The only pulp around here is inside your own head.
Let's have some more fun coming out of Virginia's testimony:
(Three minutes of silence.)
Mr. BELIN. Now, Mrs. Davis, you may not be able to remember just what exactly the time sequence was. You have been sitting here about 3 minutes, and if you don't remember what the time sequence was, why I would like to have you so state. But if you do remember---or do you want more time to think about it?
Mrs. DAVIS. Well, the best I can remember, it was before that we saw the boy cut across the yard that we called the police, the best that I can remember.
What a sly dog, you start off your quoted testimony with (Three minutes of silence.) as if that was somehow "fun" but you deliberately left out the part immediately preceding where Belin asks her to sit for about 30 seconds and Virginia who isn't a clock just took a little longer to recall the exact events, which were a little out of order. BFD!
Mr. BELIN. I want to be certain that we get this time sequence correct as to when you saw the man with the gun and when the police were called, so I am just going to ask you to sit for about 30 seconds and Just think as to just what did happen, and then just tell the court reporter in your own words just what did happen there.
(Three minutes of silence.)It's an endless list of stupidity, what harebrained conspiracy theory will you cook up next and make this sure this one is at least half way plausible because your batting average lately is pathetic, just saying! LOL!
Btw Virginia, just happened to live a couple of houses away from an unexpected murder and her somewhat expected failure to accurately recall the precise order of events has zero effect on Oswald's guilt.