I have no problem with the Mannlicher being tucked away in the boxes as the shooting was taking place.
In fact, it suits my view of the assassination.
Here's an excerpt from the newspaper article.....
Roger Craig----- " I was also present when the rifle was found. Now this rifle--- There's no possible way that a man could lay that rifle between those boxes. He had to drop it in there. I'm six feet tall and I couldn't reach down and pick that rifle out without climbing on top of those boxes and getting down in em, by moving some of em, to get to the rifle."
There's no possible way that a man could lay that rifle between those boxes.
He had to drop it in there.
IOW..... The rifle was lying ON THE FLOOR and not jammed between boxes of books as it is seen in the official police in situ photos.... Which means the DPD staged the in situ photo to enable them to frame Lee Oswald by saying that he dashed by the site and hastily jammed the carcano between the boxes of books.