JFK Assassination Forum

JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion & Debate => JFK Assassination Plus General Discussion And Debate => Topic started by: Jerry Freeman on June 18, 2018, 03:37:32 AM

Title: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 18, 2018, 03:37:32 AM
The parrots' feathers really get ruffled when actual physical evidence of Oswald getting framed appear in the world of the composite Cover-up.
Who can't tell this picture is a fake.......? Does the left side of the face look like Oswald? How about the right? Naahh?
A double hairline... a double lip line....OK the chin isn't square....eyebrow looks like it's painted...one eye looks bigger than the other...and...the sun isn't shining.
That about cover it? Rwwwaaawkk I can hear them already!


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on June 18, 2018, 04:52:10 AM

Nope, even though Oswald has lost some childhood puppy fat, the facial proportions never change. Both Oswalds display the exact same ratios between eyes, nose, ears, chin, forehead and the overall head shape is identical.

In the following rotating morph, Oswald's features are all in perfect alignment, proving beyond all doubt they are the same person.


Btw next time before you embarrass yourself, PM me and I can point you in the right direction.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Matt Grantham on June 18, 2018, 05:05:38 AM
 The melding photography process is not convincing It couild be done with plenty of dissimilar pictures to trick the mind into believing they could be melded Also whats up with the weird ridge on the right side of the forehead of Jerry's picture
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on June 18, 2018, 05:14:30 AM
The melding photography process is not convincing It couild be done with plenty of dissimilar pictures to trick the mind into believing they could be melded Also whats up with the weird ridge on the right side of the forehead of Jerry's picture

Matt, this procedure is based on the same principle as the iphone facial recognition software and is virtually infallible.


How about you provide two faces that are perhaps celebrity lookalikes and let's see just how similar two faces can actually be.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Matt Grantham on June 18, 2018, 05:27:34 AM
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on June 18, 2018, 05:36:08 AM

Even when the best celebrity lookalikes are directly compared to their chosen celebrity the list of facial differences becomes obvious and instead of smooth rotation we simply have a face being pulled in random directions.



Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Matt Grantham on June 18, 2018, 05:45:09 AM
 Perhaps submit your refutation to Plos One, which is one of the most respected peer reviewed journals around
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on June 18, 2018, 05:53:10 AM

Huh? Pulling a single morphed face off of two images to use as false ID is going to show you what exactly?

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on June 18, 2018, 06:01:18 AM
Perhaps submit your refutation to Plos One, which is one of the most respected peer reviewed journals around

No worries, sounds like a great idea.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Matt Grantham on June 18, 2018, 06:22:31 AM

Huh? Pulling a single morphed face off of two images to use as false ID is going to show you what exactly?


 OK I may be incorrect on what Plos One is saying Do you have the name of the technology you are using and how it has been shown to be infliable
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on June 18, 2018, 06:34:49 AM

 OK I may be incorrect on what Plos One is saying Do you have the name of the technology you are using and how it has been shown to be infliable

OK I may be incorrect on what Plos One is saying

Do you have the name of the technology you are using and how it has been shown to be infliable

There is no name, I am only applying well known techniques and methodology and applying a modern visualization.
Btw what on Earth is "infliable"?

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Matt Grantham on June 18, 2018, 06:39:16 AM

There is no name, I am only applying well known techniques and methodology and applying a modern visualization.


A no name technology Interesting
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on June 18, 2018, 06:52:11 AM
A no name technology Interesting

How does making up a name make a difference?,
Someone somewhere has to apply advanced scientific principles to current methodology to create a more visual representation and that person is me!

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Matt Grantham on June 18, 2018, 07:14:25 AM
 Here is a marketing tip John, if you are the inventor of a new breakthrough technology give it a name
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on June 18, 2018, 08:49:38 AM
Here is a marketing tip John, if you are the inventor of a new breakthrough technology give it a name

I have no interest in marketing something which has no commercial value.
All it's really doing is a direct comparison between two different solid objects and when you have two identical objects then the depth mapping for each individual point on each object is precisely the same regardless of the angle to camera therefore when each point is connected in off centered photos we get perfect rotation but when something is even slightly out of alignment then we can immediately see it. It's like the floating part of an altered image that you get when stereoscopic images are viewed stereoscopically.
Now when applied to this problem we are at an advantage because pretty much by definition we all have our own unique face with each landmark having its own unique position in space and like the celebrity/lookalike examples above there is always a problem using this technique with non identical people.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 18, 2018, 11:14:24 AM
Wiki should have used the conventional mug shot instead of the one below for their Oswald portrait. He has a triple hair line...we are back to a squarish jaw [sun must be shining] and a fat face.
Maybe John Mutton can use that no name technology trick on this one too.
On an ID card this guy's name is A J Hidell.. far left picture then far right [Dallas mug shot]
 The guy in the middle must be Oswald's basketball coach.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Matt Grantham on June 18, 2018, 03:38:41 PM

I have no interest in marketing something which has no commercial value.
All it's really doing is a direct comparison between two different solid objects and when you have two identical objects then the depth mapping for each individual point on each object is precisely the same regardless of the angle to camera therefore when each point is connected in off centered photos we get perfect rotation but when something is even slightly out of alignment then we can immediately see it. It's like the floating part of an altered image that you get when stereoscopic images are viewed stereoscopically.
Now when applied to this problem we are at an advantage because pretty much by definition we all have our own unique face with each landmark having its own unique position in space and like the celebrity/lookalike examples above there is always a problem using this technique with non identical people.


 Sorry John that was not real marketing advice. I think your little app, or whatever it is, creates a way to blend one picture to another and nothing more
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 18, 2018, 08:32:03 PM

..what on Earth is "infliable"?

You cannot fli it. 

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 19, 2018, 02:45:38 AM
Which side was Oswald? Left? Right? Neither?


Kennedy and Tippit were almost a perfect facial match



Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on June 19, 2018, 03:01:13 AM
Sorry John that was not real marketing advice. I think your little app, or whatever it is, creates a way to blend one picture to another and nothing more

Sorry John that was not real marketing advice.

Nothing you seem to say is real, but whatever floats your boat.

I think your little app, or whatever it is, creates a way to blend one picture to another and nothing more

No worries, your continued incompetent image analysis and complete lack of knowledge of the actual evidence being discussed is on full display therefore your opinion on what constitutes as visual proof is worthless.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Matt Grantham on June 19, 2018, 03:51:06 AM

Nothing you seem to say is real, but whatever floats your boat.

No worries, your continued incompetent image analysis and complete lack of knowledge of the actual evidence being discussed is on full display therefore your opinion on what constitutes as visual proof is worthless.



 While you are busy disregarding me you could at least quote me correctly I have never put forward anything as visual proof, nor have I cited anyone claiming there was visual proof that the photos are forgeries. So please do not let me distract you from whatever it is you are supposedly proving
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on June 19, 2018, 04:09:36 AM

 While you are busy disregarding me you could at least quote me correctly I have never put forward anything as visual proof, nor have I cited anyone claiming there was visual proof that the photos are forgeries. So please do not let me distract you from whatever it is you are supposedly proving

While you are busy disregarding me

Busy? I spent all of 5 minutes correcting your posts. And trust me if I see stoopid theories being put forth as in 90% of your posts, then I will squash them with computer enhanced analytical science.

you could at least quote me correctly I have never put forward anything as visual proof, nor have I cited anyone claiming there was visual proof that the photos are forgeries. So please do not let me distract you from whatever it is you are supposedly proving

For a start just since yesterday, you had no idea how the backyard photos were composed and made some dumbass comment about Marina's abilities, you presented some silly off topic article about false ID's which had absolutely no correlation with this discussion, your BY cutout analysis is illogical to say the list and on and on you go, your incompetence is on continuous display for all to see.
So again your image analysis abilities are simply amateurish and mindlessly skewed towards your fantasies but good for you, it must be really neat living in Wonderland.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Richard Rubio on June 19, 2018, 04:51:37 AM
HSCA brought in experts to look at them. Maybe, even some high number, dozens, they said the photos are real. Most conspiracy theorists accept these as real.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Matt Grantham on June 19, 2018, 05:03:07 AM

Busy? I spent all of 5 minutes correcting your posts. And trust me if I see stoopid theories being put forth as in 90% of your posts, then I will squash them with computer enhanced analytical science.


 What has been the hold up until now?

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 22, 2018, 05:17:28 AM

So...just how tall was Marina anyway?

A more Oswald looking Oswald....

Another 'look alike'? If this is Lee..he really changed. That's exactly what Robert Oswald said.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: W. Tracy Parnell on June 22, 2018, 04:04:12 PM
So...just how tall was Marina anyway?

5' 3"

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 23, 2018, 04:00:45 AM
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Bill Chapman on June 23, 2018, 06:37:40 PM
The parrots' feathers really get ruffled when actual physical evidence of Oswald getting framed appear in the world of the composite Cover-up.
Who can't tell this picture is a fake.......? Does the left side of the face look like Oswald? How about the right? Naahh?
A double hairline... a double lip line....OK the chin isn't square....eyebrow looks like it's painted...one eye looks bigger than the other...and...the sun isn't shining.
That about cover it? Rwwwaaawkk I can hear them already!


Get a clue about light & shade, Rembrandt

The main light source comes from Oswald's right
Thus the left side of his face is largely in shadow and cast shadows
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 23, 2018, 08:57:04 PM
Get a clue about light & shade, Rembrandt

The main light source comes from Oswald's right
Thus the left side of his face is largely in shadow and cast shadows

Well I'll just Swanee there Di Vinci. Aren't you clever? Obtain a hint on retouching.
So what we had... was a totally incompetent photographer and that shadow just happened to create a perfect line right down the neck. Also, that photograph was retouched and retouched again.
Then, it was colorized [retouching it once more]
Moving on with the Oswald photos....



Picasso out there? What do you say?...same guys? If so, Oswald looked younger in 1961 than he did in 1958.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on June 26, 2018, 11:06:33 PM
I never realized the.......camera they were shot with were found at the Paine's house
I don't believe it was....
This Imperial Reflex camera does not appear in the inventories of Oswald?s possessions seized by the Dallas Police at the Paine address in Irving and the North Beckley room in the Dallas neighbourhood of Oak Cliff. Investigations determined that Oswald owned a ?Russian camera? and an ?American camera?. A Russian-made Cuera-2 camera appeared in the inventories, as did an American-made camera called a Stereo Realist. The Imperial Reflex camera only came to light, in the possession of Robert Oswald, about three months after the assassination and presumably after it had been determined that the Stereo Realist camera could not be linked with the backyard photos.

This is the Fake Pictures thread not the BackYard stuff  ;D 

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 12, 2018, 12:33:39 AM
Mytton's shtick is to morph two photos with each other and then just declare "clearly they are the same person".  Then morph two other photos with each other and then just declare "clearly they are not the same person".  Then claim that his "clear" opinions of the results are "scientific".  Keep in mind that every intermediate step in the morph is a completely fabricated image.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Royell Storing on July 12, 2018, 12:56:48 AM

Nope, even though Oswald has lost some childhood puppy fat, the facial proportions never change. Both Oswalds display the exact same ratios between eyes, nose, ears, chin, forehead and the overall head shape is identical.

In the following rotating morph, Oswald's features are all in perfect alignment, proving beyond all doubt they are the same person.


Btw next time before you embarrass yourself, PM me and I can point you in the right direction.


                 Congrats Mytton. You have officially joined the ranks of Leroy Blevins.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Bill Chapman on July 12, 2018, 01:22:32 AM
Well I'll just Swanee there Di Vinci. Aren't you clever? Obtain a hint on retouching.
So what we had... was a totally incompetent photographer and that shadow just happened to create a perfect line right down the neck. Also, that photograph was retouched and retouched again.
Then, it was colorized [retouching it once more]
Moving on with the Oswald photos....



Picasso out there? What do you say?...same guys? If so, Oswald looked younger in 1961 than he did in 1958.

Show us that you know anything about light & shade. And that you even know what I'm talking about.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 12, 2018, 03:03:55 AM
Mytton's shtick is to morph two photos with each other and then just declare "clearly they are the same person".  Then morph two other photos with each other and then just declare "clearly they are not the same person".  Then claim that his "clear" opinions of the results are "scientific".  Keep in mind that every intermediate step in the morph is a completely fabricated image.

(http://Mytton's shtick is to morph two photos with each other and then just declare "clearly they are the same person".)

I don't declare anything, the images speak for themselves.   ;D


In the following two morphs between two very close celebrity lookalikes and the original celebrities, the immediate obvious differences demonstrate just why this form of graphical comparison is so damn effective!



Keep in mind that every intermediate step in the morph is a completely fabricated image.

Exactly, that's the fundamental foundation for this advanced computerized imaging technique, the relative distance of each facial feature from the camera between two people in two photos are by definition mathematically identical therefore when the same person is morphed every consecutive frame reflects the fact that there is a direct relationship between each set of millions of individual pixels

The Apple iphone uses the exact same methodology, it takes a depth mapped photo of someone's face and stores this digital data for comparison with a live face, the same information can be unlocked by viewing two images stereoscopically or combined into easier viewing in a morph.


Much like a human fingerprint, our unique faces can be broken down into a complex 3D shape and from whatever angle all these individual features in 3D space will always be in the exact same ratio.


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on July 12, 2018, 06:43:21 PM
OK ...apparently, Oswald must have discovered Rogaine before Minoxidil was developed years later ;)
Take a look again at the various hairlines and the cosmetic looking eyebrows.
Mo-jo motion ain't working.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on July 13, 2018, 01:44:49 AM
Show us that you know anything about light & shade. And that you even know what I'm talking about.

How can someone know what Chapman is 'talking about' when he doesn't even know himself?
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 13, 2018, 01:53:37 AM
OK ...apparently, Oswald must have discovered Rogaine before Minoxidil was developed years later ;)
Take a look again at the various hairlines and the cosmetic looking eyebrows.
Mo-jo motion ain't working.

What the heck are you looking at, Oswald's dramatically receding hairline at the temple and resulting combover is clear in the arrest photo.


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jack Trojan on July 13, 2018, 02:11:23 AM
Matt, this procedure is based on the same principle as the iphone facial recognition software and is virtually infallible.


 :D This is absolute BS and confirms that you know squat about image analysis or facial recognition. Else pls explain how a "fade" effect is based on the same principle as facial recognition. This should be good.

Hint: Here's a fade algorithm with 14 lines of code.

    function getfadedcolor(Red1, Red2, Green1, Green2, Blue1, Blue2, fs, fn) {
        fa1 = (Red2 - Red1) / fs;
        fa2 = (Green2 - Green1) / fs;
        fa3 = (Blue2 - Blue1) / fs;
        cx1 = Red1;
        cx2 = Green1;
        cx3 = Blue1;
        for (var n = 1; n <= fn; n++) {
           cx1 += fa1;
           cx2 += fa2;
           cx3 += fa3;
        return RGB(cx1, cx2, cx3);

I used this simple algorithm to make the following animated gif (what gives with his body BTW?)


All fading/morphing algorithms are based on this simple methodology of interleaving images.

How many lines of code do you think are required for infallible facial recognition technology?

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 13, 2018, 09:56:50 PM

Hint: Here's a fade algorithm with 14 lines of code.

    function getfadedcolor(Red1, Red2, Green1, Green2, Blue1, Blue2, fs, fn) {
        fa1 = (Red2 - Red1) / fs;
        fa2 = (Green2 - Green1) / fs;
        fa3 = (Blue2 - Blue1) / fs;
        cx1 = Red1;
        cx2 = Green1;
        cx3 = Blue1;
        for (var n = 1; n <= fn; n++) {
           cx1 += fa1;
           cx2 += fa2;
           cx3 += fa3;
        return RGB(cx1, cx2, cx3);

I used this simple algorithm to make the following animated gif (what gives with his body BTW?)


I used this simple algorithm to make the following animated gif


The code you presented is a simple fade to white, how do you think that is relevant?
And please explain how your code applies to your gif which is just swapping one set of RGB values for another?


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jack Trojan on July 13, 2018, 10:07:51 PM

|   133-A   |   133-B   |   133-C   |

Oswald's left shoulder appears to be further back in space relative to the chest-midline in the 133-B picture than in the 122-A picture. This accounts for the difference in the shoulder width.

I also believe the morph...


... has the 133-B head a bit smaller than the 133-A head, which would in turn make the left shoulder more narrow to the camera. Not saying the animation sizing was intentional, but there's an amount of subjectivity that could induce error. Since the shadow-cast on the facial features in the two photos vary (due to head tilt), the width of the head might be a more accurate thing to align.

Nope. The head is distorting but from ear to ear stays consistent. It might be undersized by no more than 1-2%, which is far less than the body is oversized. Here is the proof. I scaled the same photos relative to Oswald's leg length instead and applied the same algorithm.


There is only 1 conclusion I come to, and that is CE 133-A was shot with a different camera than the rest. Otherwise, the spherical aberration of the lens and quality of this photo clearly does not match the others. Oswald immediately claimed it was a fake, which probably meant a darkroom creation where a print of CE 133-A was photographed with Oswald's Imperial Reflex camera. This camera was not originally found with Oswald's possessions by the DPD. And this is not to be confused with Oswald's Minox spy camera or his superior 35mm Russian Cuera 2 camera, which was probably the camera that took the original CE 133-A.

This along with all the other shenanigans that the DPD where up to in the darkroom, including re-enactments and a curious cutout of CE 133-C, which was never submitted into evidence nor found with Oswald's possessions, makes the BYPs highly suspect. The fact that the DPD only leaked CE 133-A, which was the money shot where you could actually read the name of the commie lit, means they were an integral part of the conspiracy. They sheep-dipped Oswald to be the patsy with the BYPs, planted the gun in the TSBD, arrested him in record time, interrogated him in private and took no notes, then led him to his assassin who did the killing for them to gave them plausible deniability. This is why they didn't kill him in the theater. I could go on and on but you get the picture.  ;)

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 13, 2018, 10:15:48 PM

|   133-A   |   133-B   |   133-C   |

Oswald's left shoulder appears to be further back in space relative to the chest-midline in the 133-B picture than in the 122-A picture. This accounts for the difference in the shoulder width.

I also believe the morph...


... has the 133-B head a bit smaller than the 133-A head, which would in turn make the left shoulder more narrow to the camera. Not saying the animation sizing was intentional, but there's an amount of subjectivity that could induce error. Since the shadow-cast on the facial features in the two photos vary (due to head tilt), the width of the head might be a more accurate thing to align.

Hi Jerry, yes of course you are right and the original head ratios are indeed different. The wide-angle effect makes Oswald's head in 133-A stretch vertically as compared to the more centered head in 133-B thus exposing Trojan's gif. Btw imo this alone makes any image manipulation virtually impossible because not only do you have to match Oswald's lighting you have to match his position within the frame to allow for the appropriate image distortion.


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jack Trojan on July 13, 2018, 10:17:42 PM


The code you presented is a simple fade to white, how do you think that is relevant?
And please explain how your code applies to your gif which is just swapping one set of RGB values for another?


You also don't write code I see. RGB1 is photo 1 and RGB2 is photo 2. A color is interpolated between 2 corresponding pixels according to the frame number (fn). Say you want 12 intermediary frames for your fade. Divide (RGB1 - RGB2) / 12 then multiply this increment by the frame number and add it to RGB1. This is the pixel color for your fade frame. Get it?
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jack Trojan on July 13, 2018, 10:20:36 PM

Hi Jerry, yes of course you are right and the original head ratios are indeed different. The wide-angle effect makes Oswald's head in 133-A stretch vertically as compared to the more centered head in 133-B thus exposing Trojan's gif. Btw imo this alone makes any image manipulation virtually impossible because not only do you have to match Oswald's lighting you have to match his position within the frame to allow for the appropriate image distortion.



Wrong again. These photos were supposedly taken from the same approx. distance from the camera so they should have similar distortion. There should also be less spherical aberration near the center of the lens (the sweet spot). I don't see ANY SA in CE133-A. That 35mm Cuera 2 camera must have had a decent lens on it.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 13, 2018, 10:41:59 PM
You also don't write code I see. RGB1 is photo 1 and RGB2 is photo 2. A color is interpolated between 2 corresponding pixels according to the frame number (fn). Say you want 12 intermediary frames for your fade. Divide (RGB1 - RGB2) / 12 then multiply this increment by the frame number and add it to RGB1. This is the pixel color for your fade frame. Get it?

Yeah like I said your gif just swapped one set of RGB values for another, so what?

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jack Trojan on July 13, 2018, 10:51:54 PM

Yeah like I said your gif just swapped one set of RGB values for another, so what?


Which is exactly what your gifs do. Oh, you thought your gifs somehow tracked the facial features like facial recognition does, didn't you? :D
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 13, 2018, 10:52:16 PM
Wrong again. These photos were supposedly taken from the same approx. distance from the camera so they should have similar distortion. There should also be less spherical aberration near the center of the lens (the sweet spot). I don't see ANY SA in CE133-A. That 35mm Cuera 2 camera must have had a decent lens on it.

Yawn! I really don't know where to start, you are so out of your depth it ain't funny.

(507)  Additionally, photographs were made of a manikin head with an Imperial Deluxe Reflex duo lens camera similar to the Oswald camera, placing the image of the head in various positions from the center of the negative to the edges. The purpose of this was to illustrate the effect such variations in placement have on the shape of the image of the head in order to explain the differences in head shapes in photographs CE-133A, CE-133B, and, CE-133C, observed when the high-contrast color transparencies were superimposed. A black and white contact print of three negatives (fig. RIT 21-8) shows the  manikin head in the center of the photograph, near the top (tilting the camera down), and near the top left corner (tilting the camera down and aiming it, to the right). Placing the image of the head off the lens axis causes it to be elongated in a direction radiating away from the center of the photograph. Thus, the head at the top of the photograph is stretched vertically and the head in the corner is stretched diagonally. This change in shape can be seen on the contact print but the heads were also enlarged on high-contrast film and contact color transparencies were made so that direct comparisons could be made by superposing green and magenta pairs of the three images. (fig. RIT 21-9).

(508)  This change in shape is known as the wide-angle effect and it occurs with all conventional camera lenses including normal, wideangle, and telephoto, but it is most obvious with short focal length wide-angle lenses. In addition, pincushion distortion, which is evident in the curved reproduction of straight subject lines, and the altered perspective, which is evident in the convergence of vertical subject lines when the camera is tilted, slightly affect the shape of the head. (The differences in sharpness of the images of the manikin head when placed in the center and near the edges of the photograph is further evidence of curvature of field observed in photographs made with the Oswald camera.) Thus, the difference in height to width proportions of the heads in CE-133A, CE-133B, and CE-133C can be explained in terms of these effects since the tilt of the camera changed between the photographs, thereby placing the head in different positions. Of the three effects mentioned, the wide-angle effect, has the greatest influence on the shape of the head. Since the wide-angle effect applies only to three-dimensional objects, it would not alter the shape of the two-dimensional head on a photographic poster or print, which has been suggested as a way off faking the photographs of Oswald. Thus, the presence of this effect in the backyard picture is another item of evidence negating the likelihood of fakery.


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on July 13, 2018, 10:59:02 PM
The guy [lower left]...the official wikipedia photo of Lee Harvey Oswald...looks nothing to me like the other guys.
Do the Mad Jack Mytton magic motion on these..................................


(https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFkQEfzYinh9z2BY5tHHwRtwX8twmn0zL-zxnjRtqDRNo1RZNq)  (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LMAc7WKMP2c/hqdefault.jpg)
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 13, 2018, 11:08:31 PM

The guy [lower middle]...the official wikipedia photo of Lee Harvey Oswald...looks nothing to me like the other guys.
Do the Mad Jack Mytton magic motion on these..................................


(https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQFkQEfzYinh9z2BY5tHHwRtwX8twmn0zL-zxnjRtqDRNo1RZNq)  (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LMAc7WKMP2c/hqdefault.jpg)

They're all Oswald, no magic required.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on July 13, 2018, 11:26:05 PM

They're all Oswald, no magic required.


Means Mad Jack can't do it :D

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jack Trojan on July 13, 2018, 11:39:02 PM

Yawn! I really don't know where to start, you are so out of your depth it ain't funny.

(507)  Additionally, photographs were made of a manikin head with an Imperial Deluxe Reflex duo lens camera similar to the Oswald camera, placing the image of the head in various positions from the center of the negative to the edges. The purpose of this was to illustrate the effect such variations in placement have on the shape of the image of the head in order to explain the differences in head shapes in photographs CE-133A, CE-133B, and, CE-133C, observed when the high-contrast color transparencies were superimposed. A black and white contact print of three negatives (fig. RIT 21-8) shows the  manikin head in the center of the photograph, near the top (tilting the camera down), and near the top left corner (tilting the camera down and aiming it, to the right). Placing the image of the head off the lens axis causes it to be elongated in a direction radiating away from the center of the photograph. Thus, the head at the top of the photograph is stretched vertically and the head in the corner is stretched diagonally. This change in shape can be seen on the contact print but the heads were also enlarged on high-contrast film and contact color transparencies were made so that direct comparisons could be made by superposing green and magenta pairs of the three images. (fig. RIT 21-9).

(508)  This change in shape is known as the wide-angle effect and it occurs with all conventional camera lenses including normal, wideangle, and telephoto, but it is most obvious with short focal length wide-angle lenses. In addition, pincushion distortion, which is evident in the curved reproduction of straight subject lines, and the altered perspective, which is evident in the convergence of vertical subject lines when the camera is tilted, slightly affect the shape of the head. (The differences in sharpness of the images of the manikin head when placed in the center and near the edges of the photograph is further evidence of curvature of field observed in photographs made with the Oswald camera.) Thus, the difference in height to width proportions of the heads in CE-133A, CE-133B, and CE-133C can be explained in terms of these effects since the tilt of the camera changed between the photographs, thereby placing the head in different positions. Of the three effects mentioned, the wide-angle effect, has the greatest influence on the shape of the head. Since the wide-angle effect applies only to three-dimensional objects, it would not alter the shape of the two-dimensional head on a photographic poster or print, which has been suggested as a way off faking the photographs of Oswald. Thus, the presence of this effect in the backyard picture is another item of evidence negating the likelihood of fakery.



I'm out of MY depth? :D I've read it already and maybe you should try reading it too. The HSCA photogrammetrists dropped the ball on this one. They did not do a comparative study between A, B and C, except to say a slight tilt will distort the "head" at the periphery of the lens due to the wide-angle effect. Otherwise, let's see how they replicated the effects we see in the BYPs with their surrogates.

The WAE doesn't explain the differences in spherical aberration over the entire photo. Nor does it explain the high quality image of Oswald's head when it was no where near the sweet spot of a very poor quality lens. Instead when the head was well within the sweet spot for CE133-B, it was fuzzy, while the entire image area for CE133-A was of superior quality. The HSCA never commented on the significance of that aspect.

The HSCA made a lot of generalized conclusions based on the high variance of distortion on the lens of the Imperial Reflex. They claimed that practically anything was possible since the lens was of such poor quality. It wasn't so crappy for CE133-A, tho. The others were fuzzy at best, however, the HSCA didn't focus on this aspect. There was negligible distortion with CE133-A and gross distortion with Oswald's "head" in B & C, but not over his entire body and all from a slight tilt due to the wide-angle effect. Right. Also, CE133-A had every indication of being a photo of a print. The HSCA were discounting that ALL of the photos were derived from photos of prints, not just CE133-A. Just the money shot was faked because that's the shot that they leaked.

Besides, when did you start believing the HSCA about anything? Did you believe them when they concluded that Oswald probably didn't act alone?
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 14, 2018, 12:36:45 AM
I'm out of MY depth? :D I've read it already and maybe you should try reading it too. The HSCA photogrammetrists dropped the ball on this one. They did not do a comparative study between A, B and C, except to say a slight tilt will distort the "head" at the periphery of the lens due to the wide-angle effect. Otherwise, let's see how they replicated the effects we see in the BYPs with their surrogates.

The WAE doesn't explain the differences in spherical aberration over the entire photo. Nor does it explain the high quality image of Oswald's head when it was no where near the sweet spot of a very poor quality lens. Instead when the head was well within the sweet spot for CE133-B, it was fuzzy, while the entire image area for CE133-A was of superior quality. The HSCA never commented on the significance of that aspect.

The HSCA made a lot of generalized conclusions based on the high variance of distortion on the lens of the Imperial Reflex. They claimed that practically anything was possible since the lens was of such poor quality. It wasn't so crappy for CE133-A, tho. The others were fuzzy at best, however, the HSCA didn't focus on this aspect. There was negligible distortion with CE133-A and gross distortion with Oswald's "head" in B & C, but not over his entire body and all from a slight tilt due to the wide-angle effect. Right. Also, CE133-A had every indication of being a photo of a print. The HSCA were discounting that ALL of the photos were derived from photos of prints, not just CE133-A. Just the money shot was faked because that's the shot that they leaked.

Besides, when did you start believing the HSCA about anything? Did you believe them when they concluded that Oswald probably didn't act alone?

The WAE doesn't explain the differences in spherical aberration over the entire photo.

How about you provide some real world examples of Wide-angle effect and Spherical Aberration and then tell us how you feel that it applies or doesn't apply to the backyard images because so far you're not really making sense.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jack Trojan on July 14, 2018, 01:14:43 AM
The assumption that all these two poses ought to have produced identical results is telling. The 133-A photo has the least amount of distortion because it's the only one of the three that has the subject centered and most of his body equidistant from the film plane.

You are talking about 2 differnt things:

1) You think the foreshortening effects on Oswald's image height are due to his leaning back in 133-C. The foreshortening effects on image height varies with the cosine of the lean angle from vertical. IOW, if Oswald was leaning back in 133-C by 15 degrees, then his apparent height on film would only be reduced by ~3%, which was not the case.

2) You think the focal range of the lens was so small that Oswald's lean angle put his head out of focus relative to the rest of his body. Problem with that is that the entire photo was out of focus while all of 133-A was in focus. But this is a red herring anyway.

The trick is to scale both images of Oswald to synchronize the camera position from him. But that doesn't work with these photos. When I scaled his legs to the same length, the backgrounds matched up ok, (except for the SA) but the height differences were well beyond any level of distortion you would expect to see with a slight camera tilt.

Both effects can cause distortion, just not to the degree we see here unless a really funky lens was used. All your claims might be supported if you experimented yourself with an old Imperial Reflex camera. Until then there is no way to explain away the discrepancies between 133-A and B,C with a slight camera tilt and a slight lean. Distortion isn't more prominent in the sweet spot than the periphery of a lens and CE133-A showed no signs of being shot with a wide angle lens because it had minimal spherical aberration.

The discrepancies might be explained away if the distances from the camera were different and a zoom lens was used for 133-A, but Oswald is very close to the same scale in both photos which means they were taken from the same spot in the yard. But clearly the cameraman was closer to Oswald in 133-A or the camera height was different. The only way to reconcile that is a print of 133-A was photographed with the Imperial Reflex. Otherwise, the actual photos taken with the IR camera just didn't cut it with the DPD.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jack Trojan on July 14, 2018, 01:28:40 AM

How about you provide some real world examples of Wide-angle effect and Spherical Aberration and then tell us how you feel that it applies or doesn't apply to the backyard images because so far you're not really making sense.


You guys keep getting it backwards. You must show it was possible with real world examples. I can't show you how it wasn't possible, which is what the HSCA was up against.

Feel free to get into the weeds with some photogrammetry, if you dare.

Good luck!

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 14, 2018, 03:59:50 AM
I'm out of MY depth? :D I've read it already and maybe you should try reading it too. The HSCA photogrammetrists dropped the ball on this one. They did not do a comparative study between A, B and C, except to say a slight tilt will distort the "head" at the periphery of the lens due to the wide-angle effect. Otherwise, let's see how they replicated the effects we see in the BYPs with their surrogates.

The WAE doesn't explain the differences in spherical aberration over the entire photo. Nor does it explain the high quality image of Oswald's head when it was no where near the sweet spot of a very poor quality lens. Instead when the head was well within the sweet spot for CE133-B, it was fuzzy, while the entire image area for CE133-A was of superior quality. The HSCA never commented on the significance of that aspect.

The HSCA made a lot of generalized conclusions based on the high variance of distortion on the lens of the Imperial Reflex. They claimed that practically anything was possible since the lens was of such poor quality. It wasn't so crappy for CE133-A, tho. The others were fuzzy at best, however, the HSCA didn't focus on this aspect. There was negligible distortion with CE133-A and gross distortion with Oswald's "head" in B & C, but not over his entire body and all from a slight tilt due to the wide-angle effect. Right. Also, CE133-A had every indication of being a photo of a print. The HSCA were discounting that ALL of the photos were derived from photos of prints, not just CE133-A. Just the money shot was faked because that's the shot that they leaked.

Besides, when did you start believing the HSCA about anything? Did you believe them when they concluded that Oswald probably didn't act alone?

There was negligible distortion with CE133-A and gross distortion with Oswald's "head" in B & C,

Really, so you're saying that all three photos show different amounts of distortion, prove it!

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 14, 2018, 04:08:21 AM
You guys keep getting it backwards. You must show it was possible with real world examples. I can't show you how it wasn't possible, which is what the HSCA was up against.

Feel free to get into the weeds with some photogrammetry, if you dare.

Good luck!


Wow Jack, you're all over the place you've been going to great lengths to point out all these discrepancies and now when faced with the prospect of actually supporting your nonsense you've revealed that you don't have a clue.
The HSCA supported all their conclusions with science and practical examples whereas your just a Big Mouth who barely knows how to use Google!

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 14, 2018, 04:59:30 AM
Nope. The head is distorting but from ear to ear stays consistent. It might be undersized by no more than 1-2%, which is far less than the body is oversized. Here is the proof. I scaled the same photos relative to Oswald's leg length instead and applied the same algorithm.


There is only 1 conclusion I come to, and that is CE 133-A was shot with a different camera than the rest. Otherwise, the spherical aberration of the lens and quality of this photo clearly does not match the others. Oswald immediately claimed it was a fake, which probably meant a darkroom creation where a print of CE 133-A was photographed with Oswald's Imperial Reflex camera. This camera was not originally found with Oswald's possessions by the DPD. And this is not to be confused with Oswald's Minox spy camera or his superior 35mm Russian Cuera 2 camera, which was probably the camera that took the original CE 133-A.

This along with all the other shenanigans that the DPD where up to in the darkroom, including re-enactments and a curious cutout of CE 133-C, which was never submitted into evidence nor found with Oswald's possessions, makes the BYPs highly suspect. The fact that the DPD only leaked CE 133-A, which was the money shot where you could actually read the name of the commie lit, means they were an integral part of the conspiracy. They sheep-dipped Oswald to be the patsy with the BYPs, planted the gun in the TSBD, arrested him in record time, interrogated him in private and took no notes, then led him to his assassin who did the killing for them to gave them plausible deniability. This is why they didn't kill him in the theater. I could go on and on but you get the picture.  ;)

Your gif is not taking into account the wide-angle effect. In the original prints CE-133A and CE133B we see that Oswald was in differing parts of the frame and subsequently was affected by the predictable lens distortion.


In the following gif I applied approximately the same lens correction to CE-133b as seen in CE133a.


Even though there is a number of parallax changes between CE 133A and CE133B the following comparison shows the stairs and the fence and etc to be almost aligned.


Now when we take into account the wide angle effect and the differing positions of Oswald and Marina we see that Oswald's head when in the same position of the frame becomes the same shape and he is the same size.


Btw are you sure that there is different lens distortions in the backyard photos?

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 15, 2018, 08:42:45 PM
Wow Jack, you're all over the place you've been going to great lengths to point out all these discrepancies and now when faced with the prospect of actually supporting your nonsense you've revealed that you don't have a clue.
The HSCA supported all their conclusions with science and practical examples whereas your just a Big Mouth who barely knows how to use Google!

Mytton always ends up reverting back to a false appeal to authority.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Bill Chapman on July 15, 2018, 08:45:56 PM
Mytton always ends up reverting back to a false appeal to authority.

Prove him wrong
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 15, 2018, 10:28:08 PM
Mytton always ends up reverting back to a false appeal to authority.

Iacoletti, it's about time you came to grips with reality, you're basically just a Bum who has no technical expertise in any aspect of this case yet you continually set yourself as some sort of Ultimate Arbiter and with absolutely no evidence you keep giving us your "false appeal to your own personal opinion" as scientific refutation, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 16, 2018, 08:14:01 AM
Which is exactly what your gifs do. Oh, you thought your gifs somehow tracked the facial features like facial recognition does, didn't you? :D

These are is images that the Apple face id sees, all these little dots are used to create a depth map of someone's face and since our faces are all unique this form of identification is virtually infallible.


Now to make it easier to comprehend my method of face comparison I've used a face with dots pasted on and these images are an example of the same data the apple software uses to unlock a three dimensional matching image.


In the following gif your fading technique is used and all we get is a jumbled mess.


But by using my methodology we go far beyond your crude fade code and now we are looking at a program which utilizes millions of lines of code to truly unlock the mathematical perfection of a precise rotating match between millions of spatially co-ordinated depth-mapped pixels.


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on July 16, 2018, 01:34:22 PM
What are they doing to that poor guy?
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Richard Smith on July 16, 2018, 02:26:31 PM

Iacoletti, it's about time you came to grips with reality, you're basically just a Bum who has no technical expertise in any aspect of this case yet you continually set yourself as some sort of Ultimate Arbiter and with absolutely no evidence you keep giving us your "false appeal to your own personal opinion" as scientific refutation, you're just embarrassing yourself.


Careful or John may resort to using his "strawman" rebuttal or the devastating "LOL" as in "Oswald's rifle - LOL." 
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 16, 2018, 10:34:23 PM
Prove him wrong

and Chapman always ends up reverting back to shifting the burden of proof.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 16, 2018, 10:38:47 PM
Iacoletti, it's about time you came to grips with reality, you're basically just a Bum who has no technical expertise in any aspect of this case yet you continually set yourself as some sort of Ultimate Arbiter and with absolutely no evidence you keep giving us your "false appeal to your own personal opinion" as scientific refutation, you're just embarrassing yourself.

Says the armchair photogrammetrist who has no technical expertise and continually regurgitates any nonsense that confirms his predetermined biases.

"Expert" said it, "Mytton" believes it, and that settles it.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 16, 2018, 10:40:11 PM
These are is images that the Apple face id sees, all these little dots are used to create a depth map of someone's face and since our faces are all unique this form of identification is virtually infallible.

This is all very interesting and technical sounding, and it has ZERO to do with your contrived morphs and the sweeping generalizations you make from them.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 16, 2018, 10:41:31 PM
Careful or John may resort to using his "strawman" rebuttal or the devastating "LOL" as in "Oswald's rifle - LOL."

Calling it "Oswald's rifle" doesn't actually demonstrate that it was Oswald's rifle.

I know you wish it did.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on July 17, 2018, 01:35:48 AM

Btw what on Earth is "infliable"?

It just doesn't fli (http://www.russianwomendiscussion.com/Smileys/default2/popcorn_eating.gif)

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 17, 2018, 01:51:16 AM

"Expert" said it, "Mytton" believes it, and that settles it.

No, Experts say it and JohnM supplies practical examples to prove it.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 17, 2018, 01:52:26 AM
This is all very interesting and technical sounding...


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 17, 2018, 01:54:34 AM
Calling it "Oswald's rifle" doesn't actually demonstrate that it was Oswald's rifle.


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jack Trojan on July 17, 2018, 07:04:43 PM

No, Experts say it and JohnM supplies practical examples to prove it.


Mytton you are such a joke. Your morphs do NOT track facial features, otherwise, explain how the algorithms work smart guy.  Morphs are a fade that use edge detection and high pass filters to smooth the transition between frames. But rest assured that every intermediary frame is BULLSHlT and useless for analysis! But you are just a wannabe photo-analyst that found the Morph button on your GIMP app. Otherwise, you know squat about how any of this works.  So STFU because you are out of your league and a disservice to the JFK Forum.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jack Trojan on July 17, 2018, 07:22:50 PM
Your gif is not taking into account the wide-angle effect. In the original prints CE-133A and CE133B we see that Oswald was in differing parts of the frame and subsequently was affected by the predictable lens distortion.

My gif is as described. I don't dick around with my images like you do.


In the following gif I applied approximately the same lens correction to CE-133b as seen in CE133a.

You applied a lens correction? Please explain. This should be good.


Even though there is a number of parallax changes between CE 133A and CE133B the following comparison shows the stairs and the fence and etc to be almost aligned.

Parallax indicates a change in camera position. Is that what you are claiming?


Now when we take into account the wide angle effect and the differing positions of Oswald and Marina we see that Oswald's head when in the same position of the frame becomes the same shape and he is the same size.



Btw are you sure that there is different lens distortions in the backyard photos?

Yes, I am sure. Take a course in this stuff for god's sake so I won't laugh at your naive posts. Still waiting for some photogrammetry from you to back up your BS.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 17, 2018, 09:19:50 PM

Yes, I am sure. Take a course in this stuff for god's sake so I won't laugh at your naive posts. Still waiting for some photogrammetry from you to back up your BS.


Yes, I am sure.

That's nice, now prove it.

Take a course in this stuff for god's sake so I won't laugh at your naive posts.

Sorry Jack, it has never worked that way, without a shred of evidence you keep claiming that the backyard photos were taken with different cameras now it's up to you to prove it.

Btw good luck because you're gonna need more than a quick google search this time, we want proof not excuses!

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 17, 2018, 10:00:02 PM
Mytton you are such a joke. Your morphs do NOT track facial features, otherwise, explain how the algorithms work smart guy.  Morphs are a fade that use edge detection and high pass filters to smooth the transition between frames. But rest assured that every intermediary frame is BULLSHlT and useless for analysis! But you are just a wannabe photo-analyst that found the Morph button on your GIMP app. Otherwise, you know squat about how any of this works.  So STFU because you are out of your league and a disservice to the JFK Forum.

Here we go again, Mr Photogrammetrist/Physicist/Nuclear Scientist/Astronaut and all round Schlub to the rescue! Hooray!
The reason why the morphing comparison works so effectively is the intermediary frames, by definition the mathematical relationship between two identical objects remains constant when photographed from any direction and when these images are combined every point in each three dimensional object in each corresponding frame displays this same identical relationship, thus when two objects are identical we have a smooth rotation whereas when two objects are not alike we don't.

Morphs are a fade that use edge detection and high pass filters to smooth the transition between frames.

 :D :D :D

Wtf? As I said you really don't have a clue!

Here's two images of two faces, are they the same person?


Your simple method of fading yields crap.


Whereas when scientifically morphed the spatial relationship between millions of pixels is constant and we see that it must be the same person.



Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 17, 2018, 11:08:27 PM
No, Experts say it and JohnM supplies practical examples to prove it.

Right.  Animated morphs that have nothing to do with facial recognition and yellow blobs that have nothing to do with rifle identification.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 17, 2018, 11:11:18 PM
I don't see ANY SA in CE133-A.


The 4x4 post next to Oswald in CE-133A shows a distinct and substantial amount of pincushion distortion. Try again!


Hahahahahahaha, you've been schooled little Trojan!


Btw you do realize that the geometric distortion pin cushioning I've shown is not SA which produces a softer image, Right?


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on July 17, 2018, 11:18:10 PM
and yellow blobs that have nothing to do with rifle identification.


Sorry John, but a team of photographic experts determined the rifle in the backyard photos was C2766 and until you have something other than your layman biased opinion as refutation then their proof will stand.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on July 18, 2018, 11:06:58 PM
Sorry John, but a team of photographic experts determined the rifle in the backyard photos was C2766

No they didn't.  There is no better demonstration of the complete bankruptcy of the "Oswald Did It" position than that its proponents have to lie about the evidence in order to make their arguments.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 15, 2018, 12:48:34 AM
 (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcToMWITXM4riRheMTb6wSYzwAmIxxsmjEkDynRyN0PbdTOOnlvu)  (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8avDUfmrm-WMkev92EZX3bNZbK7NPow7_lV1PyVMXtV2cU30B)

The same two guys or the same 2 two guys?
Hint- The hairline gives it away ;)
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Bill Chapman on August 15, 2018, 01:06:37 AM
No they didn't.  There is no better demonstration of the complete bankruptcy of the "Oswald Did It" position than that its proponents have to lie about the evidence in order to make their arguments.

There is no better demonstration of the complete bankruptcy of the "Oswald is innocent' position than that its proponents have to lie, cherry pick, misrepresent, and misinterpret the evidence in a pathetic attempt to make their idiotic arguments.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on August 15, 2018, 01:28:37 AM
(https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcToMWITXM4riRheMTb6wSYzwAmIxxsmjEkDynRyN0PbdTOOnlvu)  (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8avDUfmrm-WMkev92EZX3bNZbK7NPow7_lV1PyVMXtV2cU30B)

The same two guys or the same 2 two guys?
Hint- The hairline gives it away ;)

What are you trying to show?

It's obviously the same photo which has been flipped horizontally.


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 15, 2018, 01:45:48 AM
It's obviously the same photo which has been flipped horizontally.
You are so bright I'll bet your mama calls you sunny.
Try and get a life.


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on August 15, 2018, 02:00:20 AM
You are so bright I'll bet your mama calls you sunny.
Try and get a life.

Huh? Why did you flip one photo and then post the two side by side? What are you trying to prove?

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Steve Howsley on August 15, 2018, 02:43:36 AM
(https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcToMWITXM4riRheMTb6wSYzwAmIxxsmjEkDynRyN0PbdTOOnlvu)  (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8avDUfmrm-WMkev92EZX3bNZbK7NPow7_lV1PyVMXtV2cU30B)

The same two guys or the same 2 two guys?
Hint- The hairline gives it away ;)

It's the same one guy. The photo has been reversed.

Did you create the reverse image for that photo or did you fall headfirst into another rabbit hole?

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 15, 2018, 04:04:19 AM

  rabbit hole
You know something about a rabbit hole? You just lift up it's tail and there it is.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Steve Howsley on August 15, 2018, 07:03:34 AM
You know something about a rabbit hole? You just lift up it's tail and there it is.

So that's what you fell into headfirst. OK.

Did you create the reverse image for that photo? If not where did you find it?
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on August 15, 2018, 05:59:57 PM
There is no better demonstration of the complete bankruptcy of the "Oswald is innocent' position than that its proponents have to lie, cherry pick, misrepresent, and misinterpret the evidence in a pathetic attempt to make their idiotic arguments.

How cute:  "I know you are but what am I?"

When did I ever make the claim that Oswald is innocent?  Your inability to show that he was guilty (even by lying about the evidence) is your problem, not mine.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 15, 2018, 06:16:29 PM
So that's what you fell into headfirst. OK.

Did you create the reverse image for that photo? If not where did you find it?
How many times did you have to edit that one? :-\
Just lift the rabbits tail ...it was there all the time.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Steve Howsley on August 15, 2018, 10:01:40 PM
How many times did you have to edit that one? :-\
Just lift the rabbits tail ...it was there all the time.

So should I put you down as someone knowingly trying to pass off fake photos as evidence or someone sucked in by a cheap transparent con? It's one or the other.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 16, 2018, 12:33:56 AM
....  pass off fake photos.. 
So you do admit that they are fakes Thumb1: I've been trying to show that all this time.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on August 16, 2018, 12:45:28 AM
So you do admit that they are fakes Thumb1: I've been trying to show that all this time.

You were caught posting a comparison that even a trained monkey could see was just a flipped image and you couldn't even tell the difference. Hilarious

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 16, 2018, 01:53:49 AM
.... even a trained monkey could see  ....
So you admit you are just another trained monkey Thumb1:
I know of course that the pictures are reversed ..that they are fake and BTW that Rodney Dangerfield had passed away. You seem to be just pulling your hair out sometimes ::) Ha Ha
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on August 16, 2018, 02:56:40 AM
I know of course that the pictures are reversed ..that they are fake

Stop the BS, you didn't have a clue.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Bill Chapman on August 16, 2018, 03:11:59 AM
How cute:  "I know you are but what am I?"

When did I ever make the claim that Oswald is innocent?  Your inability to show that he was guilty (even by lying about the evidence) is your problem, not mine.


Says the guy who claimed Oswald's kids were too old to need a babysitter (and thereby falsely attaching a sinister motive to Ruth's presence)

And are you declaring this forum a court of law, barrister? It's seems more a forum of public opinion.

As I've said many times before, I've never said I could prove anything here. I've never gotten any further than 'probably'... just the same as the WC's 'probably' and the HSCA's 'likely'... despite your insistence that those bodies somehow had to prove Oswald guilty.

*According to your interpretation of the evidence, or the actual evidence? You, who tells us what witnesses really saw, or didn't see. We are not impressed.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on August 16, 2018, 09:11:00 PM

Says the guy who claimed Oswald's kids were too old to need a babysitter (and thereby falsely attaching a sinister motive to Ruth's presence)

Speaking of lies, there's another one.  I never said anything of the kind.  Go back to gorillas playing basketball.

And are you declaring this forum a court of law, barrister? It's seems more a forum of public opinion.

As I've said many times before, I've never said I could prove anything here. I've never gotten any further than 'probably'... just the same as the WC's 'probably' and the HSCA's 'likely'... despite your insistence that those bodies somehow had to prove Oswald guilty.

What do you base your "probably" on, then?  Or do you feel no need to justify even that?

*According to your interpretation of the evidence, or the actual evidence? You, who tells us what witnesses really saw, or didn't see. We are not impressed.

Says the guy who suggested that Frazier saw something different from what he said but lied about it to cover his ass.

It's really simple.  Go to Dealey Plaza, sit where Brennan was.  Have a buddy go up to a 6th floor window of the TSBD (you'll have to pick a different window) and crouch down behind a stack of boxes and pretend to fire a rifle down Elm street and see if you can see him from the belt up.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on August 16, 2018, 09:57:39 PM

And are you declaring this forum a court of law, barrister? It's seems more a forum of public opinion.

Agreed, all these guys like to pretend that they're big shot lawyers and make believe that they're Oswald's defence attorney, it's actually quite comical.

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on August 16, 2018, 11:19:34 PM
Agreed, all these guys like to pretend that they're big shot lawyers and make believe that they're Oswald's defence attorney, it's actually quite comical.

Says the guys who always rant about how they think this or that piece of tainted evidence would be "admissible in court".  Says the guys who always quote Bugliosi's prosecuting attorney rhetoric like "prohibitive probability" and "consciousness of guilt" and make believe they are him.  Even make sycophantic videos about it, and post dozens of cheesy photographs of their idol.

It's actually quite comical.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Bill Chapman on August 16, 2018, 11:44:01 PM
Says the guys who always rant about how they think this or that piece of tainted evidence would be "admissible in court".  Says the guys who always quote Bugliosi's prosecuting attorney rhetoric like "prohibitive probability" and "consciousness of guilt" and make believe they are him.  Even make sycophantic videos about it, and post dozens of cheesy photographs of their idol.

It's actually quite comical.

What's comical is your trollspeak
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on August 16, 2018, 11:47:13 PM
Even make...videos about it...

 Thumb1: Thumb1: Thumb1:


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on August 17, 2018, 12:04:33 AM
Thumb1: Thumb1: Thumb1:

You've got your nose so far up Vince's ass you're gasping for air.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 17, 2018, 12:12:26 AM
Stop the BS, you didn't have a clue.
I don?t know what your problem is, but I?m guessing it?s hard to pronounce.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on August 17, 2018, 08:24:38 AM
You've got your nose so far up Vince's ass you're gasping for air.

Every time you see Bugliosi's name you go Stark Raving Bonkers and start frothing at the mouth and you say I've got the problem, OK champ!

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on August 17, 2018, 08:28:32 AM
I don?t know what your problem is, but I?m guessing it?s hard to pronounce.

Bet you thought you had it all worked out
Bet you thought you knew what I was about
Bet you thought you'd solved all your problems
But you are the problem

Problem, problem
Problem, the problem is you
What you gonna do

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 17, 2018, 10:21:12 PM
You've got your nose so far up Vince's ass you're gasping for air.
& needs to save that breath for the inflatable date ::)
The Sex Pistols video is mediocre [no video]
This one is better...........includes inflatable doll 

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Iacoletti on August 18, 2018, 01:41:05 AM
Every time you see Bugliosi's name you go Stark Raving Bonkers and start frothing at the mouth and you say I've got the problem, OK champ!

Nope, he was just another manipulative lawyer who didn't know the difference between science and rhetoric.  And some people fell for it.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 21, 2018, 08:41:39 PM
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 22, 2018, 11:31:05 PM
The melding photography process is not convincing It could be done with plenty of dissimilar pictures 
I'll say ... call this guy either Donald Putin or Vladimir Trump-----
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Steve Logan on August 23, 2018, 03:12:02 PM

Who did you steal this junk from? No credit given?
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 25, 2018, 04:47:46 AM
Who did you steal this junk from? No credit given?
Now I'm a thief.. posting photos that have been in the public domain for 55 years.
"Credit"?  .... Let's give it to your bud ~~~~~ John Mytton! ~~~~~~ Let's see him do his morph thing with the shoulders...............................
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on August 25, 2018, 07:00:57 AM
Now I'm a thief.. posting photos that have been in the public domain for 55 years.
"Credit"?  .... Let's give it to your bud ~~~~~ John Mytton! ~~~~~~ Let's see him do his morph thing with the shoulders...............................

The very first two images I found of Tom Cruise shows that your ripped off collage of Oswald's shoulders are perfectly natural and often replicated in the real world.


Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 25, 2018, 02:04:42 PM
Well gee Mytton, where did you steal those pictures of Cruise?
Did you get his permission to use them? Credit?
Usually as you get older your shoulders start to slump.
I guess in the case of the "Oswald" photos his shoulders slumped really badly when he was in the service but a couple of years later they got squared away OK.
Also, what a difference a suit makes huh?
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: John Mytton on August 25, 2018, 02:54:44 PM
Also, what a difference a suit makes huh?

Well duh, clothes make the man and your comparisons of Oswald's shoulders on the collage that you stole show Oswald wearing different outfits and in different poses. Welcome to the real world!

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on August 25, 2018, 04:53:09 PM
Well duh, clothes make the man ......
Then you should put this on...

There you go
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on September 07, 2018, 04:38:20 AM
'59 passport....


Minsk [some two years later]....


How tall was Oswald?

Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on September 07, 2018, 04:24:15 PM
From that link....
I should point out, that the two color photographs are not exact matches for the original Oswald - Marina photo.  There was no way of determining the exact camera position in the original photo
And all I wrote was how tall was this guy?
Jerry Organ
? on: Today at 01:34:46 PM
  Do basically you lazily roam about conspiracy websites regurgitating decades-old junk-claims?
Perhaps...however, just what are you doing here but regurgitating your own decades-old stuff?
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on September 07, 2018, 04:59:32 PM

Marina is about six inches shorter than Oswald
This? Maybe?


OK. Where is his Marine ring?
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Paul May on September 08, 2018, 12:42:29 AM
Astounding with all the information available 54 years after the event that ?phony? pictures/photos are still being discussed. The CT case has gone nowhere and they just revert to the same old garbage.  Year after year, it simply never changes.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on September 08, 2018, 03:39:59 AM
Astounding with all the information available 54 years after the event that ?phony? pictures/photos are still being discussed. The CT case has gone nowhere and they just revert to the same old garbage.  Year after year, it simply never changes.
Why are you here then?   (http://www.russianwomendiscussion.com/Smileys/default2/popcorn_eating.gif)
Take up a hobby. Drone flying maybe.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Paul May on September 08, 2018, 07:23:47 PM
Simple.  I enjoy seeing how long you people continue your stupidly.  Clear enough for you?
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Jerry Freeman on September 08, 2018, 07:56:54 PM
Simple.  I enjoy seeing how long you people continue your stupidly.  Clear enough for you?
"continue your stupidly"? Try proofreading your posts there.
OK...Someone who apparently is quite easily entertained. 
Try stamp collecting.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Paul May on September 09, 2018, 05:16:31 AM
What do YOU believe the continued study of the photographs will provide to you?  Enlighten the forum.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Steve Howsley on September 09, 2018, 05:53:03 AM
What do YOU believe the continued study of the photographs will provide to you?  Enlighten the forum.


I'm sure the contribution will be no less that six tenths of SFA as one would expect from those that flutter around moldy old sites looking for stuff that was debunked decades ago. They are not interested in the truth. They are only interested in playing their childish games.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Paul May on September 09, 2018, 05:10:23 PM
Nailed it.
Title: Re: More Fake Pictures of Oswald
Post by: Bill Chapman on September 09, 2018, 05:41:47 PM
From that link....And all I wrote was how tall was this guy?Perhaps...however, just what are you doing here but regurgitating your own decades-old stuff?

'just what are you doing here but regurgitating your own decades-old stuff?'

Truth is eternal
