Mr. BALL. I show you Commission Exhibit 162, do you recognize that?
Mr. WESTBROOK. That is exactly the jacket we found.
Westbrook recovered the jacket that they found.
Why do you feel it's so important to pinpoint who saw the jacket first?
Westbrook testified that the person who found it could have been an officer. If he was right, that would make that officer the first person in the chain of custody.
But to me far more interesting is the officer that Westbrook said he gave the jacket to when he himself left the carpark to go to the next location. This is the crucial missing link.
Who was the officer Westbrook gave the jacket to and how and when did the jacket get to the police station?
While still at the carpark DPD radio and at least two officers were talking about a
white jacket. Once the jacket gets to the police station it suddenly is gray and it is initialed by officers that were not involved in the chain of custody at all...
And then you wonder why we want to know who "we" is..... Go figure