Imo Oswald was given a midnight press conference because nobody besides Oswald had anything to hide.
Imo Oswald participated in the press conference because he had nothing to hide.
But what makes you even think that the people who arranged the press conference were conspirators?
I don?t think the Dallas police was part of the conspiracy. I don?t think anyone besides Oswald was involved. But I thought the standard CT story was that the Dallas Police was involved in the conspiracy, because they must have coordinated the movement of Oswald with Ruby?s visit to the Western Union office and still reach the police basement garage four minutes later with almost perfect timing.
Do you hold that the Dallas police were not part of the conspiracy on Friday night so they saw no need to keep Oswald silent? But by 36 hours later, they were now part of the conspiracy, so they helped with the timing so Oswald would be silent forever.
Is this what you wish to imply?