Earlene was so blind, I'm surprised she even had a television !
Oh, and of course she had her back turned the entire time Saint Oz was leaving the boarding house.
The poor blind woman couldn't have possibly averted her attention from the TV that she was incapable of watching, not even for a moment to vainly try and see who was walking in and out of the house.
And even if she was able to actually turn her head and see Saint Oz she couldn't possibly tell if he was wearing a jacket.
Nope, at best she might have heard someone she assumed to be Saint Oz zipping a jacket.
Ain't that right, kooks ?
Earlene was so blind, I'm surprised she even had a television !The television belonged to the roominghouse. Whether Earlene Roberts had a television of her own is of no signifance.
Oh, and of course she had her back turned the entire time Saint Oz was leaving the boarding house.Didn't she?
The poor blind woman couldn't have possibly averted her attention from the TV that she was incapable of watching, not even for a moment to vainly try and see who was walking in and out of the house.
Mr. BALL. You were working with the television?
Mrs. ROBERTS. I was trying to clear it up to see what was happening and try to find out about President Kennedy.
Mr. BALL. When he came in he was in a shirt?
Mrs. ROBERTS. He was in his shirt sleeves.
Mr. BALL. What color was his shirt? Do you know?
Mrs. ROBERTS. I don't remember.
I didn't pay that much attention for I was interested in the television trying to get it fixed.
Mr. BALL. I'll show you this jacket which is Commission Exhibit 162---have you ever seen this jacket before?
Mrs. ROBERTS. Well,
maybe I have, but I don't remember it. It seems like the one he put on was darker than that. Now,
I won't be sure, because I really don't know, but is that a zipper jacket?
Mr. BALL. Does the color of this shirt which I show you here, Commission Exhibit No. 150, look anything like the shirt he had on?
I'm sorry, I just don't know.<>
Mr. BALL. Did he have the same colored pants on when he came in as when he went out?
Mrs. ROBERTS. Now,
I wouldn't say that because I don't remember-I didn't pay that much attention.Mr. BALL. Now, did it appear to you he had on the same pants or different pants from the time he came in and when he went out ?
Mr. ROBERTS. Well,
I just didn't pay that much attention. All I remember-he was zipping up a coat and I was trying to find out about President Kennedy--
I was still trying to find out about President Kennedy-they was broadcasting it then-I was more interested in that.
And even if she was able to actually turn her head and see Saint Oz she couldn't possibly tell if he was wearing a jacket.
Mr. BALL. I'll show you this jacket which is Commission Exhibit 162---have you ever seen this jacket before?
Mrs. ROBERTS. Well,
maybe I have, but I don't remember it. It seems like the one he put on was darker than that. Now,
I won't be sure, because I really don't know, but is that a zipper jacket?
Nope, at best she might have heard someone she assumed to be Saint Oz zipping a jacket.
Ain't that right, kooks ? Earlene Robers is a kook?
Mr. ROBERTS. Well, I just didn't pay that much attention. All I remember-he was zipping up a coat
EARLENE WASN'T HALF AS BLIND AS THE DROOLING SAINT OZ FANBOIS ARE Mrs. ROBERTS. Well, you know, I can't see too good how to read.
I'm completely blind in my right eye. Buell Wesley Frazier had 20/20 vision and saw Oswald for much longer than Roberts ever did, yet fools like you claim he was wrong about just about everything, but a half blind known story teller who wasn't paying much attention is believed by idiots like yourself and then you call others "kooks".... Go figure!