And that proves that there was no Mauser too how? Talk about having your head buried.
Duh..... I said...
"Roger Craig never saw a mauser in the TSBD that afternoon, Rob....".But perhaps you can prove that statement isn't true.....All you have to do is document that Roger Craig saw and examined a rifle that...quote...
." had 7.65 Mauser stamped right there on the barrel"IOW... Show me WHEN Roger Craig would have seen and examined such a gun....We know from Craig's own words that it couldn't have been prior to the discovery of the Carcano. ( Commonsense dictates that if they had found a rifle prior to finding the Carcano they wouldn't have continued searching for a rifle)
And we have film that shows Roger Craig in the background as Day and Fritz examine the Carcano. Since Roger Craig most certainly believed that they had found the weapon at that time he wouldn't have continued searching....And He himself said that he left the building shortly after the discovery of the rifle which photos reveal is a Carcano.
Now knock off the BS ..... Either prove that there was a Mauser found in the TSBD and Roger Craig was close enough to that Mauser that he could read the stamping on the rifle...OR be honest for once, and admit you are WRONG......