So it is possible to witness a crime without seeing someone pull the trigger? And this analysis depends somehow on how far away the witness is? Who ID'd Oswald as the Tippit shooter by seeing him a few minutes later?
Well, apparently Bill Brown thinks that Ted Callaway did.
First of all, Callaway saw Oswald run by with a gun in his hands and wearing an Eisenhower-type jacket moments after the shooting, not minutes.
Anyway, Markham saw Oswald shoot Tippit. Scoggins saw the same man that Markham saw. Scoggins saw this man run from Tippit's patrol car towards Patton, cut across the Davis lawn and head down Patton towards Jefferson. Both Barbara Davis and Virginia Davis saw the same man that Scoggins saw. The Davis sisters saw this man cut across their lawn and turn the corner onto Patton. Callaway saw the same man coming from Tenth, cutting through the Davis yard towards Scoggins hiding beside his cab, running down Patton with a gun in his hands.
When pieced together, Callaway saw Tippit's killer.
One does not have to see the killing to see the killer.