My thread is about a member of the WC expressing doubts and these being confirmed by the HSCA. You have ignored this.
You have also failed to support your claim.
I made no claim. You are certain there was three shots. There is evidence of only two shots. Prove there was three shots. Explain the wound in Gov Connally's back if the bullet does not first pass through JFK. You have said you have previous posts that prove it. Repost them.
You have offered Sen Russell as proof there was three shots and a jacketed bullet, which is basically designed to not deform like a soft core bullet, did not pass through two targets.
If you truly do not understand the ability of a bullet to pass through multiple targets call any state Fish and Game office and explain to them your theory about a bullet not being able to pass through multiple targets . When they are done laughing I am sure they can provide you with whatever information is required to help you understand how a bullet works, especially a jacketed bullet. If you would like to watch a graphic demonstration of the concept watch "Schindlers List", in the beginning of the movie men are lined up and single shot is used to kill multiple men. Steven Spielberg had no problem understanding the concept.
You mentioned the HSCA. Maybe these observations and statements from the HSCA will help. They obviously believed the number of shots reported by the witnesses was "Inflated" due to outside sources and media influence and they even offer the additional explanation of misinterpreting echoes as shots.
"'While recognizing the substantial number
of people who reported shots originating from the knoll the committee
also believed the process of collecting witness testimony was such
that it would be unwise to place substantial reliance upon it. The
witnesses were interviewed over a substantial period of time some of
them several days even weeks after the assassination By that time
numerous accounts of the number and direction of the shots had been
published. The committee believed that the witnesses memories and
testimony on the number, direction, and timing of the shots may have
been substantially influenced by the intervening publicity concern
ing the events of November 22 1963" HSCA Final Report- pg 87
"The buildings around the Plaza caused strong reverberations
or echoes that followed the initial sound by from 0.5 to 1.5 sec.
While these reflections caused no confusion to our listeners
who were prepared and expected to hear them they may well
inflated the number of shots reported by the suprised witnesses
during the assassination" HSCA Earwitness Analysis Report, pgs 135-137