Why don't you post the colorized version of Moorman and we'll take the forum members honest assessment of how exaggerated your perceived human forms are inside the pergola.
How tall is the guy peering out of the top open slat.
Why their heads are twice the size of Zapruders and Sitzmans even though their 12 feet behind them.
A simple eyeball test.
Your colored Moorman photo.
Ok let's not bother the forum members. How about you answering these two questions:
How tall is the guy peering out of the top open slat?Why their heads are twice the size of Zapruders and Sitzmans even though their 12 feet behind them?The reason I'm asking is because you've done all the research and all. I know you must have the original specs of the pergolas to answer these buzzing gnat type questions.
Then after you swat away these questions with your
facts explain how in the Betzner and Willis photos taken seconds before your colorized photo there isn't a hint of any human in that pavilion. Just looking to see if you have any clue as to how they got in there and where they came from.