You didn't answer it. None of those experts were at the autopsy in 1963, thus, they could only go by what they were told. Their supposed authentication of what they were provided means nothing since they have no idea if they truly depict the wounds seen on 11/22-11/23/63.
The current autopsy photographs and X-rays do not match the wounds seen by witnesses who viewed the body. It is clear that you put more weight with the HSCA then the contemperaneous witnesses.
Even IF they were authentic (and they're not based on the PH witnesses and others), how do they prove that LHO was the shooter as you claim?
Not true Four Dallas doctors examined the autopsy x-rays and photos and told the NOVA science show on PBS that the photos and x-rays were consistent with what they saw. But, I would never expect all the eyewitnesses at parkland to agree - after all they were frantically trying to save Kennedy, not examine their wounds. And, that is why they all have a variety of different viewpoints as to what they saw. The best evidence is the autopsy x-rays and photographs and they clearly prove that Kennedy was hit by two bullets from behind.
As for Oswald, there's lots of time to get there. I'm trying to get agreement on the autopsy x-rays and photographs.
Have you read the documentation I referenced?