rasmussen, has Biden at 49% approval rating. It went up 1 more point from Monday since President Biden announced his re-election campaign. That poll shows Biden is popular and will easily win in 2024 against a far right wing extremist pushing far right polices that the majority of Americans oppose.

President Biden 49% approval rating

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance.


So many words and so much false propaganda.  This is like Baghdad Bob touting the Iraqi military.  If things are going so well, why do a majority of Dems not want Ukraine Joe to run in 2024?  If things are going so well, why do the polls show that over 70% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction?  It is fall on the ground laughable to suggest that things are going well under Old Joe and his incompetent clown show.  And NONE of this has anything to do with Trump.  Biden owns these disasters.  Crime, inflation, gas prices, illegal immigrants, endless war, and on and on.  Disaster after disaster has unfolded under his incompetence.  Imagine what things will be like when Ukraine Joe is 82 or older during a second term?  It will be humiliating for him.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 27, 2023, 01:13:08 PM
Old Joe's cognitive abilities have slipped to such an extent that they have provide him with note cards with pictures of the reporters who are going to ask him questions.  He apparently doesn't recognize members of the WH press pool who are there every day.  In addition, the leftist media provides him with the questions they are going to ask in advance.  They are actually typed on his note card.  LOL.  He can't answer a question on his own.  He said yesterday that China was not a concern because the US invented superconductors.  No one could puzzle out what he is talking about.  Imagine his physical and mental state if he wins reelection. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on April 28, 2023, 01:18:29 AM
So many words and so much false propaganda.  This is like Baghdad Bob touting the Iraqi military.  If things are going so well, why do a majority of Dems not want Ukraine Joe to run in 2024?  If things are going so well, why do the polls show that over 70% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction?  It is fall on the ground laughable to suggest that things are going well under Old Joe and his incompetent clown show.  And NONE of this has anything to do with Trump.  Biden owns these disasters.  Crime, inflation, gas prices, illegal immigrants, endless war, and on and on.  Disaster after disaster has unfolded under his incompetence.  Imagine what things will be like when Ukraine Joe is 82 or older during a second term?  It will be humiliating for him.

It has EVERYTHING to do with Trump because all these disasters occurred on Trump's watch. Trump gave these disasters to Biden in 2021. Trump was totally incompetent and you falsely blame Biden for Donnie's disasters he gave to Biden.   

Once again, we had historic murder/crime and illegal immigrants coming in 2020 under Trump. You can see those stats below. How does Biden "own those disasters" when he wasn't even in office yet?  Those are Trump's disasters that Biden inherited. Trump owns those disasters because it happened on his watch. Biden is trying to fix Trump's mess.     

President Biden inherited a deadly pandemic which caused global inflation and high gas prices all over the world due to the pandemic. How is that Biden's fault when inflation and gas prices were already rising when he came into office? Biden got it under control with his effective leadership.

The right wing media and politicians try to pretend that high inflation and gas prices only occurred in the United States. That is completely false. High inflation and gas prices occurred all over the world due to the global pandemic. When you have a global pandemic, prices on everything goes up around the world. That is not the fault of any leader of any country.     

So, historic murder and crime in 2020 under Trump along with illegal immigrants pouring in, but you want to blame Biden who wasn't even in office yet?

Global inflation and high gas prices already rising all over the world in 2021 when Biden came into office, but you want to blame President Biden for that too?

Just admit Trump was a miserable failure. You can easily see Trump's disasters that he handed Biden. 

Trump’s Border Policies Let More Immigrants Sneak In

America Saw a Historic Rise in Murders in 2020

FBI: 2020 homicides up nearly 30%, largest 1-year jump ever

Inflation around the world, over the past two years

Rising inflation is a global problem
U.S. policy choices are not to blame

Why are global gas prices so high?

The country is going in the wrong direction with Republican fascism. I agree with that poll. Republican polls are at historic lows and that's why Republicans just lost in a landslide for the Wisconsin Supreme Court seat. 

Here is a poll that matters. The most conservative pollster in the country, Rasmussen polls, who is also Donald Trump's and the right wing media's favorite pollster, now has President Biden with a 51% approval rating. That means over half the country supports Biden. Biden has full support of the Democratic party and nobody is challenging him in the party except for 2 fringe lunatics that don't even matter. Biden's poll numbers moved 3 points after his 2024 announcement to 51%.       

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, for Thursday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance


Old Joe's cognitive abilities have slipped to such an extent that they have provide him with note cards with pictures of the reporters who are going to ask him questions.  He apparently doesn't recognize members of the WH press pool who are there every day.  In addition, the leftist media provides him with the questions they are going to ask in advance.  They are actually typed on his note card.  LOL.  He can't answer a question on his own.  He said yesterday that China was not a concern because the US invented superconductors.  No one could puzzle out what he is talking about.  Imagine his physical and mental state if he wins reelection.

 :D :D :D

None of this is true at all.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 29, 2023, 06:18:20 PM
Magnificent poll numbers for Trump again this week.  He is surging to victory.  Meanwhile Ukraine Joe continues to slide to historic lows and RFK is up to 20%.  A possible third-party candidate after he is cheated out of the nomination by the corrupt Dem establishment in the same way that kept Bernie from getting the nomination.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on April 29, 2023, 10:58:42 PM
So many words and so much false propaganda.  This is like Baghdad Bob touting the Iraqi military.  If things are going so well, why do a majority of Dems not want Ukraine Joe to run in 2024?  If things are going so well, why do the polls show that over 70% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction?  It is fall on the ground laughable to suggest that things are going well under Old Joe and his incompetent clown show.  And NONE of this has anything to do with Trump.  Biden owns these disasters.  Crime, inflation, gas prices, illegal immigrants, endless war, and on and on.  Disaster after disaster has unfolded under his incompetence.  Imagine what things will be like when Ukraine Joe is 82 or older during a second term?  It will be humiliating for him.

Imagine what things will be like when Ukraine Joe is 82 or older during a second term?

The same could be said of Donald Trump who is only four years younger. Not a big difference....
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on April 30, 2023, 04:16:32 AM
Magnificent poll numbers for Trump again this week.  He is surging to victory.  Meanwhile Ukraine Joe continues to slide to historic lows and RFK is up to 20%.  A possible third-party candidate after he is cheated out of the nomination by the corrupt Dem establishment in the same way that kept Bernie from getting the nomination.
:D :D :D

Not true at all.

Bernie lost the Democratic primary to Joe Biden.   

Donald Trump's poll numbers is at 25% and President Biden is at 50%.

ABC News/IPSOS poll: Trump's popularity drops to 25% while independent support for his indictment rises by 14%

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, for Friday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on April 30, 2023, 04:28:09 AM
Once again, here are the facts:

Gas prices were already rising to record highs in December 2020 BEFORE Biden even took office.

Inflation was already rising in September 2020 months BEFORE Biden took office.

The global pandemic caused gas prices and inflation to occur around the world. President Biden had no control over it because it was already happening BEFORE he came into office.

It's pathetic how the right wing media and right wing politicians are falsely blaming President Biden for high gas prices and inflation that was happening on Trump's watch in 2020 BEFORE Biden was in office.     

US gas prices end the year near a pandemic-era high
Thu December 31, 2020


More Groceries, Less Gas: The Pandemic Is Shaking Up The Cost Of Living
September 11, 2020

Gwen Mickens was startled by the prices in the butcher case during her last trip to the supermarket.

"Short ribs are like twice as much as they used to be. And of course the bacon is more expensive as well," said Mickens, a Florida data analyst who was shopping for her husband and adult son. "You kind of close your eyes and just pick it up and throw it in the grocery cart."

Her checkout receipt topped $250.

Mickens' experience comes as no surprise to some economists. These analysts said that official inflation measures understate the toll that price hikes are taking on people's pocketbooks, because the pandemic has altered both what and how we buy.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on April 30, 2023, 03:36:19 PM
Over a thousand US COVID deaths again last week according to the NY Times  but it is suddenly not an issue.  It's a miracle under Old Joe!  Only 16% have gotten the booster and he doesn't mention it anymore.  AND neither does the media.  Let the good times roll.  They had a big, self-congratulatory party at the WH correspondence dinner last night with a packed crowd.  Not a mask to be seen.  What was characterized as a super spreader event just a few months ago. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 02, 2023, 12:19:20 AM
Another Chinese spy balloon is on the way as the world continues to laugh at Old Joe's weakness.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 02, 2023, 03:34:27 PM
Old Joe is considering sending thousands of US troops to the southern border in preparation for the onslaught of illegals waiting for title 42 to expire.  Remember when Trump suggested that and Dems and the woke Pentagon went nuts claiming it was not the role of the military?  HA HA HA.  Of course, Ukraine Joe probably won't do it anyway.  His immigration policy is to promote open borders.  What a complete disaster.    Biden had no clue what he is doing.  He barely knows where he is on most days. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 02, 2023, 07:21:22 PM
So it turns out that the US military being sent down to the border will not be used to keep anyone from crossing.   They will act in logistical capacity - more like tour guides - to assist the tens of thousands waiting to cross when Title 42 expires.  Housing, feeding, and escorting them to their desired destinations.  The chickens are really coming home to roost on Old Joe's open border policy.  A disaster that will cost the US trillions in the coming years.  Not to mention the skyrocketing drug deaths.  More Americans died last year from the drugs coming across the open border than died in the entire Vietnam war.  No end in sight.  In fact, it will only get much worse with the coming surge.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 02, 2023, 10:28:20 PM
President Biden has created the most jobs in history of any president at this point of his presidency. Nearly 13 million new jobs have been created by President Biden with the lowest unemployment rate on record plus manufacturing is now booming thanks to his brilliant economic policies.

Sadly, we had to suffer through the biggest disaster known to mankind which was the Trump administration. Through Donnie's incompetence, he managed to lose over 20 million jobs in just ONE MONTH. An all time record plus the worst unemployment on record and a manufacturing recession in 2019. Well, at least he was first at something. Donnie disgracefully left office as the WORST jobs "president" in the modern era. So glad those days are gone forever.

The Donald Trump Economic Disaster

A record 20.5 million jobs were lost in April as unemployment rate jumps to 14.7%
May 8, 2020

Trump will have the worst jobs record in modern U.S. history
January 8, 2021

Trump pledged to revive the manufacturing sector. But it just fell deeper into a recession.
December 2, 2019
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 03, 2023, 12:19:44 AM
President Biden has created the most jobs in history of any president at this point of his presidency. Nearly 13 million new jobs have been created by President Biden with the lowest unemployment rate on record plus manufacturing is now booming thanks to his brilliant economic policies.

Sadly, we had to suffer through the biggest disaster known to mankind which was the Trump administration. Through Donnie's incompetence, he managed to lose over 20 million jobs in just ONE MONTH. An all time record plus the worst unemployment on record and a manufacturing recession in 2019. Well, at least he was first at something. Donnie disgracefully left office as the WORST jobs "president" in the modern era. So glad those days are gone forever.


Completely false.  Old Joe hasn't created any new jobs.  Much less millions.  He simply allowed the US to reopen after the Dems lockeddown the country for political purposes to defeat Trump.  People slowly went back to work when the COVID checks stopped arriving. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 03, 2023, 11:45:42 PM
Turns out that the Trump hating leftist who is funding the fake lawsuit against Trump was a pal of Jeffrey Epstein.  LOL. 

"A billionaire Democratic mega-donor who's currently bankrolling a rape lawsuit against former President Donald Trump visited the infamous private island of sex offender Jeffrey Epstein and was scheduled to stay at his Manhattan townhouse in 2014, according to a report published Wednesday.

The Wall Street Journal obtained documents that show Reid Hoffman, a founder and former executive chairman of LinkedIn, made a trip to Epstein's island in the Caribbean, Little St. James – also known as "pedophile island" – where Epstein and his associates were accused of trafficking and sexually abusing underage girls."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 04, 2023, 03:00:40 AM
Criminal Donald was the worst "president" in history. That's what happens when a career criminal who bankrupted his casinos gets into office. Historians have ranked Donnie amongst the worst in history. We all lived through 4 years of the Trump disaster so we remember it well.

Trump rated one of worst presidents in history on par with leader who died after a month in office
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 04, 2023, 01:58:17 PM
According to the NY Times, another 1,052 Americans died from COVID last week.  The booster vaccination rate is about 16% under Old Joe.  The leftist media is entirely ignoring the story.  Ukraine Joe doesn't wear a mask and attends superspreader events like the packed WH correspondents' dinner.  No effort is being made by "Minor Incursion" Joe to address COVID.  None.  He never mentions it.  It has served its purpose. In fact, the federal government is no longer requiring employees to be vaccinated.  A miracle!  We had to lockdown the entire country under Trump.  If Trump didn't wear a mask or attended an event, he was a callous murderer.  But Old Joe has waved a magic wand, and all is well. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 05, 2023, 11:19:22 PM
The leftist COVID doomers are taking their ball and going home.  The emergence is over, the head of the CDC is leaving, they are dropping mandates, no masks and Dems are partying like it is 1999 with no social distancing or masks in large crowds (i.e. former superspreader events).  Is this because Old Joe has a magic wand and solved the pandemic.  No.  According to the NY Times, over 1,000 Americans are dying each week.  That is 4,000 per month or approximately 50K per year.  Is it because Old Joe convinced everyone to the COVID booster?  No.  Less than 20% of Americans have received it.  It is just over.  Trump is longer in office, so there is nothing to see. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 06, 2023, 12:30:12 AM
The leftist COVID doomers are taking their ball and going home.  The emergence is over, the head of the CDC is leaving, they are dropping mandates, no masks and Dems are partying like it is 1999 with no social distancing or masks in large crowds (i.e. former superspreader events).  Is this because Old Joe has a magic wand and solved the pandemic.  No.  According to the NY Times, over 1,000 Americans are dying each week.  That is 4,000 per month or approximately 50K per year.  Is it because Old Joe convinced everyone to the COVID booster?  No.  Less than 20% of Americans have received it.  It is just over.  Trump is longer in office, so there is nothing to see.

over 1,000 Americans are dying each week.  That is 4,000 per month or approximately 50K per year. 

Let's see... that would be on average about 20 people per state per week, right? And 50.000 per year is about the same as the number of people who die from Influenza, pneumonia and/or kidney disease per year.

Let's have a look at the top 10 of causes of death;

1. Heart disease   per year 635,260
2. Cancer per year: 598,038
3. Accidents (unintentional injuries)  per year: 161,374
4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases   per year: 154,596
5. Stroke   per year: 142,142
6. Alzheimer’s disease    per year: 116,103
7. Diabetes   per year: 80,058
8. Influenza and pneumonia  per year: 51,537
9. Kidney disease   per year: 50,046
10. Suicide   per year: 44,965


You were saying?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 07, 2023, 10:00:57 PM
over 1,000 Americans are dying each week.  That is 4,000 per month or approximately 50K per year. 

Let's see... that would be on average about 20 people per state per week, right? And 50.000 per year is about the same as the number of people who die from Influenza, pneumonia and/or kidney disease per year.

Let's have a look at the top 10 of causes of death;

1. Heart disease   per year 635,260
2. Cancer per year: 598,038
3. Accidents (unintentional injuries)  per year: 161,374
4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases   per year: 154,596
5. Stroke   per year: 142,142
6. Alzheimer’s disease    per year: 116,103
7. Diabetes   per year: 80,058
8. Influenza and pneumonia  per year: 51,537
9. Kidney disease   per year: 50,046
10. Suicide   per year: 44,965


You were saying?

Tell it to Fauci and the Dems who shut the country down for political reasons.  Something that did no good as everyone was eventually getting COVID.  Old Joe himself got it multiple times.  It's the hypocrisy that is astounding.  Old Joe is not even mentioning the vaccine.  Only 16% of Americans have had the booster.  Suddenly there is nothing to see.  Leftists have stopped wearing masks, social distancing and getting the vaccine.   All of which were deemed acts of murder under Trump.  It's a miracle.  Nothing to see now.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 07, 2023, 10:04:27 PM
The Deep State is in a complete panic based on the recent poll numbers that have Old Joe at historic lows and losing to Trump who they have tried every trick in the book to destroy.  It's astounding that even with the support of the leftist media, social media, the corrupt justice system, and the corrupt political establishment that Biden is the least popular president in US history.  And the indictments appear to be coming this week for Biden, Inc.  A dozen Biden family members on the payroll of foreign governments.  Ukraine Joe himself taking bribes.  The Deep State will turn on Biden if they believe he can't ensure their continued fiefdoms. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 07, 2023, 10:05:35 PM
Tell it to Fauci and the Dems who shut the country down for political reasons.  Something that did no good as everyone was eventually getting COVID.  Old Joe himself got it multiple times.  It's the hypocrisy that is astounding.  Old Joe is not even mentioning the vaccine.  Only 16% of Americans have had the booster.  Suddenly there is nothing to see.  Leftists have stopped wearing masks, social distancing and getting the vaccine.   All of which were deemed acts of murder under Trump.  It's a miracle.  Nothing to see now.

Totally false. Criminal Donald was the president and Dems or Fauci did not have the authority to "shutdown" the country.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 07, 2023, 10:11:05 PM
The Deep State is in a complete panic based on the recent poll numbers that have Old Joe at historic lows and losing to Trump who they have tried every trick in the book to destroy.  It's astounding that even with the support of the leftist media, social media, the corrupt justice system, and the corrupt political establishment that Biden is the least popular president in US history.  And the indictments appear to be coming this week for Biden, Inc.  A dozen Biden family members on the payroll of foreign governments.  Ukraine Joe himself taking bribes.  The Deep State will turn on Biden if they believe he can't ensure their continued fiefdoms.

 :D :D :D

President Biden continues to easily defeat Criminal Donald who is on his way to prison and will be indicted for espionage.

The momentum for President Biden continues as a new Noble Predictive and @TheNVIndy poll of Nevada shows him leading Trump by 8%.

Biden 48% (+8)
Trump 40%

613 RV ~ 4/18-4/26

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 07, 2023, 10:16:57 PM
Totally false. Criminal Donald was the president and Dems or Fauci did not have the authority to "shutdown" the country.

LOL.  Wrong again.  Trump had no authority to shut down the states.  The governors did that.  Fauci and the corrupt political establishment including many anti-Trumper republicans made those policy recommendations purely for political reasons.  How do we know that?  COVID is still killing thousands, no one is getting the vaccine, but it is suddenly fine to gather in large groups without masks.   Shameful hypocrisy.  And they tried to absolve Chian of any responsibility because they wanted Trump to take the blame.  Trump was right all along on the origins of the virus.  Does anyone really believe that Fauci and the US intelligence service didn't know and continue not to know how the virus originated?  Unreal.  This is more Nord stream pipeline nonsense that anyone with an ounce of common sense knows what happened. The virus just happened to begin in the same place where the lab was located!  An amazing coincidence.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 07, 2023, 10:23:52 PM
President Biden inherited a full blown pandemic when he took over as president due to the failure of Criminal Donald doing nothing to get it under control. Within just a couple of months, President Biden started the greatest vaccine rollout in the world and secured enough vaccines for all Americans. Because of Biden's effective leadership, Covid no longer controls our lives and that is a campaign promise that was kept as Biden promised to get the pandemic under control and he did.

Criminal Donald has the worst poll numbers in history!

Trump's favorability collapses in new polling

Former President Trump's favorability rating has dropped to just 25 percent in new ABC News/IPSOS polling


Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 08, 2023, 01:16:18 AM
President Biden inherited a full blown pandemic when he took over as president due to the failure of Criminal Donald doing nothing to get it under control. Within just a couple of months, President Biden started the greatest vaccine rollout in the world and secured enough vaccines for all Americans. Because of Biden's effective leadership, Covid no longer controls our lives and that is a campaign promise that was kept as Biden promised to get the pandemic under control and he did.

Criminal Donald has the worst poll numbers in history!

Trump's favorability collapses in new polling

Former President Trump's favorability rating has dropped to just 25 percent in new ABC News/IPSOS polling


HA HA HA.  Ukraine Joe inherited the vaccine.  And he blew it big time.  I'm not sure what fantasy poll numbers you are citing Baghdad Bob but the latest ABC poll numbers have Ukraine Joe at a historic low and losing to Trump.  Magnificent.  And the indictments are coming....
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 08, 2023, 04:50:53 AM
The only polls that matter are the recent elections where Democrats easily defeated the radical right in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Republicans have no path to 270 Electoral votes, and these voters who reject right wing extremist fascism are not going to vote for a right wing extremist candidate in 2024. That is an absolute fact.

Wisconsin’s Supreme Court election is a big win for Democrats with national implications
Judge Janet Protasiewicz’s win in Wisconsin is one of the biggest election results of 2023.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Has Large National Implications

Michigan Democrats take control of state House, Senate in historic power shift

Democrats win control of Pennsylvania House, end Republican rule
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 08, 2023, 04:27:23 PM
The Deep State will really start turning up the heat on Old Joe to get him to drop out of the 2024 campaign.  No way are they going down with the ship again as they did with Hillary.  Their power base and fiefdoms were threatened.  They have pulled out all the stops to ensure it never happens again. The poll numbers are "brutal" even according to the leftist media.  The ship is sinking fast with indictments pending.  Biden will be convinced to quietly announce that he has reconsidered for some family or health reason.  They will never admit it is due to his wildly unpopular policies.

‘Just Brutal for President Biden!’ George Stephanopoulos Breaks Down Jawdropping New Poll Showing Trump Clobbering Biden"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 08, 2023, 05:44:07 PM
Tell it to Fauci and the Dems who shut the country down for political reasons.  Something that did no good as everyone was eventually getting COVID.  Old Joe himself got it multiple times.  It's the hypocrisy that is astounding.  Old Joe is not even mentioning the vaccine.  Only 16% of Americans have had the booster.  Suddenly there is nothing to see.  Leftists have stopped wearing masks, social distancing and getting the vaccine.   All of which were deemed acts of murder under Trump.  It's a miracle.  Nothing to see now.

Tell it to Fauci and the Dems who shut the country down for political reasons.

Actually, it was Trump who did that albeit on the advice of Fauci. And it was in fact for the best of reasons.

Something that did no good as everyone was eventually getting COVID.

Really? Who died and made you an expert, mr. propagandist? And just for the record; most people I know did get the vaccine and never got Covid.

LOL.  Wrong again.  Trump had no authority to shut down the states.  The governors did that.  Fauci and the corrupt political establishment including many anti-Trumper republicans made those policy recommendations purely for political reasons.  How do we know that?  COVID is still killing thousands, no one is getting the vaccine, but it is suddenly fine to gather in large groups without masks.   Shameful hypocrisy.  And they tried to absolve Chian of any responsibility because they wanted Trump to take the blame.  Trump was right all along on the origins of the virus.  Does anyone really believe that Fauci and the US intelligence service didn't know and continue not to know how the virus originated?  Unreal.  This is more Nord stream pipeline nonsense that anyone with an ounce of common sense knows what happened. The virus just happened to begin in the same place where the lab was located!  An amazing coincidence.

Trump had no authority to shut down the states.  The governors did that.

Yeah, sure Trump had nothing to do with it, but the Democrats are to blame.... What a pathetic load of BS!

How do we know that?  COVID is still killing thousands, no one is getting the vaccine, but it is suddenly fine to gather in large groups without masks. 

Never let actual facts stand in the way of a propaganda lie.... Covid is now no longer anymore dangerous than influenza, pneumonia or kidney disease and it barely makes the top 10 of the most common causes of death.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 08, 2023, 05:59:19 PM
Tell it to Fauci and the Dems who shut the country down for political reasons.

Actually, it was Trump who did that albeit on the advice of Fauci. And it was in fact for the best of reasons.

Something that did no good as everyone was eventually getting COVID.

Really? Who died and made you an expert, mr. propagandist? And just for the record; most people I know did get the vaccine and never got Covid.

Trump had no authority to shut down the states.  The governors did that.

Yeah, sure Trump had nothing to do with it, but the Democrats are to blame.... What a pathetic load of BS!

How do we know that?  COVID is still killing thousands, no one is getting the vaccine, but it is suddenly fine to gather in large groups without masks. 

Never let actual facts stand in the way of a propaganda lie.... Covid is now no longer anymore dangerous than influenza, pneumonia or kidney disease and it barely makes the top 10 of the most common causes of death.

Again, Trump as president had no authority to shutdown individual states.  None.  That was done by the individual governors.  But we are in Alice-in-Wonderland rabbit hole territory.  During the pandemic, leftists criticized Trump for not doing enough to stop the spread of COVID.  He wasn't supportive enough of mask mandates and lockdowns.  Now that we know the lockdown was disastrous suddenly the opposite is true, and Trump was somehow responsible.  HA HA HA.  No shame.  The Dems advocate wildly bizarre policies like open borders, defunding the police, and COVID lockdowns, but when they become unpopular due to the enormous harm caused, it suddenly becomes Trump who is responsible.  Trump was widely criticized for wanting to open the schools during the pandemic.  The leftist media went berserk.  He wanted to kill children etc.  Now you can't find a single Dem who stands behind the policy they enacted to keep schools closed. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 08, 2023, 06:59:43 PM
Again, Trump as president had no authority to shutdown individual states.  None.  That was done by the individual governors.  But we are in Alice-in-Wonderland rabbit hole territory.  During the pandemic, leftists criticized Trump for not doing enough to stop the spread of COVID.  He wasn't supportive enough of mask mandates and lockdowns.  Now that we know the lockdown was disastrous suddenly the opposite is true, and Trump was somehow responsible.  HA HA HA.  No shame.  The Dems advocate wildly bizarre policies like open borders, defunding the police, and COVID lockdowns, but when they become unpopular due to the enormous harm caused, it suddenly becomes Trump who is responsible.  Trump was widely criticized for wanting to open the schools during the pandemic.  The leftist media went berserk.  He wanted to kill children etc.  Now you can't find a single Dem who stands behind the policy they enacted to keep schools closed.

Your hate against everything on the left has been well documented by now. It's not rational or honest, making it a complete waste of time to present you with facts you don't want to know anyway. I'll just get some popcorn and let your pathetic extreme right wing rants entertain me for a while.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 08, 2023, 09:34:57 PM
Yes, we remember the 4 year Trump disaster very well. This is from 2020.

Trump's COVID-19 record is the single greatest failure in US history. We need a new president.
October 2, 2020
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 09, 2023, 07:40:15 PM
Your hate against everything on the left has been well documented by now. It's not rational or honest, making it a complete waste of time to present you with facts you don't want to know anyway. I'll just get some popcorn and let your pathetic extreme right wing rants entertain me for a while.

I've said many times that I admire the old school liberals who stood up for free speech.  Even speech of the groups with opposing views.  I also admire the old school liberals who opposed endless foreign wars regardless of the party affiliation of the president.  LBJ was justifiably criticized by the left for Vietnam.  Sadly, those days are long gone.  In just one generation we have gone from the likes of JFK to Joe Biden.  From RFK to RFK Jr.  A complete clown show on the leftist side that is premised upon promoting division along race, gender, and income lines purely to stay in power.  Convincing constituent groups that they are victims of an evil society who must vote for leftists.  The results speak for themselves.   
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 09, 2023, 08:40:56 PM
I've said many times that I admire the old school liberals who stood up for free speech.  Even speech of the groups with opposing views.  I also admire the old school liberals who opposed endless foreign wars regardless of the party affiliation of the president.  LBJ was justifiably criticized by the left for Vietnam.  Sadly, those days are long gone.  In just one generation we have gone from the likes of JFK to Joe Biden.  From RFK to RFK Jr.  A complete clown show on the leftist side that is premised upon promoting division along race, gender, and income lines purely to stay in power.  Convincing constituent groups that they are victims of an evil society who must vote for leftists.  The results speak for themselves.

I need more popcorn....
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 09, 2023, 09:19:20 PM
Verdict is in: jury finds Criminal Donald liable for sexual battery and defamation, awards a total of $5 million to E. Jean Carroll. This is a total vindication for Carroll, and now Trump will forever be seen as a rapist. Trump’s legal troubles are just beginning.

Jury says Trump must pay E. Jean Carroll $5 million for sexual abuse and defamation

A federal jury in New York found former President Donald Trump liable for sexually abusing and forcibly touching E. Jean Carroll in the 1990s.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 10, 2023, 07:35:54 PM
Verdict is in: jury finds Criminal Donald liable for sexual battery and defamation, awards a total of $5 million to E. Jean Carroll. This is a total vindication for Carroll, and now Trump will forever be seen as a rapist. Trump’s legal troubles are just beginning.

Jury says Trump must pay E. Jean Carroll $5 million for sexual abuse and defamation

A federal jury in New York found former President Donald Trump liable for sexually abusing and forcibly touching E. Jean Carroll in the 1990s.


Yes, more evidence that the justice system is rigged. This case was funded by leftist Trump haters for political purposes.  They made no secret of it.  There was zero evidence.  None.  The jury was made up of Trump hating New Yorkers.  If it had been an actual case, Carroll would have asked for a payoff years ago and received much more than $5 million.  The leftists wanted the publicity of a trial.  Why don't they fund the legal case of the woman who claimed Biden raped her?  Nothing to see there. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 10, 2023, 08:02:41 PM
Yes, more evidence that the justice system is rigged. This case was funded by leftist Trump haters for political purposes.  They made no secret of it.  There was zero evidence.  None.  The jury was made up of Trump hating New Yorkers.  If it had been an actual case, Carroll would have asked for a payoff years ago and received much more than $5 million.  The leftists wanted the publicity of a trial.  Why don't they fund the legal case of the woman who claimed Biden raped her?  Nothing to see there.

If it had been an actual case, Carroll would have asked for a payoff years ago and received much more than $5 million.

What kind of wacky off the rails "logic" is this?

First of all, it was and still is an actual case. Trump had his opportunity to present a defense in court and he arrogantly failed. It's as simple as that. Trump losing doesn't make the system rigged. The judge and jury aren't "anti-Trump" just because they followed and upheld the law. Every time something happens that Trump doesn't like he starts ranting about people being "anti-Trump". The irony is that if you add up all the people, companies, government officials etc have been called "anti-Trump" by the Orange one, there can't be many "pro-Trump" people left...

Secondly, you don't know what has been going on in this matter over the past couple of years. Just because Trump says so, doesn't mean he didn't know the woman nor does it mean that Carroll had no case.

You really need to get out of this "Trump's word is the truth" cult.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 10, 2023, 10:47:22 PM
Yes, more evidence that the justice system is rigged. This case was funded by leftist Trump haters for political purposes.  They made no secret of it.  There was zero evidence.  None.  The jury was made up of Trump hating New Yorkers.  If it had been an actual case, Carroll would have asked for a payoff years ago and received much more than $5 million.  The leftists wanted the publicity of a trial.  Why don't they fund the legal case of the woman who claimed Biden raped her?  Nothing to see there.

"Rigged".  :D :D :D

You're always trying to defend this clown.

Donnie was convicted by a jury of his peers and even a right winger was part of the jury. Donnie was trying to get special treatment. Learn the facts and accept the legal verdict. So no, the jury wasn't "rigged against Trump". Trump was trying to rig the jury in his favor.   

If you're this upset over a civil verdict, wait until Donnie gets convicted in his criminal trials and is hauled off to prison!   

Trump lawyer rejected claim that juror’s political affiliation signified bias
A newly unsealed filing in the E. Jean Carroll case reveals how Trump successfully kept a listener of a far-right podcast on the jury.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 11, 2023, 12:03:37 AM
Another magnificent day for Trump.  While no one has been able to ask Old Joe a question in months as he prepares to go back into hiding before the 2024 election, Trump is taking on CNN tonight. Imagine Ukraine Joe going on Fox News?  His handlers won't even allow him to speak to the most friendly leftist news outlets for fear of what he will say. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 11, 2023, 12:11:34 AM
"Rigged".  :D :D :D

You're always trying to defend this clown.

Donnie was convicted by a jury of his peers and even a right winger was part of the jury. Donnie was trying to get special treatment. Learn the facts and accept the legal verdict. So no, the jury wasn't "rigged against Trump". Trump was trying to rig the jury in his favor.   

If you're this upset over a civil verdict, wait until Donnie gets convicted in his criminal trials and is hauled off to prison!   

Trump lawyer rejected claim that juror’s political affiliation signified bias
A newly unsealed filing in the E. Jean Carroll case reveals how Trump successfully kept a listener of a far-right podcast on the jury.

LOL.  The case was funded by extreme left wing radicals. That is a widely known fact.  It was brought only for political purposes.  No such case would have ever reached a court if there were any validity.  The plaintiff would have taken a settlement.  They didn't want that.  They wanted the publicity.   Imagine if Biden were charged in rural Texas and the jury was made up on 99% radical Biden haters.  The left would be howling that it was the end of democracy.   It's laughable.  The leftist media even mostly ignored it.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 11, 2023, 12:24:58 AM
LOL.  The case was funded by extreme left wing radicals. That is a widely known fact.  It was brought only for political purposes.  No such case would have ever reached a court if there were any validity.  The plaintiff would have taken a settlement.  They didn't want that.  They wanted the publicity.   Imagine if Biden were charged in rural Texas and the jury was made up on 99% radical Biden haters.  The left would be howling that it was the end of democracy.   It's laughable.  The leftist media even mostly ignored it.

 :D :D :D

Keep telling yourself that. What are you going to say when Donnie goes to prison for his criminal trials? 

Donnie tried to stack the jury in his favor and still lost because he is guilty.

Trump lawyer rejected claim that juror’s political affiliation signified bias
A newly unsealed filing in the E. Jean Carroll case reveals how Trump successfully kept a listener of a far-right podcast on the jury
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 11, 2023, 12:32:23 AM
:D :D :D

Keep telling yourself that. What are you going to say when Donnie goes to prison for his criminal trials? 

Why are you so fixated with Trump?  And if he has no chance to win the 2024 election, why not take up some other hobby?  Why not let the voters decide who wins the next election instead of taking the Stasi-like position of locking up political opponents?  Do you realize how hypocritical it is to go on and on and on about Jan. 6 while supporting such Soviet era political oppression?  That's a rhetorical question since the answer is apparent.  You are one of those who believes the ends justifies any means when it comes to Trump.  Censoring speech, spreading disinformation, concocting fake conspiracy theories (Russian collusion - LOL), and locking up dissenters.  That is the new "democracy."  Old school liberals would be shocked at the complete reversal of their principles.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 11, 2023, 12:44:03 AM
If it had been an actual case, Carroll would have asked for a payoff years ago and received much more than $5 million.

What kind of wacky off the rails "logic" is this?

First of all, it was and still is an actual case. Trump had his opportunity to present a defense in court and he arrogantly failed. It's as simple as that. Trump losing doesn't make the system rigged. The judge and jury aren't "anti-Trump" just because they followed and upheld the law. Every time something happens that Trump doesn't like he starts ranting about people being "anti-Trump". The irony is that if you add up all the people, companies, government officials etc have been called "anti-Trump" by the Orange one, there can't be many "pro-Trump" people left...

Secondly, you don't know what has been going on in this matter over the past couple of years. Just because Trump says so, doesn't mean he didn't know the woman nor does it mean that Carroll had no case.

You really need to get out of this "Trump's word is the truth" cult.

Apply the standard of proof you use in the JFK assassination regarding Oswald to this situation and tell us what convinces you of Trump's culpability.  There is not a single shred of evidence.  You don't think the jury was influenced in their verdict by the fact that the defendant was Trump?  HA HA HA. Even you can't keep a straight face with that one.  The leftist media even largely ignored this case because it was the product of funding by left wing radicals.   They found a woman willing to make the claim and took it to a hostile venue.  In a real case, they would have settled it in private.  It cost more to take to trial than they will ever receive for their client.  A show trial is what they wanted.  Where is the woman who claimed she was raped by Biden?  How about bringing that trial in rural Texas before a jury of ardent Trump supporters. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 11, 2023, 12:46:58 AM
Why are you so fixated with Trump?  And if he has no chance to win the 2024 election, why not take up some other hobby?  Why not let the voters decide who wins the next election instead of taking the Stasi-like position of locking up political opponents?  Do you realize how hypocritical it is to go on and on and on about Jan. 6 while supporting such Soviet era political oppression?  That's a rhetorical question since the answer is apparent.  You are one of those who believes the ends justifies any means when it comes to Trump.  Censoring speech, spreading disinformation, concocting fake conspiracy theories (Russian collusion - LOL), and locking up dissenters.  That is the new "democracy."  Old school liberals would be shocked at the complete reversal of their principles.

The voters already decided. They defeated Criminal Donald in a blowout defeat in 2020.

So, are you saying a criminal isn't supposed to be held accountable for his crimes?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 11, 2023, 01:13:30 PM
The leftists are in full blown panic after Trump's magnificent performance on CNN last night.  Roaring ovations from the crowd.  He absolutely shredded Kaitlain Collins.  What a cognitive contrast with Old Joe who hasn't been allowed to speak for months.  Trump was really on his game.  The Trump hating CNN panel was almost in tears.  Anderson Cooper may need to take some time off.  Trump is back.  They can't believe it.  Every dirty trick has been tried to stop him and it hasn't worked. The ruling cadre is melting down.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 11, 2023, 10:21:26 PM
The leftists are in full blown panic after Trump's magnificent performance on CNN last night.  Roaring ovations from the crowd.  He absolutely shredded Kaitlain Collins.  What a cognitive contrast with Old Joe who hasn't been allowed to speak for months.  Trump was really on his game.  The Trump hating CNN panel was almost in tears.  Anderson Cooper may need to take some time off.  Trump is back.  They can't believe it.  Every dirty trick has been tried to stop him and it hasn't worked. The ruling cadre is melting down.

Criminal Donald committed and was charged with 34 felonies in New York and you say it's a "dirty trick".

Criminal Donald incited an insurrection and organized a coup to illegally stay in power and you say it's a "dirty trick".

So pathetic.

CNN, which right wingers falsely claim is "liberal media", promoted a pro MAGA rally on their network and stacked the audience with Trump voters. Collins used to work at Tucker Carlson's right wing Daily Caller, so she allowed Criminal Donald to push any lies and disinformation he wanted without even challenging him. CNN promoted right wing propaganda on their Faux News lite network.

Criminal Donald made fun of E. Jean Carroll the woman he was found guilty of abusing and his fans in the audience laughed. And that is supposed to be "magnificent"?         

Only about 1% of Americans tuned in which was mainly Trump's own base so nobody even cared to watch.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 11, 2023, 11:23:36 PM
Another week and more abuses of the corrupt justice system.  If you want democracy, you have to have fair justice and free speech.  Both of which modern leftists oppose.  The FBI refused this week to comply with a subpoena from Congress to provide a document linking Old Joe to bribery.  No legal justification.  It is not even a classified document.  Just a cover up.  The DOJ also went into warp speed to charge a Republican Congressman for numerous crimes including - wait for it - money laundering.  HA HA HA.  Now who else has been laundering money from foreign governments for decades?  Every member of the Biden family including his grandchildren (except the one he won't acknowledge).  Taking millions from China, Russia, Ukraine, and Romania.  An organized crime family.  But six years and counting and nothing.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 12, 2023, 02:50:35 PM
Trumps poll numbers are surging as disaster after disaster continues to unfold under the Biden clown show.  The border disaster may finish Joe.  The pending indictments of his crime family would be the final straw.  The deep state establishment will find a way to make him drop out of the race and find a person who is not suffering from advanced cognitive decline.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 12, 2023, 03:04:12 PM

CNN, which right wingers falsely claim is "liberal media", promoted a pro MAGA rally on their network and stacked the audience with Trump voters. Collins used to work at Tucker Carlson's right wing Daily Caller, so she allowed Criminal Donald to push any lies and disinformation he wanted without even challenging him. CNN promoted right wing propaganda on their Faux News lite network.

Criminal Donald made fun of E. Jean Carroll the woman he was found guilty of abusing and his fans in the audience laughed. And that is supposed to be "magnificent"?         

Only about 1% of Americans tuned in which was mainly Trump's own base so nobody even cared to watch.

An audience of independent New Hampshire voters is a "MAGA rally"?  Delusional.  Trump spoke some common sense and truth and the audience loved it.  Standing ovations.  CNN thought they could ambush him but he destroyed them.  Anderson Cooper was practically crying.   Carroll is just a tool of the leftists.  She is a Trump-hater.  Her claim is absurd for the reasons Trump articulated.  Trump has every legal right to defend himself from false claims.  This case was funded by radical leftists and brought before a hostile jury of Trump hating New Yorkers.  How about this if you are so concerned with claims of abuse.  How about Tara Reade sue Old Joe in some rural Texas court where the jury pool is made up of 99% Trump supporters?  Sound fair?  She claims Biden raped her in 1993.  Numerous women claimed Clinton raped them.  Sue him as well. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 12, 2023, 07:25:59 PM

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 14, 2023, 04:00:32 PM
What a horrific speech from Old Joe yesterday.  He spoke to the graduates of Howard telling them what a terrible country they live in.  An anti-American speech you might expect from our enemies.  Race baiting and inviting division to promote his own flagging political interests.  Ukraine Joe's poll numbers are falling in every demographic but most noticeably among young black voters.  So he has resorted to the time-honored Dem trick to convince them that they are all victims.  Sad, disgusting, and racist.  CNN and MSNBC even cut away as Biden became disoriented and rambling.  His meds started to wear off at some point and the dementia symptoms became more apparent.  A real spectacle.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 14, 2023, 04:49:59 PM
What a horrific speech from Old Joe yesterday.  He spoke to the graduates of Howard telling them what a terrible country they live in.  An anti-American speech you might expect from our enemies.  Race baiting and inviting division to promote his own flagging political interests.  Ukraine Joe's poll numbers are falling in every demographic but most noticeably among young black voters.  So he has resorted to the time-honored Dem trick to convince them that they are all victims.  Sad, disgusting, and racist.  CNN and MSNBC even cut away as Biden became disoriented and rambling.  His meds started to wear off at some point and the dementia symptoms became more apparent.  A real spectacle.

He says.... as he keeps on ignoring the Orange elephant in the room.

He spoke to the graduates of Howard telling them what a terrible country they live in.

No. He didn't.

You are confusing him with Trumps who, for years now, has been telling everybody that he wants to "make the country great again", which clearly tells us he doesn't think it's great at all.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 15, 2023, 04:45:32 AM
What a horrific speech from Old Joe yesterday.  He spoke to the graduates of Howard telling them what a terrible country they live in.  An anti-American speech you might expect from our enemies.  Race baiting and inviting division to promote his own flagging political interests.  Ukraine Joe's poll numbers are falling in every demographic but most noticeably among young black voters.  So he has resorted to the time-honored Dem trick to convince them that they are all victims.  Sad, disgusting, and racist.  CNN and MSNBC even cut away as Biden became disoriented and rambling.  His meds started to wear off at some point and the dementia symptoms became more apparent.  A real spectacle.

Totally false. :D :D :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 15, 2023, 05:06:21 AM
An audience of independent New Hampshire voters is a "MAGA rally"?  Delusional.  Trump spoke some common sense and truth and the audience loved it.  Standing ovations.  CNN thought they could ambush him but he destroyed them.  Anderson Cooper was practically crying.   Carroll is just a tool of the leftists.  She is a Trump-hater.  Her claim is absurd for the reasons Trump articulated. Trump has every legal right to defend himself from false claims. This case was funded by radical leftists and brought before a hostile jury of Trump hating New Yorkers.  How about this if you are so concerned with claims of abuse.  How about Tara Reade sue Old Joe in some rural Texas court where the jury pool is made up of 99% Trump supporters?  Sound fair?  She claims Biden raped her in 1993.  Numerous women claimed Clinton raped them.  Sue him as well.

"An audience of independent New Hampshire voters" he says. :D :D :D

The audience was comprised of Criminal Donald's own handpicked MAGA supporters which he negotiated in advance with CNN. Not only that, Donnie had the questions given to him in advance so he could practice his lame one liners. He knew every question that was coming. CNN even told the "audience" they "weren't allow to boo Donnie, but only applaud". Criminal Donald is a total fraud, but we all know that.   

This whole phony "town hall" was an absolute disaster for Donnie and CNN. Nothing but the same old stale lies and conspiracy theories he pushes nonstop. It bombed in the ratings and Donnie ended up incriminating himself claiming he "can do whatever he wants with classified documents" and still lied about the election being "rigged" saying "Georgia owes him more votes". All this does is give Jack Smith and Fani Willis more ammo in their upcoming indictments against Criminal Donald.   

Donnie was found guilty of sexual assault in civil court case in a courtroom by a jury of his peers. Pathetic how you try to defend it. Then he goes on tv to mock the sexual assault victim he was found guilty of abusing and you're defending that. That's disgraceful.

Why didn't Donnie defend himself against her accusations in court? Wouldn't an innocent man want to defend himself to clear his name? Donnie refused to show up like a coward refusing to testify under oath in court, but mocks her in front of his supporters after he was found guilty of abuse in a civil case. 

Only 1% of Americans tuned in to watch this farce and 40-50 year old reruns of "Three's Company" and "Kojak" got better ratings. 99% of Americans were doing other things. Nobody even is still talking about this "town hall" farce, that's how bad it was. Independent voters that saw clips were angered when Donnie was mocking sexual assault and wanting to default on our debt to crash the economy which will destroy the lives of Americans.

CNN CEO defends MAGA town hall audience that cheered Trump and laughed at sexual abuse
Donald Trump spreads election lies, mocks sex abuse accuser at CNN town hall

CNN Trump Town Hall Audience Was Told “Please Do Not Boo”
If CNN really wanted to know what Republican voters think of Trump, why did it set rules like this?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 16, 2023, 01:09:05 PM
So our corrupt deep state is apparently retaliating against whistleblowers in the IRS investigation of Dirty Hunter.  These whistleblowers were sacred when they alleged to have information harmful to Trump.  But suddenly they are disappearing under Stasi-like circumstances.  Whare are the Dem advocates now for the whistleblowers who are protected under the law?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 16, 2023, 01:30:02 PM
The miracles just keep on happening under Old Joe.  After years of non-stop COVID coverage telling us things like not wearing masks was mass murder, it is suddenly over.  When Old Joe ventures out of hiding on rare occasions to tell us how awful America is, he is not wearing a mask.  No one in the leftist audience is wearing a mask.  They are crammed together with no social distancing.  What was called a "superspreader" event just a year ago.  Is it because COVID is over?  No.  Is it because no one is dying?  No, over a thousand Americans are dying each week.  Is it because everyone has received the COVID booster?  No, only about 16% have received it.  It is just magically done.  The CDC is even scaling back its reporting.  HA HA HA.  COVID is being disappeared by the very same people who used it close down the entire country for political purposes.  They knew that would do no good.  Eventually COVID was going to run its course.  Everyone got it whether vaccinated or not.  The only difference now is that it no longer serves any political purpose to them.  So like Russian collusion, they just dropped it.  Way to go Joe!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 16, 2023, 03:15:53 PM
The miracles just keep on happening under Old Joe.  After years of non-stop COVID coverage telling us things like not wearing masks was mass murder, it is suddenly over.  When Old Joe ventures out of hiding on rare occasions to tell us how awful America is, he is not wearing a mask.  No one in the leftist audience is wearing a mask.  They are crammed together with no social distancing.  What was called a "superspreader" event just a year ago.  Is it because COVID is over?  No.  Is it because no one is dying?  No, over a thousand Americans are dying each week.  Is it because everyone has received the COVID booster?  No, only about 16% have received it.  It is just magically done.  The CDC is even scaling back its reporting.  HA HA HA.  COVID is being disappeared by the very same people who used it close down the entire country for political purposes.  They knew that would do no good.  Eventually COVID was going to run its course.  Everyone got it whether vaccinated or not.  The only difference now is that it no longer serves any political purpose to them.  So like Russian collusion, they just dropped it.  Way to go Joe!

Back to this crap again?

It has already been shown you are talking out the wrong side of your body....
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 16, 2023, 05:04:56 PM
Back to this crap again?

It has already been shown you are talking out the wrong side of your body....

So many interesting points.  Another valuable contributions from "Europe"?  Were you distracted packaging up all that aid "Europe" is sending to Ukraine to make any substantive point?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 16, 2023, 11:15:04 PM
So many interesting points.  Another valuable contributions from "Europe"?  Were you distracted packaging up all that aid "Europe" is sending to Ukraine to make any substantive point?

The point has already been made. You just simply ignored it. If I make it again, you will again simply ignore it.

Rinse, wash, repeat... incapable of dealing with actual facts...
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 17, 2023, 03:00:17 AM
3 new major polls came out today showing President Biden ahead of Criminal Donald in all 3 polls.

CNN ratings have plummeted and they are even now behind the lowly far right wing NewsMax. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 18, 2023, 02:59:25 PM
The FBI and IRS are retaliating against whistleblowers trying to expose the corruption and bias in favor of Biden.  It is not only a violation of the law but stands in stark contrast to how the leftists treated whistleblowers during Trump's administration where they were celebrated as heroes.  No Dems is standing up for whistleblowers now.   Complete silence.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 18, 2023, 03:26:10 PM
3 new major polls came out today showing President Biden ahead of Criminal Donald in all 3 polls.

CNN ratings have plummeted and they are even now behind the lowly far right wing NewsMax.

Imagine believing CNN is not biased enough for the left. HA HA HA.  CNN has been acting as the state arm of the radical left propaganda machine for almost a decade.  They ran shameless and baseless Russian collusion conspiracy hoaxes for the entirety of his presidency.  They did the same for COVID (i.e. the virus couldn't have originated in a lab.  That was a right-wing fantasy according to CNN).  They covered up and dismissed Dirty Hunter's laptop as the product of Russian disinformation.  Laughable.  These clowns are no better and likely worse than Russian media because they at least have the choice to report the facts but instead are collaborators with the government to promote falsehoods.  Their rating cannot "plummet" because they have always had low ratings.  They were all Trump all the time network.  The chickens finally are coming home to roost as their dishonesty is being exposed on Russian collusion, COVID, and election interference.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 18, 2023, 07:41:02 PM
The FBI and IRS are retaliating against whistleblowers trying to expose the corruption and bias in favor of Biden.  It is not only a violation of the law but stands in stark contrast to how the leftists treated whistleblowers during Trump's administration where they were celebrated as heroes.  No Dems is standing up for whistleblowers now.   Complete silence.

The FBI and IRS are retaliating against whistleblowers trying to expose the corruption and bias in favor of Biden.

What whistleblowers? The ones James Comer and his ilk made up and now "can't find"?  HAHAHAHAHAHA
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 18, 2023, 09:30:12 PM
Imagine believing CNN is not biased enough for the left. HA HA HA.  CNN has been acting as the state arm of the radical left propaganda machine for almost a decade.  They ran shameless and baseless Russian collusion conspiracy hoaxes for the entirety of his presidency.  They did the same for COVID (i.e. the virus couldn't have originated in a lab.  That was a right-wing fantasy according to CNN).  They covered up and dismissed Dirty Hunter's laptop as the product of Russian disinformation.  Laughable.  These clowns are no better and likely worse than Russian media because they at least have the choice to report the facts but instead are collaborators with the government to promote falsehoods.  Their rating cannot "plummet" because they have always had low ratings.  They were all Trump all the time network.  The chickens finally are coming home to roost as their dishonesty is being exposed on Russian collusion, COVID, and election interference.

Still in denial about Donnie's Russian collusion? Just like your "Durham Report" that spectacularly failed.   

CNN is owned by a right winger, and their pathetic attempt to prop up Criminal Donald failed badly. Their ratings are lower than the far right wing Newsmax and Donnie is losing in every new poll to President Biden. 

And there was Russian collusion, George Papadopoulos, a Trump official, went to prison for lying to the FBI about a meeting he had with the Russians and he plead guilty for it.

Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort was handing campaign information over to the Russians. And he admitted he did it. Again, that's Russian collusion no matter how hard you try to deny it.     

So, two Trump campaign criminals who both went to prison, admitted they were involved in Russian collusion and you still falsely claim it was a "hoax". LOL.

CNN Loses to Newsmax in Primetime Ratings Two Days After Trump Town Hall

George Papadopoulos: Ex-Trump adviser goes to prison: A federal judge has denied a request to delay the prison sentence of the ex-Trump adviser who sparked the US inquiry into Russian meddling.

Papadopoulos pleaded guilty last year to lying to the FBI about the timing of meetings with alleged go-betweens for Russia and was sentenced in September.


Manafort Owns Up to Passing Campaign Data to Suspected Russian Agent

Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort on Monday publicly admitted that he gave polling data to Konstantin Kilimnik, a suspected Russian intelligence asset. The U.S. Treasury Department says the data—which it described as “sensitive information on polling and campaign strategy”—was then passed to Russian intelligence services.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 18, 2023, 09:44:21 PM
Right wingers always try to falsely claim there is a "liberal media". They do that so they can always play the "victim" when they media reports on Republican corruption and scandals. In the last three days, brand new polling from major firms have President Biden ahead of Criminal Donald in every poll. And Biden's numbers are even higher than his 2020 election victory. Now if this was a "liberal media", these polls would be hyped constantly all over the media. And they are not. The only poll they hyped was a phony outlier poll that did not even include registered or likely voters showing Trump ahead. So much for the "liberal media". The media exists for only ratings and profits....period.

New Poll: The Republican polling firm WPA Intelligence has a new poll out today showing that President Biden would beat Trump by 7 points nationally (47% to 40%).

The poll also showed that independent voters back Biden by a whopping 14 percentage points, up from the 7 points by which he won independents in the 2020 election.

This is the second poll in as many days that show President Biden beating Trump by sizable margins — a story the mainstream media doesn't want to tell. If the media shows these polls, people will tune out and there goes their ratings and profits. So much for the "liberal media".

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 19, 2023, 01:12:26 PM
The inept Biden clown show rolls on:

"The Pentagon said earlier this month, without providing evidence, that a U.S. drone strike in northwest Syria killed a "senior al-Qaeda leader."

But U.S. military officials are now beginning to walk back the claim as the victim's family insists the father of 10 had no connections to terrorist organizations and was herding his sheep when he was slain by a Hellfire missile on the morning of May 3.

Lotfi Hassan Misto, a 56-year-old former bricklayer, has been identified by his family as the victim of the drone strike."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 19, 2023, 09:10:16 PM
Trump never did reschedule that Iowa rally after he postponed it due to “weather.” It’s so obvious he’s not actually running for anything and it’s all just a temporary grift before he goes to prison, and the media is just playing along with his imaginary campaign for ratings.

Why is someone as obscure as the Republican Governor of North Dakota looking at entering the 2024 presidential race? Trump is going to federal prison and it’ll be a wide open Republican primary (even if the media is still pretending otherwise) and they all want their shot at it.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 20, 2023, 02:17:26 AM
Trump never did reschedule that Iowa rally after he postponed it due to “weather.” It’s so obvious he’s not actually running for anything and it’s all just a temporary grift before he goes to prison, and the media is just playing along with his imaginary campaign for ratings.

Why is someone as obscure as the Republican Governor of North Dakota looking at entering the 2024 presidential race? Trump is going to federal prison and it’ll be a wide open Republican primary (even if the media is still pretending otherwise) and they all want their shot at it.

LOL.  You can't be for real.  Baghdad Bob was more credible than this nonsense.  Old Joe rescheduled the entire Iowa primary because he knows he is weak there.  Election interference.  Trump is crushing every other Republican candidate by 30 or more points.  Ukraine Joe is struggling with a vaccine denier in the Dem primary.  Lots of folks run in these primaries to get publicity knowing they can't win.  It's the oldest game in the books.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 20, 2023, 03:23:39 AM
The media is still pretending to be confused about why Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Asa Hutchinson, and a dozen other Republicans are running for President. Trump is going to federal prison so it’s a wide open GOP field. The media just won’t admit it yet.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 21, 2023, 09:45:22 PM
The media is still pretending to be confused about why Mike Pence, Chris Christie, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Asa Hutchinson, and a dozen other Republicans are running for President. Trump is going to federal prison so it’s a wide open GOP field. The media just won’t admit it yet.

You think the media is colluding with the Trump campaign?  HA HA HA HA.   That one is a keeper.  Even if Trump were made a political prisoner, that doesn't preclude him from being president.  I know that is your ultimate Stasi-fantasy to win elections by imprisoning political opponents, but it still would not keep Trump from being president in a democracy in which he wins the election.  That is how it works until the leftists revoke all our rights.  People vote for who they want to be president.  Again, many people run for president knowing they have no hope of winning.  They get publicity and air time while doing so.  It bolsters their reputation for media jobs and books etc.  Weak sauce.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 21, 2023, 09:49:10 PM
Trump’s departing attorney is not only quitting ahead of Trump’s indictment, he’s publicly accusing Trump’s other attorney of having incompetently led path down a path of self incrimination.

Trump’s departing attorney is publicly accusing Epshteyn of incompetence. Epshteyn might decide to tell a different version of the story, we’ll see. But when lawyers are publicly blaming each other before the indictment even comes down, it means they expect total calamity.

There’s a reason yet another former Trump lawyer (Ty Cobb from the White House days) is now publicly predicting Trump will go to prison.

This is shaping up to be catastrophic for Trump – and humiliating for his team. Everyone is distancing themselves before the indictment drops.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 22, 2023, 01:22:39 PM
I like DeSantis and Tim Scott.  Either of those folks are viable candidates.  A DeSantis-Scott or Trump-Scott team would be fantastic.  What an improvement over Ukraine Joe and Cackling Kamala.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 23, 2023, 07:09:20 PM
Imagine if the FBI under Trump had refused to turn over a non-classified document to Congress to protect Trump from an investigation.  He would have been impeached and the leftist media would have run the story continuously for weeks.  Same deal with Dirty Hunter's laptop and the leftist shooter's manifesto.  All suppressed for political reasons.

"The Federal Bureau of Investigation failed to turn over a document subpoenaed by House Republicans that allegedly details a bribery scheme from then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The agency refused to provide the document Monday in a private meeting with the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. The unclassified FD-1023 document details criminal allegations of a pay-to-play scheme related to the Biden family's business dealings, according to a whistleblower at the agency who spoke with Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa."
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 23, 2023, 09:12:06 PM
Imagine if the FBI under Trump had refused to turn over a non-classified document to Congress to protect Trump from an investigation.  He would have been impeached and the leftist media would have run the story continuously for weeks.  Same deal with Dirty Hunter's laptop and the leftist shooter's manifesto.  All suppressed for political reasons.

"The Federal Bureau of Investigation failed to turn over a document subpoenaed by House Republicans that allegedly details a bribery scheme from then-Vice President Joe Biden.

The agency refused to provide the document Monday in a private meeting with the House Oversight and Accountability Committee. The unclassified FD-1023 document details criminal allegations of a pay-to-play scheme related to the Biden family's business dealings, according to a whistleblower at the agency who spoke with Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa."

It's a Republican Senator who says it....   :D :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 23, 2023, 09:24:24 PM
We just found out Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial will take place half a year before election day, meaning he’ll be in prison well before the election. Which is why many Republicans are entering the 2024 race because they know Criminal Donald will be in prison.

Even as the mainstream media (on both sides) periodically acknowledges that Donald Trump is about to be criminally indicted by DOJ Special Counsel Jack Smith on serious airtight charges including the Espionage Act, the media then immediately goes right back to discussing the 2024 election as if Trump is somehow magically off the legal hook. It’s as if 2024 exists in some alternate universe that won’t be affected by the things that are actually going on in this universe.

But even as the media keeps trying to push this charade, reality has a way of creeping in. And now even former Trump White House lawyer Ty Cobb is acknowledging – on CNN of all places – that Donald Trump is indeed going to federal prison. Cobb says that Jack Smith and the Feds are moving in fast on Trump, and “yes I do think he’ll go to jail."

After Ty Cobb said this on CNN on Wednesday, MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell did acknowledge this moment on his show Thursday evening. But apart from that, the mainstream media – including nearly every host on CNN and MSNBC – is still hyping 2024 as if it exists in a vacuum where Trump’s criminal jeopardy magically doesn’t exist.

Jack Smith’s criminal indictment of Donald Trump is surely coming within weeks at most. At that point Trump will be arraigned and a trial date will be announced, at which point the public will find out that federal trials take place much more swiftly than New York state trials. Once the date of Trump’s federal trial is in place, the public should be able to do the math and start figuring out that Trump will indeed be in prison before the 2024 election even gets particularly serious.

Once the public starts to realize that Trump is going to prison and not the 2024 election, you do have to wonder what the media will do in response. Will the media try to keep its “Trump is a lock for 2024” ratings narrative alive a bit longer by pushing it even more loudly and hyperbolically? Or will the media finally start to acknowledge that Trump is going to prison? After all, Trump’s former lawyer just publicly admitted as much. It’s becoming that obvious. How much longer can the media keep pretending otherwise?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 25, 2023, 02:25:12 PM
Trump is up about 40 points on his republican rivals.  An amazing result given the combined forces of the leftists media, social media, corrupt justice system, and establishment politicians have tried every dirty trick in the book to destroy him.  Nothing has worked.  DeSantis and Scott are great candidates and either would make a better president than Ukraine Joe.   Of course, almost any random person would make a better president than Old Joe.  He is the worst president in modern president.  Absolutely everything is worse off under Old Joe than the prior administration.  And almost all these disasters are self-inflected as the result of his policies.  None are the result of external forces beyond his control.  The border, crime, inflation, energy prices, war etc.  Every single disaster can be traced back to Biden's incompetence and weakness.  An amazing record of ineptness.  Even by chance you might think something would work under Old Joe's clown show, but he defies the odds time and again. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 25, 2023, 03:55:23 PM
Trump is up about 40 points on his republican rivals.  An amazing result given the combined forces of the leftists media, social media, corrupt justice system, and establishment politicians have tried every dirty trick in the book to destroy him.  Nothing has worked.  DeSantis and Scott are great candidates and either would make a better president than Ukraine Joe.   Of course, almost any random person would make a better president than Old Joe.  He is the worst president in modern president.  Absolutely everything is worse off under Old Joe than the prior administration.  And almost all these disasters are self-inflected as the result of his policies.  None are the result of external forces beyond his control.  The border, crime, inflation, energy prices, war etc.  Every single disaster can be traced back to Biden's incompetence and weakness.  An amazing record of ineptness.  Even by chance you might think something would work under Old Joe's clown show, but he defies the odds time and again.

Don't you get tired of the BS you constantly write here?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 25, 2023, 09:48:15 PM
Trump is up about 40 points on his republican rivals.  An amazing result given the combined forces of the leftists media, social media, corrupt justice system, and establishment politicians have tried every dirty trick in the book to destroy him.  Nothing has worked.  DeSantis and Scott are great candidates and either would make a better president than Ukraine Joe.   Of course, almost any random person would make a better president than Old Joe.  He is the worst president in modern president.  Absolutely everything is worse off under Old Joe than the prior administration.  And almost all these disasters are self-inflected as the result of his policies.  None are the result of external forces beyond his control.  The border, crime, inflation, energy prices, war etc.  Every single disaster can be traced back to Biden's incompetence and weakness.  An amazing record of ineptness.  Even by chance you might think something would work under Old Joe's clown show, but he defies the odds time and again.

This is total nonsense and disinformation.

There are no "dirty tricks". Donald Trump is a criminal and is being prosecuted for his crimes. He did it to himself. 

Criminal Donald left President Biden with an economic crisis, a Covid crisis, and a border crisis. We all remember how bad it was when Donnie disgracefully left office with record high unemployment and no vaccine plan. 

President Biden created the greatest economy in history and fixed Donnie's Covid crisis. Illegal Border crossings have dropped 60% under Biden's new border plan. Inflation and gas prices are below pre pandemic numbers.

Criminal Donald is rated the worst president by all historians.

Criminal Donald is headed to prison for espionage.

And President Biden beats any right wing Republican in head to head match ups even with conservative polling.

Biden Job Approval: 46%

2024 National General Election Poll:

Biden 48% (+5)
Trump 43%
Biden 47% (+3)
DeSantis 44%


Historians rank Trump among worst presidents in US history, new C-SPAN survey shows

Former White House Lawyer Predicts Next Trump Indictment Coming 'Soon'
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 26, 2023, 04:27:53 PM
The level of corruption and lengths that the corrupt justice system is going to protect Old Joe is astounding.  Nothing like it even during Watergate.  At least during Watergate, some politicians and FBI wouldn't break the law.  The IRS and FBI are blatantly doing so.  They are not even trying to hide it.  All they have to do is stonewall until after the election.  Like they did with Hunter's laptop.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 26, 2023, 09:30:39 PM
The level of corruption and lengths that the corrupt justice system is going to protect Old Joe is astounding.  Nothing like it even during Watergate.  At least during Watergate, some politicians and FBI wouldn't break the law.  The IRS and FBI are blatantly doing so.  They are not even trying to hide it.  All they have to do is stonewall until after the election.  Like they did with Hunter's laptop.

 :D :D :D

Nice projection and more falsehoods from you. Right wingers in the House can't find anything on Biden during their bogus investigations because it's all lies and conspiracy theories just like the bogus "Durham probe". Biden did nothing wrong. 

House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden

After months of investigation and many public accusations of corruption against Mr. Biden and his family, the first report of the premier House G.O.P. inquiry showed no proof of such misconduct.

The level of corruption with Criminal Donald is astounding. Donnie will soon be the first twice impeached and twice indicted ex "president". This time Donnie will be indicted for espionage which is the worst crime against America. Even Donnie's own lawyer says he is going to prison.

Trump Could Soon Face Espionage, Obstruction Charges as Jack Smith’s Probe Closes In
The special counsel is mum, but all signs point toward charges. One of Trump’s former lawyers, Ty Cobb, predicts he ‘will go to jail.’
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on May 28, 2023, 04:21:21 PM
Republican candidates: Trump (successful president), DeSantis (successful governor), Scott (minority success story and US Senator).

Dem candidates:  Ukraine Joe (senile, corrupt, and a record of political failure that dates back for decades), RFK, Jr (unhinged vaccine denier), and Marianne Williamson (no one has ever heard of but a whack job).
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on May 28, 2023, 05:24:28 PM
Republican candidates: Trump (successful president), DeSantis (successful governor), Scott (minority success story and US Senator).

Dem candidates:  Ukraine Joe (senile, corrupt, and a record of political failure that dates back for decades), RFK, Jr (unhinged vaccine denier), and Marianne Williamson (no one has ever heard of but a whack job).

Anybody who claims Trump was a successful President, needs his head examined. Trump didn't get beaten by Biden hands down for nothing. Says it all, really....  :D :D :D :D

And as for DeSantis; "good job" killing a billion dollar investment by one of the largest employers in his state, just because his ego got hurt....
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on May 28, 2023, 09:55:20 PM
Republican candidates: Trump (successful president), DeSantis (successful governor), Scott (minority success story and US Senator).

Dem candidates:  Ukraine Joe (senile, corrupt, and a record of political failure that dates back for decades), RFK, Jr (unhinged vaccine denier), and Marianne Williamson (no one has ever heard of but a whack job).

Criminal Donald was the absolute worst "president" in history. What success did he have? He holds the record as the worst jobs "president" in history. Ron DeSantis got outsmarted by Mickey Mouse. :D :D :D

Criminal Donald has already been indicted on 34 felonies in New York and is about to be indicted by the DOJ for espionage and you call Biden "corrupt" when a bogus Republican investigation found nothing on him. Hilarious!

You call Biden "senile" when Kevin McCarthy had to admit that Biden is smart and tough. And Donnie looks like an absolute zombie in his latest photo. :D     

Just more comedy gold propaganda from you! :D :D :D

Max Cohen @maxpcohen

I asked McCarthy about how he would describe his interactions with Biden during negotiations. “Very professional, very smart. Very tough at the same time,” McCarthy replied.

Trump to leave office with the worst jobs record since Herbert Hoover

Trump Could Soon Face Espionage, Obstruction Charges as Jack Smith’s Probe Closes In

Speaking of senile....Check out Donnie without his orange makeup. Donnie looks like he is ready for Shady Pines. The news of his upcoming DOJ and Fulton County indictments must be getting to him and the thought of him spending the rest of his life in prison.     

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 01, 2023, 01:31:12 PM
Trump continues to surge in the polls in defiance of the leftist media, corrupt political establishment and biased justice system.  It is unreal that any person in modern history can withstand all these powerful forces allied against them and still emerge on top.  I think DeSantis would also make a great president as would Tim Scott.  The Republican field is full of top notch candidates.  It is quite a stark contrast to the clown show on the Dem side.  Ukraine Joe, No Vaccine RFK, and some crazy woman. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 01, 2023, 07:58:47 PM
Old Joe's student debt forgiveness bribe that he offered up just before the midterms was not only unconstitutional but now has been rejected by both the House and Senate.  Old Joe himself knew he lacked the authority to implement this bribe.  It was done purely for political reasons prior to the election.  He couldn't directly pay young voters to vote for the Dems but he could indirectly bribe them with promises of student debt forgiveness.  They were duped and should remember that in 2024.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on June 01, 2023, 09:51:48 PM
Trump continues to surge in the polls in defiance of the leftist media, corrupt political establishment and biased justice system.  It is unreal that any person in modern history can withstand all these powerful forces allied against them and still emerge on top.  I think DeSantis would also make a great president as would Tim Scott.  The Republican field is full of top notch candidates.  It is quite a stark contrast to the clown show on the Dem side.  Ukraine Joe, No Vaccine RFK, and some crazy woman.

 :D :D :D

If Criminal Donald was already "popular" in the Republican party he wouldn't need to "surge". He would already have high poll numbers.

The fact that so many right wingers are entering the 2024 race proves that they all know Donnie is headed to prison for espionage. The field is wide open. If they knew Donnie was going to be the nominee, they wouldn't even bother.   

"Top notch candidates"? :D     

The Trump 2024 is a fairytale. Donnie is going to prison for espionage.
Trump 'Will Be Charged' With Espionage, Former Special Counsel Predicts
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 02, 2023, 02:24:54 AM
How sad and pathetic to watch Biden fall and roll around on the ground like a dementia patient at the Air Force graduation.  Some family member needs to intervene and spare him further humiliation.  Trump once slowly walked down a slick platform with no handrails and the leftist media claimed he had a stroke but Old Joe rolls on the ground and nothing to see.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on June 02, 2023, 02:44:20 AM
How sad and pathetic to watch Biden fall and roll around on the ground like a dementia patient at the Air Force graduation.  Some family member needs to intervene and spare him further humiliation.  Trump once slowly walked down a slick platform with no handrails and the leftist media claimed he had a stroke but Old Joe rolls on the ground and nothing to see.

The only surging is with President Biden as he easily defeats the radical right in brand new polling. Donnie is going to prison! 


Meanwhile, Dementia Don continues to look weaker by the day as the DOJ is about to indict him for espionage! Get him to Shady Pines.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 02, 2023, 11:17:56 AM
The only surging is with President Biden as he easily defeats the radical right in brand new polling. Donnie is going to prison! 


Meanwhile, Dementia Don continues to look weaker by the day as the DOJ is about to indict him for espionage! Get him to Shady Pines.


LOL.  Old Joe will announce soon that he is dropping out.   He can't even walk without falling.  It is sad.  His family should intervene to spare him further humiliation.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 02, 2023, 11:31:23 AM
Who looks weak?  The expression on the face of the crowd is priceless.  They can't believe this frail old man is president.  It is cruel to see him in public.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on June 02, 2023, 08:01:42 PM
Breaking News!

Criminal Donald is still the worst jobs "president" in history!

Trump’s job losses are the worst of any American president on record
September 4, 2020

The new May 2023 Jobs Report was released this morning and 339,000 more new jobs were created by President Biden.

That's now 13 MILLION jobs since Biden took office. Biden is the greatest jobs president in history and the historic job boom continues!

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 02, 2023, 09:50:23 PM
After falling like an elderly dementia patient, Old Joe hit his head leaving the helicopter.   His handlers need to intervene.  He is rarely allowed to be in public and never to answer questions, but his mental and physical decline are reaching critical stages.  And this guy wants to be president for ANOTHER SIX YEARS?  Can anyone imagine the shape he will be in by then?
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on June 02, 2023, 10:02:23 PM
After falling like an elderly dementia patient, Old Joe hit his head leaving the helicopter.   His handlers need to intervene.  He is rarely allowed to be in public and never to answer questions, but his mental and physical decline are reaching critical stages.  And this guy wants to be president for ANOTHER SIX YEARS?  Can anyone imagine the shape he will be in by then?

He out-negotiated Kevin McCarthy!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 02, 2023, 10:13:07 PM
He out-negotiated Kevin McCarthy!

Not according to Dems.  Of course, the political establishment was never going to allow the money to stop flowing.  Most of it goes to them, their family members or supporters.  It is another fake crisis.  There was zero possibility that they would default.  The politicians and media create a fake crisis, pretend to solve it, and the public is supposed to be grateful that their money is being spent as though there is no limit.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on June 02, 2023, 11:11:24 PM
Not according to Dems.  Of course, the political establishment was never going to allow the money to stop flowing.  Most of it goes to them, their family members or supporters.  It is another fake crisis.  There was zero possibility that they would default.  The politicians and media create a fake crisis, pretend to solve it, and the public is supposed to be grateful that their money is being spent as though there is no limit.

Not according to Dems. 

BS, more Democrats voted for the deal than Republicans in both houses.

The politicians and media create a fake crisis,

I agree it was a fake crisis but it was completely created by the MAGA republicans!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on June 03, 2023, 03:31:05 AM
What the heck is going on with Dementia Don?

It appears that Donnie hit the beauty parlor to get a new hairdo and a fresh orange makeup job before his appearance on Thursday. I guess Donnie went for the birds nest look with his cotton candy hair.   

There's a reason why Donnie's handlers have kept him mostly hidden for the last 3 years. They didn't want his supporters to see how senile he has become. His cognitive and physical decline is really noticeable. And you can see his senility in this photo.

Why would his handlers put him out looking like this? Seems like they are just going through the motions now as they wait for Donnie's upcoming criminal indictments by the DOJ and Fulton County, Georgia. They know he's finished.

Ron DeSantis' supporters are having a huge laugh at this photo calling Donnie a "washed up senile old man". They are calling Donnie's new hairdo "A Flock of Seagulls" and "Elderly Wolverine". They got it trending on Twitter.         

The kicker is, that DeSantis supporters used to be hardcore MAGA but have turned on Donnie because they even know he's finished politically and failed to do what he promised them. They are off the "Trump Train" and joined forces with a buffoon who wants to be a cheap imitation of Trump but has no clue what he's doing. That's why Biden has a solid lead in the polls.   

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 08, 2023, 02:14:25 AM
What a wonderful metaphor for Biden's presidency.  America shrouded in smoke and ruin.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 09, 2023, 01:06:48 AM
Where is the indictment and impeachment?  No wonder Old Joe is supporting Ukraine to the detriment of America.  Who knows what they have on him?

"President Joe Biden was allegedly paid $5 million by an executive of the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, where his son Hunter Biden sat on the board, a confidential human source told the FBI during a June 2020 interview,"
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on June 09, 2023, 03:36:06 AM
Where is the indictment and impeachment?  No wonder Old Joe is supporting Ukraine to the detriment of America.  Who knows what they have on him?

"President Joe Biden was allegedly paid $5 million by an executive of the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, where his son Hunter Biden sat on the board, a confidential human source told the FBI during a June 2020 interview,"

Still pushing debunked phony propaganda? That propaganda has been debunked since 2020.

Ukraine found no evidence against Hunter Biden in case audit: former top prosecutor
JUNE 4, 2020

The question we need to be asking is why did Saudi Arabia give $2 billion dollars to Jared and Ivanka Kushner? Just for fun? What did they do to earn 2 billion dollars? Did they sell Saudi Arabia top secret classified documents? That's a fair question to ask.

How Did Jared Kushner Get $2 Billion From the Saudis?

Meanwhile, Criminal Donald has been indicted AGAIN and will soon be in prison for espionage.

The Guardian just reported that Donald Trump was charged with a whopping SEVEN federal felonies, including violating the Espionage Act, willful retention of national defense information, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, false statements and concealment under title 18 of the US criminal code.

This means that Trump is facing TWO DECADES in prison — which will be for the rest of his natural life.

Trump cheerleaders Mark Levin and Sean Hannity are not taking the news well on Faux propaganda. Levin was foaming at the mouth and Hannity was pale and sickly at the news of Donnie's indictment. Did these clowns think it wasn't going to happen when Donnie STOLE top secret classified documents?     

This mock photo of Criminal Donald in a prison jumpsuit is making the rounds on Twitter. Donnie won't be able to paint his face orange anymore in prison. 

Yes, Criminal Donald is going to prison! 

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 09, 2023, 03:58:58 PM
Trump continues to defy the odds. With every overreach by the corrupt Biden justice system, his poll numbers skyrocket. And what a coincidence that on the very day the FBI is finally forced to hand over the document proving that Old Joe received $5 million from Ukraine, they indict Trump.  Nothing to see there.  Just a coincidence.  Ukraine Joe had boxes full of classified documents that dated back for decades.  Nothing to see there. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on June 09, 2023, 08:44:08 PM
Congratulations to Donald Trump for getting charged by the DOJ on 38 felony counts, to go along with his 34 felony counts in Manhattan, and more to come. I said that once Trump left office he'd be charged with "hundreds on felonies" and now he's on track to actually pull it off!
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 09, 2023, 10:00:12 PM
The poll numbers are skyrocketing and the campaign donations are pouring into the Trump campaign.  This is the last grasp effort to save democracy in America.  Every single citizen should be fearful and sad that we now live in a country in which the justice department is being used to imprison political opponents.  Putin has nothing on what is going on in the US.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on June 10, 2023, 04:34:25 AM
Trump continues to defy the odds. With every overreach by the corrupt Biden justice system, his poll numbers skyrocket. And what a coincidence that on the very day the FBI is finally forced to hand over the document proving that Old Joe received $5 million from Ukraine, they indict Trump.  Nothing to see there.  Just a coincidence.  Ukraine Joe had boxes full of classified documents that dated back for decades.  Nothing to see there.

Barr Says No Need For Special Counsel For Hunter Biden Probe
December 21, 2020

What's in the Trump indictment: US nuclear secrets and files kept in shower

I see you're parroting the same debunked right wing propaganda as the rest of the radical right.

What a coincidence, the same day that it was being announced that Trump was being indicted for espionage and obstruction of justice, right wingers put out a fake scandal against Biden to try to get the heat off Donnie so the right wing media can push their "whataboutisms" . So pathetic.   

"Overreach by the DOJ", you say? 

Donald Trump stole nuclear documents and refused to hand them over. Not only that, he was showing anyone who came to Mar a Lago these sensitive documents. Anyone could have copied them and handed them over to our enemies. Our entire national security and American lives are at risk because of this treason.   

"Nothing to see here", you say? Criminal Donald was hiding top secret nuclear documents in his shower. But according to you, that is perfectly ok and "nothing to see". What a joke.

Funny how Republicans have no evidence of this so called $5 million from Ukraine to Biden and can't even produce one of their fake whistleblowers they claim to have. They have nothing except for fake claims.   

All of these same phony claims were presented to Bill Barr in 2020 and even Barr said there was no wrongdoing by Biden. He never had an investigation because it was fake conspiracy theories.       

Just more lies and conspiracy theories from the radical right trying to discredit Biden just like the bogus Durham investigation that turned up nothing.

Criminal Donald is headed to prison!     
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on June 10, 2023, 05:19:14 AM
Republicans Finally Admit They Have No Incriminating Evidence on Joe Biden
A 65-page report, a press conference, and nothing to show for it
May 10, 2023

Republicans ‘Not Interested’ In Whether Biden Bribe Allegation Is True, Chuck Grassley Says

House Republican Tells Fox News There’s a Mole Inside the FBI Called ‘One Eye’ Who’s Leaking Info to the Biden Family

Barr Says No Need For Special Counsel For Hunter Biden Probe
December 21, 2020

What's in the Trump indictment: US nuclear secrets and files kept in shower

So here it is folks, the Republican House had to admit last month that they found nothing on Biden after extensive investigations.

But now, Republicans magically claim to have a phony $5 million dollar payment from Ukraine to Biden with imaginary whistleblowers they can't produce and an FBI mole named "one eye" who is supposedly leaking info to the Biden family. Is "one eye" the bad guy from a bad James Bond type movie? LOL. What a joke. All of these fake claims and not one single shred of evidence.   

And all this nonsense against Biden comes out right when they knew Donnie was about to be indicted for espionage. The whole thing was planned by Trump and the GOP.

We also have old man Chuck Grassley publicly stating that "we aren't interested in whether or not the accusations against President Biden are accurate or not".

Republicans don't care that allegations against Biden are true, they just want false claims out there in the media to hurt him. Just like their imaginary "one eye" FBI mole they talk about. Grassley just gave away the whole Republican scheme, which is to smear Biden with fake claims to get it in the media and not having to produce any real evidence of those fake claims.             

Meanwhile, Criminal Donald got caught red handed hiding top secret nuclear documents and files in his shower, but Republicans say "nothing to see here, Let's go after Biden instead on fake conspiracy theories, fake whistleblowers, and "one eye" the mole they claim is in the FBI". Republicans are absolutely pathetic. 

Bill Barr didn't even set up a special counsel against Hunter Biden in 2020 because he knew these fake claims are bogus.

The Republican party are defenders of treason and espionage, but go after their political opponents with fake conspiracy theories and no evidence.     
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on June 11, 2023, 03:57:08 AM
This is what I mean about lying right wing propaganda.

Right wing loon Mark Levin says Joe Biden has "dementia".

Then he says Biden is a "mob boss".

Well, which it? Biden can't be both a man with "dementia" and be "a mob boss" at the same time.

This right wing propaganda shows you that right wing media will use any lie to defame their opponents just to fit their fake narrative.

These people are not serious and only exist to enrage their gullible base of listeners with phony propaganda.       

Mark R. Levin @marklevinshow

1. Biden’s not giving interviews because he has dementia. It’s the biggest media coverup and act of censorship ever. No in-depth stories. No exposes. No neurological experts. No demands for a list of his medicines. No direct press questions.


Mark R. Levin @marklevinshow

Mob boss, Joe Biden

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 12, 2023, 04:33:53 PM
The streets of Philadelphia are literally in ruin now.  I-95 has collapsed.  Another great symbol for the disastrous Biden administration.  Not to worry, though.  Mayor Pete is on the job!  Just ask the people of Ohio how well he handled the train derailment.  HA HA HA.  The clown show just goes on and on.  Citizens get the government that they deserve.  Trump had the country rolling.  Biden has completely destroyed it in only two years.  Imagine if he is president for six more years or Kamala takes over when he goes into the nursing home.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on June 12, 2023, 09:38:17 PM
The streets of Philadelphia are literally in ruin now.  I-95 has collapsed.  Another great symbol for the disastrous Biden administration.  Not to worry, though.  Mayor Pete is on the job!  Just ask the people of Ohio how well he handled the train derailment.  HA HA HA.  The clown show just goes on and on.  Citizens get the government that they deserve.  Trump had the country rolling.  Biden has completely destroyed it in only two years.  Imagine if he is president for six more years or Kamala takes over when he goes into the nursing home.

Trump deregulated railways and banks. He blames Biden for the fallout
In true hypocritical manner, the ex-president has quickly forgotten why the two sectors are in shambles

Always trying to blame President Biden for the disasters Criminal Donald left behind. So pathetic.

Why did Criminal Donald store boxes of top secret classified documents in his spare bathroom? He is going to be arrested tomorrow for his crimes against the United States of America.       

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 13, 2023, 02:47:57 PM
Trump deregulated railways and banks. He blames Biden for the fallout
In true hypocritical manner, the ex-president has quickly forgotten why the two sectors are in shambles

Always trying to blame President Biden for the disasters Criminal Donald left behind. So pathetic.

Why did Criminal Donald store boxes of top secret classified documents in his spare bathroom? He is going to be arrested tomorrow for his crimes against the United States of America.       


Why are you showing a picture of some boxes?  There is no indication that Trump kept any such documents in those specific boxes.  And even if he did, it is a secure building with secret service protection. What we do know, however, is that Ukraine Joe kept classified documents in his garage, office, and other locations.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on June 30, 2023, 04:50:16 PM
The streets of urban America under Joe Biden and the liberals who have run our cities for decades:

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 01, 2023, 03:28:23 PM
Chaos at American airports this week.  Way to Mayor Pete.  All his experience filling potholes as a small-town mayor really qualified him to oversee transportation in the US.  The results speak for themselves.  Incompetence. Mayor Pete is flying high, however, on his private jet. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 01, 2023, 03:51:32 PM
Beautiful downtown LA under Gov. Newsom and Old Joe after decades of liberal control.  They have done a great job in destroying it.   Like something from a horror film but they all still vote Dem.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Rick Plant on July 01, 2023, 09:27:12 PM
The streets of urban America under Joe Biden and the liberals who have run our cities for decades:

Homelessness increased every year under the Trump administration

Trump will have the worst jobs record in modern U.S. history

Trump’s Trillion-Dollar Hit to Homeowners
By reducing deductions for real estate taxes, Trump’s 2017 tax plan has harmed millions — and helped give corporations a $680 billion gift.

4 years of disaster under the failure of Donald Trump decimated America with increased homelessness each year, the worst job loss in history, and people losing their homes. And we are as a nation stil suffering from it. It takes more than 2 1/2 years to clean up the disaster Donald Trump left behind.       
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Martin Weidmann on July 01, 2023, 09:59:42 PM
Beautiful downtown LA under Gov. Newsom and Old Joe after decades of liberal control.  They have done a great job in destroying it.   Like something from a horror film but they all still vote Dem.

As if the Republicans care about these people at all.....
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 07, 2023, 02:22:48 PM
As if the Republicans care about these people at all.....

Whether Republicans care or not is not relevant because "these people" live in areas that are and have been governed solely by liberals for decades. It is the policies of these liberal politicians that have created this situation.  No Republican has any control over LA, SF, NYC, Chicago or Philadelphia.  The results speak for themselves.  And you never see any of the leftist news media covering crime, poverty, and drug use in these areas.  They don't exist for the leftists. You won't see Old Joe in these areas of LA or Philly but it would be great to see him spin that CornPop story again. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 08, 2023, 06:45:36 PM
Bidenomics at work:

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 09, 2023, 03:43:56 PM
Bidenomics and liberal policies at work:

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 10, 2023, 05:52:03 PM
Old Joe and his clown show were caught violating the First Amendment in numerous instances including suppressing the Hunter laptop and various COVID-related stories.  It is not the role of the government to be arbiters of truth.  Misinformation (even when it is misinformation) is protected under the First Amendment.  It is the public discourse of all relevant information which establishes the truth.  The US government violates the First Amendment by telling social media not to allow certain points of view.  All of which were suppressed for political advantage.  Incredibly, the Biden clown show is appealing the federal court ruling and seeking the ability to suppress speech as they fit.   Old school liberals would be outraged over the most blatant violation of free speech in American history.  The clown show is asking for authority to impose a Soviet-like censorship of speech as they see fit.  Anyone who disagrees is an agent of Putin or racist. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 12, 2023, 01:54:21 PM
Blockbuster testimony in Congress yesterday confirming that the lab leak story was suppressed by Fauci and others.  The US government may also have been complicit in illegally funding the research at the lab.  One million Americans dead and no one accountable.  In fact, the perpetrators of this event used it for the advancement of their own political power and careers.  Old Joe and his kindred intentionally misrepresented and suppressed the truth for political purposes to the detriment of public health.  A shameful situation.  The history books will eventually eviscerate those who were involved.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 12, 2023, 06:32:46 PM
So many tangible examples of failed liberal policies.  It's hard to know where to even start.  Even leftist CNN can no longer hide the truth:

Los Angeles
California has spent a stunning $17.5 billion trying to combat homelessness over just four years. But, in the same time frame, from 2018 to 2022, the state’s homeless population actually grew.

But with $17.5 billion, the state could, theoretically, have just paid the rent for every unhoused person in California for those four years, even at the state’s high home costs.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 13, 2023, 03:32:31 PM
What a contrast between the GOP field of strong candidates and the weak Democrats.  Old Joe and Crazy RFK.  RFK is off on some tangent about the water.  He is still polling 30% of the Dems as Ukraine Joe has another terrible week with the criminal investigations, criticism of his Scrooge-like treatment of his granddaughter, abuse of staff, and cocaine scandal.  What a dirt bag.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 14, 2023, 03:30:03 PM
Someone was purportedly given a key to the locker in which the cocaine was found in the WH but the secret service claims that they can't figure out who it was.  HA HA HA.  The key is missing.  Imagine that in the WH that they have lockers for people and give them keys to those lockers but don't keep track of these people, have any security cameras, or anyone who can remember handing over the key.  That's the story.   And they wonder why so many folks think there is a double standard of justice and have lost confidence in the system.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 14, 2023, 05:37:09 PM
According to the SBA, approximately $200 billion in COVID relief was stolen in fraud.  That is "billion."  The hastily enacted plan was fraught with risk of abuse.  It was rushed for political purposes using the pandemic as an excuse to bribe voters in the form of relief.  Of course, that led to hyperinflation by flooding the country in cash at a time when no one was working to supply the demand.  And that resulted in a work shortage that continues until today.  One of the most disastrous economic decisions in American history, and all self-inflicted for political gain.  After his illegal plan to bribe younger voters was overturned by the Supreme Court, Old Joe is now trying to circumvent that ruling to bribe younger voters with debt relief to the tune of $40 billion before the upcoming election.  Hopefully they are not fooled again.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on July 15, 2023, 04:14:45 PM
Kamala may be the dumbest person in the history of US politics.  Which is saying a great deal.  But her humiliating speech on "AI" (that's TWO letters in case you didn't know - thanks Kamala!) was embarrassing.  She will be our next president if Old Joe is elected in 2024.  Someone who did not receive a single vote in the Dem primary compared with Trump who received 75 million votes.  What a system of government.  No wonder things are in ruin.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 01, 2023, 02:27:32 PM
Incredible poll numbers for Trump this week from the NY Times.  He is up 30 points over the nearest GOP challenger.  Surging.  Meanwhile, Old Joe is mired in the Dirty Hunter scandal which is closing in on the Biden crime family.  The level of corruption being uncovered surpasses anything in modern American politics.  It makes Watergate look like a minor event.  Except for the corrupt DOJ trying to protect their own jobs and fiefdoms under Crooked Joe, Dirty Hunter and several Biden family members would be in prison. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 04, 2023, 03:05:21 PM
If Old Joe were really clever (and he is not by a long stretch), the smartest move that he could make before the election would be to pardon Trump from any pending charges.  His narrative would be that he is placing the principles of democracy over political considerations and let the voters decide the election.  It would be brilliant.  But promoting free and fair elections is the last thing the corrupt DOJ and Biden administration want. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 07, 2023, 03:07:50 PM
Almost 30 people were shot over this last weekend in Chicago.  There was also widespread looting and chaos.  NYC is considering using Central Park and the local soccer fields to house the influx of illegal aliens being allowed into the country as part of Old Joe's open border policy.  Everywhere the Dems are in control is spiraling into chaos and ruin.  Law abiding citizens are fleeing these places in record numbers.  It's safer to be in Ukraine than an American city.  The decline in just over two years under Ukraine Joe is unreal.  And he could be president for six more years.  This country will be a smoldering ruin by then.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 07, 2023, 06:49:06 PM
The leftist media is completely ignoring the testimony of the Gold Star families who lost their sons and daughters during Biden's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.  They are highlighting the chaos, lack of leadership, disrespect and lies told by Biden and members of his administration.  No one has been held accountable for that disaster and national humiliation.  A shameful but symbolic event.  Incompetence and lack of leadership leading to disaster is the leitmotiv of the entire Biden administration.  Protected by the media and corrupt political establishment, no one is ever held accountable.  It just goes on and on. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 07, 2023, 10:19:13 PM
Another weekend of violence and chaos in Biden's America.  Like something out of Mad Max.  Unfortunately, this is not fiction.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 08, 2023, 01:45:29 AM
Another US city under Biden.  Oakland.  Surreal.  It's incredible that the US has fallen into this state of ruin. 

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 10, 2023, 02:05:39 PM
Banks are reporting record credit card debt and withdrawals from savings and retirement accounts as "Bidenomics" with its self-inflicted hyperinflation causes American families to incur increasing debt.  It's a house of cards on the verge of collapse.  Not sustainable.  Gas prices are rising to record levels again, interest rates are at historic levels, American cities are in ruin with crime, drugs, and a flood of illegal aliens, money is pouring to another endless foreign war.  COVID is returning with no plan.  Old Joe doesn't even mention it now.  It suddenly is not an issue.  No one is being encouraged to get booster shots or wear masks.  I guess they don't believe there is a need after suggesting it was akin to murder under Trump not to do so.  The leftist media and Old Joe just ignore it.  Now there is nothing to see.  Instead they say look over there - they are indicting Trump.  Disaster after disaster under Old Joe with no end in sight. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 15, 2023, 03:10:46 PM
Old Joe is acting like Nero while Hawaii burns.  "No comment" is all he had to say while vacationing again.  Plenty of money flowing to Ukraine, though.  Another $200 million was authorized.  No end in sight. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 17, 2023, 03:07:06 AM
Biden's America in which chaos and crime are rampant.  America is a smolderiing ruin under the Biden crime family and democrats.

Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 17, 2023, 01:13:29 PM
Anarchy and chaos in California.  And Governor Newsome is the guy that Dems desperately want to replace Old Joe.  Results no longer appear to matter.  Ideology and propaganda are what the leftist media and radicalized leftists want.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 18, 2023, 02:46:53 PM
The record credit card debt and declining savings as Americans have to pay for Bidenflation is a house of cards.  Add in the record interest rates that have crushed the housing market and the economy is on the verge of a big collapse.  American are paying an astounding extra $700 per month for the same goods and service that they could buy before Old Joe destroyed our economy.  An unreal disaster mostly self-inflicted by spending money to bribe certain categories of voters.
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 18, 2023, 05:27:47 PM
The illegal alien situation is reaching critical mass in NYC and other places.  The cost is not sustainable.  There is no place to house all these people.  They are sleeping on the sidewalks with winter approaching.  More and more are being allowed to flood into a situation that is not prepared to handle this crisis.  Old Joe's open border policy is about to get bad.  There may soon be chaos.  Old Joe will be at the beach and have "no comment."  Mr. Empathy wasn't too concerned when Americans were burning to death in Hawaii.  He isn't concerned with thousands of illegal aliens having to sleep on the sidewalk like animals.  Will he be concerned when this situation spirals into total chaos?  Probably not. 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 19, 2023, 03:30:18 PM
Former "sanctuary" cities are beseeching Old Joe to do something about the flood of illegal aliens.  They are bankrupting every city in America.  They are being forced to sleep in parks and sidewalks.  LA recently paid a hotel $11 million in damages for the destruction of a hotel that housed illegals.  NYC is busing them out of town.  The same tactic that they claimed was illegal when done by Gov. Abbott and DeSantis.  Suddenly it is ok.  Imagine if Trump treated illegal aliens like animals forcing them to sleep by the hundreds on the sidewalks.  What is the plan for dealing with these people as winter approaches?  There doesn't seem to be one.  Just like in Ukraine.  Events are just running their course to disaster.   What does Old Joe have to say?  "No comment." 
Title: Re: Streets of Philadelphia
Post by: Richard Smith on August 29, 2023, 03:01:45 AM
The motivations of the recent shooter in Florida were immediately made known by the authorities.  A disgusting racist.  But what of the motivations of the Nashville shooter?  Her manifesto has been suppressed by the corrupt FBI for several months.  What are they waiting for?  The suspect died at the scene.  There is no investigation.  There is no federal crime.  Why do they even have her manifesto?  The families have sued to know the reason that their children were murdered by a leftist lunatic, but the corrupt Biden DOJ is more interested in politics than people.  So we may never know.  Or at least not until after the election.  Where are the liberals crying for transparency in law enforcement?   Suddenly they are silent.  It's shameful.  If the leftists want people to have confidence in the justice system, then they need to call out this kind of abuse.