It's not nonsense? From the Book "High Treason" pg 144. "Deputy Eugene Boone and and I (Craig) found the rifle which I might add was a 7.65 Mauser, so stamped on the barrel. Weitzman signed an affidavit to the this effect."
"High Treason pg 229. Affidavits sworn at the time of the assassination by Deputy Sheriff Seymour Weitzman state the gun was a German Mauser.
Weitzman- a man with extensive experience in guns, who owned gun shops, who had a graduate degree in Engineering-that the gun was a Mauser, a favored weapon of snipers.
That's pure hogwash they didn't know what type of gun it was until SaPersonay. So a FULL day after the assassination with FBI, Police and SS nobody could identify the gun until the next day? This gun that killed the President wasn't identified until the next day doesn't hold your claim.