The brief that analysis lawyers Ball, Belin etc were essentially working from.
"We are supposed to be closing doors not opening them." J Lee Rankin.
The Warren Report. A timely sedative that served a purpose for us all.
The Warren Report. A timely sedative that served a purpose for us all. A sedative, to relieve the stress caused by learning we have a cancer..... The sedative may relieve our anxiety ....but it does nothing to stop the cancer.
The Warren Report only exacerbated the problem.... Most intelligent folks recognize it as a big lie, that was presented to the pissants as a way to keep them calm and submissive.... But the cancer has grown and the mutual trust between the governed and the government is nearly non existent.
Paragraph 3.....
We cannot let the world see us in the image of the Dallas Police, when our President is MURDERED ( refreshing candor, no euphemism like the
less graphic ....assassination)
Paragraph 2 .....Rephrased.....
The Dallas Police were in charge when a known gangster, Jack Ruby, ( a thug with connections in Washington) murdered a man who clearly stated that he had not committed the crime and loudly proclaimed " I'm the Patsy". Hoover's conclusion rephrased....
I've been indoctrinating the public for decades into believing the FBI is the greatest crime fighting organization in history....Starting with entertaining radio programs in the early years, and then progressing on to TV programs like "I led Three Lives" .... The pissants trust and believe....
Therefore Me and my FBI can do the job of duping the pissants into believing that Lee Harrrrrrrvey Osssssswald was simply a deranged nut who murdered the
Dumb Fancy Pants JFK for no reason at all. However I may run into difficulties in pointing to
"inconsistencies" between the tale I will create and the Statements that have already been made by the Dallas Police officials. ( ie; The DPD have publicly said that they found the
patsy's arch villain's palm and finger prints on the rifle..... and my FBI lab people have found no such prints on the rifle. ) The reputation that I have created for the bureau is such that I can probably create a lie that the sucker pissants will believe......