I tried to engage you in a disscussion about the 7.65 mauser...... but you insist that it was found along with the carcano and there were actually two rifles there on the sixth floor.... I believe that is absurd.
First off, I never insisted there were 2 rifles found on the 6th floor, only that you don't know that there weren't. I'm playing the devil's advocate that you can't be 100% certain that Craig and Weitzman were lying about seeing a Mauser in the TSBD just because it wasn't shown on Alyea's film footage. You think it's absurd because you buy into the testimony from the conspirators and you think that the Alyea film tells the whole story. But Alyea didn't film the hulls at the SN so does that mean they didn't exist? You know damn well the provenance for ALL the evidence is crap as well as shady. The DPD planted all the evidence, didn't they? They certainly weren't worried about getting their prints all over EVERYTHING.
I tried to have a discussion about the 7.65 Mauser with you but you glazed over. I only have a couple of questions for you:
1) Why would Weitzman have been shown a Mauser if it had nothing to do with the Big Event?
2) Why do you think the conspirators would not have placed a shooter in the SN so they could frame Oswald?
Answer my 2 absurd questions and we'll take it from there, if you dare.