"You lost me at "Richard Charnin"."
The point with me listing Richard Charnin's list of witnesses who heard BANG-BANG for the last two shots is to simply point out that others have noticed that a significant number of witnesses have said the same thing for the last shot like sound(s).
Another person NOT on Charnin's list:
Covering JFK: Gunshots ring in Dealey PlazaWithin a minute into this clip, Robert MacNeil repeats the common statement from witnesses BANG then BANG-BANG TWO SHOTS much closer together, very close.
I found this additional BANG-BANG witness within the last year as I have been listening to witness interviews for a long time. Typically when they are interviewed, the witness will tell the interviewer BANG-BANG for the last shot like sounds and that comment is usually
IF BANG-BANG was caused by TWO separate shots, then that is a HUGE revelation and it would be very, very important in solving this "mystery." But it appears to me the interviewers just ignore the BANG-BANG comments because every knowledgable JFK assassination buff knows that Dealey Plaza is essentially an echo chamber.
BUT IS THAT TRUE?For the comments I've seen on this thread, it is TOO early to show how to PROVE whether the last two sounds were caused by an echo OR if the last two sounds were caused by two different shots.But one thing that can be discussed now is that I can play MANY witnesses saying the last TWO sounds were like BANG-BANG but virtually none of the witnesses talk about the first shot sounding like BANG-BANG, very close together. That observation alone would lead any reasonable person to conclude that the last two sounds were BANG-BANG because the first shot like sound DID NOT ECHO.
If the last shot echoed, then the first shot should have echoed but the vast majority of the BANG-BANG witnesses did NOT say that!Since the first shot did NOT echo according to most witnesses, then what does that PROBABLY mean? Obviously, it means that the last two sounds were caused by different shots. And knowing that it PROBABLy means that a powerful conspiracy killed JFK.
And it probably means that a significant amount of evidence was forged to hide the truth.
But remember this: No matter how many witnesses say they heard BANG-BANG, it does NOT prove there were two separate shots fired about the time President Kennedy was shot in the head. Fortunately, there is other evidence available that allows us to determine the correct answers in the JFK assassination "mystery."