Okay. Where do I start? Let's start with these six (there are plenty more):
The shell fragments allegedly found inside the limo, which were linked through ballistics to the rifle found up on the sixth floor. Were these fragments really found inside the limo or were they planted?
What is your evidence that they were found inside the limo?
The two shell casings found in Oak Cliff, one by Barbara Davis and one by Virginia Davis. Were these two shells really found at the scene by these girls?
What is your evidence that the two shells in evidence (and
which two shells anyway?) were found at the scene by the Davis girls?
The paper trail and money order leading to Oswald's purchase of the rifle allegedly found up on the sixth floor. Was this paper trail faked? Was the money order faked?
What is your evidence that these paper trails
lead to Oswald?
The paper trail leading to Oswald's purchase of the revolver allegedly used to kill Tippit. Was this paper trail faked?
What is your evidence that this paper trail
leads to OswaldThe revolver in evidence, allegedly taken from Oswald when he was apprehended inside the theater. Is that really the revolver taken from Oswald or did the real murder weapon disappear and Gerald Hill plant into evidence a revolver linked to Oswald?
What is your evidence that CE143 was taken from Oswald when he was apprehended inside the theater?
What I've noticed is that when nutters can't defend the provenance of what they consider to be evidence, they quickly rush to shift the burden of proof and insist that you prove that somebody faked it. Even evidence that doesn't even have anything to do with
who murdered Kennedy.
If you can't (for example) reliably prove that Oswald filled out the 2-inch order coupon that a microfilm picture was taken of with anything other than a biased, unscientific judgment call (and you cannot), then there is no need for any of your "paper trail" to have been "faked" by anybody. If there is no evidence that Oswald picked up a parcel from the post office containing CE139 (and there is not), then there is no need for any of your "paper trail" to have been "faked" by anybody. That's why they are strawmen. You want to pretend that either the evidence we have proves what you think it proves, OR that some vast conspiracy that nobody ever claimed faked it all. You can't prove your case, so you shift the burden to the other side of the false dichotomy.