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Author Topic: How Could LHO Walk Seven Blocks Shortly After The Assassination & Not Be Seen?  (Read 96333 times)

Offline John Mytton

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How Run 1213 can be effect on 11/22/63 when it clearly states 6-4-62 on the sheet???

Mr. McWATTERS - This is a schedule, I will just say a bus schedule.


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Offline Jerry Freeman

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... nobody cares what you say... get a life!
Posts twice as much as anyone here and then says 'get a life'. Boo Hoo Hoo :'(
Ever notice how trolls have to come back with another last word?
So, you 'care what I said'...admit it.

To the point...that bus record was not really introduced as the official route of Nov 22 63.
It was just like the driver said... a bus schedule
Mr. McWATTERS - This is a schedule, I will just say a bus schedule.
Mr. BALL - That is for the Marsalis-Ramona-Elwood-Munger run?
Mr. McWATTERS - That is correct.
Mr. BALL - Run 1213. Is this the run schedule that was in effect on November 22, 1963?
Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir; that is correct.
Mr. BALL - It shows here at St. Paul you were to leave at 12:36; is that correct?
Mr. McWATTERS - That is correct.
I see that PJ has caught that one also. Bus 1213 was definitely delayed.

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Wow are you seriously deranged or what, calm down or you gonna bust a poofoo valve.

Since I didn't use any quotation marks all we are left with is your self serving guesses based on your severe lack of comprehension.

Slowly for the dummies, how much of my post after "How does this work Caprio?, you say" can be attributed to Caprio, the first few words or all of it?

Btw if you reply take the time to have a Bex and a good lie down.


Watch the weasel squirm?.

how much of my post after "How does this work Caprio?, you say" can be attributed to Caprio, the first few words or all of it?

All of it between the two komma's and prior to you asking a question!

How does this work Caprio?, you say that the FBI and the WC altered testimony therefore the entire work is contaminated, how can you justify using any of this tainted evidence as proof of what actually happened?


Desperate for a way out, Johnny is now trying to spin this thing by suggesting that only the first part (about the FBI and WC altering testimony, which is something Rob did indeed say) was a quote from him and the second part ("therefor the entire work is contaminated") somehow wasn't.

The problem for Johnny is that the question he asked clearly reveals that by "any of this tainted evidence" he means "the entire work" that is contaminated. So, not some of it, but all of it. This is beyond obvious because if only parts of the material of the FBI and WC were "contaminated" his question would make no sense.  In other words, he needed to attribute the quote (including "the entire contamined work" bit) to Rob Caprio to be able to ask the question!

Besides, if the bit about the "entire contaminated work" is not an (alleged) quote from Rob Caprio, as Johnny now claims, then where does it come from, who said it and why is it included in a question directed at Rob Caprio?

Now let?s watch the weasel squirm some more?.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2018, 07:35:33 PM by Martin Weidmann »

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Online Patrick Jackson

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Mr. McWATTERS - This is a schedule, I will just say a bus schedule.

OK, I understand, this might be bus schedule like summer and winter schedule or schedule that will be effective from 6-4-62 until new schedule approved. But still it does not have sense it is 62. No sense this evidence has anything to do with 11/22/63.

Offline Rob Caprio

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So Rob, you've authored over 400 threads detailing what conspiracy took place and with all that information you're still clueless to what actually happened, is that right?


Once again, that is not what I said. Why do you constantly misrepresent what other people say if you speak the truth as you claim?

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Offline Rob Caprio

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This is why nobody takes you seriously, Oswald himself admitted boarding a bus and he had the Bus transfer in his possession.


Mr. BALL. I don't want you to say he admitted the transfer. I want you to tell me what he said about the transfer.
Mr. FRITZ. He told he that was the transfer the busdriver had given him when he caught the bus to go home. But he had told me if you will remember in our previous conversation that he rode the bus or on North Beckley and had walked home but in the meantime, sometime had told me about him riding a cab.
So, when I asked him about a cab ride if he had ridden in a cab he said yes, he had, he told me wrong about the bus, he had rode a cab. He said the reason he changed, that he rode the bus for a short distance, and the crowd was so heavy and traffic was so bad that he got out and caught a cab, and I asked him some other questions about the cab and I asked him what happened there when he caught the cab and he said there was a lady trying to catch a cab and he told the busdriver, the busdriver told him to tell the lady to catch the cab behind him and he said he rode that cab over near his home, he rode home in a cab.

And Bookout.

Mr. STERN - Yes. Did he ever complain that, "We have been over that ground before," or make any such statement?
Mr. BOOKHOUT - No; I don't recall anything along that line, but I can recall one subject matter probably in the first interview where he talked about his method of transportation after leaving the Texas Book Depository, having gotten on a bus, and then that subject was taken up again, as I recall, in the second interview, expressed the same answer at that time, and then subsequently to that interview he backed up and said that it wasn't actually true as to how he got home. That he had taken a bus, and due to the traffic jam he had left the bus and got a taxicab, by which means he actually arrived at his residence.


It is funny that you would use those resources since they show that LHO said that he took a bus to his rooming house if valid.


This one is short and sweet regarding the issue of Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) taking a cab to his rooming house following his departure from the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) Building.

Note -- I should also state that the PURPOSE of this series is to show the CLAIMS of the WC are NOT supported by the actual evidence.  This series is NOT about my opinions, beliefs, or anything else regarding my thoughts.  I need to make this clear since several LNers are misleading folks as to my motive for this series!


The Warren Commission (WC) claimed that Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) left the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) and took a bus AND A CAB to get to his rooming house room to retrieve the pistol and jacket.  But as John Mytton showed Captain Will Fritz testified to something else LHO said he did!

Mr. BALL. What did he say?

Mr. FRITZ. He told me he went over and caught a bus and rode the bus to North Beckley near where he lived and went by home and changed clothes and got his pistol and went to the show. I asked him why he took his pistol and he said, "Well, you know about a pistol; I just carried it." Let's see if I asked him anything else right that minute. That is just about it.

IF one believes this testimony, and LNers have to, it shows us LHO said he took the BUS NEAR TO WHERE HE WAS STAYING, and NEVER took a cab as the WC claimed! Thus, their conclusion is sunk again.


McWatters, the guy driving the supposed bus LHO took per the WC, said that LHO was NEVER on his bus.


The Warren Commission (WC) would have liked to have had more than Mary Bledsoe to rely on for the identification on the bus Lee LHO Harvey Oswald (LHO) allegedly took when he left the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) shortly after the shots were fired (a bus that was HEADING BACK to Dealey Plaza (DP) by the way) because as we have seen previously in this series they could NOT show Bledsoe ever saw or knew LHO prior to 11/22/63.

Initially the Dallas Police Department (DPD) got Cecil McWatters to say he identified Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) as the man on his bus, but he quickly recanted this statement.  The WC and its defenders make a big deal about a bus transfer allegedly found on LHO (I have to say this because it was NOT found for some time after he was arrested and searched), but this transfer was EXPIRED by the time LHO reached his rooming house and he said he changed shirts.  So why would LHO bring an EXPIRED transfer with him?  Let's look at Cecil Mcwatters' testimony regarding the transfer.


Senator COOPER - Was the fact then that you were shown a transfer by the police that called your attention to that?

Mr. McWATTERS - I guess that would probably be--

Senator COOPER - Another man?

Mr. McWATTERS - That would probably be the reason. I don't know of any other reason that it would be unless it was the transfer, that I can recall.

Senator COOPER - Are you absolutely certain that you did see another man on that bus?

Mr. McWATTERS - Do you mean the day?

Senator COOPER - A man other than the teenager?

Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir; I picked up a man.

Senator COOPER - Where?

Mr. McWATTERS - Along about Griffin Street that knocked on the door of the bus.

Senator COOPER - Why was it then that when you made this affidavit, you wouldn't remember that a man knocked on the door to get in the bus?

Mr. McWATTERS - Just like I say, I guess it never did dawn on me until I just got to thinking about it and everything, and I had this boy, I mean was the one I was referring to in that affidavit right there.

In other words, he was just kind of a slight build, so far as him and Oswald, I guess they probably somewhere in the same size, I don't know. But I was mistaken in that, in other words, that was the boy right there--

So we see he says he was mistaken for saying he gave a transfer to LHO.  Let's face it, this could have been a man involved in some way that got a transfer simply to pin on LHO later on to try and show he was on this bus.

Senator COOPER - What is it about this transfer that makes you know that it was a transfer which you issued?

Mr. McWATTERS - Well, you look at that old punch mark, I guess as many times as I have punched it--

Senator COOPER - Does each--does each-driver have a different punch?

Mr. BALL - When you weren't here he showed us his punch and he punched it for us. He has got his punch.

Mr. McWATTERS - Each driver has a different punch. They all are registered. In other words, regardless of how many there are--that is my punch right there--there is some shape or form different, just like I say the superintendent has every man's name and a punch mark right on down, in other words, so when-

First of all, it is quite annoying the way McWatters was constantly cut off.  Secondly, we see the transfer in evidence came from McWatters' punch gun, but since there is NO chain of custody for the transfer this is meaningless in tying it to LHO.  Furthermore, the man who would have given out this transfer said it was NOT LHO too.

It becomes clear that McWatters initially confused LHO for a teenager he has on his bus a lot.  Milton Jones.

Senator COOPER - Have you ever reported to the police the fact that you have carried as a passenger since November 22d the teenager whom you have now identified as having the name of Milton Jones?

Mr. McWATTERS - Did I ever report it to the police?

Senator COOPER - Yes.

Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.

Senator COOPER - Have they ever been back to talk to you any more about this?

Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.

I wonder why the police never followed up with him?

Senator COOPER - Have you seen photographs of a man who is named in those photographs as being Lee Oswald?

Mr. McWATTERS - Have I saw them?

Senator COOPER - Yes, sir.

Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir.

Senator COOPER - Well, now, you have seen this young man, Milton Jones, several times since then?

Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir.

Senator COOPER - Now after having seen him several times since then, and having seen these photographs of the man who is identified as Lee Oswald--

Mr. McWATTERS - Yes.

Senator COOPER - Does Milton Jones look like Lee Oswald?

Mr. McWATTERS - Well, they both, just like I say, about the same height, and same build, and everything, as far as identifying looking at a man in the face of course, I know him now, distinctly.

So we see why he confused Jones for LHO on the day of the assassination.  Now for the issue of whether he would say LHO was on the bus and whether he gave him a transfer as the WC would claim.

Mr. BALL - You didn't--as I understand it, when you were at the police lineup, you told us that you didn't--weren't able to identify this man in the lineup as the man who got off, that you gave the transfer to.

Mr. McWATTERS - I told them to the best of my knowledge, I said the man that I picked out was the same height, about the same height, weight and description. But as far as actually saying that is the man I couldn't--

Mr. BALL - You couldn't do it?

Mr. McWATTERS - I wouldn't do it and I wouldn't do it now.

"This man" of course was LHO as they mention the "number 2 man" in other parts of the testimony.  We see that McWatters would NOT say the man who boarded his bus and got a transfer was LHO.  Again, we see the WC, and its defenders, have NO supporting evidence for their claims.


I'll let others decide who to take seriously.

Offline Rob Caprio

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Try again.


You try again as that doesn't say the FBI contaminated the whole case as you falsely attributed to me. You're digging your hole deeper.

Offline Rob Caprio

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Why do all you CTs think you're so damn important, nobody cares what you say, I gave no opinion and only supplied evidence of McWatters time schedule and you take offence, get a life!


Mytton put forth evidence and misrepresented it once again. Nothing new there.

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