JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Reggie Montoya on January 07, 2024, 08:33:51 PM

Title: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Reggie Montoya on January 07, 2024, 08:33:51 PM
New member here.
Love the forum so I decided to register.
At any rate, what's the worst book you came across dealing with the JFK conspiracy? I nominate American Confidential: Uncovering the Bizarre Story of Lee Harvey Oswald and his Mother by Deanne Stillman.
Interested in reading your answers.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Gerry Down on January 08, 2024, 01:51:06 AM
In terms of millions of people deceived and the amount of errors-per-page, these mass-marketed titles from major publishers spring to mind.


"Who Killed JFK?" 1992, many reissues. "High Treason", 1989, the later paperback version and reissues sold millions. A more recent large-selling book littered with errors is "JFK and The Unspeakable", 2008.

Millions? If so, Groden must be a millionaire?
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Gerry Down on January 08, 2024, 02:15:32 AM
I was just thinking if High Treason sold 1 million copies, and the author received $1 per copy sold that would be 1 million dollars. Of course half that would go to Livingstone depending on how they had agreed to split funds.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Tom Scully on January 08, 2024, 05:54:38 AM
New member here.
Love the forum so I decided to register.
At any rate, what's the worst book you came across dealing with the JFK conspiracy? I nominate American Confidential: Uncovering the Bizarre Story of Lee Harvey Oswald and his Mother by Deanne Stillman.
Interested in reading your answers.

The book's premise was that Mary was murdered by a CIA "wet work" operative who had attempted to frame Raymond Crump in her shooting because "Mary knew too much!"


Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, ...
books.google.com › books (https://www.google.com/books/edition/Mary_s_Mosaic/OGOCDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=scully+georgia+law+professor&pg=PT348&printsec=frontcover)
Peter Janney · 2016
Found inside
"... Georgia law professor, Scully identified himself as “a moderator at the Internet forum, JFK Debate, created by John Simkin.”2 Mr. Scully focused his attack on the conclusions I had presented about the prosecution witness William L ..."

I "dug my own grave," in the CT "community".

The author of the book's friend, Douglas Horne, "lashed out" in reaction to the unwelcome facts I presented.


Horne's friend, book author Peter Janney confirmed in the revised edition of his book. forced by my research results, that I had not concealed who I was by naming me in his attempt to discredit me because he could not counter the facts I discovered that had dismantled his fairy tale.

 Posted April 9, 2021 (edited)

    On 4/9/2021 at 6:06 PM, Paul Brancato said:

    Any idea why?

I checked and discover the reason why he left. Apparently, Tom and the author of Destiny Betrayed were censored because of Hank Albarelli's complaint over the Mary Meyer issue. Edited April 9, 2021 by Calvin Ye

Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Mitch Todd on January 09, 2024, 03:21:52 AM
New member here.
Love the forum so I decided to register.
At any rate, what's the worst book you came across dealing with the JFK conspiracy? I nominate American Confidential: Uncovering the Bizarre Story of Lee Harvey Oswald and his Mother by Deanne Stillman.
Interested in reading your answers.
The worst book I've personally encountered on the assassination is Paul Chambers' Head Shot. To begin with, the title is kinda tasteless. But what really gets me is, it's mostly filler...and most of that filler has little or nothing to do with JFK or his assassination. When Chambers, who has a PhD in Physics, gets around to discussing the physics of the assassination, his treatment of it is incredibly disappointing and juvenile.

Another dishonorable mention is Barry Ernst's The Girl on the Stairs, for similar reasons. Ernst had a long magazine article worth of new and interesting material, but he stretches it out to 400 pages with padding and rehashing well-worn arguments. It's also not well organized, and it lacks simple things like a table of contents or an index. At least he left in footnotes.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Bill Brown on January 10, 2024, 01:45:38 PM
In terms of wildest, craziest theory, for me, it's Mortal Error.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Mark A. Oblazney on January 12, 2024, 03:21:56 PM
The book's premise was that Mary was murdered by a CIA "wet work" operative who had attempted to frame Raymond Crump in her shooting because "Mary knew too much!"


Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, ...
books.google.com › books (https://www.google.com/books/edition/Mary_s_Mosaic/OGOCDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=scully+georgia+law+professor&pg=PT348&printsec=frontcover)
Peter Janney · 2016
Found inside
"... Georgia law professor, Scully identified himself as “a moderator at the Internet forum, JFK Debate, created by John Simkin.”2 Mr. Scully focused his attack on the conclusions I had presented about the prosecution witness William L ..."

I "dug my own grave," in the CT "community".

The author of the book's friend, Douglas Horne, "lashed out" in reaction to the unwelcome facts I presented.


Horne's friend, book author Peter Janney confirmed in the revised edition of his book. forced by my research results, that I had not concealed who I was by naming me in his attempt to discredit me because he could not counter the facts I discovered that had dismantled his fairy tale.

........ and the worm turns.  Happy New Year, Tom.  I wonder what happened to Mitchell?
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Michael T. Griffith on January 13, 2024, 03:16:24 PM
New member here.
Love the forum so I decided to register.
At any rate, what's the worst book you came across dealing with the JFK conspiracy? I nominate American Confidential: Uncovering the Bizarre Story of Lee Harvey Oswald and his Mother by Deanne Stillman.
Interested in reading your answers.

How about some of the best books that deal with the JFK assassination conspiracy?

JFK Assassination Paradoxes (re-released last year as The JFK Assassination Decoded), by Dr. David Mantik.
Not In Your Lifetime, by Anthony Summers.
The Last Investigation, by Gaeton Fonzi.
Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, by Doug Horne.
Breach of Trust, by Dr. Gerald McKnight.

The worst pro-conspiracy books:

Plausible Denial, by Mark Lane.
Files on JFK: Interviews with Confessed Assassin James E. Files, by Wim Dankbaar.
JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy, by L. Fletcher Prouty.

The worst pro-Warren Commission books:

Reclaiming History, by Vincent Bugliosi.
Case Closed, by Gerald Posner.
November 22, 1963: You Are the Jury, by David Belin.
JFK, Oswald and Ruby: Politics, Prejudice and Truth, by Burt Griffin.

Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Jon Banks on January 18, 2024, 03:28:22 AM
Worst - The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination by Lamar Waldron

Best - Accessories After The Fact by Sylvia Meagher
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Gary Davis on January 25, 2024, 10:16:35 PM
The Assassination Tapes by George O'Toole

The Author basically had one chapter's worth of substance and simply repeated it again and again and again. Very disappointing, just glad it was a used book for $5

Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Paul May on January 27, 2024, 03:46:29 AM
Any book, repeat ANY book by Jim DiEugenio.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Paul May on January 27, 2024, 03:49:50 AM
How about some of the best books that deal with the JFK assassination conspiracy?

JFK Assassination Paradoxes (re-released last year as The JFK Assassination Decoded), by Dr. David Mantik.
Not In Your Lifetime, by Anthony Summers.
The Last Investigation, by Gaeton Fonzi.
Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, by Doug Horne.
Breach of Trust, by Dr. Gerald McKnight.

The worst pro-conspiracy books:

Plausible Denial, by Mark Lane.
Files on JFK: Interviews with Confessed Assassin James E. Files, by Wim Dankbaar.
JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy, by L. Fletcher Prouty.

The worst pro-Warren Commission books:

Reclaiming History, by Vincent Bugliosi.
Case Closed, by Gerald Posner.
November 22, 1963: You Are the Jury, by David Belin.
JFK, Oswald and Ruby: Politics, Prejudice and Truth, by Burt Griffin.

Horne? Laughable.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Mark A. Oblazney on January 30, 2024, 10:59:51 AM
The book's premise was that Mary was murdered by a CIA "wet work" operative who had attempted to frame Raymond Crump in her shooting because "Mary knew too much!"


Mary's Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, ...
books.google.com › books (https://www.google.com/books/edition/Mary_s_Mosaic/OGOCDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=scully+georgia+law+professor&pg=PT348&printsec=frontcover)
Peter Janney · 2016
Found inside
"... Georgia law professor, Scully identified himself as “a moderator at the Internet forum, JFK Debate, created by John Simkin.”2 Mr. Scully focused his attack on the conclusions I had presented about the prosecution witness William L ..."

I "dug my own grave," in the CT "community".

The author of the book's friend, Douglas Horne, "lashed out" in reaction to the unwelcome facts I presented.


Horne's friend, book author Peter Janney confirmed in the revised edition of his book. forced by my research results, that I had not concealed who I was by naming me in his attempt to discredit me because he could not counter the facts I discovered that had dismantled his fairy tale.
Just came from Peter's Wiki bio page, Tom.  Gosh, they mentioned me, but forgot about you.  Your gatherings are always worthy of perusal+
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Fergus O'Brien on January 30, 2024, 11:30:21 AM
Any book, repeat ANY book by Jim DiEugenio.

have you actually read his jfk assassination books ? . i know LN often dont read so called CT material . even (and i am going from memory here ) Mr von pien in debate with Jim di eugenio refused point blank to view or even read any of the books , resources etc that Jim provided in that debate that supported his claims (i dont remember if the debate was here on this forum or the ed forum ) . Mr von pien posted in essence that he has absolutely no interest in reading ANYTHING that is CT related . and LN very often complain that CT dont read LN material such as the warren report or reclaiming history lol , that is quite a large slice of LN hypocrisy dont you think ? . but this is hardly surprising .
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: John Mytton on January 30, 2024, 11:45:42 PM
have you actually read his jfk assassination books ? . i know LN often dont read so called CT material . even (and i am going from memory here ) Mr von pien in debate with Jim di eugenio refused point blank to view or even read any of the books , resources etc that Jim provided in that debate that supported his claims (i dont remember if the debate was here on this forum or the ed forum ) . Mr von pien posted in essence that he has absolutely no interest in reading ANYTHING that is CT related . and LN very often complain that CT dont read LN material such as the warren report or reclaiming history lol , that is quite a large slice of LN hypocrisy dont you think ? . but this is hardly surprising .

David may have no interest in reading books full of unproven CT garbage but he is eminently familiar with all their arguments, and he has debated James DiEugenio on over a hundred occasions and considering that DiEugenio constantly referenced his arguments that David consistently refuted, proves that reading a few books full of misrepresentations and made up nonsense, wasn't going to add any more relevant information.

Just check out the following link and see James DiEugenio being repeatedly outargued by David.


And after you finish reading through the debates in the above link, then check out the rest of David's web site which is literally filled to the brim with interesting JFK facts, videos and photos. And you can also read the rest of the CT's that David has debated, which goes on for well over one thousand and three hundred pages.


Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Royell Storing on January 31, 2024, 02:00:11 AM

 "...unproven CT garbage"? When do we get into, "Unproven LN garbage"? Such as the 60 yr old SBT which SCIENCE has just proven is "IMPOSSIBLE"?
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Fergus O'Brien on February 02, 2024, 04:57:38 PM
David may have no interest in reading books full of unproven CT garbage but he is eminently familiar with all their arguments, and he has debated James DiEugenio on over a hundred occasions and considering that DiEugenio constantly referenced his arguments that David consistently refuted, proves that reading a few books full of misrepresentations and made up nonsense, wasn't going to add any more relevant information.

Just check out the following link and see James DiEugenio being repeatedly outargued by David.


And after you finish reading through the debates in the above link, then check out the rest of David's web site which is literally filled to the brim with interesting JFK facts, videos and photos. And you can also read the rest of the CT's that David has debated, which goes on for well over one thousand and three hundred pages.



"David may have no interest in reading books full of unproven CT garbage " Mr mytton

lol ok . so now no LN (that includes you ) should ever complain and say CT dont read the warren port yet they attack it , in essence how can CT attack a book if they have not studied it . that is the oft used line by LN yes ? . because you condone this very behavior in your fellow LN . David condones it when he readily admitted that he refuses to read , debate evidence or facts detailed in books and resources that he said are CT books and sources . i expect hypocrisy from LN , and i usually get it , and that is the case here now .

familiar with arguments ? how might one (an LN) being familiar with certain arguments possibly refute , debunk or disprove information in books and resources that they have never seen , never read , and have no intentions of reading ? . atleast Jim can say both that he studied Bugliosis book and that wrote a detailed book on it and its author .

i get that you think any CT is a novice and knows very little , i know you and your online persona quite well , and likewise with Mr von pien . so i am well aware of both you and him and his site .and i have seen many debates between LN and CT here and on other forums . i am no novice , but thank you for the information .  it is humorous that both you and he are bugliosi apostles ., given A that he as we know was of the opinion that there was a conspiracy in the rfk assassination , and B that he wanted good old boy GW charged with crimes relating to his fraudulent iraq war . i have seen you asked about this , i believe it was Martin only quite recently that mentioned this (but as i am going from memory i stand to be corrected on that ) but to my knowledge you did not discuss it with him . so what are your views on bugliosi the CT ? .

Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on February 02, 2024, 08:22:34 PM
The Gagne book - "Thinking Critically...." - is especially good on the question of how exactly such a secret conspiracy could be planned in advance (no one said no?), executed (no one saw this being done?) and then covered up (no one blew the whistle?) when we have the problem of bureaucratic independence and inertia and rivalries. There is no such thing as "the government", not in the US. It's a series of agencies and departments and divisions filled with people of various backgrounds and views and interests.

Gagne makes this point: "Conspiracists are often silent on this matter [of how a bureaucracy could pull such a conspiracy off] but anyone who has studied the way institutional bureaucracies behave - with their particular chains of command, methods of internal communication, and bureaucratic trappings - might find it difficult to believe that a seamless conspiracy can be conduced by rival government agencies. It becomes even more questionable when we compound the number of agents and White House aides still faithful to Kennedy who maintained access to the evidence [and the investigation]."

Remember that LBJ kept *all* of JFK's people in his Administration, not only heading the departments and agencies but the Kennedy people, the Irish mafia, were kept onboard too. Why would he do this if he wanted to keep this quiet? It makes no sense.

So where was this plot planned out? Who led or initiated it? Where did they meet? How did they communicate? How were those who carried it out paid? Directed? Instructed? Where is the money trail? Where are the orders? I've read dozens of conspiracy books, more than I care to admit, and none of them lay this out. It's all "the conspiracy was off the books" replies if we get one at all.

We know the the civil service, the Administrative state, the bureaucracy of the US government cannot be controlled the way conspiracists say it was. It doesn't work that way. And multiple generations of people too? But in conspiracy world it doesn't work this way; "the government" is a single entity with the various agencies and departments and divisions - and all of the people in them - working together. It's a fantasy world they've created; not the real one.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Mike Orr on February 03, 2024, 03:17:03 AM
The worst JFK Assassination related book , " BY FAR " is that Joke of a book written by Vincent Bugliosi called " Reclaiming History" . It has 1,648 pages and is as useless as the Warren Report . Did any of you read it ? Vincent has to be a 3rd cousin to Gerald Posner !!!!!
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Ted Shields on February 03, 2024, 09:10:37 AM
Always liked Marina and Lee by Priscilla McMillan
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Fergus O'Brien on February 03, 2024, 04:38:41 PM
Some of the best books on this subject are:

Beyond Reasonable Doubt: The Warren Report and Lee Harvey Oswald's Guilt and Motive 50 Years on
The JFK Myths: A Scientific Investigation of the Kennedy Assassination
Conspiracy of One: The Definitive Book on the Kennedy Assassination
Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
JFK Assassination Logic: How to Think about Claims of Conspiracy
Thinking Critically About the Kennedy Assassination: Debunking the Myths and Conspiracy Theories
Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK

All these truth-orientated titles provide an honest and unbiased evaluation of the evidence. The authors who have placed the historical truth over financial gain—a trait utterly foreign to the prevaricating deceptive writings of their conspiracy adversaries—should be commended for their invaluable work.

how much was the bug paid to write reclaiming history ? how much did tom hanks pay him for the rights to make a documentary series (later would become the movie parkland ) ? . how much was Dale myers paid for his SBT animation ? .

"authors who have placed the historical truth over financial gain" paul

you can read and like any book and hold an opinion that oswald and oswald alone acted here . that is your right , but please dont insult the intelligence of people who know (seemingly a lot better than you ) just how much the above named two have made from jfks death , its multiple of millions between them . and i am not including Myers ghost writing on RH in this .
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: David Von Pein on February 03, 2024, 05:16:28 PM
how much was the bug paid to write reclaiming history ? how much did tom hanks pay him for the rights to make a documentary series (later would become the movie parkland ) ? . how much was Dale myers paid for his SBT animation ? .

"authors who have placed the historical truth over financial gain" paul

you can read and like any book and hold an opinion that oswald and oswald alone acted here . that is your right , but please dont insult the intelligence of people who know (seemingly a lot better than you ) just how much the above named two have made from jfks death , its multiple of millions between them . and i am not including Myers ghost writing on RH in this .

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 03, 2024, 11:14:38 PM
Don't fool yourself, O'Brien. Oh, and by the way, go back to school and learn how to write property.

learn how to write property.

 :D  Thumb1:
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 03, 2024, 11:15:15 PM
You have no idea what you're talking about.

And you do, David?
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: David Von Pein on February 03, 2024, 11:20:58 PM
And you do, David?

Well, I'm not arrogant enough to think I know for a fact that Bugliosi (and others) made "millions" of dollars off their books. I have no idea what they made----and neither do any of the know-it-all CTers.

And the "Myers Was Bugliosi's Ghostwriter" crap is just that-----crappola!

Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Sean Kneringer on February 04, 2024, 03:59:53 PM
Appointment in Dallas
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Fergus O'Brien on February 04, 2024, 04:31:25 PM
You have no idea what you're talking about.

really ? ok educate me .
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Fergus O'Brien on February 04, 2024, 04:38:55 PM
Well, I'm not arrogant enough to think I know for a fact that Bugliosi (and others) made "millions" of dollars off their books. I have no idea what they made----and neither do any of the know-it-all CTers.

And the "Myers Was Bugliosi's Ghostwriter" crap is just that-----crappola!


"I have no idea what they made " Mr von pien

let me see if i understand you correctly . you readily admit that YOU HAVE NO IDEA , yet you are attacking me saying i dont know WHAT YOU ADMIT YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT ? . lol lol . perhaps if you read stuff instead of refusing to do so you MIGHT THEN HAVE AN IDEA ? . the point i was making was that LN authors dont write books , create animations and work FOR NOTHING . they get paid WHAT EVER THEY GET PAID . but apparently a so called CT author should dedicate them selves to years and perhaps decades of research and do it all and not expect any sort of return ? .
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: David Von Pein on February 04, 2024, 05:57:21 PM
let me see if i understand you correctly . you readily admit that YOU HAVE NO IDEA , yet you are attacking me saying i dont know WHAT YOU ADMIT YOU HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT ?

Yes. Exactly.
There's nothing incongruous there.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Paul May on February 05, 2024, 03:52:00 AM
have you actually read his jfk assassination books ? . i know LN often dont read so called CT material . even (and i am going from memory here ) Mr von pien in debate with Jim di eugenio refused point blank to view or even read any of the books , resources etc that Jim provided in that debate that supported his claims (i dont remember if the debate was here on this forum or the ed forum ) . Mr von pien posted in essence that he has absolutely no interest in reading ANYTHING that is CT related . and LN very often complain that CT dont read LN material such as the warren report or reclaiming history lol , that is quite a large slice of LN hypocrisy dont you think ? . but this is hardly surprising .

I have which is why I made my comment.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Fergus O'Brien on February 05, 2024, 04:54:34 PM
Yes. Exactly.
There's nothing incongruous there.

Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Fergus O'Brien on February 05, 2024, 05:31:22 PM

This is either a claim made by somebody who knows what the actual truth is (and can prove it with conclusive evidence) or the biased opinion of a fanatical LN who dismisses everything out of hand that does not match his belief.

Which is it, Paul?

what we are of course seeing in this thread from some is sadly what i expected from the very start . which is biased and or agenda driven LN comments about books . and this mentality also can be the case with authors and researchers , if they have a theory ,  bias , or agenda that this bias etc will be evident in any book they write .
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Jon Banks on February 07, 2024, 02:29:22 PM
I'd be completely against any new laws; the existing ones on defamation are fine. Although some people have advocated re-visiting Sullivan's distinction between public and private individuals. I think Justice Thomas has supported that. Besides, LBJ is dead; you can't defame a dead person. I still believe that the answer to bad speech, to bad ideas is more speech. The truth doesn't always win out but the alternatives are worse.

At this point the assassination is simply an event that people use to express their grievances with the government or with some entity. For Roger Stone it's LBJ. It's why we see people with far right wing or far left wing views using it; they both think democracy has been stolen. And they've convinced themselves that the only reason these powerful groups killed JFK was because he was such a threat to them and their power. He was going to "end the Cold War", leave Vietnam, make nice with Castro, establish Camelot. And it was for this they had to strike him down.

"Just because you're 'paranoid' doesn't mean someone isn't trying to kill you"

I'll grant that people who distrust major government institutions and the mainstream media are more likely to believe there was a conspiracy in JFK's assassination while people on the Left and Right who still defend and trust major institutions are less likely to believe in conspiracy in this case.

While those two things explain the level of confirmation bias on both sides, the bottom lines that we can't ignore without lying to people or being intellectually dishonest are:

- The forensic evidence is conflicting and inconclusive for the most part on the question of a single shooter vs multiple shooters.

- From the Dallas PD to the CIA, investigators lied, covered up important facts, and manipulated or destroyed evidence.

- LHO was killed while in police custody by a guy who was connected to both organized crime and the US intelligence community (Ruby was an FBI informant).

- 60 years later, the government refuses to declassify all the remaining files related to the JFK investigations or files related to a handful of suspected intelligence officers who have been dead for decades.

So it's totally reasonable given the above described circumstances for people to suspect that we don't know the complete truth about what happened leading up to 11/22/63.

Without accusing people of being "kooks" or "conspiracy theorists, we should be able to accept that the JFK assassination may never reach some sort of general consensus where everyone agrees on what happened due to the points I cited above...
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Gary Davis on February 08, 2024, 08:31:21 PM
Having read books on both sides of the equation one pair has amazed me. Cover Up by J. Gary Shaw and the killing of a president by Robert Groden. The basic idea of both volumes is strikingly Similar even down to the basic structure of the books. Anyone else notice this?

Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Gary Davis on February 17, 2024, 02:20:40 PM
One of the worst conspiracy volumes I've read has to be Killing Kennedy and the hoax of the century, by Harrison Edward Livingstone. According to Mr Livingstone everything is fake all the pictures, films, all of it. all the witness statements are altered all the physical evidence is either faked or altered by a massive government conspiracy.He even blasts many of his fellow critics calling then liars.

Not worth reading

Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Steve M. Galbraith on February 17, 2024, 06:45:07 PM
One of the worst conspiracy volumes I've read has to be Killing Kennedy and the hoax of the century, by Harrison Edward Livingstone. According to Mr Livingstone everything is fake all the pictures, films, all of it. all the witness statements are altered all the physical evidence is either faked or altered by a massive government conspiracy.He even blasts many of his fellow critics calling then liars.

Not worth reading

From what I've read he believed people like Doug Horne and David Lifton are (or were) "intelligence operators."

A question for the big "C" conspiracy advocates, people like Livingstone at al.: Two weaknesses in the lone assassin theory are placing Oswald in that window at 12:30 and, second, showing a motive. If you believe in the big conspiracy involving all of these powerful groups wouldn't they have placed witnesses in Dealey Plaza claiming that they saw Oswald (or a person who looked like him) in the window at 12:30? Isn't that the claim in the Tippit shooting? That those witnesses were plants or coerced? So why not do this in Dealey Plaza? As to the second: wouldn't they have had witnesses, e.g., Marina, say they heard him say he detested JFK, that he viewed JFK as a fascist enemy of "The Revolution" and the Cuban people? At least manufacture documents/writings where he wrote this, et cetera. Many of these other writings implicating him - the Walker "note", the letter to the Soviet Embassy - are supposedly fake; so why not create anti-JFK material? It seems obvious, to me, that those two aspects - showing motive and evidence he was in the window - would have been what these conspirators would have done at the least.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Martin Weidmann on February 17, 2024, 08:24:47 PM
From what I've read he believed people like Doug Horne and David Lifton are (or were) "intelligence operators."

A question for the big "C" conspiracy advocates, people like Livingstone at al.: Two weaknesses in the lone assassin theory are placing Oswald in that window at 12:30 and, second, showing a motive. If you believe in the big conspiracy involving all of these powerful groups wouldn't they have placed witnesses in Dealey Plaza claiming that they saw Oswald (or a person who looked like him) in the window at 12:30? Isn't that the claim in the Tippit shooting? That those witnesses were plants or coerced? So why not do this in Dealey Plaza? As to the second: wouldn't they have had witnesses, e.g., Marina, say they heard him say he detested JFK, that he viewed JFK as a fascist enemy of "The Revolution" and the Cuban people? At least manufacture documents/writings where he wrote this, et cetera. Many of these other writings implicating him - the Walker "note", the letter to the Soviet Embassy - are supposedly fake; so why not create anti-JFK material? It seems obvious, to me, that those two aspects - showing motive and evidence he was in the window - would have been what these conspirators would have done at the least.

If you believe in the big conspiracy involving all of these powerful groups wouldn't they have placed witnesses in Dealey Plaza claiming that they saw Oswald (or a person who looked like him) in the window at 12:30?

Perhaps, but then again, what if there were really two conspiracies; a relatively small one for the assassination of Kennedy and setting up Oswald as the patsy and another, after the fact, one to wrap the case around Oswald instead of conducting a detailed investigation that might lead to other possibilities?

Isn't that the claim in the Tippit shooting? That those witnesses were plants or coerced?

I have actually never heard that claim, nor do I believe it is true. What I do question is the way witnesses were selected for the DPD line up and how the line ups were conducted. Having been a witness to a robbery that happened right in front of me, I know first hand just how difficult it is to identify somebody you've only seen for a few seconds in the midst of chaos. And then there is the fact that some people are easily influenced and persuaded to confirm something that in reality they did not see. I would be seriously out of pocket if I had to pay $1 to every witness who, under cross examination, had to admit that their identification of a suspect wasn't as secure as they thought it was.

At least manufacture documents/writings where he wrote this, et cetera. Many of these other writings implicating him - the Walker "note", the letter to the Soviet Embassy - are supposedly fake; so why not create anti-JFK material?

For lack of sufficient knowledge we really do not know for sure how much value can be placed on the opinions of so-called questioned documents experts in this case. Many years ago, I was involved in a court case where the opposing party claimed that signatures on mulitiple contracts and documents had been falsified. The claims were ultimately debunked by the expert, who requested the court to compell the opposing party to provide handwriting samples, to be written in front of (and authenticated by) the judge, for comparison. He rejected documents already provided by the opposing party's lawyers because the authenticity of those documents could not be sufficiently verified.

One of the biggest problems in this case is that fact that all comparisons of handwriting and/or prints were done using "existing" documents of which the authenticity can and should be questioned.

It seems obvious, to me, that those two aspects - showing motive and evidence he was in the window - would have been what these conspirators would have done at the least.

You seem to be overthinking this thing and are forgetting one thing. What would happen if they placed witnesses in Dealey Plaza claiming that they saw Oswald in the window, when Oswald himself could conclusively show he was somewhere else? The simple answer would be that they would have to conclude that the witnesses were wrong, right? But, wouldn't that also mean that they could never argue again that Oswald was in fact the man who shot Kennedy?
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Matthew Finch on February 20, 2024, 12:38:26 PM
Judith Baker: Me and Lee. Pretty sure 99% of the entire text is fabrication.
Title: Re: What's the worst JFK assassination related book you ever came across?
Post by: Zeon Mason on February 20, 2024, 09:26:09 PM
The 2003 Beyond Conspiracy Documentary which was supposed going convince the public there was no conspiracy. They made many glaring errors ( or was it intentional)  such as using a parallel staircase instead of right angle stair with 20 ft landing distance, so they could claim Oswald could make it easily to the 2nd floor lunchroom by 60 sec post shots.

I can forgive errors because we all make them but HOW could they claim to be objective when they BS us like that ?

I think it was not long after that documentary that I concluded the MSM is hand and glove with the MIC and the shadow government that’s now manifested itself as the WEC ( formerly the Bilderberg group).