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Author Topic: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242  (Read 120973 times)

Offline Robin Unger

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #232 on: October 17, 2018, 03:42:34 AM »
You didn't answer the question, so why are you asking me a question?  A question in response to my questions is not an answer.


They are just fumbling around in the dark making it up as they go Steve.

I just posted photo's and a Nix Gif showing that Chaney was no where near the overpass as the lead car and the Limo approached it, and they totally ignored it. ( They have their Alteration rose colored glasses on. )

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #232 on: October 17, 2018, 03:42:34 AM »

Offline Robin Unger

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #233 on: October 17, 2018, 04:03:14 AM »
The theory that Chaney was removed is based on his testimony that he rode forward past the limo right after the head shot,

Who believes that Chaney was removed (from the Z film?)

I believe it was a mistake that the film creators made.....They didn't deliberately remove Chaney from the film they were creating...They simply forgot that Chaney was alongside the Lincoln whe JFK was reacting to being hit.....And probably forgot that Altgens had recorded that scene in his 6th exposure.

Consequently they are now compelled to try to cover up that mistake......

They simply forgot

Who was in charge of this bungled Gov/CIA project to "Remove Chaney from the Z-film" The marks bros

I guess They simply forgot about Altgens 7 as well, and the fact that it shows NO Chaney anywhere near the underpass as Curry is about to enter it.

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #234 on: October 17, 2018, 04:51:26 AM »
Steve, there is a video on Youtube taken that day where he says he did. He also gave statements. Chief Curry confirmed it in his statements. The 2 agents in the back seat also gave statements confirming it. Hargis also confirmed it. He said Chaney jammed it it first and raced forward to notify Curry. Lead bike cop Ellis also mentioned it is his interview. He said chaney met him and they both motored over to Curry to tell him.
 In the 80's Gary Mack claimed Curry and Chaney came to him independently and said it really happened on the Stemmons onramp. That is an absurd story because by the time they where on the onramp Curry had been notified 5 different ways that the president was hit or shots were fired. They were already racing to Parkland when Mack Claimed that Chaney tried to catch up to Curry to tell him the president was hit.
Chaney was giving the most important time critical message of his career yet instead of using the radio he is supposed to try and catch Curry, but He did not know Curry was going to slow way down on the onramp and he was about 800 feet behind Curry.  He would have been Chasing him down the freeway but old cop bikes(I had one) are no faster than the limo after the first couple seconds of acceleration. I don't see Mack's story as credible


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #234 on: October 17, 2018, 04:51:26 AM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #235 on: October 17, 2018, 04:55:03 AM »
Walt if they took the limo stop out they would have to take out Chaney too. With the limo stop gone there is no time or space for Chaney to ride forward a few hundred feet to Chaney because he could not get out ahead of the limo. By the time he stopped to tell Chaney the limo would go racing past them.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #236 on: October 17, 2018, 05:00:12 AM »
You didn't answer the question, so why are you asking me a question?  A question in response to my questions is not an answer.

    Why would I answer a question you made Directly to Brian? 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #236 on: October 17, 2018, 05:00:12 AM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #237 on: October 17, 2018, 05:13:11 AM »
Chaney said after telling Curry Ellis reassigned him to the lead bikes with Lumkpin and Grey. That is why he is not in Altgens 7.
Lead bike cop Ellis said the whole motorcade had come to a stop and he rode back to Curry where he met Chaney. Curry's car was stopped short of the underpass.
Another implication of this is that the Macintyre photo  would have to be altered to take out Chaney and add Ellis.
I have never understood how those three cops look like they are putting along at 25 to 30 mph and the limo is only about 2 seconds behind there current position and must be doing 50mph.
   I say that because not only are they 3 abreast when turning onto the onramp, friggen Lumpkin has his left hand in his lap! Being the middle guy when going around a curve means you have to watch your ass. At high speed the middle person is going to fall back a bit and not ride with one hand and a pleasant smile on their face. Not starting a new debate I just had to rant about it.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #238 on: October 17, 2018, 01:52:15 PM »
Walt if they took the limo stop out they would have to take out Chaney too. With the limo stop gone there is no time or space for Chaney to ride forward a few hundred feet to Chaney because he could not get out ahead of the limo. By the time he stopped to tell Chaney the limo would go racing past them.

OK Chris....I admit I haven't given much thought as to WHY Chaney doesn't appear beside the Limo in the Z film.......I just asumed it was  blunder when they created the fake record.....

However, nobody will ever change my mind about what I see in the Altgens photo.   I'm absolutely convinced that my eyes are telling me the truth....  That Chaney was right there looking over his left shoulder and alarmed by seeing JFK in distress after hearing a gunshot.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #239 on: October 17, 2018, 02:19:36 PM »
Thanks Chris

Their rationale for Chaney not appearing in Z-255 is that someone somewhere altered the frames to REMOVE Chaney.

I would ask them these question:

Why on earth would anybody want  to Remove Chaney from the Z-film ?

If Z-255 how many other frames was Chaney excised from ?

Why wasn't Chaney excised from Altgens 6 ?

Why wasn't Chaney's motorcycles reflection taken off the back of the limo in Z-255

Some clean up operation, who was running the "Operation Remove Channey" the 3-stooges

Inquiring minds want to know .  :) :D ;)

Their rationale for Chaney not appearing in Z-255 is that someone somewhere altered the frames to REMOVE Chaney.

There's no doubt that Chaney does not appear alongside the Lincoln in the Z film frame 255.....

Why wasn't Chaney excised from Altgens 6 ?

The photo had already been published in thousands of publications.......
Why wasn't Chaney's motorcycles reflection taken off the back of the limo in Z-255

Why wasn't Chaney's motorcycles reflection taken off the back of the limo in Z-255

Your dreamin....  How can you identify the image as Chaney's and his motorcycle?  How do you know that the reflection isn't that of Douglas Jackson?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Chaney's motorcycle in Zapruder frame Z-242
« Reply #239 on: October 17, 2018, 02:19:36 PM »