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Author Topic: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?  (Read 77234 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #88 on: September 20, 2018, 02:44:28 PM »
Spin away, but it won't work. It is infinitely more difficult for a single person to kill with a rifle than up close with a pistol. That is why NO LNer ever attempted their task with a rifle.

The use of a rifle confirms that it was a carefully orchestrated conspiracy utilizing multiple shooters.

Tell it to John Hinkley, Arthur Bremer and Squeaky Froamme.  All failed attempts with a pistol.  A rifle can be deadly effective.  Provide us your "supporting evidence" that validates your claim that "it is infinitely more difficult for a single person to kill with a rifle than up close with a pistol."  Start with the example of Charles Whitman who hit moving human targets at distances of three times the JFK assassination with similar USMC training to Oswald.  And don't forget James Earl Ray. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #88 on: September 20, 2018, 02:44:28 PM »

Offline Colin Crow

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #89 on: September 20, 2018, 03:03:15 PM »
The time estimates by witnesses are not likely to be absolutely accurate. Did Bonnie Ray Williams look at his watch? Did BRW wear a watch?

Was Oswald hiding quietly in the Sniper's Nest hoping BRW would leave the 6th floor before the President drove by the TSBD?

There are timestamps that have been repeatedly posted that show that Williams likely did not vacate the Sixth floor until at least 12.25.

Mr. BALL. Did you stay there?
Mr. NORMAN. Well, we stayed there I believe until we got the news that the motorcade was coming down, let's see, is that Commerce, no Main, because Commerce- we went back in the building, James Jarman and I.

A timeline of the Presidential Motorcade taken from Dallas Police Radio logs shows that the Motorcade got to Main about 12.24pm. Aslo Jarman estimated the time they left the front of the TSBD to be 12.20-12.25.  They walked approximately 200 ft to the west elevator and about 160 ft to the SE corner of the 5th floor. This would take about a minute at 6ft per sec walking speed. The elevator took about 45 seconds to reach the 5th floor. They could have been in position on the fifth floor about 2 minutes after departing the front steps and may have been in position around 12.25 or slightly earlier depending on the accuracy of the broadcast. Williams claimed he joined them after they arrived.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 03:19:24 PM by Colin Crow »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #90 on: September 20, 2018, 04:24:43 PM »
The time estimates by witnesses are not likely to be absolutely accurate. Did Bonnie Ray Williams look at his watch? Did BRW wear a watch?

He didn't have to.  He went down after hearing Norman and Jarman on the fifth floor, and their departure from the street to go upstairs is timestamped by them hearing a report that the motorcade was on Main street.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #90 on: September 20, 2018, 04:24:43 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #91 on: September 20, 2018, 04:55:20 PM »
Start with the example of Charles Whitman who hit moving human targets at distances of three times the JFK assassination with similar USMC training to Oswald.

Whitman had been out of the Marines for 20 months, where he tested as sharpshooter on both stationary and moving targets. Oswald had been out of the Marines for 4 years, last barely qualified as a "marksman", the lowest rating, and had no practice in the intervening years.  Whitman had been shooting since childhood.  Whitman brought 7 firearms, including a semiautomatic shotgun and 700 rounds of ammunition.  Oswald allegedly brought a cheap surplus Italian rifle with a misaligned scope and 4 rounds of ammunition.  Whitman killed or injured 38 people over a 90 minute period of shooting.  Oswald allegedly killed or injured 2 people over a 5-8 second period.

Other than both being in the Marines, they are in fact nothing alike.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #92 on: September 20, 2018, 05:22:10 PM »
Poor dishonest John.  So many lies, intentional omissions, and baseless claims in one short post.  Both Oswald and Whitman received similar training in the USMC.  Oswald qualified as a "sharpshooter."  There is no confirmation that he "had no practice in the intervening years."  In fact, Marina indicates he did take the MC rifle to practice (no doubt another lie in the sinister plot).  Both used a rifle in the commission of their crimes (although Whitman hit targets at much greater distances than Oswald needed too).  There is no confirmation that Oswald's scope was misaligned at the time of the assassination.  There is no confirmation that Oswald's shots occurred over 5-8 seconds.  Simply because the objectives of the two crimes were different is not relevant in rebutting Caprio's nutty claim that "It is infinitely more difficult for a single person to kill with a rifle than up close with a pistol."  That is the point being addressed.  There are numerous examples to the contrary.  Whitman is just one of many.  A rifle can be a deadly weapon.  That would seemingly be obvious even to the most dishonest contrarian. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #92 on: September 20, 2018, 05:22:10 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #93 on: September 20, 2018, 05:41:01 PM »
Poor dishonest John.  So many lies, intentional omissions, and baseless claims in one short post.  Both Oswald and Whitman received similar training in the USMC.  Oswald qualified as a "sharpshooter."

Speaking of intentional ommissions, "Richard", when did Oswald qualify as a sharpshooter and what was his most recent rating before leaving the Marines?

  There is no confirmation that he "had no practice in the intervening years."

Well, no rifle in the Soviet Union.  Maybe a hunting trip or two with a shotgun.  Other than Jeanne DeMohrenschildt's "shooting leaves in the park", do you have any evidence of any actual shooting practice in Dallas or in New Orleans?  I mean, you believe that he had a rifle rolled up in a blanket for 6 weeks instead, right?

In fact, Marina indicates he did take the MC rifle to practice (no doubt another lie in the sinister plot).

She did?

Mr. RANKIN. Did you learn at any time that he had been practicing with the rifle?
Mrs. OSWALD. I think that he went once or twice. I didn't actually see him take the rifle, but I knew that he was practicing.

There is no confirmation that Oswald's scope was misaligned at the time of the assassination.

So what?  There's no confirmation that Oswald shot Kennedy either.

  There is no confirmation that Oswald's shots occurred over 5-8 seconds.

Huh?  When do you think the shots that you imagine that Oswald took occurred?

Simply because the objectives of the two crimes were different is not relevant in rebutting Caprio's nutty claim that "It is infinitely more difficult for a single person to kill with a rifle than up close with a pistol."  That is the point being addressed.

So you get to make ridiculous false equivalences just because you're trying to argue with Caprio?
« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 05:43:34 PM by John Iacoletti »

Offline Don Echols

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #94 on: September 20, 2018, 06:26:36 PM »
The length that Frazier gave was that of 2 feet of what Oswald was carrying,even when disassembled the rifle was longer that 2 feet. But here is a better question,why did he not shoot Kennedy when the car was on Houston St,he had a much better shot,and probably could have done it with one shot. Had he done when the car turned on Houston,i believe he could have had plenty of time,to may even leave the building with the gun.And i think Oswald got hire 2 or 3 months,before Nov 23rd.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #95 on: September 20, 2018, 06:42:04 PM »
The standard excuse is that this guy, who left his ring at the Paine's because he didn't expect to get away with it, didn't want to risk the Secret Service seeing him because he might not get away with it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Why Would LHO Choose His Workplace As The Location For Shooting JFK?
« Reply #95 on: September 20, 2018, 06:42:04 PM »