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Author Topic: Opposing a 1/6 Commission: The Disgrace of the Republicans  (Read 17484 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Opposing a 1/6 Commission: The Disgrace of the Republicans
« Reply #56 on: July 28, 2021, 02:11:00 AM »
More lies.  I've never once suggested that COVID was a hoax.  Not once.  You, however, have insulted people who died from the virus.  Calling them morons.  It was Kantala that questioned the safety of the vaccine when it was in her political interests to do so.  Here are the facts:

As part of Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration entered into contracts with multiple drugmakers. The contracts were generally signed while potential vaccines were still in clinical trials.

Experts told us this was smart because the Trump administration didn’t know which vaccines from which drugmakers would work, how effective they would be or how quickly they could be produced.

“That was the whole approach of Operation Warp Speed,” said Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “Not knowing which one would cross the finish line, the Trump administration took a portfolio approach and invested in multiple vaccines.”

Here’s what the Trump team’s contracts called for drugmakers to supply to the U.S. government:

Pfizer-BioNTech: 100 million doses (two-dose regimen)
Moderna: 100 million doses (two-dose regimen)
Johnson & Johnson: 100 million doses (one-dose regimen)
AstraZeneca: 300 million doses (two-dose regimen)
Novavax: 100 million doses (two-dose regimen)
Sanofi-GlaxoSmithKline: 100 million doses (one- or two-dose regimen)
In all, the amounts agreed to under these contracts total about 800 million vaccine doses, or enough for more than 400 million people.

The U.S., based on U.S. Census estimates, has around 328 million people, of whom about 255 million are 18 or older. (Vaccines are not yet authorized for children.)

First of all, what you are posting about vaccines is off topic to this thread. This is about the 1/6 insurrection. 

Second, you were parroting the right wing media and GOP lies about COVID-19. Unfortunately, I can't post your quotes since the thread no longer exists.

COVID-19 is a deadly virus and you still continue to mock masks and stay at home orders claiming "they don't work". That is an absolute lie which you parrot from the right wing media.         

Yes, I called them morons for pushing vaccine lies and they ended up dying because of it.

No sorry, the right wing media and the GOP media politicized COVID-19 from the start and they are doing the same exact thing for the vaccine.

Vice President Harris (which you are using a racist name for her) wanted to make sure the vaccine was safe bedore she was vaccinated. After she received full confirmation that the vaccines were safe, she was vaccinated and urged all Americans to get vaccinated. Criminal Donald never told his cult to get vaccinated. He was vaccinated in private after he spent a year lying about COVID-19.

Operation Warp Speed was a joke and the vaccines were already being developed by other countries and Criminal Donald wanted to take credit for it because he is a fraud just like he took credit for the Obama/Biden economy.

So, right wingers want to give Criminal Donald fake credit for the vaccine but then turn around and push anti vaccine disinformation so the braindead cult refuses to take it. These people are insane.

Also, Criminal Donald knew about COVID-19 since November 2019 and did nothing to protect Americans. He allowed COVID-19 to decimate the United States because he thought it would postpone the election indefinitely and he could remain in power. This sob needs to be brought up on criminal charges for the deaths of 600,000+ Americans.     

Post about the vaccine in another thread. This is off topic.

Debunking your right wing propaganda lies once again.

Germany funded the development of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine—not U.S.’s Operation Warp Speed

Trump administration passed up chance to lock in more Pfizer vaccine doses: The White House reportedly declined “multiple” offers from Pfizer to strike a deal on more vaccines for the second quarter of 2021.
U.S. Intelligence Warned Trump of Coronavirus Threat as Early as November 2019

Trump stunned aides by saying he wanted to use Covid as excuse to delay 2020 election

Trump believed the pandemic would let him indefinitely delay the 2020 election until whenever he wanted

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Opposing a 1/6 Commission: The Disgrace of the Republicans
« Reply #56 on: July 28, 2021, 02:11:00 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Opposing a 1/6 Commission: The Disgrace of the Republicans
« Reply #57 on: July 28, 2021, 02:27:05 AM »
‘What kind of monsters’ are you: MSNBC panel says MAGA riot-denying GOP is still hurtling toward rock bottom

NBC News commentator John Heilemann attacked Republicans who came out against Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) for participating in the Jan. 6 select Committee that will research the failures on that day and the days that led up to it.

Speaking to MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace, Heilemann said that he has never seen a hearing that has had such an emotional impact.

"I was struck on the other side of that with this incredibly powerful sense of just what kind of moral depravity you must be in the grips of to engage in the kind of whitewashing and memory holing and attempted gaslighting that we've seen on the part of so many Republicans," said Heilemann. "I just can't imagine what kind of a monster you would have to be to watch those men, listen to that testimony, know the truth, hear them talk about it, and then stand up and say that the things they said were not true."

He noted that some Republicans believe it was just "a day at the beach," others think it was nothing more than a "picnic," and then there were some calling it a "tourist" visit for folks on vacation.

"In Donald Trump's recent tellings, it was a moment of glory, it was a moment of people trying to do the right thing, these mob members, these insurrectionists, these terrorists," Heilemann continued. "Rarely, just the starkness of the kind of moral monstrosity that's required to take that position in the face of that kind of testimony, it does truly boggle my mind."

Wallace said that she keeps waiting for the bottom of Donald Trump's presidency. Instead, people like Minority Leaders Sen. Mitch McConnell and Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) have attempted to erase the "bottom."

"I wonder, watching it today, what you thought the chances are of eroding some of the calcified lies that have been bought by the ex-president's supporters with this truth bomb," she asked.

Former FBI counterintelligence deputy Frank Figliuzzi said that he doesn't think that Republicans have quit hit "rock bottom yet," but he's hopeful.

"I have to tell you that while I pray that we're nearing the bottom I don't think we're there yet," he confessed. "You only need look at the social media reaction, reactions to some people in congress who are now deciding to blame everything on Nancy Pelosi, this whole thing that happened on January 6th, in their words, seems to be Nancy Pelosi's fault. There's a right wing cable TV host is attacking those police officers today, saying they're not fit for duty. Are we at the bottom yet? Apparently not."

See the discussion below:

Trump-loving OAN did a total 'whitewash' of first day of Capitol riot committee: CNN media analyst

While ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and Fox News all carried the first day of the Jan. 6 hearing for the special select committee, other right-wing networks had their own agenda.

Writing for, media analyst Brian Stelter noted that "One America News viewers witnessed the whitewashing first-hand."

He noted that as the hearings were beginning, OAN ran a segment on crime in Chicago. It was as if Tuesday's hearing "barely happened at all."

In typical OAN style, Stelter said "the channel's poorly-produced programs avoided the substance of the hearing; slipped in several factual mistakes; and promoted the GOP's counter-programming instead."

While Newsmax attempted to promote conspiracy theories about the Capitol riots, they did show the hearing. So did Fox, despite police officers making it clear that it was a pro-Trump mob that was beating them.

"But the mere act of carrying the police testimony at all is noteworthy because right-wing media has so thoroughly downplayed the crimes of that day," wrote Stelter. He noted that even Fox host Bret Baier called the hearing "an eye-opener" for "anybody watching who ... thought it was not violent."

OAN, by contrast, perpetuated the conspiracy that Jan. 6 was nothing more than a tourist visit at the Capitol. They criticized Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) for being willing to participate in the committee to ensure it was bipartisan. They continued to spout the conspiracy that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had a death wish and wanted Trump's supporters to come into the Capitol and kill Democratic members. The logic doesn't hold up, but that's the only argument the GOP has left and OAN is running with it.

By the time lunch came, OAN was reading another old statement released the previous day from Trump about Pelosi, claiming she's spending too much money on the hearing.

They then attempted to cover news that talked about Tesla stocks but broke into the Department of Justice press conference with Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL). The presser was ultimately shouted down by protesters that the officials failed to plan for.

Read Stelter's full column at

Jim Jordan 'may well be a material witness' for the Jan 6. House committee

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was clearly pandering to the Republican Party's lowest common denominator when he picked Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio as one of the five Republicans he wanted to serve on Speaker Nancy Pelosi's select committee on the January insurrection — a pick that Pelosi flatly rejected, inspiring McCarthy to angrily respond that if Pelosi wouldn't accept all of his picks, she couldn't have any of them. But Pelosi made a wise decision, given how aggressively Jordan promoted the Big Lie and former President Donald Trump's bogus elect fraud claims. And author Sidney Blumenthal, in an op-ed published by The Guardian on July 27, lists some things that Jordan might be asked if he testifies before Pelosi's committee.

Blumenthal is a former senior adviser to President Bill Clinton and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

One right-wing Republican who Pelosi herself picked for the committee is Rep. Liz Cheney, who wholeheartedly agrees with Pelosi's decision to keep Jordan off her January 6 committee. Cheney has said that Jordan should be kept off the committee because he "may well be a material witness to events that led to that day, that led to January 6."

On October 20, Jordan tweeted, "Democrats are trying to steal the election, before the election." In light of that tweet, Blumenthal writes, the committee could ask: "What does Jordan know about the creation of the 'stop the steal' myth? Were his statements about a fraudulent election and attacking the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for its role in 'stealing the election' made in coordination with anyone at the White House or known to them in advance? If he got marching orders, where did he get them from?"

A few days after the 2020 presidential election, Jordan promoted the Big Lie at a "Stop the Steal" rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania that was organized by Scott Presler, a former field director for the Virginia Republican Party. And Pelosi's committee, according to Blumenthal, could ask: "Who funded the Harrisburg rally? What is Jordan's relationship to Scott Presler? What are the communications between Jordan, his staff and Presler?"

On January 11, the day the U.S. House of Representatives impeached Trump for incitement to insurrection, Trump gave Jordan the Presidential Medal of Freedom. And Pelosi's committee, Blumenthal writes, should ask: "What conversations did Jordan have at the ceremony with Trump or others about overturning the election and how to defend Trump?"

On December 4, Jordan tweeted, "Over 50 million Americans think this election was stolen." And in light of how much Jordan promoted the Big Lie that month, Blumenthal writes, Pelosi's committee should ask: "Did Jordan coordinate his statements with Trump, the White House staff, other Republican House members, or Trump's legal team led by Rudy Giuliani?"

On December 21, according to Politico, Jordan privately met with Trump and other Republicans in the hope of finding ways "to overturn the election results." And according to Blumenthal, Pelosi's committee should ask: "What was said at that meeting? What were those plans? Was the rally discussed? Was the idea discussed of sending Trump supporters to intimidate and interrupt members of Congress in the certification process? Was Jordan's role on the House floor on 6 January against certification raised at that meeting? What did Jordan say?"

The committee, Blumenthal writes, should also ask: "Did Jordan broadcast falsehoods in order to encourage Trump supporters to come to Washington on 6 January?"

In a January 12 hearing, Jordan claimed, "I never once said that this thing was stolen." And the committee, according to Blumenthal, should ask: "Why, then, did he tweet that the election was being stolen before it had occurred, appear at a 'Stop the Steal' rally and claim that 'crazy things' had changed the vote in swing states in addition to many other statements?"

WATCH: Jim Jordan squirms when asked if he talked to Trump about riots — and pivots to blaming Pelosi

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) had a tough time when Fox News host Bret Baier asked him about what happened when he spoke to President Donald Trump on Jan. 6 during the attack.

At first, Jordan confessed that he spoke to Trump that day, but rambled around trying to find some other way that he could pivot to attack Democrats.

Baier asked Jordan what he and Trump discussed when they spoke during the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, but Jordan refused to say. Instead, he pivoted to attack Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Police officers.

"The Speaker's office is the one that knows the [Capitol] security posture, and why it was the way it was," Jordan said.

The GOP has been trying to blame Pelosi for not doing enough to prepare the Capitol for what was an unprecedented violent mob attack by the former Republican president's supporters.

Jordan has yet to be subpoenaed by the select committee, and if he is, it's unclear if he would willingly testify.

See the video of Jordan below:

Here are the excuses Trump will most likely use to weasel out of testifying at Capitol riot commission

The House Select Committee on the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol kicked off Tuesday with four police officers delivering emotional testimony about their experiences that day.

But one major question hanging over the committee is whether former President Donald Trump will testify, and the general assumption is that there is no way he would willingly show up to answer questions for Congress.

Longtime followers of Trump will notice he has certain go-to excuses for avoiding accountability that he is most likely to employ if asked to testify.

With that in mind, here are the top 3 excuses Trump will probably give for why he won't testify on the committee.

1. He'll claim it isn't a legitimate committee

Republicans are already saying that the special select committee isn't a legitimate committee because House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) refused to allow members to be on it after Pelosi wouldn't allow Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Jim Banks (R-IN) to serve. It is a bipartisan committee, much to the chagrin of McCarthy, as GOP. Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) are participating in the committee and have pledged to ensure its bipartisan nature.

The only option that Republicans now have is to demonize Cheney and Kinzinger as not "true" Republicans or as "traitors." Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) came very close to using that word, but instead claimed the two GOP members were "blinded by ambition." Cheney has already lost her post as the top third Republican in the House and Kinzinger is risking his House seat.

During Trump's second impeachment trial, his lawyers argued that it wasn't a legitimate trial because it was "unconstitutional" because Trump had already left office by the time the trial began.

2. He will claim that subpoenaing Trump is just a public relations stunt

One thing Trump's lawyers said during the second impeachment trial and investigations was that Trump would never testify because subpoenaing him would be nothing more than a publicity stunt. The comments came after Trump complained that he wasn't allowed to defend himself.

"Presidents Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton both provided testimony while in office — and the Supreme Court held just last year that you were not immune from legal process while serving as president — so there is no doubt that you can testify in these proceedings," wrote Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD). "Indeed, whereas a sitting president might raise concerns about distraction from their official duties, that concern is obviously inapplicable here. We, therefore, anticipate your availability to testify."

The impeachment lawyers for Trump argued that he has a First Amendment right to say whatever he wants in a rally. Trump could also claim the Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself, though that would have to be done in person on the record.

3. Trump will claim executive privilege prevents him from testifying

While Trump's lawyers claimed that impeachment was unconstitutional because he was no longer president, they'll use the protection of the executive branch to hide him from being subpoenaed this time.

Because Trump was president, he'll claim that his calls with other Republican that occurred during the Capitol riots were protected by executive privilege. In fact, he'll claim that all of the things that happened that day were protected by executive privilege.

He tried to use this excuse on May 8, 2019, when he was asked to give a deposition to special counsel Robert Mueller for the Russia investigation. It became Trump's "first use of the secrecy powers as president," reported the New York Times.

It's unclear how far that argument will go given Trump appears to have already waved that privilege by speaking to several reporters for several books about him and his administration. It could also be argued that Trump's rally that day was a political one, not an official one from the president.

There are likely other things his lawyers could come up with as a reason for him to avoid testifying.

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Opposing a 1/6 Commission: The Disgrace of the Republicans
« Reply #58 on: July 28, 2021, 03:00:36 AM »

Offline Richard Smith

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Re: Opposing a 1/6 Commission: The Disgrace of the Republicans
« Reply #59 on: July 28, 2021, 03:07:26 AM »
First of all, what you are posting about vaccines is off topic to this thread. This is about the 1/6 insurrection. 

Second, you were parroting the right wing media and GOP lies about COVID-19. Unfortunately, I can't post your quotes since the thread no longer exists.

COVID-19 is a deadly virus and you still continue to mock masks and stay at home orders claiming "they don't work". That is an absolute lie which you parrot from the right wing media.         

Yes, I called them morons for pushing vaccine lies and they ended up dying because of it.

No sorry, the right wing media and the GOP media politicized COVID-19 from the start and they are doing the same exact thing for the vaccine.

Vice President Harris (which you are using a racist name for her) wanted to make sure the vaccine was safe bedore she was vaccinated. After she received full confirmation that the vaccines were safe, she was vaccinated and urged all Americans to get vaccinated. Criminal Donald never told his cult to get vaccinated. He was vaccinated in private after he spent a year lying about COVID-19.

Operation Warp Speed was a joke and the vaccines were already being developed by other countries and Criminal Donald wanted to take credit for it because he is a fraud just like he took credit for the Obama/Biden economy.

So, right wingers want to give Criminal Donald fake credit for the vaccine but then turn around and push anti vaccine disinformation so the braindead cult refuses to take it. These people are insane.

Also, Criminal Donald knew about COVID-19 since November 2019 and did nothing to protect Americans. He allowed COVID-19 to decimate the United States because he thought it would postpone the election indefinitely and he could remain in power. This sob needs to be brought up on criminal charges for the deaths of 600,000+ Americans.     

Post about the vaccine in another thread. This is off topic.

Debunking your right wing propaganda lies once again.

Germany funded the development of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine—not U.S.’s Operation Warp Speed

Trump administration passed up chance to lock in more Pfizer vaccine doses: The White House reportedly declined “multiple” offers from Pfizer to strike a deal on more vaccines for the second quarter of 2021.
U.S. Intelligence Warned Trump of Coronavirus Threat as Early as November 2019

Trump stunned aides by saying he wanted to use Covid as excuse to delay 2020 election

Trump believed the pandemic would let him indefinitely delay the 2020 election until whenever he wanted

Idiot.  You posted that I had called COVID a hoax.  When I noted your lie, you suddenly claim this thread is about 1/6 because that was an absolute lie.  The fact remains that Trump ordered 800 million doses of the vaccine even before it was proven to be effective.  More than sufficient to vaccinate every adult in the US.  That is simply a fact.  A fact you dipspombleprofglidnoctobunse.  You have lied here on multiple occasions. 
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 03:08:14 AM by Richard Smith »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Opposing a 1/6 Commission: The Disgrace of the Republicans
« Reply #60 on: July 28, 2021, 05:07:04 AM »
Idiot. You posted that I had called COVID a hoax.  When I noted your lie, you suddenly claim this thread is about 1/6 because that was an absolute lie.  The fact remains that Trump ordered 800 million doses of the vaccine even before it was proven to be effective.  More than sufficient to vaccinate every adult in the US.  That is simply a fact.  A fact you dipspombleprofglidnoctobunse. You have lied here on multiple occasions.

:D :D :D

When Richard is proven to be wrong promoting lies and falsehoods he starts to call names like every uneducated right winger does. Hilarious! 

Richard says I'm "lying" when I've debunked every single falsehood he made with facts. That again is hilarious!   

What is this thread about Richard? It's about the 1/6 insurrection and not vaccines. You are posting off topic vaccine propaganda and breaking forum rules.

You parrot Trump's and the right wing media lies that COVID-19 was a "hoax". You parrot Trump's and the right wing media's lies that "masks and stay at home orders don't work".

Are you going to lie claiming you never said "masks and stay at home orders don't work"? You've stated that on multiple occasions.       

I've never lied about anything. I'm debunking your lies with facts and evidence. And as every right winger does, they go ballistic when they are proven to be wrong.

The fact of the matter is, Criminal Donald lied about COVID-19 and called it a "hoax". He publicly downplayed COVID-19  (to where his moronic cult parrots the same lies that COVID-19 is a "hoax" while not taking COVID seriously) but in private told journalist Bob Woodward that COVID-19 is deadly. He mocked masks and demanded kids to be in school so they can spread the virus to their families. He knew about COVID in November 2019 and did nothing to prepare the country or protect Americans from this deadly virus. He called COVID-19 a "Democrat hoax" and waited until mid March when COVID was a full blown disaster until he finally declared it a national emergency. He allowed COVID to ravage the United States of America because he thought it would postpone the election indefinitely since he knew he was going to lose the election. Trump is a deranged sick sob who purposely allowed 600,000+ Americans to die and over 30 million to get infected. And right wingers like you still continue to worship him and defend his lies and dereliction of duty. That is disgraceful.

Criminal Donald passed up securing millions of doses of vaccine for ALL Americans. That was not "sufficient" because it would have taken until September until we reached the vaccination rate we have today since we didn't have enough vaccines to cover every American. Trump lied about the vaccine stockpile, it didn't exist because he refused to secure enough vaccines. It was President Biden who took action to get the vaccines we needed to cover every American and make the vaccine roll out a success. Those are the facts.

You don't know the meaning of the word "fact". You push right wing disinformation instead.

The facts are Criminal Donald is directly responsible for this COVID disaster. He lied about COVID-19, refused to secure enough vaccine for ALL Americans, and his roll out was an absolute disaster. You can't rewrite history to cover for your criminal hero because facts will always refute your propaganda.

Trump calls coronavirus Democrats' 'new hoax'

Trump, downplaying virus, has mocked wearing masks for months

Trump mocks Biden for wearing mask: 'Did you ever see a man that likes a mask as much as him?'

All The Times Trump Has Promoted Hydroxychloroquine

Trump again pushes unproven drug hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus treatment

Trump suggests 'injection' of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and 'clean' the lungs: A Homeland Security official, under questioning from reporters, later said federal laboratories are not considering such a treatment option

Trump Tells Woodward He Deliberately Downplayed Coronavirus Threat

Intelligence report warned Trump of coronavirus crisis as early as November: "Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event," a source said

Trump's demand that schools fully reopen spurned by big districts

Trump's Covid lies were a tragedy. Were they also a crime?

Lie of the Year: Coronavirus downplay and denial

The Trump Coronavirus Vaccine Rollout Has Been an Absolute Mess: As the pandemic rages, the federal government is failing to rise to the challenge of vaccinating Americans as states are beset by confusion

America’s Vaccine Rollout Is Already a Disaster

Why the US Vaccine Rollout Is a Disaster, What It Means for the next few months

Trump administration accused of deception in pledging release of vaccine stockpile: The governors of several states accused the Trump administration on Friday of deception in pledging to immediately distribute millions of COVID-19 vaccine doses from a stockpile that the U.S. health secretary has since acknowledged does not exist

US. Intelligence Warned Trump of Coronavirus Threat as Early as November 2019

Trump stunned aides by saying he wanted to use Covid as excuse to delay 2020 election

Trump believed the pandemic would let him indefinitely delay the 2020 election until whenever he wanted

4 million people in U.S. received a vaccine on Saturday under President Biden

Biden Announces Deal For 200 Million More COVID-19 Vaccines

Biden says US is securing 600 million vaccine doses by July

Here's Criminal Donald slurring his words and has no clue what he was doing. Thank God this lunatic is gone. He called it "Carranavirus".

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Opposing a 1/6 Commission: The Disgrace of the Republicans
« Reply #60 on: July 28, 2021, 05:07:04 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Opposing a 1/6 Commission: The Disgrace of the Republicans
« Reply #61 on: July 28, 2021, 05:37:54 AM »
Idiot. You posted that I had called COVID a hoax. When I noted your lie, you suddenly claim this thread is about 1/6 because that was an absolute lie[/b]

In the original "Trump conspiracy thread" you along with Royell Storing were downplaying COVID-19 calling it a "hoax" like your orange criminal messiah and your phony right wing media told you. I haven't lied about anything.   

The fact remains that Trump ordered 800 million doses of the vaccine even before it was proven to be effective. More than sufficient to vaccinate every adult in the US.  That is simply a fact.  A fact you dipspombleprofglidnoctobunse.  You have lied here on multiple occasions.

 :D :D :D

This is not a fact. You are posting right wing disinformation. 

Sorry, but you lie on multiple occasions and I just debunk them. And you just lied again above because Criminal Donald's own lying corrupt administration had to admit that there was no vaccine stockpile when Governors weren't receiving vaccine for distribution. We all remember the Trump roll out disaster with the vaccine and how we had vaccine shortages. You are not allowed to re-write history with your fake disinformation claiming we had "more than enough" when we did not. Just more of your falsehoods has been exposed and it's pathetic how you still cover for your orange criminal hero.

Did you build a shrine for him in your living room so you can worship him?

Trump administration accused of deception in pledging release of vaccine stockpile

JANUARY 15, 2021

NEW YORK/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The governors of several states accused the Trump administration on Friday of deception in pledging to immediately distribute millions of COVID-19 vaccine doses from a stockpile that the U.S. health secretary has since acknowledged does not exist.

Confusion over a vaccine supply windfall that was promised to governors but failed to materialize arose as scattered shortages emerged on the frontlines of the most ambitious and complex immunization campaign in U.S. history, prompting at least one large New York healthcare system to cancel a slew of inoculation appointments.

Just 10.6 million Americans have received a shot since federal regulators last month granted emergency approval to two vaccines, one from Pfizer Inc and BioNTech and a second from Moderna Inc, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported.

That tally falls far short of the 20 million vaccinations the Trump administration had promised to administer by the end of 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic raged virtually unchecked with ever-increasing record numbers of infections, hospitalizations and deaths.

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines each require an initial dose and a booster shot given about three weeks apart.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar had said on Tuesday that the administration would release millions of doses it had been holding in reserve for booster shots in order to help spur a sluggish rollout of first doses to those most in need of the vaccine.

Azar said then that the administration was confident enough in the supply chain to release its stockpile, and urged states to use the additional supply to open inoculations to everyone aged 65 and over.


Many states obliged, but on Friday a number of governors said they were dismayed to learn that no stockpile existed.

“Last night I received disturbing news, confirmed to me directly by General (Gustave) Perna of Operation Warp Speed: states will not be receiving increased shipments of vaccines from the national stockpile next week, because there is no federal reserve of doses," Oregon Governor Kate Brown said on Twitter.

“This is a deception on a national scale,” Brown added, demanding an explanation from the outgoing administration.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that the federal government ran down its vaccine reserve in late December and has no remaining reserves of doses on hand.

California Governor Gavin Newsom, appearing at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles for the opening of a mass-inoculation site, said Azar and Vice President Mike Pence had committed on a conference call this week with governors to releasing a vaccine reserve that Newsom said had included some 50 million doses stored in Michigan.

“And then we read, as everybody else, that they have reneged on that, or for whatever reason are unable to deliver on that,” Newsom said.

Brown and Newsom’s comments were echoed by at least eight other governors, most of them fellow Democrats, including Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, who called the situation a “slap in the face.” Colorado Governor Jared Polis said he was “extremely disappointed” that Azar had “lied to” his state.

Azar suggested in an interview with NBC News on Friday that the doses in question had already been allocated to the states.

“We now have enough confidence that our ongoing production will be quality and available to provide the second dose for people,” the HHS secretary said. “So we’re not sitting on a reserve anymore. We’ve made that available to the states to order.”

Pfizer said it has been holding on to second doses at the request of the federal government and anticipated no problems supplying them to Americans.

“Operation Warp Speed has asked us to start shipping second doses only recently. As a result, we have on hand all the second doses of the previous shipments to the U.S.,” a company spokeswoman said in a statement.


The latest stumble in the vaccine campaign came as the number of known U.S. infections of the virus that causes COVID-19 surpassed 23 million, more than 388,000 of which have proven fatal, according to a Reuters tally.

Adding to anxieties over the pace of immunizations, the CDC warned on Friday that a new, highly transmissible variant of the virus sweeping Britain could become the dominant form in the United States by March.

In New York, the country’s most populous city, Mayor Bill de Blasio said the city has vaccinated about 300,000 of its more than 8 million residents, but was on course to run dry next week because it was burning through vaccines faster than they were being replenished.

At least one New York City healthcare system, Mount Sinai Hospital, canceled vaccination appointments, and another, NYU Langone Health, suspended new ones amid shortages, officials said.

In Los Angeles, Governor Newsom joined Mayor Eric Garcetti and other officials in launching a mass inoculation site at Dodger Stadium, an operation they said would be the largest in the nation, administering 12,000 shots a day by next week.

The baseball arena, which had been devoted to drive-through diagnostic testing for months, is one of several vaccine “super stations” opening across California, home to 40 million people and a U.S. epicenter of the pandemic in recent weeks.

President-elect Joe Biden, who takes office on Wednesday, said on Friday he would order increased production of syringes and other supplies to accelerate a vaccine rollout that he has called a “dismal failure.”

He has set the goal of immunizing 100 million Americans, about a third of the population, within the first 100 days of his administration.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Opposing a 1/6 Commission: The Disgrace of the Republicans
« Reply #61 on: July 28, 2021, 05:37:54 AM »