What is it about 132 witnesses who reported hearing 3 distinct shots that you find hard to see?
I am not sure why you are confused. The first shot was after z186, and the last was just before z313, a difference of 127 frames. So the midpoint between 1 & 3 was z250. But witnesses did not describe evenly spaced shots They described a second shot noticeably closer to 3 than to 1. So it was after z250. How much after? Well look at the clues in zfilm. JFK's hair flies up from z273 to z276. George Hickey said he was watching the President at the time of the second shot. He said JFK's hair on the right side flew up at the time he heard the second shot but he was not hit by it. If that was caused by the bullet just missing his head, it must have struck JBC on the right side. There are a number of other clues that indicate the second shot was between z272-273.
That's true. But, interestingly, no one asked him where he turned around to see JFK. Nellie thought he was hit about the same time. But no one asked her to explain how that could be possible if she never looked back after the second shot, as she testified. She looks back from z255 to z270. CE399.If witnesses heard a 1.......2...3 pattern from various locations, many far away from the bullet path, the sounds must have been from three shots. There is no way hat a single shot can produce two distinct sounds for that many witnesses. Besides many described the sounds as being spaced about 2:1. That cannot be produced by only two shots.
You misquoted Hickey. His first statement was different in key aspects. Kinney reiterated what Hickey stated that a bullet impacted JFK's head and his hair flew forward.
SA George W. Hickey
"The president was slumped to the left in the car and I observed him come up. I heard what appeared to be two shots and it seemed that the
right side of his head was hit and his hair flew forward."
Samuel A. Kinney
Special Agent
,.... at the President and it appeared that he had been shot because he slumped to the left. Immediately he sat up again.* At this time the second shot was fired and I observed hair flying from the right side of his head
JBC, Nelly, and Jackie all stated the same thing about when JBC was struck with the bullet. Nelly through spokesman Julian Read stated she did not know about a third shot.
Altgens in his first press news bulletin read live on the air for NBC minutes after the assassination stated there was there was only two shots.
The HSCA explained the timing of the echoes to the original shot. Maybe you were unaware of this.
HSCA Accoustical analysis
All observers rated the rifle shots as very very loud, and they were unable to understand how they could have been described as a firecracker or backfire. Only the pistol, which was subsonic, produced a moderate loudness.
HSCA Sound Analysis:
We requested three motorcycles to be running during the test to provide some background noise that would approximate the original listening conditions in Dealey Plaza. Unfortunately, these newer motorcycles were not very noisy, but the shots were so loud that any reasonable level of background noise would have been low in comparison with the shots themselves. Our listening conditions were, therefore, essentially representative of those at the time of the assassination, except for our being able to hear some very-low-level, long-delay echoes that originally might have been inaudible.
"The buildings around the Plaza caused strong reverberations
or echoes that followed the initial sound by from 0.5 to 1.5 sec.
While these reflections caused no confusion to our listeners
who were prepared and expected to hear them they may well
inflated the number of shots reported by the suprised witnesses
during the assassination" HSCA Earwitness Analysis Report, pgs 135-137