JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Mike Orr on March 11, 2018, 02:18:12 AM
As a member of the Warren Commission that investigated the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford suggested that the panel change its initial description of the bullet wound in Kennedy's back to place it higher up in the body. The change, critics said, may have been intended to support the controversial theory that a "single bullet" struck Kennedy from behind, exited his neck and then wounded Texas Gov. John B. Connally Jr. The Warren Commission relied on it heavily in concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald was Kennedy's lone assassin, firing from a sniper's nest above and behind the president in the Texas School Book Depository. Ford's handwritten editing, revealed in newly disclosed papers kept by the commission's general counsel, was accepted with a slight change. The initial draft of the report stated: "A bullet had entered his {Kennedy's} back at a point slightly below the shoulder to the right of the spine." Ford wanted it to read:" A bullet had entered the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine." The Final Report said:" A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of his spine." The Washington Post By George Lardner Jr. July 3 , 1997
James W. Sibert was one of two FBI agents who witnessed President Kennedy's autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital on the night of November 22, 1963
The original draft stated:
?A bullet had entered his back at a point slightly above the shoulder to the right of the spine.?
That did not make sense, since a bullet entering "above the shoulder" would not be entering the back.
The final draft stated:
?A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck and slightly to the right of his spine.?
They changed the wording, not the location of the wound.
The original draft stated:
?A bullet had entered his back at a point slightly above the shoulder to the right of the spine.?
That did not make sense, since a bullet entering "above the shoulder" would not be entering the back.
The final draft stated:
?A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck and slightly to the right of his spine.?
They changed the wording, not the location of the wound.
Of course, they couldn't change the location of the wound, Sherlock. They changed the wording to support their crazy suppositions.
Fortunately, there is enough evidence to support the shot being below the shoulder.
The original draft stated:
?A bullet had entered his back at a point slightly above the shoulder to the right of the spine.?
That did not make sense, since a bullet entering "above the shoulder" would not be entering the back.
The final draft stated:
?A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck and slightly to the right of his spine.?
They changed the wording, not the location of the wound.
"That did not make sense, since a bullet entering "above the shoulder" would not be entering the back."
Ford realized that lie in the first draft didn't make sense and moved the description of the location
of the wound, and thus the wound, from JFK's back to the back of his neck.
Unfortunately for Ford we have this report from the autopsy that tells the truth.
"That did not make sense, since a bullet entering "above the shoulder" would not be entering the back."
Ford realized that lie in the first draft didn't make sense and moved the description of the location
of the wound, and thus the wound, from JFK's back to the back of his neck.
Unfortunately for Ford we have this report from the autopsy that tells the truth.
I fixed it for you....
"Ford realized that lie the wording in the first draft didn't make sense and moved the description of the location
of the wound from JFK's back to the back base of the back of his neck.
Fortunately for Ford we have the autopsy photos which support the rewording of the original draft."
Of course, they couldn't change the location of the wound, Sherlock. They changed the wording to support their crazy suppositions.
Fortunately, there is enough evidence to support the shot being below the shoulder.
Judging by your recent posting history, I'd be careful if I were you when mockingly calling another member "Sherlock".
The authentic autopsy photos show that the wound was not below the shoulder.
Judging by your recent posting history, I'd be careful if I were you when mockingly calling another member "Sherlock".
The authentic autopsy photos show that the wound was not below the shoulder.
"The authentic autopsy photos show that the wound was not below the shoulder.'
During an executive session of the WC Rankin tells McCloy they have color photos of JFK's body from the autopsy
Rankin tells another executive session of the WC they have a picture showing the wound in JFK's back is lower than the one in the front of his neck.
The original draft stated:
?A bullet had entered his back at a point slightly above the shoulder to the right of the spine.?
That did not make sense, since a bullet entering "above the shoulder" would not be entering the back.
The final draft stated:
?A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck and slightly to the right of his spine.?
They changed the wording, not the location of the wound.
The above is obviously Not a Medical Description designating the Exact Location of the BACK Bullet Wound. Lay Men ALL the time generally use the term Shoulder when they are in fact referencing the Shoulder Blade. All the WC had to do was include the Autopsy Face Sheet if they wanted to pin-point the Exact BACK Wound Location. This intentional Clouding of the Truth was in line with their obfuscation throughout the entire WC Report.
"The authentic autopsy photos show that the wound was not below the shoulder.'
During an executive session of the WC Rankin tells McCloy they have color photos of JFK's body from the autopsy
Rankin tells another executive session of the WC they have a picture showing the wound in JFK's back is lower than the one in the front of his neck.
Rankin was wrong. So what?
54+ years after the fact, your claim of "Rankin was Wrong" is the Best Rebuttal you can come up with? The glaring snippet amidst all of that was the statement regarding "....we don't have the Minutes of the Autopsy".
54+ years after the fact, your claim of "Rankin was Wrong" is the Best Rebuttal you can come up with?
You must have missed it. The autopsy photos show that Rankin was simply wrong. So what?
Rankin was wrong. So what?
So you've seen the color autopsy photographs of JFK's body that Rankin is referencing at those WC Executive
So you've seen the color autopsy photographs of JFK's body that Rankin is referencing at those WC Executive
Rankin never saw any autopsy photos during the WC investigation.
54+ years after the fact, your claim of "Rankin was Wrong" is the Best Rebuttal you can come up with? The glaring snippet amidst all of that was the statement regarding "....we don't have the Minutes of the Autopsy".
Rankin said that the bullet entered below the shoulder blade.
Was Rankin wrong?
As a member of the Warren Commission that investigated the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford suggested that the panel change its initial description of the bullet wound in Kennedy's back to place it higher up in the body. The change, critics said, may have been intended to support the controversial theory that a "single bullet" struck Kennedy from behind, exited his neck and then wounded Texas Gov. John B. Connally Jr. The Warren Commission relied on it heavily in concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald was Kennedy's lone assassin, firing from a sniper's nest above and behind the president in the Texas School Book Depository. Ford's handwritten editing, revealed in newly disclosed papers kept by the commission's general counsel, was accepted with a slight change. The initial draft of the report stated: "A bullet had entered his {Kennedy's} back at a point slightly below the shoulder to the right of the spine." Ford wanted it to read:" A bullet had entered the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine." The Final Report said:" A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of his spine." The Washington Post By George Lardner Jr. July 3 , 1997
What you have to do is go by the autopsy report which states "situated on the upper right posterior thorax just above the upper border of the scapula there is a 7x4 millimeter oval wound. This wound is measured to be 14 cm from the tip of the right acromion process and 14 cm below the tip of the right mastoid process."
Also, there are several problems with CTers claiming this bullet did not pass through the president's body and hit Gov. Connally.
One is: if this bullet did not create the exit wound to the president's throat then where is the exit wound for that shot and where did the bullet go? If it did exit (which there is no exit for) then the only thing in front of the president was Gov. Connally? Why was the Gov. not hit twice? Since there is no exit wound for this shot then the bullet would have remained in the president's body. It was not found.
Two: If this shot did not pass through the president's body and create the wound to the president's throat and hit Gov. Connally then the wound to the throat was caused by a shot from the front through the windshield (as a lot of CTers claim) then where is the exit wound for that shot? If that bullet did not exit then where did it go? That bullet was not found. So, conspiracy people, you have two disappearing bullets that you have to explain. Talk about magic.
What you have to do is go by the autopsy report which states "situated on the upper right posterior thorax just above the upper border of the scapula there is a 7x4 millimeter oval wound. This wound is measured to be 14 cm from the tip of the right acromion process and 14 cm below the tip of the right mastoid process."
Also, there are several problems with CTers claiming this bullet did not pass through the president's body and hit Gov. Connally.
One is: if this bullet did not create the exit wound to the president's throat then where is the exit wound for that shot and where did the bullet go? If it did exit (which there is no exit for) then the only thing in front of the president was Gov. Connally? Why was the Gov. not hit twice? Since there is no exit wound for this shot then the bullet would have remained in the president's body. It was not found.
Two: If this shot did not pass through the president's body and create the wound to the president's throat and hit Gov. Connally then the wound to the throat was caused by a shot from the front through the windshield (as a lot of CTers claim) then where is the exit wound for that shot? If that bullet did not exit then where did it go? That bullet was not found. So, conspiracy people, you have two disappearing bullets that you have to explain. Talk about magic.
(1) There is an Autopsy Photo which clearly displays the wound in JFK's BACK to be well Below the base of his neck. (2) The Autopsy Face Sheet clearly displays JFK's BACK Wound to be well Below the base of his neck (3) Humes placed his finger into JFK's BACK Wound. His finger Stopped at roughly his 1st knuckle. These are FACTS. Your questions above are the direct result of having bought into the nonsensical SBT.
(1) There is an Autopsy Photo which clearly displays the wound in JFK's BACK to be well Below the base of his neck. (2) The Autopsy Face Sheet clearly displays JFK's BACK Wound to be well Below the base of his neck (3) Humes placed his finger into JFK's BACK Wound. His finger Stopped at roughly his 1st knuckle. These are FACTS. Your questions above are the direct result of having bought into the nonsensical SBT.
Okay, Royell where did the two bullets go? And it was Humes that wrote the report stating where the hole in the back was. Where did that bullet go? Where is the exit wound for it? How much experience do you have with firearms, in particular, rifles? Rifle bullets go through things Royell. Explain to me what evidence you can cite to explain where the back wound bullet went to and where the throat wound bullet went to? Where are they? So, going by what you claimed as a pertinent fact, you are saying that a rifle bullet only penetrated "one knuckle"? Is that what you are saying? LMAO. A pellet gun would go in farther. You might want to rethink that. Have you ever stuck your finger in a wound to soft flesh?
Okay, Royell where did the two bullets go? And it was Humes that wrote the report stating where the hole in the back was. Where did that bullet go? Where is the exit wound for it? How much experience do you have with firearms, in particular, rifles? Rifle bullets go through things Royell. Explain to me what evidence you can cite to explain where the back wound bullet went to and where the throat wound bullet went to? Where are they? So, going by what you claimed as a pertinent fact, you are saying that a rifle bullet only penetrated "one knuckle"? Is that what you are saying? LMAO. A pellet gun would go in farther. You might want to rethink that. Have you ever stuck your finger in a wound to soft flesh?
Humes NEVER bought into the SBT. He knew that was pure Baloney. For 1 thing, he Knew that there were More bullet fragments remaining inside Connally than was missing from the Pristine Bullet
The bullet that created the shallow JFK BACK Wound was recovered at Parkland Hospital. This is why Specter had to dance a jig during WC Q/A to try and move that bullet onto/off of Connally's stretcher.
The throat wound/Bullet was removed/recovered from JFK's body at Bethesda. This is 1 of the reasons the body of JFK needed to arrive at Bethesda Early/Before Jackie & the empty casket. There is No disputing the early arrival of JFK's body. The arrival time of approx 18:35 is Documented on Sgt Roger Boyajian's Official MD 236, and corroborated by Humes ARRB Testimony.
(1) There is an Autopsy Photo which clearly displays the wound in JFK's BACK to be well Below the base of his neck.
That is false.
(2) The Autopsy Face Sheet clearly displays JFK's BACK Wound to be well Below the base of his neck
(3) Humes placed his finger into JFK's BACK Wound. His finger Stopped at roughly his 1st knuckle.
That is false.
Humes NEVER bought into the SBT. He knew that was pure Baloney. For 1 thing, he Knew that there were More bullet fragments remaining inside Connally than was missing from the Pristine Bullet
All of that is false.
Nurse Phyllis Hall , who was 28 at the time and was in trauma room 1 saw a bullet between JFK's ear and his shoulder while cradling his head. She said it was unlike any of the other bullets that were retrieved and was removed and never presented in evidence. Hall says the bullet had a pointed tip and showed no signs of damage and was about 1 and a 1/2 inches long .Would this have been the bullet that made the throat entrance wound but never traversed the body. Tomlinson and OP Wright said that CE399 resembled the bullet they discovered on the day that JFK died. But the FBI agent who was supposed to have interviewed both men and the bureau's own suppressed records contradicts the FBI's public memo . Agent Odum denied his role, and the FBI's earliest, suppressed files say only that neither Tomlinson nor Wright was able to identify the bullet in question. This suppressed file implies the hospital witnesses saw no resemblance , which is precisely what Wright told one of the authors in 1967. I'm sorry about bouncing from Nurse Hall to Tomlinson and OP Wright but there seems to be a trail of bullets that were not tracked to the Carcano in question . It looks like JFK was hit with 3 bullets , one in the back that did not traverse the body and one frontal shot in the throat that did not traverse the body and then the frontal head shot that blew out the back of JFK's head. Gen. Walker said that the bullet that was fired at him was not the bullet that he was shown later.
That is false.
That is false.
Have YOU No Shame? The original JFK Autopsy sheet did NOT have an X on it in the neck region. This is what people of your ilk do. Your future posts will be disregarded as YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIBILITY.
Have YOU No Shame? The original JFK Autopsy sheet did NOT have an X on it in the neck region. This is what people of your ilk do. Your future posts will be disregarded as YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIBILITY.
Have you no shame or are you just an imbecile? The person who placed the X on the facesheet is the same person who placed the dot on it. He said that the dot was not accurate but that the notations were.
Are Autopsy Face Sheets Supposed to be Drawn to Scale?
Nurse Phyllis Hall , who was 28 at the time and was in trauma room 1 saw a bullet between JFK's ear and his shoulder while cradling his head. She said it was unlike any of the other bullets that were retrieved and was removed and never presented in evidence. Hall says the bullet had a pointed tip and showed no signs of damage and was about 1 and a 1/2 inches long .Would this have been the bullet that made the throat entrance wound but never traversed the body. Tomlinson and OP Wright said that CE399 resembled the bullet they discovered on the day that JFK died. But the FBI agent who was supposed to have interviewed both men and the bureau's own suppressed records contradicts the FBI's public memo . Agent Odum denied his role, and the FBI's earliest, suppressed files say only that neither Tomlinson nor Wright was able to identify the bullet in question. This suppressed file implies the hospital witnesses saw no resemblance , which is precisely what Wright told one of the authors in 1967. I'm sorry about bouncing from Nurse Hall to Tomlinson and OP Wright but there seems to be a trail of bullets that were not tracked to the Carcano in question . It looks like JFK was hit with 3 bullets , one in the back that did not traverse the body and one frontal shot in the throat that did not traverse the body and then the frontal head shot that blew out the back of JFK's head. Gen. Walker said that the bullet that was fired at him was not the bullet that he was shown later.
Hey Mike, ever heard of x-rays?
Humes NEVER bought into the SBT. He knew that was pure Baloney. For 1 thing, he Knew that there were More bullet fragments remaining inside Connally than was missing from the Pristine Bullet
The bullet that created the shallow JFK BACK Wound was recovered at Parkland Hospital. This is why Specter had to dance a jig during WC Q/A to try and move that bullet onto/off of Connally's stretcher.
The throat wound/Bullet was removed/recovered from JFK's body at Bethesda. This is 1 of the reasons the body of JFK needed to arrive at Bethesda Early/Before Jackie & the empty casket. There is No disputing the early arrival of JFK's body. The arrival time of approx 18:35 is Documented on Sgt Roger Boyajian's Official MD 236, and corroborated by Humes ARRB Testimony.
Are you Irish? Because that is pure blarney. Most of you CTers don't have much experience with firearms do you? Because if you did have experience with firearms you would be embarrassed to claim the things you do. Name a rifle that only penetrates soft tissue one inch. You realize that you have created two "magic bullets" don't you? Name the rifle that would only penetrate one inch. Go shoot some cans or melons or whatever. Learn something about rifles and we can talk. This is just too stupid to debate.
Have you no shame or are you just an imbecile? The person who placed the X on the facesheet is the same person who placed the dot on it. He said that the dot was not accurate but that the notations were.
We were talking about the Original Autopsy Face Sheet. YOU Dishonestly Substituted a diagram which was NOT the Original Autopsy Face Sheet. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY
That is false.
That is false.
Bump as to intentional Misrepresentation. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY
We were talking about the Original Autopsy Face Sheet. YOU Dishonestly Substituted a diagram which was NOT the Original Autopsy Face Sheet. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY
Life must be really hard for you.
Life must be really hard for you.
Not when it comes to Exposing someone perpetrating a Fraud.
Not when it comes to Exposing someone perpetrating a Fraud.
Life is hard. Some have it harder than others. Who ties your shoes for you in the morning Royell?
FBI Agents Siebert and O'Neil attended JFK's autopsy.
They took notes and wrote a report.
They created these drawings depicting the location of the back and throat wounds for the HSCA.
"...back in the neck....just above C7." -- Paul O'Connor, 8/29/77
"...back in the neck....just above C7." -- Paul O'Connor, 8/29/77
Paul O'Connor was interviewed by William Matson Law for his book, In the Eye of History: Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence. O'Connor told Law: "We found out, while the autopsy was proceeding, that he was shot from a high building, which meant the bullet had to be traveling in a downward trajectory and we also realized that this bullet - that hit him in the back - is what we called in the military a "short shot," which means that the powder in the bullet was defective so it didn't have the power to push the projectile - the bullet-clear through the body. If it had been a full shot at the angle he was shot, it would have come out through his heart and through his sternum."
Paul O'Connor was interviewed by William Matson Law for his book, In the Eye of History: Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence. O'Connor told Law: "We found out, while the autopsy was proceeding, that he was shot from a high building, which meant the bullet had to be traveling in a downward trajectory and we also realized that this bullet - that hit him in the back - is what we called in the military a "short shot," which means that the powder in the bullet was defective so it didn't have the power to push the projectile - the bullet-clear through the body. If it had been a full shot at the angle he was shot, it would have come out through his heart and through his sternum."
O'Connor's much earlier recollection and signed diagram takes precedence over statements made to Law. That O'Connor would think that the bullet entering above C7 would have come out through JFK's heart and through his sternum suggests that he was definitely on the downslope as far as his mental faculties were concerned.
O'Connor's much earlier recollection and signed diagram takes precedence over statements made to Law. That O'Connor would think that the bullet entering above C7 would have come out through JFK's heart and through his sternum suggests that he was definitely on the downslope as far as his mental faculties were concerned.
"he was definitely on the downslope as far as his mental faculties were concerned."
Isn't everybody who doesn't agree with you or contradicts the LN nararative?
"he was definitely on the downslope as far as his mental faculties were concerned."
Isn't everybody who doesn't agree with you or contradicts the LN nararative?
Would a bullet fired from the Southeast window of the sixth floor of the TSBD and entering above C7 have come out through JFK's heart and through his sternum? Yes or no?
Would a bullet fired from the Southeast window of the sixth floor of the TSBD and entering above C7 have come out through JFK's heart and through his sternum? Yes or no?
The wound in JFK's back was at about the 3rd thoracic vertebrae.
The wound in JFK's back was at about the 3rd thoracic vertebrae.
That doesn't answer my question. O'Connor placed the wound at above C7. Would a bullet fired from the Southeast window of the sixth floor of the TSBD and entering above C7 have come out through JFK's heart and through his sternum? Yes or no?
That doesn't answer my question. O'Connor placed the wound at above C7. Would a bullet fired from the Southeast window of the sixth floor of the TSBD and entering above C7 have come out through JFK's heart and through his sternum? Yes or no?
Post the quote from O'Connor placing the wound at C7.
Post the quote from O'Connor placing the wound at C7.
"...back in the neck....just above C7." -- Paul O'Connor, 8/29/77
"...back in the neck....just above C7." -- Paul O'Connor, 8/29/77
JFK's personal physician's signed autopsy from 11/22/63 placing the wound at the 3rd thoracic
vertebrae takes precedent over O'Connor's 14 year old recollection.
"...back in the neck....just above C7." -- Paul O'Connor, 8/29/77
Glad to see you quoting O'Connor, Tim. as he also said this.
"O'Connor said the body was in a body bag, and the head was wrapped in a sheet. ........
He said he was chocked[sic] at what he saw. He said the head had ?nothing left in the cranium but splattered brain matter. O'Connor said that he noticed this particularly because it was ?part of my job to remove the brain and fix it.?
O'Connor's much earlier recollection and signed diagram takes precedence over statements made to Law. That O'Connor would think that the bullet entering above C7 would have come out through JFK's heart and through his sternum suggests that he was definitely on the downslope as far as his mental faculties were concerned.
So NOW you want to Rely on O'Connor's "EARLIER Recollection", when Previously you attempted to perpetrate a FRAUD by misrepresenting what was Depicted on The Autopsy Face Sheet. Pen to paper Medical Evidence with respect to the location of the BACK Wound does Not get any "Earlier" than the Autopsy Face Sheet. Dance Clown, Dance.
We were talking about the Original Autopsy Face Sheet. YOU Dishonestly Substituted a diagram which was NOT the Original Autopsy Face Sheet. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY
Name the rifle and ammo that you claim to produce a hole just one inch deep. You have two "magic bullets" to deal with. Name the rifles and ammo.
Glad to see you quoting O'Connor, Tim.
So, you accept O'Connor's description as being accurate then?
"...back in the neck....just above C7."
JFK's personal physician's signed autopsy from 11/22/63 placing the wound at the 3rd thoracic
vertebrae takes precedent over O'Connor's 14 year old recollection.
You're still not answering the question. Not directly anyway.
So NOW you want to Rely on O'Connor's "EARLIER Recollection", when Previously you attempted to perpetrate a FRAUD by misrepresenting what was Depicted on The Autopsy Face Sheet. Pen to paper Medical Evidence with respect to the location of the BACK Wound does Not get any "Earlier" than the Autopsy Face Sheet. Dance Clown, Dance.
Who filled out the original Autopsy Face Sheet and placed the dot on the diagram indicating the location of the "back" wound? Who placed the X on the copy of the Autopsy Face sheet seen in the image of the newspaper article that I linked to?
Who made the alteration to that copy of the Autopsy Face Sheet on 8/16/77 in the presence of three HSCA interviewers?
Who filled out the original Autopsy Face Sheet and placed the dot on the diagram indicating the location of the "back" wound? Who placed the X on the copy of the Autopsy Face sheet seen in the image of the newspaper article that I linked to?
Who made the alteration to that copy of the Autopsy Face Sheet on 8/16/77 in the presence of three HSCA interviewers?
STOP once again Misrepresenting/Lying. YOU posted a diagram with an X on the neck. That diagram had NOTHING to do with the ORIGINAL Autopsy Face Sheet which was under discussion. YOU got caught. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY
Strange we see NO DOT on the collar/neck region on this Autopsy Face Sheet/Descriptive Sheet Vs the one YOU Posted. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY
STOP once again Misrepresenting/Lying. YOU posted a diagram with an X on the neck. That diagram had NOTHING to do with the ORIGINAL Autopsy Face Sheet which was under discussion. YOU got caught. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY
Why can't you just answer the question? How hard can it be?
You are coming across looking like a imbecile.
Strange we see NO DOT on the collar/neck region on this Autopsy Face Sheet/Descriptive Sheet Vs the one YOU Posted. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY
Who placed the dot on that Autopsy Face Sheet/Descriptive Sheet?
Who placed the dot on that Autopsy Face Sheet/Descriptive Sheet?
Perhaps you should tell us, Tim, as it is you posted the altered sheet.
Perhaps you should tell us, Tim, as it is you posted the altered sheet.
First things first Ray. Who filled out and placed the markings on the original autopsy Face sheet?
Are you Irish? Because that is pure blarney. Most of you CTers don't have much experience with firearms do you? Because if you did have experience with firearms you would be embarrassed to claim the things you do. Name a rifle that only penetrates soft tissue one inch. You realize that you have created two "magic bullets" don't you? Name the rifle that would only penetrate one inch.
How do you even know that the missile that created the president's back wound was fired from a rifle?
Who placed the dot on that Autopsy Face Sheet/Descriptive Sheet?
There is ONLY 1 " JFK AUTOPSY FACE SHEET/DESCRIPTIVE SHEET". ONE. For you to Continually Refer to that Doodling/Scrawl as the Autopsy Face Sheet/Descriptive Sheet is Continued Deceit/Deception on your part. YOU HAVE NO CREDIBILITY.
First things first Ray. Who filled out and placed the markings on the original autopsy Face sheet?
According to Finck
"In 1969 Finck testified under oath that he hinself made no notes, and that Boswell made the notes on the 'face sheet'. He then corrects this to say that he did take measurements and may have written them down, or read them out for the others to write down, but that he had no notes when he left the autopsy room. He says Humes & Boswell made notes at the autopsy."
Tim, why are you posting an obvious fake face sheet?
How do you even know that the missile that created the president's back wound was fired from a rifle?
John instead of the little word games you like to play, why don't you explain to me what would fire a projectile that would only penetrate an inch. And then explain to me why someone would be so stupid as to try and shoot the president with a weapon that would only go in an inch. You realize how stupid that is do you not? Besides Royell is the one that claimed it was a bullet. But now he has to explain why the wound to the throat only went in an inch or two. I'm sorry I can't stop laughing over your question? I thought I had found a serious site to debate the assassination. Evidently it is a comedy site.
John instead of the little word games you like to play, why don't you explain to me what would fire a projectile that would only penetrate an inch. And then explain to me why someone would be so stupid as to try and shoot the president with a weapon that would only go in an inch. You realize how stupid that is do you not? Besides Royell is the one that claimed it was a bullet. But now he has to explain why the wound to the throat only went in an inch or two. I'm sorry I can't stop laughing over your question? I thought I had found a serious site to debate the assassination. Evidently it is a comedy site.
There are several reasons why a bullet might underperform, apparently. I've googled gun-nut forums on this matter and have also seen that gunshot-wound experts say that no one can predict with 100% certainty what a given missile will do in a body, no matter what prior data has shown.
However, if any eye/earwitness saw a weapon other than a rifle being aimed at somebody in that limo, and in addition can tell the difference between the report of a high-powered rifle and the (unsaid) weapon, please post that?and pronto?because I probably won't last another 54 years.
According to Finck
"In 1969 Finck testified under oath that he hinself made no notes, and that Boswell made the notes on the 'face sheet'. He then corrects this to say that he did take measurements and may have written them down, or read them out for the others to write down, but that he had no notes when he left the autopsy room. He says Humes & Boswell made notes at the autopsy."
Tim, why are you posting an obvious fake face sheet?
Don't be such an ass Ray. Royell can't help himself but you should know better. It's not a fake face sheet. It's a copy of the original face sheet that the HSCA presented to Boswell and on which he placed for them a mark at where the wound in the neck was. He was the person who made the notes and markings on the original face sheet. He stated that the dot on the original face sheet was not an accurate placement of the wound. He first made that comment in 1966 when he placed an X on another copy of the face sheet.
Don't be such an ass Ray. Royell can't help himself but you should know better. It's not a fake face sheet. It's a copy of the original face sheet that the HSCA presented to Boswell and on which he placed for them a mark at where the wound in the neck was. He was the person who made the notes and markings on the original face sheet. He stated that the dot on the original face sheet was not an accurate placement of the wound. He first made that comment in 1966 when he placed an X on another copy of the face sheet.
So how does that work? He made the notes on the original face sheet in 1963 when he has just seen the body and the wounds, yet he makes a "mistake" but it takes him three to six years to realize he made that mistake and correct it?
Really... and this is one of the men you rely on for accuracy in one of the most important autopsies of the century?
So how does that work? He made the notes on the original face sheet in 1963 when he has just seen the body and the wounds, yet he makes a "mistake" but it takes him three to six years to realize he made that mistake and correct it?
Really... and this is one of the men you rely on for accuracy in one of the most important autopsies of the century?
He didn't make a mistake. He just wasn't being precise when he placed that mark on it.
Are Autopsy Face Sheets Supposed to be Drawn to Scale?
He didn't make a mistake. He just wasn't being precise when he placed that mark on it.
Are Autopsy Face Sheets Supposed to be Drawn to Scale?
He didn't make a mistake. He just wasn't being precise when he placed that mark on it.
Yeah right... That's good material for a comedy hour, when we have one...
But I'll play... So you rely on a guy that wasn't being precise?
Are Autopsy Face Sheets Supposed to be Drawn to Scale?
He placed the wound at a completely different location, what does that have to do with scale?
He didn't make a mistake. He just wasn't being precise when he placed that mark on it.
Yeah right... That's good material for a comedy hour, when we have one...
But I'll play... So you rely on a guy that wasn't being precise?
Do I rely on a guy who wasn't being precise when placing a dot on an autopsy face sheet? Yes I do. The notations on the face sheet are accurate.
He didn't make a mistake. He just wasn't being precise when he placed that mark on it.
He placed the wound at a completely different location, what does that have to do with scale?
Scale refers to accuracy.
Do I rely on a guy who wasn't being precise when placing a dot on an autopsy face sheet? Yes I do. The notations on the face sheet are accurate.
Scale refers to accuracy.
So the notations on the face sheet are accurate but the face sheet itself wasn't drawn to scale and thus isn't accurate?
So the notations on the face sheet are accurate but the face sheet itself wasn't drawn to scale and thus isn't accurate?
That is correct.
He didn't make a mistake. He just wasn't being precise when he placed that mark on it.
Are Autopsy Face Sheets Supposed to be Drawn to Scale?
Yeah. Why would an autopsy Dr bother to be "precise" concerning the location of wound(s) on an ASSASSINATED POTUS ???
Scale refers to accuracy.
These brainiacs apparently think the generic face sheet was an accurate drawing of Kennedy's shoulders.
Sloped, they ain't.
You're still not answering the question. Not directly anyway.
I'm answering. You're just not listening. Or don't have the ability to comprehend that JFK's physician's
11/22/63 signed autopsy trumps O'Connor's 14 year old recollection.
Do you believe the farther a witness gets, time wise, from an event the better their memory of that event?
I'm answering. You're just not listening. Or don't have the ability to comprehend that JFK's physician's
11/22/63 signed autopsy trumps O'Connor's 14 year old recollection.
Do you believe the farther a witness gets, time wise, from an event the better their memory of that event?
At the end of the day the accurate measurements are written on the face sheet and must take precedence.
I think when they took the measurement that we see on the face sheet they also took the following photograph using the ruler as verification.
Btw the face sheet shows the classic anatomical position which is replicated by the lying down Kennedy.
To place a mark 1/4 the way down the back of JFK and then place a mark at the base of the back of the neck because there was a mistake made in placing the bullet hole the first time around is missing the mark by quite a distance and of course if you stuck your finger in that entry wound that was supposedly at the base of the back of the neck and still only went as deep as a knuckle and stopped because you couldn't go any further, then the fact of the matter was that there was no CE 399 because there was no bullet that transversed the body on JFK except for the frontal head shot that blew the back of JFK's head out. Nurse Hall saw the bullet that was between the ear and the shoulder in JFK. As John Connally said , " I heard the first shot so I know that bullet didn't hit me " and the Zapruder film itself shows there was no immediate movement of Connally being struck by a bullet until a moment later , when he is hit by a different shot. The 1st shot was a front entry shot to Kennedy's neck and we know that bullet could not possibly hit Connally because it was going the other way ! I wish Arlen Specter would have told the truth before he died. I think E. Howard Hunt was the only one who put some names to the guilty. Not telling the truth about what really happened using that old " For National Security " reasons does not work anymore. All of LBJ's problems went away that November day in 63 and he became the President which is a job he would have never been voted into .
I'm answering. You're just not listening.
Gary, you lost track of what we were talking about. We were talking about O'Connor and his statements.
Or don't have the ability to comprehend that JFK's physician's
11/22/63 signed autopsy trumps O'Connor's 14 year old recollection.
Do you believe the farther a witness gets, time wise, from an event the better their memory of that event?
JFK's physician never performed an autopsy.
At the end of the day the accurate measurements are written on the face sheet and must take precedence.
I think when they took the measurement that we see on the face sheet they also took the following photograph using the ruler as verification.
Btw the face sheet shows the classic anatomical position which is replicated by the lying down Kennedy.
Yes Sireee. The 14 on the Ruler is Clearly NOT situated on the Collar/X as depicted in that Misrepresented BOGUS Autopsy Face Sheet
John instead of the little word games you like to play, why don't you explain to me what would fire a projectile that would only penetrate an inch. And then explain to me why someone would be so stupid as to try and shoot the president with a weapon that would only go in an inch. You realize how stupid that is do you not? Besides Royell is the one that claimed it was a bullet. But now he has to explain why the wound to the throat only went in an inch or two. I'm sorry I can't stop laughing over your question? I thought I had found a serious site to debate the assassination. Evidently it is a comedy site.
Of course you're laughing. You think all of your wild-ass assumptions should just be accepted as true.
How should I know what projectile would only penetrate an inch? That depends a lot on what it was, how fast it was going, where it came from, if it hit anything in between, and a whole bunch of other factors. The Sibert and O'Neill report says that the end of the opening could be felt with a finger. They were listening to what Humes was saying and writing it down. By the way, how did "could be felt with a finger" turn into "an inch"?
However, if any eye/earwitness saw a weapon other than a rifle being aimed at somebody in that limo, and in addition can tell the difference between the report of a high-powered rifle and the (unsaid) weapon, please post that?and pronto?because I probably won't last another 54 years.
This is just the jillionth iteration of "I'm right unless you can prove something else happened".
These brainiacs apparently think the generic face sheet was an accurate drawing of Kennedy's shoulders.
Sloped, they ain't.
This brainiac thinks that Humes drew the shoulders.
At the end of the day the accurate measurements are written on the face sheet and must take precedence.
I think when they took the measurement that we see on the face sheet they also took the following photograph using the ruler as verification.
Superimposing a ruler onto an autopsy photograph in a location where it doesn't exist in the original and slapping a "14" on it doesn't actually prove anything.
JFK's physician never performed an autopsy.
Was George Burkley present at the autopsy?
JFK's physician never performed an autopsy.
Gary never said he did.
Of course you're laughing. You think all of your wild-ass assumptions should just be accepted as true.
How should I know what projectile would only penetrate an inch? That depends a lot on what it was, how fast it was going, where it came from, if it hit anything in between, and a whole bunch of other factors. The Sibert and O'Neill report says that the end of the opening could be felt with a finger. They were listening to what Humes was saying and writing it down. By the way, how did "could be felt with a finger" turn into "an inch"?
John you disappoint me. You really didn't try to give me an explanation on that did you? I was being sarcastic and joking because it is so stupid. By the way, "could be felt with a finger" turned into "an inch" because old Royell there said Humes stuck his finger in up to his first knuckle. Now I admit that some men's first knuckles could be longer than others! :D I was being sarcastic John, lighten up old buddy. Could you explain to me what happened that day. I'm climbing up on that fence with you John. Is there enough room up there? Praise the lord! I see the light! Now tell me what really happened. ::)
It it supposed to be some kind of virtue to "choose" an explanation that you don't have any good reason to choose?
Gary never said he did.
"JFK's physician's 11/22/63 signed autopsy"
At the end of the day the accurate measurements are written on the face sheet and must take precedence.
I think when they took the measurement that we see on the face sheet they also took the following photograph using the ruler as verification.
Btw the face sheet shows the classic anatomical position which is replicated by the lying down Kennedy.
NICKERSON - Where is the X supposed to be located on that Autopsy Photo?????
Superimposing a ruler onto an autopsy photograph in a location where it doesn't exist in the original...
Geez Louise, what's the purpose of the ruler in the Autopsy Photo, decoration?
You're still not answering the question. Not directly anyway.
Ok good. You caught on. Indirectly anyway.
Ok good. You caught on. Indirectly anyway.
Right. And what you indirectly did was admit that I was correct when I stated the following:
O'Connor's much earlier recollection and signed diagram takes precedence over statements made to Law. That O'Connor would think that the bullet entering above C7 would have come out through JFK's heart and through his sternum suggests that he was definitely on the downslope as far as his mental faculties were concerned.
These brainiacs apparently think the generic face sheet was an accurate drawing of Kennedy's shoulders.
Sloped, they ain't.
Right, generic face sheets are used in virtually all autopsies so the location of wounds and injuries on the
deceased can be obscured. geez
Tell us Bill are JFK's wounds accurately depicted in the illustrations below?
Right. And what you indirectly did was admit that I was correct when I stated the following:
O'Connor's much earlier recollection and signed diagram takes precedence over statements made to Law. That O'Connor would think that the bullet entering above C7 would have come out through JFK's heart and through his sternum suggests that he was definitely on the downslope as far as his mental faculties were concerned.
Gary, you lost track of what we were talking about. We were talking about O'Connor and his statements.
JFK's physician never performed an autopsy.
"Gary, you lost track of what we were talking about. We were talking about O'Connor and his statements."
You mean the 14 year old recollections of JFK's autopsy that differ from the descriptive and facesheets?
The ones JFK's personal physician signed on 11/22/63?
"JFK's physician never performed an autopsy."
Whatever gave you the idea he did?
"JFK's physician's 11/22/63 signed autopsy"
You think that means I think JFK's physician performed a autopsy?
I would recommend you enroll in some adult education classes on reading comprehension.
Check your local community college.
You think that means I think JFK's physician performed a autopsy?
I would recommend you enroll in some adult education classes on reading comprehension.
Check your local community college.
GARY - Based on Nickerson's logic, your endorsement on a check therefore indicates You are President of the Bank from which the funds are dispersed.
GARY - Based on Nickerson's logic, your endorsement on a check therefore indicates You are President of the Bank from which the funds are dispersed.
Ford moved the back wound , thus creating " The Magic Bullet " CE 399 !
Ford moved the back wound , thus creating " The Magic Bullet " CE 399 !
Arlen Spector created the "Magic Bullet"
Jerry Ford changed the description of the location of the wound in the final draft of the WCR.
The version he changed said the wound was in JFK's back.
A wound in JFK's back, from a bullet fired from the 6th floor SE corner TSBD, doesn't line up with
the wound in the front of his throat.
So he changed the description of it's location to the back of JFK's neck.
Gary , I did not use my wording very well about Jerry Ford and the MBT . I know Arlen Specter came up with the MBT or SBT which ever way you want to put it. I thought that Fords movement of the final location of the back wound to the base of the neck wound made it seem that there was a possible chance for the MBT to have done the damage it did . Hale Boggs , Richard Russell and John Cooper thought the MBT to be improbable. I think my main thought had to be, why did Ford think that the movement of the entry in the back of JFK needed to be moved up to the base of the neck and was Ford the only person that thought the wound needed to be moved?
Geez Louise, what's the purpose of the ruler in the Autopsy Photo, decoration?
You moved the ruler to a place that they were not measuring in the photo. And you arbitrarily stuck your own numbers on top of the ruler.
Gary , I did not use my wording very well about Jerry Ford and the MBT . I know Arlen Specter came up with the MBT or SBT which ever way you want to put it. I thought that Fords movement of the final location of the back wound to the base of the neck wound made it seem that there was a possible chance for the MBT to have done the damage it did . Hale Boggs , Richard Russell and John Cooper thought the MBT to be improbable. I think my main thought had to be, why did Ford think that the movement of the entry in the back of JFK needed to be moved up to the base of the neck and was Ford the only person that thought the wound needed to be moved?
"I think my main thought had to be, why did Ford think that the movement of the entry in the back of JFK needed to be moved up to the base of the neck and was Ford the only person that thought the wound needed to be moved?"
IMO Ford and the rest of the WC were conscious they were covering up the truth.
The wound needed to be in the neck not the back for the SBT and LN did it narrative.
Rankin told an Executive Session they had the color autopsy photos of JFK's body.
Rankin told an Executive Session those photos showed the wound in JFK's back was lower than the wound
in the front of his neck.
"I think my main thought had to be, why did Ford think that the movement of the entry in the back of JFK needed to be moved up to the base of the neck and was Ford the only person that thought the wound needed to be moved?"
IMO Ford and the rest of the WC were conscious they were covering up the truth.
The wound needed to be in the neck not the back for the SBT and LN did it narrative.
Rankin told an Executive Session they had the color autopsy photos of JFK's body.
Rankin told an Executive Session those photos showed the wound in JFK's back was lower than the wound
in the front of his neck.
With these WC "Executive Sessions" and the Sealing of Sworn Testimony, (White House Photog Robert L. Knudsen developing/seeing B/W JFK Autopsy Photo(s) displaying probe(s) in the Neck of JFK running Front-to-Back), you have to wonder what else has been hidden from the Public?
With these WC "Executive Sessions" and the Sealing of Sworn Testimony, (White House Photog Robert L. Knudsen developing/seeing B/W JFK Autopsy Photo(s) displaying probe(s) in the Neck of JFK running Front-to-Back), you have to wonder what else has been hidden from the Public?
We'll never know for sure.
I'd guess that a lot of stuff simply disappeared.
Gary , I did not use my wording very well about Jerry Ford and the MBT . I know Arlen Specter came up with the MBT or SBT which ever way you want to put it. I thought that Fords movement of the final location of the back wound to the base of the neck wound made it seem that there was a possible chance for the MBT to have done the damage it did . Hale Boggs , Richard Russell and John Cooper thought the MBT to be improbable. I think my main thought had to be, why did Ford think that the movement of the entry in the back of JFK needed to be moved up to the base of the neck and was Ford the only person that thought the wound needed to be moved?
Specter did not own SBT. He is usually given the credit for it but there were others who realized early on that it was the only thing that fit with the evidence.
Ford moved the back wound , thus creating " The Magic Bullet " CE 399 !
Ford never moved any wound by even as much as a mm in any direction.
There is clearly a difference between a person's BACK and their NECK.
Ford never moved any wound by even as much as a mm in any direction.
Correct. He would have had to have been present at the autopsy so to do. What he did, was change the description of the position of the wound. Easy peasy.
Right, generic face sheets are used in virtually all autopsies so the location of wounds and injuries on the
deceased can be obscured. geez
Tell us Bill are JFK's wounds accurately depicted in the illustrations below?
The head shot looks relatively accurate if Jackie's statement 'top, behind the forehead' was accurate.
I prefer actual photos to drawings. How a wound position is described to an artist is the responsibility of the person describing it; if the result is inaccurate then something went sideways between the two.
Do you understand the difference between sloped v square shoulders
Show us where Kennedy's square* shoulders match the sloped shoulders in the generic face sheet drawing
Show us where the 14 x 14 measurement noted on the face sheet changed position
Again, tell us how a face sheet drawing is meant to replace the actual measurement of the body itself.
*Hint: Google 'JFK shoulders swim'
Do you understand the difference between sloped v square shoulders
Show us where Kennedy's square* shoulders match the sloped shoulders in the generic face sheet drawing
Show us where the 14 x 14 measurement noted on the face sheet changed position
Again, tell us how a face sheet drawing is meant to replace the actual measurement of the body itself.
*Hint: Google 'JFK shoulders swim'
The Autopsy Photos of JFK 's BACK Wound in No Way resemble the cockamamie illustrations you have provided above.
The Autopsy Photos of JFK 's BACK Wound in No Way resemble the cockamamie illustrations you have provided above.
A more apt description of the twofer inshoot would be 'neck/back' wound, given that the missile struck precisely at the junction where the neck merges into the back (according to the autopsy, and described elsewhere as such)
Gary provided the 'cockamamie' illustrations above, not me. I agree they look wonky; pretty sure JFK would be hard-pressed to remain in that bolt-upright position, or even attain it.
Correct. He would have had to have been present at the autopsy so to do. What he did, was change the description of the position of the wound. Easy peasy.
Close enough. He recommended changing the description of the position of wound. Rightly so.
The head shot looks relatively accurate if Jackie's statement 'top, behind the forehead' was accurate.
I prefer actual photos to drawings. How a wound position is described to an artist is the responsibility of the person describing it; if the result is inaccurate then something went sideways between the two.
Do you understand the difference between sloped v square shoulders
Show us where Kennedy's square* shoulders match the sloped shoulders in the generic face sheet drawing
Show us where the 14 x 14 measurement noted on the face sheet changed position
Again, tell us how a face sheet drawing is meant to replace the actual measurement of the body itself.
*Hint: Google 'JFK shoulders swim'
Bill, those are very poor illustrations. Very poor representations of the shots that they are supposed to be illustrating.
"CLOSE ENOUGH" is also what Gerald Ford was probably muttering after finishing with his Clerical Wound Moving Alteration.
"CLOSE ENOUGH" is also what Gerald Ford was probably muttering after finishing with his Clerical Wound Moving Alteration.
Ford never made a Clerical Wound Moving Alteration.
Bill, those are very poor illustrations. Very poor representations of the shots that they are supposed to be illustrating.
MacAdams site gets into those details more precisely. I've posted that material a number of times prior.
The head shot looks relatively accurate if Jackie's statement 'top, behind the forehead' was accurate.
I prefer actual photos to drawings. How a wound position is described to an artist is the responsibility of the person describing it; if the result is inaccurate then something went sideways between the two.
Do you understand the difference between sloped v square shoulders
Show us where Kennedy's square* shoulders match the sloped shoulders in the generic face sheet drawing
Show us where the 14 x 14 measurement noted on the face sheet changed position
Again, tell us how a face sheet drawing is meant to replace the actual measurement of the body itself.
*Hint: Google 'JFK shoulders swim'
"The head shot looks relatively accurate if Jackie's statement 'top, behind the forehead' was accurate."
"I prefer actual photos to drawings. How a wound position is described to an artist is the responsibility of the person describing it; if the result is inaccurate then something went sideways between the two."
"went sideways" The WC provided those drawings as depicting the wounds to JFK.
"Went sideways" is an apt description of those drawings and the WC in general.
"Again, tell us how a face sheet drawing is meant to replace the actual measurement of the body
I don't remember anyone claiming that. Perhaps you could provide a quote?
It is used however to give an approximate location of wounds or injuries.
Except for the description in Jerry Ford's edit, the location on the face sheet is corroborated
by the evidence.
A more apt description of the twofer inshoot would be 'neck/back' wound, given that the missile struck precisely at the junction where the neck merges into the back (according to the autopsy, and described elsewhere as such)
Gary provided the 'cockamamie' illustrations above, not me. I agree they look wonky; pretty sure JFK would be hard-pressed to remain in that bolt-upright position, or even attain it.
"Gary provided the 'cockamamie' illustrations above, not me. I agree they look wonky; pretty sure JFK would be hard-pressed to remain in that bolt-upright position, or even attain it."
No, those illustrations were provided by your friends from the Warren Commission.
I simply posted them.
Even hardcore LNer's like you think they're cockamamie and wonky under cover of being posted by
a WC doubter.
Did Ford move the point of entrance on the back wound higher up to the base of the neck so the "Single Bullet Theory' would have a chance to somehow sway the public into thinking that the " Magic Bullet Theory " could possibly have happened ? JFK's bullet hole in his shirt and suit jacket are" right on " to where the original point of entry was made on the face sheet which showed the shot to hit to the left of the right shoulder blade and to the right of the midline (spine).
Did Ford move the point of entrance on the back wound higher up to the base of the neck so the "Single Bullet Theory' would have a chance to somehow sway the public into thinking that the " Magic Bullet Theory " could possibly have happened ? JFK's bullet hole in his shirt and suit jacket are" right on " to where the original point of entry was made on the face sheet which showed the shot to hit to the left of the right shoulder blade and to the right of the midline (spine).
It was just a fantastic coincidence that his jacket and shirt both bunched up an equal amount to make it look that way.
It was just a fantastic coincidence that his jacket and shirt both bunched up an equal amount to make it look that way.
Anyone that has worn a dress shirt that is Anchored at the neck with a tie, Knows that the alleged bunching of a dress shirt is absolute Malarkey. Plus, you can bet that JFK wore tailored clothing that fit like hand-in-glove.
I believe that Ford's movement of the back wound up to the base of the neck caused those on the Warren Commission to become divided on the subject and of course CE 399 , which was at one time a back wound with the depth of Humes little finger stopping at the knuckle . Who would have told Ford that it would have been more plausible to have the back wound moved up to the base of neck so the SBT could have a chance of working. I think we got the same type of crime on 9/11 as we went through on 11/22/1963 ! A very sad state of affairs !
Other than Gerald Ford and Arlen Specter , I don't believe any of the other Warren Commission members believed that the rear shot in the back six inches down from the collar could have actually been replaced as to being a bullet that entered at the base of the neck . We know that Humes never placed a rear bullet entry at the base of the neck , so how come Jerry Ford thought it was OK to move the placement of the back entry wound from about 6 inches down the back and to the left of the right shoulder blade and to the right of the spine , to the base of the neck. We know Hale Boggs did not like the direction in which the WC was going. Hale Boggs was on a campaign trip from Anchorage to Juneau , and on October 16 , 1972 and no bodies were ever found. Los Angeles Star on Nov. 22 , 1973 , reported before his death , Boggs claimed he had "Startling Revelations", on Watergate and the JFK Assassination. Cokey Roberts was Boggs daughter and I don't think that she followed up on her Dads disappearance . She probably had a good idea of why her Dad was dead !
I believe that Ford's movement of the back wound up to the base of the neck caused those on the Warren Commission to become divided on the subject and of course CE 399 , which was at one time a back wound with the depth of Humes little finger stopping at the knuckle . Who would have told Ford that it would have been more plausible to have the back wound moved up to the base of neck so the SBT could have a chance of working. I think we got the same type of crime on 9/11 as we went through on 11/22/1963 ! A very sad state of affairs !
Hey Mike I just want to say thanks for one of the few who seem to stay away from character attacks and stick to the facts as best as we can I imagine you noticed I started a 9/11 thread in the off topics section in case you missed it Tim and I have been having a respectful conversation there which is stalled for the moment at least
Who was coaching Ford to make this change of where the "BACK WOUND" was located , to relocating the wound at the "Base of the NECK" ? Surely Gerald R. Ford did not come up with this relocation all by himself , as he would later "PARDON" Tricky Dickie Nixon all By himself. What are the chances of that happening, AGAIN ? It was said that Ford was the mole while on the Warren Commission , keeping Old J. Edgar Hoover in the loop of what the WC was talking about and the possible conclusions of where the WC was heading . Did Hoover school Ford on where the WC needed to be heading to make "The one and only OSWALD , The Lone Nut" ? Oh I forgot , George Herbert Walker Bush said that Gerald Fords "WORD" was always GOOD !
Who told Ford to move the placement of the shot in the back which was down 5 to 6 inches from the collar to the base of the neck ?
Gerald Fords placement of the "base of the neck" ( AKA back wound ) would almost have put the bullet hole very close to where JFK's shirt collar would have been . But that really doesn't matter because DR. HUMES WOUNDS OF MOVEMENTS would have covered for any placement . Apparently Thomas Robinson should not have been in the room when Humes was rearranging wounds ! "That's what the Drs. did" Ooops !
Why in the world would anyone take CE 399 and try to sell the world that this "Magic Bullet" went thru JFK and thru John C . and supposedly ended up falling out of it's last wound in JC's left thigh (which still had bullet particles left in the thigh ) and yet was in very good shape , not pristine , but looked rather very good for a bullet that supposedly went in JFK's back and out his throat and into JC's back(breaking a rib) and out his chest and into his wrist( which was broken) and out of his wrist and settled into a waiting ball of cotton and then was found on a stretcher ( with nobody on the stretcher ) and becomes the Ah hah moment that the case is solved as far as all the wounds being accounted for and after all that , Gerald Ford moves the wound from 5 to 6 inches below the collar in the back right of the midline (spine) and left of the right shoulder blade and the new bullet entry is now at the base of the neck . I don't remember recalling that Gerald Ford was at the autopsy at Bethesda , but he seems to have known more about that wound than anyone else . Now when George Herbert Walker Bush spoke at Fords funeral he said that when Jerry Ford put his name on something , then Jerry Fords word was always good ! Anyone ever wonder why the CIA building in Langley Virginia was renamed the " George Bush Center for Intelligence " ? Take a WILD GUESS !!!!!!!!
No argument from anybody because there is no argument.
Who told Ford that the back wound should have been moved up to the base of the neck , or did Gerald Ford just do it on his own ? Arlen Specter never really believed the CE-399 sham , did he ? Ford was the leak ( Mole ) going to J. Edgar Hoover and keeping Hoover informed on what the Warren Commission was doing as far as their "Findings" were concerned . LHO said he was a Patsy and I believe he was telling the truth !
As Gerald Ford was telling Arlen S. " Why don't we just move this shallow back entry wound on up to the base of the neck and just have that bullet become the Single Bullet theory and have it going through JFK & JC . Hell we are the Warren Commission and we can do anything we want . You know Arlen , I just might be President one of these days and someone might take a shot at me . As Arlen says , " if you can be President then I can surely be a Senator after this 26 volume set hits the stands. Hell , we'll just let Humes (the moving wounds) take the heat .
Gerald Fords placement of the "base of the neck" ( AKA back wound ) would almost have put the bullet hole very close to where JFK's shirt collar would have been . But that really doesn't matter because DR. HUMES WOUNDS OF MOVEMENTS would have covered for any placement . Apparently Thomas Robinson should not have been in the room when Humes was rearranging wounds ! "That's what the Drs. did" Ooops !
Or taking a bone saw to the head of JFK.
We know Ford lied , as did Specter .
Jerry Ford was said to be the mole for J. Edgar Hoover , in that he kept Hoover appraised as to what was going on with the Warren Commission and where they were heading as far as their beliefs and findings . Did Jerry Ford , on his own , decide that the shot in the back below the right shoulder blade and to the right of the spine , be moved up to the base of the neck which of course became the path of the " Single Bullet Theory " ? As part of not not believing certain findings of the Warren Commission , there are thoughts that Hale Boggs going against some parts of these findings might have cost him his life when his plane went down and was never found , kind of like Ron Brown during the Clinton Presidency and of course the crash of Ted Kennedy which almost cost him his life and then the crash of JFK Jr. & his wife and her sister who all died in his plane .
Hi Mike O --
The people on this board can only handle one conspiracy at a time so let's stick to JFK. :-)
Ford - yes, just a nice little last-minute tweak to the official report to shove that round peg into a square hole a little bit further.
Hale Boggs - heard about the plane crash; don't think anything sinister happened
Brown and Clinton - never heard of such a conspiracy
Ted Kennedy crash - probably just a run-of-the-mill crash
JFK Junior's crash - he should have never been flying so late in the day. He was not instrument rated and lost his bearings up there. Nothing sinister.
As a member of the Warren Commission that investigated the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford suggested that the panel change its initial description of the bullet wound in Kennedy's back to place it higher up in the body. The change, critics said, may have been intended to support the controversial theory that a "single bullet" struck Kennedy from behind, exited his neck and then wounded Texas Gov. John B. Connally Jr. The Warren Commission relied on it heavily in concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald was Kennedy's lone assassin, firing from a sniper's nest above and behind the president in the Texas School Book Depository. Ford's handwritten editing, revealed in newly disclosed papers kept by the commission's general counsel, was accepted with a slight change. The initial draft of the report stated: "A bullet had entered his {Kennedy's} back at a point slightly below the shoulder to the right of the spine." Ford wanted it to read:" A bullet had entered the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine." The Final Report said:" A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of his spine." The Washington Post By George Lardner Jr. July 3 , 1997
Hi Mike, all Ford did was make the wording more accurately represent what was written in the autopsy report.
Ford correcting a rough draft.
The original autopsy report.
Sure, John, sure. I had to double check but Ford got it spot on "back of the neck."
Here's what it looked like during the autopsy:
...and then I checked it again on Wiki:
Yep, Ford got it right, alright.
Another wonderfully biased piece of AnAlysis.
Sure, John, sure. I had to double check but Ford got it spot on "back of the neck."
Here's what it looked like during the autopsy:
...and then I checked it again on Wiki:
Yep, Ford got it right, alright.
Another wonderfully biased piece of AnAlysis
Junction City train station
A voice comes over the intercom:
'Back, meet neck... neck, meet back'
Back: Guess we'll have to share the fame on this one, huh?
Neck: Seems only fair, since the Inshot landed right on top of the both of us.
Back: We'll flip for who gets top billing.
Neck: Nah, back/neck.. neck/back.. no biggee, as long as both are included when describing the twofer.
Back: Okay, let's take a shot at it.
Hi Mike O --
The people on this board can only handle one conspiracy at a time so let's stick to JFK. :-)
Ford - yes, just a nice little last-minute tweak to the official report to shove that round peg into a square hole a little bit further.
Hale Boggs - heard about the plane crash; don't think anything sinister happened
Brown and Clinton - never heard of such a conspiracy
Ted Kennedy crash - probably just a run-of-the-mill crash
JFK Junior's crash - he should have never been flying so late in the day. He was not instrument rated and lost his bearings up there. Nothing sinister.
Michael, much more often than not, I agree with your posted opinions/details, including in your post quoted above.
However, 20 years ago last month, I found this burial at sea of Lauren Bessette, a V.P. of a prominent Wall Street firm to be "hinky".
The "PTB" knew as well as you and I do that "stuff" like this is never "put to bed," so why on earth do they predictably opt to and act as catalysts to perpetuate curiousity and doubt? Is the answer simply that they choose what they perceive at the time to be the least bad of only bad choices available?
This begs the question; if the "PTB" demonstrate such consistently poor judgment in the atmosphere of what they so often
tout as an "open society" why is it reasonable (mandatory ?) to accept their official pronouncements? Is it only reasonable because the alternative is to be marginalized by this same alliance of journalists and "movers and shakers"?
The peril of valuing celebrity over history
....the simultaneously banalizing methods of capitalist enterprise (false advertising, consumerism, pieties of affluence, amoral bureaucracy) are exactly what that enterprise created to keep from being criticized.....
85 year old, FBI "take down":
Indiana cemetery objects to plan to exhume body of gangster John ...
3 days ago - The Indianapolis cemetery where 1930s gangster John Dillinger is buried is objecting to his body's planned exhumation as part of a television ...
Why John Dillinger's Relatives Want to Exhume His Body | Smart News
Aug 2, 2019 - After the notorious bank robber John Dillinger was shot to death by federal agents in 1934, thousands of spectators converged at his funeral, ...
82 year old crash:
Finding Amelia Earhart's Plane Seemed Impossible. Then Came a ...
6 days ago - Dr. Ballard has always wanted to find the remains of the plane Amelia Earhart was flying when she disappeared in 1937. But he feared the hunt ...
Inside Robert Ballard's search for Amelia Earhart's airplane
6 days ago - Many attempts have been made to discover the famed aviator's fate, but never with the technological tools at Robert Ballard's disposal.
Robert Ballard Launches Search for Amelia Earhart's Airplane
6 days ago - Famed oceanographer Dr. Robert Ballard and the crew of his foundations research vessel, the Nautilus...
...Officials also said the Navy has given approval for the remains of his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and her sister, Lauren Bessette, to be buried at sea, but it was not immediately clear if the women's family has elected to do so...
...July 23, 1999
...Mr. Kennedy did not meet any of the criteria for people who are automatically entitled to naval commitment at sea. The special service was possible only because of a dispensation from the Secretary of Defense, William S. Cohen, in response to a request from Mr. Kennedy's uncle, Senator Edward M. Kennedy.
Such ceremonies are usually reserved for active or retired military members, their spouses and dependent children. A Defense Department official said the service itself did not follow military protocol, but instead was a religious service.
Officials acknowledged that the service was unprecedented. But the Pentagon spokesman, Kenneth H. Bacon, defended the decision, saying, ''It's a family that has distinguished itself through public service and sacrificed itself through public service for more than 30 years.''...
The Other Passenger: Who Was Lauren Bessette?
Reduced to a footnote to the national tragedy of losing JFK Jr. and his wife Carolyn, Lauren Bessette was a star in her own right—accomplished, ambitious, beautiful, and loved by her friends.
JUL 9, 2019 ....
...In any other grouping, Lauren would have been the star. Thirty-four years old and on the fast track at Morgan Stanley, Bessette had an Ivy League MBA, was fluent in Mandarin, and had a sophisticated group of friends. She was the kind of New York City talent many people dream of befriending. Her friends say she was brilliant, compassionate, quick witted, and a champion of those who were struggling. One colleague told the New York Observer, “She may have been more successful than [John and Carolyn] were.”...
The plane wreckage itself was accorded superior security than BOP extended to Mr. Epstein, in Brooklyn this month!
Courtesy Photo
U.S. Coast Guard District 1
Subscribe 32
Otis AFB, MA (July 22) -- The wooden wall that conceals the wreckage of John F. Kennedy's Piper Saratoga airplane Air Station Cape Cod hangar. John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife Carolyn and her sister Lauren Bessette. The three died when Kennedy's crashed into the sea July 17. USCG photo by MILNES, PETE PA1USCG photo by MILNES, PETE PA1
From the junction where the back joins the neck
A voice comes over the intercom:
'Back, meet neck... neck, meet back'
Back: Guess we'll have to share the fame on this one, huh?
Neck: Seems only fair, since the Inshot landed right on top of the both of us.
Back: We'll flip for who gets top billing.
Neck: Nah, back/neck.. neck/back.. no biggee, as long as both are included when describing the twofer.
Back: Okay, let's take a shot at it.
Sure, Bill, sure. There's a thing in anatomy called the nape:
The very first line at the above says the back of the neck.
Now if you want to argue and disagree over thousands of medical professionals who call that area the nape - that loose fold of skin that everyone has - vs a politician who was trying to further a square peg into a round hole - then you go right ahead. And you know, it's the same politician who pardoned one of the most corrupt US presidents in US history rather than let him face the consequences.
But it sure looks to me like that bullet hole is well below the nape, also known as the back of the neck.
But that's OK Bill. Let that old Kennedy bias hate creep in, blinding you to what's obvious to many more unbiased eyes.
Sure, Bill, sure. There's a thing in anatomy called the nape:
The very first line at the above says the back of the neck.
Now if you want to argue and disagree over thousands of medical professionals who call that area the nape - that loose fold of skin that everyone has - vs a politician who was trying to further a square peg into a round hole - then you go right ahead. And you know, it's the same politician who pardoned one of the most corrupt US presidents in US history rather than let him face the consequences.
But it sure looks to me like that bullet hole is well below the nape, also known as the back of the neck.
But that's OK Bill. Let that old Kennedy bias hate creep in, blinding you to what's obvious to many more unbiased eyes.
BTW, you sound exactly like a certain 'Eddie Haymaker' who posted here a few months back, 'Michael'.
My 'Junction City' back/neck 'dialog' is concerned with the C7-T1 (14x14cm) position claimed by some as the inshoot location. The following describes the location in medical terminology.
All About the C7-T1 Spinal Segment (Cervicothoracic Junction)
by Stefano Sinicropi, MD.
[Peer Reviewed]
The C7-T1 spinal segment, sometimes referred to as the cervicothoracic junction is located at the very bottom of the neck. More specifically, this is where the neck connects with the upper back
This spinal segment is unique because it is the point of transition from the highly flexible neck to the nearly completely inflexible upper back.
Sure, Bill, sure. There's a thing in anatomy called the nape:
The very first line at the above says the back of the neck.
Now if you want to argue and disagree over thousands of medical professionals who call that area the nape - that loose fold of skin that everyone has - vs a politician who was trying to further a square peg into a round hole - then you go right ahead. And you know, it's the same politician who pardoned one of the most corrupt US presidents in US history rather than let him face the consequences.
But it sure looks to me like that bullet hole is well below the nape, also known as the back of the neck.
But that's OK Bill. Let that old Kennedy bias hate creep in, blinding you to what's obvious to many more unbiased eyes.
Seconds later shots resounded in rapid succession. The President's hands moved to his neck. He appeared to stiffen momentarily and lurch slightly forward in his seat. A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine.
Sure, John, sure. You didn't even look at the neck link I posted. And here's a photo from your heroes.
That's NOT the neck, John. It's not. You're being very clever by posting that cutaway 3D photo that shows the spinal column because any dumbass would think that because the column is in the neck that makes the lower portion part of the neck. And it's not.
And it was not a mistake in the final report. They got it right the first time UNTIL old Gerry penciled in "...of neck."
But you go right on ahead and remain unbiased in your ANALysis.
Sure, John, sure. You didn't even look at the neck link I posted. And here's a photo from your heroes.
That's NOT the neck, John. It's not. You're being very clever by posting that cutaway 3D photo that shows the spinal column because any dumbass would think that because the column is in the neck that makes the lower portion part of the neck. And it's not.
And it was not a mistake in the final report. They got it right the first time UNTIL old Gerry penciled in "...of neck."
But you go right on ahead and remain unbiased in your ANALysis.
Calm down Michael, your post is unnecessarily offensive.
Here's JFK, show me where you think his neck is?
Doesn't the jacket have to be bunched and the trajectory slope made sleeper? That's a cartoon for idiots.
Doesn't the jacket have to be bunched
That's a cartoon for idiots.
Exactly, that's precisely the audience that gobbles up such illogical absurdities.
Bunch? What bunch?
Sure, John, sure. Sure, Bill, sure.
Here's my all-time favorite photo about this whole sordid deal. Here's your heroes again. Not us wacky and fun-loving conspiracy theorists but, you know, officialdom:
See the two markers on the stand-in? Do you know why they have TWO markers? It's very simple, Bill and John (and Jerry). First, they know what the medical evidence is. So now, after some lawyer tells them, "Well, we know your boss wants no questions about this. The playboy is gone and we can do all manner of fudging (and xxxing around with) the evidence. It's just gotta be one shooter from right up thar."
So they know the medical history. A hole in the throat (hence the sticker on the stand-in's back of the neck) and the lower sticker. Even G-Men know where the back of the neck and the back are located for crissake! And, you know, the EXACT SAME HOLES we see in the autopsy photos. So they put the stickers there to somehow - SOME WAY - try to figure it out during this reenactment.
Only they can't. It's not possible. The bullet's traveling downward, yet the stickers are going UPWARD. Duh, much?
So hence, the final report is honest ("back") until old Gerry pencils in "back of neck."
As John I says above, there was no bunch. But even if there was, it doesn't change anything. All you gotta do is look at the autopsy photo of the back. Even if the jacket had a hole way down the bottom due to bunching (but ALAS it doesn't) the back wound in the photo shows they got it right in the above photo like they got it right with the stickers.
Now if you guys want to let your Kennedy bias kick in again and go all like, "BUT BUT BUT what about this...or that...or this..." - then you go right ahead. And I'm sure you will. But all the bias in the world is not going to change what's obvious in these photos as well as the autopsy.
'Night John Boy. 'Night Mary Ellen.
The Altgens photo of Kennedy on Houston shows the bunch more clearly (ie: there's no shadow on the back from the jacket collar).
What bunch?
Bunch? What bunch?
Blob? What Blob? LOL™!
Kennedy's jacket at Love Field as compared to Kennedy's Jacket on Elm street.
Kennedy's jacket at Love Field as compared to Kennedy's Jacket on Elm street.
You think the magic bullet traversed at Z-160?
Willis 5 was taken on Elm street as well.
Naturally, and as to be expected, the
unbiased here are jumping around all over the place. When I talk about two dots on the Kennedy stand-in and expect someone from the unbiased to explain that point, they talk about the Connally guy being too low in the seat.
No explanation whatsoever of how a bullet heading from roughly 90 yards away and at a downward angle, hits the guy's back - and YES it's the back - and then somehow moves upward and exit the throat where the other marker is.
No explanation at all. And get this - the xxxxing back shot didn't even exit! Hahahaha! That's a fact. Period.
Sure, sure. Hahahaha!
You think the magic bullet traversed at Z-160?
Willis 5 was taken on Elm street as well.
You think the magic bullet traversed at Z-160?
No, and I don't think that CE399 was fired a couple of seconds later at about Zapruder frame 202 either, so what's your point?
Willis 5 was taken on Elm street as well.
Yawn, the old Willis 5 defence. But why rely on an overexposed blob when you have a near perfect image in Croft? Unbelievable!
As soon as Kennedy had settled into the Limo at Love Field his Jacket was bunched.
And the jacket was still bunched at Croft.
Fortunately we have film taken when both Croft and Willis took their photos and I see no evidence that in those two seconds that Kennedy was waving he finally decided to remove the bunch from his jacket. This Zapruder extract starts at Croft and finishes at Willis.
No, and I don't think that CE399 was fired a couple of seconds later at about Zapruder frame 202 either, so what's your point?
How do you know if or how the jacket was bunched when JFK was struck in the back?
How do you know if or how the jacket was bunched when JFK was struck in the back?
AFAIK, no one testified to seeing Kennedy straighten his bunch (or his junk) between Croft 160 and his Zap vanishing act.
Kinda hard to pull off a Jean-Luc Picard with one hand in his lap and the other one waving.
AFAIK, one testified to seeing Kennedy straighten his bunch (or his junk) between Croft 160 and his Zap vanishing act.
Is it necessary to overtly and visibly straighten one's bunch?
Is it necessary to overtly and visibly straighten one's bunch?
That seems to be the case re Oswald/TT ;)
Re one hand waving and the other doing God/Gawd knows what, I'll go with a little show 'n tell here.
@Lurkers: The Picard Maneuver
That seems to be the case re Oswald/TT ;)
Re one hand waving and the other doing God/Gawd knows what, I'll go with a little show 'n tell here.
The burden would be on the people who claim that he pulled a gun to show that he pulled a gun.
An apparent bunch at Z-160 tells you nothing about an alleged bunch at Z-223 (even if you could show that this is when a bullet entered JFK's back, which you cannot).
Was the placement of the bullet that supposedly hit JFK at the base of the back of his neck all thought up and posed as a fact , all thought up and said to be all of Jerry Fords idea or did the others in the Warren Commission all jump on what Jerry Ford said about the placement of the shot and try to say they were in agreement of what Ford had said about the placement of the shot ? With all respect to the Parkland Staff and to the people who have been told that they were wrong about what they saw at Parkland compared to what we were told by Bethesda as to what their autopsy showed , should lead us to figure that we were lied to our faces .
How do you know if or how the jacket was bunched when JFK was struck in the back?
From Z160 to the last Zapruder frame before Kennedy's jacket disappears behind the sign, as expected the rght side of Kennedy's jacket slightly rises as he waves his right hand.
And again from Z194 to Z226 we see little change in the height of the right side of JFK's bunched jacket.
Was the placement of the bullet that supposedly hit JFK at the base of the back of his neck all thought up and posed as a fact , all thought up and said to be all of Jerry Fords idea or did the others in the Warren Commission all jump on what Jerry Ford said about the placement of the shot and try to say they were in agreement of what Ford had said about the placement of the shot ? With all respect to the Parkland Staff and to the people who have been told that they were wrong about what they saw at Parkland compared to what we were told by Bethesda as to what their autopsy showed , should lead us to figure that we were lied to our faces .
Pay attention Mike, all the WC did was use language that was used in JFK's autopsy report.
John , there is not much if any of the Warren Commission Report that I believe . I have studied the JFK Assassination for a long time and in no way do I think that I'm Mr. No-it-all . The scripted parts of the Warren Commission findings and thoughts are so far fetched that I can't believe that anyone who followed the case would be able to actually think that JFK was taken down by LHO and it seems that the autopsy was garbage from beginning to end . Cyril Wecht and Douglas Horne hit on so many points of the Assassination and the autopsy that their findings alone makes the Warren Report look ridiculous as well it should be .
To John M, Bill and the other Kennedy hating biased "researchers" here:
The start of this thread was why old Gerry penciled in "of neck."
I disputed that way up above - before it got buried with all of your ridiculous nonsense - about the G-Men's reenactment showing two stickers on the stand in. The G-Men knew it was the back and front of the throat (hence the stickers).
Instead of running around bringing up bunches, 3D photos of the spinal column that show absolutely nothing of interest, I'm still waiting for you to dispute my dispute.
Remember - if it's not too difficult to do, stick to the task at hand.
Remember - no more bunches. No more other bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns.
How is it that your heroes know where the wounds are based on their stickers, yet old Gerry pencils in "of neck?" How is it that they actually got the wound locations almost precisely where the autopsy photos are, yet Gerry would still pencil it in?
How is it that any of you can't see what the G-Men - your heroes - CAN see?
Dispute please.
From Z160 to the last Zapruder frame before Kennedy's jacket disappears behind the sign, as expected the rght side of Kennedy's jacket slightly rises as he waves his right hand.
As usual, “Mytton” posts a fuzzy graphic and tells us what “we” see.
The burden would be on the people who claim that he pulled a gun to show that he pulled a gun.
An apparent bunch at Z-160 tells you nothing about an alleged bunch at Z-223 (even if you could show that this is when a bullet entered JFK's back, which you cannot).
The burden would be accompanied by a sane standard of proof
tells you nothing
>>> It tells me plenty
As usual, “Mytton” posts a fuzzy graphic and tells us what “we” see.
There is more than enough detail in the shoulder area to see that the same bunching as seen in Z202(Croft) continues on through to Z194 and on to Z226.
Btw thanks for putting my name in quotation marks and making it obvious that my name is NOT "Mytton" because I don't want one of your psychotic mates to start tracking me down.
The burden would be accompanied by a sane standard of proof
And by “sane standard”, you mean one that you are willing to settle for.
And by “sane standard”, you mean one that you are willing to settle for.
Sez the guy whose 'standard of proof' bar has yet to be observed in the known universe.
Gary , your Post on the C-Span interview with FBI Agent James Sibert is very much worth listening to. It reveals that Gerald Ford changed the location of the back wound to the base of the neck in order to coincide with the magic bullet theory which more than likely made Ford and Arlen Specter to be in collusion about that entry placement . Sibert stood there at close range and he said the back bullet entry was in the upper back and not where Ford places it , which was in the base of the back of the neck . J. Lee Rankins son showed Sibert over 40,000 pages of notes that were taken during the Warren Commission and they found notes pertaining to Gerald Ford and his placement of the bullet hole . Sibert was at the autopsy and saw 1st hand where the wound was . They used a probe to go into the entry wound in " The Back " and the probe went in about as far as Humes went in with his small finger , which only went to his first knuckle . There was no exit for the back wound until Gerald Ford moves the entrance wound to the base of the neck so Specter can force feed all of us " The Single Bullet Theory " !
Gary , your Post on the C-Span interview with FBI Agent James Sibert is very much worth listening to. It reveals that Gerald Ford changed the location of the back wound to the base of the neck in order to coincide with the magic bullet theory which more than likely made Ford and Arlen Specter to be in collusion about that entry placement . Sibert stood there at close range and he said the back bullet entry was in the upper back and not where Ford places it , which was in the base of the back of the neck . J. Lee Rankins son showed Sibert over 40,000 pages of notes that were taken during the Warren Commission and they found notes pertaining to Gerald Ford and his placement of the bullet hole . Sibert was at the autopsy and saw 1st hand where the wound was . They used a probe to go into the entry wound in " The Back " and the probe went in about as far as Humes went in with his small finger , which only went to his first knuckle . There was no exit for the back wound until Gerald Ford moves the entrance wound to the base of the neck so Specter can force feed all of us " The Single Bullet Theory " !
James W. Sibert was one of two FBI agents who witnessed President Kennedy's autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital on the night of November 22, 1963
To John M, Bill and the other Kennedy hating biased "researchers" here:
The start of this thread was why old Gerry penciled in "of neck."
I disputed that way up above - before it got buried with all of your ridiculous nonsense - about the G-Men's reenactment showing two stickers on the stand in. The G-Men knew it was the back and front of the throat (hence the stickers).
Instead of running around bringing up bunches, 3D photos of the spinal column that show absolutely nothing of interest, I'm still waiting for you to dispute my dispute.
Remember - if it's not too difficult to do, stick to the task at hand.
Remember - no more bunches. No more other bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns.
How is it that your heroes know where the wounds are based on their stickers, yet old Gerry pencils in "of neck?" How is it that they actually got the wound locations almost precisely where the autopsy photos are, yet Gerry would still pencil it in?
How is it that any of you can't see what the G-Men - your heroes - CAN see?
Dispute please.
Bumping this for John M, Bill and other [biased] Kennedy haters...
Come on, I'm waiting. Please dispute why the FBI reenactment photo shows a throat marker for the frontal wound, a marker for the back wound, why they knew where the wounds were located, and why old Gerry felt compelled to add "of neck" to the report.
Bumping this for John M, Bill and other [biased] Kennedy haters...
Come on, I'm waiting. Please dispute why the FBI reenactment photo shows a throat marker for the frontal wound, a marker for the back wound, why they knew where the wounds were located, and why old Gerry felt compelled to add "of neck" to the report.
Does this asshole guy really think members are going to bother to debate with someone who starts every post with " biased Kennedy haters"? I certainly won't be. ~shrug~
Go to you tube and type in --- Uncut interview-- JFK's Emergency Room Doctor : Dr.Robert McClelland . Starting at about the 9:00 minute mark , Dr. McClelland goes into detail of the wound in the right back of JFK's head wound where he describes a wound of about 5 inches in diameter and he ask the other Drs. if they have seen the back of his head of which they said no and with that Dr. McClelland says that the right side of the back of his head is gone . Dr. McClelland and Dr. Malcolm Perry were best of friends and Dr. Perry to Dr. McCelland that he was approached by a person who cautioned him that he should not say anything . It was odd that when I typed in the https://you tube.com/watch?v=IQ435IMaCng , it took me to you tube but it said the video was unavailable but when I just went to you tube and typed in --- Uncut interview--JFK's Emergency Room Doctor : Dr. Robert Mclelland , then the video came up .
Does this asshole guy really think members are going to bother to debate with someone who starts every post with " biased Kennedy haters"? I certainly won't be. ~shrug~
Hi Denis, after Walton's pissweak allegations were thouroughly refuted with science and irrefutable evidence I suddenly became a "biased Kennedy hater", so that's when I stopped reading his posts and I was only aware of his request for debate because of your post.
Go to you tube and type in --- Uncut interview-- JFK's Emergency Room Doctor : Dr.Robert McClelland . Starting at about the 9:00 minute mark , Dr. McClelland goes into detail of the wound in the right back of JFK's head wound where he describes a wound of about 5 inches in diameter and he ask the other Drs. if they have seen the back of his head of which they said no and with that Dr. McClelland says that the right side of the back of his head is gone . Dr. McClelland and Dr. Malcolm Perry were best of friends and Dr. Perry to Dr. McCelland that he was approached by a person who cautioned him that he should not say anything . It was odd that when I typed in the https://you tube.com/watch?v=IQ435IMaCng , it took me to you tube but it said the video was unavailable but when I just went to you tube and typed in --- Uncut interview--JFK's Emergency Room Doctor : Dr. Robert Mclelland , then the video came up .
Hi Mike, McClelland in his WC testimony talks about looking down into Kennedy head wound, McClelland recalls "and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such a way that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself"?
To accurately analyse this event we have to look at the total evidence because it only happened one way, now even though there may be what appears to be some contrary testimony, at the end of the day we have to look at the strongest evidence and what we have is the Zapruder film which shows an explosion over the right ear and matter moving forward, the Nix film which shows matter moving forward, the Autopsy photos show the same wound as does the Xrays.
Btw why would anyone place a shooter in front of Kennedy when your Lone Nut Patsy was behind that just doesn't make sense, if it was me I would place a dozen shooters behind with absolutely nobody anywhere else but that's just me!
Why would Dr. McClelland ask the other Drs. if they had seen the right back of the head where Dr. McClelland says the right back side of the head is missing which he said was about a 5 inch circumference hole " about the size of a large orange if the autopsy photos show the right side of JFK's head with several hinged skull bones going different directions above and forward of the right ear . If the Parkland Drs. did not see this type of wound on the right side of the head , that tells me that wound on the right side of the head did not exist in Dallas.
Why would Dr. McClelland ask the other Drs. if they had seen the right back of the head where Dr. McClelland says the right back side of the head is missing which he said was about a 5 inch circumference hole " about the size of a large orange if the autopsy photos show the right side of JFK's head with several hinged skull bones going different directions above and forward of the right ear . If the Parkland Drs. did not see this type of wound on the right side of the head , that tells me that wound on the right side of the head did not exist in Dallas.
Mike, you didn't even attempt to explain how on Earth McClelland could look down into the hole on Kennedy's skull, what McClelland descibes in his testimony under oath is what we see in the authenticated autopsy photos.
that tells me that wound on the right side of the head did not exist in Dallas.
Zapruder and the Newman's were interviewed on the same afternoon and they describe a wound on the right side of Kennedy's head, so we can at least establish that when Kennedy was in Dealey Plaza he had a wound on the right side of his head.
Btw the Zapruder film has been authenticated at the granular level and in addition the very next week in LIFE magazine of which they only had a few days to prepare, LIFE printed images from around the most important frames which means that there was no sequences of any significance left to tamper with.
Dr. McClelland had no reason to lie ! Now on the other hand Dr. Humes had every reason to lie as to the wounds he said he observed at Bethesda . It's hard to mistake a 5 inch wound in the right side back of the head on JFK . If Parkland had seen what supposedly was the right side of the head above and forward of the right ear then I would have to think that Dr. Perry would have of course seen that wound .
As Thomas Robinson the Embalmer from Gawlers Funeral home talked about the Bethesda wounds on JFK , Oh that's what the Drs. did !
Dr. McClelland had no reason to lie ! Now on the other hand Dr. Humes had every reason to lie as to the wounds he said he observed at Bethesda . It's hard to mistake a 5 inch wound in the right side back of the head on JFK . If Parkland had seen what supposedly was the right side of the head above and forward of the right ear then I would have to think that Dr. Perry would have of course seen that wound .
As Thomas Robinson the Embalmer from Gawlers Funeral home talked about the Bethesda wounds on JFK , Oh that's what the Drs. did !
Dr. McClelland had no reason to lie !
Mike, I don't understand, all you have is what appears to be vague contradictory recollections of a doctor who was working under great pressure all the while looking at a head covered in blood and brain. Autopsies conducted on cleaned up bodies in calm surroundings that last hours are done this way for a reason.
Anyway here's more evidence that matches those early Dealey Plaza eyewitnesses, the Zapruder Film, the Nix film etc etc. A lot of the autopsy photos were taken as stereo pairs which effectively mimics human sight, these images can be viewed with special equipment or combined as a morphing rotating image which to create with this prescision until recently with advanced cgi would be impossible to fake and in 1963, forget it!
There was only one hole on the back of Kennedy's head and it was a bullet hole.
Does this asshole guy really think members are going to bother to debate with someone who starts every post with " biased Kennedy haters"? I certainly won't be. ~shrug~
You may not like what I say, Denis, but it's very true. Go back to my thread above about what I posted. I know you won't but go anyway. Read it. Now tell me why not a single person here is willing to try to dispute what I'm saying? How can it be that during this reenactment they had the stickers on the Kennedy stand-in exactly where the injuries were on the body? How can it be that instead of not writing the obvious about those stickers, we then had a policitian pencil in "of neck" to further fudge the official record?
What else is there to say? Do you not find it the least bit intriguing to see those two stickers on that stand-in? Do you have any explanation at all of how a shot that hits that lower part of the back to then some how work its way up and exit where the throat sticker is on the other side? We're talking simple physics here, Denis. And per the autopsy the back wound DID NOT EVEN EXIT. Humes said as much...it terminated there and he could stick his finger into it and feel where ended. So what about that, Denis?
If you or anyone else is jumping around all over the place on this not facing the facts, then yes, your biased. What else is there? I liken it to the police investigator who hates prostitutes and then has to investigate one's murder. He's not going to give a vigorous and honest investigation because in his mind, she deserved it or whatever.
There's more than enough of that to go around in this case too. The truth hurts, Denis.
'Night John Boy. 'Night Mary Ellen.
Mike, you didn't even attempt to explain how on Earth McClelland could look down into the hole on Kennedy's skull,
Hmm.....”because he said so” seemed to be good enough for you when you were asked how Brennan knew that the person crouched down behind boxes aiming a rifle was the same person he saw earlier on a windowsill.
Mike, you didn't even attempt to explain how on Earth McClelland could look down into the hole on Kennedy's skull, what McClelland descibes in his testimony under oath is what we see in the authenticated autopsy photos.
Zapruder and the Newman's were interviewed on the same afternoon and they describe a wound on the right side of Kennedy's head, so we can at least establish that when Kennedy was in Dealey Plaza he had a wound on the right side of his head.
Btw the Zapruder film has been authenticated at the granular level and in addition the very next week in LIFE magazine of which they only had a few days to prepare, LIFE printed images from around the most important frames which means that there was no sequences of any significance left to tamper with.
Let's try some FULL Disclosure to the BS: above. BOTH Newman and Sitzman when interviewed by Tink Thompson for his 1967 "Six Seconds In Dallas" Blockbuster, described witnessing JFK being "HIT" in the Right Side of his head = an ENTRANCE Wound. Sitzman pin-pointed this Entrance Wound as being "....Between the Eye and the Ear".
A simple matter of a "Bullet Right Through the Brain".
Arlen Spector thought the President's jacket raised up because Kennedy in the Z-film had his right arm up waving. But the bunch at the nape was present in most, if not all, photos (of sufficient resolution) of the motorcade after it left Love Field. The bunch at the nape wasn't dependent on how high the right arm was.
So if a photo doesn’t show a bunch then it’s not of “sufficient resolution”. How convenient.
Hmm.....”because he said so” seemed to be good enough for you when you were asked how Brennan knew that the person crouched down behind boxes aiming a rifle was the same person he saw earlier on a windowsill.
What has that got to do with the price of fish? Brennan saw the same guy in the same window twice within several minutes, what's so hard to believe about that? Out of the scores of windows in the buildings surrounding Brennan he just happens to pick the one window which has Oswald's prints on the recently moved rifle rest, shells from Oswald's rifle and on the same floor Oswald's rifle is found with Oswald's prints. So it was either Oswald or it was some massive still unproved conspiracy. Btw don't bother a point by point rebutal that only contains unconnected liars because that's just stupid!
Here's what has to be Brennan looking up at Oswald's sniper's nest.
Anyway, getting back on track there is no need to speculate what McClelland could see because we have photos which conclusively show that it was possible for McClelland to look DOWN into Kennedy's head wound.
So if a photo doesn’t show a bunch then it’s not of “sufficient resolution”. How convenient.
The jacket was bunched because Zapruder filmed the bunched jacket.
What has that got to do with the price of fish? Brennan saw the same guy in the same window twice within several minutes, what's so hard to believe about that?
What’s so hard to believe about seeing a hole in the back of somebody’s head?
Out of the scores of windows in the buildings surrounding Brennan he just happens to pick the one window which has Oswald's prints on the recently moved rifle rest
What “recently moved rifle rest”?
, shells from Oswald's rifle
and on the same floor Oswald's rifle
is found with Oswald's prints.
No, some prints were found near the trigger guard that we’re useless for identification purposes, and a partial palm print showed up a week later on an index card.
So it was either Oswald
Or it was not Oswald.
Here's what has to be Brennan looking up at Oswald's sniper's nest.
How long after the assassination was that taken?
Anyway, getting back on track there is no need to speculate what McClelland could see because we have photos which conclusively show that it was possible for McClelland to look DOWN into Kennedy's head wound.
Who cares what is possible?
The jacket was bunched because Zapruder filmed the bunched jacket.
What “bunched jacket”?
What’s so hard to believe about seeing a hole in the back of somebody’s head?
What “recently moved rifle rest”?
No, some prints were found near the trigger guard that we’re useless for identification purposes, and a partial palm print showed up a week later on an index card.
Or it was not Oswald.
Hilarious, I knew you'd take the stupid route and go with the massive still unproven conspiracy where everyone whose name wasn't Oswald lied, nice.
But seriosly Iacoletti, you haven't made one conclusion in the whole time you've been posting, it's a never ending list of paranoid suspicions which goes nowhere, what a waste of time!
What “bunched jacket”?
This bunched jacket. Practically from the moment he sat down in the limo @Love Field
The Wild Bunch
Love Field 11/22/63
This bunched jacket. Practically from the moment he sat down in the limo @Love Field
Go back to sleep, Bill. "Mytton" was talking about the Z film.
Hilarious, I knew you'd take the stupid route and go with the massive still unproven conspiracy where everyone whose name wasn't Oswald lied, nice.
What massive still unproven conspiracy where everyone whose name wasn't Oswald lied? The one you just made up as a false alternative because you can't actually prove that Oswald did it? Nice.
What massive still unproven conspiracy where everyone whose name wasn't Oswald lied? The one you just made up as a false alternative because you can't actually prove that Oswald did it? Nice.
Iacoletti at the Gates of Hell:
'Lee my darling, what are YOU doing here?'
Oswald: 'I shot Kennedy and Tippit'
Oswald: ::)
Iacoletti at the Gates of Hell:
'Lee my darling, what are YOU doing here?'
Oswald: 'I shot Kennedy and Tippit'
Oswald: ::)
Very creative fiction. Not unlike your narrative about the JFK assassination.
Very creative fiction
>>> See my creative non-fiction re the muzzled revolver in the hand of the NotResistingArrestOswald @TT
Not unlike your narrative about the JFK assassination
>>> Oh, you mean the narrative where I say no one here can prove squat?
Speaking of narratives, where's your counter-narrative or are you just going to continue JAQ*ing-off?
*just asking questions
Very creative fiction
>>> See my creative non-fiction re the muzzled revolver in the hand of the NotResistingArrestOswald @TT
That was fiction too — just not as creative.
>>> Oh, you mean the narrative where I say no one here can prove squat?
No, your narrative where you say that Oswald probably killed Kennedy.
Speaking of narratives, where's your counter-narrative or are you just going to continue JAQ*ing-off?
I don’t make up narratives up with no evidence and present them as fact (like your yarn about Oswald trying to shoot a cop in the theater). That’s your domain.
This bunched jacket. Practically from the moment he sat down in the limo @Love Field
The Wild Bunch
Love Field 11/22/63
The problem with the "bunched jacket" Theory is that the custom fitted POTUS dress shirt that JFK was wearing underneath that dress jacket also had a bullet hole that was In-Line with the bullet hole in the jacket. For this to occur, the custom fitted dress shirt which was Anchored at the neck by JFK's Dress Tie would also have to of "bunched" at Exactly the same degree as the jacket allegedly did. BS: