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Author Topic: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?  (Read 77258 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #480 on: December 26, 2019, 04:29:55 PM »
Yes, using common sense and reason on these nuts is like trying to teach a chimp to speak French.

“Common sense and reason” is what “Richard” calls it when he makes up a narrative out of thin air.

logical inference relating to Oswald's actions.  That would include his scouting a place in the building that gave him the best combination of a shooting location and seclusion to commit the act. 

Case in point. There’s no evidence whatsoever that Oswald “scouted” the building.

Oswald would also have been aware of the general patterns and behaviors of his fellow employees

Baseless speculation. There’s no reason to assume that they had any “general patterns and behaviors” to be aware of, or that Oswald was in fact aware of any.

including whether the 6th floor was generally deserted at lunch time. 

They didn’t “generally” lay flooring. In fact, it was less likely to be deserted this particular day than usual.

He had worked in the building for a month or so.  When he selects the 6th floor as his shooting location,

Notice how “Richard” just slips in his conclusion as an assumption?

he decides where it is best to hide the rifle on that floor. 

There’s no evidence that a rifle was hidden on that floor prior to the motorcade arriving.

And that would be where he goes with the rifle when he arrives that morning. 

There’s no evidence Oswald went to the sixth floor when he arrived that morning. Or that he had a rifle.

Not rocket science.

Correct. It’s just self-serving made up BS.

  He is seen carrying his clipboard and the clipboard is found on the 6th floor.

There’s also no way to know that the clipboard found by Frankie Kaiser 11 days later was used by Oswald on November 22. Kaiser wasn’t even at work that day.

Only Oswald can know certain details of the crime.

Again, assuming the conclusion. And why are you so dead set on making up details that cannot be known?

But no one needs to prove with absolute certainty where Oswald hid the rifle or whether he had some trepidation about carrying it into the building to demonstrate his guilt.

You haven’t even proven that he brought a rifle into the building.

The presence of Oswald's rifle


on the floor from which witnesses confirm there was a shooter

No witnesses saw any shooting.

along with fired bullet casings from his rifle make him the obvious suspect.

Suspect to your heart’s content. Just don’t pretend you’ve proven anything.

  His prints on the SN boxes and bag further implicate him. 

Implicate him for what? Touching book boxes that it was his job to get books out of? Or touching a bag that you can’t demonstrate ever contained a rifle?

Absent any type of reasonable explanation as to how his rifle ended up there, his goose is cooked. 

Guilty until proven innocent. “Reasonable” to you means the thing you already believe.

Instead Oswald flees the building, gets a pistol, shoots a police officer, and lies to the police about not owning a rifle.

Again, these are all claims based on biased assumptions (Oops, I mean “common sense”), not evidence.

   His story about the bag also contradicts what Frazier tells the police (i.e. that he asked Oswald about his lunch and Oswald confirmed that he was not carrying his lunch on that day).  All highly indicative of guilt. 

All that’s highly indicative of is that his (alleged) story contradicts Frazier. Frazier’s story over the years also contradicts Frazier’s story.

It is laughable that anyone can believe from these facts and circumstances that there is any doubt whatsoever of his guilt.

It’s laughable that you think your subjective opinions are evidence.

  A contrarian can dispute facts, evidence, common sense and logic to the end of time if they don't desire reaching any conclusion. 

You act like reaching a conclusion is in-and-of-itself a virtue. Even if you have to make things up to reach it.

It's just a lazy and dishonest way to create the false impression of doubt.

Just because you have no doubt doesn’t mean there is no reasonable doubt. It’s not all about you.

  Nothing in human history could ever be accepted as fact applying that type of alice-in-wonderland kookery to any situation.   It's what a defense attorney does when they realize their client is guilty.  An implicit acknowledgement of guilt.

What you are doing is what a corrupt prosecutor does when there is a foregone conclusion. Everything points to guilt.

“I am not a witch”

“Only a true witch will deny being a witch!”

“All right then, I’m a witch”

“She’s a witch — she admitted it!”

« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 04:33:41 PM by John Iacoletti »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #480 on: December 26, 2019, 04:29:55 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #481 on: December 26, 2019, 05:24:11 PM »
   A waste of time. 
And yet here he is...wasting more time---trolling away :D

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #482 on: December 26, 2019, 06:50:39 PM »
It’s a question of when Oswald would have read the newspaper

If it is not until Thursday, then the reason is it’s risky to take a rifle in a package into Dealey plaza on Friday morning,let alone into some other building

On the other hand, if Oswald read the Tuesday paper then he had more than enough time to explore Dealey plaza, select some spot or building, and to carry a package with rifle. If William Castor could walk around carrying TWO rifles as well as EXHIBIT them without any DPD , FBI, or other security being alarmed, then surely Oswald could have probably done so with just ONE package

From the Keep it Simple Sherlock Department

As long as Lee Harvey Occam-Oswald heard about the route of the motorcade before Frazier left work that Thursday, the little prick had a shot at becoming a somebody.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 10:07:35 PM by Bill Chapman »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #482 on: December 26, 2019, 06:50:39 PM »

Offline Ross Lidell

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #483 on: December 26, 2019, 10:38:17 PM »
It’s a question of when Oswald would have read the newspaper

If it is not until Thursday, then the reason is it’s risky to take a rifle in a package into Dealey plaza on Friday morning,let alone into some other building

On the other hand, if Oswald read the Tuesday paper then he had more than enough time to explore Dealey plaza, select some spot or building, and to carry a package with rifle. If William Castor could walk around carrying TWO rifles as well as EXHIBIT them without any DPD , FBI, or other security being alarmed, then surely Oswald could have probably done so with just ONE package

It’s a question of when Oswald would have read the newspaper

Oswald did not buy newspapers. He read the discarded newspapers when they were a day old. This suggests that Oswald read about the President's motorcade route on Wednesday 20 November 1963--a day after it was first published in the Dallas newspapers.

If it is not until Thursday, then the reason is it’s risky to take a rifle in a package into Dealey plaza on Friday morning,let alone into some other building

A confusing sentence. Even so: It's not risky for Lee Oswald to take a rifle (disassembled) into the TSBD on the morning of the day that the President will pass the building in which he (Oswald) works. If law-enforcement had searched workers entering the TSBD, Oswald had an excuse for bringing his rifle to work. The disassembled state of the gun would support a story that he was taking it to a gunsmith (later in the day) to have the rifle repaired.

« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 10:41:58 PM by Ross Lidell »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #484 on: December 26, 2019, 11:13:10 PM »
“Common sense and reason” is what “Richard” calls it when he makes up a narrative out of thin air.

Case in point. There’s no evidence whatsoever that Oswald “scouted” the building.

Baseless speculation. There’s no reason to assume that they had any “general patterns and behaviors” to be aware of, or that Oswald was in fact aware of any.

They didn’t “generally” lay flooring. In fact, it was less likely to be deserted this particular day than usual.

Notice how “Richard” just slips in his conclusion as an assumption?

There’s no evidence that a rifle was hidden on that floor prior to the motorcade arriving.

There’s no evidence Oswald went to the sixth floor when he arrived that morning. Or that he had a rifle.

Correct. It’s just self-serving made up BS.

There’s also no way to know that the clipboard found by Frankie Kaiser 11 days later was used by Oswald on November 22. Kaiser wasn’t even at work that day.

Again, assuming the conclusion. And why are you so dead set on making up details that cannot be known?

You haven’t even proven that he brought a rifle into the building.


No witnesses saw any shooting.

Suspect to your heart’s content. Just don’t pretend you’ve proven anything.

Implicate him for what? Touching book boxes that it was his job to get books out of? Or touching a bag that you can’t demonstrate ever contained a rifle?

Guilty until proven innocent. “Reasonable” to you means the thing you already believe.

Again, these are all claims based on biased assumptions (Oops, I mean “common sense”), not evidence.

All that’s highly indicative of is that his (alleged) story contradicts Frazier. Frazier’s story over the years also contradicts Frazier’s story.

It’s laughable that you think your subjective opinions are evidence.

You act like reaching a conclusion is in-and-of-itself a virtue. Even if you have to make things up to reach it.

Just because you have no doubt doesn’t mean there is no reasonable doubt. It’s not all about you.

What you are doing is what a corrupt prosecutor does when there is a foregone conclusion. Everything points to guilt.

“I am not a witch”

“Only a true witch will deny being a witch!”

“All right then, I’m a witch”

“She’s a witch — she admitted it!”

There’s no evidence that a rifle was hidden on that floor prior to the motorcade arriving.

Actually the manner in which the rifle was found IS evidence that the Carcano was hidden BEFORE the motorcade arrived....

The two officers who spotted the rifle ( Boone and Weitzman) said that the rifle was ON THE FLOOR  beneath a pallet.... Seymour Weitzman said that he was down on the floor shining his flashlight beneath the pallet when he spotted the rifle lying on the floor

The rifle could NOT have been hidden in that manner AFTER the shooting.....Because, Baker and Truly arrived on the sixth floor about two minutes after the FIRST  shot was fired.   Baker and Truly would have seen anybody hiding the rifle....
« Last Edit: December 27, 2019, 12:13:44 AM by Walt Cakebread »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #484 on: December 26, 2019, 11:13:10 PM »

Offline Ross Lidell

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #485 on: December 26, 2019, 11:38:03 PM »
There’s no evidence that a rifle was hidden on that floor prior to the motorcade arriving.

Actually the manner in which the rifle was found IS evidence that the Carcano was hidden BEFORE the motorcade arrived....

The Tw officers who spotted the rifle ( Boone and Weitzman) said that the rifle was ON THE FLOOR  beneath a pallet.... Seymour Weitzman said that he was down on the floor shining his flashlight beneath the pallet when he spotted the rifle lying on the floor

The rifle could NOT have been hidden in that manner AFTER the shooting.....Because, Baker and Truly arrived on the sixth floor about two minutes after the FIRST  shot was fired.   Baker and Truly would have seen anybody hiding the rifle....

The rifle could NOT have been hidden in that manner AFTER the shooting.....Because, Baker and Truly arrived on the sixth floor about two minutes after the FIRST  shot was fired.

Baker and Truly encountered Oswald in the second floor lunchroom approximately 90 seconds after the FIRST shot was fired at President Kennedy. Some time was consumed in the encounter. It would be impossible for them to ascend four (4) floors in thirty (30) seconds.

Baker and Truly would have seen anybody hiding the rifle....

Temporarily setting aside the timing problem: The assassin (Oswald or the 6th floor shooter) would have left the 6th floor already and not be there in the process of hiding the murder weapon. Perhaps you could explain your theory with some facts?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #486 on: December 27, 2019, 01:09:05 AM »

The rifle could NOT have been hidden in that manner AFTER the shooting.....Because, Baker and Truly arrived on the sixth floor about two minutes after the FIRST  shot was fired.

Baker and Truly encountered Oswald in the second floor lunchroom approximately 90 seconds after the FIRST shot was fired at President Kennedy. Some time was consumed in the encounter. It would be impossible for them to ascend four (4) floors in thirty (30) seconds.

Baker and Truly would have seen anybody hiding the rifle....

Temporarily setting aside the timing problem: The assassin (Oswald or the 6th floor shooter) would have left the 6th floor already and not be there in the process of hiding the murder weapon. Perhaps you could explain your theory with some facts?

I never imagined that a dumbass would attempt to refute the evidence.....

Mr Lidell says that it would have been impossible           "It would be impossible for them to ascend four (4) floors in thirty (30) seconds."...  Mr Lidell apparently has a reading comprehension problem....and didn't understand the word "ABOUT" preceding  the words TWO MINUTES....  Nobody knows exactly when Baker and Truly arrived on the sixth floor but LBJ's cover up committee claimed that Baker left Lee Oswald on the second floor about 90 seconds after the shots were fired. So who knows exactly when Baker arrived on the sixth floor ???    I would concede that it's improbable that Baker could have arrived on the sixth floor thirty seconds after leaving Lee on the second floor....But that's not the point....  The point is:....The rifle was well hidden beneath a pallet with boxes of books stacked on it....Nobody could have hidden the rifle in the manner it was hidden after the shooting and before Baker arrived on the sixth floor.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #487 on: December 27, 2019, 02:50:43 AM »
Nobody could have hidden the rifle in the manner it was hidden after the shooting and before Baker arrived on the sixth floor.

Why would it necessarily have to have been put there before Baker arrived on the sixth floor?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK? A u
« Reply #487 on: December 27, 2019, 02:50:43 AM »