JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Richard Smith on August 17, 2022, 01:03:07 PM

Title: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 17, 2022, 01:03:07 PM
In a great victory for democracy, the oligarch Liz Cheney was repudiated by the voters of Wyoming last night in a landslide defeat by almost 40 points.  She betrayed her constituents, the republican party, President Trump, and even her own father by groveling for support from Dems who had called him a war criminal.   One more corrupt swamp politician swept from office.  She showed sincerity for only one cause other than retention of her own power, an obsessive hatred of President Trump.  A person with whom she agreed on almost every policy decision.  It's unfortunate that she did not show this same dedication to addressing the many disasters that have unfolded under Biden.  Inflation, crime, illegal immigration, censorship, and the political persecution of numerous republicans.  On these matters she was silent or often even complicit.  Now she leaves office in complete disgrace.  Hardly a footnote in Trump's volume of history.  The leftist spin on her crushing defeat despite having every advantage over her opponent that this a springboard to larger things (i.e. becoming president) is an Alice-in-Wonderland fantasy.  She couldn't be elected dog catcher.  Her career is over.  The voters have judged her and spoken.  That is how democracy works despite the corrupt political establishment and radical media hoping it was otherwise.  A great day for America and democracy.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 17, 2022, 05:17:14 PM
Liz Cheney is forming a group called "The Great Task."  As she has no supporters, the group will consist mostly of herself and leftist media.  The task?  Getting a handle on the flood of illegal immigrants?  No.  Stopping record crime in our cities? No.  Reducing inflation?  No.  Ending the endless foreign wars that her father started decades ago?  Nope.  The sole "task" appears to be to oppose Trump and protect the corrupt political establishment of which she was once a part (but no longer thanks to her crushing defeat).  Goodbye Liz!  Maybe they will build her a fake Capitol Hill office like Biden's fake WH set complete with video screen windows.   She can sit at her tiny desk and pretend that she is still relevant.   
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 17, 2022, 05:32:11 PM
Liz should call her new group the "Last Gasp" since her political career is over.  She did manage to fleece about $10 million from gullible Dems who contributed to her doomed campaign.  She spent almost none of that in this election knowing that it was hopeless.  She gave her concession speech moments after the polls closed to get on TV on the east coast.  Not even allowing the courtesy to count some votes before declaring her a loser.  There were about a dozen people in attendance including her father.   LOL.  Talk about going out in a whimper.  So long Liz!  You contributed nothing to the country except to protect the oligarchs such as yourself.  Trump's winning just never stops. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 17, 2022, 08:48:40 PM
The intimidation tactics including shackling an elderly Peter Navarro in leg irons at the airport like a 19th century criminal has gotten so bad that Trump apparently can't find a law firm to represent him.  They are afraid of retaliation from the FBI and DOJ.  Gangsters, murderers, and all manner of criminal can find attorneys but our weaponized justice system is now precluding a former president from obtaining legal counsel.  A Stasi-like time.  Maybe Old Liz is focused on that task?  No?  Just Trump.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 17, 2022, 10:56:13 PM
Liz has talked endlessly about Trump and the "big lie" but she learned the BIG TRUTH yesterday.  It's her constituents who get to decide who gets elected in a democracy.  Not the oligarchs or media. She failed to serve the interests of the people of Wyoming.  In fact, she ignored or even acted contrary to those interests like a jilted person who can't move on after a breakup.  A stalker obsession with Trump.  If only she had turned that energy toward solving any of the many problems under the Biden administration.  But no.  It was Trump, Trump, and more Trump.  So now she is finished politically.  Her fantasy about winning the presidency is almost cruel.  She fell for the fake media spin on Trump thinking she would be deemed the savior of democracy.   Get those resumes out to Halliburton Liz!  I bet they owe your family a favor or two.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 18, 2022, 01:45:54 PM
Please let Liz Cheney run for president!  She has been humiliated by the landslide loss in Wyoming. But that is not sufficient. The media fantasy that she is some type of martyr who will be vindicated on a larger stage needs to be tested.  Who exactly are her supporters?  Republicans?  Like those in Wyoming where she lost by nearly 40 points despite being a well-known and long-standing representative with ten times the money of her rival?  Nope.  Among Dems who hated her father and called him a war criminal and who have no agreement with her on any policy issue? Nope.  That leaves no one.  Literally no one.  She will be unlikely to receive a single percent of the vote in a republican primary.  What will the media say then?  That all republicans are evil?
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Jack Nessan on August 18, 2022, 02:00:19 PM
Please let Liz Cheney run for president!  She has been humiliated by the landslide loss in Wyoming. But that is not sufficient. The media fantasy that she is some type of martyr who will be vindicated on a larger stage needs to be tested.  Who exactly are her supporters?  Republicans?  Like those in Wyoming where she lost by nearly 40 points despite being a well-known and long-standing representative with ten times the money of her rival?  Nope.  Among Dems who hated her father and called him a war criminal and who have no agreement with her on any policy issue? Nope.  That leaves no one.  Literally no one.  She will be unlikely to receive a single percent of the vote in a republican primary.  What will the media say then?  That all republicans are evil?

You are absolutely correct about her. She really was a good conservative voice from Wyoming and represented the state well until now. I am not sure what happened to her to spiral out of control like she has. Amazing how they pursue Trump but leave Biden and all his corrupt family alone.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 18, 2022, 04:22:52 PM
You are absolutely correct about her. She really was a good conservative voice from Wyoming and represented the state well until now. I am not sure what happened to her to spiral out of control like she has. Amazing how they pursue Trump but leave Biden and all his corrupt family alone.

Thanks Jack.  Fortunately, the voters always get the final say.  That is what the media and oligarchs like Cheney have forgotten or never wanted to acknowledge.  That is the primary reason that they always hated Trump.  He was an outsider.  The establishment had convinced themselves and most citizens that no one could break through the lock that they had over political power in America.  They felt as though a ruling cadre of oligarchs always made that decision.  Trump exposed their corruption, dishonesty, and incompetence.  Like drawing back the curtain on the Wizard of Oz.  He created a new modern precedent that someone other than a career politician can win the presidency.  They have spent six years and counting trying to put that genie back in the bottle.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 18, 2022, 04:25:43 PM
Hopefully the GSA does a better job packing up Liz's belongings than they allegedly did with Trump.  I'm sure she could carry any top secret document home and sell it to China on ebay without the FBI concerning themselves with her.  She hates Trump.  That's a free "get out of jail" card.  Just ask Hillary or Hunter.  Or even the "big guy" if only we knew who he was (cough, cough, read teleprompter, cough some more).
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 18, 2022, 11:08:00 PM
The CDC is now acknowledging that it made many errors during the COVID pandemic (which continues with no end in sight despite the campaign promises of Shutdown Joe).  Imagine if the Trump haters in Congress like Liz Cheney had spent even a small fraction of the time and energy they spent on Trump overseeing the CDC to ensure that it was prepared for the pandemic BEFORE it began?  The CDC was given hundreds of millions of taxpayer money over decades to prepare for just that contingency.  Instead they made up the response as they went along as though they could never have anticipated such an event.  Pandemics have occurred throughout human history.   There were no consequences or interest from Liz, however, even after one million dead Americans and counting.   No consequences for China.  That would be racist.  They confiscated the property of Russians for the Ukraine situation with no such qualms.   Liz was consumed with trying to destroy Trump.  Trump, Trump, and more Trump.  She must dream of him.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 19, 2022, 02:46:23 PM
I wonder what Liz is doing today with all her free time.  Maybe reading "The Art of the Deal"?  Tirelessly making plans to save America (which she equates with her own political career)?  Hanging out with Brian Stelter now that he was canned as well and playing who hates Trump more?  So many possibilities.  I can't wait to see her on CNN or MSNBC.  Will she be providing commentary on how to address the border crisis, control inflation or reduce crime?  I'm guessing not.   It's all Trump all the time.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 20, 2022, 04:52:31 PM
Liz has written her autobiography including all her political accomplishments:

"I hate Trump. A lot.  The end."
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 20, 2022, 06:51:45 PM
Liz is writing a follow to her autobiography with all her spare time.  Here it is in its entirety:

"I still hate Trump.  Maybe even more than yesterday.  The end."
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 21, 2022, 02:17:03 AM
Liz said today that her constituents in Wyoming and republicans in general are "very sick" because they did not vote for her.   She is really on that path to being President now!  Imagine how the republicans will flock to her campaign with that inspiring message.  I almost feel sorry for her.  She clearly lives in some alternative reality where the masses are not allowed to question, much less use their vote to dismiss, a ruling class of oligarchs.  She rules by divine right over the "sick" people who know no better. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 21, 2022, 06:48:56 AM
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 21, 2022, 03:50:40 PM

Good one Jerry.  That's eight of the ten republicans in the House who voted to impeach Trump who were defeated as incumbents.   Old Liz will never be elected to any office unless she moves to California or NY.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Michael T. Griffith on August 21, 2022, 04:07:22 PM
I think that is unfortunate. In spite of her rejection of Trump, Liz Cheney has a solidly conservative record. Every major conservative group that rates members of Congress routinely has her at 80% or higher, based on her voting record. It is too bad that Team Trump has such a take-no-prisoners, my-way-or-the-highway attitude. Ronald Reagan was nothing like that. Nor was Abraham Lincoln.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 21, 2022, 09:26:10 PM
I think that is unfortunate. In spite of her rejection of Trump, Liz Cheney has a solidly conservative record. Every major conservative group that rates members of Congress routinely has her at 80% or higher, based on her voting record. It is too bad that Team Trump has such a take-no-prisoners, my-way-or-the-highway attitude. Ronald Reagan was nothing like that. Nor was Abraham Lincoln.

What is unfortunate is that instead of working to solve any of the many disasters unfolding in this country that she focused all of her energy on destroying Trump.  Who, as you note, she was in agreement with on most policy issues.  She became an establishment hack.   Good riddance to her.  Her replacement is as, or more, conservative than retro Liz.  So nothing lost there for conservatives.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 22, 2022, 12:50:03 AM
I guess Liz won't be calling for a recount since she lost by almost 40 percent.   :D One of the most amazing political reversals in history.  She had every advantage.  Name recognition, political machine, money, and she went from unbeatable to unwinnable.  Way to go Liz!  She qualifies to work in the Biden administration with a record like that.  Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 22, 2022, 02:34:50 PM
Liz woke up today.  Wrote "I hate Trump a whole lot" in her diary and went back to sleep.  Dreaming of her presidency when those voters that she called "very sick" recognize her as the savior of democracy.  Oh happy day!  It could happen.  Just ask CNN.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 22, 2022, 08:12:59 PM

Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Joe Elliott on August 22, 2022, 09:53:59 PM

The majority of Republicans are continuing their work at eliminating the few decent Republicans left in office. And the ones with the best chance of winning a November election in a non Red district or state.

In my mind, it is a badge of shame to win a Republican primary election. Unless one ran against a Trump endorsed candidate. Which has happened. Which shows that Trump's grip has slipped some.

In any case, winning Republican primaries won't mean anything without victories in November. We will see if the Republicans get enough wins in November.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Joe Elliott on August 22, 2022, 10:41:27 PM

. . .

How certain Americans view Cheney. Which shows how distorted their vision is.

How does Cheney refusing to back the overturning of a fair election make her a traitor?

How does Cheney's loyalty to the principal of a government of the people, by the people, for the people, make her more like Benedict Arnold than Abraham Lincoln?
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 22, 2022, 10:53:43 PM

How does Cheney refusing to back the overturning of a fair election make her a traitor?
Lizzy was a Trump hater long before the Jan 6th thing. That is the only reason Pelosi selected her for that committee.
It had nothing to do with any " loyalty to the principal of government "  :-\
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Joe Elliott on August 22, 2022, 11:45:41 PM
Lizzy was a Trump hater long before the Jan 6th thing. That is the only reason Pelosi selected her for that committee.
It had nothing to do with any " loyalty to the principal of government "  :-\

Long before January 6, 2021. Like as far back as November 5, 2020, when Trump started to try to overturn the election.

My impression is that, up until November 2020, she was in step with Trump. From 2017 through 2021 she supported Trump's position 93 % of the time, more than some Republicans who are still in good standing with Trump. It was Trump's statements and actions after the 2020 election that turned her against him. But for that, she would have still been a big Trump supporter up til the present day.


What media article, from before November 2020, stated that Liz Cheney was a RINO, or "Not a Supporter of Trump"?

Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 23, 2022, 01:40:29 AM
Lizzy voted to impeach someone for inciting a riot who was merely summarily accused of that by Nasty Pelosi.
Donald Trump did not command people [nor was there even any suggestion of such] to go storm the Capitol. 
Cheney shot herself in the foot there and she paid the price.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 23, 2022, 02:06:52 PM
The majority of Republicans are continuing their work at eliminating the few decent Republicans left in office. And the ones with the best chance of winning a November election in a non Red district or state.

In my mind, it is a badge of shame to win a Republican primary election. Unless one ran against a Trump endorsed candidate. Which has happened. Which shows that Trump's grip has slipped some.

In any case, winning Republican primaries won't mean anything without victories in November. We will see if the Republicans get enough wins in November.

The political establishment like McConnell, Pelosi and others created this situation.  They enriched themselves, failed to deliver on any promises, and have held onto power at all costs for decades.  Continued endless foreign wars for the last 50 plus years (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Ukraine).  Spending trillions on pork under the guise of some other cause (COVID, inflation, wars).  It's been a disaster for this country.  The results speak for themselves.  People are fleeing socialist utopias like California and NY.  Look at the situation under Biden.  They find an issue (COVID, Ukraine, inflation) and throw a ton of money at it.  Most of that money goes to other unrelated purposes but even the money that goes toward the cause is wasted in corruption and incompetence.  Most of it ends up in the hands of donors or supporters who then kick back support to the politician.  All their spouses, children, and even more distant relatives are multimillionaires.  It's a broken system.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 24, 2022, 01:53:00 PM
Q:  What is on the Liz Cheney agenda for today?

A: Hating Trump.  All day long.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 25, 2022, 03:34:05 PM
I wonder if Liz still hates Trump.  My guess is that she does.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 26, 2022, 01:57:49 PM
Liz took a walk on the beach today and wrote "I hate Trump" in the sand.  The tide washed it away and it was as though she was never there.  Much like her political career.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Joe Elliott on August 26, 2022, 08:00:13 PM

Liz woke up today.  Wrote "I hate Trump a whole lot" in her diary and went back to sleep.  Dreaming of her presidency when those voters that she called "very sick" recognize her as the savior of democracy.  Oh happy day!  It could happen.  Just ask CNN.

Is Liz Chaney more a obsessed with Donald Trump than you are with Liz Chaney? I doubt it.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 27, 2022, 12:26:19 AM
Is Liz Chaney more a obsessed with Donald Trump than you are with Liz Chaney? I doubt it.

I miss her so much!   :'( :'(  All the great things she did for America.  How can we go on?  To her credit, she wasn't nearly one hundred years old, have dementia, or a recent stroke as most of the other corrupt politicians that are handing out billions. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 27, 2022, 02:13:40 PM
Is Liz Chaney more a obsessed with Donald Trump than you are with Liz Chaney? I doubt it.

This is all the more humorous given that there are almost twenty threads dedicated to anti-Trump propaganda and one poster has flooded this forum with tens of thousands of such posts on the subject.  Have you ever suggested to him that he might be "obsessed" with Trump? 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 30, 2022, 01:48:00 PM
Liz hasn't been seen recently.  I guess she is too busy creating that organization whose sole purpose is to defeat Trump.  Total membership at this point is one. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on August 31, 2022, 01:59:36 PM
Liz is hoping GSA packs some "classified" documents in her boxes so she will be in the news again like Trump.   Get those moving vans warmed up.  Liz is being evicted.  Our loss is Halliburton's gain. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 01, 2022, 04:33:15 PM
I can't wait for Liz to make the announcement that she is running for President.  Think of the humiliation that awaits her.  As though her landslide defeat in her home state wasn't the ultimate a bad sign.  Those Liz for President will be collector's items as only one or two will be sold.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Joe Elliott on September 02, 2022, 03:55:54 AM

Well, Liz Cheney is not the only one to lose a run for Congress in August. So did Sarah Palin.

Republicans who (rightly) turn against Trump cannot win Republican primaries very often. But it appears that candidates who strongly support Trump and his stolen election claims have just as much trouble winning an election involving all the voters.

I look forward to November with confidence and high hopes for the future of American democracy.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Joe Elliott on September 02, 2022, 04:16:12 AM

Republican's support for the notion that the election of 2020 was stolen is based on the notion that supporting that lie will keep them in office. How much longer will their support last once they perceive that this is a pretty sure ticket to being kicked out of Congress? Not very long.

The Capitol was besieged for several hours on January 6. But democracy has been besieged for almost two years. But I think relieve is just a couple of months away. Hold on, the cavalry is coming.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Joe Elliott on September 02, 2022, 04:29:23 AM

How many politicians, running for office in November, are going to step up, unasked, and state that the 2020 Election was stolen from Trump?

My guess is not too many. But if anyone hears of someone doing so, between now and November, I would like to hear about it on this thread. I would be good to learn who the dumbest of the MAGA crowd are still service in Congress.

So far, I haven't heard of many politicians rushing in to support Palin's claim that the election was stolen from her. But there may be some dumb ones. We will see.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 02, 2022, 02:07:08 PM
Well, Liz Cheney is not the only one to lose a run for Congress in August. So did Sarah Palin.

Republicans who (rightly) turn against Trump cannot win Republican primaries very often. But it appears that candidates who strongly support Trump and his stolen election claims have just as much trouble winning an election involving all the voters.

I look forward to November with confidence and high hopes for the future of American democracy.

Yes, the election laws in Alaska are like something from Soviet Russia.  They started with 48 candidates including Santa Claus in something called "ranked choice" ballots.  There were four candidates on the final ballot.  Three were republicans who split the vote leaving the Dem the winner.  LOL.  Here is the  ralkicker.   This election was only for this year which means only a few months.  They will have ANOTHER election in two months.  Palin will win that election.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 02, 2022, 08:57:55 PM
Liz thought the Biden rant was great last night.  Her only suggestion:  more Trump hate.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Joe Elliott on September 03, 2022, 02:39:42 AM
Yes, the election laws in Alaska are like something from Soviet Russia.  They started with 48 candidates including Santa Claus in something called "ranked choice" ballots.  There were four candidates on the final ballot.  Three were republicans who split the vote leaving the Dem the winner.  LOL.  Here is the  ralkicker.   This election was only for this year which means only a few months.  They will have ANOTHER election in two months.  Palin will win that election.

Question: Can you provide any support for claim that "ranked choice" ballots are used in Russia? Or is this just an empty claim?

Ranked Choice ballots are a system which reduces the odds of an "extreme" candidate winning an election against the wishes of the majority. If we happen to have an election with the following three candidates:

Moderate-A who gets 31 % of the votes
Moderate-B who gets 30 % of the votes
Extreme-C who gets 39 % of the votes

in a regular election, Extreme-C would win the election, even though 61 % are against him. But in a ranked choice election, no one got over 50 % of the votes, so Moderate-B would be eliminated. Assuming the second choice of his voters voted for Moderate-A as their second choice, Moderate-A would win.

Ranked choice ballots gives the majority a chance to freeze out a candidate who is too extreme.

By the way, my definition of an 'Extreme Candidate' is one who over 50 % of the votes find totally unacceptable. Trump and Palin meet this definition.

Question: Can you provide a hypothetical example of how Ranked Choice Ballot system would give an advantage to an Extreme candidate against the wishes of the majority?

And Ranked-Choice-Ballots is the system that Alaska voters choose for themselves. This has to be the system used until they change their minds.

In any case, Ranked-Choice-Ballots did not cost Pain the election. In the initial votes:

Peltola (D) got 37 % of the votes
Palin (R) got 30 % of the votes
Begich (R) got 26 % of the votes

In a more traditional, Non Ranked-Choice Ballots, Peltola would have won outright, even through 56 % of the votes were for a Republican candidate. Ranked-Choice-Ballots gave Palin a second chance for victory. But Begich voters found Palin to be unacceptable. Too extreme. Too much support for the 'Stolen Election' lie. Too much of a threat to democracy. So these Republican voters mostly either made their second choice Peltola, or didn't make any second choice at all.

The Republican's have a clear path to victory in the November election for the same House seat. It only requires Palin to withdraw from the election. Because Palin voters will vote for Begich, if Palin is not running, but Begich voters, for this most part, won't vote for Palin if Begich is not running. It is the Republicans best chance.

Will Palin do so? Make a sacrifice for her party? No. She is too delusional. Blames Ranked-Choice Balloting, which actually gave her the best chance of winning. What is the real problem? Too many Alaska voters find her unacceptable. 30 % think she is great and she is their first choice. But less than 50 % find her to be acceptable.

I do not foresee Palin doing the smart and unselfish thing. I do not foresee any reason why the November results will be different from the August results for this seat. We will have more posts on this in November.

By the way, this is not just a bad omen for Palin. It is a bad omen for all MAGA candidates who have supported the Stolen Election lie. These guys are in trouble. And they know it. Losing elections in deep red states like Alaska and Kansas is as bad an omen as one can get. Well, they have made their bed. It's too late to undo this now.

The smartest choice for Republican politicians, if one is not guided by principle, was to not support impeaching Trump, not to support investigations into Trump, but to also not support the Big Lie that
the election was stolen from Trump in 2020. Republicans who were smart enough to choose that road, will be the leaders of the Republican Party throughout the 2020's.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Jerry Freeman on September 03, 2022, 03:30:05 AM
Nah.. the 2020 election wasn't stolen...it was lost due to vilification..misinformation...media bias...insider deep state intervention..false reports...and orange guy hatred >:(
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Jerry Freeman on September 03, 2022, 03:44:22 AM
... as far back as November 5, 2020, when Trump started to try to overturn the election.
I remember he squawked ...so did Clinton and the Dumacrats in 2016...calling it Russian collusion until they turned brown.
Donald Trump knew he couldn't overturn anything. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Joe Elliott on September 04, 2022, 03:17:05 AM

Nah.. the 2020 election wasn't stolen...it was lost due to vilification..misinformation...media bias...insider deep state intervention..false reports...and orange guy hatred >:(

Spoken like a true Conspiracy Theorist.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Jerry Freeman on September 04, 2022, 05:01:14 PM
Spoken like a true Conspiracy Theorist.
Spoken like truth ;) 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 04, 2022, 08:11:21 PM
Question: Can you provide any support for claim that "ranked choice" ballots are used in Russia? Or is this just an empty claim?

Ranked Choice ballots are a system which reduces the odds of an "extreme" candidate winning an election against the wishes of the majority. If we happen to have an election with the following three candidates:

Moderate-A who gets 31 % of the votes
Moderate-B who gets 30 % of the votes
Extreme-C who gets 39 % of the votes

in a regular election, Extreme-C would win the election, even though 61 % are against him. But in a ranked choice election, no one got over 50 % of the votes, so Moderate-B would be eliminated. Assuming the second choice of his voters voted for Moderate-A as their second choice, Moderate-A would win.

Ranked choice ballots gives the majority a chance to freeze out a candidate who is too extreme.

By the way, my definition of an 'Extreme Candidate' is one who over 50 % of the votes find totally unacceptable. Trump and Palin meet this definition.

Question: Can you provide a hypothetical example of how Ranked Choice Ballot system would give an advantage to an Extreme candidate against the wishes of the majority?

And Ranked-Choice-Ballots is the system that Alaska voters choose for themselves. This has to be the system used until they change their minds.

In any case, Ranked-Choice-Ballots did not cost Pain the election. In the initial votes:

Peltola (D) got 37 % of the votes
Palin (R) got 30 % of the votes
Begich (R) got 26 % of the votes

In a more traditional, Non Ranked-Choice Ballots, Peltola would have won outright, even through 56 % of the votes were for a Republican candidate. Ranked-Choice-Ballots gave Palin a second chance for victory. But Begich voters found Palin to be unacceptable. Too extreme. Too much support for the 'Stolen Election' lie. Too much of a threat to democracy. So these Republican voters mostly either made their second choice Peltola, or didn't make any second choice at all.

The Republican's have a clear path to victory in the November election for the same House seat. It only requires Palin to withdraw from the election. Because Palin voters will vote for Begich, if Palin is not running, but Begich voters, for this most part, won't vote for Palin if Begich is not running. It is the Republicans best chance.

Will Palin do so? Make a sacrifice for her party? No. She is too delusional. Blames Ranked-Choice Balloting, which actually gave her the best chance of winning. What is the real problem? Too many Alaska voters find her unacceptable. 30 % think she is great and she is their first choice. But less than 50 % find her to be acceptable.

I do not foresee Palin doing the smart and unselfish thing. I do not foresee any reason why the November results will be different from the August results for this seat. We will have more posts on this in November.

By the way, this is not just a bad omen for Palin. It is a bad omen for all MAGA candidates who have supported the Stolen Election lie. These guys are in trouble. And they know it. Losing elections in deep red states like Alaska and Kansas is as bad an omen as one can get. Well, they have made their bed. It's too late to undo this now.

The smartest choice for Republican politicians, if one is not guided by principle, was to not support impeaching Trump, not to support investigations into Trump, but to also not support the Big Lie that
the election was stolen from Trump in 2020. Republicans who were smart enough to choose that road, will be the leaders of the Republican Party throughout the 2020's.

Keep dreaming.  The fix was in.  Alaska is a mostly red state.  They spilt the republican vote with this mumbo jumbo.  They had three republican candidates and one Dem on the ballot.  The republican vote was split among the three republicans while a minority of Dems voted for their candidate.  Presto the Dem won.  Minority rule - for two months.  LOL.   There should be one Republican and one Dem and the winner is the one who gets the most votes. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 05, 2022, 04:51:04 PM
Liz dreams of Wyoming having "ranked choice" ballots.  She probably would have won after the leftists "counted" them. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 06, 2022, 03:06:51 PM
Liz hopes the "special master" hates Trump as much as she does. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 07, 2022, 02:16:03 PM
Liz hopes she has some influence to peddle one day.  Just like Hunter!  Maybe someone will pay for a Malibu home.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 07, 2022, 11:22:01 PM
Who will paint Liz's portrait after she becomes president?  Something for Liz to contemplate while she has plenty of spare time and prepares for her run in 2024.  You can do it Liz!  Just ask the people of Wyoming.   :D
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 19, 2022, 03:10:45 PM
Liz wishes she had been invited to the Queen's funeral or anyplace.  A lot of time on her hands.  Back up those moving vans.  She will have plenty of company when the midterms are over.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 20, 2022, 01:12:21 PM
Liz is finishing her political career in the same manner she conducted herself for decades.  Proposing a pointless new bill.  Does it address the crushing flow of illegal immigrants crossing the border?  No.  Does it address the hundreds of murders that are occurring in every America city with historic levels of crime under failed Dems?  No.  Does it address record inflation?  No.  Does it suggest a way to end the war in Ukraine or keep America out of these endless foreign wars?  Of course not since corrupt politicians like herself benefit from these wars.  So what is her last gasp? A pointless bill that would preclude the VP from doing anything other than rubber stamping the election results.  Even if there was evidence of fraud.  A bill with no chance to pass.  Just an opportunity to go down with failed "Jan. 6" investigation.  So long Liz.  Don't let the door hit you.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 21, 2022, 02:06:11 PM
Liz wishes she were an illegal alien so she would be invited to Martha's Vineyard.  Or anywhere.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 21, 2022, 07:16:52 PM
Liz wishes she has some assets to overvalue.  Maybe her chances to become president.  Which are zero.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 22, 2022, 01:57:21 PM
Liz wants to cross the border illegally someday.  Perhaps there will be a prize for the 3 millionth person to do so on Old Joe's watch.   
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 23, 2022, 02:16:24 PM
Liz wishes that she could start an anti-Trump thread on the JFK assassination forum.  And every forum.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 25, 2022, 01:36:42 PM
Liz is threatening to leave the Republican party if Trump is nominated.  That's the greatest incentive yet to nominate Trump.   Liz is the gift that keeps on giving.  So long Liz. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 27, 2022, 02:22:33 PM
Hopefully Liz has reserved a moving van for her departure from DC.  Most of those are being rented by residents of California and NY as they flee the nightmare created by the radical Dems that control those states. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 28, 2022, 12:33:05 PM
Liz wishes she knew Trump's secret for winning!  According to Forbes while the rest of America was going broke under Uncle Joe's disastrous economic policy:  Trump's "net worth jumping by a whopping $700 million to a six-year high of $3.2 billion."  So much winning.  Even Disaster Joe can't stop it. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on September 30, 2022, 01:41:25 PM
Liz wishes she could talk with dead people.  Maybe they would even vote for her since almost no living person did so.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on October 02, 2022, 01:20:50 PM
Liz wishes she were an illegal alien in NYC.  Then she would get to live on a cruise ship.  Will the buffet stay open all night? 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on October 04, 2022, 01:35:57 PM
Liz wishes she grew up in a Puerto Rican community like Joe Biden.  There must be some enclave in Delaware that no one else is aware of.   Way to go Joe.
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on October 13, 2022, 07:57:30 PM
As the world unravels under Old Joe, Liz is spending her last moments in Congress desperately trying to get Trump.  On something, anything.  There must be something.  It is a sad display of an abuse of power.  If only Liz had expended this amount of effort to address crime, inflation, gas prices, or the open border, she might have done some good.  But she leaves the way she conducted herself throughout her political career.  An establishment, do nothing politician.   So long Liz.  Those moving vans are waiting assuming they all haven't been booked by folks fleeing blue states like California and NY. 
Title: Re: Liz Cheney Defeated!
Post by: Richard Smith on October 23, 2022, 03:14:26 PM
Even Liz is glad she is not a democrat given the latest poll numbers.  Brutal.  She would have lost by more than 40 percent if she had not been a republican.