A critique of Litwin's "book" by James D.
James DiEugenio?
You mean the high school history teacher who as recently as March 21st of this year stated on the EF that Alger Hiss was not a spy for the Kremlin?
The guy who idolizes intellectually-dishonest Jefferson Morley (see my 1-star review of Morley's "The Ghost" on Amazon, under the name dumptrumputin)?
The guy who refused to applaud at the conclusion of John Newman's "Spy Wars" presentation in San Francisco in March because Newman, having read Tennent H. Bagley's excellent book by the same name, is now convinced that Yuri Nosenko was a false defector, and Anatoliy Golitsyn a true one?
The guy who was sad that the Communist candidate lost the election to Yeltsin?
The guy whom Bill Kelley told me over the phone was a "cracker"?
The guy who is idolized on RT?
The guy who bemoans the demise of Alex Jones?
That James DiEugenio?
-- Tommy