Oswald locations, according to WC:
11:50-6th floor, in the vicinity of the SE corner, "kicking some boxes" according to Charles Givens.
12:00- 1st floor, by the rear elevators, by Eddie Piper. Oswald told Piper either "going out" or "going back up"
12:15- 2nd floor lunchroom, seen by Carolyn Arnold. No conversation occured however.
12:31:30 (approx 90 sec post shots) seen by DPD officer Baker, and Roy Truly, in the 2nd floor lunchroom
12:32 approx: Seen entering the back door of the 2nd floor office, by Mrs Robert A. Reid, who herself was entering the front door of
the office at 2 minutes post shots, according to Mr. Belins "stopwatch" trial time renactment. Oswald was not wearing his brown shirt nor his jacket, was only in his white T-shirt, and was carrying an unopened coke.
12:32:25 (2 minutes 25 sec post shots), Oswald exits the front door of the 2nd floor office.His jacket and brown shirt have been left in the 2nd floor lunchroom presumably, the last place seen wearing at least the brown shirt, by Baker, at approx 1 minute earlier.
12:32:30 (2 minutes 30 sec post shots) Oswald seen by reporter Pierce Allman on the 1st floor in the lobby. Allman had just run into the TSBD, before it got locked down by DPD officer Barnett, who was certain it was not later than 3 min post shots when he locked
the door.
12:33- Oswald has managed to exit the TSBD, with both his jacket and his brown shirt on, getting out before 3 minutes post shots, where both rear and front doors are secured.
Now the anomallies from the above timeline:
Givens taking an elevator to 6th floor just 5 minutes approx after Oswald has shouted to send one up, and then Oswald does not take the opportunity when the elevator does arrive, to ride down to 1st floor with Givens? Instead, Oswald chooses to walk down 6 staircases?
Speaking to Eddie Piper at 12:00. Was it "Im going back up" or was it: "I am going out?" It doesnt make much sense to have just come down 6 flights of staircases just to tell Piper something insignificant as "going back up". Because if Oswald is in the TSBD, anywhere, Truly will send message if Oswald needed. The more probable statement is "going out" and said so to Piper so that Truly would NOT ask Piper to go find Oswald, since Oswald is "Out temporarily".
Why did Oswald go "out" of TSBD at 12:00? Either to go buy lunch, or get lunch out of that 24"package, or to meet with someone, concerning that 24"package.
12:15 sighting of Oswald by Carolyn Arnold in the 2nd floor lunchroom. Arnold Rowland, also, at 12:15 is observing a man with a rifle that appears to be a 30.06 rifle with a large scope, standing for a few seconds at the 6th fllor South WEST window. Rowland at this point tells is wife and asks her if she can see the man. The man moves away however, before Mrs Rowland can see him.
12:32 (2 minutes post shots and 30 seconds after being seen by DPD officer Baker at 90 sec post shots)- Mrs Reid has somehow enttered TSBD front lobby and its COMPLETELY empty. NO one is there. Just Mrs Reid all by herself. Goes up the front staircase, and enters 2nd floor office and sees Oswald entering the back door of that office. Oswald exits about 2 min 25 sec post shots, so if he returns to lunchroom immediately, using the 80 ft length hallway, and 20 more feet into lunchroom, that's 100 ft and then returns to lobby, that's 140 ft, plus the 20 step front stair, that would have precluded any meeting Peirce Allman just entering the front door, because the time would be 3 min 25 sec post shots, well past Barnetts "certain" time of not later than 3 min, securing front door.
Note, this Mrs Reid encounter with Oswald is compounded by the anomally of the Malcolm Couch film supposedly starting not unitl 24 sec post shots, but actually when cross referenced with Wiegman cutting his camera on the Grassy knoll at approx. 13 sec posts shots, this event captured by Couch, as Wiegman is seen in the background on the GK 8 sec into the Couch film. This means Couch film would have had to begin approx. 5 to 6 sec post shots to have recorded Wiegman "turning", thus cutting his film of the 2 persons on the Pergola and restarting to film the Newmans.