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Author Topic: What did SS agent Kellerman mean by, "A flurry of shells come into the car?"  (Read 42997 times)

Offline John Mytton

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Here's where you tell us what he really meant.

So let's be honest you haven't got a clue what Kellerman meant, why are you wasting my time?


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Offline John Mytton

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Well he had to make something up that Oswald said as he was planting the gun in his waistband and violating his rights.

What a joke, violating Oswald's rights, Ffs!

How about McDonald's rights?

When I go to work I don't expect to be punched in the face for absolutely no reason and then to top it off I don't expect some lunatic to try and shoot me.

Imo McDonald showed a great deal of restraint.


Offline Steve Logan

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What a joke, violating Oswald's rights, Ffs!

How about McDonald's rights?

When I go to work I don't expect to be punched in the face for absolutely no reason and then to top it off I don't expect some lunatic to try and shoot me.

Imo McDonald showed a great deal of restraint.


"When I go to work I don't expect to be punched in the face for absolutely no reason and then to top it off I don't expect some lunatic to try and shoot me."

I did.  ;)

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Offline Mitch Todd

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What did SS agent Roy Kellerman mean when he testified that a flurry of shells came into Kennedy's limousine?


Maybe the better question is, why is Kellerman the only person who talked about a "flurry of shells"?

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Maybe the better question is, why is Kellerman the only person who talked about a "flurry of shells"?

Yes. And in his same day official report, he wrote this: "We were still traveling at the normal rate of speed of from 12 to 15 miles per hour when I heard a noise, similar to a firecracker, exploding in the area to the rear of the car, about 12:30 p.m.
Immediately I heard what I firmly believe was the President's voice, "My God, I'm hit!" I turned around to find out what happened when two additional shots rang out, and the President slumped into Mrs. Kennedy's lap and Governor Connally fell_to Mrs. Connally's lap. I heard Mrs. Kennedy shout, "What are they doing to you?"

Three shots. No "flurry of shells".
Which supports his testimony where he said the "flurry of shells" were two shots.
Mr. SPECTER. Now, in your prior testimony you described a flurry of shells into the car. How many shots did you hear after the first noise which you described as sounding like a firecracker?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Mr. Specter, these shells came in all together.
Mr. SPECTER. Are you able to say how many you heard?
Mr. KELLERMAN. I am going to say two, and it was like a double bang--bang, bang.
Again: "I am going to say two"..... His "flurry of shells" equals two.

Kellerman report:
Kellerman testimony:
« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 07:16:27 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

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Offline Bill Charleston

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If Kellerman was the ONLY witness who said the last two shots were BANG-BANG, then it would be just another observation added to the millions of facts that didn't fit together.

BUT Kellerman was NOT alone: Roy Kellerman finally said it was two and in that he agreed with what dozens of other witnesses say they heard, BANG-BANG.

Patricia Ann Donaldson says at the END of this video clip that she heard BAM-BAM for the last sounds that sounded like gunfire.

Patsy Paschall says in the first few seconds of this video clip it was a POW pause then POW-POW.

I can add more video clips of other witnesses who said the last two sounds were BANG-BANG (or similar descriptions) because there were DOZENS of witnesses who said that is what the last sounds were, like two rifle shots VERY close together.  But no matter how many witnesses are presented that said they heard BANG-BANG for the last two sounds, that does NOT PROVE that the last sounds were separate shots.

Who knows, maybe the US gov't was correct, the last sounds close together were echoes.  To try and sort this out, does anything in the Zapruder film indicate the last two sounds might have been two separate shots?

JFK is shot in the head at Z313, and Connally STARTS to be violently bent over forward at Z325 which is 0.7 seconds later.  That would sound like BANG-BANG to witnesses.

What Roy Kellerman said about the last two shots makes perfect sense when you listen to other witnesses and look at the Zapruder film.  Fortunately there is additional evidence which proves the witnesses like Kellerman were correct.  That, of course, proves the US gov't forged evidence to hide the truth.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2018, 04:50:45 AM by Bill Charleston »

Offline John Mytton

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Fortunately there is additional evidence which proves the witnesses like Kellerman were correct.  That, of course, proves the US gov't forged evidence to hide the truth.


Mr. BELIN - Do you have any time estimate as to the spacing of any of these shots?
Mr. BAKER - It seemed to me like they just went bang, bang, bang; they were pretty well even to me.

BREHM said that a third shot followed and that all three shots were relatively close together. BREHM stated that he was in military service and he has had experience with bolt-action rifles, and he expressed the opinion that the three shots were fired just about as quickly as an individual can maneuver a bolt-action rifle, take aim, and fire three shots.

Mr. CABELL - Well, I would put it this way. That approximately 10 seconds elapsed between the first and second shots, with not more than 5 seconds having elapsed until the third one.

Mr. SPECTER. What is your best estimate on the time that passed from the first to the last shot?
Mrs. CONNALLY. Very short. It seemed to me that there was less time between the first and the second than between the second and the third.

Mr. BELIN - And what's your best recollection now as to the amount of time between shots?
Mr. COUCH - Well, I would say the longest time would be 5 seconds, but it could be from 3 to 5.
Mr. BELIN - And would this be true between the first and the second shots as well as between the second and the third - or would there have been a difference?
Mr. COUCH - As I recall, the time sequence between the three were relatively the same.

Mr. BELIN - The shots seemed to be how far apart?
Mr. FISCHER - That's hard to say. I've been thinking about that. And--uh--I'd guess--3 to 4 seconds.
Mr. BELIN - Was that between the first and the second or between the second and the third?
Mr. FISCHER - Between both. As far as I can remember, the shots were evenly paced.

Mr. LIEBELER - Did the shots seem evenly spaced or were some of them closer together?
Mr. HUDSON - They seemed pretty well evenly spaced.

Mr. BELIN. How close did the shots sound like they came together?
Mr. ROMACK. Oh, they happened pretty fast. I would say maybe 3 or 4 seconds apart.
Mr. BELIN. Were they equally spaced, or did one sound like it was closer than another one in time?
Mr. ROMACK. It sounded like to me that they were evenly spaced. They rang out pretty fast.

Mr. SPECTER - Do you recall whether or not the statement is accurate in that you told the police officials at that time that there was a time span of 8 seconds between the first and second shots and a time span of 3 seconds between the second and third shots?
Mr. ROWLAND - I think I did tell them that, yes, sir.

Mr. BALL. I see. Did you tell them that you heard the bolt action of the rifle?
Mr. NORMAN. Yes.
Mr. BALL. And that you heard the expended cartridges fall to the floor?
Mr. NORMAN. Yes; I heard them making a sound.

JERRY HAYNES from WFAATV who was there with JAY. @17:37
....we heard one shot then a second or two later we heard another shot and then another second or two later the third shot.

JAY WATSON from WFAATV who ran straight back to the studio gave this account @27:28
I can best explain it in my own words, we were a hundred yards....yada yada yada
Jerry Haynes and I were standing there and we heard one shot and immediately thereafter heard another shot and then a third little bit later.


Offline Steve Taylor

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  At 1:11 PM, UPI transmitted the fact that 3 "bursts" of gunfire were heard by reporters.  Also, "Some of the Secret Service agents thought the gunfire was from an automatic weapon fired to the right rear of the President's car...probably from a grassy knoll to which the police rushed."

Other interesting things are in this teletype which starts at 12:38 PM.

  I'd like to add that an M-16 at the time could fire up to 15 rounds per second.  I doubt many people could distinguish that many shots in such a short time.  It may sound like a single shot to some (masked by echoes), or "bursts" to others.

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