Curious...why would it matter where Shelley was?
It could matter very much indeed!
I'm troubled by a number of things, starting with.............
-------------in his March 1964 FBI statement, Mr Shelley
erroneously puts Carolyn Arnold on the front steps for the motorcade
-------------in his Warren Commission testimony, he
erroneously puts Lloyd Viles on the front steps for the motorcade
-------------his own account of his movements post-assassination are
wildly inconsistent
-------------the person with whom he says he had an exchange out on the 'island'
just happens to be the woman at whose wedding he was best man a few months ago (= Ms Gloria Calvery)
-------------he cannot be confidently identified in
any assassination or aftermath photos
-------------we get
inconsistent statements as to his position on the steps from Mr Lovelady and Mr Frazier
-------------his claim that he saw Mr Truly and Officer Baker "fixin' to" run into the Depository building some 3+ minutes (!) after the shooting sounds like an
invented 'memory'
Did Mr Shelley put in an appearance on the steps several minutes before the motorcade, notice Mr Lloyd Viles and Ms Carolyn Arnold in the area, get noticed by Ms Stanton, and then
go back in the building?
Did Mr Lovelady and Mr Frazier cover for him?
Is it possible that the explanation for the 3+ minutes nonsense had nothing to do with Ms Vickie Adams and everything to do with Ms Gloria Calvery?
Just thinking out loud here!
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