JFK Assassination Forum
JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Jim Brazell on June 14, 2018, 04:36:35 AM
Why is this not Exhibit 1 in any conspiracy debate ? I mean there is CLEARLY a rooftop shooter on the County Records Bldg....I have been able to see it on every Z film sprockets or none except for one or two. Any shooter other than LHO is a conspiracy. There were more bullets flying around in Dealey Plaza than you can shake a stick at....bullet hole in the windshield at Parkland(possibly 2), bullet hole in chrome above rear view mirror,bullet retrieved from grass across from Grassy Knoll (picture of it being picked up) that is not from a Manlicher Carcano, bullet marks on manhole cover,additional bullet not accounted for in National archives labeled "of no evidentiary value", photographic evidence of 2 men in pergola shooting, pictures of part of the curb being removed (not where Tague was standing) etc.,etc.
My goodness..what is TOTALLY not believable is that there was ONE lone nut shooter.I mean it is laughable. LHO's second and third shots were literally on top of each other...a physical impossibility for one shooter.You could give LHO 30 seconds for the 3 shots (there were more than his,way more) but shots 2 & 3 almost simultaneously are IMPOSSIBLE. I don't even look at anything that's theme is LHO lone nut because I know it's a farce and not worth looking at. I mean there are seriously people who seriously believe the pathetic lie that our government told us.
Why is this not Exhibit 1 in any conspiracy debate ? I mean there is CLEARLY a rooftop shooter on the County Records Bldg....I have been able to see it on every Z film sprockets or none except for one or two. Any shooter other than LHO is a conspiracy. There were more bullets flying around in Dealey Plaza than you can shake a stick at....bullet hole in the windshield at Parkland(possibly 2), bullet hole in chrome above rear view mirror,bullet retrieved from grass across from Grassy Knoll (picture of it being picked up) that is not from a Manlicher Carcano, bullet marks on manhole cover,additional bullet not accounted for in National archives labeled "of no evidentiary value", photographic evidence of 2 men in pergola shooting, pictures of part of the curb being removed (not where Tague was standing) etc.,etc.
My goodness..what is TOTALLY not believable is that there was ONE lone nut shooter.I mean it is laughable. LHO's second and third shots were literally on top of each other...a physical impossibility for one shooter.You could give LHO 30 seconds for the 3 shots (there were more than his,way more) but shots 2 & 3 almost simultaneously are IMPOSSIBLE. I don't even look at anything that's theme is LHO lone nut because I know it's a farce and not worth looking at. I mean there are seriously people who seriously believe the pathetic lie that our government told us.
I have been able to see it on every Z film sprockets or none except for one or two.
He's dead Jim, the Zapruder film is fake and you just can't trust it.
He's dead Jim, the Zapruder film is fake and you just can't trust it.
So, you're saying the entire Zapruder film is fake ? I know it was altered but I certainly don't believe the entire film is a fake. However, even if you removed the Rooftop shooter, there is WAAAY more evidence as mentioned that there were more than the 3 shots claimed.
So, you're saying the entire Zapruder film is fake ? I know it was altered but I certainly don't believe the entire film is a fake. However, even if you removed the Rooftop shooter, there is WAAAY more evidence as mentioned that there were more than the 3 shots claimed.
None of these LN guys can get around the scant elapsed time between the alleged 2nd and 3rd shots. They can't do it, because the Carcano couldn't do it.
Hey Jim Very interesting Thank You. Any advice on understanding where I am looking on the Zapruder film to find this I will watch it again The County Records building is on Houston I assume
As to the other point I do remember this story of the curb being removed Even the spot we see as being attributed to the Tague shooting has some odd coloration to it, but you are saying there is a second area of curb If you or others can provide links on some of things you have mentioned it would be appreciated
Why is this not Exhibit 1 in any conspiracy debate ? I mean there is CLEARLY a rooftop shooter on the County Records Bldg....I have been able to see it on every Z film sprockets or none except for one or two. Any shooter other than LHO is a conspiracy. There were more bullets flying around in Dealey Plaza than you can shake a stick at....bullet hole in the windshield at Parkland(possibly 2), bullet hole in chrome above rear view mirror,bullet retrieved from grass across from Grassy Knoll (picture of it being picked up) that is not from a Manlicher Carcano, bullet marks on manhole cover,additional bullet not accounted for in National archives labeled "of no evidentiary value", photographic evidence of 2 men in pergola shooting, pictures of part of the curb being removed (not where Tague was standing) etc.,etc.
My goodness..what is TOTALLY not believable is that there was ONE lone nut shooter.I mean it is laughable. LHO's second and third shots were literally on top of each other...a physical impossibility for one shooter.You could give LHO 30 seconds for the 3 shots (there were more than his,way more) but shots 2 & 3 almost simultaneously are IMPOSSIBLE. I don't even look at anything that's theme is LHO lone nut because I know it's a farce and not worth looking at. I mean there are seriously people who seriously believe the pathetic lie that our government told us.
You are right about LHO/farce. The whole scene had to have more than one "lucky assassin" and so it was an inside job - well planned. LHO was involved as I assume CIA paid for all his trips - he just didn't realize that he was being set up by his handlers for the framing. It kind of reminds of that movie a few years ago called "The Shooter"!
2 shots half a second apart is possible but not with a Carcano! The man that rolls into the grass besides Altgens is the mystery man I really want to know. The 2 glass sprays at Z322 and Z329 complete with glass shatter and reflection should point to him!
A man jumps directly in front of the car, lines himself up with the president and fires 2 bullets 1/2 a second apart from his revolver. You don't even half to move gun side to side. Policeman style one hand under the other to steady, just control the vertical pitch of the weapon! Half a second to regain control between shots from an expert. He then rolls into the grass and somehow 25 years later becomes a Malcom Summers!
Directly in front of car, the pistol does not have to "follow" the target, it only requires vertical adjustment and steady hands. First one hit low and the second bullet took a part his skull. The "neck wounded" Kennedy saw it coming. In a defensive move, he moved back in his seat and raised his arm in a feeble attempt to block. That was not a reaction to a shot coming from the rear with his head moving back and arm lifting up. I am confident he saw his killer. It was NOT an involuntary muscle reaction from Z313!
The first shot in the neck was another close shot from the umbrella man. I think there are too many rabbit trails/mistruths made to deflect the truth from the role the Cuban and he played at the scene. He was standing in front of the sign as clearly seen in the Zapruder film. ALL other photos from the other side, never show the Cuban waving his hand wildly at the President and show an elevated sign and an umbrella open to the rear of the sign. Zapruder would have caught the whole umbrella in his frames, but he didn't - it was partial because the other side was at the front of the sign! The umbrella man was pretty much curbside and next to President!
Zapruder film is real but doctored. Here is my reasoning. The Altgens photo showing a LHO standing in the doorway in the background also matches more than coincidentally to the Zapruder frame at that instant from the other perspective. You can see where Jacqueline puts her hand up as captured from both cameras. That is not fake. However, Altgens picture was snapped about 1.5 seconds after the neck shot took place, not coincidentally as he said in his testimony. Maybe a distraction firecracker or another shot?
Hey Jim Very interesting Thank You. Any advice on understanding where I am looking on the Zapruder film to find this I will watch it again The County Records building is on Houston I assume
As to the other point I do remember this story of the curb being removed Even the spot we see as being attributed to the Tague shooting has some odd coloration to it, but you are saying there is a second area of curb If you or others can provide links on some of things you have mentioned it would be appreciated
I'll say it's interesting! The Z film doesn't show the top of any of the buildings around to Dealey Plaza. I'm not sure you even see as high as the top of the triple overpass.
Maybe Jim is thinking of another film, like Hughes'?
None of these LN guys can get around the scant elapsed time between the alleged 2nd and 3rd shots. They can't do it, because the Carcano couldn't do it.
Yes, we have witnesses that say blam and then, blam blam, close together. I wonder if the dictabelt recorded these? I know the dictabelt has been ruled faulty but I don't know about this part.
Yes, we have witnesses that say blam and then, blam blam, close together. I wonder if the dictabelt recorded these? I know the dictabelt has been ruled faulty but I don't know about this part.
We also have witnesses who said the shots sounded evenly spaced together. Or that, as Kenneth O'Donnell did, the first two sounded closer together than the last two.
Here's O'Donnell's WC testimony on it:
Mr. SPECTER. And was there any distinguishable tempo to the [three] shots?
Mr. O'DONNELL. Yes; the first two came almost simultaneously, came one right after the other, there was a slight hesitation, then the third one.
And the Z film indicates, to me, the last shots at Z-223 and another at Z-313. That's 90 frames or five seconds. So the last two shots - if we're "reading" the Z film accurately - indicates that last two shots were not closely spaced together. They were a full five seconds apart.
So which witnesses should we rely on?
Re the dictabelt: In my view, experts have shown that the dictabelt recorded sounds a full minute after the assassination and the sounds came from a motorcycle with a stuck microphone that was nowhere near Dealey Plaza. If the motorcyle was in Dealey Plaza, for example, why don't we hear any crowd noises? According to the witnesses who were there the people were applauding and yelling as JFK passed by. But we seemingly don't hear any crowd noises on the dictabelt? Why not?
Yes, we have witnesses that say blam and then, blam blam, close together. I wonder if the dictabelt recorded these? I know the dictabelt has been ruled faulty but I don't know about this part.
Regarding the extremely short time spacing between alleged shots #2 and #3, it is Not just "witnesses" that recall this. A Majority of "witnesses" have claimed this time spacing. Even Witt/Umbrella Man testified to the Bam/Bam at his HSCA appearance. This time frame being Impossible for the Carcano to achieve, plus the laughable Single Bullet Theory = the numerous awkward positions that the LN Crowd has been forced to embrace. This "any port in a storm" mentality would also apply to LN's being Forced to challenge the many Parkland Hospital Dr's and Nurses who witnessed an avulsive Hole in the Back of JFK's head.
Regarding the extremely short time spacing between alleged shots #2 and #3, it is Not just "witnesses" that recall this.
Uhhh...what? ???
Sorry Matt and others for not replying sooner. Yes, Z film DOES show Records Bldg. shooter. Look at Leroy Blevins photo evidence here....shooter thought to be harry Weatherford. Regardless, there is a shooter there. Look at 4:30 mark first link...Blevins is doing a documentary...just went to Dallas recently and gives really good perspective on 2 gunmen in Shelter #(link 2). Should check him out...I'm not connected to him in any way but he has some good stuff.Hope these links work...I realize they should be in Video section but just to help Matt and others.
Sorry Matt and others for not replying sooner. Yes, Z film DOES show Records Bldg. shooter. Look at Leroy Blevins photo evidence here....shooter thought to be harry Weatherford. Regardless, there is a shooter there. Look at 4:30 mark first link...Blevins is doing a documentary...just went to Dallas recently and gives really good perspective on 2 gunmen in Shelter #(link 2). Should check him out...I'm not connected to him in any way but he has some good stuff.Hope these links work...I realize they should be in Video section but just to help Matt and others.
"3 seconds after the first shot' LOL
"3 seconds after the first shot' LOL
Don't be so quick to jump ! Notice he said "SUPPOSEDLY shot 3 seconds after the first shot"....you realize the photo was SUPPOSEDLY shot as limo was turning onto Elm from Houston ? I believe from the same film that showed the sniper's nest ...believe that's the case. For further edification,the 2nd video shows the 2 shooters in Shelter #3...Morman photo, Bell & Nix used. Windshield had bullet hole in it as well...there are pictures, as well as 2 bullets on the man hole cover...still there today...a pistol bullet recovered in the grass (Buddy Walthers), etc., etc. There were more bullets flying around than an Untouchables episode.
Don't be so quick to jump ! Notice he said "SUPPOSEDLY shot 3 seconds after the first shot"....you realize the photo was SUPPOSEDLY shot as limo was turning onto Elm from Houston ? I believe from the same film that showed the sniper's nest ...believe that's the case. For further edification,the 2nd video shows the 2 shooters in Shelter #3...Morman photo, Bell & Nix used. Windshield had bullet hole in it as well...there are pictures, as well as 2 bullets on the man hole cover...still there today...a pistol bullet recovered in the grass (Buddy Walthers), etc., etc. There were more bullets flying around than an Untouchables episode.
Blevins is claiming the alleged image of a shooter is a "reflection" that was picked up by Zapruder's camera lens. Just what was this alleged image of a shooter Reflecting off of ? The windshield of a DPD motorcycle, the JFK Limo windshield, the JFK Limo's wax job, etc ? The likeness between Blevin's Zapruder Film "image" and the Dal Tex Bld rooftop corner is eerily similar.
The video fails to show an un-distorted Records Building.
Being from Dallas..to my recollection...there is not ..nor was there ever, a lamp post [even a single one] on top of the Records Bldg.
That image was not noticed until copies were processed using the full sprocket side representation.
The video fails to show an un-distorted Records Building.
Being from Dallas..to my recollection...there is not ..nor was there ever, a lamp post [even a single one] on top of the Records Bldg.
That image was not noticed until copies were processed using the full sprocket side representation.
Even if Blevins is wrong when he describes it as a "lamp post", what is that curved article on the top of the Records Bld in the Blevins footage?
Even if Blevins is wrong when he describes it as a "lamp post", what is that curved article on the top of the Records Bld in the Blevins footage?
I have been digging around for more pictures of the area.
There [in my recollection] was a large curved streetlight across the street at the intersection where the motorcade turned onto Elm St.
BTW I believe there were indeed some rooftop snipers.
OK... it is a traffic light w/street sign.
Perhaps that was the reflection on the film.
The trees have grown quite a bit in the last 55 years.
The shadowy image may just be a phantom glitch....weird.
I have been digging around for more pictures of the area.
There [in my recollection] was a large curved streetlight across the street at the intersection where the motorcade turned onto Elm St.
BTW I believe there were indeed some rooftop snipers.
Here is a 1955 Records Bldg. vs. 2020 comparison with lamp posts clearly visible on roof.
I think that Blevins is showing the wrong building or the wrong end of the records building..it's all really fuzzy... but I found it.
Go to Google maps and look up 498 Elm St Dallas Texas and it will take you to the point at Dealey Plaza where you can clearly pan up to the roof of the Records Bldg and then zoom in.
The light posts are there at all the corners but we wanted one that bends to the right over the possible shooters head. You will find it by panning to the right along the west side of the roof [that would be to the southwest corner] this is between the Records Bldg and the Old County Jail.
There it is...a rooftop lamp post identical in every way to that shadow.
I wonder why they put lights up there?
OK sorry...you must go to street view and then move up toward Houston a few feet until you can see the roof.
I think that Blevins is showing the wrong building or the wrong end of the records building..it's all really fuzzy... but I found it.
Go to Google maps and look up 498 Elm St Dallas Texas and it will take you to the point at Dealey Plaza where you can clearly pan up to the roof of the Records Bldg and then zoom in.
The light posts are there at all the corners but we wanted one that bends to the right over the possible shooters head. You will find it by panning to the right along the west side of the roof [that would be to the southwest corner] this is between the Records Bldg and the Old County Jail.
There it is...a rooftop lamp post identical in every way to that shadow.
I wonder why they put lights up there?
Am looking at something that says Dallas County Records Bldg. located at 501 Main Street and Dallas County Records Bldg. Annex at 500 Elm St. (Criminal Courts Bldg at 500 Main St.). FWIW, I have seen film some time back with a quick pan of the SOUTHEAST corner of this same building showing 2 people on the roof (spotter and shooter supposedly which was supposed to be how the teams were set up). I do see what you're saying .....I do know that Zapruder reportedly had to "flip" the film and is supposed to be why the film doesn't show the turn from Houston onto Elm. Maybe a camera buff could enlighten us. I'll see if I'm able to find what you are looking for.
We also have witnesses who said the shots sounded evenly spaced together. Or that, as Kenneth O'Donnell did, the first two sounded closer together than the last two.
Here's O'Donnell's WC testimony on it:
Mr. SPECTER. And was there any distinguishable tempo to the [three] shots?
Mr. O'DONNELL. Yes; the first two came almost simultaneously, came one right after the other, there was a slight hesitation, then the third one.
And the Z film indicates, to me, the last shots at Z-223 and another at Z-313. That's 90 frames or five seconds. So the last two shots - if we're "reading" the Z film accurately - indicates that last two shots were not closely spaced together. They were a full five seconds apart.
So which witnesses should we rely on?
Re the dictabelt: In my view, experts have shown that the dictabelt recorded sounds a full minute after the assassination and the sounds came from a motorcycle with a stuck microphone that was nowhere near Dealey Plaza. If the motorcyle was in Dealey Plaza, for example, why don't we hear any crowd noises? According to the witnesses who were there the people were applauding and yelling as JFK passed by. But we seemingly don't hear any crowd noises on the dictabelt? Why not?
Are we talking about this Kenny O'Donnell ?
?I told the FBI what I had heard [two shots from behind the grassy knoll fence], but they said it couldn?t have happened that way and that I must have been imagining things. So I testified the way they wanted me to. I just didn?t want to stir up any more pain and trouble for the family.?
? Kennedy aide Kenneth O?Donnell, quoted by House Speaker Thomas P. ?Tip? O?Neill Jr. in ?Man of the House,? p. 178. O?Donnell was riding in the Secret Service follow-up car with Dave Powers, who was present and told O?Neill he had the same recollection.
We probably shouldn't go with this one...who else you got ?
Here is a 1955 Records Bldg. vs. 2020 comparison with lamp posts clearly visible on roof.
I had a chance to glance at those pictures and there is just simply not a 1955 view there. A BS page..
The cars and buildings are all 21st century.
Here is another look at that image in the sprocket area slow motion and it simply remains static and stationary. Everything that Blevins guy did ....I think he just photo shopped it.
This is a 1963 photo of Dealey Plaza...no light posts.
Jerry, there appears to be light post on the North side of Elm St directly behind the white saloon which is below the "T" in the HERTZ sign.
(https://s19.postimg.cc/uvkwzpwkz/dealey2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/gp564hlpr/)
The image of the shooter and two lampposts in the sprocket area are said to be from a reflection within the camera or on the front around the lens. Sounds far fetched but there is a another problem. The image is present in the early part of the film as well as in some frames past frame 400. This means the image stayed there while Zapruder panned more than 120 degrees. If you consider the range of angles of reflection needed there is no way to explain seeing the same reflection after panning so far.
I had a chance to glance at those pictures and there is just simply not a 1955 view there. A BS page..
The cars and buildings are all 21st century.
Here is another look at that image in the sprocket area slow motion and it simply remains static and stationary. Everything that Blevins guy did ....I think he just photo shopped it.
The "Image Of An Assassination" DVD provides a between the sprocket holes option when viewing the entire Current Zapruder Film. That "Image" is present between the sprocket holes on this DVD. Blevins did Not photo shop that image.
Jerry, there appears to be light post on the North side of Elm St directly behind the white saloon which is below the "T" in the HERTZ sign.
Yeah...I pointed that one out back on page 2.
We know that isn't the reflection and there was no shooter by it anyway.
Posted by: Royell Storing
? on: Today at 04:54:27 PM ?
Blevins did Not photo shop that image.
No the image is not photo shopped but at 5:00 in his film the image 'turns and fires' and who sees this in the actual slow motion version?
It's a photo shopped fraud.......
And so is the guy in the window ...photo trickery!!
Also, that someone can see a car from the 6th floor at that angle? Laughable.
Sorry Matt and others for not replying sooner. Yes, Z film DOES show Records Bldg. shooter. Look at Leroy Blevins photo evidence here....shooter thought to be harry Weatherford. Regardless, there is a shooter there. Look at 4:30 mark first link...Blevins is doing a documentary...just went to Dallas recently and gives really good perspective on 2 gunmen in Shelter #(link 2). Should check him out...I'm not connected to him in any way but he has some good stuff.Hope these links work...I realize they should be in Video section but just to help Matt and others.
This guy is a fraud. No offense to you but he's full of crap. Do some research on Mr. Blevins. Look into his research on Bigfoot, the garden of Eden and Noah's Ark. My opinion he's just looking for a quick payday. Nothing he does should be taken seriously. I 100% believe in a conspiracy involving our government but all this guy is doing is muddying the waters.
This guy is a fraud. No offense to you but he's full of crap. Do some research on Mr. Blevins. Look into his research on Bigfoot, the garden of Eden and Noah's Ark. My opinion he's just looking for a quick payday. Nothing he does should be taken seriously. I 100% believe in a conspiracy involving our government but all this guy is doing is muddying the waters.
I would agree he disperses a lot of JFK Assassination information that is incorrect. That said, I am waiting for someone to inform us what we are seeing between the sprocket holes of the Current Zapruder Film. Also, based on images, there was an arcing object located near the rooftop corner of the Records Bld.
I would agree he disperses a lot of JFK Assassination information that is incorrect. That said, I am waiting for someone to inform us what we are seeing between the sprocket holes of the Current Zapruder Film. Also, based on images, there was an arcing object located near the rooftop corner of the Records Bld.
I wouldn't be surprised if he fabricated some of the stuff honestly. Not saying he did but the guy seems hard up for money. I personally won't trust any of his work until it can be independently verified. How many experts have looked at these pictures and videos for years and didnt see any of the stuff he did? Not saying stuff hasn't been missed before cause it has but I honestly think he's a fraud. From doing a little research on him he's not believable.
I wouldn't be surprised if he fabricated some of the stuff honestly. Not saying he did but the guy seems hard up for money. I personally won't trust any of his work until it can be independently verified. How many experts have looked at these pictures and videos for years and didnt see any of the stuff he did? Not saying stuff hasn't been missed before cause it has but I honestly think he's a fraud. From doing a little research on him he's not believable.
You agree the image we are seeing between the sprocket holes was Not added to the Z Film after the assassination. Then what are we seeing? There is nothing remotely close to this on the Bell Film. The images between the sprocket holes on the Bell Film are 11/22/63 Reality. If what we are seeing between the sprocket holes on the Current Zapruder Film are Not showing us reality inside Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63, what does this possibly say about other images reproduced on that same film?
You agree the image we are seeing between the sprocket holes was Not added to the Z Film after the assassination. Then what are we seeing? There is nothing remotely close to this on the Bell Film. The images between the sprocket holes on the Bell Film are 11/22/63 Reality. If what we are seeing between the sprocket holes on the Current Zapruder Film are Not showing us reality inside Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63, what does this possibly say about other images reproduced on that same film?
I'm not sure what it is to be honest . I just don't believe anything he puts out. I'd like to see his work independently verified.
This video here shows the image of the supposed shooter pretty clear and he doesn't seem to move at all. I don't see the shooter moving to fire or a muzzle flash. Same position all the way to the underpass when the video cuts off
This video here shows the image of the supposed shooter pretty clear and he doesn't seem to move at all. I don't see the shooter moving to fire or a muzzle flash.
If you think the image between the sprocket holes is contrived, and the image was visible on the Z Film long Before Blevins got involved in the JFK Assassination, what does this tell you about the bona fides of the Z Film?
I think there was alot of work done to the z film before it was shown by Geraldo and I believe Richard DellaRosa about him seeing an unedited version of the film.
Yeah...I pointed that one out back on page 2.
We know that isn't the reflection and there was no shooter by it anyway.
Posted by: Royell Storing
? on: Today at 04:54:27 PM ? No the image is not photo shopped but at 5:00 in his film the image 'turns and fires' and who sees this in the actual slow motion version?
It's a photo shopped fraud.......
And so is the guy in the window ...photo trickery!!
Also, that someone can see a car from the 6th floor at that angle? Laughable.
I agree with you 100%. Ive watched the z film close to 100 times today and I cannot see the man move into position and fire one bit.
I agree with you 100%. Ive watched the z film close to 100 times today and I cannot see the man move into position and fire one bit.
Blevins' "rifleman" is in the same spot in each frame on most frames in the Z film. And it doesn't change. It's an artifact caused by a piece of gunk in Zapruder's camera.
Blevins' "rifleman" is in the same spot in each frame on most frames in the Z film. And it doesn't change. It's an artifact caused by a piece of gunk in Zapruder's camera.
I might go as far as to say maybe someone was watching from the roof, MAYBE a lookout. But I'm leaning more towards your explanation. Whatever it is it's not a shooter.
You would not expect reflected images in the Z film to be present in the Bell because they were looking in very different directions. If you did see the same reflected image in both that would be possible evidence of fakery.
You would not expect reflected images in the Z film to be present in the Bell because they were looking in very different directions. If you did see the same reflected image in both that would be possible evidence of fakery.
I continue to hear Blevins and people on this Forum referring to that Image being a REFLECTED IMAGE. REFLECTED off of what?
Blevins' "rifleman" is in the same spot in each frame on most frames in the Z film. And it doesn't change. It's an artifact caused by a piece of gunk in Zapruder's camera.
If You are going to proffer that there was a "piece of GUNK in Zapruder's camera" which produced this Image between the sprocket holes, You are essentially discrediting the Entire Zapruder Film. If the camera is unreliable due to "Gunk" in the camera, then the Images it produces are also Unreliable.
If You are going to proffer that there was a "piece of GUNK in Zapruder's camera" which produced this Image between the sprocket holes, You are essentially discrediting the Entire Zapruder Film. If the camera is unreliable due to "Gunk" in the camera, then the Images it produces are also Unreliable.
Do you really believe that, or can you not think of anything else to say? That image is in the same spot in every frame from the beginning of the film until the end. That is, from before the limousine first appears until after the limousine disappears underneath the triple overpass. How you or Blevins can think that it would be the reflection of something outside of the camera is simply beyond me.
I thought he was talking about something reflective on the housing around the lens on the outside and front of the camera.
Do you really believe that, or can you not think of anything else to say? That image is in the same spot in every frame from the beginning of the film until the end. That is, from before the limousine first appears until after the limousine disappears underneath the triple overpass. How you or Blevins can think that it would be the reflection of something outside of the camera is simply beyond me.
YOU have claimed that "GUNK in the camera" is responsible for that Image. If this is true, All images produced by that camera become questionable. This renders the images on the Current Zapruder Film unreliable.
This renders the images on the Current Zapruder Film unreliable.
That film was altered [for the public]
Some of it was deleted.
The back of Kennedy's head was blacked out starting with Z317...
Frame 220 of " The Zapruder film - New improved digitized version (2013)" by Mr.Chrillemanen - you tube
0:11 / 0:26 " The Zapruder film- full length, full width , Good quality " by otingocni06 2-52011- you tube
3:39/8:05 "Zapruder film Frame by Frame ( High Quality )" ertGaming 12-29-2011 you tube
All 3 of these films shows the figure from the reflection off of Zapruders camera , BUT there are other zapruder films where the sprockets are not shown and the film goes forward past the figure in question and it seemed pretty odd for that same area to not be shown . The figure in question makes this film take on a new meaning. I always stayed fixated on jfk and Connally as did 99.9% of the crowd that day in Dallas.
I actually believe the Zapruder film is exonerated by that watermark which is present in the cogs of the entire film. Not only is that consistent, but you can find the matching frame which would match the Altgens frame at the same instant. Each one was taken from 2 different cameras and match each other. If I could not match this with another film, I would have to question its authenticity and credibility. There is also another film which also is consistent in comparison to the Zapruder film when looking at what I call the bi-afro girl when she changes direction at z-322 - there is much synergy between the films.
Now I am not saying that animators did not enhance or modify frames but the basics of the original film are consistent with other photos and films. It does not mean that the frames themselves were not doctored in order to prove that shots came from the TSBD building. It seems that the film was a necessary item of evidence in the frame job of LHO as just certain frames were used and nothing was released to the public until many years later. They relied on frames Z-313/14 to prove a shot that came from behind! If you remove those 2 frames from the Zapruder film, you see an entirely different picture.
It also was very convenient that a neck shot came in from behind the sign which could not be recorded by Zapruder. Very coincidental that his position hid that and that he was given his 33rd degree Masonhood shortly after his filming! The WC was also full of high order Masons - pure coincidence we must assume!
YOU have claimed that "GUNK in the camera" is responsible for that Image. If this is true, All images produced by that camera become questionable. This renders the images on the Current Zapruder Film unreliable.
The image I'm talking about is the "rifleman reflection" Blevins claims to see in the intersprocket area. It takes up a very small amount of real estate per frame. An anomaly that small doesn't effect the overall image, or its credibility.
This guy is a fraud. No offense to you but he's full of crap. Do some research on Mr. Blevins. Look into his research on Bigfoot, the garden of Eden and Noah's Ark. My opinion he's just looking for a quick payday. Nothing he does should be taken seriously. I 100% believe in a conspiracy involving our government but all this guy is doing is muddying the waters.
Thanks John A lot of it very interesting The guy on the second floor of county records along with the other corroborating flash from that location from a different film makes the evidence of a shot almost incontrovertible It seems however that this hot would have come much earlier than the first reports of gunfire or do I have that wrong Excellent stuff and it is difficult to understand why it does not get more play Thanks for posting it
I actually believe the Zapruder film is exonerated by that watermark which is present in the cogs of the entire film. Not only is that consistent, but you can find the matching frame which would match the Altgens frame at the same instant. Each one was taken from 2 different cameras and match each other. If I could not match this with another film, I would have to question its authenticity and credibility. There is also another film which also is consistent in comparison to the Zapruder film when looking at what I call the bi-afro girl when she changes direction at z-322 - there is much synergy between the films.
Now I am not saying that animators did not enhance or modify frames but the basics of the original film are consistent with other photos and films. It does not mean that the frames themselves were not doctored in order to prove that shots came from the TSBD building. It seems that the film was a necessary item of evidence in the frame job of LHO as just certain frames were used and nothing was released to the public until many years later. They relied on frames Z-313/14 to prove a shot that came from behind! If you remove those 2 frames from the Zapruder film, you see an entirely different picture.
It also was very convenient that a neck shot came in from behind the sign which could not be recorded by Zapruder. Very coincidental that his position hid that and that he was given his 33rd degree Masonhood shortly after his filming! The WC was also full of high order Masons - pure coincidence we must assume!
They cleverly removed the Black Dog Man Nook from the bottom of the Z Film. That is Not hard to do as Groden did likewise with his copy of the Bell Film. For whatever reason Groden removed The Cuban and The Umbrella Man sitting on the retaining wall from the bottom of his copy of the Bell Film/DVD.
The Blackest Hole in the Z Film, (and there are many), is the Start-Stop-GAP at the beginning of the film. This missing footage would have given us a view of the Records Bld and the Dal Tex Bld as the JFK Limo turned onto Elm St. This is why after initially buying Limited Print rights from Zapruder, Life came back the following day and bought every scrap of film he had. They knew based on what the film revealed, the taking of a meat clever to it would be mandatory. After finishing with their lobotomy on the film, they then Immediately put it under lock-n-key for the next 12 years.
The Blackest Hole in the Z Film, (and there are many), is the Start-Stop-GAP at the beginning of the film. This missing footage would have given us a view of the Records Bld and the Dal Tex Bld as the JFK Limo turned onto Elm St.
As far as you know, no official quotes exist where Zapruder, or his Daughter, said they never stopped filming?
The image I'm talking about is the "rifleman reflection" Blevins claims to see in the intersprocket area. It takes up a very small amount of real estate per frame. An anomaly that small doesn't effect the overall image, or its credibility.
You say, "it takes up a very Small amount of real estate per frame". How much real estate does that Black Patch/"GUNK" on the back of JFK's head consume? If you are admitting that Zapruder's camera has a Consistent "anomaly" created by "GUNK" in his camera, then this anomaly can also have occurred elsewhere on his film. Nice work.
Thanks John A lot of it very interesting The guy on the second floor of county records along with the other corroborating flash from that location from a different film makes the evidence of a shot almost incontrovertible It seems however that this hot would have come much earlier than the first reports of gunfire or do I have that wrong Excellent stuff and it is difficult to understand why it does not get more play Thanks for posting it
I didn't post it. Just quoted the OP
You say, "it takes up a very Small amount of real estate per frame". How much real estate does that Black Patch/"GUNK" on the back of JFK's head consume? If you are admitting that Zapruder's camera has a Consistent "anomaly" created by "GUNK" in his camera, then this anomaly can also have occurred elsewhere on his film. Nice work.
Gary Mack and Josiah Thompson have said that the "black patch" is caused by contrast buildup as copies are made of successive generations. In a way, it's expected. The image repeatedly caused by gunk in the intersprocket area is also expected to be there, in its own way. Neither proves or disproves the authenticity of the film. Only the foolish see it differently.
Blevin's refers to the government shelter building for two of his images Is this south and adjacent to the TSBD?
This guy is a fraud. No offense to you but he's full of crap. Do some research on Mr. Blevins. Look into his research on Bigfoot, the garden of Eden and Noah's Ark. My opinion he's just looking for a quick payday. Nothing he does should be taken seriously. I 100% believe in a conspiracy involving our government but all this guy is doing is muddying the waters.
No offense taken. I have not by any stretch of the imagination said that Mr. Blevins is correct on all he puts forth. I don't know him or anything about him much...do know he dabbles in several other things as mentioned. If he's looking for a quick payday, he's failing BADLY. Seems pretty hand to mouth to me. HOWEVER, a picture is worth a thousand words....the shooter is there above the sprocket holes. Also can see it in 98% of non sprocket hole Zfilm. When he takes DOCUMENTED sources such as Zapruder,Bell,Nix,Willis,Hughes etc and uses these sources, I take notice of his findings.
The Moorman polaroid is well know as well and the pictures of the gunmen in Shelter #3 I can see pretty easily...especially the gunman directly behind Zapruder & Sitzman. To me, I seriously believe Zfilm has missing frames (Dino Bigioni) Also, Sitzman said that Zapruder started filming AS the limo was making the turn onto Elm from Houston. Lynda Willis says that when their family viewed her dad's film before given to FBI & it showed a train going over the tracks that is not in the film that was returned to them. What was there ? Something the FBI didn't want seen. Do I believe the entire film is invalid ? Uh no, only removed what was incriminating and did a poor job of that by and large. The Hughes film is well known and takes some serious looking to see the muzzle flash but it's there. This would be just after turning from Houston onto Elm. I don't base my conclusions on Mr. Blevins alone....I have researched for many,many years as is the case with many here obviously.
No offense taken. I have not by any stretch of the imagination said that Mr. Blevins is correct on all he puts forth. I don't know him or anything about him much...do know he dabbles in several other things as mentioned. If he's looking for a quick payday, he's failing BADLY. Seems pretty hand to mouth to me. HOWEVER, a picture is worth a thousand words....the shooter is there above the sprocket holes. Also can see it in 98% of non sprocket hole Zfilm. When he takes DOCUMENTED sources such as Zapruder,Bell,Nix,Willis,Hughes etc and uses these sources, I take notice of his findings.
The Moorman polaroid is well know as well and the pictures of the gunmen in Shelter #3 I can see pretty easily...especially the gunman directly behind Zapruder & Sitzman. To me, I seriously believe Zfilm has missing frames (Dino Bigioni) Also, Sitzman said that Zapruder started filming AS the limo was making the turn onto Elm from Houston. Lynda Willis says that when their family viewed her dad's film before given to FBI & it showed a train going over the tracks that is not in the film that was returned to them. What was there ? Something the FBI didn't want seen. Do I believe the entire film is invalid ? Uh no, only removed what was incriminating and did a poor job of that by and large. The Hughes film is well known and takes some serious looking to see the muzzle flash but it's there. This would be just after turning from Houston onto Elm. I don't base my conclusions on Mr. Blevins alone....I have researched for many,many years as is the case with many here obviously.
Are you actually able to see the shooter moving and firing on other versions of the z film? I haven't seen anything close to it except on his videos.
As far as you know, no official quotes exist where Zapruder, or his Daughter, said they never stopped filming?
I have never seen any Zapruder Testimony as to his admitting to Stopping his filming. Zapruder was very careful with his testimony/verbiage due to the $150,000 he was receiving over 6 installments/6 years from Time for his film. In addition, Zapruder was very careful Not to make his receiving $150,000 public knowledge. In 1963 the median yearly income in America was Only $4,000+. I do Not know what the daughter is or is not claiming. I have Zero interest in hearsay.
Blevins says it was Weatherford in the 6th floor window but in this pic he has Oswald in the window. This guy is pretty good with photoshop.
I have never seen any Zapruder Testimony as to his admitting to Stopping his filming. Zapruder was very careful with his testimony/verbiage due to the $150,000 he was receiving over 6 installments/6 years from Time for his film. In addition, Zapruder was very careful Not to make his receiving $150,000 public knowledge. In 1963 the median yearly income in America was Only $4,000+. I do Not know what the daughter is or is not claiming. I have Zero interest in hearsay.
Zapruder to the W.C.
Mr. ZAPRUDER - That's correct. I started shooting--when the motorcade started coming in, I believe I started and wanted to get it coming in from Houston Street."
If he wanted to get the motorcade coming in from Houston Street, why would he stop filming?
Zapruder to the W.C.
Mr. ZAPRUDER - That's correct. I started shooting--when the motorcade started coming in, I believe I started and wanted to get it coming in from Houston Street."
If he wanted to get the motorcade coming in from Houston Street, why would he stop filming?
Agree 100%. When Sitzman was interviewed by Tink Thompson 3 years after the assassination, she told him THEY could see the JFK Limo turning onto Houston, and then traveling down Houston. THEY Knew where the JFK Limo was at ALL times as it approached and turned onto Elm. Zapruder filmed those 3 motorcycle cops at the beginning of his film because he Knew the JFK Limo was directly behind them.
Zapruder to the W.C.
Mr. ZAPRUDER - That's correct. I started shooting--when the motorcade started coming in, I believe I started and wanted to get it coming in from Houston Street."
If he wanted to get the motorcade coming in from Houston Street, why would he stop filming?
Ray this subject comes up from Mitch Todd's challenge to me a month or so in regard to a statement that I had made quoting Zapruder as having said that he never stopped filming I eventually had to concede the point. I guess we can say there is no reason to believe he ever stopped filming, but apparently he is never directly quoted as saying it. Though I am sure I have seen the claim that he said it on some websites
Ray this subject comes up from Mitch Todd's challenge to me a month or so in regard to a statement that I had made quoting Zapruder as having said that he never stopped filming I eventually had to concede the point. I guess we can say there is no reason to believe he ever stopped filming, but apparently he is never directly quoted as saying it. Though I am sure I have seen the claim that he said it on some websites
Blevins says it was Weatherford in the 6th floor window but in this pic he has Oswald in the window. This guy is pretty good with photoshop.
John...you sure about that ? Weatherford in TSBD ? I could be wrong but I believe Weatherford is placed on the roof of the Dallas County Records Bldg. Please show a photo shop....I'm curious on this .
John...you sure about that ? Weatherford in TSBD ? I could be wrong but I believe Weatherford is placed on the roof of the Dallas County Records Bldg. Please show a photo shop....I'm curious on this .
Did he not say he was in the window with a hat on? Same place that he shows Oswald in that link I posted. If not Weatherford another Dallas cop. I'm going to rewatch now
John...you sure about that ? Weatherford in TSBD ? I could be wrong but I believe Weatherford is placed on the roof of the Dallas County Records Bldg. Please show a photo shop....I'm curious on this .
My mistake he didn't name who it was in the window but showed a pic of the same guy he claims it is talking with police.
My mistake he didn't name who it was in the window but showed a pic of the same guy he claims it is talking with police.
One of the three tramps I believe
My mistake he didn't name who it was in the window but showed a pic of the same guy he claims it is talking with police.
Thanks John. Yeah...the guy he shows with the overcoat and hat I am sure is not Weatherford. Is that what you feel was photoshopped ? Or was it something else? Just curious. Wasn't a tramp either.
Ray this subject comes up from Mitch Todd's challenge to me a month or so in regard to a statement that I had made quoting Zapruder as having said that he never stopped filming I eventually had to concede the point. I guess we can say there is no reason to believe he ever stopped filming, but apparently he is never directly quoted as saying it. Though I am sure I have seen the claim that he said it on some websites
Absolutely !
Zapruder is a very interesting man....he was the ONLY person that filmed from that side of Elm street according to known diagrams I've seen. His office was in the Daltex Bldg. If reports are correct, he sold the ORIGINAL film to Life magazine where it was not shown to the public til 1975. Interviews that I'm aware of NEVER quote him as saying that he had to stop filming and flip the film (although he did film on both sides) ....Sitzman doesn't either.
Thanks John. Yeah...the guy he shows with the overcoat and hat I am sure is not Weatherford. Is that what you feel was photoshopped ? Or was it something else? Just curious. Wasn't a tramp either.
1st it was a pic of Oswald in the window and now it transformed into the guy with the hat. I don't trust his work 1 bit
Absolutely !
Zapruder is a very interesting man....he was the ONLY person that filmed from that side of Elm street according to known diagrams I've seen. His office was in the Daltex Bldg. If reports are correct, he sold the ORIGINAL film to Life magazine where it was not shown to the public til 1975. Interviews that I'm aware of NEVER quote him as saying that he had to stop filming and flip the film (although he did film on both sides) ....Sitzman doesn't either.
Like many alleged "Facts" connected to this 54+ year old case, the baloney of Zapruder Ever testifying/saying that he Started/Stopped/Started his Assassination Film is pure fabrication. These "Facts" connected to this case are simply Falsehoods that have been repeated endlessly until becoming accepted as Fact. Zapruder did Not testify that the Start/Stop/Start happened during his filming of the JFK Assassination. And let's remember that Zapruder got $150,000 from Life for his movie and Life Never showed the movie and instead Locked it up for 12 years.
Yes. It is very clear that people keep on trying to twist everything possible to question anything that you see. Who cares about the first frames and some not being there - whether filming started and stopped. Find the kill shot instead and don't look for an empty rabbit hole and assume that is the missing evidence and the most important. For example, if you even consider frame Z-314, the wound shown on the President's face does not even remotely resemble where the supposed damage was from autopsy reports. You can clearly see the President's ear in that frame and yet the injury was not above in the hairline but rather down below in line with the ear. Either the whole front of his head (skullcap is missing) and is not present - forehead and all, or he has turned his head and facing his wife or a "fireball" was painted in. However his reactions in the following frames thereafter merely tell you that the head cannot be missing as his head clearly moves back and he raises his arm - not a reaction from a man that has lost his entire skullcap in an explosion!
Clearly a conspiracy is present as it could not be coordinated by one lone gunman who was quickly assassinated while in police custody!
Everyone can see these anomalies in the Zapruder film and no one answers those real questions. It is little wonder that Time Life and any other copies were left waiting in secret until 1975 and Zapruder didn't rock the boat either but took his money just the same! I have seen no one address or answer the fallacy in these frames whatsoever - save me!
https://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z314.jpg (https://www.assassinationresearch.com/zfilm/z314.jpg)
You also know that an AP man like Altgens is missing photos from his roll of film. As a reporter he himself had said he had himself lined up for a close photograph but failed to snap a picture! Really? Here is a trained professional who is used to running a camera and has a huge gap in his picture taking. He was obviously a professional photographer and very quickly the frame he took of Altgens 7 was ran by newspapers all over the world! If he took other photographs, they did not follow the storyline and were obviously shredded!