Is that it Mr Organ?
Thats your comeback?
That x-ray is NOT consistent with JFK's wounds
It is no where even close.
At least an inch higher than the clavicle (feel that on your neck)
Which means the rear bullet had to strike higher than that from behind
It has to hit JFK squarely in the lower neck - which is NOT EVEN CLOSE
To the actual wounds.Clearly shot in the upper back and not the neck (official
autopsy photos) The MB would be an OBVIOUS neck shot from behind.
Even though I feel this picture is not correct or has been altered
I cannot resist using it as it is supplied by the government
AND IT STILL HARMS THE WC CASE,Its obviously too low to support the MBT.
you see the unusual wound shape? Tweezers have removed the bullet
and left their telltale marks on the wound.
come on Bugliosi's Boyz - bring it, I'm at yo mamma's house for Christmas.