JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Joe Elliott on April 19, 2023, 04:57:06 AM

Title: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Joe Elliott on April 19, 2023, 04:57:06 AM


Did Dr. Cyril Wecht ever comment about whether a Neurological or Neuromuscular Spasm was a possible cause of JFK's movements after being shot in the head at z312?
Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Jack Trojan on April 21, 2023, 01:59:03 AM
How would Wecht know unless he did some Nazi-esque experimentation?

Otherwise, JFK's "jerk" or neurological spasm began at Z312 after Greer slowed the limo to a near stop at the turkey shoot point so the crossfire would sound like a single shot with echoes.  All shots were near simultaneous.

The doctors at Parkland were tasked to hide any and all evidence of any shots that didn't come from behind. Hence the inexplicable tracheostomy to cover up JFK's throat entrance wound and surgery to his hairline to cover up that entrance wound.

1 shot came from the knoll, from a .221 Remington Fireball handgun and a frangible bullet which exploded in JKF's head causing the right temple blowout and his jerk (neurological spasm) to the left.

1 shot came from the overpass which entered JFK's hairline and blew out a fist-sized hole in the occipital region at the back of his head. All references of this wound were inexplicably ignored and covered up. Humes actually burned his notes.

1 shot came from behind and gave JFK a bit of forward movement that also counteracted the shot from the front. The LNers are all over this 1-frame forward motion as if it proves something. The problem is there isn't a valid trajectory from the 6th floor, into JFK's back, then exiting his throat. If you think there is, then prove it with a re-enactment.


Get in between 2 lasers pointed at each other at a 17 degree angle and try to match JFK's back and throat wounds. I will eat a bug if anyone matches the autopsy photos, otherwise, the graphics posted here are never accurate and can never prove anything. Only a re-enactment will help you see the light.
Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Tim Nickerson on April 21, 2023, 02:22:34 AM

The problem is there isn't a valid trajectory from the 6th floor, into JFK's back, then exiting his throat. If you think there is, then prove it with a re-enactment.


Get in between 2 lasers pointed at each other at a 17 degree angle and try to match JFK's back and throat wounds. I will eat a bug if anyone matches the autopsy photos, otherwise, the graphics posted here are never accurate and can never prove anything. Only a re-enactment will help you see the light.

Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Charles Collins on April 21, 2023, 05:46:30 PM

Sadly, Jack Trojan will never acknowledge that I have done this. The last time (when I posted that experiment) he disappeared for a while. Now he is back and acting like he never saw it. Let’s see if he repeats that M.O..
Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Jack Trojan on April 21, 2023, 07:12:49 PM

Sadly, Jack Trojan will never acknowledge that I have done this. The last time (when I posted that experiment) he disappeared for a while. Now he is back and acting like he never saw it. Let’s see if he repeats that M.O..

No I never saw your prev post but I'll give you cred for it. The problem, however, is that your re-enactment can't be verified with the photos you posted and you set it up in the wrong order. You placed the high laser where you thought it belonged on your back at roughly the T1 vertebrae, which is about right, but you didn't take a photo of where the low laser struck your throat at the same sitting. You have to confirm that both lasers were coincidental and matched the autopsy wounds at the same time. You didn't do that. Instead you lined up the high laser to where you wanted it to be and to hell where the low laser struck you.

Your setup should include a photo of the lasers pointed directly at each other at a 17 deg declination. It is imperative that the beams are coincidental. I can't tell if you did this. Then sit between the 2 lasers until the low laser strikes your throat at the C7 vertebrae as per the autopsy. Only then can you note where the high laser strikes your back, not the other way round. It is too easy to fudge your results otherwise.

What you cannot do is take a photo of the high laser striking your back where you want it to be, then get up and sit back down again for a photo of where the low laser strikes your throat. You can promise me that you sat in the same exact position all you like, but you must realize that negates your experiment.

I have done this experiment many times with different people and there were varying results depending on how accurate your setup is. None of the results, however, matched the autopsy photos. The bottom line is that a bullet entering the back at the T1 vertebrae cannot exit at the C7 vertebrae if it is shot at a 17 deg angle. Your fudged experiment notwithstanding.

Repeat the experiment and make sure your setup is accurate including a photo of the lasers with coincidental beams. Then remove your clothes, brighten the room and line up the lasers to match the autopsy wounds exactly. Then take a single photo and use a mirror to show both wounds simultaneously. Only then will I believe your results were legit.

Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Charles Collins on April 21, 2023, 08:04:17 PM
No I never saw your prev post but I'll give you cred for it. The problem, however, is that your re-enactment can't be verified with the photos you posted and you set it up in the wrong order. You placed the high laser where you thought it belonged on your back at roughly the T1 vertebrae, which is about right, but you didn't take a photo of where the low laser struck your throat at the same sitting. You have to confirm that both lasers were coincidental and matched the autopsy wounds at the same time. You didn't do that. Instead you lined up the high laser to where you wanted it to be and to hell where the low laser struck you.

Your setup should include a photo of the lasers pointed directly at each other at a 17 deg declination. It is imperative that the beams are coincidental. I can't tell if you did this. Then sit between the 2 lasers until the low laser strikes your throat at the C7 vertebrae as per the autopsy. Only then can you note where the high laser strikes your back, not the other way round. It is too easy to fudge your results otherwise.

What you cannot do is take a photo of the high laser striking your back where you want it to be, then get up and sit back down again for a photo of where the low laser strikes your throat. You can promise me that you sat in the same exact position all you like, but you must realize that negates your experiment.

I have done this experiment many times with different people and there were varying results depending on how accurate your setup is. None of the results, however, matched the autopsy photos. The bottom line is that a bullet entering the back at the T1 vertebrae cannot exit at the C7 vertebrae if it is shot at a 17 deg angle. Your fudged experiment notwithstanding.

Repeat the experiment and make sure your setup is accurate including a photo of the lasers with coincidental beams. Then remove your clothes, brighten the room and line up the lasers to match the autopsy wounds exactly. Then take a single photo and use a mirror to show both wounds simultaneously. Only then will I believe your results were legit.

Jack you are assuming things that are not true.  The laser beams are pointed directly at each other at a 17.3-degree angle.  I used a video camera (on my iPad) behind me.  I sat with my iphone in my hand and located the front laser on my throat on the windpipe between the larynx and the collarbone. I spoke “right now” as I took a photo of my throat with my iPhone. Then, I got up and rewound the video and played it. When I heard myself speak “right now”, I paused the video and snapped a screenshot. Therefore the the photo and the screenshot are concurrent and I was in the same exact position in both. No question about it. I then measured the distance on the shirt based on where the laser beam showed up on the pattern in the screenshot. I don’t have a mirror that is suitable for this purpose, so the video is my improvisation for the mirror. It works just as well, if not better for this purpose. Let’s see you eat a bug now…
Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Jack Trojan on April 22, 2023, 12:49:07 AM
I'll eat a bug when you do the experiment correctly, but I will never trust your results anyway because you are a LNer and it is way too easy to fake your results. However, if you post a re-enactment in profile to photogrammetric standards that matches JFK's wounds then I will gladly eat a bug. The reason I know you are fudging is because you never matched both wounds at the same time and I have no idea where your throat wound landed, but it wasn't 2 inches down the spine relative to the back wound so your experiment was obviously a fudge.

The laser experiment can only demonstrate that the MB was possible, not impossible, which is why I never bothered to post my results before. You LNers are predisposed to reject anything that might burst your bubble, but if you want to be honest with the laser experiment, then try again with the following assumptions:

Here are the wounds you must match, entrance wound at T1 and exit wound wound at C6/C7.

Based on the entrance/exit wounds then the trajectory of the MB puts it thru bone, which would have damaged the MB and caused it to tumble and expand the wound.

The Warren Commission Report places a bullet wound at the sixth cervical vertebra (C6) of the vertebral column but I'm not sure which wound they were referring to. The actual entrance wound on the back entered at the top of the T1 vertebrae.

When the MB entered JFK it declined approximately 2 inches below the entrance wound before exiting the body.

So how did you manage to get your front laser higher than your back laser without cheating? Are you magic like the bullet? Needless to say I won't be eating a bug anytime soon.

Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Charles Collins on April 22, 2023, 02:05:27 AM
I'll eat a bug when you do the experiment correctly, but I will never trust your results anyway because you are a LNer and it is way too easy to fake your results. However, if you post a re-enactment in profile to photogrammetric standards that matches JFK's wounds then I will gladly eat a bug. The reason I know you are fudging is because you never matched both wounds at the same time and I have no idea where your throat wound landed, but it wasn't 2 inches down the spine relative to the back wound so your experiment was obviously a fudge.

The laser experiment can only demonstrate that the MB was possible, not impossible, which is why I never bothered to post my results before. You LNers are predisposed to reject anything that might burst your bubble, but if you want to be honest with the laser experiment, then try again with the following assumptions:

Here are the wounds you must match, entrance wound at T1 and exit wound wound at C6/C7.

Based on the entrance/exit wounds then the trajectory of the MB puts it thru bone, which would have damaged the MB and caused it to tumble and expand the wound.

The Warren Commission Report places a bullet wound at the sixth cervical vertebra (C6) of the vertebral column but I'm not sure which wound they were referring to. The actual entrance wound on the back entered at the top of the T1 vertebrae.

When the MB entered JFK it declined approximately 2 inches below the entrance wound before exiting the body.

So how did you manage to get your front laser higher than your back laser without cheating? Are you magic like the bullet? Needless to say I won't be eating a bug anytime soon.

I have shown the details of how this was set up. Anyone can do this experiment themselves. And I would encourage them to do it. You said you had varying results. That leads me to believe you didn’t have the lasers stable and/or set up accurately. I used devices that allowed good accuracy and stable mounting for the lasers. None of the devices are very expensive. And doing the experiment yourself gives confidence in the results. Anyone (including you) is welcome to come here and I will repeat it in their presence or even do it on them. No fudging is needed, and I wouldn’t fudge anything if it was. As I stated the front laser was on my windpipe between the larynx and the collarbone. That is where the doctor who performed the tracheotomy described the wound. And it is where the autopsy photos show the wound. I measured the rear laser location on my shirt and posted the measurement. I didn’t have an X-ray machine, so I cannot tell you which vertebrae are involve.

I didn’t really expect you to accept this. Because if the WC and HSCA and all the medical experts who have  verified everything cannot convince you, nothing willl. You appear to have your mind made up to deny anything that could possibly point to the WC being correct on any aspect. That’s sad. I did the experiment for myself and for anyone who might have an open mind and is considering your results. If you ever become sincere about doing this experiment correctly and have any questions that I can help you with please ask and I will try to help.
Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Jack Trojan on April 23, 2023, 07:38:15 PM
If you ever become sincere about doing this experiment correctly and have any questions that I can help you with please ask and I will try to help.

 :D Sure, I'll be sure to look you up. The laser experiment was intended for the layman to convince themselves the magic bullet trajectory was not feasible. You claim that you managed to pull it off, but you offer no proof. Am I supposed to take the word of a devoted LNer layman? It requires some photogrammetry to resolve the true trajectory of the magic bullet well beyond the laser experiment, which is why I know your experiment was not sincere.

So you never did mention what vertebrae the lasers landed on, front and back. Because that's what this is all about and why the WC was obsessed with moving the back wound up to the C6 vertebrae. They knew that the back wound had to be higher than the throat wound for Oswald to have taken the shot. The smoking gun turns out to be the x-ray autopsy image of JFK showing a hole thru the right side of his T1 vertebrae caused by the magic bullet.


Assuming there was a hole midway thru JFK's T1 vertebrae where the MB impacted, then the exit wound must have been 17 degrees below T1. But the WC claimed the throat wound was at C6. This was the dilemma they tried frantically to cover up. The ramifications being that if there wasn't a valid trajectory from the 6th floor of the TSBD, into JFK's back at T1 and out his throat at C6 then Oswald could not have taken the shot, your fudged laser experiment notwithstanding.

So if the exit wound was higher than the entrance wound and both wounds represented the trajectory of the magic bullet thru JFK, I wonder where the shot was actually taken from? Glad you asked, and damn you for making me waste my time putting this graphic together.

I'm coining it the "Real Bullet Theory"


What say you?  Didn't think so. But unless your laser experiment trumps geometry, then I won't be needing your help any time soon, but thanks anyway.

Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Charles Collins on April 23, 2023, 08:00:56 PM

 :D Sure, I'll be sure to look you up. The laser experiment was intended for the layman to convince themselves the magic bullet trajectory was not feasible. You claim that you managed to pull it off, but you offer no proof. Am I supposed to take the word of a devoted LNer layman? It requires some photogrammetry to resolve the true trajectory of the magic bullet well beyond the laser experiment, which is why I know your experiment was not sincere.

So you never did mention what vertebrae the lasers landed on, front and back. Because that's what this is all about and why the WC was obsessed with moving the back wound up to the C6 vertebrae. They knew that the back wound had to be higher than the throat wound for Oswald to have taken the shot. The smoking gun turns out to be the x-ray autopsy image of JFK showing a hole thru the right side of his T1 vertebrae caused by the magic bullet.


Assuming there was a hole midway thru JFK's T1 vertebrae where the MB impacted, then the exit wound must have been 17 degrees below T1. But the WC claimed the throat wound was at C6. This was the dilemma they tried frantically to cover up. The ramifications being that if there wasn't a valid trajectory from the 6th floor of the TSBD, into JFK's back at T1 and out his throat at C6 then Oswald could not have taken the shot, your fudged laser experiment notwithstanding.

So if the exit wound was higher than the entrance wound and both wounds represented the trajectory of the magic bullet thru JFK, I wonder where the shot was actually taken from? Glad you asked, and damn you for making me waste my time putting this graphic together.

I'm coining it the "Real Bullet Theory"


What say you?  Didn't think so. But unless your laser experiment trumps geometry, then I won't be needing your help any time soon, but thanks anyway.

LOL, I think you got one thing right…

Your graphic is a waste of time!   Thumb1:
Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Jack Trojan on April 23, 2023, 08:15:48 PM

LOL, I think you got one thing right…

Your graphic is a waste of time!   Thumb1:

LOL, can't argue with that. After all, your magic laser experiment proves that Oswald took the shot, right?
Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Dan O'meara on April 23, 2023, 08:35:11 PM

 :D Sure, I'll be sure to look you up. The laser experiment was intended for the layman to convince themselves the magic bullet trajectory was not feasible. You claim that you managed to pull it off, but you offer no proof. Am I supposed to take the word of a devoted LNer layman? It requires some photogrammetry to resolve the true trajectory of the magic bullet well beyond the laser experiment, which is why I know your experiment was not sincere.

So you never did mention what vertebrae the lasers landed on, front and back. Because that's what this is all about and why the WC was obsessed with moving the back wound up to the C6 vertebrae. They knew that the back wound had to be higher than the throat wound for Oswald to have taken the shot. The smoking gun turns out to be the x-ray autopsy image of JFK showing a hole thru the right side of his T1 vertebrae caused by the magic bullet.


Assuming there was a hole midway thru JFK's T1 vertebrae where the MB impacted, then the exit wound must have been 17 degrees below T1. But the WC claimed the throat wound was at C6. This was the dilemma they tried frantically to cover up. The ramifications being that if there wasn't a valid trajectory from the 6th floor of the TSBD, into JFK's back at T1 and out his throat at C6 then Oswald could not have taken the shot, your fudged laser experiment notwithstanding.

So if the exit wound was higher than the entrance wound and both wounds represented the trajectory of the magic bullet thru JFK, I wonder where the shot was actually taken from? Glad you asked, and damn you for making me waste my time putting this graphic together.

I'm coining it the "Real Bullet Theory"


What say you?  Didn't think so. But unless your laser experiment trumps geometry, then I won't be needing your help any time soon, but thanks anyway.

Are you saying the throat shot came from on top of the triple underpass?

Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Mitch Todd on April 23, 2023, 09:00:55 PM
LOL, can't argue with that. After all, your magic laser experiment proves that Oswald took the shot, right?
Wasn't Charles performing your "laser challenge"?
Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Jack Trojan on April 23, 2023, 10:09:15 PM
Are you saying the throat shot came from on top of the triple underpass?

My graphic only showed the general direction and elevation a frontal shot would come from. If it actually came from the underpass, it would be from the same area as the shot that entered JFK's hairline and blew out the hole in the back of his head, which a dozen medical personnel noted. I believe that area of the underpass was forcefully cleared out by top "agents".


Humes actually performed surgery to disguise the entry wound. Then he burned his notes.


Thanks for fine tuning the Real Bullet's trajectory, even though I know that wasn't your intention.

ps. So who were those people on the underpass? People were supposedly forbidden to be there, which is why they were supposedly cleared out.
Title: Re: Question about Cyril Wecht and the Neurological Spasm.
Post by: Dan O'meara on April 24, 2023, 12:13:10 AM
My graphic only showed the general direction and elevation a frontal shot would come from.

No it doesn't, it shows a specific spot from on top of the underpass.
You clearly believe that at least two shots came from on top of the underpass.

If it actually came from the underpass, it would be from the same area as the shot that entered JFK's hairline and blew out the hole in the back of his head, which a dozen medical personnel noted. I believe that area of the underpass was forcefully cleared out by top "agents".

The pic I posted shows ten men stood on top of the underpass.
What makes you think that area was cleared out?

Thanks for fine tuning the Real Bullet's trajectory, even though I know that wasn't your intention.

ps. So who were those people on the underpass? People were supposedly forbidden to be there, which is why they were supposedly cleared out.

Railroad workers.