JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Bill Brown on July 20, 2022, 11:19:14 PM
New blog article by Dale Myers...
Another good article by Dale Myers. And congratulations on getting a couple of favorable mentions Bill.
Thanks for the laugh. It was entertaining.
Defending the DPD police recordings time calls, which are being questioned, by falling back on those same DPD time calls was a brilliant move. Just as implicitely proclaiming himself a bigger authority on the Tippit murder than anybody else was impressive.
Typical Myers egotistical juvenile namecalling and propaganda.
Here's what gets me....
Harry N. Olsen
Broken leg and all---
Apparently, Mr. Thomas is ignorant of the fact that Olsen had fallen and broken his kneecap just before the assassination. On November 22nd, Olsen’s leg was in a cast and he was using crutches. In fact, Olsen was assigned light duty (doing office work) during that period and had the day off. That’s how he happened to be moonlighting on the day of the assassination; acting as a guard at the property of an elderly woman located on Eighth Street, two blocks from the Stemmons Freeway in Oak Cliff. [77]
Does that not sound like a likely story? Myers swallowed it...why can't you? When Jackson checked in with Tippit just before one o’clock to make sure he was in the central Oak Cliff area, Jackson added, “You will be at large for any emergency that comes in,” a reference back to the night Tippit came to the rookie Jackson’s aid.
It was an inside joke between two cops. “I was going to thank him later for ‘saving me again’,” Jackson told me. “But I never got the chance.” [18]
Jackson’s order, which was in keeping with the state of emergency in existence at the time, and the innocent remark singling Tippit out became the focus of much attention and scrutiny by conspiracy buffs after Oswald murdered Tippit.
Does anything about that fly straight? I mean was that really an occasion to be cracking jokes? Thomas writes, “… [The Warren Commission and FBI never interviewed Nelson] even though, and perhaps because, during the subsequent internal investigation by the Dallas Police, Nelson was implicated as the officer who permitted Ruby to enter the police station to silence Oswald.” [46]
More about Olsen, Tippit and Nelson----
See.... https://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,1714.msg44371.html#msg44371
Aren't these the DPD recordings Dale Myers is talking about? These have been available on the internet for years.
Typical Myers egotistical juvenile namecalling and propaganda.
And of course the typical LN "I am right, because I said so" mantra
Aren't these the DPD recordings Dale Myers is talking about? These have been available on the internet for years.
True to form, he doesn't say where the recordings that Penn Jones started selling in 1969 came from or how they were authenticated.
Oswald: I'm innocent
CTers/JAQers/OAKers/TAEers: Okay, you can go.
And of course the typical LN "I am right, because I said so" mantra
'All members are equal but LNers are more equal than others' — Bill Chapman
Inspiration: George Orwell
Oswald: I'm innocent
CTers/JAQers/OAKers/TAEers: Okay, you can go.
Everyone's behavior was suspicious except Oswald's. All of his actions are given the most innocent of explanations.
Brennan lied, Brewer lied, Postal lied, Markham was a crazy person, the police were crooked, Aynesworth was dishonest......
Oswald? Just some poor working guy who left work early to go see a movie. What's wrong with that?
Your suspicions don’t constitute evidence.
Your suspicions don’t constitute evidence.
Neither do yours.
Neither do yours. (Geez.)
I never claimed they were (Geez).
I never claimed they were.
Yeah, sure you don't, John.
I’m not the one with a web page full of items of “evidence” that amount to “Oswald exhibited behavior I find suspicious, therefore he killed Kennedy”.
Dale Myers' research on the Tippit case is poor. See my review of his book on the case:
Dale Myers' research on the Tippit case is poor. See my review of his book on the case:
Nonsense. I don't know why anyone of any significance to researching the Tippit case should care about your reviews.
Nonsense. I don't know why anyone of any significance to researching the Tippit case should care about your reviews.
The answer is easy. He's right about Myers and your opinion doesn't alter that!
Btw, who do you consider to be "anyone of any significance to researching the Tippit case"? People who agree with you, perhaps?
The answer is easy. He's right about Myers and your opinion doesn't alter that!
The omniscient Mr Brown? Doubtfully he ever read that review anyway.
The omniscient Mr Brown? Doubtfully he ever read that review anyway.
Propagandists like Brown seldom do, for fear that they may read something they know to be true but doesn't fit their narrative.