1:08 Dispatcher Signal 26, 3909 Poinsettia. 1:08. (missing person)
599 10-4.
261 (Ptm. C.M. Barnhart) 261.
Dispatcher 261.
261 Got any clothing description yet?
Dispatcher All we have is a white male, thirty, slender build, five feet ten, a hundred and sixty-five pounds, armed with a 30 caliber rifle.
261--- Got any clothing description yet?
Dispatcher--- All we have is a white male, thirty, slender build, five feet ten, a hundred and sixty-five pounds,
armed with a 30 caliber rifle. Obviously at 1:08 pm, the police were looking for a man who did
not fit Lee Oswald's description and who was
armed with a 30 caliber rifle Question:... All references to the rifle quickly evaporated.... At 1:06 Luke Mooney allegedly found a couple of spent shells beneath the Smoker's Nook window in the SE corner of the sixth floor....but the CALIBER of the rifle that had fired the spent shells wasn't determined until about 1:30. Why did the police stop broadcasting the caliber of the rifle ? Clearly, Howard Brennan had told the cop that he saw a "HIGH POWERED" ( aka;
big game hunting rifle ) being aimed from a TSBD window, and he speculated that the rifle might have been a 30.30 Winchester because he could "see all of the barrel of the gun"
It would appear that "Someone" knew that the rifle that had been planted to frame the patsy was NOT a 30 caliber rifle.....nor was it a big game hunting rifle like a 30.30 Winchester.... That "Someone" knew that the rifle that would be found at 1:22 was an old 6.5mm military rifle that could be traced to Lee Harrrrrrvey Ossssswald.