JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Martin Weidmann on February 14, 2025, 09:26:31 PM
Has anybody, who is skeptical about massive manipulation of evidence, ever heard about Operation Mincemeat?
Has anybody, who is skeptical about massive manipulation of evidence, ever heard about Operation Mincemeat?
No, but I've heard of Hunter Biden's laptop.
No, but I've heard of Hunter Biden's laptop.
No need to display your ignorance.
Has anybody, who is skeptical about massive manipulation of evidence, ever heard about Operation Mincemeat?
The scope and size of "Operation Mincemeat" is significantly dwarfed by the gigantic deception proposed by CT enthusiasts! Maybe next time give us a story that is actually equitable with the CT fantasies.
I wasn't familiar with it, but I'm not surprised. History is full of false flag operations.
I wasn't familiar with it, but I'm not surprised. History is full of false flag operations.
Sure, but history is also full of disgruntled Lone Nuts who that think that the solution is a gun.
In fact in your your Nutty country just in 2024 alone, there were more than 488 mass shootings. OMG!
There have been more than 488 mass shootings across the US so far in 2024, according to the Gun Violence Archive, which defines a mass shooting as an incident in which four or more people are injured or killed. Their figures include shootings that happen in homes and in public places.
Also worth noting that as soon as Biden was President and for his entire Presidency, there was a MASSIVE increase in mass shootings, go figure.
I wasn't familiar with it, but I'm not surprised. History is full of false flag operations.
True, but, regardless of what an "Australian" (who keeps posting UK sources) says, this is one of the most famous and important ones.
To decieve Hitler in such a massive way, makes deceiving naive civilians a walk in the park.
True, but, regardless of what the a "Australian" (who keeps posting UK sources) says, this is one of the most famous and important ones.
To decieve Hitler in such a massive way, makes deceiving naive civilians a walk in the park.
this is one of the most famous and important ones.
Hilarious, it was so famous that Iacoletti hadn't even heard of it! Hahahaha!
And I only knew about it because of the recent film, and even then it was a very minor deception and hardly on the huge scale of the alleged CT scale of faking and lying and 60+ years of cover-up.
To decieve Hitler in such a massive way, makes deceiving naive civilians a walk in the park.
Wow, talk about putting a genocidal maniac on a pedestal, do you have a shrine to him to? Because that's just offensive to me since I had many relatives who died and suffered due to that misguided short-sighted megalomaniac with traits of paranoia, but also of anti-social, sadistic, and narcissistic personality disorders.
And to describe the many, many, many experts and scholars who investigated the JFKA at the time and the subsequent years as mere naïve civilians is delusional at best!
It seems to me that somebody needs to do some actual research before spouting of his opinions about a subject he knows nothing about, except for watching a movie.
It seems to me that somebody needs to do some actual research before spouting of his opinions about a subject he knows nothing about, except for watching a movie.
More worthless self serving assumptions, as I do after watching any docudrama, I of course "research" the subject to see how closely the film came to the actual history. And in this case, the film's depiction of these events came pretty close.
As I said, I have a vested interest in WW2 and find many aspects about why and what happened to be very revealing and I hope that mankind can learn from it's prior mistakes, but looking around the World at the present time I'm afraid that greedy Men hungry for power will always be a problem.
A guy who claims to have a vested interest in WW2 hasn't heard of Operation Mincemeat until he watches a movie...... :D
A guy who claims to have a vested interest in WW2 hasn't heard of Operation Mincemeat until he watches a movie...... :D
As the name implies, World War 2, was a massive World wide event with many events spanning the globe and over half a decade in length so this relatively obscure British event flew under my radar because as I previously alluded to, my "vested" interest was more orientated by my families horrific and tragic history.
But if as you say this event was so famous than why wasn't Icoletti even aware? Hahaha!
As the name implies, World War 2, was a massive World wide event with many events spanning the globe and over half a decade in length so this relatively obscure British event flew under my radar because as I previously alluded to, my "vested" interest was more orientated by my families horrific and tragic history.
But if as you say this event was so famous than why wasn't Icoletti even aware? Hahaha!
this relatively obscure British event flew under my radar
This silly comment alone shows just how little knowledge you actually have about World War 2.
this relatively obscure British event flew under my radar
This silly comment alone shows just how little knowledge you actually have about World War 2.
vested interest
/ˌvɛstɪd ˈɪntrɛst/
a personal reason for involvement in an undertaking or situation
vested interest
/ˌvɛstɪd ˈɪntrɛst/
a personal reason for involvement in an undertaking or situation
Still looking for a way out, I see....
Still looking for a way out, I see....
I never said I was an historian.
I said I was interested in the aspects that directly affected me, hence the usage of "vested" interest.
Your famous event was unheard of by Iacoletti.
You've already lost, give up before you embarrass yourself even further.
I never said I was an historian.
I said I was interested in the aspects that directly affected me, hence the usage of "vested" interest.
Your famous event was unheard of by Iacoletti.
You've already lost, give up before you embarrass yourself even further.
John Iacoletti never claimed to have a vested interest in WW2. You did!
And Operation Mincemeat was a well kept secret (as was Bletchley Park) for many years.
Much in the same way that Churchill had Turing's bomb and Flower's colossus destroyed after the war was won, because he did not want Stalin to find out Hitler's codes were cracked.
John Iacoletti never claimed to have a vested interest in WW2. You did!
And Operation Mincemeat was a well kept secret (as was Bletchley Park) for many years.
Much in the same way that Churchill had Turing's bomb and Flower's colossus destroyed after the war was won, because he did not want Stalin to find out Hitler's codes were cracked.
John Iacoletti never claimed to have a vested interest in WW2. You did!
Famous events are usually well known? No?
And Operation Mincemeat was a well kept secret (as was Bletchley Park) for many years.
Much in the same way that Churchill had Turing's bomb and Flower's colossus destroyed after the war was won, because he did not want Stalin to find out Hitler's codes were cracked.
Thanks, your ability to do a google search is second to none!
Operation Mincemeat is also a "fast-paced, hilarious" London and Broadway musical comedy, https://www.broadway.org/shows/operation-mincemeat, so surely "Harvey & Lee: The Musical" is waiting in the wings. I can think of any number of JFKA conspiracy theories that would be perfect for this treatment. I see Cyndi Lauper as Ruth Paine, with a JFKA-oriented version of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." Taylor Swift, of course, is Jackie.
Famous events are usually well known? No?
Thanks, your ability to do a google search is second to none!
Unlike you, I don't need Google to know and understand history.
Unlike you, I don't need Google to know and understand history.
"History" accounts to the grand total of the entire sum of Human actions and knowledge since man first put his memories in cave paintings, and if you know and understand all that, then congratulations!
"History" accounts to the grand total of the entire sum of Human actions and knowledge since man first put his memories in cave paintings, and if you know and understand all that, then congratulations!
Sorry, I don't speak gobbledygook.
I'm just an individual who knows about WW2 because I lost 80% of all my family members in it.
You could say I have a vested interest in it!
I'm just an individual who knows about WW2....
Great, you're a WW2 historian, do you want a medal?
Great, you're a WW2 historian, do you want a medal?
No... I've just shown you up to be a clueless individual. That is enough.
No... I've just shown you up to be a clueless individual. That is enough.
I never denied that I was clueless about the secret operation "Operation Mincemeat"? So what?
But as I said your ability to Google some obscure event is pretty sweet. Nice!
I never denied that I was clueless about the secret operation "Operation Mincemeat"? So what?
But as I said your ability to Google some obscure event is pretty sweet. Nice!
It's only obscure for somebody who claims to have an interest in WW2 but turns out to be be clueless.
It's only obscure for somebody who claims to have an interest in WW2 but turns out to be be clueless.
Your inability to convince anyone of your claim of a tiny "famous" event is noted. But let's get real compared to D-day, Pearl Harbour, the invasion of Poland, the Battle of Midway, Hiroshima, the signing of peace and ETC ETC your "famous" event pales in comparison! LOLOLOLOLOLO!
World War 2 was massive and involved in one way or another vast population of our planet.
Following is a brief summary, and of course you are an expert of each and every occurrence and battle! Give us a break. You have always been such a fraud!
MARCH 1939
Hitler invades Czechoslovakia
Britain rearms and reassures Poland
Russia and Germany sign pact
1 SEPT 1939
Hitler invades Poland
3 SEPT 1939
Britain and France declare war on Germany
SEPT 1939-MAY 1940
“Phoney War”
Hitler invades Denmark and Norway
10 MAY 1940
10 MAY 1940
Chamberlain resigns
26 MAY 1940
Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo)
11 JUNE 1940
Italy enters war on side of Axis powers
22 JUNE 1940
France signs armistice with Germany
10 JULY-31 OCT 1940
Battle of Britain
22 SEPT 1940
Tripartite Pact
British rout Italians in N. Africa
EARLY 1941
Italy and Germany attack Yugoslavia
22 JUNE 1941
Hitler attacks Russia – Operation Barbarossa
7 DEC 1941
Pearl Harbor
8 DEC 1941
Britain and US declare war on Japan
18 APR 1942
Doolittle Raiders Bomb Japan
JUNE 1942
Battle of Midway
AUG 1942
Allies invade N. Africa
23 OCT 1942
Battle of El Alamein
NOV 1942
Battle of Stalingrad/
Allies push into N. Africa
12 MAY 1943
Axis surrenders in N. Africa
JULY 1943
Allies invade Sicily
AUG 1943
Allies take Sicily
3 SEPT 1943
Italy surrenders
NOV 1943
Allies meet at Tehran
JAN 1944
German siege of Leningrad ends
5 June 1944
Rome liberated
6 June 1944
D-Day in Normandy
25 AUG 1944
Paris liberated
8 SEPT 1944
V2 Flying Bombs
16 DEC 1944
Battle of the Bulge Begins
MARCH 1945
Allies cross the Rhine
APRIL 1945
Russians reach Berlin
28 APRIL 1945
Mussolini captured and executed
30 APRIL 1945
Hitler commits suicide
7 MAY 1945
Germany unconditionally surrenders
8 MAY 1945
V.E. day
5 JULY 1945
Churchill loses election
8 July 1945
Russia declares war on Japan
6 AUG 1945
Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima
9 AUG 1945
Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
14 AUG 1945
Japanese surrender
2 Sept 1945
MacArthur accepts Japan’s unconditional surrender
Your inability to convince anyone of your claim of a tiny "famous" event is noted. But let's get real compared to D-day, Pearl Harbour, the invasion of Poland, the Battle of Midway, Hiroshima, the signing of peace and ETC ETC your "famous" event pales in comparison! LOLOLOLOLOLO!
World War 2 was massive and involved in one way or another vast population of our planet.
Following is a brief summary, and of course you are an expert of each and every occurrence and battle! Give us a break. You have always been such a fraud!
MARCH 1939
Hitler invades Czechoslovakia
Britain rearms and reassures Poland
Russia and Germany sign pact
1 SEPT 1939
Hitler invades Poland
3 SEPT 1939
Britain and France declare war on Germany
SEPT 1939-MAY 1940
“Phoney War”
Hitler invades Denmark and Norway
10 MAY 1940
10 MAY 1940
Chamberlain resigns
26 MAY 1940
Dunkirk (Operation Dynamo)
11 JUNE 1940
Italy enters war on side of Axis powers
22 JUNE 1940
France signs armistice with Germany
10 JULY-31 OCT 1940
Battle of Britain
22 SEPT 1940
Tripartite Pact
British rout Italians in N. Africa
EARLY 1941
Italy and Germany attack Yugoslavia
22 JUNE 1941
Hitler attacks Russia – Operation Barbarossa
7 DEC 1941
Pearl Harbor
8 DEC 1941
Britain and US declare war on Japan
18 APR 1942
Doolittle Raiders Bomb Japan
JUNE 1942
Battle of Midway
AUG 1942
Allies invade N. Africa
23 OCT 1942
Battle of El Alamein
NOV 1942
Battle of Stalingrad/
Allies push into N. Africa
12 MAY 1943
Axis surrenders in N. Africa
JULY 1943
Allies invade Sicily
AUG 1943
Allies take Sicily
3 SEPT 1943
Italy surrenders
NOV 1943
Allies meet at Tehran
JAN 1944
German siege of Leningrad ends
5 June 1944
Rome liberated
6 June 1944
D-Day in Normandy
25 AUG 1944
Paris liberated
8 SEPT 1944
V2 Flying Bombs
16 DEC 1944
Battle of the Bulge Begins
MARCH 1945
Allies cross the Rhine
APRIL 1945
Russians reach Berlin
28 APRIL 1945
Mussolini captured and executed
30 APRIL 1945
Hitler commits suicide
7 MAY 1945
Germany unconditionally surrenders
8 MAY 1945
V.E. day
5 JULY 1945
Churchill loses election
8 July 1945
Russia declares war on Japan
6 AUG 1945
Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima
9 AUG 1945
Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
14 AUG 1945
Japanese surrender
2 Sept 1945
MacArthur accepts Japan’s unconditional surrender
That's all superficial basic stuff, easily found on Google.
Care to try again?
Two simple question, you can easily find on Google;
1) Why did Operation Neptune in Normandy take place on 6 june 1944 and not a day earlier?
2) Why did Operation Market Garden fail and where exactly did the allied convoy get stuck?
You've got three minutes... any reply after three minutes have passed confirms that you haven't got a clue and do require Google
Your inability to convince anyone of your claim of a tiny "famous" event is noted.
That "tiny event" caused Hitler to move the bulk of his troops to Greece and allowed the allies to invade Sicily with minimal casualties. You really are clueless, aren't you?
Google must be your best friend
That's all superficial basic stuff, easily found on Google.
Care to try again?
Two simple question, you can easily find on Google;
1) Why did Operation Neptune in Normandy take place on 6 june 1944 and not a day earlier?
2) Why did Operation Market Garden fail and where exactly did the allied convoy get stuck?
You've got three minutes... any reply after three minutes have passed confirms that you haven't got a clue and do require Google
You've got three minutes... any reply after three minutes have passed confirms that you haven't got a clue and do require Google
What a rip-roaringly laughable challenge, you responded more than 20 minutes after my post giving you a ton of time do do a Google search. Try again Dildo!
What a rip-roaringly laughable challenge, you responded more than 20 minutes after my post giving you a ton of time do do a Google search. Try again Dildo!
That's what I thought.
My reply did not require a google search. You just copy/paste some basic information from some website.
If you know about WW2, you know the answer to my questions and don't need 3 minutes.
You, however, desperately need time to google. Give it up, you've already lost!
That "tiny event" caused Hitler to move the bulk of his troops to Greece and allowed the allies to invade Sicily with minimal casualties. You really are clueless, aren't you?
Google must be your best friend
Google must be your best friend
You really suck at this, the first Google link is this Wikipedia entry and your above post is simply a brief summation of the very first sentence! HAHAHAHA!
Operation Mincemeat was a successful British deception operation of the Second World War to disguise the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily. Two members of British intelligence obtained the body of Glyndwr Michael, a tramp who died from eating rat poison, dressed him as an officer of the Royal Marines and placed personal items on him identifying him as the fictitious Captain (Acting Major) William Martin. Correspondence between two British generals that suggested that the Allies planned to invade Greece and Sardinia, with Sicily as merely the target of a feint, was also placed on the body.
You really suck at this, the first Google link is this Wikipedia entry and your above post is simply a brief summation of the very first sentence! HAHAHAHA!
Operation Mincemeat was a successful British deception operation of the Second World War to disguise the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily. Two members of British intelligence obtained the body of Glyndwr Michael, a tramp who died from eating rat poison, dressed him as an officer of the Royal Marines and placed personal items on him identifying him as the fictitious Captain (Acting Major) William Martin. Correspondence between two British generals that suggested that the Allies planned to invade Greece and Sardinia, with Sicily as merely the target of a feint, was also placed on the body.
You really suck at this, the first Google link is this Wikipedia entry and your above post is simply a brief summation of the very first sentence!
Thank you for confirming that you actually had to Google it.
What you don't know is that I contributed to the article on Wikipedia. So, you lose again....
Are you really sure you want to continue with this conversation, or is it your massive ego that doesn't allow you to stop?
Btw, I'm still waiting for the answers to my two questions. Didn't you have enough time to Google them? Want so more.... what about 30 minutes?
You really suck at this, the first Google link is this Wikipedia entry and your above post is simply a brief summation of the very first sentence!
Thank you for confirming that you actually had to Google it.
What you don't know is that I contributed to the article on Wikipedia. So, you lose again....
Are you really sure you want to continue with this conversation, or is it your massive ego that doesn't allow you to stop?
Btw, I'm still waiting for the answers to my two questions. Didn't you have enough time to Google them? Want so more.... what about 30 minutes?
You really suck at this, the first Google link is this Wikipedia entry and your above post is simply a brief summation of the very first sentence!
Thank you for confirming that you actually had to Google it.
Try to keep up, from day one I said I researched this whole event after seeing the movie.
What you don't know is that I contributed to the article on Wikipedia. So, you lose again....
According to the credits for that Wikipedia article, I don't see the name Wiedmann? C'mon Martin, you aren't still telling Porky Pies, are you? -snicker-
Are you really sure you want to continue with this conversation, or is it your massive ego that doesn't allow you to stop?
You're the one jumping through hoops!
Try to keep up, from day one I said I researched this whole event after seeing the movie.
According to the credits for that Wikipedia article, I don't see the name Wiedmann? C'mon Martin, you aren't still telling Porky Pies, are you? -snicker-
You're the one jumping through hoops!
Thank you for this unresponsive reply as well as confirming that you actually were so desperate that you checked credits on the Wikipedia article.
Why would you use a fake name on this forum and assume that everybody else uses their real name all over the internet?
Why would you use a fake name on this forum and assume that everybody else uses their real name all over the internet?
Thanks for admitting that you use an alias all over the internet and yet for some unexplainable reason, you choose to use your "real" name here!!! Go figure??
But at the end of the day, I thought you were so, so proud about your WW2 knowledge? Thumb1:
We have clearance, Clarence.
Roger, Roger.
What's our Vector Victor?
Thanks for admitting that you use an alias all over the internet and yet for some unexplainable reason, you choose to use your "real" name here!!! Go figure??
But at the end of the day, I thought you were so, so proud about your WW2 knowledge? Thumb1:
Thanks for admitting that you use an alias all over the internet
When did I admit that? I actually used my real name on Wikipedia. That you couldn't find it is your problem, not mine.
But at the end of the day, I thought you were so, so proud about your WW2 knowledge?
Why would I be proud about my knowledge about WW2, when I'm talking to an internet troll who obviously hasn't got a clue?
Doesn't your ego allow you to accept that there is something you haven't got a clue about?
Btw, what's that "Roger" BS? Do you think that's my real name, but Martin isn't? Perhaps my real name is John Mytton... who knows!
Thanks for admitting that you use an alias all over the internet
When did I admit that? I actually used my real name on Wikipedia. That you couldn't find it is your problem, not mine.
But at the end of the day, I thought you were so, so proud about your WW2 knowledge?
Why would I be proud about my knowledge about WW2, when I'm talking to an internet troll who obviously hasn't got a clue?
Doesn't your ego allow you to accept that there is something you haven't got a clue about?
Btw, what's that "Roger" BS? Do you think that's my real name, but Martin isn't? Perhaps my real name is John Mytton... who knows!
I actually used my real name on Wikipedia. That you couldn't find it is your problem, not mine.
And since Martin Weidmann doesn't corresponds to any name on the Wikipedia entry then by definition your name here is an alias, Dear Watson!
Which makes the following posts very revealing!?
It came as no surprise to me that he ran, as fast as he could, from the offer, John.
Trolling cowards like to hide behind anonymous aliases and sling insults.
This once and for all proves that Bill and my accusations about your obvious use of an alias was and always will be true. I admitted since day 1 that I use an alias because I always tell the truth, whereas for some reason all this time you have instead been lying.
Why would I be proud about my knowledge about WW2, when I'm talking to an internet troll who obviously hasn't got a clue?
But you just admitted that you did indeed use your REAL name on your Wikipedia entry and have been royally busted that when talking to moi, you have been using an alias! LOL!
Doesn't your ego allow you to accept that there is something you haven't got a clue about?
What Ego? If I cared I wouldn't have admitted in the first place that I researched the subject and have since just repeatedly reinforced this fact because as I said it was a tiny part of WW2 history.
Btw, what's that "Roger" BS? Do you think that's my real name, but Martin isn't?
There's no Roger Collins on the Wiki entry, so no, that's not your name. And you have just admitted that Martin isn't your real name because there is no entry on Wiki that corresponds. So as I predicted a decade ago, you're just a lost soul in desperate need to be accepted so you fabricate all these alternate identities in the vain hope that you can someday be a real boy!
Perhaps my real name is John Mytton... who knows!
You wish!
A lot of people here use their real names. Walt, Rob, Martin, and me. But also DVP, Paul May, Bill Brown. It's just the gutless trolls who don't want to take any responsibility for their actions who hide behind aliases.
Caprio admitted that he used an alias, Martin has been exposed, Walt's gone and who knows who's posting using the name Iacoletti. It's funny in the first place that "Iacoletti" never had a clue but was so compelled to lie, what words can we trust from the confirmed fabricator "Iacoletti"?
Isn't it just amazing that Mytton has been obsessed for years with this alias BS, while all the time hiding behind an alias and likely more than one.
He has been claiming for years that my real name was Roger and not Martin.
Now he has changed his mind and says it isn't either, because he says he can't find either name in the credits of a Wikipedia article which anybody can edit at any time.
That's exactly the worthless level of research one can expect from him. What will be his next bogus claim? :D
Knowing him, he will reply to this with another grandstanding post full of hot air, but as this thread is about Operation Mincemeat and his silly claims are getting very old indeed, I will not reply any further to his nonsense.
Isn't it just amazing that Mytton has been obsessed for years with this alias BS, while all the time hiding behind an alias and likely more than one.
He has been claiming for years that my real name was Roger and not Martin.
Now he has changed his mind and says it isn't either, because he says he can't find either name in the credits of a Wikipedia article which anybody can edit at any time.
That's exactly the worthless level of research one can expect from him. What will be his next bogus claim? :D
Knowing him, he will reply to this with another grandstanding post full of hot air, but as this thread is about Operation Mincemeat and his silly claims are getting very old indeed, I will not reply any further to his nonsense.
Give me a break, you made a claim that you didn't know could be verified and you were once again caught BullSpotty Avocadating. Your obsessive compulsion to lie has led you here, to total embarrassment.
Anyway Martin, I'm willing to forgive you, but please just stick to the truth and let's get on with debating the JFKA. Thumb1:
Give me a break, you made a claim that you didn't know could be verified and you were once again caught BullSpotty Avocadating. Your obsessive compulsion to lie has led you here, to total embarrassment.
Anyway Martin, I'm willing to forgive you, but please just stick to the truth and let's get on with debating the JFKA. Thumb1:
Give me a break, you made a claim that you didn't know could be verified and you were once again caught BullSpotty Avocadating.
What claim that couldn't be verified? Do you really think I didn't know about the credits at Wikipedia?
The real question is; didn't you know there are more than one version of Wikipedia? Perhaps you were simply looking at the wrong one.
What you have forgotten and possibly don't know is that I am multilingual and that English isn't my native language.
If anybody should feel embarrased, it's you for showing just how superficial you are.
Just in case some of you have missed it,
The point of posting about Operation Mincemeat is to show how the British managed to fool Hitler's entire intelligence operation with a few forged documents and a totally false narrative.
Just place a few pieces of evidence, either through manipulation or falsification, at crucial locations (possibly backed up by a cover up) and, bingo!
Only a few people were responsible for that operation, yet on this board we have LNs claiming that a conspiracy to set up Oswald would need to involve thousands of people.
In the knowledge that talking about a possible conspiracy is blasphemy for the LNs, let me be clear; I'm not saying this is what happened in this case, just that it was not impossible.
The LNs will probably freak out about this nevertheless, but there it is! Thumb1:
Caprio admitted that he used an alias, Martin has been exposed, Walt's gone and who knows who's posting using the name Iacoletti. It's funny in the first place that "Iacoletti" never had a clue but was so compelled to lie, what words can we trust from the confirmed fabricator "Iacoletti"?
Your idea of "confirmed" is "Rob said so"? Not surprising when so many of your arguments are "WC said so".
Just because you are too cowardly to use your real name for your childish sniping doesn't mean the rest of us use aliases.