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Author Topic: What did SS agent Kellerman mean by, "A flurry of shells come into the car?"  (Read 49792 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Maybe the better question is, why is Kellerman the only person who talked about a "flurry of shells"?

I posted links to a couple of other witnesses who said the last two shots were BAM-BAM or BANG-BANG or.....  A significant number of witnesses reported:

He said a flurry of shells came into the car.  How many witnesses were in the car?

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Offline John Iacoletti

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Are there any other witnesses that back up his claim?

Kellerman's claim is probably best described as a flurry of shots which he later said was TWO shots.  Kellerman, like MANY other witnesses, is describing the last sounds he heard that sounded like gunfire.

A list of witnesses from Richard Charmin's WORDPRESS blog that said the last two sounds were BANG-BANG

You lost me at "Richard Charnin".

Offline Mike Orr

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There is a pattern among the majority of the people who heard one shot and a pause then heard 2 shots that were very close to each other. If you were going by the span length between 3 shots as bam......bam.bam then that pretty much takes the Carcano out of the picture and would take many other kinds of rifles out of the picture as well from one shooter. The AR15 or its M16 on fully auto would not work either. In the USMC , the 1st thing I realized after bursting off a few rounds on automatic at night with tracer rounds was that the M16 would just shoot the next round higher than the last round like you were just walking up the tree while firing . We know Hickey had an AR 15 but it was pretty doubtful that Hickey fired his AR15 that day. If there was a headshot from the right front then that shot was taken because at the time there did not seem to be a kill shot on JFK . I still feel like the throat shot was frontal through the windshield and did not transverse the neck because of the bullet being slowed down by going through the windshield before hitting JFK , plus there were the very small leaks in JFK.s  face during the embalming. We might get a few more files after "Poppy" dies but I'm guessing that the remaining files have pretty much been "sanitized" by now. You never know ! There might be a file that slips by . I'm not sure we would believe the truth if it were told to us. November 22nd 1963 will probably never be solved to a full extent of what we think really happened . Nothing would surprise me after our last election for President !

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Online Royell Storing

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There is a pattern among the majority of the people who heard one shot and a pause then heard 2 shots that were very close to each other. If you were going by the span length between 3 shots as bam......bam.bam then that pretty much takes the Carcano out of the picture and would take many other kinds of rifles out of the picture as well from one shooter. The AR15 or its M16 on fully auto would not work either. In the USMC , the 1st thing I realized after bursting off a few rounds on automatic at night with tracer rounds was that the M16 would just shoot the next round higher than the last round like you were just walking up the tree while firing . We know Hickey had an AR 15 but it was pretty doubtful that Hickey fired his AR15 that day. If there was a headshot from the right front then that shot was taken because at the time there did not seem to be a kill shot on JFK . I still feel like the throat shot was frontal through the windshield and did not transverse the neck because of the bullet being slowed down by going through the windshield before hitting JFK , plus there were the very small leaks in JFK.s  face during the embalming. We might get a few more files after "Poppy" dies but I'm guessing that the remaining files have pretty much been "sanitized" by now. You never know ! There might be a file that slips by . I'm not sure we would believe the truth if it were told to us. November 22nd 1963 will probably never be solved to a full extent of what we think really happened . Nothing would surprise me after our last election for President !

          Let's face it. In spite of all the alleged "Images" of the assassination, we still do Not know the Full Story as to what happened between the JFK Limo turning onto Elm St and JFK being wheeled into Trauma Room 1. (1) Over the last 54+ years there is Not 1 single eyewitness inside Dealey Plaza that has Ever testified/said/written that they witnessed SA Lem Johns jumping out of the LBJ SS followup car and running down Elm St. toward LBJ's convertible as claimed by the SS, (Johns was latter seen by Wiegman at a position UP the knoll), or (2) Where/When did DPD Officer Chaney pull his motorcycle alongside the lead car and converse with the driver DPD Chief Curry regarding the physical condition of JFK. These are huge gaping Black Holes in the assassination story that the JFK Research Community should have resolved a Long Time Ago. As long as Large pieces of this puzzle remain in-the-wind, the picture will likewise continue to be based on conjecture.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2018, 04:23:07 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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What did SS agent Roy Kellerman mean when he testified that a flurry of shells came into Kennedy's limousine?

Mr. SPECTER. As you are positioning yourself in the witness chair, your right hand is up with the finger at the ear level as if clutching from the right of the head; would that be an accurate description of the position you pictured there?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes. Good. There was enough for me to verify that the man was hit. So, in the same motion I come right back and grabbed the speaker and said to the driver, "Let's get out of here; we are hit," and grabbed the mike and I said, "Lawson, this is Kellerman,"--this is Lawson, who is in the front car. "We are hit; get us to the hospital immediately." Now, in the seconds that I talked just now, a flurry of shells come into the car. I then looked back and this time Mr. Hill, who was riding on the left front bumper of our followup car, was on the back trunk of that car; the President was sideways down into. the back seat.
Mr. SPECTER. Indicating on his left side.
Mr. KELLERMAN. Right; just like I am here.
Mr. SPECTER. You mean, correct, left side?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Correct; yes, sir. Governor Connally by that time is lying flat backwards into her lap-- Mrs. Connally--and she was lying flat over him.

LATER in his testimony he referred to a flurry of shots...

Mr. SPECTER. Now, did President Kennedy say anything beside, "My God, I am hit."
Mr. KELLERMAN. That is the last words he said, sir.
Mr. SPECTER. Did Mrs. Kennedy say anything at that specific time?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Mr. Specter, there was an awful lot of confusion in that back seat. She did a lot of talking which I can't recall all the phrases.
Mr. SPECTER. Well, pinpoint--
Mr. KELLERMAN. But after the flurry of shots, I recall her saying, "What are they doing to you?" Now again, of course, my comparison of the voice of her speech--certainly, I have heard it many times, and in the car there was conversation she was carrying on through shock, I am sure.

Is this evidence of a conspiracy??
Absolutely this is evidence of conspiracy. If you look at Kellerman's position ducked under the dashboard when the shots came in, he was not looking back, he was ducking!  How much talking do you think you can do (his suggestion of Jackie) in the half second interval that the shots came in and she immediately tried to leave. I would think the reaction would be more a scream in horror and get out of Dodge ASAP.   if you were next to someone that clearly took a headshot at Z329/330, what would you do?   Are you next?   You would not be continuing to stare in oblivion at the President for 17 frames or a full second after Z313!   You also know that she knew that something happened behind the sign much earlier when the President reached for his throat and no longer waved to the crowds and she attended to him up until around Z325ish.  She had several seconds to digest that shot.

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Offline Allan Fritzke

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And whatever happened to Lee Bowers???    After stating an obvious contradiction to what the FBI told him - he had to agree that obviously he was NO expert as to what he thought took place.   Yes, he lived  a long and free life and died an old man, taking his testimony with him!

Offline Mike Orr

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Lee Bowers died in August of 1966 , when his car left an empty road and struck a concrete bridge abutment near Midlothian , Texas .

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Exactly my point!  You got it Mike Orr.  Pretty bizarre ending to this man!

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