JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Jake Maxwell on April 10, 2022, 05:21:58 AM

Title: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 10, 2022, 05:21:58 AM

What are we seeing here?
Do the notations identify accurately what is depicted in the photo?
Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
The Moorman photo seems to show two people standing... and maybe two cameras... or is one a camera and one a scope?

(https://i.ibb.co/J7pm50W/Screen-Shot-2022-04-09-at-10-45-36-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/ts2Q8kw)
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: John Mytton on April 10, 2022, 05:48:10 AM
Sitzman: Then ... he ... I don't know if he had decided before or had picked a spot, but he went on top of the ... what do you call it?
Thompson: The concrete square ... concrete ... yeah.
Sitzman: Yes. Well, he stood up there, and he asked me to come up and stand behind him, 'cause when he takes the pictures looking through the telescopic lens, he might get dizzy, and he wanted me to stand behind him, so in case he got dizzy I could hold onto him. so I got up behind him, and we saw the motorcade turn the corner at Main onto Houston. He hadn't started taking the pictures there then, and we watched them as they came down Houston; and just as the motorcycles that were leading the parade came ... started ... came around the corner and started down the hill, he started taking the pictures then. And there's nothing unusual about it ... (interrupted by a knock -- tape recorder turned off).
Thompson: (resumes recording) So now I believe the motorcade has made the turn onto Houston Street and is proceeding down Houston Street. Sorry we were interrupted.
Sitzman: Try it again. There was nothing unusual until the first sound, which I thought was a firecracker, mainly because of the reaction of President Kennedy. He put his hands up to guard his face and leaned to the left, and the motorcade, you know, proceeded down the hill. And the next thing that I remembered correct ... clearly was the shot that hit him directly in front of us, or almost directly in front of us, that hit him on the side of his fa ... [sic]




Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Duncan MacRae on April 10, 2022, 11:41:49 AM
From 2013, in the days before I came to my senses.  ;)





Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 11, 2022, 02:27:03 AM

I’ve wondered for a while if Zapruder... and now Sitzman... were present with cameras mostly to document the dirty deed... mostly to identify who might have been on the scene taking photos or filming action taking place on the grassy knoll... behind the wall and fence, etc...

Perhaps Zapruder’s story of having to be reminded to take his camera is a made-up story for the purpose of protecting him from the accusation that he was part of the plot...

And perhaps Time/Life’s purchase of full rights to Zapruder’s film and then “sitting” on it for over a decade, was part of the plot as well...

The larger the conspiracy, the fewer the actors who can be trusted... from law enforcement on down... from the White House on down...
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Steve Barber on April 11, 2022, 04:02:31 AM
I’ve wondered for a while if Zapruder... and now Sitzman... were present with cameras mostly to document the dirty deed... mostly to identify who might have been on the scene taking photos or filming action taking place on the grassy knoll... behind the wall and fence, etc...

Perhaps Zapruder’s story of having to be reminded to take his camera is a made-up story for the purpose of protecting him from the accusation that he was part of the plot...

And perhaps Time/Life’s purchase of full rights to Zapruder’s film and then “sitting” on it for over a decade, was part of the plot as well...

The larger the conspiracy, the fewer the actors who can be trusted... from law enforcement on down... from the White House on down...

 If Marilyn Sitzman would have had a camera, and was filming as she stood behind him, he would have mentioned this at the time after the shooting.  How would she be able to hold onto Z plus operate a camera at the same time, all with one hand?   The sole purpose for her getting up there was to hold onto Zapruder because he had vertigo--which is not a pleasant thing to have at all if you've ever experienced it, and standing on a concrete block that is 4 feet high with limited space is very dangerous for someone with vertigo, I do not believe that she would have taken her hand off him, and to assume that she did such a thing when he, her boss, trusted her to help him, is pushing it.
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 11, 2022, 04:37:01 AM
If Marilyn Sitzman would have had a camera, and was filming as she stood behind him, he would have mentioned this at the time after the shooting.  How would she be able to hold onto Z plus operate a camera at the same time, all with one hand?   The sole purpose for her getting up there was to hold onto Zapruder because he had vertigo--which is not a pleasant thing to have at all if you've ever experienced it, and standing on a concrete block that is 4 feet high with limited space is very dangerous for someone with vertigo, I do not believe that she would have taken her hand off him, and to assume that she did such a thing when he, her boss, trusted her to help him, is pushing it.

I suppose Z. might have been diagnosed and under treatment for vertigo... possibly... I don’t know...
But if there were a conspiracy of any reasonable size... and if Z. and Sitzman were part of it... on site to document as I mentioned above, they probably wouldn’t have divulged anything about Sitzman filming or even about anyone else being on site with them... They actually could have made up any story to tell, in order to cover their part in the scheme...

The larger the conspiracy, the fewer people we can trust...
If there were a sizeable conspiracy, I can imagine those involved wanting a film documentary of the event to identify who might be on site to contradict the narrative the conspirators would want to give the public...

Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Steve Barber on April 11, 2022, 03:45:22 PM
I suppose Z. might have been diagnosed and under treatment for vertigo... possibly... I don’t know...
But if there were a conspiracy of any reasonable size... and if Z. and Sitzman were part of it... on site to document as I mentioned above, they probably wouldn’t have divulged anything about Sitzman filming or even about anyone else being on site with them... They actually could have made up any story to tell, in order to cover their part in the scheme...
The larger the conspiracy, the fewer people we can trust...
If there were a sizeable conspiracy, I can imagine those involved wanting a film documentary of the event to identify who might be on site to contradict the narrative the conspirators would want to give the public...

Jake, you're really pushing it here.  You behave as if no one was around to see Zapruder and Sitzman that day.  Two co-workers were a few feet away from Zapruder and Sitzman as the motorcade was coming to DP.  The Hester couple, whom Zapruder filmed from next to the concrete block he would be standing on.  Miss Sitzman is standing with her back to the camera as Zapruder filmed the Hester couple, and Sitzman conversing with them.  The brief glimpse we get of the three of them in today's copies of the film conversing isn't all that Zapruder filmed of them that day.  The unedited film shows Mrs. Hester pointing to Zapruder, and Marilyn Sitzman turning around and waving at the camera. In March 1977. I received my very first copy of the Zapruder film, which was a Super 8. Very poor in quality by today's standards, this is the copy of the film I had that shows the Sitzman and the Hester's pre-assassination footage.   I don't understand why you think there was a conspiracy involving Miss Sitzman and Zapruder.  The entire theory is outrageous.
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Duncan MacRae on April 11, 2022, 04:20:18 PM
The unedited film shows Mrs. Hester pointing to Zapruder, and Marilyn Sitzman turning around and waving at the camera.
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Bill Chapman on April 11, 2022, 09:36:21 PM
I’ve wondered for a while if Zapruder... and now Sitzman... were present with cameras mostly to document the dirty deed... mostly to identify who might have been on the scene taking photos or filming action taking place on the grassy knoll... behind the wall and fence, etc...

Perhaps Zapruder’s story of having to be reminded to take his camera is a made-up story for the purpose of protecting him from the accusation that he was part of the plot...

And perhaps Time/Life’s purchase of full rights to Zapruder’s film and then “sitting” on it for over a decade, was part of the plot as well...

The larger the conspiracy, the fewer the actors who can be trusted... from law enforcement on down... from the White House on down...

Dallas, Texas
August 10, 2020
Operation Sitzgoose
Faked, planted & altered by Bill Chapman
Title inspired by 'Operation Mongoose'


In an interview from Bill Chapman's vivid imagination, Marilyn Sitzman, Zapruder's erstwhile secretary at his dressmaking facility in Dallas, revealed her kinkier side. 'Abraham had James Stewart Syndrome (vertigo) and asked me for support while he filmed', she began. 'He wanted to get up high enough in order to effect an advantageous view of what turned out to be a real nightmare on Elm Street. He had a great view of the singular action that lead to the womanizer being penetrated through-and-through along with the guv (who was almost snuffed himself). But a view not nearly as fine as that of Jackie, OH Lee, Alex Hidell (rhymes with Fidel) or Dirty Harvey.'

'Being a naughty little secretary, I just couldn't resist that butt-end view and so I gave him the 'one-finger-salute' a couple of times.'

'I got the idea from an iron we use in the trade to smooth out garments, called a 'goose', recalled Sitzman. She goes on to explain, 'An effective goosing includes the element of surprise. It is usually delivered at a moment the victim is not expecting it, and may be delivered in a public place but in such a manner that it is rarely witnessed by anyone other than the gooser and goosee'.

Informed later that Zapruder's unexpected jerky movements had caused a good deal of film disruption and CTer mind-blurring, Ms Sitzman replied 'My bad. But in the end it was a win-win: Abe got his snuff film, and—not being one to miss an opportunity—I went ahead and introduced a new dance craze called the 'Herky-Jerky'.

Copyright: Bill Chapman August 2020
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Steve Barber on April 11, 2022, 10:29:47 PM

 Darn!  I thought maybe you had the whole thing. Sitzman is just getting ready pull her right arm out of folded to wave at "Mr. Z" .  Thanks for posting this, Duncan!!!
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 12, 2022, 12:21:29 AM

This will be frustrating for some... because it’s a new idea...
But further research and expert analysis will likely prove the gif and theory valid...
And to say, “it’s out in the open” doesn’t take into consideration the fact that a very large conspiracy, a badge and a uniform, and the claim to be a security detail for the president goes a very long way...
Most of these Altgens copies are very dark and it is hard to see the detail... but that is not a coat tail or brief case...

(https://i.ibb.co/HP16K5b/ezgif-com-gif-maker-104.gif) (https://ibb.co/6tVzyjT)
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 12, 2022, 03:11:00 AM
Likely the Altgens figure from behind the wall... or his partner...

(https://i.ibb.co/0CPK9RQ/Screen-Shot-2022-04-11-at-9-01-59-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/bspFvM7)
(https://i.ibb.co/rw5Spvq/Screen-Shot-2022-04-11-at-8-35-36-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/d5kqp7X)(https://i.ibb.co/cXDr8rs/Screen-Shot-2022-04-11-at-8-37-29-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/2YgkMkp)
(https://i.ibb.co/4wkx7Dk/Screen-Shot-2022-04-11-at-8-38-35-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/qL6wd46)
(https://i.ibb.co/BcJf0Pw/Screen-Shot-2022-04-11-at-8-35-36-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/17N0Fnb)
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Steve Barber on April 12, 2022, 04:59:35 AM

 Jake, come on.  It's the carrying case for Zapruder's camera.   Will you please stop trying to tie these two innocent people into your conspiracy theory.   Zapruder is holding the camera in his right hand.  The strap on the carrying case is seen coming down across his back from his left shoulder and appearing on his right side. 

 All these people--i.e. the Hester couple, SS Agents in the motorcade, the motorcycle officers on Mrs. Kennedy's side of the limousine, Hargis and Martin, who look right into Zapruders direction once the shooting has begun--and you actually believe that they wouldn't have noticed Zapruder's "Tripod" holding an outrageously huge apparatus such as the thing you posted here with animation.  There wasn't enough room on that concrete block to hold two people, plus a tripod!     Jake Maxwell, you would be laughed straight out of a courtroom if tried to bring stuff like this into a courtroom trial for who killed JFK. 
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: John Mytton on April 12, 2022, 05:28:54 AM

 Jake, come on.  It's the carrying case for Zapruder's camera.   Will you please stop trying to tie these two innocent people into your conspiracy theory.

C'mon Steve, you know everyone in Dallas whose name wasn't "Lee Harvey Oswald" was a part of the conspiracy!


Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Steve Barber on April 12, 2022, 04:59:00 PM
C'mon Steve, you know everyone in Dallas whose name wasn't "Lee Harvey Oswald" was a part of the conspiracy!



Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 12, 2022, 11:17:01 PM

Very little similarity, if any, to a camera case...

Very much similarity to the “foot” of a gun mount...

(https://i.ibb.co/47ymMFK/Screen-Shot-2022-04-12-at-4-48-31-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/Czd1vwm)
(https://i.ibb.co/hX7c6Ds/Screen-Shot-2022-04-12-at-4-38-12-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/mvD0j6J)
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Steve Barber on April 12, 2022, 11:36:24 PM

   Jake, the Altgens photograph is a very inferior image that shows the carrying case that Z was carrying his camera in--especially because of the low quality of the Altgens photo. 
This photograph shows very clearly the exact camera case owned by Zapruder.  (https://i.imgur.com/3VGdHi2.png)

 Where did Zapruder have the "tripod" set up?   Have you been to Dealey Plaza, Jake?  I'm asking, because not only have I been to Dealey Plaza, I lived in Dallas and spent a lot of time at the plaza, and I know for a fact that there was absolutely, positively NOT enough room for that or any other tripod to fit onto that concrete block with two people standing on the block with it.   Your entire theory falls flat on its face for several reasons.

Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 13, 2022, 02:21:13 AM
   Jake, the Altgens photograph is a very inferior image that shows the carrying case that Z was carrying his camera in--especially because of the low quality of the Altgens photo. 
This photograph shows very clearly the exact camera case owned by Zapruder.  (https://i.imgur.com/3VGdHi2.png)

 Where did Zapruder have the "tripod" set up?   Have you been to Dealey Plaza, Jake?  I'm asking, because not only have I been to Dealey Plaza, I lived in Dallas and spent a lot of time at the plaza, and I know for a fact that there was absolutely, positively NOT enough room for that or any other tripod to fit onto that concrete block with two people standing on the block with it.   Your entire theory falls flat on its face for several reasons.

The thought that there is another person in an altered Altgens photo (three total) is not a new thought, as I understand it. The third figure is altered to blend in with the backs of Zapruder and Sitzman so that his presence is not at all obvious.
So, the tripod would have been used by the third person in the photo... who seems to be trying to duck and take cover... perhaps because he has become aware of photographers like Altgens on the scene.

But again, being out in the open at this corner would have caused little concern if the person had a badge and could be identified as a security detail for the president.

Again, I think others have identified the possibility of a third person in the photo that appears to have been altered... but I don’t think anyone has identified this area of the photo that I am saying looks very, very similar to a “foot” of a gun tripod... and not very similar to a camera case, etc. (though I’m not sure that this hasn’t been noted before)...

If Zapruder and Sitzman both had cameras on this pedestal... which others have contended for some years... that alone should raise concerns and raise questions about the “story” they tell about these events... and about their possible connection to a very large conspiracy... (In short, "Sitzman... if you had a camera, why have you not said anything about your camera so we can examine the images you’ve filmed?”)

Both would have been present to document the assassination... so the big players in the conspiracy might control the “narrative of events"... perhaps mostly to ID who might be on the scene with cameras that might catch views of the grassy knoll where... I am fairly certain... several gunmen were located who were likely responsible for the “flurry of shots” that came into the limo... as Kellerman testified...

I think a close analysis of this Altgens photo would show alterations... and verify a third person who has been blended into the backs of Z. and S....

(https://i.ibb.co/wcc8bCb/Screen-Shot-2022-04-12-at-7-48-43-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/CPP4XvX)
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 13, 2022, 03:23:36 AM

The thought that there is another person in an altered Altgens photo (three total) is not a new thought, as I understand it. The third figure is altered to blend in with the backs of Zapruder and Sitzman so that his presence is not at all obvious.
So, the tripod would have been used by the third person in the photo... who seems to be trying to duck and take cover... perhaps because he has become aware of photographers like Altgens on the scene.

But again, being out in the open at this corner would have caused little concern if the person had a badge and could be identified as a security detail for the president.

Again, I think others have identified the possibility of a third person in the photo that appears to have been altered... but I don’t think anyone has identified this area of the photo that I am saying looks very, very similar to a “foot” of a gun tripod... and not very similar to a camera case, etc. (though I’m not sure that this hasn’t been noted before)...

If Zapruder and Sitzman both had cameras on this pedestal... which others have contended for some years... that alone should raise concerns and raise questions about the “story” they tell about these events... and about their possible connection to a very large conspiracy... (In short, "Sitzman... if you had a camera, why have you not said anything about your camera so we can examine the images you’ve filmed?”)

Both would have been present to document the assassination... so the big players in the conspiracy might control the “narrative of events"... perhaps mostly to ID who might be on the scene with cameras that might catch views of the grassy knoll where... I am fairly certain... several gunmen were located who were likely responsible for the “flurry of shots” that came into the limo... as Kellerman testified...

I think a close analysis of this Altgens photo would show alterations... and verify a third person who has been blended into the backs of Z. and S....

(https://i.ibb.co/wcc8bCb/Screen-Shot-2022-04-12-at-7-48-43-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/CPP4XvX)

Looks like hat movement behind the wall... near Zapruder’s perch...

(https://i.ibb.co/S7QVwsz/ezgif-com-gif-maker-106.gif) (https://ibb.co/zH8PVnz)
(https://i.ibb.co/rGZYcrw/Screen-Shot-2022-04-12-at-8-51-51-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/zhSp7v4)
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Chris Bristow on April 13, 2022, 04:19:32 AM
In the Willis photo Zapruder is Facing basically East. And Mary Moorman photo shows him facing Southwest. So we had to Pivot around while looking through the viewfinder the whole time. It must have been very awkward to have to turn around without being able to look down. Looking through the viewfinder at the distance would mess with your balance a bit too. So I guess he had to sort of feel around with his foot to make sure he didn't go off the edge. I'm not saying anything conspiratorial here just noting that it must have been an uneasy position to be in.
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Duncan MacRae on April 13, 2022, 11:06:41 AM
I think a close analysis of this Altgens photo would show alterations... and verify a third person who has been blended into the backs of Z. and S....
It Has all been studied before, Jake. I have discovered more shooters than you could find holes in a Tramp's vest.

All have been self debunked by myself on a public Forum many years ago.

The Tripod was first speculated by myself in the year 2002, and is written about in the 2003 Book "The Great Zapruder Hoax"
As indicated above, after more study I later debunked my own stupid theory simply by applying common sense, logic and reason.
Jim Fetzer ( AKA The Nutty Profetzer ) fell out with me because I asked him not to publish my mistaken and idiotic theory, but Fetzer being Fetzer, knowing it was nonsense, went ahead and published the photo analysis in his wacky book anyway.

Regarding the Altrgens photo, the late Bernice Moore was the first person point out a potential third man. I colorised her observation for her.

And here is Zapruder heading back to Jennifer Juniors with the Camera case seen in this later image.

Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 14, 2022, 03:51:12 AM
It Has all been studied before, Jake. I have discovered more shooters than you could find holes in a Tramp's vest.

All have been self debunked by myself on a public Forum many years ago.

The Tripod was first speculated by myself in the year 2002, and is written about in the 2003 Book "The Great Zapruder Hoax"
As indicated above, after more study I later debunked my own stupid theory simply by applying common sense, logic and reason.
Jim Fetzer ( AKA The Nutty Profetzer ) fell out with me because I asked him not to publish my mistaken and idiotic theory, but Fetzer being Fetzer, knowing it was nonsense, went ahead and published the photo analysis in his wacky book anyway.

Regarding the Altrgens photo, the late Bernice Moore was the first person point out a potential third man. I colorised her observation for her.

And here is Zapruder heading back to Jennifer Juniors with the Camera case seen in this later image.


That is very informative!
I wonder how many members are aware of your “journey” you’ve mentioned...

This does raise some questions for me...
I was completely unaware of your tripod “discovery” in 2002... I do wonder if a better pic has surfaced that shows this “tripod” with more clarity... making it stand out more (so I could see it!)... and perhaps it might have you reconsider your reversal on this...
The colorized pic you’ve shown (plus our Unger gallery copy) is not near the quality of photo I’ve seen at the link below...
BTW, your colorization does capture what I think is this “blended in” figure in the Altgens photo...
Here’s the link...


Do you now believe any of the Altgens photos were altered?

(https://i.ibb.co/vvwSVVs/Screen-Shot-2022-04-13-at-8-36-18-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/n8gF663)

Here are the two examples of Altgens #8 from the Unger Gallery...
The quality is much less... with less definition in the “tripod” area...

(https://i.ibb.co/HGH0KDS/Screen-Shot-2022-04-13-at-9-01-27-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/L9ZM0zF)

Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Steve Barber on April 14, 2022, 04:40:48 PM

That is very informative!
I wonder how many members are aware of your “journey” you’ve mentioned...

This does raise some questions for me...
I was completely unaware of your tripod “discovery” in 2002... I do wonder if a better pic has surfaced that shows this “tripod” with more clarity... making it stand out more (so I could see it!)... and perhaps it might have you reconsider your reversal on this...
The colorized pic you’ve shown (plus our Unger gallery copy) is not near the quality of photo I’ve seen at the link below...
BTW, your colorization does capture what I think is this “blended in” figure in the Altgens photo...
Here’s the link...


Do you now believe any of the Altgens photos were altered?

(https://i.ibb.co/vvwSVVs/Screen-Shot-2022-04-13-at-8-36-18-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/n8gF663)

Here are the two examples of Altgens #8 from the Unger Gallery...
The quality is much less... with less definition in the “tripod” area...

(https://i.ibb.co/HGH0KDS/Screen-Shot-2022-04-13-at-9-01-27-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/L9ZM0zF)

 One home movie disproves your theory, Jake.  The Mark Bell film.

The Bell film shows Sitzman and Zapruder walking in two different directions, and Zapruder has nothing that resembles a tripod in his hands. 
You are mistaking Zapruder's camera-held in his right hand in the Altgen's photo-with the carrying case, which I told you is what we are seeing strapped around Zapruder shoulder and back.  In spite of your insisting that the carrying case is a foot of the tripod, it is nothing more than the carrying case for the camera.  And there is no "third person" in the Bell film walking with Zapruder and Sitzman.   Period.

The Sixth Floor Museum is going to be releasing the Mark Bell film on their website in the near future, according to Stephen Fagin. The sharpness and clarity of the original film is unsurpassed compared to the inferior multi generation copies we've had available over the years, and includes the sprocket hole area, along with the right edge of the film which a small portion of contains image that isn't included in copies of the film.
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 15, 2022, 05:35:17 AM
I’m really not suggesting that someone was walking with Z. and S.... but perhaps ducking for cover behind them as they walk away... No, I don’t think at all that Z. was carrying this “tripod”... but perhaps this “person” “altered” out of the Altgens photo was doing so...

I do look forward to seeing a sharp and clear Mark Bell film....

Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Steve Barber on April 15, 2022, 02:56:45 PM
I’m really not suggesting that someone was walking with Z. and S.... but perhaps ducking for cover behind them as they walk away... No, I don’t think at all that Z. was carrying this “tripod”... but perhaps this “person” “altered” out of the Altgens photo was doing so...

I do look forward to seeing a sharp and clear Mark Bell film....


 I want to apologize.  I'm sure you do look forward to seeing the clear Bell film, as we all do.
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 16, 2022, 04:50:30 AM
Actually, I only “date” theories... I never “marry” them...
I try to follow the best evidence where it leads...
It really looks like more was happening at Z’s perch than we’ve been allowed to see...
I really am looking forward to seeing better renditions of all assassination films...
The best I’ve seen seem to give evidence that something sinister was going on in Dealey Plaza...

It would be good to see if the Paschall image below might be corroborated by the Mark Bell film...

(https://i.ibb.co/tHzMFTk/Screen-Shot-2022-04-15-at-10-03-31-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/b6FgDMq)
(https://i.ibb.co/g7D6D4S/Screen-Shot-2022-04-15-at-10-22-08-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/7zGbGkn)
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Steve Barber on April 16, 2022, 04:36:40 PM
Actually, I only “date” theories... I never “marry” them...
I try to follow the best evidence where it leads...
It really looks like more was happening at Z’s perch than we’ve been allowed to see...
I really am looking forward to seeing better renditions of all assassination films...
The best I’ve seen seem to give evidence that something sinister was going on in Dealey Plaza...

It would be good to see if the Paschall image below might be corroborated by the Mark Bell film...

(https://i.ibb.co/tHzMFTk/Screen-Shot-2022-04-15-at-10-03-31-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/b6FgDMq)
(https://i.ibb.co/g7D6D4S/Screen-Shot-2022-04-15-at-10-22-08-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/7zGbGkn)

  This Bell film frame should answer your question. I have a little bit clearer copy of the Paschall film than what's available on the internet that I will share that corresponds with this Bell film frame, but I first have to dig it out of my files. 


   I forgot to include this un retouched Bell film frame.  I tried to enhance a little in the one above, and didn't do a very good job, so wanted to share the untouched film frame.


Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 17, 2022, 03:56:12 AM
Steve, all good...
I love my wife... she loves me... but she can’t “see” any of what I think I see and post from these assassination films and photos...
That has helped me decide to be very, very patient with every one else who disagrees with me... And I’ve been wrong in other areas of life along the way, I try to hold “loosely” theories I might tend to accept... 

From your Bell film pic below... and I really am not trying to frustrate anyone... but I see these things and I don’t think they are all anomalies... Of course, we all have to make judgment calls on these things...
But I think there is some substance to the image below... When I have more time, perhaps I can explore if there are other sources to corroborate...
Perhaps the 6th Floor release can help us gain a better understanding of what we are seeing here... and at the corner of Z’s perch...

(https://i.ibb.co/hdPj49M/Screen-Shot-2022-04-16-at-9-11-46-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/z2yYBx5)
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 18, 2022, 12:11:08 AM

Just wondering if you have a good link or a good source for the Bell Film frames?
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Steve Barber on April 18, 2022, 01:25:52 AM
Just wondering if you have a good link or a good source for the Bell Film frames?

  Hi Jake,

     I bought the DVD off eBay.  It also has the National Archives Zapruder film featured.  It was on YouTube, but looks like they removed it. : (

  I hope this is of some help.

   Happy Easter!

Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 18, 2022, 01:42:01 AM

Is there a number for the Bell frame you posted (or maybe the Bell film doesn’t have a frame count)?

Thanks! Happy Easter!
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on April 24, 2022, 05:27:04 AM
Zapruder and Sitzman in the background... and this looks like someone peeking over the wall...

(https://i.ibb.co/3YW5JkN/Screen-Shot-2022-04-23-at-10-55-08-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/prZ6mnz)
(https://i.ibb.co/0fQk9z1/Screen-Shot-2022-04-23-at-10-54-43-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/fCQbNTZ)
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Duncan MacRae on April 24, 2022, 01:06:32 PM
Zapruder returned to the Pergola Shelter with Marilyn Sitzman and was joined shortly thereafter by Charles And Beatrice Hester who can be seen in this blown up section of a Rickerby Photograph.
I can't remember the origin/source of the Frame below where I pointed out the locations of the four characters from left to right ( Zapruder, Sitzman and the Hesters ) in my analysis of this way back around 2003
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Joe Elliott on April 25, 2022, 04:22:59 AM

 Darn!  I thought maybe you had the whole thing. Sitzman is just getting ready pull her right arm out of folded to wave at "Mr. Z" .  Thanks for posting this, Duncan!!!

Mr. Z. I wonder. Is this why all these Russian tanks have a “Z” painted on them?

It all connects. Zapruder. Ukraine. And Zapruder family left the Ukraine within a year of JFK being born. And now the letter “Z”. What are the Russians trying to tell us?

Of course, it could all be a coincidence. Except there are no coincidences.
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on May 07, 2022, 03:37:12 AM

Perhaps this is a gunman behind the wall hidden in Z.’s profile...

(https://i.ibb.co/R7q8Jn9/Screen-Shot-2022-05-06-at-9-13-34-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/hCS0T5y)
(https://i.ibb.co/TYFwVMM/Screen-Shot-2022-05-06-at-9-12-09-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/S596hww)
Title: Re: Were there two cameras from Zapruder’s perch?
Post by: Jake Maxwell on May 09, 2022, 02:05:54 AM

This might be Zapruder’s friend at the wall near the “perch”...
From out of the shadows... Found in Moorman...

(https://i.ibb.co/Wf5gWQx/ezgif-com-gif-maker-130.gif) (https://ibb.co/BB3qVmz)
(https://i.ibb.co/wJdGrGr/ezgif-com-gif-maker-128.gif) (https://ibb.co/Rhgr4r4)
(https://i.ibb.co/tCQJDNR/Screen-Shot-2022-05-08-at-7-35-29-PM.png) (https://ibb.co/4NKVpDk)