What other conclusion can be reached except you stating there was a shot at Z250?
A Mason: "If JBC was hit in the back on the second shot, that means he was not reacting to being shot until after z250."
No, that is not a conclusion you can draw. You can only conclude from that statement that the reaction to the second shot was not at or before z250. You also have to read what I said in context. I said that, according to the 1......2...3 shot pattern witnesses, the second shot was after the midpoint between 1 and 3 (which was around z250). Therefore, "If JBC was hit in the back on the second shot, that means he was not reacting to being shot until after z250". I also said that the shot was a perceptible amount of time after the midpoint. I pointed out evidence that fits with a second shot at z272-273.
Now you have a shot at Z270 again. This theory lacks continuity from one thought to another.
You have to read what I have written more carefully. There is no lack of continuity. I have never said that there was a shot at z250. Never. I said it was after z250. I said that there is evidence of a second shot at z272-273. z272 is after z250.
This theory is in direct contradiction with what is seen on the Zapruder Film and what the eyewitnesses stated occurred.
I have to disagree. The witnesses overwhelmingly reported 3 shots and of those who recalled a pattern, overwhelmingly reported a 1..........2.....3 shot pattern.
Clint Hill rode on the back of the car to Parkland and was the only SS Agent to react. He stated there was only two shots. Instead of quoting Hill and his statement there was two shots, SA Hickey is quoted to promote the theory of a shot at Z250
Again you are wrong. I cite Hickey to support a shot when JFK's hair flies up and then drops back at z273-276.,
the SS Agent with no view of the car is misquoted as proof of something that never occurred.
Again. No misquote at all. Read my last post in response to you.
Hickey has to ask Kinney what happened because Kinney is front and center. Kinney reports the headshot as the second shot. Actually it is nothing short of incredible this is even going on.
What evidence do you have that Hickey asked Kinney what had happened?
You yourself cannot possibly believe this. Paul Landis also states there was two shots as does Glen Bennett.
Paul Landis recalled only two shots. So did Clint Hill. But Bennett is not clear. In his
Nov 22 notes it is not clear whether he is referring to two or three shots:
"At this point I heard a noise that immediately reminded me of a firecracker. I immediately, upon hearing the supposed fire cracker, looked at the Boss's car. At this exact time I saw a shot that hit the Boss about 4 inches down from the right shoulder; a second shot followed immediately and hit the right rear high of the Boss's head.
In his November 23 report he definitely refers to three shots:
"At this point I heard what sounded like a fire-cracker. I immediately looked from the right/crowd/physical area/ and looked towards the President who was seated in the right rear seat of his limosine open convertible. At the moment I looked at the back of the President I heard another fire-cracker noise and saw the shot hit the President about four inches down from the right shoulder. A second shot followed immediately and hit the right rear high of the President's head."
Without the Nov. 23 report one could easily conclude from the Nov. 22 notes that Bennett recalled only two shots, although it is an odd way to say it. He hears a first loud noise THEN looks at the President and at that time sees a shot "that hit him in the back". That would be two shots. Or he could be saying that he looked at the President and saw where the first shot had hit him.
But with the Nov. 23 report, in which he again refers to the head shot as the second shot, it is clear that he means it was the second of the last two shots because he has already referred to the first and second shots.
It is also possible that he recalled hearing only two shots for sure, the first one striking JFK, not recalling another shot until the head shot, but after writing his notes and hearing people talk about three shots, he convinced himself that there was a second shot struck JFK in the back and the third shot (which he still calls "a second shot") hit JFK in the head. Unfortunately, Bennett was never questioned by the WC or HSCA.
It doesn't matter if you agree with the witnesses being influenced by media reporting. Both the WC and the HSCA included language in their conclusions stating it as a problem. The report you are promoting as all encompassing contains 2 shot witnesses listed as three shot witnesses because of the failure of the report to include all the statements these people made early on. The first reports of the assassination were made to the media. The reporters did not run to the earwitnesses and ask what did you hear. The report is basically flawed and a waste of time and that is what the HSCA is stating in their conclusion.
Jack, you are a Texas Sharpshooter. You have to look at all the witness statements. There is no question that over a hundred witnesses reported hearing three shot sounds. You seem to waver between calling them liars, dupes or honest witnesses who heard an echo. If they heard an echo on each of your two shots, why did they not report hearing four?