The truth really lies with the witness videos that we have of their statements (very soon after and much later). We then can compare them to an accepted evidence film such as the Zapruder and the others. Try to overlay those statements and see how it is feasible that the SBT could even occur and if it matches the reports.
1) You will notice in the Zapruder Film that when the car emerges from behind the sign, both JFK and JC were looking directly at the umbrella man located at the front of the Stemmons sign. That is undeniable. Notice half the umbrella is at the front of the sign so it is not visible.
2) The position of JC at the instant JFK reaches to his throat is way out alignment with the TBSD 6th floor window. JC suit jacket shows the bullet hole on the RHS ("under his nipple") with a larger hole at the back of the jacket (RHS as well) then at the front. All under the same armpit. The wrist at this instant in time is off even further to the RHS of his body in the Zapruder frames. This is an impossible angle for a neck shot to even come close to doing what has been recorded it did!
Look at the closest eyewitness testimonies you have (JC and Nellie Connally) and pick out what is consistent and what is not. They have been interviewed many times. JC's first interview from the hospital bed says he lapped in and out of consciousness - not sure of anything. As time went by and new evidence introduced, his story became more embellished yet and more sure of himself. The first recollection he wasn't too sure of exactly what happened - but his memory became better as time went on! Later on he remembers exactly that he never lost consciousness at all! Nellie notes how she held her hand over the "sucking" wound which allowed him to continue breathing or he would have died. She doesn't even put her hands close to where the suit jacket (RHS) indicates such wounds are noted in reports. She goes directly over the chest cavity, crosses her arms.
Their testimonies do not match the frames of the Zapruder Film - very important. There is absolutely no synergy! Her upper body is by the floor boards of JFK's feet (follow the frames) while JC finds himself sitting with his head in the corner by the corner post of driver Greer driving to the hospital!
No one wants to look at those photos and pick these facts out! Amazing how people want to bury their heads in the sand and not look at those frames and see what matches to the key eyewitnesses.
Jacqueline Kennedy was never sought like they were, to state her opinions before the cameras! Did she not have a voice and allowed to speak? Why can't these 2 key witnesses have a better account of what really happened? Surely this is a coverup if you can't find synergy!
Compare that to this interview on CNN. 1) Note how Nellie points to a bullet going from JC RHS back to his LHS "nipple" (points with her fingers even!) and says "through his lung and ribs...." ! 2) She can't remember the response when she tells JFK that you can't say Dallas doesn't love you, JC has to interject the response! Her initial interview on November 24, 1963 did not include JFK's reply. It is on youtube as well. 3) John was in her lap at the time the "3rd shot" came in and hit JFK in the head. Ridiculous. Yes, his head was on her feet out of line of fire but certainly wasn't face up!
Again, look at Zapruder Film. Note their positions!4) She also said in this interview that the "Driver
called to the escort and said 'lets get out of her quick'. JC affirms that. I guess he had the microphone!
She went on to write a book! This looks like the book interview, to help the sales out!
Isn't it amazing what comes out of the mouths of first hand key witnesses and those closest to the scene and the President? I guess they will take the truth with them to the grave! The LNers are lucky they didn't have a conscience. We have their records to peruse and see how it compares to crime scene videos such as the Zapruder film! Even though this evidence has been tampered with, the truth still oozes out!
Even in 2003 she made a powerful statement in her interview! Did she even know her husband intimately to know the location of his wounds. It is like she had never saw where his scars where! Embellished is a word I like to use rather sparingly given the fact that we are discussing the death of the POTUS. I just can't help it! It was totally embellished and falsified!