Thanks. And she wasn't really an "official"; she was a secretary/officer worker who took over the job a couple of months earlier (in August) after the previous secretary had been killed in a car crash. She met Azcue, the Cuban consul, at the funeral and offered to help the consulate out. So he hired here pending the arrival of a replacement. She left her job two days after the assassination.
And one more tidbit: Duran's name and phone number were written in Oswald's notebook/diary AND, most important, a note/piece of paper from her with her name and number was found among his possessions. She admitted to giving it to him when he visited the second time that Friday.
So, if he didn't go to MC how did he get that? Yes, we know: it was planted. They planted everything but couldn't fake a photo of him entering the embassy?
Dear Steve,
"They" being the KGB, or the CIA?
Although the KGB would have loved to have had a photo showing Oswald entering the Cuban Consulate or the Russian consulate (to fortify it's Russia and Cuba-protecting WW III "Kostikov-Oswald" Virus), it probably realized that it couldn't get away with faking it.
As regards Oswald's notebook/diary and Duran's contact information therein, it's possible that possible (or should I say probable?) KGB agents Marina or Ruth forged Oswald's scribblings on that.
AND, as regards the love note or whatever in Duran's handwriting, someone could have forged that, too.
-- Mudd Wrassler Tommy