Yes, she certainly said that.
Now where is the examination?
Asked and answered. You're quibbling about the wording in the Warren Report. The Commission had testimony Oswald signed that ledger. The usual complaint about the Commission coming from conspiracy theorist quarters is that the Commission ignored the evidence and reached the conclusion they wanted to reach. Here, you're claiming the Commission should have ignored the evidence and reached a conclusion contrary to the evidence they had before them, as you ignore the evidence and reach a contrary conclusion below.
Cool. I'm surmising that this is not a "register" and Oswald didn't write O.H. Lee on it. Or is it only you who gets to surmise?
I'm also surmising that the the Warren Commission falsely claimed that "further examination" was done.
No, you're the only one surmising.
Let me apologize. Sorry, I used the wrong word earlier. I used the word
surmise, when I should have used
surmisesuppose that something is true
without having evidence to confirm it.
"he surmised that something must be wrong"
conjecture; plural noun: conjecturesan opinion or conclusion formed
on the basis of incomplete information.
I *conjectured* on the basis of the incomplete information on the O.H.Lee / Room 0 page that the Johnson's tracked the rent payments in a register with one lodger listed per page. You demanded I produce the register, which isn't necessary. No business need produce all their records to establish the veracity of one record. You are surmising on the basis of nothing at all, other than your fervent desire that Oswald didn't use an alias when registering at the rooming house that Oswald didn't sign the document, despite the evidence to the contrary. In doing so, you're ignoring or excluding the evidence we do have, that of Mrs. Johnson's testimony and the business record she submitted.